Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Leucadia Art Walk Poster


  1. Bring back the stiletto heels, if you ladies can't wear 'em don't go out at night and don't show up for artwalk.

  2. Yesterday the council broke ground on $5 million of new toilets at Moonlight beach, but Beacons can't get so much as a portapotty. Way to go council, keep shitting on Leucadia at your own expense.
    Dump Stocks
    Dump Muir
    Dump Barth
    Dump Bond
    Dump Gasbag

  3. Hello troll. Not facts, no creds. Cough it up, bitch.

    1. Hey loser lifeguard, an activity not a job, go get a job!!

  4. Mark Muir will be looking for the hot dog eating contest....

  5. LeucadiART was a good day for Leucadia. Thanks to all who put in maney and time to make this happen.
    And thanks L101 Mainstreet for putting this on.

  6. A big time thanks goes out to Jerry of Captain Keno’s. For no reasons other than he cares for his community and wants to be a very positive asset to out city, he supplied the entire LeucadiART and all our guests with freshly iced water for the entire day throughout the entire art walk. His kindness and contribution was very much appreciated by all. Go by Keno’s and thank him. He deserves out thanks.
    Our lives would be better if more practiced this selfless generosity.

    1. Jerry is a great guy, Thank you Jerry.
