Wednesday, September 25, 2024

9/25/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. It doesn’t matter which cc meeting it is. Every agenda is an eyesore and a stomach ache, most decisions are great for developers, non profits and consultants but rarely for residents. I CANNOT WAIT FOR BRUCE TO TAKE TONYS PLACE IN JANUARY 2025!

    1. Can always smell a Watchdork a mile away.

    2. Not a Watchdork you dick. What do you benefit from this city’s shitty policies?

    3. 🤣 Definitely a Watchdork.

    4. Bruce for the win!

    5. Kranz is 40% of super freak bullshit. Commies are going to get burned so hard in November and run out of town.

      Can’t wait to see Marco crying like a little bitch that he is

    6. Nathan Fletcher news JUST RELEASED:

      “Embattled former Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is facing a new investigation tied to the sexual misconduct allegations that led to his ouster.

      California’s campaign finance oversight commission has opened an investigation into claims Fletcher improperly used campaign funds from his defunct bid for State Senate to support his defense in the lawsuit accusing him of sexual harassment and assault…….”

      What a dirtbag brother and sister you have Marco!

  2. I can smell a moron a mile away.

  3. Too bad you have to call regular citizens names because you don’t know any other way to defend your policies or your candidates.

    1. The comment is coming from an insider who needs to be careful with what he calls us. It is not funny anymore and the person calling locals names.... needs to show more empathy.

    2. Hope to God the residents get the last laugh in November.

    3. Regular citizens don't know this site exists.

  4. I benefit from my house being worth 20 times what I paid for it. Little else matters.

  5. Kranz takes this all as a joke. Listen to what people are saying and stop making fun of them for bothering to come down and try to make the city better. No, he’s no better than stocks who used to mock speakers.

    1. It’s his cop out form of laziness. He’s the perfect stooge for Sacramento.

      And people voted for him, wow! And probably will again. 🤯

    2. Kranz is a perpetual loser that lives in his mom‘s house and doesn’t pay any taxes.

      Resign today, Kranz.

    3. 9:13 Perpetual loser that lives in his mom's house and doesn't pay any taxes describes at least one other putz I can think of.

    4. 9:50- who are you referring too?

      BIA, or kindergarten Kelly?

  6. The joke is on Kranz tonight. Bruce kicked his ass, again

    1. Bruce is a drama queen.

    2. Translation: his brain is bigger than your boy Kranz’s.

    3. 10:16 you, are a queen along with your two male parents

  7.'s the leftists in sacramento that have screwed us.
    It was just announced that two five story apartment buildings were o.k'd last night by the Carlsbad city council.
    This is "all under threat of lawsuits" from the america hating left in sacramento. The leftists get voted in and this is the result. Everything the left does, they destroy. Simply look at the country. Things were fine, then the brain dead voted for the america hating left. Now, things are horrible.

    1. The WEF is not your freind-
      They brought us Covid and they brought a bunch of other bullshit. In the end today, greatly restrict liberty and freedom.

      The tea party platform of Democrat and Republican exist to support the WEF.

      Watch the best YouTube documentary ever:

      “The Great Awakening 2023”

      You will be glad you did .


    2. The last Qanon loser.

      Turn out the lights when you are done.

    3. interesting Apple's auto corrects two-party system with tea party. Whats apple got to gain?


      that is the best documentary ever and I'm glad all high school's are watching it and learning about real American freedom.

      Stop the commie Freakshow. Stop Kranzinitas and fake Airbnb reasidents like Density.

      Thank you lord.


    4. High school’s what?

    5. Continue voting for clowns like gavin newsom.
      This guy makes biden look smart

    6. * high school students are watching it and learning about real American freedom.

    7. These all stink of Peder Norby's "influence". He also thought building hotels in the 101 strip between La Costa and Palomar Airport Drive was a swell idea. What a whore.

  8. Tony had a wet dream last night thinking about the future 5-story and higher buildings he will be supporting up and down the Encinitas coastline while cutting off all beach access.

    A five-story, mixed-use development with 218 apartments and ground-floor retail got the go-ahead Tuesday for Carlsbad’s Village, despite objections from downtown residents who prefer the 60-year-old shopping center there now.

    Carlsbad City Council members said, as they often have before, that their hands are tied. California’s housing laws require the city’s approval of projects that meet state standards and provide much-needed affordable housing, particularly in built-up neighborhoods close to public transportation.

    “The state is bullying us,” said Mayor Keith Blackburn.

