Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Politics is a universal sport

Often when reading national political stories, we're struck by parallels to happenings in our little town. And such was the case when we read this:
A telling anecdote involves a dinner that [Elizabeth] Warren had with Lawrence H. Summers, then the director of the National Economic Council and a top economic adviser to President Obama. The dinner took place in the spring of 2009, after the oversight panel had produced its third report, concluding that American taxpayers were at far greater risk to losses in TARP than the Treasury had let on.

After dinner, “Larry leaned back in his chair and offered me some advice,” Ms. Warren writes. “I had a choice. I could be an insider or I could be an outsider. Outsiders can say whatever they want. But people on the inside don’t listen to them. Insiders, however, get lots of access and a chance to push their ideas. People — powerful people — listen to what they have to say. But insiders also understand one unbreakable rule: They don’t criticize other insiders.


  1. I saw this too in the Sunday LA Times in a book review of Elizabeth Warren's "A Fighting Chance." I had exactly the same reaction: This is Encinitas. It explains a lot about what happened with the swearing in of the new council in December 2012. And City Manager Gus Vina's cabinet team and Mayor Teresa Barth's civil conduct both play into this code of silence. Doesn't the Italian word "omerta" apply here?

  2. I suggest a strongly worded letter writing campaign. That will show them.

  3. That's why I like Elizabeth Warren. Having worked at a public agency, I have seen the insider philosophy at work. We definitely need some outsiders at this point to kick some real ass and shake things up...

    1. Elizabeth Warren is the ultimate insider. It is a proven fact that her fortunes were amassed by favoritism given to her by banks- the very same banks she now wants us to believe she is against.

      Her tenure was afforded her becuase she has promoted a lie for decades- as reported by the Boston Herald- that she is 1/3 cherokee indian, when she has no provable indian ancestry making her Faux-Cha-Hontas-

      She will shake nothing up, other then continiuing to reward the very same bankers (Summers) and special interests (Unions and Corporations) that she has used to amass her fortunes.

      She is despicable, an insider leveraging race and cronyism to amass wealth - not performance- she is where she is because of who she knows, not what she she knows.

      She is the type of candidate who would tell the public she wants to protect community charachter and then lie on a ballot statement (Muir Gaspar Barth, Shaffer Kranz)

      She is the type of candidate who would say she believes in responsible spending and then vote to spend money on surveys not projects (Barth, Muir, Gaspar, Shaffer, Kranz)

      She is the type of candidate who would tell us she wants to hold insdiers accountable and then look the other way when insiders are exposed for signing back room deal contracts and failing to provide true cost estimates to the public (Barth, Gaspar, Muir, Shaffer, Kranz)

      Warren is a self-seeking it's all about me politician - she is the ultimate insider. Despicable


    2. Leave your hateful diatribe on Warren elsewhere, we're talking local politics here.

    3. 7:54- Fox and Rush say it, you repeat it.
      The Cabezon

    4. What's the bottom line here on 'outsiders': when you posters speak about Community Character, you mean asserting that your vision of the town includes putting your own property-rights and property-values (And visions) above those who wish to do with their own property what they wish, as long as its legal. (Making everything illegal is one scheme)

      This sounds great to 'outsiders', most of whom don't have a pot to piddle in and rely on cries of environmentalism to mask their true sin, envy and jealousy Or let's face it, rely on those who are addled and unemployed to 'lead the fight'.

      'Why' are they outside? They are 'outside' because their peers determined long ago that they couldn't trust them to lead (From Red-Rover on to HOA's). You could name some of the mythical 28 and step back and ask folks if they would trust these people with the most mundane tasks (Watch your pet for example), and without question the collective judgment would be 'no'.

      It used to be 'good management' (Of a family, or an organization/business, even 'tending' a garden) meant overcoming a difficult challenge, or solving a problem 'on time' and 'on budget': proving yourselves as part of your community, (Non-profits, volunteering etc...) instead you posters sit at home 'self' medicating (Or more) and criticizing everyone for everything. That is a recipe for civic (and perhaps personal) disaster, a supposition which your blog-approved candidates of 2013: Barth, Kranz and Shaffer: have obviously proven to be true with great widespread recognition and clarity. Return to their resumes prior to election! See much success in the documents?

      When supposedly 'outsiders' get elected, and they discover that they represent all of the property owners, not just their fast-friends (Example: Prop A flip-flop), not just the pretenders who live in already gated communities (Hood-what?), the berserkers cry foul when their 'heroes' won't break the law for them: don't you see this?

      You'll never find a candidate to please yourselves, because you are only interested in pleasing your 'self', therefore, no one with true problem-solving skills will step forward to be your 'whipping boy/girl', because of the lack generosity and compassion from those on this blog who operate under the hateful politics of personal condemnation and who are always determined to being 'outside', thus, never 'satisfied nor part of a 'whole', and their battles are not for their 'fellow man/woman', but for them 'selves'.

      Again, 'Look Homeward, Angels'.

      No names were used in this post (Un-elected names, that is) to protect the still confused.

    5. ALL politics is local... Tip O' Neal.

    6. 9:22, who sounds like the same person as 7:54:

      Keep watching Fox and listening to Limbaugh to reinforce your perverse views. Make heroes of people like Cliven Bundy until the truth about that welfare rancher and people like him comes out, then don't have the courage and decency to admit you were wrong.

      I'd take Elizabeth Warren over hypocritical jerks like Mitch McConnell 365 days a year.

    7. I'll rely on myself over all politicians.

    8. "Mr. Beale, you have messed with the primal forces of Nature!"

      Great to rely on yourself, but politicians and the special-interest money that supports them are the people pulling the levers behind the curtain.

      Whether you want it or not, you are a tiny, insignificant cog in their wheel.

    9. 10:06 - whe mentioned Fox, Bundy or Limbaugh? Perhaps you are an insider being paid of with crony rewards-

      Everything written above about Warren is true. She was given tenure based on her lie of being part american indian. She made millions for bankers running low income housing in the Mid West. She practiced law without a license. She raised more than $14M asa reported by the WSJ and the Boston Glob through questionable online websites that lack control to screen and record foreign donations. She did out spend her sentorial opponet by millions of dollars by raising money from the Bankers she says she abhors and the SEIU unions belleding taxpayers dry.

      These are facts- you can try to distract readers from the truth, but you can't change the record of Lia-Watha Warren

    10. 11;07- I am my own wheel, I leave you alone, you leave me alone . Together we live in peace . See how relying on yourself works???

