Thursday, October 30, 2014

A little background on where our City Manager learned the ropes

Stockton, California:
Beginning in the 1990s, the city and employee unions negotiated such high salaries and benefits that pay packages were more than 25% above what other cities were offering, said Kathy Miller, a Stockton city councilwoman.

Police and firefighters could retire at 50, while other city employees could retire at 55. All employees received free medical care in retirement with plans that didn’t require co-pays.

There were bonuses “for almost everything imaginable,” Miller had explained in a video she created in 2012 to explain why the city had been forced to seek bankruptcy protection. “If you drove the front of a fire truck, if you drove the back of a fire truck, if you got a degree or certificate, even if it was for something that had nothing to with your job.

“Stockton employees made pension spiking into an art form, using overtime and add pays in their final working years to secure much larger pensions for the rest of their lives.”
[Gus] Vina began working with the city of Sacramento as budget manager in July 1999, coming from the city of Stockton, where he had worked for a decade.
With a resume like that, it's no wonder our City Council was "giddy" to hire him!

Stockton, of course, isn't a highly desirable Southern California beach town, and so didn't have the option of getting out of its pension and debt problems via massive development. So we've got that going for us.


  1. So I heard the KLCC really hates roundabouts and downed the Beautiful Palm Trees in the Leucadia Blvd. and Hymettus roundabout. That sucks. They were beautiful trees. More blight for Leucadia just the way they like it.

    When they find the individual, they should press criminal charges and fine the snot of them plus the full cost to replace the three 10'-30' trees downed.

    Crying shame. I hate the KLCC.

    1. That's right. A careless east bound KLCC member got drunk, ran over 2 landscaped medians then knocked down two palms in the roundabout. Had not it been a roundabout, they could have creamed someone in the intersection but good. What I don't get is why did the city cut the trees up and leave them there all day with red cones? Did the KLCC want to send them to Disneyland?

  2. and City Council needs to fire Vina and hire a real City Manager. That is why I would not vote for any of these losers that were already council members including Cameron. They have already proven they are loser City Council members. Time for some new blood that will hopefully not snuggle up to the known loser for Encinitas.

  3. This is exactly what people have been crying about on this blog, during council members and other places trying desperately to get the council's attention that we have a problem with our city manager. When, oh when, will they get it?

    What Vina has done in his tiny little voice is "fool" the council into thinking everything is going along swimmingly, when in fact we are and will be in deep trouble. He has every one petrified to go against him.

    If we vote in the same council people, we will continue to see this city go up in ruins. I would not be proud to say that we had a city manager that screwed us over royally and now we as a beautiful city have to file bankruptcy.

    Get a clue council before it's too late.

    Gaspar, if elected mayor again, will enable Vina to continue on the path of destruction. That will be her legacy. Is this what she/we want for Encinitas? I hope not.

  4. Stuff it with yer KLCC already.

  5. Stuff it with your KLCC candidate already! Vote for anyone but Cameron.

  6. Someone trashed me for bringing up that we have 725 employees. I found this information on Transparent California, which is also on this website. Here is what it says:
    All salaries for Encinitas
    725 employee records found – Page 1 of 15
    Download records | Discuss records | View all localities
    You can click on the link right under Encinitas City Web Site on the sidebar of the EU and see for yourself.

    1. I apologize for the rudeness of the commenters.

      Those records include people who did a few hundred bucks of contract work in prior years, like day camp counselors in 2011.

      That's why it's important to filter data like this for common sense things as I did here on pensions.

    2. EU is right. That's why FTE matters. FTE=full time equivalent. In a standard 40 hour work week, the work could be one by one person working all 40 hours, two people working 20 hours each, or 40 people working an hour each. Assuming everyone is getting the same hourly rate, the cost to the city is the same in any of these scenarios. The database you found would show this as one, two, or 40 workers.