    If you voted for Kranz in the past elections like Marco, Mali, Kindergarden Kelly, Az Joy, the Gnome, Kathleen Lees, John Gjata and some other idiots like Admiral Starvin and 🐽, you are part of killing Encinitas. Take a bow - Losers. These clueless Knuckheads are part of 40% minority that got Kranz elected last time.

    This time its not enough and Kranzinitas is going down.

    Thankfully we have Great Candidates with Bruce Ehlers, Jim O'Hara, and Luke Shaffer that Smart Maggie Houlihan style Democrats and NPP voters love and support.

    Thankfully because of these create candidates, Encinitas has a glimmer of hope. Share with 5 of your voting neighbors and Stop the destruction of Encinitas.


    1. Lucky there are no spoilers like last time - right 🐷 💩? We’ve got a good chance of retiring Kranz and with him goes the traitorous influence of Garvin.

  9. Hurricane Hellene is set to destroy the deeply Republican Florida panhandle.

    The great and powerful deity(s) of your choice are expressing his/her/their disdain for the disgusting cult of violence and lies.

    I wonder if images of floating bodies with red hats will create a spirit of humility and reflection in the anti-science cult brainwashed to believe climate change isn’t real.


    They’ll just buy more DJT stock and lie about being NPP.

    1. 👆🏾boring paid Starving deflection post serving his master the BIA.

  10. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Local heroes were strongly presenting the realities in Encinitas last night - All are Heroes and particularly -

    *****Natalie Suttoon, Raul Villamir, and Mark Mevil ****

    Undeniable Hero’s and the public went nuts with applause. I was hooting at home watching these heroes.

    Kranz was stressing and banging her gavel like a little spoiled princess. “Order, Order”….

    So Classic.

    Thank you Heros!!!! You are loved and appreciated. We the residents love you!!!


    Watch the only good part of the City Council meeting - Watch oral comments here

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you HEROS

    1. I’m sure there was much squawking noises and arm flapping. Also breathless dramatic references to “the CHILDREN!”.

    2. 👆🏾 Much more than that…

      But we know how you feel about your girlfriend, Starvin. You better read her emails today and there’s probably a lot of stuff in there.

      I loved when Raul said all of his customers tell him that Tony Kranz is a very frequent customer of the beer garden.

      So besides riding around without a helmet on the sidewalks, Kranz is drinking tons of beer at local establishments. I wonder if he’s DUI on the sidewalks?

      - The truth will set you free.

    3. Tony drinks beer?

      Oh my. I have the vapors.

      —Encinitas Temperance League.

    4. 👆🏾 Love the local heroes. Was that puke all over Raul’s property from Tony?

    5. Always wondered if a DUI is the reason Kranz chooses to ride a bike.

    6. 8:00 and 11:32,

      Yes. Let’s believe that, although the source is simply 8:00 licking his thumb, shoving it far up his ass, and then declaring it to be so.

    7. How dare you lump together an upstanding and hard working citizen like Raul with a crazy gold digging skank and a mentally defective crackhead transient.

  11. NYC Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted criminally for corruption.

    This is election interference!

    We have a two-tiered justice system.

    They are just targeting him because he’s black and a democrat.

    If he was Republican, they wouldn’t indict him!

    It’s a conspiracy!

    We are VICTIMS!

    If they prosecute him, there will be blood in the streets! We know where the prosecutors live, and where their kids go to school!

    The prosecutor and/or judge has a conflict because his cousin’s friend’s girlfriend once donated to his political opponent!


    See how stupid that sounds?

    I support the US Constitution, including Article 3, which establishes courts, judges, and juries to decide disputes and criminal violations.

  12. Democraps are eating their own.

    This always happens right before a complete collapse.

    Extinction bursts always ensure in complete collapse.

    1. Weaponizing the justice system!

      So unfair!


  13. I found people dumber than harris..........voters that find her intelligent. harris is without question the queen of dumb but
    her followers? NOPE

    1. How “smart” would you say voters are in Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Alaska?

    2. your reply? 8:23? harris is an idiot and yes, voters in those states are all related.

  14. 8:15am. You do know, oh never mind, you obviously do not, realize every time you call Kamala dumb, the real dummy who stands out is you.

    She is so dumb she was chosen as chief prosecutor for the city of SF. Gawd you are dumb.

    She is so dumb she became the Attorney General. Gawd you are dumb.

    She is so dumb she was elected to the US Senate. Gawd you are dumb.

    She is so dumb she became our, even yours, Vice-president of the United States. Gawd you are dumb.

    She is so dumb she will be our next president of the Untied States. Gawd you are dumb.

