Monday, July 29, 2024

Commercial service coming back to Palomar Airport

North County Pipeline:
Commercial airline service will return to McClellan-Palomar Airport next year, according to American Airlines.

The company confirmed it will begin two daily outbound and inbound flights to and from Phoenix beginning on Feb. 15, 2025, as it marks the return of commercial service to Carlsbad.

The outbound flights to Phoenix are scheduled for 6:15 a.m. and 12:45 p.m., according to American Airlines’ website. The flights from Phoenix to Carlsbad are at 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Ticket prices start at about $366 for a roundtrip flight.


  1. This is great news. People actually use airlines.

  2. What? No comments about air pollution, gay rights, kamala harris the dumbest woman on the earth and the fake negro?
    Come folks.........get with it. I'll start
    harris the brain dead buffoon isn't's a lie for stupid people to believe in.
    Raising seas due to Jet Fuel Exhaust is the cause of Covid 19 the chinks didn't let loose on the world.
    Everyone is the same. Chinese look just like blacks and Messcans.
    kamala harris is smart like biden.
    J.D Vance is a Marine and mentally ill men were makeup and dresses to include dikes in butch. At the ready am I

    1. Shut up Starvin.

    2. Hold on......I was under the impression everyone is the mean 3:32, they aren't? The seas aren't rising? How could I have been so gullible?

  3. What an entire waste of a "news" story.

    This is for 7 months from now.

  4. The seas never raise They rise. Duh. Typical ignorant right wing domestic terrorist pos.

    Have another round at the Office jerome.

    It won't help your brilliant mind power, now that is a joke, but won't hurt anything either at this point in you life.

    1. This has to be some kind of an inside joke. Last time I was in the office it smelled like peepee in the pool area.

    2. Which is too bad.

    3. 7:59- sign of long COVID, sorry. 💀

    4. Now 7:48 feels better. "I get no kick from Champagne"
      Since Champagne doesn't kick anyone, I suppose
      Sinatra is a lying right winger.
      Thank the gawds for the grammar police, it puffs up
      their low esteem to new heights around curb level.
      kamala harris is a fake black

    5. M & M is black too. I love rap.

    6. : )))))) Rap is what's left after all the good stuff has been done. As in there is nothing left.

    7. Hating on rap is the new get off my lawn.

    8. Rap is not even left overs. Rap is matching some useless words with someone with a stick hitting a base drum. Calling it creative. Nope, crap on a stick put together with marble mouth.

    9. 8:00,

      History is full of old white men scared of change.

    10. 9:11- that’s RACIST to assume 8:00 is white….

      I hate racists. And that’s why I dislike Mali because she is racist.

    11. I was white but to make comments, I'm africant.
      The left states I can be anything I want so africant
      it is, then back to normal. Maybe tomorrow I'll be a skinny brunette in super tight fitting bottom ware.
      Next day? ohhhh' thanks to the whackos' on the left
      the possibilities are endless.

    12. Shut up Starvin

  5. How funny Encinitas is advertising that their space available for rent at their existing senior center on Balour street.

    So if there’s space available for rent at the existing senior center why are they about to open a second senior center at the beach?

    I think the taxpayers better wake up. I smell a City Hall that’s got all kinds of shit in it. You?

  6. It’s good that American is testing the waters, but I don’t think it’s going to work.

    Commercial service left Palomar when prop planes were replaced with jets that need a longer runway. The runway hasn’t been expanded. Likely AA has to leave seats empty to reduce takeoff weight for the short runway. That means higher ticket prices. And Phoenix isn’t a huge international long haul hub, so AA can’t subsidize the Carlsbad tickets by using that service as a magnet to attract more profitable long haul customers.

    Bottom line, it’s going to cost more for a ticket, and most customers aren’t willing to pay more on domestic short haul flights.

  7. Some will be willing. Lindbergh is a nightmare with the endless construction and lack of parking. People who think they're arriving on time miss their flights because promised shuttles from north 40 lots never materialize. If enough are willing to pay, Carlsbad will have a solid business model.

    1. True. I’m guessing there won’t be enough people willing to pay extra to sustain the service. Time will tell.

      When United had the service to LAX, an international round trip from Carlsbad cost the same as San Diego, because United was using the service to steal the more profitable long haul customers from other carriers.

    2. It will work because the money from San Jose has moved here. Something about this DEI and equity shit making most of us home owner, better off. Thank you Mali for all that you have done to line my pockets. I

    3. Fall asleep mid sentence 12:41?

    4. The fentanyl kicked in.

    5. Yes, it did kick in. I just want to pass on how much I love all of you for all that you have done ✔️

    6. Nice… I hope you get a great place at your new home of the PV Senior free living facility including finger painting and Garvin dance instruction. All w plenty-o fenty and boner pills.

      Yee ha!!

