Thursday, August 29, 2024

Open thread

 What did we miss?


  1. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Just another City of Encinitas complete shit show.

    If you want to watch the valuable part of the meeting the public comments. That is where the local heros Shine!

    Last night was no different. Heroes include:

    1. Teenager talking about the ravaging effect of the City popping up 4 Cannabis Huts throughout the City and destroying youth minds and prompting greater drug use and the destruction of the quality of life in this former cool family surf town.

    2. Women explaining how Tony’s high density support of the State housing Stack and Pack plan is harming Encinitas fabric. Too Tony - Love thy neighbor does not mean rape them for BIA profits!

    3. Scott Campbell - Highlighting Tony’s support for fencing off coastal access and access to fresh produce at just peachy while giving the green light to NCTD to dessimate hippy hill and make that area a greater concrete jungle paving over the new Paradise the City just got into major debt buying a few months ago. What a lemon, Kranz. WTF are you doing?!

    4. Natalie Satoon - Super hero - highlighting results of Kranz inviting the world crack heads and fentanyl zombies to Encinitas. Thank you Natalie! You are Hot and Smart!!

    5. Mark Mavil, Super Hero- Four simple truths watch it. Mark is 17 years sober. When Tony reads this, Kranz may be 17 minutes sober if we, the people, are lucky.

    Get out and tell your neighbors to drive by and look at the crazy stack and pack at Quail Gardens Drive and Leucadia Blvd and ask if you would like that kind of density next to your home? If you like super crowded roads, parks, beaches and surf line ups like LA, than you LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE Kranz, Density, and the DEI Gnome.

    If you loved small town feel of Encinitas beaches as sunrise and sunset, they you will love Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

    Please watch last nights public comments starting at minute 40:25 of last night’s video at this city web address- And

    Tell your voting friends and neighbors to vote against the Kranzification of Encinitas and vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!

    - Encinitas Voter ๐ŸŒŽ

  2. Google filters are on big time!

    Or this blog administrator? Which is it?

    Freedom of speech is being greatly censored

  3. 35 AM
    *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Just another City of Encinitas complete shit show.

    If you want to watch the valuable part of the meeting the public comments. That is where the local heros Shine!

    Last night was no different. Heroes include:

    1. Teenager talking about the ravaging effect of the City popping up 4 Cannabis Huts throughout the City and destroying youth minds and prompting greater drug use and the destruction of the quality of life in this former cool family surf town.

    2. Women explaining how Tony’s high density support of the State housing Stack and Pack plan is harming Encinitas fabric. Too Tony - Love thy neighbor does not mean rape them for BIA profits!

    3. Scott Campbell - Highlighting Tony’s support for fencing off coastal access and access to fresh produce at just peachy while giving the green light to NCTD to dessimate hippy hill and make that area a greater concrete jungle paving over the new Paradise the City just got into major debt buying a few months ago. What a lemon, Kranz. WTF are you doing?!

    4. Natalie Satoon - Super hero - highlighting results of Kranz inviting the world crack heads and fentanyl zombies to Encinitas. Thank you Natalie! You are Hot and Smart!!

    5. Mark Mavil, Super Hero- Four simple truths watch it. Mark is 17 years sober. When Tony reads this, Kranz may be 17 minutes sober if we, the people, are lucky.

    Get out and tell your neighbors to drive by and look at the crazy stack and pack at Quail Gardens Drive and Leucadia Blvd and ask if you would like that kind of density next to your home? If you like super crowded roads, parks, beaches and surf line ups like LA, than you LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE Kranz, Density, and the DEI Gnome.

    If you loved small town feel of Encinitas beaches as sunrise and sunset, they you will love Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

    Please watch last nights public comments starting at minute 40:25 of last night’s video at this city web address- And

    Tell your voting friends and neighbors to vote against the Kranzification of Encinitas and vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!

    - Encinitas Voter ๐ŸŒŽ

  4. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

Just another City of Encinitas complete shit show. 

If you want to watch the valuable part of the meeting the public comments. That is where the local heros Shine!

Last night was no different. 1. Teenager talking about the ravaging effect of the City popping up 4 Cannabis Huts throughout the City and destroying youth minds and prompting greater drug use and the destruction of the quality of life in this former cool family surf town.

2. Women explaining how Tony’s high density support of the State housing Stack and Pack plan is harming Encinitas fabric.

    1. So the crackhead that makes half the comments here was you all along Mark.

  5. To Kranz- Love thy neighbor does not mean rape them for BIA profits!

  6. 3. Scott Campbell - Highlighting Tony’s support for fencing off coastal access and access to fresh produce at just peachy while giving the green light to NCTD to dessimate hippy hill and make that area a greater concrete jungle paving over the new Paradise the City just got into major debt buying a few months ago. What a lemon, Kranz. WTF are you doing?!