  15. Destiny wants to implement a "citywide quiet zone." WTF is that? Assume she means along the railroad? How is she going to do what Kranz hasn't done in 12 years? He would not let her and she is either aware she's full of hot air or she's extra ignorant. Either way, she's so far from ready for prime time it's ridiculous. The party (of which I'm a member) is delusional to put up such a candidate but they are counting on "D" in the voter guide to win the day.

  16. So if county wide Measure G is passed and Tony gets Measure K passed, would both tax measured mean a citywide sales tax of 9%?

    Who would vote for one or both?

    1. Need to check out Measure G, but K is a hard pass:

  17. Measure K plus Measure G = 9.25% in Encinitas. Check out

    1. This will be a disaster for all residents and businesses. I plan to vote NO!

  18. Re Destiny in a nutshell: she has a full time job working for the state, she runs a massage business, she recently rented a room in a house in D2, and she had laminated cheat sheet cards at the Chamber event to remind her how to answer the most basic of questions.

    The only way she can possibly "represent" residents is by repeating after Kranz. Good Dems of Encinitas, let that sink in. National party scare tactics have no place here. Issues like abortion are not decided in Encinitas. Ignore the Marco-Garvin machine of disinformation.

    1. I guess the lamination was because of all your crying.

    2. Laminated cheat cards? No, those were made so that visitors to her booth could read about the issues she stands for. It's useful so that if she's in conversation with someone else, they can familiarize themselves with her stance on key issues

  19. Watch and learn, my MAGA POS friends.

    Watch today how to react to a politician getting indicted without sounding like a whiney little bitch.

  20. The democrats only response to the crime, out of control homelessness, surge of illegal immigration, endless developer friendly legislation and too little affordable housing is MAGA.

    A real bunch of problem solvers running our cities and state.

    1. Still waiting for LukeJim’s specific homeless proposals.

    2. still waiting for Democrats to tell us what happened to our $24B?

    3. Dance, monkey, dance.

      Do anything but tell us what LukeJim’s proposal is.

    4. Your proposal is more of the same? "Hands tied" Kranz? "What he said" Blackwell? "However they tell me to vote" Preston?

    5. Offering safe alternative locations to sleep other than in our parks, streets, or parked in a car in neighborhoods.

      Using those safe alternative places to sleep as an opportunity to engage social workers and medical teams to identify physical and mental health issues, addictions, etc. Connecting homeless people with treatment services, job training, or immediate employment. Transitional housing to continue treatment, monitoring, mentoring, financial advice, assistance working through unresolved court issues, family reunification services, and eventually, a plan to exit services.

      Yes. This is what I support. I support doing something to help get people off the street and back into productive society.

    6. Most normal people do with the exception of the WDoggers who want to demonize and the Kranzites who want to minimize and look away in the name of "compassion."

  21. One question can be asked of all candidates that is very much both a social IQ test and an Intelligence IQ test:

    Q: Do you support Kamala Harris in any way, shape, or form?

    If the answer is yes that shows you what a complete and total fucking moron that person is. It was 100% confirmed yesterday that democrats today are total complete morons. It's so easy.

    Consider to low IQ morons they're supporting locally. It's embarrassing to think these people actually support these morons. Absolutely 100% unequivocally moronic humans

    1. “More than 100 former national security officials from Republican administrations and former Republican members of Congress endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday after concluding that their party’s nominee, Donald J. Trump, is ‘unfit to serve again as president.’”

      “I only hire the best people.”

    2. If you think national policies play out in Encinitas then you're the nitwit. Think and act locally. Neither kneejerk Republicans nor Democrats can grasp this concept so guess what, Kranz will be reelected, rubberstamper Blackwell will get elected, as will pretender Preston. Good job.

    3. Both presidential candidate's suck. No good choices and both sides think they're voting for the lesser evil and remain at each other's throats.

    4. candidate’s what?

    5. You all may not like Donald....but he is smart and country ran great until the left ruined it. You can make all the b.s you want but the truth is the U.S was wonderful.
      Now..........12 million illegals.......Lock and Load.
      Get ready for some killin'. You leftist idiots hate your own country. Yet, you never just ruin it.

    6. When you say the Turd is smart, you mean like no one will notice this Sharpie on the hurricane map smart? Or maybe we should inject bleach like a cleaning smart? Or Viktor Orban is my character witness smart?

  22. 10:35 mostly agree, but I do think Bruce can and will beat Tony.