  8. Fun history lesson.

    Pacific View was/is prime oceanfront property. EUSD had a bid several years before sale to CoE of 7.5M from Art Pulse for the property under as is Public/Semi-public zoning. Art Pulse wasn’t able to secure the money, so the deal fell apart, but that bid establishes a market value for the property a few years earlier under the existing zoning. In the ensuing few years, real estate values increased across all categories, so the market value under as-is zoning was more than that by 2014.

    When EUSD decided to auction the property, the auction was setup with two distinct bid categories. The first bid category was for the property as-is, including current zoning, and expected closing of the deal quickly. The second category of bid was for a sale at R-15 residential zoning. Under this bid category, security deposit funds would be held in a protracted escrow account, with EUSD retaining ownership on paper while they pursued rezoning of the property to R15. Such rezoning is mandatory under state law, and preempts any local laws (I.e. Prop A). The language of state law is clear and unambiguous, and EUSD would have easily prevailed on this.

    “It is therefore the intent of the Legislature to ensure that unused schoolsites not leased or purchased for park or recreational purposes pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 17485) of Chapter 4 of Part 10.5 of the Education Code can be developed to the same extent as is permitted on adjacent property. It is further the intent of the Legislature to expedite the process of zoning the property to avoid unnecessary costs and delays to the school district.”

    Under the second bid type, the sale of Pacific View was contingent on rezoning, and could not close until rezoning was completed. There was zero risk to the buyer. As far as the buyer was concerned, they were bidding on prime, oceanfront, R15 land, free and clear of any zoning issues.

    Under this second bid type, the market value of Pacific View was likely much higher than the 10M the CoE eventually agreed to pay. The city got the property at a discount to what EUSD would have gotten for the property had the auction bids been opened.

    When the agreement with CoE was struck, all bids received by EUSD under both bid types were returned to the bidders unopened.

    But it’s reasonable to assume that prime oceanfront zoned R15 attracted bids well north of $10M.

    1. It’s popular and lazy to shit on politicians with lies.

      The truth is, the city got a good deal on PV, and it will be an important community asset for generations to come. Arts and artists are important to the culture and soul of this community and always have been. Without community support and resources, gentrification threatens to financially purge this culture and soul from Encinitas.

      I’m glad that the community has chosen not to let that happen.

      I stand in support of the artists. And the majority of voters who elected our leaders obviously do too.

    2. I would love to see an annual art and music festival / street fair downtown and at Pacific View, with all proceeds going to an operating fund for PV.

    3. If asked privately the 101 shop owners will tell you not one more weekend of sales stolen from them by crap like cyclovia. Put PV together with a regularly scheduled festival that would work.

    4. 8:14,

      Privately I call BS.

      Thousands more people walking by a store on a weekend is good for business.

      I would add to art and music: film.

      Local Indy film projects screened in venues along the 101. Venue owners get a cut of ticket sales.

    5. 7:34- that would be awesome with all of the new homeless Fenty-neighbors at Pacific view with all of the fentanyl and Boner pills.

      What a passed-out tranny boner rave!

      Encinitas has come along way from the previous family orientated Surf town.

      Thanks Tony Kranz

    6. Lazily shitting on people they don't like with lies? I read Encinitas Votes too!

    7. 7:08- Nice made up story.

      Why would the city approve R 15 and on that lot?

      At most, it would be R-8…

      Of course you’re lying piece of shit so wouldn’t expect anything truthful from you. Sounds like Marco.

    8. 12:09,

      Option 2 for the auction bids GUARANTEED R15. That’s a fact, not an opinion.

      So you expect us to believe that EUSD and their lawyers were so dumb and incompetent that they would guarantee something without studying the law and court precedent from previous cases? And that you, a random anonymous internet blog commenter, know more than the lawyers and people who owned the asset?


    9. 7:08- if that was truly the case. The city should’ve bought the property for $9 million that’s what was being asked, turned around, rezoned it a R-15 and then sold it at market rate.

      That would’ve been something good the city did for the taxpayers and they would not have stuck the taxpayers with a burden in perpetuity at millions of dollars per year for another facility of the city will have to maintain for just a few citizens.

      Please tell me when did the city council review a feasibility study on the Pacific View Second Division Senior Center w some art classes?

      Bad Leadership time and time and time again.

      I can’t wait for Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

      Tony Kranz needs to resign today.

    10. 12:47,

      1.) There was no “asking price.” It was an auction. The minimum bid was $9.5M (not $9M). If the city had bid the minimum at auction, they likely would have been outbid by someone else, and a developer would have won the property.

      2.) The city could not rezone the property after purchase for two reasons: the sales contract stipulated that any rezoning flip within 10 years the profit realized by the city would have to be given to EUSD. Secondly, the state law governing automatic rezoning (i.e. bypassing prop A) only applies to property owned by a school district. Once the property passed into ownership of the city, any attempt at rezoning would trigger a Prop A ballot measure, which would be highly unlikely to pass, especially to facilitate R15 residential development with likely density bonus making it even more intensive.