    3. FTE matters ?? Not really. Standing around the water cooler isn't work nor is it working. And please don't tell us fire fighters put in 40 hour weeks as FTE. They don't, 2-3 days on then 4 days off isn't work. Going to Von's to buy groceries isn't work. Sleeping isn't work either.
      Anyone that re-elect the same trash we have as council people is a bigger idiot than the city manager.

    4. If you are suggesting that Encinitas staff are not productive, there's an easy way to study that. The annual report (CAFR) has all kinds of stats on different transactions: inspections, building permits processed, business licenses processed, reports generated, etc. You could create a simple metric for transactions per FTE. Since all cities pretty much report the same stuff, you could compare Encinitas staff productivity to other cities.

      I honestly don't know what that would show, but I'd be very interested in the data if you have the time to do it right (I don't).

      If your point was just to complain generally without any analysis, then you won't find this suggestion very helpful, I'm afraid.

      As for the FD, I'm not sure what point you are making. It's the nature of FD work that a team has to be available, ready, rested, and near the equipment at all times. Unfortunately, cleaning and maintaining the equipment only takes so much time. Firefighters end up watching a lot of movies while getting paid--not sure there's anything to be done about that. When they go shopping at Vons, they have electronic dispatch, so they are ready to go on a call at any time. Would you rather keep the team in the station, and pay an additional person to go shopping? Grocery delivery ( may actually be the best solution from the perspective of readiness and wear and tear on equipment.

    5. The city could give idle firefighters work to do that's now done by overcompensated employees at City Hall and other locations. Firefighters in Encinitas have plenty of free time. The city could fill that free time with productivity.

    6. 8:22 PM

      Maybe you're referring to me. Google is a wonderful tool but if you don't know what you're looking at or have no frame of reference then it can be a detriment. So when you think you see that the city has 725 employees and dutifully print that on this blog, you create confusion and misinformation.

      Yes I know the 725 number was prominently displayed on the main page for Encinitas but if you don't have the instinct to doubt how a small city could have that many employees or the inclination to dig a little deeper then maybe a little chiding is called for.

      But rigorous research isn't a big deal here and the more you can inflame, the better.

      Take EU's claim about Vina's role as budget manager. EU just doesn't understand how government works. A budget manager has only so much power and most of that is on the process side. If a city council wants to do stupid things, no matter the reason, the budget manager can only advise about the impacts. I'm not saying the Stockton city council was smart or had good advice. I'm also not trying to claim Vina was a good budget manager but the responsibility rests with a city council. That responsibility for Encinitas appears to vacillate here between the council being under Vina's magical spell and the council being a bunch of idiots.

    7. As 9:16 AM points out, current standards for most cities have full time, 24 hour fire department staffing to enable immediate dispatch. There is only so much maintenance and training one can do in a day. Many fire departments work in three shifts with a shift being 24 hours so the firemen live at the station. They cook their own meals and buy their own food. When you see a fire truck at Vons with the whole crew that is so the truck can be dispatched immediately from there if need be.

      Maybe you'd rather go back to the way it was done in my childhood when there were only a few full time firemen and the rest were volunteers so the truck would wait for everyone to show up. Then we wouldn't worry about response time impacts of roundabouts.

      Oh, I'm not a fireman nor do I idolize them so please think up a new reason to dismiss me.

    8. 8:22,

      Take EU's claim about Vina's role as budget manager.

      There is no "EU's claim." That's a quote from a news source.

      But to your broader point, yes, I get it. It's a big bureaucracy and nobody's responsible for anything, we're only following orders, etc. Vina's role in Stockton is not the issue here. The point is he has never worked in a responsibly run city in his whole career, whether as a captain or as a deckhand.

    9. You might have noticed the title referenced where he "learned the ropes," and did not say "Everything was his fault."

    10. 11:51 AM & 1:05 PM

      EU. Please. You're becoming as slippery as those politicians and bureaucrats that are the targets on this blog. At least the ones you claim are slippery. What are you, Fox News? "I report you decide". You're just the epitome of innocence and fair play. If that were so I doubt you'd get half the commenters here.