    11. 1:56 nice obfuscation, when you can't present facts to support a position play the victim of card of being attacked-

      I do live in peace with all, and am not afraid to speak and share truth. Confidence is what self-reliance brings.

    12. Lia-watha, that is some clever stuff....

    13. 9:22 you sound delusional. Let's see who you would trust?

      All five council membves signed their names to a ballot statement LIE that they then sent to every registered voter in the city knowing THEY WERE LYING and when asked by residents to prove their facts they could not.

      All five- looked the other way when Gus Vina was exposed as playing fast and loose with the taxpayers money and witholding information on cost estimates from the public.

      All five ignored residents and supported the risky borrow and steal plan that has left the accounts empty to fund projects to benefit residents-

      I would not trust any of the 5 council members, or Vina or Sabine watch my vegetable garden, let alone my pets, let alone my tax dollars.

      Your political tactics are on display for all to see- you are attempting to position Gaspar and Muir as doting spouses and responsible parents- big deal, go play with their kids

      When it comes to leading the city they are financial spendthrifts driving the city bus into bankruptcy- vote Gaspar out in 2014- she can go tend her garden

    14. 3:30 You are spot on. and it's time to dump Wonder Woman GASpar. I doubt she has enough brains to take care of a garden. Do the taxpayers have to pay for her trips to the nail and pedicure salon? Just wondering.

    15. 3:30 I too am surprised that all 5 coucil members would lie on the Prop A statement- it sickens me having supported some on now on the council.

      From what I hear Tony is in tight with the bar owners and often seen downtown-

    16. Kranz probably gets free drinks as a kick back for not doing anything about the mess downtown.

    17. 2:07- see you want to fight ?? Why ?? What is it about my self reliance that offended you?? Why do you care that I don't suck the govt teat ?? I don't fear you, I pity you .

  4. Insiders insulate themselves from the few outsiders that really know what's happening. They have access to the public resources to enforce their opinions and entrench themselves - it's like removing a tick to get rid of them...

    1. That's how I see it too, 7:53, good post.

      Too often, power corrupts. Former "outsiders" become insiders, and loose perspective, also often losing the confidence of those who helped put them in office.

      9:22, don't tell me or anyone else what we mean by community character. Your diatribe is the opinion you, probably an ex-insider, are trying to foist on others, as true. You are factually incorrect.

      Instead of putting down others, and this blog, why don't you do some self-introspection. Let the Santa Ana winds blow away the held anger, the bitterness, that is clouding your mind.

    2. According to the city the wind averages only 9 mph in Olivenhain and therefore causes no fire hazard at Desert Rose- see how it works?

    3. Lynn- heal thyself .

    4. We are all healing ourselves, everyday, as our old cells are repaired and replaced.

      One thing that helps us to heal is admitting our mistakes, so we can learn from them. 1:54, heal thyself.

      I meant to say, above: Too often, power corrupts. Former "outsiders" become insiders, and lose perspective, also often losing the confidence of those who helped put them in office.

    5. Lynn- say what you mean and mean what you say....

    6. True, but things on the inside are always more complicated than they appear from the outside. I'm sure Lisa and Tony are finding this out. Muir came from inside, so he already knew. Kristin got the lowdown from Jerome and David Mayer, so she should know even if she acts like she doesn't. Teresa always had the "opposition" or "dissenter" role, and now she's finding it out how hard it is to lead, especially without a consensus.

    7. 2:44 Under Bathism there has usually been a 3-2 consensus vote on most issues. The usual dissenters are the lonely ones, Gaspar and Muir.

    8. 2:55 I call BS- most votes have been 5-0 Gaspar and Muir are as complicit in the financial sickeness plaguing the city as Barth- all three voted for the borrow and stea, fiasco to build the park, all three voted to let Vina go rogue with his 50K to Rutan and Tru North Survey of 66K and the 400K fine at the Hall pak, and the unfunded road problems, and the unfunded pension problems.

      Muir and Gaspar are spenders, spenders, spenders- facts are facts

    9. I do mean what I say and say what I mean, 2:32. Unlike you, I am willing to "own" my own words, typos and all.

      I suggest you do the same "- say what you mean and mean what you say.... " Try also saying who you are, for once.

      I posted my correction because I had inadvertently typed "loose perspective," instead of "lose perspective."

      I'd appreciate your not calling me out by name, when you have nothing to add, and you aren't willing to share your name. Thanks.

    10. Sure.
      Roundabouts work.

    11. 3:10 After thinking about it, I do agree with you. All 5 council members have equally contributed to the malady at city hall. Spend, spend, spend with no vision as to where it will come from. Taxpayers keep getting screwed. DUMP GASPAR! AT LEAST BARTH WILL BE GONE.

    12. Hey Lynn. Take a logic class. It can't hurt right?

      -Roundabouts save time and lives

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Heard that before. Its called any attention is good attention right Lynn. We know your type. Why not all the rambling about tracking IP address and yatta yatta yatta….. if you don't want to be called out by name. Quit using your name in post.

      PS- All attention is not good attention, just ask Jerome Stocks.

      - Roundabouts work

    15. Lynn-

      Really I "I have had logic at a college level". Wow!

      Really? What college and did you get a degree? If so, what?

      I call BS

  5. Hasn't it always been the truth that insiders in any game protect their own, whether its banking, politics or anything else?

    Doing anything else is known as "Biting the hand that feeds you". My issue is that the insiders we have are spineless and ineffective. You're always going to piss someone off, so deal with it and chart a course. Figure out a way to trim the budget and build the Hall Park and buy PV. That's the game..

    -Mr Green Gamer

  6. Encinitas streets 4/30/14:

  7. Being in politics feeds one's own ego. All of a sudden someone is paying attention to them, whether they are criticized or not. They are being noticed and they love it because somewhere along the way they were the outsider, the unpopular, not the prettiest or the most handsome, perhaps the less favored child, maybe the only child who didn't learn to share, or the one in college who was "middle of the road", or one that never excelled beyond the 12th grade.

    Whatever the reason, their ego is their main and only interest. Once they are gone and out of office, they will have to fill that void with something else. They will be back to square one.

    You noticed, I did not mention any names, but they know who they are.

    1. Your broad brush cynicism is quite something to marvel....makes me wonder if along your travels you happened to have lost an election or two.......

      - The Sculpin

    2. 12:39 I am filled to the brim and am comfortable and happy in my own skin. I don't need any extra attention or kudos. Along my travels, I have not wasted my time in the political venue. I don't feel the need to spend taxpayer's money freely and unwisely. I would rather spend my own money on the things I enjoy and love, but thank you for your comments.

