Monday, June 2, 2014

Mayor Poll

Fact Thrower brings up lots of legitimate points in the comments about the records of candidates.

But in a world of limited and imperfect choices, what are you going to do?

Please vote in the poll in the left sidebar below, and leave your comments here.

UPDATE: OK, not sure what the problem is with Blogger polls. Let's try SurveyMonkey.

And yes, I know SurveyMonkey is as insecure and manipulable as the city's idiotic new Peak Democracy software. So you're on your honor to vote only once.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Not sure how to display the write-ins, but here's the count so far:

Julie Graboi 5
Catherine Blakespear 2
Al Rodbell 2
Bill Rodewald 1
Sheila 1
Donna (if Julie isn't running for mayor) 1
Michael Vilkin 1
Richard Dreyfuss 1
Judge Brandenburg 1
Leucadia Strange Thing 1
Gus Vina 1
"As yet undeclared" 1


  1. I will not vote for any of these loser incumbents.

  2. WC thanks but we need a space there for a write in candidate if possible. Now that would bring out some of our most committed citizens to the fore.

  3. This isn't secretly Peak Democracy is it? How can we be confident of how representative the results are? Have you gone to the dark side?

    1. Strictly unscientific and just for fun. But a hell of a lot cheaper than Peak Democracy!

    2. And yet judging by the comments here, people are taking it seriously. You don't think the results will have an impact? It's not a "fun" poll like what's you favorite ice cream. Your response is pretty lame.

    3. It is no different than Peak Democracy! Peak Democracy uses an invalid survey sample and they can start it and end it when they get the results that they want! Some on council think that having maps on the computer means it is a valid survey, but it isn't. We need council members with basic skills in research. The Peak Democracy guy told them that it is invalid, and he should know. He has a graduate degree from Harvard and works at Berkeley, yet he is selling this fake research product.

      Thanks for the experience of a fake survey WC--and this one is free and at no cost to the Encinitas taxpayer!

    4. Technically, the results from Peak Democracy, or any other passive web based survey software such as Survey Monkey, are no more or less valid than the speakers at council meeting as far as representing the whole (Encinitas) population. Of course the speakers at council meetings aren't limited to survey questions and they can add emotional emphasis but there is no way to know whether they represent the majority.

      And by the way, all the council members spoke about the limitation of Peak Democracy as a statistical significant survey method. I think they get it.

    5. 2:40 sounds like Lisa Shaffer who said something like this and then voted for the lousy, invalid Peak Democracy program.

    6. Lisa and Tony have damaged their political chances with what they did last week. She was excellent at getting elected, but on the job, has made one blunder after another.

    7. So Lisa at 2:40, why did you have to agree to buy Peak Democracy if citizens who speak at meetings are "no more or no less valid" than passive web based survey software. When citizens speak, that is free, and a lot of us listen to meetings to hear citizens not council members or staff.

      You just can't resist wasting our tax money on unneeded programs.

    8. 9:59 PM. You got me. Except I'm not Lisa (or a council member or staff). And I'm not undervaluing public comments at city meetings. I value them a great deal. I listen to them closely.

      The point I was making was how representative are they of everyone in Encinitas? That distinction doesn't depend on whether I agree with the comments because sometimes I feel that although I agree with a speaker, we are in the minority.

      Sometimes the best comment are from someone who rarely speaks at council meetings. What if Peak Democracy (or some other software) allowed those people to provide their input more often? It's not a poll or survey just additional input/views. Think of it as more structured than emailing the council.

    9. The problem is that the special interests already control the conversation at the expense of taxpayers!! Comments on Peak Democracy will more than likely come from those who have conflicts of interest since they and the few regulars at meetings are the only ones who know about it! Why should we pay for yet another mode of communication for those who already have frequent backroom meetings??

    10. Maybe 11:02 is Mike Cohen who was the slick Peak Democracy sales guy! Maybe he is here to protect his contract?

    11. We can end the Peak Democracy contract at any time. We have already paid thousands of dollars for it on top of paying Medford at least $30,000. What 'information' has the City gotten for what they have spent?