    11. How many are full time, ie cut out seasonal lifeguards, part time drivers etc....

    12. So here's the question, who should the city be targeting, what targets are out there who have proven they can really manage the budget? I know about Rick Cole of Pasadena and a few other cities, but that's the depth of my knowledge.

      Here's the last three guys: Kerry Miller, Phil Cotton, Gus Vina. None were real great in my estimation, especially Cotton, the former jarhead and leader of parks and rec/facilities. I'd like to know how that prepares you for handling a budget.

      My point is, just trying to boot someone without a good potential group of replacements leads to the same thing happening over and over.


    13. 2:42,

      If you are this traumatized by my pointing out that the city council hired a city manager whose only city experience was in two complete financial train wrecks, then I suggest you stop reading this blog entirely.

      Please confine your reading to council members' newsletters, and the city-run Peak Democracy blog. You will find the information there much more soothing.

    14. Sorry EU. 2:42 here. I guess I just won't stop thinking for myself and continue to hold a high standard on researching facts. Nice try with the "traumatized" comment by the way but you're just "slip, slip, slipping away". Not even sure why I'd be traumatized but sling away if it makes you feel better.

      Sorry to disappoint you but I often don't agree with council members. Sometimes I don't agree with staff and sometimes I think they are in error. Paying $10M for PV for example. I just love how you and so many others have tried to distance yourselves from any responsibility for that. That's a chunk of money each year that we can't use for other purposes. And the $10M is only to buy it.

      You are ignorant of how organizations work, especially governments. I'm not saying that Encinitas runs perfectly, far from it, but your ignorance just adds to the confusion.

      Actually, I'd wager you read the council newsletters more often then I do. And the only reason I read this blog is to see what crazy ideas are being floated because I don't want them to have any influence outside your tribe here.

      Speaking of traumatized, maybe it applies to your (and others) reaction to Peak Democracy. You'd think it was the devil incarnate.

    15. Let's make a deal: you stop asserting that I mean something that I never wrote, and I'll stop imagining that you're traumatized.

    16. And if you're going to call me ignorant of how organizations work, please cite specific statements and explain how they demonstrate ignorance.

      And no, your imaginary subtext about Stockton and Sacramento being all Vina's fault doesn't count.

    17. 10:15 AM Bag groceries at Vons - the fire engine is there a lot anyway.

  7. You say the employees love Vina, then you say the employees hate Vina - get your story straight!

    1. who cares… the point is Encinitas thinks Vina is a terrible City Manager and must go. This was Barth's biggest mistake and they other pansies just fell in line with the hug fest.

      They need to DO THEIR JOB and FIRE VINA!

  8. HOT OF THE LATEST 460 FORM: Keith Harrison, the biggest property developer in town, max. out his campaign donation to Kranz and Blakespear.


    1. 10:37, You're right. The restoration of the vintage buildings housing Cafe Ipe, Surfy Surfy and Santos Art Gallery was a BIG monetary expense for its property owner and developer KH. So also is his current restoration / enhancement of the Pacific Surf Inn which he has began. Why can't developers like him and CM restoring two old motels on 101 leave our buildings alone to die a natural death? If more KLCC members would get on the council, they could make this town the great place it used to be with the charming roll of tumbleweeds blowing across the peaceful wasteland Mother Nature intended.

    2. Don't worry about Keith Harrison not having money. He paid $12M for the Quail Gardens Corporate Center on Encinitas Blvd.

    3. 12:51, How dare he!

    4. Point is, save your tears.

    5. Is that the goofy offices with a sign at knee level?

    6. I don't know, Keith Harrison, or anything about his development activities other than the above building. I looked at the building on Encinitas Blvd., with the perspective of renting (or buying). My reaction was that this is a labor of love, and that there is no way the developer is going to make money on it. It's a great space, with very nice and expensive materials, very nicely done. If this is the kind of development the fellow wants, I'm all for it. We have a lot of blighted strip malls, shabby unmaintained buildings in need of improvement.