    3. No, 1:47 - the pleasure is entirely mine, and you are most truly welcome!

      - The Sculpin

  8. 1:47 - a breath of fresh air! ah, spring!


    1. I think that's the dust from the Santa Ana, lol!

  9. Isn't it amazing what ignorance and prejudice can generate?

    Gee, ya know, this heavy footnoted Wikipedia bio of Elizabeth Warren sure doesn't sound like the woman portrayed by the dittohead who condemned her in posts above:

    1. " She began teaching at Harvard Law School in 1992, as a visiting professor, and began a permanent position as Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law in 1995."

      Coincidentally, she was promoted to full tenured professor while claiming to be an Indian at a school being criticized for lack of minority faculty.


    2. Blah Blah, Blah the Indian Story. What, is that replayed every 5 minutes on Fox? Think for yourselves for once, have an original thought, don't just be a mindless parrot. How about her work FOR consumers? Ring a bell, doing the people's work, anyone?

    3. With all respect 5:51 if the extent of yoru research is Wikipedia I feel sorry for you - I do have some swamp land I'd like to sell you-

      Wikipedia is for teh most part dumbed down, often half truths, often changed regularly, to promote a point of view that supports the very elites and insider's Lia-watha Warren rails against.

      An alarming prospect is the world without printed books or records, where online records are used to promote a point of view

      For instance Stocks and Barth/Shaffer/Muir/Kranz/Gaspar have all moved to limit or do away with written records- why? Online control?

      Then there is the missing audio of Vina from the meeting 2 weeks ago.

      Warren has built a career on lies, she made millions from teh bankers she wants us to think she opposes, she raised tens of millions from the special interest bankers and unions she rails against-

      Lia-Watha Warren- despicable. Facts are facts

    4. 8:49

      Don't give me the "with all respect" BS line.

      You sound like a nutcase conspiracy theorist. Support Issa, right?

      I'm well aware of Wikipedia's limitations, but it's easy to distinguish between good and bad Wiki articles.

      Warren's Wiki article is well-structured, well-written and thoroughly referenced.

      If Warren were the shrew you claim she is, she wouldn't be where she is, wouldn't have achieved what she has, wouldn't have garnered the acclaim she has, wouldn't have the good reputation she has, and wouldn't be seen as the devil by Wall Streeters.

      Because you, Fox and Rush attack her with no foundation for your claims says she's a valuable person to have in national politics. She has integrity, and she's on the people's side.

    5. 9:16 with all respect- you acknowledge Wikipedia is unreliable- but then want us to believe they are reliabile regarding Lia-watha because you can tell the difference between good and bad wikipedia?

      I can only go off what has been reported by the WSJ, Boston Globe and Boston Herald as facts-we could agree these news sources are valid correct- and the reproted facts are these- Warren gained tenure claimed she was 1/3 cherokee- yet she can't back it up. Warren made millions on real estate in the midwest backed by the very same bankers she rails against and who's donations she takes- while taking advantage of the poor and under served she claims to want to protect.

      As reported in the WSJ and by the Boston Globe and Boston Herald she practiced law without a license providing services to - and collecting millions from- the very banks she says she wants to protect americans from.

      She has no integrity - would you misrepresent yourself to gain tenure? Would you practice law without a license?

      She is not on the peoples side, she is on her own side, and those of her 'insider friends' like good Ol Larry-

      I was fooled by the press into voting for "If you like your plan you can keep your plan" Obama - the Lie of the year.

      I won't be tricked into voting for Lia-watha

    6. You won't have to vote for her, unless you move to Massachusetts. Or are we assuming she's running for president?

    7. the crooked controlled media press are already promoting Lia-Watha- lies, lies, lies

  10. 8:41 Geez

    Guess you missed the revelations about Lia-Watha accepting tens of millions in suspect campaign donations that were 'untraceable'

    Likewise I guess you missed the memo of how Lia-watha made millions from bankers on low interest loans that exploited the poor while benefitting Warren.

    Hmm- maybe you were out when the news broke that Lia-watha was practicing law without a license.

    But hey, it's always better to try and distract from the truth by blaming others -

    Like Bengahzi never happened, navy seals never died, the US ambassador was never murdered, a video was to blame for the whole thing. The President lied, Hillary lied, Susan Rirce lied Jay Carney lied-

    Looks like Lia-watha and her insider friends are in good company.

    1. 8:55 Thanks for all the Fox talking points. Do you have a brain of your own?

      Watch the first few minutes of the Brown/Warren debate:

      Then search YouTube for Elizabeth Warren and watch any number of the videos. Decide for yourself whether or not she's the people's champion.

    2. Video ? How about just researching and reading the facts as reported in the WSJ, Boston Globe and Boston Herald regarding Warren's lies - practicing law without a license, lack of any credible proof of native american ancestry and relations to banks by profiting on real estate in the mid-west. That sound simple enough- if one reads. Frankly persistent blaming of fox news and scott brown reveals you may have an ideology preference instead of a preference for the facts.

    3. The videos of Senate hearings and the like are primary sources. The newspapers specified are secondary.

      Got proof of your allegations? Show it. Provide the links rather than vague references and unfounded accusations.

    4. 11:09 proof?

      Warren asid she eloped, marrige license shows she didn't.
      Warren says she is indian, and got special treatments claiming to be indian on college applications, job applications and tenure- turns out she ins't.
      Warren took money from the banks she rails against and then took advantage of the poor she claims to stand for in a house scheme in the midwest.
      Warren has admitted to practicing law without a license

      You can try and run cover for your leader- just like the press has done for Obama.

      I was fooled once by propagandist unwilling to tell the truth- I won't be folled again.

      All of the above statements are verifiably true because facts are facts- you migth choose to lie a lie, don't expect us to join you.

      Lia-watha - the ultimate crony and insider

    5. Wouldn't the WSJ be representing the very interests Warren is seeking to reign in? Do you really think they're not going to go after her with everything they've got?

      All this tat for tat politics nowdays, that's how we end up with the mediocre crew of pols we have. It's like celebritainment, Palin's hairstyle, Obama's birth certificate. Endless distractions for the masses.

      All I know is Warren is up there pointing out a lot of things that 99% of the pols would never touch, so for that I salute her...

    6. 7:19, you are borderline illiterate. Just because you repeat baseless allegations again and again doesn't make them true. You are going by Fox hearsay and hyperbole.

      Got proof? Not your ignorant brain and mouth. Proof. Provide the links to videos and objective reporting.