    11. BS- the city could have authored the sales agreement or not pursued.

      What’s the problem with having the school district sell the property to a new owner with restrictive conditions- Nada.

      Even R15 could have addressed 100% lowest affordable house conditions which would not tank the tax payers, plus the Kranz’s Trans show is approving all kinds of other upzoning throughout the city as a result.

      I can not weight for logical leadership with Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

      Has there been any sighting of Nor Ca Harry Bush?

      Has anyone been to the Bay Area lately?

    12. 3:53,

      If the sale was at full market value for an R15 parcel, then why would EUSD insist on a clause that says they get the profits in a flip situation?

      Answer: they wouldn’t.

      The only purpose of the clause is to prevent the EUSD board from looking bad in the future when a flip reveals that they gave the city a deal and accepted less than the market value.

      EUSD board has fiduciary responsibility to the parents and students to maximize the stewardship of assets for the education of students.

      If they sold the parcel to CoE for $10M, and CoE was able to redone and flip it for $20M, and there’s a state law that says the school could have forced the rezoning of the property before sale, then the board looks terrible and gets thrown out in the next election.

      The existence of the no flip clause is prima facie evidence that the city got a below market deal.

  9. 8:14 you can call BS all day long, the fact is there is no customer parking even remotely near the shops and those "walking by" are focused on the fair booths, not the permanent stores. You can call BS but not until you've had private convos with the store owners can you speak with authority. And if you're honest you'll be changing your tune.

  10. Interesting reveal that Sourpuss is running the Ohara campaign. She doesn't seem to have any issues working with crazy Trumpers so long as she thinks she's sticking it to Blakespear and Hinze. Does this mean Ohara is going to lose by the largest margin in Encinitas history like she did?

    1. Are you saying O’Hara campaign hired someone who admitted to violating election laws?

      That’s not a sign of good leadership.

    2. 👆🏾stupid comment. Stop injecting Fenty

    3. Who does "Sourpuss" refer to and where did that name come from?

    4. Forget about the dumb names. Just think about an obnoxious woman that is obviously handling his campaign. That doesn't really live here.

  11. 10:45 what reveal and who are you talking about? Only campaign managers are the Dem party doing all the work while the Kranz crew stays in hiding.

    1. Has anyone even met Destiny? Are they keeping her in hiding after all the damage she did in Marin?

    2. You have to travel to San Francisco to meet Harry Bush.

      Harry is planning to be a virtual Encinitas city Council member.

    3. And Ehlers needs to plug Jim and whatever his names is brains in for either of them to function properly.

  12. Memories can be a curious thing at times. Two people, different recall of history.

    Many more than two, as illustrated with some of the posters above. Many of these same posters were here and yet there it goes again with differing memories around the same property.

    Thanks for the truth from some of you posters. More of the usual lies from the usual suspects is more than enough from the morons.

    1. Amen to that…

      The Freak show are a bunch of morons.

    2. It sounds like one of the commenters above actually spent some time refreshing his memory by reading contemporaneous council agendas and reports, news articles, and letters between the parties to the transaction. And the other pulled populist BS out of his ass, hoping that a lie repeated enough will become truth.

    3. Yeah, Kranz’s freak shows continually lying.

      Jim the realtor gave a really good synopsis of this issue several years ago.

      Quit trying to create false history, Freakshow loser.

    4. 4:37,

      Let’s get specific.

      Give me one specific detail you think I got wrong.

      Happy to provide you very specific sources and backup materials.

      I’m very careful about what I post, and can back up every single detail.

      Can you say the same?

    5. 5:16- You’re not answering the questions.

    6. 6:05,

      Here’s a question: is there any topic too inconsequential or easily fact checked that you won’t be a POS liar about?

      There have been no questions.

      I’m still waiting for anyone to challenge any single detail of the PV sale I posted earlier.

      Just one small detail I got wrong.

    7. 6:52- No one wants to wastes their time with lying losers like you.

    8. 6:05 - where can I read the project feasibility study analyzing the benefit- cost options to the explaining the long term costs to the tax payers?

    9. 8:39,

      Sure sure sure.

  13. We see the city scheduled the grand opening of the second senior center for August 6th.

    Make sure it’s late enough for all of the old folks and the fentanyl zombies to wake up.

    Taxpayers better celebrate having job so that they can pay for their higher taxes from keeping unnecessary facilities like this open.

  14. Hi, my name is Phony Tranz, your Freakshow Mayor,

    Thank you for sacrificing the City roads, your car’s suspension, and your family’s safety so that my fellow fingerpainting friends and people that need a free place to sleep can enjoy this new great facility.