    1. Truly am hoping for the same outcome. Preston just put out a nasty email going hard after Ehlers while simultaneously claiming she "goes high."

    2. There is no going high with Gonzalez, Garvin, Tony on your team.

    3. you mean the fake victim newsletter that is most likely written with mdw fingerprints. Here is the deal the handlers are making it easy to not vote for this gal. What a freak show

    4. With Mali likely penning it hoping it lands as over the top combo of playing the victim and mean streak as it does to many discussing it amongst themselves. It really does read like a poor-me I showed up said I walked on water and no one believed me, waaah why is everyone so vitriolic?? Woods Drake fiction.

    5. 333 Here is the deal, MDW is an appointed person. So far she has shown that she is so self absorbed that she enjoys harassing taxpayers. It will catch up to her in time because none of her ideas have ever produced any results. Even her non profit failed. That is right, it failed.

    6. No more E4E? It's kaput?

    7. Would it be possible to post the contents of the letter here? Some on this site are not on Destiny's mailing list.

    8. Fox Point Farms gave her $10K for low income busing. Where's the money or accountability?

    9. 5:45- I am curious about what you just said. IS there any proof that Foxpoint gave Destiny 10K for low income busing? Could you please give us a reference to this?

  23. Girlfriend starvin making some space from the embarrassing comments about her Freakshow girlfriend Phony. The DUI helmetless threat.

    - watch out Encinitas

  24. I guess Luke's campaign manager Rachel Hill is finally tired of Luke's lies. She writes "I'm wondering why you are accountable to Marco to post for a person purposefully misleading voters and making heinous claims against good people of Encinitas?"

    I don't know Rachel .... why did Luke lie to voters for months about being an independent when he was actually a member of the far right AIP? Why did Luke lie about where he lives to illegally vote for Ehlers? Why did you lie repeatedly to cover for him? Why do you keep lying about living in Encinitas when you don't?

    1. By saying that he is lying, that is assigning intent to what appears to be a mistake--the same as Allison's belief that she was a registered Democrat and not registered as an NPP. This attack on one candidate who made a similar mistake to his opponent is really getting tiresome. Allison supports tax increases and votes along the same lines as the current council. If you are looking for a change, please consider Luke Shaffer.

    2. She who never reads this blog, just posted a pretty meme taken from an OP on todays blog asking about the top tax percentage if K and G are approved.

      She was only ever clever enough to steal others ideas and claim them for her own. At least this time age didn’t get the facts wrong. 🐽

    3. Amanda/Mali take a deep breath……

    4. Rachel and Luke are awesome!❤️👍🙏

      Kranz, Density and the DEI Garden Gnome are over and out. 👏👏👏

    5. 9:24, where did he say it was a mistake.

      I’ll help.

      He hasn’t.

  25. Phony - Your usage of the gavel during the council meeting yesterday really turned me on. You're such a badass! Can you please bring it to the freak show on Saturday so we can role play with it?
    - Starvin

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾🔨🔨🔨❤️🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍🤣🤣👍👍👍👍🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  26. Mali is running a dating group at Fox point Farms can’t make this up:

    1. Another worm that sheds their name at the drop of a hat.

      They are nothing more than Commie shape shifters.

    2. As a self appointed low income housing expert, where is her her blowhorn? A true advocate would have blown the horn to announce that Foxpoint Farms was going to change from 100 percent affordable to market rate. Thanks for posting the above link.

    3. Ask her about the income properties she and her hubby rent out at exorbitant prices in the OC....

    4. Wow,let me guess market rate.

  27. 👆🏾💯

    The WEF is not your freind-

    They brought us Covid and they are greatly restrict liberty and freedom.

    The two-party platform of Democrat and Republican exists to support the WEF.

    Watch the best YouTube documentary ever:

    “The Great Awakening 2023”

    You will be glad you did .


  28. There’s not only a hope of a bright future for Encinitas with Bruce Ehlers, Jim, O’Hara, and Luke Shaffer,

    It looks like there is actually some hope for the region! 😊

    Please, God let common sense prevail in the future of San Diego region. Extinguish all of these rotten Covid business and public health slaughterhouse provokers…..

  29. Being mayor is the best! I get free beer at the Bier Garten and free peggings every Saturday night at the freak show. I'm the happiest gal in the whole world.
    - Phony

    1. He picks up his beer at foxpoint also. Straps it on the back of the bike and takes the sidewalk home

    2. 👆🏾👆🏾💯🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. I want to jump back to Mali and point out that something is off. Can someone please tell me why is she advising the City regarding low income housing? She makes no fuss when our developers file waivers to remove or relocate housing. Wait, Brian grants her failed non profit 10k. IMO, she must be removed from her appointed post.