    7. Warren is the 99%, her career is built on lies, her fortune amassed by the same bankers she wants us to believe she is against-

      she is being promoted by the same crooked corrupt media that now protects the administration- it is frightening- don't close your eyes

      Warren is a despicable insider-

      Pointing things out- well there are a few pointing things out who did not lie about their race, or make millions from the banks or practice law without a license

      but the press and place guards mock these voices- while promoting the Warren Lia- watha

    8. What is Warren's projected net worth, and what are the sources? And what if she does have some cash, isn't that what we all strive for in this country? If she is wealthy and still crusades for consumer protections and affordable home loans, shouldn't that be applauded?

    9. affrodable home loans?

      American Home ownership is now at it's lowest in more than 20 years, there are more families renting and millenials living with parents-

      who made out on this? Warren and her banker friends- like good Ol Larry. See how it works

    10. 9:16 I voted for Obama. Today Issa wants to find out what happened in Libya. Why was our ambassador murdered, why did an Encinitas Navy Seal die. These are important issues. Was the WH running guns to AQ? WHy did the WH lie and blame a video? Why did the President, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice lie?

      Look, you might want to support liars, that is your right. I'd rather support someone trying to get to the truth rather than those trying to hide the truth-

  11. Being critical as an outsider is somewhat easy. Being critical as an insider can be difficult if your motivation is to be liked by everyone, but silence doesn't serve the public good it serves the insiders. Elect people willing to be whistle blowers and offer constructive criticism. Had we more people like that we might have gone on so many war paths, blown it economically, and put our country is so much debt.

    Don't elect leaders afraid of criticism. Elect those that gravitate to criticism because that is where good decisions will be made.

    Here at Encinitas City Hall the goals of the Mayor are to avoid public controversy.

  12. 7:19: Let's assume everythink you say about Warren is true. Do you support not prosecuting banker criminals? Did you support the repeal of Glass-Steagle? Do you want less regulation of banks?
    The Cabezon

    1. yes, worst thing the bankers and politicians did was to undo that great law

  13. 9:54 really- you with your blaming Fox? Get a clue, do some homework-

    the truth about Warren is reported in multiple sources for all to see- don't expect other to do legwok for you- that is called LAZY- or entitled

  14. 10:00

    You're making the accusations. Back them up with proof. All you've done is posted prejudicial hearsay.

    While you're at it, go back to third grade for a class in remedial English.

    1. 10:07

      Same challenge to you as below-

      Show us the proof Warren is American Indian in geneology? She couldn't but maybe you can-

  15. Irony:

    Encinitas used to be in CA 50. Now it's in CA 49. In CA 50, we had Randy Duke Cunningham and Brian Bilbray. In CA 49, we have Darrell Issa.

    While these three clowns got the majority of votes elsewhere, they didn't in Encinitas because our town has been a somewhat sane island in an otherwise nutcase district.

    Yet, here on the EU blog, we have more nutcases posting than thoughtful people who actually know what they're talking about and can back their statements up with documentary proof.

    1. 10:24 can you show us the genology proof that Warren is American Indian- she couldn't, but maybe you can.

      Can you explain why Warren was practicing law without a license?

      Can you explain why Warren took a reported $14M in questionable campaign donations thru a unregulated website?

      Those facts are - can you back up yours?

    2. 12:10

      I guess you just don't get it. You made accusations. That means you have to provide documentary proof they're correct.

      All you've given is hearsay.

    3. 6:58 wrong- if you have a fact to prove what is stated is false show it, otherwise shut the ........well you know

  16. Here you go, and yes Warren has some cash. But isn't that the American dream? Isn't that what we're all striving for? I don't remember her saying you shouldn't make money.

    That's the favorite spin of the right on people like Michael Moore, who I'm personally not a fan of because of the way I've seen him act in person. Dude's kind of a bully, but I digest. The point is, yes, he's made money off of his views, and some of them are not pro Wall Street. So what? That's what makes this country great.

    All of this stuff about Warren came out during the Senate campaign, which she won, BTW. So what's the big deal, evaluate her on what she's done and what she's attempting to do, not whether she claimed to be a Native American and what her bank account said. If we evaluated all our pols accounts, we'd have to eject most of them.

    Here's the key statement from the piece:

    "The race has already received a great deal of attention, with conservative groups such as Crossroads GPS, backed by Karl Rove, already running ads against Warren in Massachusetts. Today the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a powerful lobbying organization that represents many American businesses, announced their intentions to be “significantly involved” in the race."

    1. not surprising Lia-watha won her senate campaign- you see the facts are she raised more money from lawyers, bankers and seui unions then her opponent.

      Warren also was exposed by THe Boston Herald as having taken some $14M in questionable off shore money donation sites that are largely unregulated-

      So you see Lia-watha's claim that there is too much money in politics, too many insides witha seat at the table, is just a bunchy of crap to get elected-

      Kind of like Barth Shaffer KRanz saying they want to protect community characheter and then lying on the Prop A ballot

      Or maybe like Obama and his lie of the year 'If you like your plan you can keep it"

      Lia-watha Warren is in good company - by the way, I aslo think Mitch do nothing Mconnell is a big spendoing crony insider who needs to get booted out

    2. Ok, but then why single her out, you could make a more forceful claim on someone else in the senate, say Diane Feinstein or Barbara Boxer. They both have way more money than Warren, but appear a lot less on the radar of news organizations because they aren't going up against Wall Street and the banks.

      I don't see her as a savior, she has few skeletons, but what pol doesn't? We know every detail nowdays, no stone is unturned.

      My point is at least she's doing something to go against the status quo, to get better loan rules, to hold wall street accountable. Not too many others can say that. Is there some hypocrisy to her approach because of her background? Probably, but at least she's doing something..

    3. you getter better loan rules by being responsible and having good credit- it's not governments job to maintain my good credit score it's mine.

      By the way - the next bubble is the tuition student loan bubble - backed by taxpayers. The government enticed 'everyone to go to college' with easy loans, the increase in students and avaible credit allowed colleges to raise tuition rates- now we have a generation of adults graduating college who are in debt up to their eye balls thanks to the government

      Warren isn't do anything about it, she is out for herself

    4. It's disgusting that the Fed is trying to make a profit on college tuition. Shame on those who came up with this scam.

    5. Actually, the Federal govt is going to lose lots of money. They are making subsidized loans, many of which will be forgiven (see Obama giveaway to government workers) or defaulted.

    6. That may be but the interest rates they are charging for those loans derfered or subsidized is still obscene and many default for that very reason.

      It is not in the best interest for our nation to make a profit from our children and then send them to the poor house while they chase their American Dream.