    Let’s celebrate everyone. Who brought the Fenty and Boner Pills?!

  15. Thank you fat orange turd!

    His racist tirade just delivered Georgia to Harris.

    1. racist tirade........huh? ohh' you mean kamala harris insisting she is black. Well, she had blacks inside her.
      But I'm not certain it makes you black.
      What I am certain of.....she is dumb....I mean
      dumb shit dumb.

    2. Louder.

      Georgia needs to hear you.

  16. 5:22pm Thanks for the good news. There are more to come.

    1. Starvin quit writing to yourself.

  17. Thanks for the real time Encinitas news guys. Durrrr.

    1. Good job Starvin’

      Even trannies can learn new tricks.

  18. Where is the " O'Hara & Shaffer are pussies that can't debate for shit so now we only hear from mayoral candidates" post?

    1. We all know Jim and Luke are studs and the opposite of Starvin.

    2. They certainly aren't experienced, educated or trained in what they're running for, so I guess we gotta give them something. I was gonna say they were doing a good job where they are. I guess " studs" could work instead.

    3. We know that you prefer gopher hunting, TONY.

      Hence your gal Starvin.

    4. Voting for Kranz if Jim and Luke don't debate.

    5. Of course you are Starvin. You are just pissed Phony constantly eyeing Harry Bush’s jungle every Freakshow session.

      Sorry Starvy.

    6. Tried to respond 8:51, but EU says NO!

    7. 100% pro-Bruce comments allowed here.

    8. 9:37- maybe Google wants you to clean up your act.

      We see you.

    9. Yes, it's all google's fault.

  19. Man, that Density is a vile creature. Her lack of self control on social media is right up there with her best bud "The Pickled Brain" I notice she scrubbed all of her comments. Did Harry Bush get a time out?

    1. Luke and Jim are sinking Ehlers fast.

    2. Keep dreaming Freakshow.

      Go back and watch the Olympic opening last supper again. We know you want to…. 🤮

  20. Fuck Encinitas Undercover. They play the selective censorship game like many others.

    When you can't respond to or keep up with the truth, ya gotta do it.

    1. Some one doesn’t like the real time news. 👆🏾

    2. 9:45 is awarded 1,999,999 victim points.

    3. You guys are kidding yourselves. You keep up streams of racist, misogynistic comments and stuff about shooting migrants and people that aren't white, or unhoused dead up permanently. Then delete a comment that says that "I'm voting for Kranz if Ehlers can't make his puppets debate" within 2 seconds, twice. That's nothing close to news.

    4. Im rewarding the victim points to EU. What a bunch of pussies.

    5. 👆🏾 it Ok…. We know the real meaning of pussy and it’s not taken lightly.

      Carry on Freakshow. Here is a question for you - who looks more queer?

      1) Starvin in his finest City Council Mr Roper uni? or

      2) the queer coming out of the platter in the Olympic last supper?

    6. I vote for:

      3) EU that can't moderate a post for shit, until it comes to election time and then they start deleting whatever comments they feel like within a few seconds. Bus leave the racist ones up, of course.

    7. ☝🏾 Someone doesn’t appreciate the truth.

      I love Encinitas’s real time news. Apparently, so does the city council and all of City Hall because they read it daily.

      - At least that’s what my, inside City Hall, sources tell me.

  21. Hey - are you knob-gobblers diggin' the klieg lights and uniformed security hacks preparing Stussy (?) For operation in the Little Moore building?
    It is hard to imagine a bigger fail by this city and specifically Tony kranz.
    With this one business, you've ended old leucadia and moved us toward PB.
    Take the license fee and dump on the residents. So stupid.

    1. Voted for pot in Encinitas? You’re getting what you wanted.

    2. You think City Council votes on which landlords should rent to which businesses in which buildings?

      Blame the landlord, you retard.

    3. Everything Tony does is a failure. Every voter and sign holder for Tony is a loser. I see a few in my neighborhood and I’m very pissed considering they’re supporting closing down pedestrian access.

      I can not wait to see all those blasted- out stoners eating shit crawling over over Tony’s fence and getting Paralyzed during their blackout walks home on the historical pedestrian pathways. More law suits coming to the city for sure.

      Why focus on improved access to local gems like Just Peach and other gems when you can bring in the Freakshow fifth?!

      Kranz and the clown suck

      - I heard they are trying to bring back F-Street

    4. I'm voting for Kranz. He sucks less than the idiots EU is proposing.

    5. 👆🏾🤣

      We see you Starvy. Are you registered in New Jersey or Encinitas?

      Can you legally vote? I guess they’re letting everyone vote and not proof of citizenship. You could probably vote both and Encinitas and New Jersey. 🤣

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  22. 6:18,

    That game is over.