    4 Natalie Satoon - Super hero - highlighting results of Kranz inviting the world crack heads and fentanyl zombies to Encinitas. Thank you Natalie! You are Hot and Smart!!


5. Mark Mavil, Super Hero- Four simple truths watch it. Mark is 17 years sober. When Tony reads this, Kranz may be 17 minutes sober if we, the people, are lucky.

    1. 645 I appreciate all that our community speaking advocates do.

  7. Get out and tell your neighbors to drive by and look at the crazy stack and pack at Quail Gardens Drive and Leucadia Blvd and ask if you would like that kind of density next to your home?

    If you like super crowded roads, parks, beaches and surf line ups like LA, than you LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE Kranz, Density, and the DEI Gnome.

If you loved small town feel of Encinitas beaches as sunrise and sunset, they you will love Bruce, Jim, and Luke. 

    Please watch last nights public comments starting at minute 40:25 of last night’s video at this city web address-


Tell your voting friends and neighbors to vote against the Kranzification of Encinitas and vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim!

- Encinitas Voter ๐ŸŒŽ

    1. gavin newsom and the other commies are responsable for it. Everything the communist left does, they destroy.

  8. Eight years ago on a blog, there was a picture of a Kranz sign that was set out a few days early on the round about near where Kranz lives. He got online and responded to the picture claiming that someone broke into his garage and stole his signs and put them out early to make him look bad.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸผStarvin confusion campaign.

      Watch the cities video of public comments as noted.

      The superheroes speak the truth.

    2. It was his son and his friend that took the signs.

  9. EV is filled with the biggest fucking losers and liars in the city. Truly scummy people.

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿผso. It’s Facebook what do you expect?

      Stay on your Facebook page loser.

    2. 7:16- just part of the confusion campaign.

      Watch the public comments and last nights meeting. Complete local heroes.


    3. 7:16 EV has a mix of readers so you just insulted all of them. Most of the people who comment on EV are people who have an interest in local issues. You must be from another country if you forgot that we the people have the right to express. If you are offended by the thoughts of others, maybe you can move to Russia.

    4. Most of the people that comment on EV aren't nice, thoughtful or considerate people. I have no idea what the readers are like because it's a "public" page supposedly.

    5. Please move any discussion of EV to Facebook.

      The site is for Encinitas real time news.

  10. Actually, 647, Kranz claiming someone stole his signs to get the public feeling sorry for him while he placed them illegally is true. He admitted that to number of people and finally publicly.

    It’s like Preston lying about OHara and the debates he has accepted. Both lie about dumb shit that easily gets exposed.

    1. Tony is such a drama queen. Destiny outright told a big lie and her buddies went to her defended the lie. Ouch. How dumb can you be to support a lie after the Chamber man admitted the truth?

    2. O'Hara and his crew have been lying since the the beginning, over and over. Notice no one ever clears up what actually happened in any of these debate situations, they just let people think what they want and move on to the next argument. All we know for sure is that O'Hara can't/won't debate in a fair forum.

    3. Put up or shut up. Like O'Hara's side did when Chamber board member Benedetti called out Preston for lying. Or when O'Hara himself posted his email to the Chamber accepting their offer to debate. Anything else is he said/she said. No one believes you without proof.

    4. All he said was that O'Hara didn't pressure the chamber to change format to a meet & greet. That's it.

      All O'Hara posted was a message from August 15th saying he would participate in the Chamber of Commerce debate. That's it.

      Supposedly the issue in all of the debates has been who the moderator is. Specifically, that O'Hara is scared of the League of Women voters and who knows who else. That accusation isn't disproven by the "evidence" that's been presented.

    5. 9:05 you are being mean girl. You are attempting to cover up. You all screwed up .. own it or maybe go to EV and attack a few more residents for being smarter than you.

    6. Im not seeing the meanness. You can't ruthlessly attack about one debate and expect everyone to forget about the one right before it. I will take it to facebook though.

    7. O'Hara opposed the League of Women Voters as the original moderator for the Chamber debate (and the St. Andrews one). Interesting how that is being ignored by his supporters. What's Jim's problem with women?

    8. Jim stated on another website that he was out of town for one of the debates and was advised not to participate in the Saint Andrew's debate after they gave the questions to Kranz and Kellie to give them an advantage over Cindy and Susan. Also, one of the boards that Destiny represents is is connected to the Episcopalian Church, who have a very strong support of Kranz on account of his support of the homeless policies.

    9. 951. MG, nice try. Right now you are insulting the women how have been assulted and discriminated at work.You went to law school so surely you can present a better case than Bullshit. We don't need a women who is not confident and scared of bias in a debate.