    12. 4:40 PM

      It just has to be one of the bad guys, doesn't it? Then it's a lot easier to dismiss their argument Why would anyone else not buy into the group think here. So no, I'm not Mike Cohen. I'm not even slick.

    13. 4:40 PM

      I just have to be one of the bad guys, don't I? Much easier to dismiss my argument when you think it comes from "one of them". Who else would not be locked into the group think here. Sorry to disappoint but I'm not Mike Cohen. I'm not even slick.

    14. 12:25 and 10:21, "those bad guys" are people who we elected to represent the people who campaigned for them, waved signs for them, walked neighborhoods for them, for whom we did fundraisers and used our own good names and personal reputations to convince others to vote for them. Once elected, they have voted against everything they promised us and we promised other voters that they would do.

  4. So far, the poll doesn't seem to be working.

  5. In the title Alex Fidel is listed twice.

  6. Why do this poll now when the deadline for filing is July 13? And, the poll is not working.

  7. Vote them all out!!!

  8. I will also write in Al Rodbell and would give $200 to his campaign gladly.

    1. LOL!

      Al will never run for office. Same goes for Donna. Sheila had her chance already. Fidel is a kid with no clue. Get over it already.

      This exercise in picking fantasy candidates would be pathetic if it wasn't so hilarious.

  9. The poll is like the council - it isn't working.

    1. Good one!!!

      Or like the city manager --all f@$$ed up....

    2. "You get what you pay for" - Yuban Arbuckle

    3. Fred
      I don't get it?

      We pay our city manager big bucks. Why are we getting shitty performance?

      Is it because the city council is failing to lead?

    4. I think Fred was talking about the poll, either that or he's hopped up on Whoban......


    5. Oh... That makes sense

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. When you have to explain your jokes, you need a new writer.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Will you explain that?

  10. Yup, it's not talleying the results. Must be out counting its pension....

  11. Gaspar's mother and kids are on-line!

  12. I applaud Wc's attempts to measure the real feelings of the people on this blog. Survey Monkey is used in academia as well, so it is somewhat more reliable and valid than perhaps Peak Democracy. Although, to be fair, I have no idea what Peak Democracy's formula is. I also didn't know Richard Dryfuss was running, or is a write it. I wonder if he would run? That could prove to be interesting.

    1. Are you saying that Peak Democracy is somehow manipulating the results? Passive surveys, whether Peak Democracy or Survey Monkey, all have the same limitations. They are an imperfect survey (poll) because significant representation can't be established (unless of course practically the whole population participates).

    2. If you can vote twice, ie it doesn't lock you out via IP or login, you can clearly manipulate the vote. It's a test of honesty. Don't worry, I don't think Gaspar's voting on here.

    3. Someone can vote from more than one device, probably, like from a smart phone, and a laptop, and a computer, for instance.

      I suspect that Tony Kranz is voting more than once. And if a family member is reading the blog, then he or she could vote, too, just like that person could vote at the polls.

    4. 3:10 PM

      You have to register to use Peak Democracy so I have to assume it will allow only one vote. Was the dig at Gaspar really necessary or is that all part of the derangement syndrome?

    5. I went Tony, sorry, not going Gaspar.


    6. What's the difference, MGJ? Both owned and operated by developers.

  13. Maybe the Great White Shark will run too! Be better than the current roster of candidates.

  14. "better get a bigger boat"

  15. Oh no. The Kook is doing poorly as in no votes. What's wrong with you people.

  16. Thanks WC for the write in space. If Julie was going for mayor she would be it but I believe she is going for the council position. Now for the mayor not so clear at the moment but I would love to see her and Donna shape and shake this town up and in a good positive way to bring true community representation back to our town. We don't need no stinkin' Peak Democracy to tell us what we need. We have the people we need right here without hiring outside interests to tell us what we should be thinking.

    1. yeah, doesn't everyone know that Sheila and Lynn speak for all of us!

  17. Leucadia Stange Thing, keeping Leucadia strange!

  18. Speaking of voting. I hope all of you, if you haven't already done so, will go vote before the polls close at 8PM. You know, the actual election that's taking place today.

