Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Open letter on density bonus

From the Inbox (and suggesting that anyone else having an opinion on density bonus should send a brief note to council@encinitasca.gov before tomorrow evening):
Dear Mayor Gaspar and City Council:

As I watched the City Council meeting last Weds, July 9, 2014, I was excited for our City and its citizens. Councilwoman Barth put Density Bonus on the Calendar, and a robust discussion, of both citizens and Council, occurred. Councilman Shaffer, along with others, suggested that three of the items Councilwoman Barth put on the agenda could be voted on at this coming Weds., July 16, 2014, council Meeting. I did not hear anyone asking for Staff's opinion. Originally Ms. Barth said it might go to the Planning Commission. As the conversation ensued, the general consensus was that it would be appealed to the City Council, so for expediency, I understood that the Council would vote on three items that were in Ms. Barth's proposal.

As I look at the agenda for the July 16, 2014 meeting I see a lot of information from Staff. Perhaps I didn't hear correctly, but I didn't get the impression that Council had asked Staff to give them direction at all. Since I do realize Staff is supposed to give direction, I expected to see a one page document stating something to the effect that you had all the information that you needed. I did not expect, especially in such short time, 83 pages of Staff input.

I would therefore like to make two points.

1) Please vote on the three items that you stated you would do, this coming Weds. I am sure you could not help notice the crowd's pleasure that Staff was being overridden. There is a reason for that, as I am sure you all know. More on that if any of you would ever like me to share my experiences being on the Parks and Rec. Commission, as well as with Mr. Kerry Kusiak.

2) I cannot help but wonder how Staff could get the information to the Council on such short notice, given that Jeff Murphy had stated it would take about 15-18 months for him to get the information to you. Perhaps there is more to this than I am aware of, and in that case, please consider that I don't know what Mr. Murphy was exactly alluding to when he said gave his answer.

I think you all understand the community's desire to not end up like another Huntington Beach. We are an amazing small coastal community that was written up in National Geographic as being just that. We get a lot of tourist dollars for being just that. There is Density Bonus, and then there is Density Bonus-developer style. It would appear as if the Staff likes the second of these. I moved here in 1983, and it was very different then. I voted to incorporate, as I could clearly see the argument of what would happen to us under the County? Our Community Character has changed, there is no doubt about it. But, do we have to continue down this road of more, and more, people, cars, density, and other poor quality of life issues?
Unless you want a bigger Encinitas, you are in a perfect position to say NO more. If the argument is "We're going to get sued", may I respectfully suggest that many citizens would rather spend taxpayer dollars on a lawsuit, than continue to give developers pretty much everything that they want?

Thank you for doing the right thing this Weds. by voting on the three items. I personally hope that you vote to round down, make the DB house the same size as the other houses and do not let the developers be able to put the "low income" housing into one area. We, as citizens can lobby Sacramento to rethink the Density Bonus law, especially in a drought stricken State, but that will take time. In the meantime, let's take a risk, if indeed there is one? Please vote to say No More to whatever a developer wants. I have respect for developers. It's their job to get every cent they can out of property they have purchased. So, I don't blame them for coming here, as indeed we are known to be very developer friendly. If I were a developer, I would do the same thing. But please, say NO! And if we are sued, I will personally give the City $500.00 to fight it. I expect there are a lot more citizens that would also do it, if needed. Thank you for your consideration of my request.

Warm regards,

Lorri Greene, Ph.D.


  1. Yes, please violate the city and state ordinance.

    1. 1:07 apparently you are not familiar with the words "at council's discretion" meaning round down- you know, like they do in that little town up north called LA-

      The one's getting violated by the council and VIna are encinitas taxpayers

  2. That surely cannot be his lowness, I humbly submit. The correct use of grammar was not all over the map as is his custom. Thank you Dr Lorrie you are welcome to keep on contributing as long as you are feeling it and have the courage to stand against the entrenched power base that has had a free ride here for far too long. Good on you, my sister in arms.