      This is a major reason why we are lagging behind the rest of the developed world in higher education.

    7. I agree it's a horrible policy for the government to push student debt, just as it was a horrible policy for the government to encourage subprime mortgages.

      Now we have a student debt bubble to replace the housing bubble, and another generation is doomed unless they join the government to get loan forgiveness.

      But the six-figure college administrators and professors are laughing all the way to the bank, just as mortgage brokers and realtors were 10 years ago.

    8. You make great points. The endless cycle of the stock market bubble economy is destroying this country. Wall Street doesn't care either, they win every which way possible. It doesn't matter what type of bubble. Win, lose, short or bailout. Bear or Bull they continue to win.

    9. 12:08

      Warren beat incumbent Brown in Massachusetts. Now Brown is running as a carpetbagger from New Hampshire.

      If Karl Rove and his ilk are against Warren, that means any decent person should be for her.

    10. 7:01 Warren traded on a lie- her race.

      7:01 Warren outspent Brown by raising more money from the bankes she says she opposes and the seui unions and lawyers who profit from cronyism- now Warren claims to be an outsider.

      7:01 Warren practiced law without a license

      7:01 Warren profited and was paid huge sums of money by the bankers she now claims to oppose-

      Facts are facts-

      Scott Brown lived in NH before Mass and had a home there for many years ago.

      ps- I voted for Obama and sent him the man money three times- now go ahead and call me racists simply because I view the facts as they are- the truth

    11. Other than having an unusually strong desire to piss up a fire hose, I really don't know where you're going with this. I do not have much affinity towards Warren, but I understand what she's doing. Alternatively, while recognizing that Ted Cruz is a very bright person, I think he's being idiotic. Both are doing the same thing. By appealing to their base, and by eliciting emotional rather than logical reactions, they are trying to influence the middle. Regardless, either one has no real influence....... Clearly 7:06 et. al. have taken the bait, swallowed it whole, and are in danger of excreting it , hook, line and sinker, into some intellectual toilet bowl. Now as many of you may have already inferred, Wall St. is the teat I suck on, so in a perverse way I enjoy what Warren is trying to do. She's right more than she's wrong. I have nothing in common with Ted other than an appreciation for home cooked tamales delivered to the house still hot in the pot they were steamed in. A little Tapatio, a cold Tecate, and say hello to nirvana!! Ohhhhhhmmmmmmm.............

      - The Sculpin

    12. wow- that is racist and bigoted

      For the record- Ted Cruz spoke agaist the lie "IF you like your plan you can keep your plan"

      turns out Cruz was right- Obama lied

      But then Cruz alsow as right saying Obama, Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice lied abotu Benghazi

      Ok- go ahead now, calle a racists for having a different view of the facts then our lying President and Sec Sate. Oh yea, I voted for Obama as well- but don't let that stop your racist hate fest

    13. 7:06, where's the proof? Show the documentary evidence that proves your allegations.

    14. 9:15 you are apparently either very lazy or more interested in distratcing others. The facts on Warren were cited in the Herald, THe Globe and WSJ- she has no proveable American Indian Heritage , she took $14M in suspect from donations from sahdy online sites, she practiced law without a license, she represented and was paid by the bankers she now opposes and she made millions on real estate backed by those same bankers

      if you have facts that say otherwise put it out here. Shoe us Lia0-watha's family tree - she can't.

    15. You are the accuser, moron! Show the proof of your accusations! Post the links! The burden of proof is on you!

  17. 10:58-

    I donated and voted for President Obama-

    I oppose Warren, all written above about her lies of heritage, expoitation of the poor for personal proftable gain, practicing law without a license and getting donations from sketch sources is true.

    I watch many different news / editorials shows and read everything from the NY TImes and USA today to the WSJ, IBD and FT-

    Because someone lays out facts you attack them as right wing fox or rush listeners- why? to distract from the message- why? because you are more interested in your agenda then the truth

    own it

  18. Elizabeth Warren ??? This blog has really left the rails!!!

    1. I once knew a man who's first name was Warren .

  19. Would the new resident ALEC and Koch trolls please say if they agree or disagree what Ms Warren is saying now about the banking industry.

    1. what is the different between the Koch Brothers and the SEUI Unions and Andy Stern?

      The Koch brothers spend their own money as allowed by law to openly promote their agenda.

      Andy Stern and the SEIU take money from members that could be used for the those members to pay bills, tution or health care and instead use that money to promote the political agenda of Andy Stern and the SEIU Executive Staff- not the rank and file.

      see how it works? - I do.

    2. Isnt' the last paragraph the standard Union Busting comment, that the SEIU is taking from members?

      I'm never been in a union, and I probably never will be, but Unions brought us the 8 hour work day and a lot of other benefits. Corruption was a factor 50 years ago and it still goes today, but so few people are in Unions, I never understand the hatred, except that some of them enjoy what the rest of us have already had taken away, ie pensions...

  20. I think what Warren's "saying now" is about as trustworthy as Barth claiming she is for ethics and transparency after she lied on the Prop A ballot statement and worked behind the scenes with Vina to mislead the public.

  21. Answer the effing question troll

  22. ahhh- 1:46 I think 1:28 did answer the question- is nicely saying that the comments Warren is now making about banking have as much credibility as her claims that she is of American Indian decsent, or as much credibility as Barth signing a lie to the Ballot statement-

    Neither can be trusted.

    1. Listen, I asked you to answer the question. Her comments on the banks are facts and have nothing to do with her historic credibility.

    2. right- like Barth saying most encinitas residents want to protect community charachter and responsible spending- is her comment true- yes.

      So what did Barth then do, lie on a Prop A ballot statement and vote to spend our money irresponsibly.

      Warren, and for that matter Mitch McConnell- are just like Barth, say one thing, do another, hey, don't forget the other council members and Stocks are the same way - the company we keep

  23. did anyone catch that report in the WSJ last week how the California Senate has already spent all the money it plans to collect from tax and cap in 2015- even though they don't have it yet, and how all the cap and tax money they have already spent is mostly not going to environmental programs but pockets of elites like Al Gore?


    1. link

      While state law requires that these cap-and-trade "fees" fund programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Governor Jerry Brown last year seized, er, "borrowed" nearly all of the auction proceeds for general-fund expenses. Mr. Steinberg now plans to raise Mr. Brown by spending future cashflows on his personal favorites: 40% for "sustainable communities" (i.e., affordable housing in urban areas); 30% for mass transit; 20% for high-speed rail; and 10% for roads and bike paths.

      Smart Growth!