  19. why vote when I can hang out here and just complain.

  20. Look at all of the people complaining about Peak Democracy that have no experience with it. The city could announce they have a magic wand to fix everyone's problems, prove that it works, and some of you would still be complaining on this blog that the wand wasn't the right size or color.

    1. Really... What does peak democracy do for us besides cost 9k per yr?

    2. I think the contract charges more than that in the fine print.

    3. "the city could" but the city can't-

      Gaspar's 4 year record of failure has created all the problems, Gaspar's 4 year record of failure has proven she is the cause of all the problems.
      Gaspar's 4 year record of failure should be exposed by resident complaints

      (Barth, Shaffer, Muir and Kranz are all equally responsible, as is Diorty Dan Dalager, Midnight Jerome Stocks and Jimmy Bond)

    4. You must be a gymnast 6:51 AM. First it's all Gaspar's fault; "Gaspar's 4 year record of failure has proven she is the cause of all the problems". Then "... are all equally responsible ...". So which is it?

    5. your nuremberg defense of Gaspar doesn't hold water. You may play Sargent Shultz and claim you 'See nothing, nothing!" but we see everything.

      Gaspar- increased our debt by $10M
      Gaspar- increased debt service of $500,000
      Gaspar- in office when the city for first time in history spent more that it took in- called a deficit.
      Gaspar- took $7M from funded projects with no plan to pay back
      Gaspar-voted to waste $66,000 on surveys her husband used to promote Gaspar.
      Gaspar- voted against resident safety at desert rose-
      Gaspar- voted to hide road report from the public
      Gaspar- voted to give ex city manager extra paycheck
      Gaspar- voted to hire city spin doctor
      Gaspar- lied on Prop A ballot statement

      Gaspar's record of failure, mismanagement, malfeasance and incompetent self-seeking votes are her own. She owns her record, no one else.

      Fact thrower

    6. Oh FT. You're so precious when mixing metaphors. The lowly, bewildered Sgt. Shulltz who's only following orders but insists he sees nothing contrasted to the Nuremberg trails involving prominent Nazi leaders and decision makers.

      And yet you continue to fail to explain why the survey was bogus. I guess you just don't understand how surveys work.

      With Barth announcing that she isn't running for either council or mayor this year, maybe you've turned your fury to Gaspar, as she is the only current council member is this year's election (I believe she confirmed she would at least seek reelection if she didn't run for mayor).

    7. 12:15 you have been skunked- it's clear to all you have no facts to argue. The useless, unwanted, bogus city sponsored and controlled survey was used by Stocks and Muir in hopes of getting elected and used by Gaspar's husband Paul to try and boost his wifes political image.

      If you had facts you'd share them - but you don't.

    8. The reason the survey was bogus was not the sampling technique, but the questions that were asked. They were all designed to elicit positive answers from those surveyed. All were softball questions, nothing that would cause a negative response, like "Is traffic a problem in Encinitas? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 very bad to 5 non-existent." Or "Do you find it hard to park at the beach in the summer?" Or "Rate the scale of the pension problem in Encnitas."

      You get the idea. No questions were asked that would actually give the city some information on problems that need attention. That would put the city in a bad light. Vina said he would design question to give useful information. He lied. He simply used the same questions from previous years.

    9. Fact Thrower, please add to your list that Gaspar voted NO to elect Barth as mayor, even though it was rightly her turn under the rotation system. Now, when the shoe is on the other foot, she wants to whine like a baby. That is not what I call "class".

    10. 5:14 PM

      Just off the top of my head, "Rate the scale of the pension problem ..." would be a leading question because you include the word "problem". I'll have to read all the survey questions but at least someone is trying to answer my question and it doesn't sound like FT.

    11. 5:14 you have been skunked, give it up. Fact Thrower and others have proven the survey was bogus by offering facts. You have offered no facts. Scoreboard

    12. 10:59 AM

      Oh you really got me. I finally went on the city website to check it out myself as FT wouldn't back up his claim. It took me only a couple of minutes to discover that the survey only cost approximately $20,000 not $66,000 as FT and others claim. The $66,000 figure is the total for the CIP project over 6 years which anticipates doing a survey every other year. The projected costs for the 3 surveys were budgeted at $20K, $22K, and $24K (they must have been factoring inflation) which total $66K.

