Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4/16/14 City Council meeting open thread

The current city council has continued prior councils' practice of not providing written summary minutes of council discussion, but only "action minutes" which state the outcomes.  Encinitas Undercover will provide a forum for observers to record what occurs at each council meeting.

Please use the comments to record your observations.

Items of interest on the agenda tonight:

- Annual document destruction, including documents regarding the Right to Vote (Prop A) petition circulation.

- ERGA subcommittee report.  According to observers, the report is factually incorrect in some places, and doesn't shed much light on the central issue, the apparently illegal gift of public funds from ERGA to Carltas, the Ecke family development company.  We wonder why the mayor and city manager put it last on tonight's agenda when very few members of the public would be around to see it or speak to it.


  1. 5:10 PM tonight
    Barth is witchy, witchy at the special meeting.

  2. Pacific View - previous closed session confidentially waived 3-2. Barth snarly to Muir - be respectful of the majority opinion.

    1. Poor mark Barth was mean to him poor baby .Last week on a cruise at the big buffet and now back to reality ,poor baby.

  3. Kranz wrong on the school district had sold the property once before.

  4. Kranz - we would be forced to rezone the school property.

  5. WC, you just answered your own question: standard operating procedure, despite promises from Barth to "do better," is to put items most important to residents last on the agenda. They always hope we'll give up and leave. Pathetic behavior of the part of those who "serve," isn't it.

  6. Food fight in the cafeteria! Encinitas city council back to true form!

  7. Boat on ocean? Vote on motion? Suntan lotion?

  8. 5:20 PM
    One of the nastiest Mayor responses seen and that includes Jerome Stocks reign.

    1. And she has always been like this. You just noticing?

    2. Ms. $tock$ - she is a clone!!!!!

    3. 10:23- I agree. I'm not even sure if I ever saw Jerome this nasty to another council member in a public forum. What was wrong with Teresa tonight? Reminded me of the song title "Witchy Woman".

  9. You wanted her: you wanted Lisa and Tony. You gottem! Happy?

  10. How convoluted was that? Complete babble.

  11. Dr Shaffer ??? Lololololllllolololoooololol

    1. Too intellectual to do anything.

  12. There is NO shortage of water. When will you understand ?? You have an entire ocean of water, desalination works.

    1. Sure, technically it works but extremely inefficiently, while consuming lots of energy. That's why the water costs about double what we're now paying.

    2. When you are thirsty you will pay any price.

  13. Breaking News: House Falls On Barth During Council Recess: Slippers Disappear.

  14. Who will be the first council member to " thank the staff" for doing the job for which they are paid??

  15. Water authority wants to use city reserve fund to loan money to groups forced to use recycled water.... Perhaps they don't understand the reserve fund is tapped out to pay for bonds....

  16. Hey my house is on that map...

  17. Recycled fire hydrant costs $50,000. Wtf?? Each one??

    1. Not one of these yahoos has asked why a recycled fire hydrant costs $50,000. Unbelievable ....

  18. Gaspar wAnts all homes to use recycled water??? Is that what she is implying ??

    Muir says recycled water is better for the environment?? Why?? How so?? Explain !!

  19. Shaffer motions to spend. $200K, no surprise there, socialists always spend money. But why $200K?? Why not $50K ?? Of less??

    Now we get some Inserts to our water bills.... No one reads these inserts therefore a waste of time and money.

  20. I have no idea what Barth was saying....

  21. Kranz wants to use e mail for everything. Hey Tony , I don't want the city to have my e mail, not now not ever.

    Motion passed, but what was the motion??

  22. Water rates going up. Did O'Donell smile while telling us this news??

  23. Lynn says that Cambrian Calif overdeveloped. Says they need to cut back. Says no to growth, wants water rates down.

  24. Lynn speaking on every agenda item she's an expert on every thing.

    1. I was only at the regular council meeting for oral communications and two consent calendar items, then left.

      I brought up my son-in-law only because he works for a company that sells storage systems, such as the Cloud, to businesses. I'm not an expert on computer storage of data; my son-in-law is.

