Monday, July 30, 2012

Banksy Kook


  1. Stupid. So now the KOOK is being used for commercial promotion?? Fuck Banksy and his street art.

    1. Perhaps you missed the part that says tribute?

    2. Perhaps that was a tribute to Banksy that was scrolled on my mailbox over the weekend. But I doubt it, it was graffiti, tagging. And tagging isn't art.

  2. W.C.-
    Well it looks like the Leucadia blog has gotten it's mojo back after many months of feel good nonsense. In the mean time the EUC is telling us about Banksy. Hmmm. Here's a hint, how about telling us about the delay in the Chick-fil-A or maybe even the delay in construction at the burned out McDonalds on Enc Blvd. Considering the tax revenues these businesses will generate, you'd think the city would fast track them, but nooooooo.
    Perhaps you can give us the undercover point of view regarding these situations.