      I guess FT doesn't know much about budgeting. So that's all I have time for now. So yes, FT's facts do smell like a skunk.

    13. Oh and another thing. While the survey was administered under the current city manager, the CIP project to do citizen satisfaction surveys every other year was created before he arrived.

    14. 10:59 you remain skunked. Your attempted explanation carries the stench of excuses. You admit the waste of taxpayer money is $66,000, then seek to hide behind the fowl unpleasant odor of denial. Thankfully we are not joining you in your delusions.

      Fact- all speakers at the council meeting to approve the waste of $66,000 on bogus survey's told the council that if they were truly not planning to use the surveys as political propaganda then they should vote to do the survey's in non-election years- Council ignored them.

      Fact - Gaspar was having none of it and voted with Stocks and Muir to waste the $66,000 on bogus surveys in election years to benefit themselves.

      Fact - The bogus surveys were then used as political propaganda by Stocks, Muir and Gaspar and her husband Paul. "we love Encinitas"

      Fact- The $66,000 could have been used for traffic calming at Paul Ecke School. The $66,000 could have been used for sewer repairs to protect safety in Leucadia. The $66,000 could have been used to fix potholes in Olivenhain

      Fact- Instead Muir, Stocks and Gaspar took that taxpayer money to benefit themselves. That is who they are. That is who you support.

      Fact- Gaspar puts herself before community. Gaspar puts political propaganda before public safety. Gaspar's leadership is as odious as your excuses. She alone owns her record of mismanagement, malfeasance and incompetence.

      Fact- Gaspar voted to give ex city manager Cotton an extra paycheck spiking his pension

      Fact- Gaspar voted to bury the road report from the public

      Fact- Gaspar voted against resident safety and quality of life at Desert Rose.

      Fact- Gaspar voted against residents and residents sued the city on the roads report and Desert Rose- Gaspar and the city lost costing us wasting $100,000

      Fact Gaspar's vote to raid $7M from funded projects with no plan to pay it back - the city now has 200 unfunded projects

      Fact - Gaspar voted to increase the city's debt by $10M and the annual debt service by $500,000 - the city now spends more thatn it takes in and is on the path to insolvency with more than $300M in unfunded liabilities.

      Fact - Gaspar was a coward and refused to vote on Pacific View and sticking it to taxpayers.

      Fact - Gaspar approved up to $135,000 for a spin doctor residents opposed.

      Fact - Gaspar lied on the Prop A ballot statment sent to every voter in the city.

      Fact - Gaspar voted to waste $66,000 on bogus survey's resident speaker's opposed.

      Fact- Gaspar ignored residents asking that the survey money be spent on capital projects and instead voted to use that money on surveys her husband and political allies then used to send out mailers promoting themselves.

      Fact Thrower

    15. 12:32 PM

      Denial isn't a just a river in Egypt.

      Stating the actual survey cost is around $20,000 (exact amount based on number of survey questions) is an excuse? Stating that the $66,000 is a budgeted figure for three surveys not the actual outlay for one survey is an excuse? Stating that you apparently don't understand budget documents is an excuse?

      Sorry. You can't even handle a simple question.

      You've got nothing and you've wasted my time.

    16. 12:32

      You have again been skunked.

      Fact- did any citizens ask for the survey at city hall -no.

      Fact- Did residents at city hall say the survey was bogus- yes.

      Fact- Did residents ask Gaspar and the council not to do teh surveys- yes

      Fact- Did Gaspar and council ignore the residents- yes

      Fact- Did residents ask Gaspar and the council to spend the money on projects to benefit residents -yes

      Fact- Did Gaspar and the council spend the money instead on themselves- yes.