  30. 11:06

    Can’t understand why a newly married woman would put on a singles event.

    Maybe she’s raising $ to repay the $10k she got from Brian Grover.

    1. She is one twisted commie. Who would sign up for that hot mess?

  31. Cancerous Lorri showing off why she's earned the title. It had been almost a day since the last time.

    1. I'm sure in Lorri's addled brain there's some justification for her being a toxic twat. To everyone else it's obvious she's just a bitter hag obsessed with those on her hit list. This is probably the best preview of what the new private EV will be. Only then she won't have to pretend.

    2. You know what? Something tells me that you are connected to the fake justice EEO crew. You suck

    3. really let Lorri upset you?

    4. It's been years of this behavior. EV wasn't called Watchdork lite for no reason. Why are you surprised?

    5. 👆🏾 Go back to NJ, Starvin, you loser.

    6. Mali in the matchmaking business!!!😂😂😂😂😂

      She’s really turned into everything she abhorred. 😂😂😂😂😂

    7. Garvin also got kicked out of watchdog has nowhere to go, bitter, bitter dude. Has it in for Dr. Lorri who won’t let him back in good for her. Hooked up with stocks he searched and found his level.

    8. How can Garvin be banned from EV? Lorri has said many times the only people blocked are Jeff and Kim Morris. I hope you aren't calling Lyin' Lorri a liar just because the truth is there's hundreds of people banned.

  32. If you use the Z-crossing on El Camino Real, which one of the below are you?:
    a) gay
    b) voted for BIAspear
    c) gay and voted for BIAspear
    d) gay and voted for BIAspear and attend freak shows regularly

    1. 👆🏼💯👏👏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. LukeJim supporters think calling someone gay or a woman is an insult.

    3. It’s not an insult it’s humor dumbass

    4. 👆🏾 Just faced the ax, you will never be happy in your life. Your mindset just will not allow it

    5. The last comment was to 115

    6. Amanda/Mali.... boring.

    7. 7th graders have entered the chat, again

  33. Dear Malee,
    I have a friend that is interested in attending your upcoming dating event at Fox Point. But before my friend drops the 25 bucks they want to know if there are going to be any portly gentlemen there that may be future mayor material that are very active with their email accounts. Again, I am asking for a friend.
    - Starvin

    1. 👆🏻 the admiral knows when to abandon a sinking wreck.

  34. Every time I drive by that LA fucking nightmare on Quail Gardens and Leucadia Boulevard I throw up on the street. So disgusting.

    It’s a developer raping the landscape

  35. Nathan Fletcher news JUST RELEASED:

    “Embattled former Supervisor Nathan Fletcher is facing a new investigation tied to the sexual misconduct allegations that led to his ouster.

    California’s campaign finance oversight commission has opened an investigation into claims Fletcher improperly used campaign funds from his defunct bid for State Senate to support his defense in the lawsuit accusing him of sexual harassment and assault…….”

    What a dirtbag brother and sister you have Marco!

  36. 1:50 Blakespear sold it as our first Agrihood. It’s a traffic and parking nightmare as well as a community eyesore. Imagine spending a million plus on a townhome with views of your neighbors rooms and walls. I read many were pre-sold.

    Average residents won’t be able to afford to eat there. Haven’t seen the prices for produce yet.

    Guaranteed in less that two years they will claim the crops are blighted or require too much water and money and request to build more units.

    Tony’s campaign motto should be, selling out my city one development at a time!

    1. Where do you think the average Encinitas resident eats out? There are a lot of restaurants in that price range, all over Encinitas.

    2. They eat at home, get take out or eat inland.

    3. Water is expensive and since we have soil which is nothing but sand, fertilizers will have to be used to replenish garden plots and I agree. Within 2 years, the soil will be depleted, and nothing will be grown there. Then there's WEEDS. You think the people living there are gonna do yard work on the weekends. What a joke.

    4. Haha 4:11. No one can afford a home here, restaurants are empty and we're all eating at McDonalds in Vista?

      I don't think so.

      If you bitch and moaners that want no affordable housing think everyone has to be able to afford to own a home to live here, you also need to be able to afford a meal at Fox Point. It's exclusive Encinitas now aholes, like you want it.

  37. Interesting that you mention Tony. I was watching the news about New York's mayor who received gifts from the Turkish government in exchange for favors. I was reminded of Kranz's trip to the Holy Land and his subsequent vote to let Leichtag have their business offices on agricultural land--opening the door for other uses of their property.