    10. League of Climate Emergency.

      Good grief.

      Democrats exist outside of nature but claim to understand it. Every deep blue area is disconnected from real food supply and real wildlife. This is why democrat solutions always involve folly.

      You're so misogynistic you don't see reality.

      Sit down kook

    11. Jim doesn't want to debate if the LWV is involved and doesn't want to admit that for some reason. He was scared of them moderating at St. Andrews, and at the Chamber of Commerce event.

      He's scared of the church, and is scared of Destiny, Even though she supposedly has no ties here.

      He WASN'T scared of an event held by a PAC that supports him, with a moderator that supports him, with film rights that favor him, that had to cancel because of it's favoritism towards him. Got it.

    12. 948 I screwed up and called you a meangirl, sorry. I don't agree with you would have been kinder.

    13. Ok huggies 3:08. Maybe you can talk O'Hara into showing up for something.

  11. If someone hates posts on a particular blog site, 7:16am, you do know you have the choice to not go there if that is how you feel?

    No more freaking losers and liars if you do the most simple thing, even for one like you, don't go there to begin with.

    Some like to complain about others when they could easily spares themselves the self-created trauma by doing something else, anything else, than go on a certain website.

    1. That would all be fine if they weren't lying and being their loser selves about topics that only hurt themselves 7:48. In this case they're doing real damage and most of the losers don't even live here or have a vote for the people they're trashing.

    2. I really do believe that you need to remove yourself from political blogs. Right now you are rambling like a child. You are a nut job if you think the posters are going to hurt themselves. What is concerning is are you going to hurt someone? You post is concerning. Accept that DP lied and created drama around a debate.

    3. Try again 8:20. I'm not responsible for your lack of reading comprehension skills.

    4. 823: How are the writers going to hurt themselves? Are you keeping screen shots in hopes of sending them to their employers. I am concerned about anyone who is freaked out by diverse voices. Go back to FB

    5. They aren't, you have reading comprehension issues 8:30! You misunderstood, and I'm guessing this isn't the first time.

      There is nothing diverse about their voices anyway. It's called I'm a republican and I've been a nasty ahole bitching away, twisting words & lying exactly the same way for decades.

    6. 850: You are rambling and shaming ... zip your lips before you make a fool out of yourself. Like they said, this is real time Encintas News.

  12. Hope the Coast News gets a drone over Surfers Point to see how little $6 mil + interest gets you.

    In other news, Sunshine Garden apartments appears to be back under construction.

    Lastly, Encinitas Ranch residents have their panties in a bunch over Fox Point Farms using their street as offsite valet parking.

    1. We the people are now paying to help support a private business. A business that caters to upper middle class familys. I am I a hater for pointing this situation out?

    2. correction: am I a hater for pointing out that our new developments cater to the rich. Equity team failed.

    3. Who’s been to the Foxpoint Farms restaurant? Is it affordable?

    4. Why would anyone support that developer troll and give him yet more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?

    5. 835 No, it is high end and the customers appear to be pretty well off. I paid 15 bucks for a plate of 5 carrots.

    6. Wow, 9:08. Don’t tell me, all the guests were white, right?

    7. Yes, the customers are white. The staff is diverse and they are wonderful. Everyone else including regular Tony Kranz are pasty white. Please read the NY Times article about the risk of having local leaders all think the same. Apparently, LA and SF have had CC members arrested for taking bribes from Developers. Watch this space.

    8. Where’s our equity committee? Shouldn’t they be raising hell over the inequities of people of color serving white folks?

    9. You mean Mali, she was spotted at the grand opening along with DEI lover Kranz. I did not see a blowhorn

    10. All public parking downtown subsidizes private businesses.

  13. Did I read Scott Campbell’s newsletter correctly? The city is redesigning El Camino Real but is not including housing, because they didn’t fill out state paperwork at all or even on time? Wasn’t the whole point of revitalizing ECR about affordable housing? What am I missing here?

    1. Can't comment but I am not surprised. Most of that land is owned by equity investors and leased to the brands. This City needs to tone down the Bullshit.

    2. I think they had to apply to the state about the zoning. They still would have been forced to take it to the people as a prop A vote.

  14. Wow, starvin, putting down the spam to earn his keep for the BIA.

    Starvin the scumbag - No actions too low, and selling out the City of Encinitas is his business. Always trying to protect his girlfriend. BIA scumbag Phony Tranz.

    1. This is not about Garvin. Please try to stay focused so we can get the news and make change

    2. It's about Garvin when he's busy scurrying around running Kranz's misinformation campaign.

    3. 921, then correct the misinformation and let's move on.

    4. That's what we're doing, and calling out the lying source every time.

  15. 9:18 I sincerely wish Blakespear and Kranz are investigated. This whole city is corrupt, but those two ring leaders have led the charge.