      You can't handle the truth. Here's few more truths from my fact box-

      1. Gaspar voted to increase debt by $10M and leave 200 projects unfunded-

      2. Gaspar voted to increase debt service by $500,000 a year, now Encinitas is spending more than it takes in.

      3. Gaspar voted to take $7M from funded projects with no plan to pay it back- now residents have more than 200 unfunded projects

      4. Gaspar ignored residents who asked the $66,000 for surveys be spent on projects and voted instead to waste the money and stiff the residents. Shortly after that her husband formed a political group and used the survey to send mailers and promote his wife.

      5. Gaspar gave ex city manager Cotton an extra paycheck spiking his pension. She can't count to 52, but she can count to three.

      6. Gaspar voted to bury the road report from the public, the public sued and Gaspar and the council lost.

      7. Whe the residents needed Gaspar to vote on PV in 2011 she showed cowardice and ran from the building.

      8. Gaspar lied to every registered voter in the city on the Prop A ballot statement.

      9. Gaspar voted against protecting resident safety at Desert Rose and side with high density developers. Residents sued, Gaspar wasted money and the city lost.

      10 Gaspar ignored residents asking the city save up to $135,000 by not hiring a spin doctor and that the money be used to fund projects. Gaspar instead voted to approve the waste of up tp $135,000 on a spin doctor. meanwhile 200 projects remain unfunded.

      You are again wrong to claim I have nothing, I've got Gaspar's record. She owns it, I am putting it on display for all to see.

      Fact Thrower

    17. Just tell me one thing, Fact Thrower. Will you be starting at Oak Crest or Diegueno in the Fall?

    18. Fact Thrower has the facts and I appreciate posting them for all to see. Now, if we can just get some people to wise up and see the light and vote Gaspar out of office.

      That would be a good day!

    19. Elementary School is where Gaspr belongs- she might try Cadiff Elementary where the mural on the playground teaches kids to tell the truth and put community first-

      The facts are Gaspar told us

      She is a family values candidate- then Gaspar lied on Prop A

      She is a family values candidate- then Gaspar gave Cotton and xtra paycheck spiking his pension

      She is a fiscal conservative- Gaspar gave Cotton an extra paychech spiking his pension, while increasing our debt, debt service and resident fees.

      She is a fiscal conservative- she took $7M from unfunded projects with no plan to pay it back -left us with 200 unfunded projects

      She puts community first- she voted to waste $66,000 on bogus surveys her husband then used to promote Gaspar -our projects remain unfunded

      She wants open government- She voted to keep the Nichols road report from the the public

      Fact Thrower

    20. The satisfaction surveys were contracted over a period of six years, every other year, during election year cycles. This was arranged in 2012, though, AFTER Gus Vina was City Manager, as of June or July of 2011.

      Jim Bond had asked that the surveys could be done in off years, so not in election year cycles. All the public speakers, and there were several, spoke against the satisfaction surveys, as we knew they would be used by incumbents for electioneering. But Jim Bond ended up voting with Stocks, Barth, Muir and Gaspar, to unanimously approve doing the satisfaction surveys.

      Barth wanted them to benefit her too. She was angry when she was left out of the We Love Encinitas propaganda mailer based on the high ratings Encintias predictably received, from those participating in the survey. And yes, the price was to be $20K for 2012, $22K for 2014, then $24K for 2016. Apparently, though, we didn't go through with the three year contract, as one wasn't done, after all, in 2014? Teresa and Tony wanted one. Lisa was the swing vote on that issue, saying that she agreed that the survey shouldn't be used to play politics during an election year.

  21. Peak Democracy is no more valid than this survey. It only costs us thousands every month and this is free!

  22. I'm striving for Peak Mediocrity....

  23. Alex is tanking and here comes the judge!

  24. You mean Indian appointed commissioner .... It not like he is a real judge or anything....

  25. Dumanis (corrupt tyrant) was reelected - no one ever lost underestimating the stupidity of the voters. Here comes Gaspar as Mayor.....

    1. The actions of our council majority have been pretty sad since they have been elected. What happened to "trust and transparency" and Be the change you want to see in the world?"

      I see no trust, transparency, or any change except that the voters were used again.