      This topic is relevant to the City's not needing to dispose of public records that are digitized due to limited storage. Which public records are essential and which are non-essential, is debatable. Laws have not kept up with technology. The city is not precluded from having policies and code that ensure more transparency, rather than less. We are still waiting for the long promised and long delayed local sunshine ordinance.

      If documents are stored as e-mails or word documents, when they are created, then they are more easily searchable. .PDF files, saved as picture files, are impossible to search. Plus, staff in the Clerk's Office wastes time printing up documents already digitized, then scanning them in as .PDF files, also a huge waste of resources, including paper and money, physical storage space.

  25. Lynn calling for forensic audit. Worth the investment and public trust. Says city manager directing council.

  26. Lembach says nothing to forensic audit.

  27. City wants to destroy non essential records.
    Lynn says no.
    Lynn wants her son in laws company to store records.
    Says public info requests should not be destroyed. Important to her...
    Wants to keep all e mails.
    Thanks council for time.

    1. 7:14, you are wrong. You mischaracterize what I said. I didn't say all e-mails should be saved. I said State Law allows them to be destroyed after 6 months. If the e-mails are public documents, they must be kept for at least two years.

      There was recently a controversy in the City of San Diego about e-mail destruction. After public and media outcry, the newly elected mayor, there, Faulconer, decided NOT to destroy e-mails to or from SD addresses within the statutorily allowed time.

      I said public information requests are important to me, and the citizens, such as Kevin Cummins, who had a court case, which the city lost, over its failure to provide publicly disclosable documents. I had tried to look up a past public info request, from 2009, and was told those records had been destroyed. This leads to duplication of efforts.

      Council agreed with many of my points, and the records in question, for now, will not be destroyed. This issue will come back at a future date.

      The reason some jurisdictions, including the Federal Government have destroyed e-mails and correspondence, is not because of lack of storage, but because of lack of transparency, because public officials too often do not want to be accountable to the public.

    2. Lynn

      Is there a policy now in place regarding the council and city staff, manager and attorney saving emails?

    3. Yes, but I don't recall what it is. Some e-mails are considered public documents. Kathy Hollywood said the retention schedule will come back, but not within six months . . . When it does, then we'll see what the policy is. Anyone can e-mail Kathy Hollywood, who is the City Clerk, as you probably know, a public info request and ask her for the policy. I recall that while Jerome Stocks was mayor, Teresa Barth and Jim Bond served on a subcommittee that worked on this policy (if memory serves correctly).

      Over the years, I have spoken to this subject, and I remember Donna Westbrook has, as well. In fact, after Donna and I spoke, before, Council did decide to keep, indefinitely, agendas and staff reports, as well as supplementary documents provided in relation to the agenda items indefinitely, for purposes of having a historical archive. Maggie Houlihan, a former librarian, also helped to push that change through.

      Teresa Barth talked about the webcasts now being saved indefinitely, because technology allows that, but the policy goes beyond just preserving the actual webcasts. The minutes, agendas, agenda reports and attached documents from staff and the public are also now kept in perpetuity.

      My comment was that files that are already digitalized should be archived in such a way that allows the public to search. What the City now does is print out e-mails or Word Document e-mail attachments, and scans them in as .pdf files. This is duplicative, wastes paper, time and money, but most importantly, limits transparency because the public can't search .pdf picture files.

    4. Here's the Clerk's e-mail address, if anyone would like to send her a CPRA request digitally:

  28. Gray haired lady sucking up to Shaffer. Says staff works hard. ( isnt that what they are supposed to do??)

  29. Shaffer boasting about herself.
    Going on and on and on.
    Wants to postpone records discussion. Seconded by Muir.
    Kranz. Blah blah blah
    Barth same as Kranz.
    Kranz back for more blah blah blah. More blah.
    Motion passes to reschedule discussion of destruction of records. Why was it ever place on the agenda??? Waste of time...