    2. The Agenda's out for the next Strategic Planning Council Meeting, re Community Planning. There is an emphasis on "smart growth." At least the public can speak, for a total of 15 minutes, between "goal" topics, this time, but why should it be limited like that. Once again, public speakers are given "short shrift." Why can't public speakers have at least three minutes, each per topic of discussion, even if for time purposes, we aren't allowed time donations at these Strategic Planning Sessions?

      Staff and other presenters have no time limits. Affordable housing advocates should be especially interested in the conversation, beginning at Page 98, of a 104 page staff report.

      Encinitas can meet state mandates through a new amnesty program. What we have on the books now is not a true amnesty. There are no incentives for people to come forward to put pre-existing accessory units on the books. Through the HUD guidelines, owners of density bonus projects, only have to put those affordable unit as moderate, low or very low income, for 30 years. The can have moderate income tenants, and they do not have to be required to have these units designated as such, in perpetuity. Why are developers given every advantage over individual homeowners with pre-existing units?

      The power point presentation, which is to be given by Kerry Kusiak incorrectly states:

      ADU (Affordable Unit Policy) [Now the price to apply to a program which is to benefit low income tenants, and senior homeowners, according to State Law, has been raised to $900 to apply for an ADU permit. That is not an amnesty. The public was not made aware of this increase in fees, as it was buried in a long staff report in 2009, which Council approved, in one fell swoop, increasing development fees. But fees for developers, according to a 2005 Court settlement, were reduced by 40% for multiple units, whereas affordable housing fees were then raised from $200 to $500 for an accessory unit. So that's a raise of 150%. These same fees went up to $900, in 2009, a total increase in fees of 450%, when builders, including of Pacific Station, were being given special tax break incentives, and didn't have to pay per unit development fees at the same level as an owner/builder, building his own home, or remodeling.

      ADU "Effective since January 1, 1996
      Replaced IDU program" (Illegal Dwelling Unit Policy) [The IDU policy was still posted on the Planning Department's page, as of 2007, available to download, and apply, with a cost of $200.

      "No longer allowed rental to moderate income
      _ 40-year period extended to “perpetuity
      Tenant income restricted to very low or low income"

    3. You can have the same time allotment as each council person - all you have to do is get elected.

    4. I don't think 6:12 was asking for the same time allotment as each council person, only that the Strategic Planning so-called public workshop public speakers should be allowed to speak the same amount of time, at least three minutes each, as at regular council meetings.

      Also, what takes up the most time at these strategic planning sessions are the presenters. Their marketing spiel goes on much longer than Council discussion.

      At the last April 2 strategic planning session, which was for health and safety focus topics, there were only about thee or four people present, who were not on staff, or presenters, or Council. Out of those three members of the public, one came in late; only one person spoke, Peter Kohl.

      According to his subsequent statements in the Coast News, after the April 14 Traffic and Safety Commission meeting, Kohl admitted he misconstrued what Council and Gus Vina had said, when Kohl, former Chair of the T&S Commission, announced there would be no discussion by the public or the commissioners of the agenda item which was Bob Bonde's presentation on behalf of the ETA.

    5. The council's Wednesday strategic plan meeting is a rehash of a subject residents rejected more than two years ago - Smart Growth, otherwise known as stack and pack. Sandag is making a long power point presentation which include mixed use buildings and the brightly colored photographs of how wonderful life with be with stack and pack condos.
      AECOM - is a global provider of architecture, design, engineering, and construction services for public and private clients. Wow, Encinitas has made the big time when the city manager and planning director can get a global company like AECOM to come in and give a presentation highlighting Pacific Station as the first photo.
      Council - wake up! You and previous councils KNOW that residents have said NO to your scheme, the city manager's scheme, and the planning director's scheme to force mixed-use and stack and pack on the five communities in Encinitas.
      Wednesday's presentations will be waste of everyone's time, including the council.

  24. Sabine's alter ego attorney Lusitania who sits in at the planning commission meetings just confirmed that the Desert Rose EIR ruling means that the project start all over again. Barth - are you listening?

    1. It's Gregory Lusitana, not to be confused with the ocean liner Lusitania.

    2. Barth should have realized that from the beginning, as soon as she read about the final judgment. Her newsletter, and her mind, are a week behind and "a dollar short."

      Think for yourselves, council members. We didn't elect Gus Vina, Glenn Sabine or Marco Gonzalez.

    3. Encinitas UndercoverMay 1, 2014 at 8:08 PM


      And it's Glenn Sabine, whose legal advice is often rightly confused with the Titanic.

    4. The Coast News has an article in the May 2 (tomorrow's) edition about the Desert Rose ruling's consequences. Two statements in the news piece seem to contradict themselves:

      Excerpted from the May 2 edition, by Jared Whitlock, Pg. A3, "Judge orders environmental report for development."

      "The council was wrong to approve the development in northeastern Olivenhain without seeking such a document [EIR], Judge Judith Hayes said in her decision . . ."

      Then later in the same news article:

      "In the coming weeks, Hayes will decide whether to overturn council's original approval of the project." [This second statement, apparently is the reporter's opinion, not a quote. It is factually incorrect.]

      The approval has already been overturned, or overruled, because approval of the Desert Rose density bonus project was found to be legally incorrect, and insufficient, based on substantial evidence that "`the project may cause a significant adverse effect on the environment,' Hayes said."

      The Coast News reporter, like Mayor Teresa Barth, in her newsletter, seems to be misinterpreting what Judge Hayes' ruling means.

      Both the recent UT article on Judge Hayes' final ruling and tomorrow's edition of the Coast News, stated Marco Gonzalez, the developer's attorney, didn't respond to recent requests for comments. Gonzalez' previous comments were quoted in the UT re Judge Hayes' Tentative Ruling, which is now final.

      Those previous comments and other statements by Gonzalez, staff, and probably Glenn Sabine, seem to have misled our outgoing mayor.

      Apparently, Gregory Lusitana, associate in the law firm of Sabine & Morrison, who also acts as a deputy city attorney, admitted at tonight's Planning Commission Meeting that the Desert Rose EIR ruling means that the project must start all over again. Thank you, 6:49.

  25. Kristin Gaspar is calling herself the MAYOR ELECT in several post ,what's up with that.

  26. well considering how the white house and national press corps are promoting the lie that the benghazi murder of the US Ambassador was because of a movie should we be surprised local officials and their palace guards are spreading lies of their own?

  27. 9:21 where do we find these posts where GASpar states that?

  28. 9:21 why do you make this shit up!