    2. The hope for real change diminishes.... Money rules the roost.
      It is the decline of Rome....

    3. currently the Taliban is being more transparent then President Obama regarding the release of 5 AQ terrorist for a soldier who's fellow platoon members are saying deserted.

      Obama has the soldier unavaible to the press for 'reintegration' while the Taliban had video of the swap up online.

      Obama and Susan Rice have the US Soldier hidden away from reporters while the 5 AQ terrorists are free to roam the street of Qatar-

    4. Gaspar needs her magic wand and tiara and she is set to screw the city.

  26. Very unhappy about Dumanis winning. I guess a little "side money and favors" never hurt- uh Danny?

    1. I am thrilled about Dumanis winning. She gets it done with a proven track record.

    2. She still outshines Pfingst's.

    3. Dumanis gets "it" done?? Exactly what is the "it" to which you refer, 1:16?

      If you mean rules and law be damned, I guess she gets something done...for her friends....

    4. 2:09: Agree. There are so many back room deals going on in San Diego County, it makes our own community look pretty "clean." Dumanis has a history of deciding which cases she wants to prosecute, and sometimes she decides not to, and sometimes she decides to prosecute. However, much of the time, if one has been paying attention, the people she prosecutes are not necessarily as bad as the people she doesn't prosecute. Local Attorney

    5. She goes after some of the corrupt in the police and sheriff's department. That in itself is getting it done. Those departments have gotten a way with too much for way too long.

  27. Summary of all posts on here:

    "Harumph. Harumph. Harumph."

  28. Since someone wrote in Bill Rodewald, check out this post, and the comments that follow, from the past. The Prop A that was referred to in this Leucadia Blog thread was Encinitas citizens' vote to NOT allow the Eckes to further eliminate land that was pledged to agricultural use in perpetuity. Prop C was when we voted not to raise our taxes to pay for something the City was already doing, monitoring and working toward clean water. The City had illegally put a new fee on our trash bills, and when Prop C was defeated, we all got reimbursed.

  29. Which Candidate is committed to firing our incompetent City Manager Vina?

    That is the highest priority for our Mayor and City Council.

    They get my vote.

    We know is not Gaspar or Kranz.

    1. It would be almost impossible to fire Vina because it will take a majority vote of council (maybe 5-0).

      I don't see this ever happening no matter what candidates are elected or who the mayor is at the time.

    2. Why don't YOU get a spine and run for office or at least state your name.

  30. After Reconsider-Gate, local theater group approaches Lisa Shaffer about trying out for part as Nurse Wratchit in North County Production of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

  31. She's better suited as one of the patients in the hospital!

  32. 10:55-Slimey has to go and there are so [too] many examples of why some anonymity is preferable to being on the hit list collected by slimey and his cohorts at city hall. As one who experienced it personally at the time of the Prop A vote I am incensed our representatives have allowed themselves to become tarnished by this slippery slime ball. With this being well known to the public and always denied by anyone from the city, it is no wonder some choose to remain anonymous. Why don't you come out yourself publicly. Yea, well that isn't going to happen is it? I won't hold my breath for your courage to express itself. I hope all who can and care about our 101 in Leucadia will come and join us at the library at 5:30 pm today to show that 101 streetscape does not represent the communities wishes as the the lane deletion and roundabouts. The rest we are in agreement for the most part. Please make the time to attend as we need all the people we can to show up.

  33. I support the lane elimination and roundabouts similar to the well functioning one on Hwy 101 and State Street in carlsbad. The road diet and roundabouts also work well in Birdrock and turned around their formerly blighted roadway.

    Thank God the majority of people attending the workshops were smart enough to approve the better concept. It's a ignorant people that are against it.

    1. What's the bottom line? Tony and Lisa are putting Pacific View ahead of Leucadia 101. Get a promise from them tonight that they will complete the Hwy 101 project before one yard of earth is tuned on PV. Don't let them cry poor mouth.

  34. $13,000,000.00 could sure do a lot more L101 streetscape.

    The city paid for all of downtown's streetscape,. Now it's Leucadia's turn.