  30. Wow so lucky to have Lynn on the job. What would mark and Kristin do with out her.

  31. Lady wants to be on parks and rec commission. Says City manager well Leucadia roadside park, you know the one that looks like Disneyland.

  32. Shaffer wants to know if candidates for p and R commission have taken pledge to save water.

    All 5 voted for the same two candidates... Hmmm no variation at all. Wow.

    1. Those two prepped their statements as to why they wanted to serve and what their qualifications were. The third didn't.

    2. Well the 3rd one was much more hippyish, so clearly she is qualified for encinitas.

    3. I would have voted for the same two the council members voted for.

  33. Salaries for mayor...
    Ronda tells us that increases in salary benefits pension. Vs putting extra money to auto allowance. The AA is not a pension increase. Hmmm.
    Shaffer motions to increase salaries. Kranz seconds.
    Gaspar says mayor has extra duties... What extra duties will an elected mayor have than an appointed mayor.??
    Sheez these people can fuck up a sunrise.
    They can't make a decision.
    Muir wants to know who collects Calpers and who doesn't.
    Motion passes 5-0... Woops Gaspar changes vote 4-1.

  34. Audio is gone...18 min gap. Watergate, impeach Nixon. Rose Mary Woods.

  35. 5 minutes to accept unspent monies and redirect funds to different entities. Can these yahoos do anything easily ??

  36. The City's greatest asset is its beaches, not the damn gold course!

    1. Make that golf course!

    2. Just so the golf course doesn't ask for more sand pit replenishment.

  37. Gilligan's Island on channel 808. Better than this council meeting, I'm out of here.
    Oh, Gilligan's is an avante garde painter. Wearing a beret. Now this is funny television...

  38. 8:26
    Maybe you're watching Dobie Gillis.

    1. No, I remember that GI episode.

    2. Dobie and Giligan both same charcter just a different setting . No much acting required by Bob Denver.

    3. Still a better actor than Gaspar trying to look like she's not reading from remarks prepared for her.

  39. Having gotten protection from the council, Calkins now playing video games on his iPad.

  40. Leucadia Blvd. grade separation planned between 2030 and 2040?

  41. Barth took bitchy pills before meeting. Someone give her a Valium. Can't wait til that woman is gone. She is more than annoying. Take Gaspar with her.

  42. I thought all did a good job reviewing the widening I5 item. All sounded intelligent and looking out for Citizens best interest.

    1. Oh really? A lot of unintelligent questions and statements. The funniest one was when Shaffer asked, "What is AC?" Yep, real intelligent.

    2. How would she know what AC stands for? Maybe she's not in the construction industry. She asked intelligent comments. I didn 't hear anything good from you last night.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anyone who doesn't know what AC is should not be making decisions about anything construction related.

    5. 10:30 Asking a question so you can learn something you don't know is a mark of intelligence. Proceeding from ignorance is not a mark of intelligence. By finding out what the jargon AC abbreviation meant, Shaffer was able to proceed in a more informed way.

    6. 10:54 Keep convincing yourself that that is a mark of intelligence. Shaffer could have saved herself the embarrassment and looked it up later. That would be the smart thing to do as she is always in true Shaffer form by making ridiculous comments and asking less than intelligent questions. Getting informed beforehand will help her also.

    7. She has enough confidence in herself and her intelligence to have asked the meaning out loud on the spot when it mattered. That let her proceed from knowledge rather than hiding her ignorance of an arcane term.

      Guess what. Your knowing that AC means something other than air conditioning does not make you intelligent.

    8. Crap. I was gonna say air conditioning.

    9. 5:58 The council was hearing a report. They were not voting on anything. AC could also mean "always crap" like we hear coming from Shaffer and some of the others. Even my high school child knew what AC is. Get real.

    10. 6:32 You must not be very intelligent because there is no comment at 5:58.

      Oh, and by the way, Shaffer can run IQ circles around you.