  16. We have Fox Point because NIMBYs wouldn’t let the greenhouse owner grow a profitable crop. My fifth grader comprehended exactly what would happen next.

    1. It's not either/or. Didn't have to stand the smell (you're not living there, 9:40) and didn't have to flip Grover the insider favors he enjoys. This dude sits on city committees, worked for Dudek, is the very definition of a city hall insider. Doesn't hurt that he rides a bike and lives in spandex.

    2. 9:40 you get your "facts" from Gonzalez?

    3. Actually it is either or.

      And history proves it.

      You cannot force a greenhouse business to grow crops that are no longer profitable.

    4. He would have gone broke with weed growing. Yes, the owner is in deep with our leaders.

    5. There's nothing Grover touches that doesn't turn to gold. He's also behind the Sunshine Gardens horror. But you know, it's Grover so green light baby.

    6. “ He would have gone broke with weed growing.”

      Then why the NIMBYism? What’s the rush to get to construction, dust, development and traffic?

      What’s the point of fear mongering if the grower is going broke anyway?

    7. The original land owers idea to grow hemp and weed would have been profitable at that time. Today, he would have lost his ass. What community do you know that wants huge development?

    8. Ehlers supported both Fox Point Farms and Sunshine Gardens.

    9. And unfortunately the other 200 unit monstrosity on Enci Blvd across from Petco. Very disappointing Bruce.

      That corner is already graded an F and no improvements are planned or budgeted for as far as I know.

    10. 11:26 so did Kranz, wot's your point?

  17. You asked what we missed. DId anyone see that EN is removing comments today

    1. FB. No one cares or gos to FB.

  18. 5% of Bobs greenhouse was the plan. So was installing carbon filters for the odors. So was every conceivable security protocol been researched and brought to the council for their approval. Bob did his homework on growing and security measures.

    Some clueless poster above claimed Bob would have gone out of business by now had he been approved to keep his greenhouse operation going. Oh really? What dark place did you pull that made up bs from? Your own reefer madness is showing your complete ignorance again. Thanks for the degradation of Leucadia when it did not have to be.

    A quiet greenhouse operation that had been going for decades was forced out because his neighbors wanted to live next to a large housing project affecting the entire north Leucadia area. Essentially that was what their protesting brought down on us all. The gawd awful traffic is not just a rush hour thing these days on Leucadia Blvd.

    It did not have to be in this one particular instance for this one particular property.

    Thank you Bob for trying to prevent the monster project we have now and forever.

    Fox Point neighbors, no thanks for what we have now and forever. You did this. You brought this project down on more than just your immediate neighborhood. Your ignorant intransigence brought this large project down on all of us in north Leucadia. I hope you appreciate your new neighbors in the hundreds. I hope you appreciate the construction noise for the time being, along with all of the added traffic that we all have to deal with forever.

    We will not forget the part you neighbors played in this destruction of our quality of life when it did not have to be. Little by little, poof, it is gone. You Fox Point neighbors played right into Grover's greedy hands.

    Bob, thanks for trying to prevent what you and many of us knew was coming.

    1. who do you blame for the rest of the developments?

    2. Agreed. Those neighbors got played. Good luck finding a parking place for your visitors.

    3. Fox Point Farms is a nice place to hang out.

    4. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿพ๐Ÿคฃ

      Stupidest comment on this post.

  19. Some of us remember when everything in that area was greenhouses and open space. Now they're homes occupied by people complaining about development and growth. The lack of basic foresight and planning by early city government to ensure the future of Encinitas is what put us here today.

  20. Hmmm, actually it was Catherine Blakespear’s inability to put together a better housing element and letting the courts side step Prop A that got us here. Tony is just hammering the nails.

    1. Hmmm, actually it sounds like you haven't been living here long. The growth in the Bleakspeare years was miniscule compared to what came prior. The 80's and 90's is when they should've been safeguarding the future. Instead they did nothing but build and build. Now people are losing their minds over the few tiny remaining plots of undeveloped land. Prop A is recent history and the majority of the damage was already done.

    2. Nah.

      53% of Encinitas voters would never vote for any housing element that complies with state law.

      In the last round, two groups of volunteer citizen’s groups formed to propose their own compliant housing element proposals.

      Once they understood the state requirements, they came to the (correct) conclusion that the problem was not solvable, and that actually creating a proposal was a waste of time.

      The new process is put out two proposals that will fail their Prop A vote, then a court will set aside Prop A and the city will enact the plan anyway.

      Prop A is a speed bump at best.

    3. Hi Garvin. Still playing an attorney on television eh?

    4. State law isn’t always good law. Remember when gays couldn’t marry?

      NIMBY’s love to preach, but rarely practice what they preach. Do you live in one of those tiny characterless little boxes?