    1. ... and now Leichtag (whose land was bought to stay agro in perpetuity), is on the list for potential upzoning/density housing. Who's palm is being lined there, one wonders?

  38. 2:47 100% Correct!! Greedy-goober already has the plans to build more unsightly roach boxes on the remaining Echter 10 acres. The raping of that Agicultural Land in Perpetuity was done to also open the door, so the LF can built on the 65 acres of Agri Land in Perpetuity that they bought from ekeee. LF did the study numerous years ago, and have the plans ready to go.The Saxony and QGR residents will be choked in all directions. The LF 65 acres were included in the study of prospective sites, to build affordable housing.

  39. 4:31 LF had the study done to build homes on their 67.5 acres, on April 2018. Their study was done, due to Echter's Agri land being approved for a high density Agri-hood development.

    1. I'm aware, but Prop A is still in their way!

    2. If a better council is elected, that travesty that happened under Blakespear wouldn't happen again.

      That woman was singularly destructive, and still is.

  40. Density has been planted as their stooge to vote to get these massive projects approved. Can you just hear Density using her high and mighty, BS-Sacramento-speak, to bully the Residents, and get the full on gang banging of Encinitas under her belt.

    1. What do you think is going through Jim's mind at the same time? "Duuuurrrrrrrr....." As he waits for a call from Bruce and PSP.

    2. It's still a process 4:47 amd 4:49. We've got these massive awful projects because Blakespear and co., including Kranz did such a poor job of picking sites to meet our state requirements. Not once, but twice!

      If I had to pick which mayor I want to see the next round of growth with, it would be Ehlers. He is infinitely more experienced and 150% smarter then Kranz. He also doesn't have a lazy bone in his body.

    3. Not agreeing with you, but it seems you're agreeing that Jim and Luke are unqualified idiots.

    4. I was talking about mayoral candidates. They set the agenda and the tone.

      So, since you're a Kranz fan and may need it repeated:

      Kranz is lazy and incompetent

      Ehlers is pragmatic and does the work

    5. Kranz is very good at what he does. He speaks with authority but most times is lying using lines he was fed or simply making things up on the fly. People mistake that for leadership, integrity. Just watch Berlfein’s eyes light up like a Christmas tree every time she lays eyes on him. A true believer.

    6. I think we agree, but I don't think Kranz is effective at all. He's like a lot of hot air blown into a baloney skin. Stick him with a pin and... well, it's too gross to describe.

    7. Kranz is the Town Dunce.

  41. 4:52 & 4:47 density is a plant that will be dictated to use the HCD broken record that we have to build the RHNA low income units or else?🤣 Prop A will be bypassed, with cr$p excuses like the BIA used to sue us, the tenants contrived lawsuit, Meyers- traitors letter to HCD selling us for cheap and the such. As long as the uninformed voters get duped by the likes of the BIA plants and we don’t get 3 on the council that will stop the BIA’s overdevelopment of our city by using the lie that it is for low income, nothing will change. Hopefully Bruce, Luke and Jim will get the votes to take the helm. Maybe even Joy will start to do the right thing and vote for the community not how the BIA tell her to, or step down.

  42. I just asked Airbnbush how likely she'd be setting up a booth at the Oktoberfest event to meet with residents and answer questions.

    Her response: - 15% chance

    1. Why should she? Olivenhein is not her district.

    2. 9:17, nice try. The event has people from all over the city. Every year most, if not all, attend. Keep up the great work, you're doing great sweetie!

    3. She can't go coz I have a massage booked with her that day.
      - BIAspear

    4. Naaw uuh girl, can’t cuz Airbnbush is scheduled to be given me a solid hour warm oil morphy rub at that time.
      Did that girl overbook again?!

  43. 6:58 Two out of three will get us the majority. Ehlers successor will be appointed.

    1. The new majority appointing an Ehlers replacement would be the perfect start to the Hypocrisy Council.

  44. 3 will get us Encinitas back. burnt down and some pretty bad scars on the skin, but still afloat.

    1. You’re definitely going to catch that roadrunner this time.

    2. 👆🏾👆🏾 💯

      Thank you Starvin! All for the good of Encinitas!

      Stop the destruction!


  45. Crime rate hits 60 year low.


    Stock market hits all time highs.


    President Kamala Harris.

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾 All facilitated by the extreme devaluation of the US dollar.,

      Books are currently being written about The historical collapse.