    The game I’m talking about is the hyperventilating doom “sky is falling” predictions of those opposed to cannabis legalization. Voters calmly and rationally voted in first medical marijuana, then recreational with some sensible age gating and restrictions. And then. . .

    Nothing happened.

    No doom. The sky didn’t fall. Nada.

    Pot has always been available to those who want it. It’s no more or less available than it was in the 80s when I was growing up. I choose not to partake, but that’s a personal decision I don’t seek to impose on others. The only real change is we stopped wasting court resources, clogging the docket, giving people prison time and criminal records making them unemployable chasing a drug policy that everyone knew was a failure.

    So you can continue to predict doom, but it’s dumb. We’ve all heard the predictions before and watched with our own eyes as they fail to materialize.

    After a while they just make you look dumb.

    1. No one looks as dumb as Tony.

      Sorry, Starvin. We see you.

    2. You’re right, Pot was always available and will always be available, but there’s no reason for a City to focus on fucking up neighborhoods to get more taxes at the expense of the neighborhood, local property values and quality of life of residents.

      That’s why most residents recognize Tony Kranz as a huge failure.

      Bruce Ehlers is going to make a much better Mayor.

      Thank you Bruce!! ❤️

  23. I asked Siri to show me right wing comedy.

    This is what they think is funny, and it explains so much of what people post in these comments.

    1. You mean like how kamala harris is black now after she slept with blacks but before she claimed to be East Indian? That type of humor?......ohhh' wait, it's true
      Humor and truth...ya' can't beat it.
      How bout' the truth of 10 million illegals roaming the streets of America. The u.s governemnt telling the border patrol not to stop them from coming in.....that was funny...oh' it's the truth.
      Everything the left does they destroy.........howz
      that for funny

    2. Everything you post is tedious. Not funny.

    3. 1:12....did you know your parents are brother and sister?
      That you were either touched too much or too little as a child?
      That joe biden doesn't have Alzheimers
      That kamala harris is a joke without doing standup
      Did ya'

    4. The answer to whether Kamala Harris is black or Indian is the same as the answer to whether Trump is a felon or an asshole.

    5. 10:32...are Sirious? Like the East Indian that can't find West on a Map or doesn't know the difference between a sandal and sundial. That is why they are always late and barefoot.
      Or a black asking an East Indian what religion they are, and the response is Hindu....."Iz' donz care who you do"

    6. 1:54 hey genius......the brain dead word salad Sally, harris is on video stating she is east Indian. Now she is negro?
      This woman is so stupid there is no explanation how she got to where she is.............oh' wait, now I remember.

    7. 10:21,

      Are JD Vance’s kids Caucasian or Indian?

  24. 6:05 blame the voters who thought "legalizing" pot was cool.

  25. Seriously, like Harry Bush lives in Nor Cal

  26. Harry Bush claims to be a local Encinitas business owner. The reality is she's a massage therapist with ZERO clients. Check out her site. In fairness to Density, I guess it would be hard to perform a real job when you're shadowing Terrible Lawsuit-Ramrod 5 days a week and then pre-occupied all weekend with the (virtual) freak show with Phony and Starvin from the UC Berkely library's free computer.

  27. This one is for Phony and Starvin:

    - Truth is always 💯👌🏾

  28. Dearest Residents,

    I feel that my work experience at Forever 21 has prepared me to help lead the city. It is for this reason that I am asking my opponent to step down...he has no chance.
    - Density

    1. Dearest Residents, I forgot to tell you, I am an accomplished professional the store I work at in Northern California and because of my great leadership sales increased over 6 1/2% while I was lead sales person for the late afternoon shift. It really doesn’t matter that half the people didn’t pay for their items, but we still count them as sales anyway. You know a lot of people have that Fenty monkey on their back. It’s not their fault. Please give them money at the corner and vote for me.


    2. Thank you Density for stepping up. Nothing beats Harry Bush!

      You have my complete support and my lustful boner-pill induced bulging stare. You are coming to tomorrow nights, Freakshow, right?


    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. Some people should worry more about the two male. republican loving, not too smart candidates that aren't allowed to open their mouths until election day. Great potential leaders, each of them.

    5. 7:45....try not smoking hash before you write anything.
      I know it isn't your fault your parents were brother and sister, but at least try not to smoke so early.

    6. mean not debating someone that hasn't been nominated to run? Please don't vote, you are too dumb

    7. I mean O'Hara and Shaffer are horrible, unqualified, republican candidates with republican supporters that are too weak to debate in a fair forum so are now trying to force the Coast News on everyone. They aren 't up to the job, are disrespectful to voters and should go away.

    8. 10:53, Biden wasn’t nominated to run as of the last debate, and neither was Trump. That doesn’t happen until the convention.

      Conclusion: Trump is chickenshit.