    7. 8:58 AM
      Harrison bought the building after someone else developed and built it. So, did you rent or is the building all condos?

    8. Since so many commenters here love to trash government, I assumed they are in the private sector. I guess I'm wrong. Why else would people trash someone like Keith Harrison for taking a "vintage" building that became an eyesore and turn it into a vibrant spot with Cafe Ipe, art gallery and surf shop. And doing it by refurbishing the building while maintaining its character. God forbid he make any money doing it.

      Maybe everyone here built their own houses and office buildings. You know, the rugged, go it alone types.

    9. 12:02 AM
      Who is CM?

    10. Charles Marvin, who made up the acronym KLCC, and mischaracterizes anyone who questions five three way intersection one-lane roundabouts on 101 as weed/dirt lovers, bicyclist and pedestrian haters, none of which descriptors are true.

      Leucadians love an artscape and a greenscape canopy, not cementscape circles.

      Leucadia Blvd., during peak traffic periods is a nightmare. The two roundabouts didn't replace any stop signs or traffic signals, they are between the railroad tracks, traffic light at Vulcan, stop sign at Hygeia, and another traffic signal at Orpheus. The timing of the traffic signals is impossible.

      Roundabouts may be better than traffic signals, but in Leucadia they have been used in addition to, not instead of, traffic signals and stop signs, creating back-up, and more collisions, not less at those intersections where they've been installed.

  9. Keith Harrison is the reason Tony did a 180 on prop A

  10. Harrison is very upset with Prop A and believes he can change it with the new general plan update. He is now lining up Kranz and Blakespear to support this change.

    1. Of course he is; Prop A killed his "boutique hotel" that couldn't have been too boutique if Prop A interfered. He showed his colors last year with his famous 30' trellis lie.

    2. Take a look at the "house" Harrison is building on the NE corner of Third and C streets across from the Moonlight Beach parking lot.

      He owns everything from 101 to Third between C and Cottonwood Creek canyon except for the two houses in the middle of the four facing Third Street.

      Don't trust Harrison, Kranz and Blakespear with our heritage.

    3. Yes. That "house" (or, just, house) looks expensive. I bet he's trying to make "money" on it.

      What an "A-hole."

      This town was better before the Diegueño started over developing it.

  11. Cameron hates pedestrians, bicyclists, and the streetscape. She will be going down in flame and we all will be laughing hysterically next time she steps foot in the Council Chambers. Just like Yost.

    1. 6:07

      I don't always agree with Ms. Cameron, but I respect her right to free speech on city issues. WIn or lose citiznes who take an interest in city business are good for the community. I thank Ms. Cameron for the effort and she has my vote.

    2. Sheila doesn't have my vote, but I still respect what she has done for our city and hopes she continues the good work as a private citizen.

    3. CM = Crap Master = crappy pappy = fecal obsessive, hater of those who want to keep Leucadia funky, which he equates with his infamous crap.

      Keeping Leucadia funky embraces bicyclists, pedestrians, a greenscape, and an artscape, NOT a cementscape.

      SC, Sheila Cameron loves Leucadia. That's why she and Julie Graboi and a few other key individuals were able to create a grassroots campaign that ended up accomplishing the passage of Prop A. Our hats are off to them, and we won't ever forget their efforts to save the laid back beachtown, and for Olivenhain, the more rural quality of life of our neighborhoods.

  12. Saw a zombie at i5 waving to people.

    I think it's sign said I hate Leucadia.

  13. The zombies eyes freaked me out. I was at Leucadia Boulevard and I five and it scared The bejesus out of me

  14. And so to the thread's point, Encinitas is for sale to cover irresponsible spending, both on salaries/pensions, capital projects, and our knee-jerk hiring of consultants every time someone sneezes. Residents here care deeply about where, when, and how the town grows, which means city hall has a big problem.