      Price of gold, guns, and ammo is spiking. Along with any other real assets like real estate.

      China takes down USA and makes everyone slaves without ever firing a shot.

      All liberty and freedom that are forefathers fought for is taken and handed to the Chinese dictators.

      The Freakshow are willing participants as long as Density can continue giving them massages.

      - 100% Truth

    2. Stay in your basement with your ammo and beans. Be afraid. Let the stress slowly block the blood flow to your heart. Don’t use the computer or telephone. The Chinese are listening. Don’t trust your family. They are working for the Chinese. Everyone is out to get you.

      Meanwhile, I’m going to glance at my 401k (oh look, a new record), and go surfing.

    3. Far from it. I’m outside exercising and smiling. 😀

      It’s idiots like you that are going to be slaves and I’ll be laughing all the way while enjoying my freedoms✅

      Death over slavery all day long. 😀✅

      - Down with the freak show.

      Release the Cardiff Gimp. 😢

    4. Data over freak show rhetoric

    5. You mean this China with an economy so close to collapse they're doing literally anything they can think of to save it? The most likely way for China to bring down the US is through its own demise. Keep talking out your ass though, it's great entertainment.

    6. 8:55- You’re clueless as our Mayor the Town Dunce or our number one Airbnb and VRBO masseuse Density.

      This economic collapse that happening is the design of the WEF. All you ignorant Democrats and Republicans are part of the sheep.

      If you watch the best documentary ever addressing liberty and freedom, you will easily understand the issue.

      Do you swallow the red or blue pill?

      Watch the best YouTube documentary ever:

      “The Great Awakening 2023”

      You will be glad you did .

  46. Hello Encinitas community,

    I’m posting today to ask a big favor.

    My dogs anal glands have been really acting up and she’s in extreme distress. I heard Density is a great masseuse and I’m just asking for someone that has the 2 o’clock slot for today if they could please reschedule so that I could get my Biffy in to get her anal gland massage by Density

    Please help me make Biffy’s day much better., I heard density is the best anal gland massager in the west. I have a 1 o’clock class starting at the second senior center for finger painting, and I don’t want to be late today.

    Thank you, Encinitas. Bless bless you.

    1. Your infantile mind is what prompted her to write her poor-me newsletter that will probably gain her sympathy votes. You are a WD refugee for sure. But you know you're sending votes to Destiny.

      Here's a clue, no one is interested in mocking her business. They are interested in the fact that she will not be able to juggle what she calls the "part time job" of being on council with a full time job and her side business. But you're not talking about that.

    2. 👆🏾🤣

      You’re wrong on every front. Nobody on this blog is supporter of Stan. You are freaking clueless.

      You sound as stupid as Marco Gonzalez, The sexual predator supporter who enables trafficking.

      What the hell is wrong with you?

      And who are you even talking about? Are you talking about Density?

      We all know her real value is massaging the freak show.

      She doesn’t even live in Encinitas and knows nothing about the city.

      Can you please quit posting nonsense? I’m outside enjoying the beautiful environment..


    3. No one reads Density newsletter. No one knows density because she’s not from Encinitas.

      Maybe if she sends it to her hometown, which is where? LA, Sacramento, the San Francisco, Bay Area?

      It sure as hell isn’t Encinitas.

  47. I love seeing my campaign’s yard signs in District 2...all 4 of them.

    1. Challenge for Omed: Try making one comment without mentioning “MAGA.” It seems like that’s all he’s got. Does he not realize that candidates have no control over what a PAC puts out or if a PAC supports them? Also, there are Republicans, Independents, and Democrats in Encinitas—we’re not all one political party. Diversity of thought is a good thing, isn’t it? Does he encourage his children to avoid others just because they come from different political backgrounds?

    2. 👆🏾 We all know that the BIA compound is fully in the camp of the WEF.

      Anyone that sacrifices a semi-human life like the Cardiff Gimp is a very, very evil.

      Omed is the Cardiff Gimp. He is enslaved to the BIA and her evil way of life. Kept in a closet and mentally beaten by his master and mother-in-law daily… Very, very sad. 😢

      His cries of MAGA are cries for help. Can we help him?

    3. Ya, dude must live in a locked room watching cable news night and day. I feel bad for the poor soul who can't think independent. Release the gimp

    4. 10:13 and here you are blogging all day. Manipulate much?


    5. 9:26- spot on.

      Omed is The Cardiff Gimp.

      Captured from his homeland of whiter than white offspring from New York, The young gimp had no chance against a very manipulative BIA operative.