    5. 2:41, yeah fine. Then change the law or challenge the constitutionality in court like they did with same sex marriage.

      Don’t just be a dick and suggest our city can ignore the law without consequences, or hand millions to lawyers with no plan to win.

  21. League of Women Voters - One of the three “question sorters” who’s not even part of the LWV, but somehow allowed to get her paws on the questions - donated to Destiny and Allison’s campaigns. Super unbiased ๐Ÿ˜‚

  22. The Chamber wasn’t interested in using the LWV and Destiny will ONLY attend if they are the moderators. Makes sense considering one of her supporters is sorting the questions.

    1. 1:58 Wow, your post is real news. Is this why they are on the defensive? Hope the reporters who view this blog pick this information up?

    2. LWV were already announced as the moderators. I wonder what changed?

    3. 2:12 Anyone can look via the cities website and see that Kathleen Stiven - the LWV “Question Sorter” donated:
      $250 to Preston 6/26/24
      $250 to Blackwell 4/25/24

      Noteworthy - her husband, James Stiven of the Faith in Action Committee of St. Andrews Church and host of the August 10th forum donated:
      $250 to Preston 6/23/34
      $150 to Blackwell 4/25/24
      $100 to Blackwell 2/8/24

    4. Lies. LWV was supposed to moderate. LukeJim was not interested in participating if LWV was moderating. Why does LukeJim hate women? Or does he just hate that women can vote? Or maybe this is what happens when a candidate is a long time EV crazy with other EV crazies running their campaign.

    5. Rachel & Mel, and the I hate homeless people crew got their panties in a bunch. Again. At least we know who runs the Jim & Luke show.

    6. Why would LukeJim participate in a BIASED forum? Why couldn’t the LWV use question sorters who lived outside of Encinitas and at bare minimum, haven’t donated to LukeJim’s opposition?

    7. 246 Thanks for the real news. I agree they were biased.

    8. Why can't LukeJim be big boys and answer questions that their opposition also have to answer?

      What would be an example of a question asked by this "biased" church lady that would throw LukeJim under the bus?

      What would Jesus do? That might be a no go, you're right.

    9. If LukeJim want the antichrist vote, that would be fine with me, but watch them try to grab the "christian" vote right now, and call the Episcopalians unchristian.

    10. 3:19 you're missing the busy OPEN meet and greet schedules Luke and Jim are keeping. Can't say the same for "does she even exist?" Preston. Her fear of the public at large is palpable.

    11. The biased Church Lady forgot she lives and votes in Encinitas?

    12. LWV has moderated debates in Encinitas for years. Only LukeJim have a problem with them. Weird.

    13. You mean have a problem with DestinyAllisons donor’s moderating?

    14. @3:56 That does not mean the LWV have a forever lock on that role. Many people think they put on snooze fests. Their copyright rules are too onerous for anybody who knows anything about media rights. Basically, they provide very little value for their demands. They don't provide facility, advertising is just about non-existent, sub-par output. It's not out of line to ask "why are they involved?"

  23. I love that Republicans are slutshaming VP Harris.

    It means two things:

    1.) They don’t have any substantive criticism that sticks, and are in full panic mode.

    2.) They are driving away women voters, who recognize the attack for what it is. Fun fact: women live longer, so there are significantly more women voters than men. And all of them have seen misogyny before, and know exactly what it looks like.

    1. yawn, I believe the Dem males may be doing the same. Back to real news

    2. harris was sexing blacks....ya' real class act

    3. Who cares if they’re black white or yellow. You’re a racist. And Harris is a whore.

  24. In other news the president of the league of fake educators (Sabellico) has had his arse handed to him on a platter

  25. Fuck you.
    Come at me.
    Politics is a contact sport and this blog need to be taken down.
    Unfuck EU.
    Zero fucks given.

    1. ^^Smells a bit wifebeatery to me.

    2. Whoa! Moron alert! Guard your ๐ŸŽ„ and your women.

    3. Triggered Maybe

    4. Looks like Stan needs some meds. ๐Ÿ˜˜

  26. The League of Women Voters LIED to you and mislead the voters of Encinitas.

    Timestamp 3:00
    “In that vain of fairness and impartiality, neither the LWV, “Question Sorters”, or myself live or vote in Encinitas”.

    Kathleen Stiven, the LWV chosen “Question Sorter” lives and votes in Encinitas. She also donates to the AllisonDestiny campaigns.

    1. So O'Hara and Shaffer are most certainly scared of the League of Women Voters for two debates now.

      Why didn't you say that to start with?

    2. LWV should host a debate and we can all see if LukeJim are willing to play.

    3. Why will Destiny only debate if the LWV and her donor moderate?

    4. 4:06- You're assuming she will debate at all. Makes for a convenient excuse. Does she even live here full time?