    11. Oh excuse me 7:47 I made a typo and do apologize. Is that all you've got? Set up a meeting with Shaffer and myself any time. I would welcome the challenge. If you are serious, let me know. Otherwise, you sound like you are related to her.

    12. You missed the point, dummy.

    13. 9:28 I knew you were a chicken, just trying to lay eggs. Nice try unintelligent one.

    14. Alternating Current, as in AC/DC?

      I think it's better Lisa Shaffer asked the question. Too often it is assumed everyone knows what all the acronyms the City uses mean.

      No one should be afraid to ask questions. Not asking, not questioning authority is what is unintelligent.

    15. Lynn, they were talking about roads (asphalt). The report had nothing to do with energy. It is not necessary for you to comment on every post. We can figure things out and debate without your input, but thank you anyway. I have defended you in the past, but now I see why people get annoyed with you. I may change my attitude toward you. I agree, there is nothing wrong with asking questions if they are meaningful and if it helps when a vote is necessary. It appears she was the only one that did not know what AC stood for. Enough already.

    16. What does AC mean, then? I was asking the question, that's why I commented. I am not afraid to to invoke your wrath because you claim I am unintelligent, or that I supposedly post on every comment. That is another opinion which is not factually accurate.

      Your opinion of me is none of my business. I could care less.

      I am only posting, because I still don't know what AC means in relation to asphalt. I was not there for that part of the discussion, obviously. But if I were, I, like Lisa Shaffer, would not have known what AC means, even if someone's "highschooler" does.

      For all we know, you comment on every post, since you post anonymously, 11:44. Get real, hypocrite.

    17. By the way, I tried Googling AC, because I initially thought air conditioning, too. Obviously, those guessing didn't know the context of the conversation, when Lisa Shaffer asked.

      When Googling, I still couldn't find an answer that I thought was relative to the I-5 expansion conversation. That's where I came up with Alternating Current, though.

      At least I am trying to get the answer instead of just putting down those who question what we don't understand.

      Curiosity is a mark of intelligence. Being afraid to ask questions, because some critic may call you stupid, is a sign of cowardice.

    18. Hey, 9:44, how's it going? If you want to meet with Shaffer, go ahead and set it up. If you have even a shred of intelligence, you will realize she is far smarter than you are.

      Now for the point you are not smart enough to have grasped. You claimed Shaffer's not knowing what AC stood for showed she lacked intelligence.

      Then 7:47 called you out for getting a time citation wrong, which you dismissed as minor.

      The difference is and the point you missed: You were serious about your AC contention. 7:47 was not serious. 7:47 was goofing on how trivial your point was by using your minor time error as a comparison.

  43. Longer meeting this week than last but lower thank-you count: 68.

    1. Now that is an improvement. Barth said everyone should drive a Prius to help abate noise on I5. I thought we could walk and bike through our city. Sigh!

    2. Great suggestion!!

  44. Any one notice the strategy by Gaspar. She was the only one to vote no extra money for mayor?? Why??? Another ploy to her campaign strategy. She is sneaky as hell, but WE see it.

  45. Why should a mayor get extra? Barth already gets about $800 a month extra for expenses for cutting ribbons, not counting $500 per month car allowance.

  46. Why do we need an elected mayor?

    1. So the babies would stop fighting with each other about who was going to be "King or Queen for the day".

  47. Mayor at meeting last night and most council meetings = crotchety, cranky, ill tempered, snappish, almost constant frown on Barth's face.

  48. 12:48-Because some people voted for one. And it won. That's why. Personally I think this may be one of the worst councils I have seen in a while, and that is saying something. Teresa acted just like Jerome last night. And whether you like Muir or not, her lack of civility, something she promised when she ran, turned me totally off to whatever else was said. She had it out for Muir and she ran with it. Sort of like Jerome did to her. It often happens when a person who has had no power, and gets some, does the same thing that they objected to when it was done to them. That was Barth last night.