    9. 11:40....... Since the socialists cannot be trusted to do anything of good reasoning, biden was put out there to get rid of. Don't bank on the fake black getting nominated. That buffoon of a woman can't ever put together a cognitive sentence. She is, the dumbest woman on the planet

    10. Right. Makes total sense that Trump would dodge a debate with the dumbest woman on the planet.

      It’s all going wrong, and the right is in panic. So far they seem to think the solution is to be more racist.

      Let’s see how it works out for them Cotten.

    11. When the time comes, Trump or Vance will mop the floor with the fake negro. I still can't believe she passed the California Bar. She can't even talk.
      Funny how stupid think that Trump is new to this. When he was in office the country ran great...and now.
      A retarded mess run by buffoons. And 10 million illegals. biden is a traitor and should be hung until dead. harris border czar? ya right. She is an idiot

    12. Trump can't mop the floor with Harris or he would have. She's gonna tear him a new one, so he's running scared.

    13. Trump can’t even remember the name of “JP right? JD Mandel.”

      Oldest nominee in history.

      He’s terrified of her.

  29. This five story isn’t high enough for Tony.

    TONY and the current freak show on City council want 8 stories plus like in downtown Ocean-slime and Starvin’s favorite Hillcrest.

    Tony gets so jealous of Ocean-slime, with all of the Fenty junkies and the super tall density units which block the sunshine for the old-time residents.

    Kranz says let’s get more vibrant- It’s all about fences, potshops, closing beaches, and tall buildings.

    “Do like I do and ride my bike on the sidewalk to go get free beer with my girlfriend, Admiral Starvin”

    Oh Tony, you must go

    Tony needs to resign today.

  30. Some good news. A Little More found a home in Shatto's new building. Welcome back A Little More. Thank you Shatto. Having a new building to operate in should be quite an improvement for this last remaining bit of Leucadia soul, now that Captain Kenos is in its last throes.

    Their former location is now open for business. All this bs about dispensaries destroying neighborhoods is bs. Proof? Where is the proof? In fact, there is none, except those made up by the reefer madness blind folks. The owners of these corporations are multi-million dollar companies who know the rules. No way would they risk their investment to sell anything but the highly regulated product from seed to distribution that is all government monitored. The voters spoke. Time for parents to do some to parenting for a change.

    1. Golden Child is that you?

    2. Where's the proof? An armed guard patrolling the sidewalk outside Little Moore where previously was a bucolic, Leucadia vibe corner.

      Nothing against reefer but putting it in our faces like that stupidly-named "Cake" place downtown changes the town. No BS. And no covering up for the fact that the voters asked for it, don't get to complain if you voted Yes. I voted No. I get to complain.

    3. 3:48,


      You keep using that word.

      I do not think it means what you think it means.

  31. The anonymous EV post defending LukeJim wasn't well received and got deleted. 🤣🤣🤣 You know LukeJim's handlers messed up bigly when the harpies can't spin bullshit from Jeremy and MWD.

    1. There's no defense. LukeJim look like asshole idiots no matter what, so all they can do is ignore and hope it goes away.

    2. I know nothing about luke or jim but the perpetual losers of encinitas that are running their campaigns are off to an expected start. Their popularity will decrease until they ditch the zeros, grow a brain/balls and start putting their own thoughts out there.

    3. The last thing they want is their own thoughts out there. That's why they avoid any public speaking outside of their safe spaces. O'Hara and Shaffer don't stand up to scrutiny so its better they stay quiet and keep their petty republican fingers crossed until election day.

    4. 4:51- they look athletic and intelligent to me.

      What makes you think they look like assholes because their skin color?

      That sounds pretty freaking prejudice.

      Shallow prejudice people suck. Like Mali.

    5. It's not their physical appearance, genius. It's their behavior up to this point.

    6. 4:51 💯 It's obvious they're desperately trying to bury it. Bad candidates propped up by legendary losers .... what could go wrong? 😆

  32. Wasn't defending them but you know that. More like not taking the Omed/Mali/Amanda bait that would enjoy a field day over on Encinitas Now. Best to leave them to themselves in their little whirlwind of "weird."

    1. Always best to ignore the paranoid crew on EN. Failure to do so could result in that creepy gimp embarrassing himself with his creepy writing. Can't wait to vote for TRUMP and I am a DEM.

  33. You must be referring to moronville. If only they would go elsewhere and leave EU alone.

    1. no Idea who fits in your description, not taking your bait either

  34. Clueless as usual which is standard operating procedure for you. Ether that, or you are in denial, which is also nothing new for you. No worries moron, or moron adjacent, sadly, you are far from alone with that mental defect. Keep doing what you do. Keep being who you are. You are helping in ways you could never imagine.