    5. 4:33 Good point and even better question.

  27. Rumor has it Jim and Tony have something in common - they both live in houses owned by their wives.

  28. Didn't Luke's parents help him buy his house in Leucadia?

  29. Seems the DestinAllison handlers are triggered. Love it!

    1. So easy to spot the handlers because when triggered they move into potty mouth mode.

  30. Great reporting by the way. Has Destiny lost the support from the Chamber members? I believe she may have accused them of bias?

  31. The Chamber:

    Monday, August 26, 2024
    6:16 pm

    Jim Benedetti: It was not Jim that pressured the chamber to make the decision to change the format. Talk to your constituents. the chamber is a non partisan body and you just insinuated the chamber is bias which could not be farther from the truth.

    Destiny: ๐Ÿฆ—

    1. 517 Now we have the true story. ๐Ÿ‘

  32. Destiny, Destiny come out and play
    Your constituents want to meet you
    before Election Day

    Destiny, Destiny where have you been?
    Fly in for a visit, stay if you can.

    Destiny, Destiny why are you here?
    Are you interested in the locals or
    is asking unfair?

    Destiny, Destiny, don’t be afraid
    The locals only want answers, so don’t run away

    Destiny, Destiny it’s not as hard as it seems
    Politics is tribal, everybody has teams

    Destiny, Destiny don’t worry, you’ll lose
    Then back to the north with you,
    next time think what you choose

  33. A list of accounts that tend to "like" Jim O'Hara's IG posts: Vista GOP, (Crazy) Vicki Campbell, (Crazy) Natalie Settoon, (Crazy) Julie Thunder, and the so-called neutral Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. So we're supposed to believe Benedetti when O'Hara's company is a member and their staff is liking his posts?

    1. So he’s a Trumper.

    2. 532 Your analysis makes no sense by the way. What a stupid reason to turn down a debate.

    3. Jim B was liking opposition candidate posts since before any forum was announced.

    4. You’re a moron, you do know the Chamber has a social media manager right?
      You also conveniently left out the other 91 likes. Why does your side have to lie so much?

  34. Luke's wife bought their house and wears the pants in the family like Mrs.Moron4Mayor. Where the money came from is anyone's guess. Luke doesn't have a job. He calls coaching JV Lacrosse his job but that's actually volunteering.

    1. Sorry, jackass, Luke was a F-18 pilot in the US Marine Corps’ highly regarded “Black Knights” squadron based in Miramar. In the USMC, Luke was recognized for his leadership in combat and training situations,

      Pull your head out of your ass weirdo. You have to be a freak show member.

    2. Cool story. Now he's unemployed and living in the house his wife bought with unknown funds.

    3. Your sleuthing sucks as much as your candidate ๐Ÿ˜‚ He and his wife bought their home together, weirdo!

    4. Jesus, starvin, you’re losing it.

      BIA is gonna fire you, if you don’t step it up.,

      Your confusion campaign is not working.

    5. C'mon Christie! Of all the explanations you could've gone with, an outright easily disproven lie is what you're going with? She bought it. He was added later. If you're floundering over something this trivial you better strap in.

    6. Luke's military ๐Ÿช– background is impressive ๐Ÿ‘

    7. I will solve the homeless issue on day one, and Mexico will pay for it.


    8. Regardless of who bought what and who works where, I’d take that charming, sincere, good looking, family oriented fighter pilot over an unemployed dull Human Resources appointee. HR are the least liked department in most corporations for a reason.

      I’m looking forward to actual discussions again on council once Luke and Bruce are elected.

    9. C'Mon Amanda, do better!

    10. The nastiness of the power hungy Destiny advisors is getting ugly. Get your popcorn ready the horror show is getting ready to start.

    11. So thirsty 7:16. Luke must be the new Jeff for you gals.

    12. Stan was shit. Density is shit, and The DEI was garden gnome is shit.

      Luke is the real deal.

    13. Moron for mayor only appealed to masochists and Bhavani.

      Luke is truly pleasant from inside to out.

    14. 6:51 Unemployed: Allison…..

  35. The๐Ÿท is salivating for EV. Don’t do it Lorri!

    1. EV was never going to be paused. Julie knows it's the Encinitas Trumpers #1 propaganda tool and she's not going to give it up without a fight.

      The problem is Lorri's too weak to stand up to Julie. But ultimately it will be Lorri's "friends" that wear her down and convince her to hand it over to someone else. Count on it.