    All the "state mandates" language in the world is not going to get them out of the jam they've put themselves in. Residents are not buying what Vina & Co. are selling.

    1. The council buys Vina's crap and all of his strategic planning nonsense. Some one please send this guy packing soon.

      Vote NO on all incumbents. They are wasting our money and ruining our city.

  15. If you support Keith Harrison, you support high, bonus density growth PERIOD!
    He was a big financial contributor to the antic Prop A campaign. DON'T BE FOOLED! Go look for yourself.

    Kranz and Blakespear are sell-outs!

    Vote Cameron and Grabio!

  16. Teresa Barth was waving both Kranz and Blakespear signs yesterday. She looked like an idiot.

    1. She is an idiot.

    2. Maybe she can borrow Gaspar's Wonder Woman suit....

    3. She did have a big white thumb on one of her hands. Kind of looked like a paler shade of grey.

    4. Departing office as a clown.

  17. Cameron and Grabio are picking up steam at the right time! Their going to win.

    1. What are they picking up, people by the I-5? Who has the last minute mailers: Blakespeare, Lerch, Barbie....

      Your winners: Barbie and Blakespeare...

  18. Often this blog and commenters link candidates to supporters and funders to get an insight as to the issues and character of the candidates via the company that they keep.

    Cameron's and Graboi's best friend and supporter Delores Welty, is awfully quiet and staying behind the scenes this year. This might be the reason why.

    1. And yet they threw out this case for lack of evidence. Delores is a good person, I've spoken to her at city hall. Let's leave her out of it and off the blog. Anyone with half a clue knows the real issue in this country is voter disenfranchisement. If Obama's election proved one thing, it's that the Republicans get that they don't have the demographics going their way, but they don't get how to convince women, minorities and kids to vote for them. Tough nookie, sez this independent.

  19. It's holloween !!! It's Friday night!!! That means hot drunk girls dressed as strippers, whores and sluts in downtown Encinitas!!! I'll be at Union about 6:30 to get a great seat, join me.
    Free parking at CLG.

  20. Here's something that's been tugging at me this election season.....
    - The Sculpin

    “Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.”

    - Dwight D. Eisenhowser, 1954

    1. “P̶o̶l̶i̶t̶i̶c̶s̶ Complaining ought to be the part-time profession of every Encinitas citizen who would p̶r̶o̶t̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶i̶v̶i̶l̶e̶g̶e̶s̶ question the motives and impugn the character of f̶r̶e̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ anyone who disagrees, and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in o̶u̶r̶ ̶n̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶i̶t̶a̶g̶e̶ 1960s Encinitas.”

      There. I fixed it for you.

      --Somerandom Encinitas Citizen, 2014

    2. Spoken like a true profit driven developer.

    3. 1:11 making my point. thank you.

    4. At what point in Encinitas' development should it all have been shut down because it reached the ideal development? 1950's? 60's? 70's? etc.

      Please tell us so we can send the late comers packing.

    5. We're coming by to watch you pack your bags, please be ready...

    6. 1970 would be OK. The freeway opened in '66, and PCH was deserted. Encinitas was great back then. When PCH was the only north-south road on the coast, the traffic was horrendous.

    7. 2:02 PM The only point you have is the top of your head.

    8. 70's - yea, that's about right.

    9. 70's huh. Then I expect 3:01 PM to be all packed and can come by to help me and the rest of us.

  21. Don't you have to put blame on some of the council people in Stockton who voted in these increases? That and the voters who kept rubber stamping the council members. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

    1. Good point. Where's the evidence that Vina was responsible for Stockton's and Sacramento's problems?

    2. Small-town council members are generally not financial experts and often rely on city managers' hand-picked consultants for advice on these issues (sound familiar?).