    1. Not clueless, just waiting for you to name names instead of hiding like the coward you are

  35. Dear Density,

    We have received multiple complaints from students and staff that you are exchanging explicit material on our computers. We checked the IP addresses and confirmed that you have indeed been exchanging this material with Phony and Starvin on a regular basis (especially Saturdays). This is a clear violation of our code of conduct. Furthermore, multiple students have come forward complaining of excessive pubic hair on the mouses and keyboards and they've found multiple hidden "toys" throughout the library. Most of these toys are 2 inch vibrating devices of a phallic nature, all of which have Wall Street Journal stickers on them. We believe these belong to you as well. This is completely unacceptable and must cease immediately. If we receive another complaint your privileges will be taken away.
    - UC Berkely Library

    1. ☝🏿sounds like someone has been been attending the Freakshows virtually. 🤢

  36. I so happy with Tony stealing my historical nice ocean view and giving it to his slack and pack developer buddies on the corner of Vulcan Ave and La Costa Ave, I will likely be joining my hillside neighborhood group and suing the City.

    It not right, they got to increase the pad elevation 5 feet and pack a 3rd story on those view and sunlight stealing Boxes.

    Kranz only does, what all beggars do, what is good for Kranz 🎁

    Suing is the only effective means to achieving a reasonable result with the City of Encinitas and their track record is abysmal.

    I encourage anyone with any issues like training or blockage or anything to sue the City. It’s the fastest path to righting a wrong.

    - Truth

    1. You can add adding a public hazard and tripping hazard to a historical pedestrian pathways to our coastline- Case number 24-1223- Encintas -15 (Tony’s fences)

    2. Add case nos Case number 24-1223- Encintas -16 trough 24-1223- Encintas -27 - bike traps.

      What’s the Status of Dr Worely’s wrongful death lawsuit?

      Have the four Cs file yet for their father’s wrongful death from BIA and Kranz’s bike trap?

    3. Am gUNna sUe DEr cItY cUZ I oWN dA vIEw oUT mA wiNdEr!

    4. 7:19- good. You could use the money to get a tutor.

      As a life long Ca educator, I’d suggest you start with a pencil before you start typing on your mobile phone and posting, but you will get there.

      I support you and your parents suing the city.

      It really is the only way to get things done in Encinitas.

  37. Does that Cake Dispensary have a smoking lounge inside? Reason I ask is they had the door open yesterday like they were airing the place out. You could smell the pot smoke from across the street. I felt bad for all the parents that had to walk their children through there. This thing changes the character of the entire downtown, shame on the city council and every single person that voted for this.

    1. It’s having them prep the kids on how to get blasted so they can elevate to fentanyl use and become some of Tony’s homelessness industry best friends.

    2. 👆🏾 I was thinking the same thing. I think that would be a great addition to the Pacific second senior center..

      Plus they should open a CRC snack bar hut to serve our Tony invited fentanyl zombie neighbors at our newly opened Second Senior center and at Moonlight beach.

      It’s the socialist right thing to do as promoted by Tony.

  38. 10:13am. Do you know the scent difference between material that is raw bud and smoked bud? Apparently not.

    None of these million dollar backed dispensary companies are allowed to permit smoking on their premises. None. If you smelled anything it was the raw unsmoked bud. Geez.

    Get a handle on your reefer madness syndrome. It makes you sound dumber than you are. Let's call that misinformed for your benefit.

    1. Like the Fenty… there is good Fenty at swamis and bad Fenty by in-and-out burger….

      Kranz is for any Fenty and pot where he can get free beer, tons of burgers and ride on the sidewalks all day without wearing a helmet.

      See, we have our facts straight…

      It sounds like Starvin is a bit grumpy. She’s probably trying to figure out which Gestring to wear to make her bush look bigger. She gotta try and get Phony’s interest back from staring at Harry Bush.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  39. Lorri deleted another post on EV because voters are asking why LukeJim aren't participating in the League debate. She's not even trying to hide the manipulation. 🙄 Better get CN to come save LukeJim with a propaganda piece fast!

    1. Who cares about Facebook….

      It shows you’re ignorant. Not worthy of this site.

    2. Only sex fantasies and racism allowed here!

    3. Ya’ll know there is literally a debate lined up in September, right?

    4. Tell us about the newly " negotiatated" details, 6:19

    5. Racism….. Mali must be retarded….

      I know, she will say that comment is RACIST.

  40. It also shows, rather smells, rather stinks, like $tock$ at his favorite seat in the Office.

  41. 3:57pm Isn't the Women's League debate strictly between the mayoral candidates? Aren't the council candidates debating between themselves at some other venue? Just asking.

  42. I only participate in debates where the moderator is a personal friend.
    - Harry Bush

  43. Tony Kranz is evil for closing the beaches, shutting down Encinitas’s businesses and ruining family lives, and doing a irreparable damage to our youth mental health and everyone’s physical health.

    We will never forget.

    1. Drama queen.

    2. 👆🏾 Idiot minion.