  49. Barth was obnoxious and rude. She never looks happy unless she's the one talking. Wolf in sheep's clothing is an accurate description. Buh bye Barth. Go ride your bike.

  50. Poor Gaspar and Muir ,I feel so sorry for them in the minority and can't have there way so sad .Mark Muir almost 400 pounds being attacked by Teresa Barth maybe 135 pounds ,yes I feel so sorry for him and you Say Teresa is bullying Mark HA HA you're funny and Muir is sad .Maybe he should take his Ball and go home .Poor baby,They say if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.I think they just got out played

  51. Before it was poor Barth being bullied by Stocks.

    No one should bully. A well recognized pattern is those who are abused become abusers.

    Barth is sad; it's sad our city doesn't have good leadership.

    Barth before spoke out for dissenting council opinion to be heard, including on the record, through the minutes. Now she's stifling dissent by cutting off the minority's questions and comments. She talks about civil discourse, but gave the impression of being anything but civil. Barth did allow Shaffer to drag on, but disallowed Muir's response to what Shaffer had said.

    1. Barth has always been like this in private: remember when year before last when Gaspar tried to report that Barth had secret meetings with Patrick Murphy and Dianne L. rather than including Gaspar as part of the subcommittee in meetings to evaluate the restart Barth/Patrick/Dianne tried to stop the restart of the housing element and
      instead of investigating Barth's misbehavior and her usual violation of trust, the flippin' UT wrote a story about how Barth said the report by Gaspar on Barth's treachery was a violation of the Open Meetings Act: ironic because Gaspar was reporting on Staff and Barth violating that very act. Barth has gotten away with playing chicken little for too long: talk to her co-workers from the Faire: they completely recognize last night's Barth performance.

  52. I didn't see it that way...

  53. Yes you're right we should feel sorry Gaspar ,has not learned much in 7 years poor thing oh ya I forgot her husbands business made a million dollars profit last year check her form 700 filed at the city .I feel so sorry for her ha.

    1. Again, English as a second language?

    2. Barth is the one in for 7 years: Gaspar for 3.5 years. What's the saddest is that when she was first elected, Barth refused to take part in council decisions because she said that her peers were violating Brown Act with notifying the public about meetings within 72 hours and what constituted a 'special' meeting: now, 7 years later, not only have Barth, Shaffer and Kranz continually lost the faith and trust of the voters by last minute posting of notices and reckless overspending, but because Barth wrongly believes the focus is off her and that she is free to show her true colors without consequences: staff today whispered that she was in such a bad mood because she had lost the vote behind closed-doors to keep the truth about the details of the purchase MOU from the public until June. Can we get an amen from Kranz on transparency and 'bullying': the reasons he stated he ran for office?

      Even sweeter is the fact that Audet, who was directed to attack Norby as part of a strategy to stop the housing element from proceeding, got his marching orders from Shaffer, Turney and Barth: and now as we have seen since the attempted tax hike, Audet is biting the hand of his allies. Is there a 'Barth' video performed by the Turney's and Andrew in the council's near future?

      Hope so.

    3. Double billing comes to mind. I have run into problems with that from hospitals and doctor's offices. They send you a bill telling you your insurance denied payment, when in fact, the insurance company was never billed. But, then after they get your payment, they bill the insurance company and you never know it. Everyone check and double check your bills before you pay them. There has been a lot of this stuff happening.

    4. I don't think Audet gets his orders from anyone.

      He rightly outed and exposed Norby, he was the first to ask Dalager to resign -proven right, he went head to head with Stocks and Stocks is gone, now he's been at city hall confronting Barth and Vina and speaking out against Gaspar and the councils wasteful spending.

      I think audet's ally is integrity.

    5. Audet is the man! Effective & wish he would be a candidate.

  54. 3:47-What does your comment have to do with civility. If Jerome had done what Teresa did last night, everyone on this blog, including me, would be all over him. Whether a person likes Muir or Gaspar is not the point. The point is Teresa did exactly what she said she opposed and wanted to sue Stocks for, and that was bullying. I have watched the video twice just to make sure, and what I saw from Barth was total disrespect for HER colleagues, not the other way around, as she tried to spin it. And where is the highly paid spin doctor?