    1. Part of the new bond loans the city is getting should go towards the L101 approved upgrade. Let the Art lovers wait their turn.

    2. new bonds- did I miss something? Is that what they voted on last week? Did they make it a general obligation bond that needs a vote or did Barth and her band of liars decide to again hoodwink the public?

    3. Yes, $13 million in new debt, $10m for abandoned school, $3m for lifeguard tower.

      Did they make it a general obligation bond that needs a vote or did Barth and her band of liars decide to again hoodwink the public?

      Hoodwink, obviously.

  35. After much study of her positions I am convinced Julie Graboi is exactly what our city needs. She has my vote!

    1. Please share links.

      I too am favorably disposed toward Graboi based on her many public statements before Council and her work on Prop A and Desert Rose, but I don't have them collected in one place.

  36. Julie Graboi will WIN!

  37. What's her position on roundabouts and pacific station ?

  38. Having never met anyone that even remotely likes pacific station and many that loath it, I could venture a guess.

  39. What's Catherine Blankstare's position on anything. She never states her position, except that she opposed Prop A.

    1. Graboi- Spoke out against the $1.3 spent on MIG as a waste of money that could have been spent seriving residents.

      Blakespear- silent

      Graboi- Spoke out against approving $135,000 on a spin doctor at city hall suggesting the money be used to serve residents

      Blakespear- silent

      Graboi- Spoke out against the Barth Shaffer agenda item to try and limit free speech, control community involvement and limit time donations.

      Blakespear- silent

      Graboi- Spoke out against waseteful spending at the 2013 budget and capital improvement projects council meeting questioning if city manager and staff were providing factual financial data- we just learned the city is now spending more that it takes in.

      Blakespear silent.

      Graboi stood and asked council why boxes and boxes and boxes of citizens participation on the general plan remain unprocessed and unreviewed by staff and council

      Blakespear remained silent.

      Gabroi- went to city hall on her own time to stand on principle

      Blakespear- is rumored to have met with city spin doctor after hours and is backed by Barth Shaffer and Kranz

      Graboi- Stood for protecting resident property rights and safety at Desert Rose

      Blakespear - is said to be backed by Barth Shaffer and Kranz- whgo voted against resident safety and quality of life at desert rose.

      Graboi- Stood in support of Prop A to protect property rights

      Blakespear- appears to have alinged herself with Barth Shaffer and Kranz- 3 people who signed their names to lies on the Prop A ballot statement.

      The choice is clear for all to see. Blakespear for council is more of the same. Graboi is the clear and only choice.

    2. Does this style of logic or reasoning have a name? It's truly amazing.
      "is rumored to"
      "is said to"
      "appears to"

      I mean, these are practically facts!!!!

      - The Sculpin

    3. Graboi has a record of invovlement based on principle. I have heard her talk at city hall a number of times on TV. She makes good sense.

      She has stood up to Vina and to Barth when no one else has on Prop A, spending, waste, protecting community characther and open government.

      I saw Blakespear at city hall only once- she said the council should buy Pacific View but not once mentioned buying it at a price we can afford- or how we were going to pay for it.

      I also saw Graboi at the council meeting recommending the council not waste money on a survey to raise taxes with Lew Edwards. Graboi stood up to Vina.

      Didn't see Blakespear that night. No idea where she stands on raising taxes to pay for Vina's poor leadership. Graboi's against it.

    4. 2:48

      It is true that Kranz, Barth and Shaffer were all supporting Blakespear at a meet a meet greet.

      Does that mean Blakespear is for raising taxes, destroying community characther, opposing resident safety, increasing city debt and lying to voters like Barth Shaffer and Kranz do? That's a question voters should ask themselves.

    5. 2:48 If you have something different than what is posted, let's see it. Otherwise, the post by 2:31 is quite accurate.

    6. Really 3:16??? Is it "accurate" for me to point out that I did not see you respond to the Olivenhain crop circle post therefore you must be in favor of crop circles in the middle of intersections, as well as wanton drunk driving down Lone Jack, and endangering me and my family? Clearly you are in favor of the destruction of my community and its character. Tell me, where is the flaw in my reasoning since it appears to be so obvious?