    3. 7:14- I respect my neighbors cat’s opinion more than your dumb ass. You’re lucky people care for you or you wouldn’t even be alive.

    4. Is there ANY lie too big for the shithole losers?

    5. 8:15- Apparently, you did not watch the video, or look at John Hopkins University data, or search for any real data before you did your analysis and brought your illogical post. .

      Logical people come to the conclusion that Bruce, Jim and Luke are logical people and will make great leaders.

      Tony Kranz and Current clown council are destroying Encinitas and are lucky to be alive, and they should enjoy the remaining time and they freak show and we will let them be.

      If it was up to me, Tony Kranz would be prosecuted for heinous crimes and and punished accordingly by a jury.

      When other people destroy lives, it’s time for logical citizens like Bruce, Jim and Luke and all of us to stand up and tell him to sit down. 😡

      Thank you, Jim, and Luke. ❤️

    6. So you're saying Bruce, Jim and Luke are antivax, antiscience covidiots? Good to know. I'll help get the word out.

    7. I’m saying Bruce, Jim and Luke are logical, have common sense, and make good decisions.

      I’m saying Tony Kranz is illogical, makes horrible decisions, is completely destroying Encinitas. and is extremely extremely harmful for public health and has done immeasurable harm to children from the Covid bullshit response from Fauci and all the followers including Increased suicide and mental health issues for an entire generation.

      You come to your own conclusions. All I know is, I’m holding those accountable for their bad decisions.

      Freaking morons should look at facts before they make stupid decisions like Tony Kranz. Actions have consequences and bad actions can hurt and kill people.

      Tony Kranz needs to resign today.

    8. 9:08,

      “ are lucky to be alive”

      Spoken like a true POS domestic terrorist scum.

      Please expand on what you believe to be the health and science policies of Jim and Luke. Do they think vaccines are a conspiracy, and that they are victims?

      Be very detailed and specific, so we can spread the word to all voters.

    9. 10:54,

      So you are saying that Encinitas voters who hate Dr. Fauci should vote for Jim and Luke?

      I agree.

      How can we work together to get yard signs with that message printed up. I’ll put one on my lawn.

    10. 10:56- I can’t speak for other people. Ask them If you want.

      It’s been proven time and time again that Covid vaccine response was completely off-mark. Vaccine did not vaccinate anything. It made the pharm companies a shit load of money and actually armed peoples immune system and other systems.

      The people that followed Dr. Fauci including Trump and Biden are fucking idiots.

      There were plenty of smart people and smart countries around the world that had a logical approach and not vaccinate everyone or shut down the economy and schools.

      Not newsom and not Kranz. They are in the solid fucking idiot category and I would like to see them be held accountable for their actions and prosecuted. I have a strong dislike for people that are harming masses from their bad decisions.

  44. You heard them folks.

    Spread the word to everyone you know.

    Jim and Luke are the anti-Fauci, anti vax candidates.

    Make sure everyone all your neighbors know it.

    Let’s all do door knocking in our neighborhoods.

    12:06, don’t backpedal like a limp loser. Stand tall and be proud of your support for the anti-science slate of candidates.

    1. I'll take one of those Fauci+ Luke+ Jim signs. They appear to be completely on brand.

    2. 12:18- your comments show your lack of intelligence and common sense. Do what you like. It’s only gonna help us. 🤙🏾

    3. Some of us don't have a say in whether jim & shaffer succeed in their idiot attempts. All we can do is vote no for Ehlers, so that's what we'll do.

  45. Wow, look at Garvin and Bochamp go at it between themselves. Spreading lies about Luke and Jim. What strange bedfellows this election makes. Then you have destiny claiming to be “the first“ to put up a campaign website. So what? Did she get that campaign advice from Morris and like him, does she think that should make her the default winner months in advance of the election? Inquiring minds…

    1. Misquote dummy

    2. Hey, I’m not spreading lies. I’m spreading what our friend above told us. That the reason to support Luke and Jim is that they are anti-Fauci and anti-vax. Not my words. It’s coming from their supporters.

    3. When you guys act like idiots, Ehlers takes the hit.

    4. Which is what they want 1:04. Walsh working hard daily for Kranz just ask them how often they talk. Answer: constantly.

  46. Hate science?

    Vote Jim and Luke!

    1. If you hate qualifications, experience, debates, or being accountable to voters, vote for Jim and Luke.

  47. “If you liked horse dewormer, then you’re going to love Jim and Luke.”

    1. Direct quote from Garvin and Amanda tag teaming. Two extremes to stay away from.

  48. Remember that I support the tax increase! Vote for me!
    - Harry Bush

    1. Why won’t Destiny answer the simple question whether she supports the sales tax? Why does she need attack dogs Mali n Amanda to leap out in front of her to prevent her from answering? Weird!