    1. Marlena is at Lisa Shaffer's house working on Barth's Mayoral election:
      claiming that it is a group of women who are creating a non-profit: but in reality, Barth has her highly paid staff working weekends for her. Ask Lisa, maybe they're taking 'selfies' at the campaign parties?

    2. Muir should sue Barth for harassment.

    3. 6:35 can you elaborate on the claim Marlena is there? You may mean it as a joke- understandable. But it also might be very true.

      I think that Barth is running and will announce in August to much fan fare that because her supporters are asking her she will run-

      Did anyone see the piece in the Coast News by someone named Bill Araballo on Friday- is Barth getting the editorial page at the CN to push her upzoning community charather destroring agenda?

    4. If Barth runs, she will lose big time.

    5. Teresa's maiden name is Arballo: Bill is her father and he was allowed to publish that opinion piece without identifying himself and now admitted lawbreaker of six separate counts of state campaign violations, not that he was sloppy, or that he and his caniving son, Chris didn't know what they were doing: the confessions that he and Turney and Canler signed stated that they knew ahead of time that they were in violation. That what they were doing was wrong. Coast News Jim Kydd continues to work unethically by not identifying Bill, who used to work for Jim.

      Yeah, its Teresa's dad. The reason Kydd wasn't fined by the City for boosting the defacement of public and private property with his 5000 adhesive-backed bumper stickers is because he and Shaffer and Kranz and Sheila Cameron are all working together.

      Tony is talking about running for Mayor and all the Gaspar backers are hoping and praying that its true.

      If not, Kranz and Barth will take to the stage in a renewal of Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men'.

    6. Marlena, Mim, Elizabeth Taylor, Shaffer and Teresa have been working weekends at Shaffer's house on Teresa's campaign.

      Aside from it from being unethical, if it can be proven that Barth's pick, Marlena is doing campaign work for Barth, then its illegal.

      Barth claims that its all above board: like her Dad ghost-writing the pro-Pacific View piece in today's Coast News without identifying himself as Barth's Dad. Or Jim Kydd running a photo of Sheila Cameron with a sign protesting Home Depot and Kydd approving the cutline on the front photo to read, "Unidentified woman protests at..." When everyone in the Coast News office knew damn-well who the nut on the front page was.

      Ask the City Manager about Shaffer's weekend sewing circle: he signed off on the Communications Director being there.

    7. Medford is free to campaign for politicians so long as it's not on city time.

      Sure, it's unseemly, like Muir campaigning for Stocks and then getting promoted up to pension millionaire, but it's legal.

    8. 2:14-May I ask how you now this? If it is true, it does bring up a lot of interesting questions. If it isn't, perhaps it's better to leave people's names out of it. I will ask Mim as well.

    9. 2:14's the same as 2:06 - Mikey Andreen or Stocks making up crap. You can always tell by the slightly unhinged tone....

    10. If Medford is campaigning for Barth, it has the appearance of quid pro quo--for example, voting to give a guy a piece of public property next to his house for a suite of kitchen appliances. Barth wanted Marlena for this position.

    11. I agree that Bill Arballo could have identified himself as Teresa Barth's father.

      That's the only thing I agree with. The Coast News has great discretion on its editorial page. Bill Arballo also didn't identify himself as a former Coast News Columnist.

      And yes, isn't Mike Andreen a former Coast News columnist, who was "let go," and is very bitter about that?

      Mike, let it go. No one signed any "confessions." "Slap on the hand" settlements were reached with the FPPC.

      Political operatives should not be allowed to continue abusing the legal process under the "private attorney general act," to punish well intentioned and effective community activists because some honest disclosure reporting requirements may not have been met, on time.