      Here's Richard Rider on the issue (yes, he's a Republican, but please consider the argument on its merits. It may sound very familiar to what you've seen in Encinitas):

      Pension consultants and actuaries are hired by the very people who profit MOST from the pensions (think city managers). If such an outside contractor comes to the wrong conclusions about a proposed increase in pensions -- raising objections -- that will be the last government consulting job they will EVER have. For years I've tried to explain this to politicians, but they LOVE the sage wisdom of their top staff and trust them to pick "objective" consultants.

      The most culpable people in our local pension disasters have been the city managers and the county CAO's. Both groups have the ability to understand the numbers, and both groups have (until recently) CONSISTENTLY lied to "their" politicians in large part because they were advising on their OWN substantial six-figure pensions -- and retiree health plans.

      They've always been wrong -- dramatically understating the risks. But they all are retiring with their full fat pensions (and STILL loved by most of their elected bosses).
      Sadly, gullible politicians compete for the "dumb and dumber" award. And the competition is INTENSE.

    3. That's a given — common knowledge. If you posted it as proof Vina is responsible for Stockton's and Sacramento's troubles, you missed the bull's eye.

    4. 8:34,

      You're having reading comprehension problems.

      Where did I claim Vina is responsible for Stockton's and Sacramento's troubles? In fact I explicitly disavowed that straw man at 11:51 and again at 1:05, not to mention that the original post never made any claim that could possibly be construed as such.

    5. So we can lay a lot of our pension mess at the feet of Cotton and Miller. So I go back to my question, how do we go about vetting a new city manager who has the financial salt to do it the right way? Otherwise you're just talking about dumping Vina and getting someone who's the same or even worse.

      Council people are not financial gurus, they never will be. The best mind we had was Dennis Holz, and I don't know if he even qualifies.

      I remember hearing that there were better, and more expensive candidates when Vina was hired, but that Maggie for one said she would only pay XXX amount, and that signifigantly lowered the talent pool....

    6. 9:01,

      Thinking totally out of the box here, but how about a city manager from out of state who has run a similarly sized city responsibly, cut overhead in order to support infrastructure maintenance, and not relied on massive development to fund liabilities?

      There are plenty of cities out there across America that pay way less than we do, where the city manager would love a pay bump and the great Encinitas lifestyle and weather.

      Of course, if you let the consultants define the position as requiring California experience, then we're pretty much locked in to overpaid underperformers.

    7. California experience. ?? Nonsense. I know 50 people in this city that would do the job for half the money Vina ripsoff. The council is made up of fools elected by more fools. Encinitas a fools paradise!!

    8. EU, are you familiar with the word "implication"?

    9. 11:46,

      pro·jec·tion noun \prə-ˈjek-shən\
      the attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects

    10. EU:

      Blind to your own bias? There's an unmistakable implication in your Stockton/Sacramento/Vina posts that you blame him for their woes and link that alleged responsibility to his performance in Encinitas.

      I'm not defending him, but your linkage is facile. If you want to assign blame, report the facts that give it justification. You're assuming. That's irresponsible.

      And thanks for the Psychology 101 lesson. I learned it more than 50 years ago.

    11. Why is it so difficult for you to concede the possibility that I meant exactly what I wrote?

      You're beating a dead horse, and you're wrong.

    12. 1:30 — And you meant what you implied.

      If you want to attack Vina, dig below the surface of what he's done here. There's plenty to find.

    13. Your obsessive and false accusations are becoming extremely annoying. For the last time, I neither meant nor implied what your twisted mind is imagining, and in fact explicitly disavowed it multiple times.

      Further idiotic comments asserting motives and beliefs that don't exist will be deleted.

    14. Gee, such petulance!

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. 10:28 AM Now I know you're a weasel! "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

      But I'm sure you'll just delete this as well so as not to disturb your followers. Got to drink the cool-aid.

  22. Time to drop that pig!

  23. Vina was part of the clan to put the high pensions on the books.

    He should pay the clan