  29. I did a Google search and sure enough there is a picture of her with 2 men associated with the Leichtag Foundation and lists her as Mayor Elect. She has to get elected by the voters first.

  30. The definition of "Mayor Elect" is elected mayor who has not yet taken office. Therefore, the use of this term is inaccurate as no voting by the public has taken place to elect Wonder Woman as mayor.

    1. Whoever captioned that photo was confused. KG is the upcoming mayor, for the final six months of 2014, as appointed by Council, our last appointed mayor. So maybe that photo should have been captioned, "mayor select."

    2. Correct, and here is the post..

  31. OMG, you want to bitch about the confusion of her title by a group within our community?

    1. 1:13 None of us here on this blog have any confusion about GASpar's title. The only one who seems to be confused is GASpar. She needs to understand that: 1) She must be reelected in order to have a seat on council. 2) If she is running for the elected mayor position, she needs to win the election and be voted into office.

      See how it works? That is how elections are run.. The people select. GASpar does not select.

      She may not win a seat on the council. O MA GOD!

    2. This 'Mayor Elect', supposed controversy/error 5:39 is exactly the reason that most people, over 99% of the electorate, do not run for office. The person going on about this error needs to contact Leichtag not Gaspar. And probably also get a job or some therapy while we are at it.

    3. 7:43 It's a damn good thing you are not running for an elected office. You sound as ignorant as GASpar. You must be related or one of her beloved friends. She does provide therapy...sounds like you need some. GASpar has the responsibility of contacting Leichtag to correct the error. No one else here had anything to do with that event. O MA GOD!

  32. She was elected mayor by the city council. There was a vote. Maybe not the conventional use of the term "Mayor Elect", but really so bad?

  33. We, the people, elect by vote. The council votes and appoints. Mayor Elect in this case is not used correctly. If this is how ignorant our upcoming mayor is, hold on for the ride.

    1. Do you really think she wrote the caption under the picture? Good Grief. Get a life.

    2. 8:29 Good Grief...I don't think anyone said she wrote it, but she needs to correct it or she will start out on the very wrong foot. Maybe it's one of her magic tricks?

    3. No way is it her job or responsibility to "correct" the caption. What exactly should she do? Write you an email?
      She probably should not refer to herself as "Mayor Elect", but there is no information she has done that. She's going to be mayor soon enough.

    4. 10;20 No, she should take out a full page ad in the local paper and declare she is NOT MAYOR ELECT. What part don't you get? Better take some government courses before shooting your trap off. Just say 'in.

    5. Really?
      What imaginary world do you live in?

    6. 3:15 "...before shooting your trap off."
      Nice talk. Just a little over the edge.

  34. Kristin Gaspar = Showmanship NOT Leadership. Great at a party but little else.

  35. It will be one great party, including sand, rocks and jars. Can't wait to see what other magic tricks she can perform. I do like the disappearing act best.

  36. I only wish she could make some disappear.

  37. Check with the city attorney. He will tell her she can call herself whatever she wants. That is his standard answer.

  38. John Kerry came out today and said "I will not allow my committment to Israel to be questioned by anyone" after comparing Israel with an Aparthied state-

    Kind of sounds like when Stocks and Norby told the UT that anymore comments are the ERAC committee could be met with a lawsuit-

    see how it works? local and national - americans are no longer encouraged to hold elected leaders accountable and instead are threatened by the governing aristocracy-

    1. Well, not to change the topic, but when has the U.S. wavered in its support for Israel. Answer: Never.

      It's the old saw, In France, the government fears the people, in the U.S., the people fear the government. We need to turn that around through sheer force of numbers so we don't have to hear about the 28, or Jerome, or Gus...

  39. Did anyone attend the Scripps Hospital Gala last weekend? Gaspar had a family photo ad in the program. It said Mayor of Encinitas 2014, Council Member Kristin Gaspar. Paid for by Kristin Gaspar for City Counil 2014. Looks to me like she knows what she is doing.

    1. Her "handlers" know what they're doing....

    2. Yea, make the voters think that she has an independent brain...
      Scarecrow Gap-spar... on the road to Mega Oz!

    3. Not bad for a mental munchkin, 2:53 pm.

  40. She's mayor for the remainder of 2014 which totals about 6 months which was a shared position with Barth.

  41. I think Kristin said from the Dias at council meeting , that anyone running for mayor should not be the mayor but that's when she thought Teresa was going to run.The rules according to Gaspar it changes when it's to her advantage.Has anyone seen the movie MEAN GIRLS ------- just say'n

  42. The council's Wednesday strategic plan meeting is a rehash of a subject residents rejected more than two years ago - Smart Growth, otherwise known as stack and pack. Sandag is making a long power point presentation which include mixed use buildings and the brightly colored photographs of how wonderful life with be with stack and pack condos.
    Another power point presentor is AECOM. AECOM - is a global provider of architecture, design, engineering, and construction services for public and private clients. Wow, Encinitas has made the big time when the city manager and planning director can get a global company like AECOM to come in and give a presentation highlighting Pacific Station as the first photo.
    Council - wake up! You and previous councils KNOW that residents have said NO to your scheme, the city manager's scheme, and the planning director's scheme to force mixed-use and stack and pack on the five communities in Encinitas.
    Wednesday's presentations will be waste of everyone's time, including the council.

  43. These poor saps can't help themselves, as in our council members and their staff and slimy gus and glenn, but to continually bring in outside influencers after refusing to listen to their public. Wake up already! More stratergery sic from slimy gus and they buy into it nonstop. Utter failure to do their jobs. Staff utter failure to do their jobs. ca and cm utter failure to do their jobs. To represent the community that elected them to represent us and not do so is the ultimate betrayal of the publics trust. To refuse to see they have been played for fools for the last two years is irredeemable. Occasionally there are hints of wanting to address outstanding issues but as of yet none have gone anywhere. Meanwhile we have BS Mountain advocates inserting themselves and their Murdoch philosophy onto our local treasured resource for the truth. Electioneering has begun and division and distraction is their motivation. Don't buy into it. Getting in with the pigs does nothing and one soon will realize they love it in there mucking around in their own filthy waste. Lets let them enjoy their lives in there and not join in to debate their sick views. We will not be changing any of their minds, that is for sure, so lets let them rail on in inconsequence on their own and perhaps if they don't get a response they will give up. They thrive on creating controversy. If we don't respond to their baiting they will go back under the rock where they belong eventually or go someplace else. The courier would welcome them all you can be sure.

  44. 11:52

    In my opinion the Prop A effort by the residents was the single most important action residents could take to protect their rights to liberty, freedom and self-determination.