      Why don't you rail against Ken Moser? He got a MUCH stiffer fine by the FPPC for violations of disclosure requirements through his political operative company. Wasn't his fine at least $7,000? And what were his attorney fees? Or did he attempt to represent himself? Somewhere I've got that FPPC ruling, against Moser, saved.

      Those against whom Ken Moser and Harry Eiler have complained to the FPPC are unsung heroes, in my eyes. Thank goodness for all those dump stocks stickers. Very few of them were distributed by Jim Kydd.

      Who is your caretaker, Mike? Maybe you need one, because you don't understand how much we appreciate those who have the courage to work, for years, on behalf citizens and against the corrupting influence in our city of special interests.

  55. I voted for Teresa and Muir and Gaspar look more reasonable every day,

  56. Mark Muir then fire chief worked on many political campaigns ( bond stocks dalagar gurien ) at. City hall in his office using his city computer and guess what you dummy's elected him so give me a break.

    1. He was not elected, he was installed by $tock$, or is your memory that short?

      There was a VIP line for Muir supporters who entered before the unwashed masses did, thus taking up nearly the entire main chambers room. The rest os were relegated to watch the proceedings from side rooms where we could not cause the feared ruckus.

      Turned out there were some empty seats as we could see from the side room video, but the cops stuck to their marching orders and barred citizens from the main chambers. What a farce and new low in city behavior that night was.

    2. Muir was elected when Shaffer and Kranz were elected in Nov 2012. Before that, Muir was appointed to Houlihan's seat after she passed. That appointment was by the Stocks-Bond-Gaspar majority.

    3. Wow! What a bunch of horse shit. Y'all were all out on the square in front of city hall giving speeches while Mark's supporters walked past you and into the Chambers, then when you were done embarrassing Muir in front of his family, all the seats were gone.

      You guys will tell any lies to try and make yourselves look good.

      Oh, and one look at Andrew's history and his history of prevaricating will be clear to everyone. Don't put too much stock in what he claims to be the truth.

      American Psycho!

    4. I would trust Andrew Audet over Mark Muir any day of the week.

    5. 7:47

      Audet goes to city hall and speaks on the record for responsible spending. He speaks on open government. He speaks on protecting community charachter. He holds at 5 council members accountable. He is out in the public for all to see.

      Then Audet writes a column or commentary for like 2 years in the local newspaper- signing his name to each column -for all to see

      He stands out in the open for all to see -

      hile you hide behind your keyboard.

      There is no reason to put any stock in what you say - the one hiding.

      There is every reason to put stock in the person willing to stand up in public.

  57. Lisa should sue Muir his behavior at council wensday night totally bush league------------- hey Muir grow up let us see pics of your duck dynasty Party that included Gaspar and husband Stocks and wife and the biggest duck of all ------ YOU

    1. Did Gaspar wear a duck suit or her Wonder Woman suit?

    2. Did she perform any magic tricks or did she forget to bring her sand, rocks and jar?

  58. I thought Teresa said she was not running for Mayor or Council? What did I miss?

  59. Teresa is not running

    1. Agree. Barth is not running.

      But it wouldn't surprise me if all those people are collaborating on Blakespear's campaign or other campaigns.

    2. Actually that makes more sense. Whether Marlena is doing it on City time is highly unlikely, but if she is, that would be illegal.

  60. People like Muir and Gaspar believe they can be rude and abusive from the council Dias ,then blame other people for there poor behavior .iIts just not going to happen .Muir attacked Lisa ,Lisa rebutted and Latter muir thought he would have another go ,sorry Muir you lose.

    1. Gaspar and Muir are $tock$ puppets. You can expect nothing less than arrogant from them both just like their leader.

    2. 5:18, what happened was, Muir said that Shaffer was willing to spend $10 Million on Pacific View, but seemed okay with compromising public health and safety. Shaffer took exception, and explained (at some length when it was her turn to speak) that she had wanted to find efficiencies and cost savings, but maintain level of service for the fire department.