      The operative had a mommy with a compound in Encinitas. The operative knew she was set for life and was struggling for something to do with her life. She went to Utah to find a whiter than white gimp that she could keep in her closet and treat as a pet for her mommy and herself to torture all. Making him feel completely inferior and praise woman power.

      She had children with the gimp, and then put the gimp in the closet. She went to have her little fun up in Sacramento.

      Don’t buy into the BIA manipulative bullshit.

      Free the Cardiff Gimp, free Omed.


  48. Let’s be real for a second….

    The Blakespear’s, Gonzalez, Marlon, Kranz, Preston, Blackwell, Mali, Sabellico, etc are the poster children for manipulation.

    Manipulation is when the above mentioned blame you for your reaction to their toxic behavior. But never discuss their toxic behavior that triggered you.

    Vote opposite of these people and we’ll be just fine!

    1. 👆🏼💯💪💪💪💪🔨🔨🔨🔨🌎❤️❤️🌎🙏

  49. Thank you. The story is spot on. Everyone in Encinitas saw this come to light. It’s a very very sad story of the dark side of Encinitas.

    9:26- spot on.

    Omed is The Cardiff Gimp.

    Captured from his homeland of whiter than white offspring from New York, The young gimp had no chance against a very manipulative BIA operative.

    The operative had a mommy with a compound in Encinitas. The operative knew she was set for life and was struggling for something to do with her life. She went to Utah to find a whiter than white gimp that she could keep in her closet and treat as a pet for her mommy and herself to torture all. Making him feel completely inferior and praise woman power.

    She had children with the gimp, and then put the gimp in the closet. She went to have her little fun up in Sacramento.

    Don’t buy into the BIA manipulative bullshit.

    Free the Cardiff Gimp, free Omed.


    1. Who she says she’s supporting and who she really supports are two different things #sheloveskranz

  50. I’m voting for whoever is running against the candidates Thunder supports.

    1. 🐽 Is Irrelevant. Vote for what’s best for Encinitas.

      Bruce, Jim, and Luke

      Do not vote for out of Encinitas big development profit candidates.

      Thank you very much and have a great day. 🙏🌎

  51. Great folks like Bruce, Luke and Jim will bring about the badly needed changes in Encinitas. ✅ Kranzie-poopoo, DEI-blackwell, and vibrator-massagie-Airbnbush are out! God Bless our City!🙏

  52. My "power to the people" ballot will be for Kamala, Bruce, no on all tax increases. Kamala to keep the investment and home equity gravy train going, Bruce to at least make things more difficult for corp/state exploitive interests and no more taxes increases for already struggling young and old low income residents.

    1. You’re voting for WEF.

      Don’t throw away your vote vote for a candidate other than Democrat or Republican. Your choice.

  53. Rachel Hill is a bullshit artist with her accounting of the city council debates. Not a very good artist either.

    1. Someones high school kid is in the chatroom, again.

    2. Rachael Hill and her family are examples of awesome Encinitas residents. They walked the talk of being respectful, have high integrity, and are engaged.

      They don’t buy into any of this bullshit squawking like BIA and Mali. You don’t hear them screaming racist and DIA every opportunity they get. It’s because they’re real. It’s because they’re not part of the freak show.

    3. 1. All Rachel does is screech about her idea of racism. She never stops about how her family has suffered under imaginary persecution.
      2. Rachel isn't an Encinitas resident and can't vote in this election.

    4. I love Rachael Hill’s family. Lead by example. Integrity on all issues. ❤️❤️❤️

    5. Her accounting was spot on! In fact, I just visited the cities website to see the donations myself. It’s public record, no reason to lie.

    6. Rachel owns homes in Encinitas and cares more about her hometown than most. Thank God!

    7. Who gives a fuck if you like her family? She can't vote, and neither can many Luke/Jim supporters.

      Who gives a fuck if she rents out her property in Encinitas? Is it Airbnb? Even if it isn't, she isn't a resident.

    8. Literally everything Rachel says is bullshit. She's incapable of telling the complete truth about anything. A perfect trait in her circles. I don't think I'm spoiling anything to reveal that in the coming weeks that non-resident is going to have her 15 minutes. 🤣

  54. Density is not a resident of Encinitas. Does she get the vote in Encinitas?

    1. Is Destiny registered to vote in Encinitas? If she is, she's a resident.

      Rachel isn't a resident because she doesn't live here. She collects rent from a property she owns here, nothing more. Her husband isn't either, and both contribute to the max for Luke/Jim/Ehlers campaigns. Out of state.