    Thank you to all who worked so hard to write, educate and pass the the Prop A initiative.

    Now, soon to be named Mayor Gaspar will begin pushing her stack and pack agenda and destruction of community characther initiatives by continuing the city manager's overlay myth in conjunction with her campaign donors like ERAC committee member and out of town developer Doug Harwood. Look for new council led by Gaspar to look at destroying the Cardiff Strawberry Fields -as part of the Cal Trans- SANDAG regional stack and pack transit center development planning.

    All five council members including soon to be named Mayor Gaspar signed their names to the ballot statement lie that was mailed to every voter in Encinitas - that is how little Gaspar and the others think of residents and taxpayers.

    Thank you to the Prop A residents. We will have to fight just as hard to keep it.

    Andrew Audet

    1. Is 11:52 the same Andrew Audet that settled a HUGE case for his own alleged campaign violations? Is that how little he thinks of taxpayers and voters? Is that open and fair government? Cough, cough! Hypocrit is thy name.


    2. The case against Audet and two others was brought by political operatives, presumably acting in alliance with Stocks, and other Republicans. The case was "huge" only in terms of attorney fees. The defendants settled because they couldn't afford to drag out the case any longer in court.

      This Moser/Eiler lawsuit happened after the FPPC wrote a letter to Audet et al saying it wouldn't pursue a complaint, because inadvertent disclosure mistakes had been corrected. Missing information had been supplied.

      Moser and Eiler then "went to town," and abused the system in the name of the Private Attorney General Act, bringing their own, private civil complaint, which they could do, BECAUSE the FPPC chose NOT to bring one. That won't happen again, because everyone, including the DA and the FPPC now knows how to defeat Moser/Eiler's standard operating procedure, and their hypocritical, selective enforcement to punish a targeted few.

      Moser and the 6:30 comment are hypocritical, because Moser was formally sued by the FPPC. It's a matter of record that he settled for $7000, when the original complaint was for $14,000. Moser had failed to timely file all his campaign disclosures, himself. That's where he got the idea of suing his political opponents for the same "transgressions."

      All concerned realize that dirty tricksters abused legal process in order to squelch freedom of speech and assembly, and to punish their political opponents. We know Jerome Stocks posts on local blogs. Is Moser posting here, too, still acting as Stocks' meat puppet?

      6:30: Hypocrite! Thy name is thou.

      While you are attempting to quote Shakespeare, why don't you learn how to spell hypocrite? Also, you've got the entire quote wrong.'hypocrisy-thy-name-is-you'-from

      "What Shakespeare play is the line 'hypocrisy thy name is you' from?

      Answer: There isn't one. In Hamlet, he says "Frailty, thy name is woman." "hypocrisy thy name is you' isn't any sort of famous line."

      Where does the phrase "Hypocrisy thy name is _____" come from?

      Q: "I have been looking for the origins of this saying, but all I find are political jokes and articles. I was hoping someone might know offhand so I don't have to sort through all that junk."

      Best answer: It sounds like a parody of Shakespeare's "Frailty, thy name is woman." Hamlet says it when he's whining about his mom screwing his uncle."

      The politicians and pundits probably changed "frailty" to "hypocrisy." By keeping the rest of the quote, they retain the implication of weakness and, well, frailty."

      Heaven and earth,
      Must I remember? Why, she would hang on him
      As if increase of appetite had grown
      By what it fed on, and yet, within a month—
      Let me not think on't—Frailty, thy name is woman!—

      Hamlet Act 1, scene 2, 142–146

    3. 6:30 you re not only factually wrong, you are also a coward -

      will you sign your name to your beliefs? didn't think so.


    4. Lucky thing that Andrew has already voted himself off the island: like Canler, he is incapable of reporting facts or exhibiting any objectivity. Making payments on that fine from the FPPC, Andrew?

    5. 7:47 troll alert. No one has voted themselves "off the island," Gutless.

    6. 9:27 Ironic that you post anonymously then condemn somebody else for being a gutless coward because he/she didn't sign a post.

    7. 3:53- the anoymous yahoo denigrates a person WHO DID sign their name- got it?

    8. But 9:27, who I guess is the same person at 4:39, didn't sign his/her name. That's the point. Got it?

    9. your logic is ridiculous 10:06 - i don't post my name, neither do you, but hats off to people who do- would you agree?

  45. Prop A is the best thing to happen in Encinitas in the more than 50 years since I showed up in town. One of my proudest possessions is the commemorative pin I received for contributing to the effort to pass Prop A.

    It is to the current council's continuing shame that they opposed Prop A and have been trying to undermine it since it passed.

  46. Wasn't candidate Blakespear on ERAC? I understand that her father is a big time developer.

  47. Her father has passed away- how about a little respect loser

    what has not passed away is Gaspar's disastorous record of financial mismanagement and questionable malfeasance-

    like when Gaspar approved taking $66,000 out of the hands of taxpayers and using it to pay a survey firm that her husband Paul then used to send out electioneering like propaganda for his wife on the back of taxpayers-

    1. Barth voted for the Satisfaction Survey, as well. $66,000 was for a three year contract, $20K the first year, $22K this year, and $24K in 2016. All the public speakers said no, please don't do the survey, as it will be used to benefit incumbents.

      All of Council, including Barth voted to do them. Jim Bond had questioned doing them during election years, as had public speakers, but Bond voted along with Stocks, Muir, Gaspar and Barth, to go ahead.

      When Barth's image wasn't used on the We Love Encinitas campaign propaganda, she flipped out. But she was all for the survey, until she was left out of the mailer.

    2. Maybe her mug will grace one of those lampshade posters! At least it'll drive away the seagulls...

    3. While you are busy ranting here in this echo chamber, Gaspar is lapping you and the current Majority in the real world, that you put up on the dais.

      You deserve responsibility, but won't take it. Why?

  48. Blakespear wasn't sure which committee, ERAC or GPAC, she was on.

    "To be on ERAC or not to be on ERAC,..." (Oh, that was Shakespeare)

  49. I wish we could dump all the idiots and start over.

    1. Tony out front of Pacific View with Marla Stritch,"A tale told by an idiot(s), signifying nothing..." Yeah, except $10 mil we ain't got!

      Rumor is Tony will run against Gaspar?

    2. we're doomed

  50. Shakespeare, I love it! To support PV or to not support PV that is the question. I like it if we could of got a good deal - duhhhhhhhhhh!

  51. 3:00 - Blakespear's father is very much alive and well...where you getting your information from and why do you want to throw folks off this fact?