      When it was Mark's turn, again, he started to respond to Shaffer, saying how public health and safety could be compromised if the City overspends on the PV purchase. Barth cut him off, rudely, saying public health and safety wasn't on the agenda, and that Muir was not being civil. Then she read the communications guidelines.

      Barth tried to call the vote. Muir and Gaspar objected, because they had more questions and comments. Muir made a motion to allow the discussion to continue. Gaspar seconded. Barth, Shaffer and Kranz voted to disallow further discussion.

      They passed the MOU without really answering Muir's question of why the City had put in the clause allowing the City to resale the property after ten years. The property should remain public/semi-public in perpetuity, as the public and EUSD had initially required.

      Barth's and Kranz' insufficient excuses had been that they didn't want the property "tied" to EUSD. A public/semi-public zoning in perpetuity wouldn't create any such ties.

      Kranz also said he didn't want the expense of a lawsuit, that the question of whether the School District could force rezoning would be decided in a Court of Law. That isn't necessarily true. EUSD didn't have a good case, before, as Gaspar said. Also, the expense of a lawsuit is much less than the extra $5 Million the city is paying for lane already in the public domain, being transferred between two public agencies.

      I want Pacific View to be purchased by the City. Because EUSD, through Baird and the Trustees has misrepresented the law and the facts, and tried to profit from donated public land, it should now carry the loan for 30 years at 0% interest.

      We're paying off two EUSD School Bonds over 30 years, on our property tax bills. We're paying extra taxes after passage of Prop 30, statewide, in 2012. EUSD should be reasonable, and do the right thing. We need to convince the trustees to dump Baird, by electing three new trustees, voting against EUSD incumbents, come election time, this coming November.

    3. Meant to say: Also, the expense of a lawsuit is much less than the extra $5 Million the city is paying for land already in the public domain, being transferred between two public agencies.

      Bill Arballo's piece in this Week's Coast News is good, but he doesn't explain that he's Teresa Barth's father. Reading about his memories is great, because he has a wonderful understanding of history.

      However, because purchasing San Dieguito Park, by the County was the right thing to do, and was worth it, which valuable public asset was purchased at a REASONABLE price, with the help of private volunteers and community activists, doesn't mean that Pacific View should be purchased an an UNREASONABLE price, even with the help of volunteers and community activists.

      I think it will be worth it to purchase Pacific View, and that the City can summon up the courage and the will to insist that EUSD carry the loan for 30 years at 0% interest.

      Kranz, Shaffer and Barth keep saying that in 20 or 30 years no one will remember how much the city paid. Not true. If the City ends up going bankrupt, like Stockton, people will regret the City's overspending, WHEN IT DIDN'T HAVE TO; Council has a choice.

      Kranz, Shaffer and Barth are spending our money like it's monopoly money. We need to learn from our past mistakes, live within our means, in the present, and plan for the future.

      We can be "liberal" in supporting a true community arts and learning center, while being fiscally conservative, by insisting on terms of purchase that would give EUSD the revenue stream all the superintendents and trustees have said, for years, they wanted, and would benefit schoolchildren, artists, art lovers, taxpayers, and future generations.

  61. Let's hope Blakespear wins !

    1. Encinitas UndercoverApril 18, 2014 at 5:25 PM

      What does she stand for?

    2. If she's like Barth and will keep Vina, I do not support her.

  62. WCV
    It's al in the coast news ,this weeks paper

    1. Yes I read that but still have no idea what she stands for.

      What is her position on all the major issues: deferred maintenance, unfunded pensions, park debt service and operating costs, Vina, Sabine... ?

      Is she even aware of Encinitas' huge financial problems? You wouldn't know it by reading her op-ed.

  63. Agree with EU. I read it, and still know nothing about her, except that Teresa and company are trying to get her elected.

    1. Agree. It is an empty, hollow statement. No specifics. No apparent awareness of the depth of the city's financial mess. Not much to support the heading "Why I am running for city councul".