      - The Sculpin

    7. 3:27 No, you are not even accurate on that point. Sorry buddy.

    8. Then 2:31 is equally inaccurate. Look, I look forward to Graboi's campaign, who might even work! But cheap shots, conjecture and flawed logic is just so wrong on so many levels.....arhg....

      - The Sculpin

    9. 4:43

      No cheap shot or conjecture - just the truth.

      Blakespear had a meet and greet. Kranz Shaffer and Barth were there to support Blakespear.

      Kranz Shaffer Bart lied on Prop A- they support Blakespear

      Kranz Shaffer Barth have increased our debt, increased our liabilities- they support Blakespear

      Barth Shaffer Kranz have opposed resident safety and quality of life at Desert Rose- they support Blakespear

      Barth Shaffer Kranz have left boxes of unprocessed citizens input sit in storage at city hall that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars- they support Blakespear

      Blakespear would be well served to get as far away from Barth Shaffer Kranz as she can

      Graboi- stood up to Barth and Vina to protect resident safety and property values at Desert Rose - Blakespear was silent

      Graboi- recommended money wasted on MIG, Peak Democracy, Lew Edwards, True North and city spin doctor be spent on residents and projects (this amount equals more than $1M) Blakespear was silent

      The only cheap shot I've seen on this blog lately is some poster trying to pilfer another posters fictious name -

    10. 4:43 wants every one to think that the FACTS put on here are lies and not truthful. Rather than make accusations, Sculpin, I would like to see your facts which you never seem to have. Just a lot of talk and trying to avoid the truth. You seem to want to steer every one in a different direction so the facts can be overlooked. Nice try, but it won't work.

    11. So that's it, 8:06? It's either fact or a lie? Nothing in between? Do opinions exist in your world, or are they lies? How about guesses - are they lies too? Reasoned conclusion - a lie also? Educated guess - that must also be a lie. Hypothesis - lie? None of these are facts, therefore per your reasoning, they're all lies, lies, lies and lies.

      Now let me offer you a word of caution - unless you're Julie's campaign manager or are close enough to her to understand her positions, I would suggest you refrain from making any claims as to her positions on any issues. What if you're wrong? What if she decides to take a different policy direction than you have already ascribed to her? Then who becomes the liar - you?, or her?

      - The Sculpin

  40. Could we see a copy of your GED, please 10:13? Just sayin'.

  41. It surely will be an online diploma if it even exists, kind of like our former mayors' on line college degree, bought and paid for but to no beneficial effect.

  42. Graboi was one of the original people supporting Prop. A if I am not mistaken. She, and her neighbors, took on the CIty and Marco Gonzales, hiring their own attorney to fight the Desert Rose development. And, they won. Of course, Marco will probably appeal, but in the first round they won. I have had the pleasure of meeting her and I know I will vote for her. She is an activist, and if we don't get behind someone like her, will will still have a wishy washy City Council. I don't know what she thinks about roundabouts or Vina, for that matter. However, as soon as she announces and gets her website going, I would bet she would answer questions, unlike some of the Council.

    1. So far so good!

      - The Sculpin

    2. Julie Graboi is very level headed, I know that for a fact. Can't wait to cast my vote her way.

  43. I noticed in the poll that somebody would vote for Richard Dreyfuss. I am told that he is an advocate for teaching civics in the classroom to our youth.

    I believe that many who post here as well as our entire council are in dire need of a civics lesson from Mr Dreyfuus.

    I do not think he would run for Mayor but it sure would be amusing if he did.

    Has anyone declared and filed for Mayor?

    1. That is not possible until mid-July, when papers can be taken out for signatures.

    2. Apologies to Mr Dreyfuss for misspelling his name in the second paragraph.

  44. If you want GED's go talk to the KL CC....

    Actually they can not pass any test. They have no common sense.

  45. Gaspar is gaining. She's been on the phone telling everyone to hurry up and vote so she can get ahead of Kranz. I wonder how many times her mommy and son voted.

  46. Elizabeth Taylor for mayor