    2. Julie has no standing, she cries daily to be able to post her MAGA crap and it goes nowhere. Still she persists.

  36. Dear Larry,

    Please hand over the keys to EV as soon as possible. I have recruited the following individuals as admins to ensure the torch is carried on in the way you envision:
    1) Admiral Starvin aka "The Confusionator"
    2) The Penguin
    3) The Guy That Used To Surf Swamis
    4) Phony (he's my best bud, hope he gets in)

    See, I've got everything set for success, now hand it over!

    - ๐Ÿท

  37. So news flash, Destiny just pulled out of the chamber of commerce meet and greet. A freaking MEET AND GREET. Cue
    AmandaMaliMarcoTheresa to the rescue trying to spin her way out of this one. Because we know she can't speak for herself.

    1. Is it possible she’s out of town on all pertinent forum dates? Has anyone seen or met this woman at local events? Or anywhere in Encinitas recently?

      She’s elusive then arrogant about being unavailable to the public or answering any questions herself.

      If she’s intimidating by the usual suspects, how the heck is she going to respond to real Encinitas issues?

    2. It's possible she's busy in Sacramento and this is a foreshadowing of her inaccessibility should she "serve" in Encintas. If by "intimidating" you mean can't answer basic questions and has to call them "attacks" to avoid answering then she can't respond to Encinitas issues.

      She was promised a walk in the park by the party who said they'd prep and protect her and now she's in way, way over her head. Wake up people, she is a ghost candidate.

    3. We're frowning upon this behavior Density
      - The Sierra Club

    4. Somehow, I don't think they are. Win at any cost, with any candidate, no matter how deficient.

  38. So destiny has one more day to except the chambers invitation after that she’s going to be another no-show.

    1. Do you mean "accept" 9:33? The only no shows have been O'Hara & Shaffer, who didn't bother to respond at all to the League of Women Voters or St Andrews.

    2. 9:43 you mean respond to the DestinyAllison donors?

    3. Lets she what she does then. I hope she'll be awesome.

    4. Dont worry about dumb losers then.

  39. Did she pull out or did the Chamber boot her out?

    1. Phony,

      I hate it when you pull out.

      With Kisses,

      Your Admiral Starvin

  40. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Cliff Notes:

    Just another City of Encinitas complete shit show with Anthill as the puppeteer and the BIA as the production manager. 

    If you want to watch the valuable part of the meeting the oral comments. That is where the local heros Shine!

Tuesday night was no different.

    Heroes include:

    1. Teenager talking about the ravaging effect of the City opening, not one hut to serve our small community, but 4 Cannabis Huts throughout the City to help flood high potency THC through our community, and destroying youth minds and prompting greater drug use and the destruction of the quality of life in this former cool family surf town.

    2. Women explaining how Tony’s high density support of the State housing Stack and Pack plan is harming Encinitas fabric. To Tony - Love thy neighbor does not mean rape them for BIA profits!


3. Scott Campbell - Highlighting Tony’s support for fencing off coastal access and access to fresh produce at Just Peachy while giving the green light to NCTD to dessimate hippy hill and make that area a greater concrete jungle paving over the Paradise. the City just got into major debt buying hippy hill a few months ago adding to our financial owes after a ridiculous $20 million expenditure of a unnecessary second senior center.. What a lemon, Kranz. WTF are you doing?!


4. Natalie Sattoon - Super hero - highlighting results of Kranz inviting the world crack heads and fentanyl zombies to Encinitas. Thank you Natalie! You are Hot and Smart!!


5. Mark Mavil- Super Hero- Four simple truths watch it. Mark is 17 years sober. When Tony reads this, Kranz may be 17 minutes sober if we, the people, are lucky.

Get out and tell your neighbors to drive by and look at the crazy stack-n-pack at Quail Gardens Drive and Leucadia Blvd and ask if you would like that kind of density next to your home?

    If you like super crowded roads, parks, beaches and surf line ups like LA, than you LOOOOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEE Kranz, Density, and the DEI Gnome.

If you loved small town feel of Encinitas beaches at sunrise and sunset, they you will love Bruce, Jim, and Luke. 

    Please watch last nights oral comments starting at minute 40:25 of last night’s video at this city web address- 

    Please be sure to clearly discuss with your voting friends and neighbors about voting against the Kranzification of Encinitas and vote for Bruce, Luke and Jim to pull at Encinitas out of the toilet and have a positive future with no 13% increase in sales tax further causing homelessness.

    Thank you,


- Encinitas Voter ๐ŸŒŽ

  41. Dear Melvin Psychotico,

    We received your application for the freak show pelvic thrust instructor position. Couple of things:
    a) we're very impressed with your background in education but have concerns about your availability on weekends. If you get the school board position will you have enough bandwidth to contribute to our freak show group?
    b) there was no attachment on your bush dimensions so Phony looked like a fool when he fwd me your credentials. This a requirement to joining our group, please submit as soon as possible.
    c) can you place nice in the sand box with Harry Bush during sexy time and not hog my manz?

    - Phony

    1. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ’ฏ


  42. I will grant you, he’s not the best candidate.

    But when you’re running against a total POS like Allman, you don’t need to be.

  43. He is sponsored by Nathan Fletcher. So at least the predators can stay together.

    Predators of the feather stay together. And they’re keeping A close knit group in the freak show. ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟ‍♀️

  44. Y'all should look into who all these candidates are hiring to work for them. Why do they all appear to use the same consultant and accountant?

    1. Because FPPC accountants are few and far between and friends refer friends. Nothing wrong here.

    2. Same for consultants.

  45. 7:08 "not the best candidate?" He is George Santos west. He is dangerous if only because he lies so easily and constantly.

  46. 7:16, more lies?

    It’s sad that your parents and peers never taught you the value of personal integrity and being an honest person.

    Sad for you.

  47. 8:18, he’s running against a total sack of shit in Allman.

    A wet fart in a paper bag could beat Allman. He’s been abusive to parents, teachers, and students. Nobody likes him. He’s an asshole.

    Doesn’t matter who the other candidate is.

    This is a referendum on Allman the A-hole.

  48. It’s very well documented. Pure fact. Kevin S constantly lies.

    The only thing he doesn’t lie about is his preference for sex. Perfect freak show member. ๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคฎ

  49. ^^ ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  50. When is enough, enough?

  51. Sorry, but freak show Nathan Fletcher supported crazy liar Is much more devastating for a school board than his candidate competitor.

    Kevin S is super shitty and dangerous To put that kind of liar on a school board. Very, very, very bad for children

  52. Fletcher isn’t endorsing anyone, liar.

    It’s sad that your integrity means nothing.

  53. Allman the A-hole is losing, and the MAGA are in panic.

    1. We heard your lie the first time, Kevin liar.

      That’s your MO line.

      You are a freak show liar so whatever you say does not matter. You hold zero credit.

    2. No huge Mega trend in Encinitas freak. We are mixed with all parties.

    3. Oink ๐Ÿฝ

    4. That’s true. I’m a freak show member and I’ve flipped back-and-forth between parties all the time. Many predators do.

      - Nathan Letcher

  54. OMG, if he was to get in our children will have a better understanding of anal sex than math. I can see it now... mommy are you a top or a bottom. Keep political state funded proganda out of the schools. Screw who u want but stay away from our kids.

  55. 11:57- sorry, Kevin. Everyone’s onto you. You’re just a freak show liar.

    Enjoy your Nate time.

    It’s time to Unfuck Encinitas.

  56. :8:20- it’s sad that your mommy didn’t teach you what an anus is for. ๐Ÿคข

  57. Hey can I pivot, to something. Encinitas has been clearing the unhoused. Does anyone know why the 2 bullies on the equity committee have not called Kranz a despicable human for allowing the removal?

    1. They should house them in the Second Senior Center and have Kevin S(hit) teach them stuff about DEI and Olympic style Freakshow dance performances.

      Then he can get his teaching credentials.

    2. 200 I support that idea and especially for our locals who have fallen on hard times and can no longer function without help. In addition, I recommend that the two bullies on the H&S team be removed and required to provide 20 hours of week of caretaking duties at the center. Kevin can learn to teach, Tony can provide bike rides, and Joy can volunteer her time to create the wonderful native garden paths and Marlon can teach DEI and ensure that everyone has an equal chance.

    3. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

      And the gnome can teach creating your own DEI gnome classes.

      This is awesome. We will have the happiest fentanyl zombies on earth living in Encinitas. And right by the beach!!!

      - All brought to you by the taxpayers of Encinitas.

    4. 229 I think we have found a solution. I want them to learn to work. Maybe, the H&S team can suggest a private/public partnership with FoxPointe to offer work training at the $$$ new establishment: The Haven This how shit gets done. Any other ideas?

    5. ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ

  58. RCP has Harris beating the turd in the electoral college and popular vote.

    MAGA in denial and panic. Have your affairs in order and be ready to Babbitt yourself at the direction of your cult leader.

  59. If you go to Arlington National Cemetery, don’t do political campaign activities. It’s disrespectful, illegal, against DOD regulations, and generally shitty behavior.

    If you go to Arlington National Cemetery, and you do illegally perform political campaign activities, don’t have staffers physically assault troops who work there.

    If you do go to Arlington, perform illegal political campaign activities, and assault troops, don’t record it, because that is also illegal and shitty.

    If you do go to Arlington, perform illegal campaign activities, assault troops, and record it, please don’t take a photo at a grave site giving a shit-eating grin with a thumbs up pose.

    Especially if you dodged your service with fake bone spurs and called D-Day heroes “losers and suckers.”