  3. There seems to be a person(s) on this blog that cannot think of anything constructive to say, so they fire their missives and missiles at anyone who posts their own name. I would call that cowardly, but that would be too generous. Instead, let's just say, that there are some that do, and some who will always attack and complain. I think Dr. l does, as this email went to Council and who knows how Wc got it? Then there are 3 posts, just on this alone, all by the same person, who doesn't contribute much of anything. Oh well, it's sad that he or she won't even give out a name so that we can ask him or her exactly what their beef is with a lot of people, not just Dr. L.

    As far as this email goes, I say Kudos to Dr. Lorri. I have never written to the Council, as I didn't think they read anything, but we will see.

    1. 2:25 You do realize that your post also contributes nothing, and that my post, in turn, contributes nothing. sigh..........................

    2. Where is your name?

  4. 2:44- I disagree. I said I thought it was cool that Dr. L sent something to Council. And what again did you say that was a constructive?

    1. 3:03 - I didn't say anything constructive. See how inane this can be?

  5. $500 or $1,000 won't get you to the court steps.

  6. news out today with video footage of busloads of illegal immigrants dumped in North Carolina shopping at Walmart with EBT cards issued by the government and paid for by USA taxpayers. Somebody posted a few topis back that Walmart -now profiting from the illegals being given tax payer money by the government, and the driven to Walmart at taxpayer expense, as well as Bill Gates who stands to profit from common core being sold in public schools and Adelson the gajillionaire in Vegas who stands to profit by having a low wage labor pool support LA RAZA- now we know why

    As troubling is the video reveals what really is happening- most of the illegals are hardened looking males aged 15-20. The propagandidst want us to think they are children- they don't look that way at most of the online photos I have seen


    1. I swear this is "Short Attention Span Theater" here. Maybe they should change the name of the blog.

  7. La Razza troll... Take your hate bait to another blog.

    1. When the Muslims are about to chop off your head remember there was plenty of information available about this practice they practice.

    2. I have a question for the Alex Jones fear troll. Why did we not have relocation camps for people of German heritage during WW2?

    3. Cabezon,

      Perhaps you should ask fans of leftist icons Earl Warren and FDR, who advocated and ordered, respectively, the rounding up of Americans of Japanese descent.

      I suspect that it had to do with Japanese immigration having been much more recent and small in number than German, and Germans having been much more assimilated and intermarried.
      "German is the largest ancestral group in the country."

    4. The Japanese owned farming land in California. Greedy developers wanted that land and the federal government helped by pushing the Japanese families into interment camps.

    5. Cabezon beat down.... Booyahhhh.

    6. EU- You missed my point. If japanese were white there would have been no camps. Most people are inherently fearfull and hatefull of others that are different. Where are the "patriots" when the Russian/Irish/English/ect illegals invade. Too bad they ain't brown.BTW all modern tri-cornered hats are made in communist China now but can still be made at home out of foil.

    7. There are legitimate economic, environmental, security, and other reasons to oppose uncontrolled immigration.

      Simply ascribing racism to all opponents of open borders is lazy, and, I believe, inaccurate.

    8. 8:13 you may be "inherently fearful and hateful of others" but I'm not. Apparently you would rather try and blame the illegal immigration problem on race using it as cover to promote a political ideology rather than call it simply what it is- illegal. The law knows no race. For instance what about all the legal immigrants now working their way thru the visa process of J1, 01, STEM, H1, H1B- why do you want to trample on their rights while rewarding law breakers? How can I support their rights while you claim I am a racist?

      Legal citizens of all races, colors, creeds and sexual orientation are embraced, loved and supported by America. We have CEO's, Movie Stars, Athaletes, Musicians, authors, artists, politicians, teachers, deans, educators, engineers, ditch differs of all types that are accepted for what they do, how they do it and what they offer- Oh yea- they are also all illegal.

      Illegal Immigrants, many of them 15-20 year old hardened males, are invading our boarders. The government is taking these unknown illegal immigrants and using taxpayer money to shelter and feed them - which we should in my opinion- BUT then the government is shipping them to cities and towns across the country- without telling the public who these illegal immigrants are, or what their background is- and using taxpayer money to set them up- see the video link provided above.

      With all respect 8:13 and 5:49 it appears you are the ones with the problem with race and skin color.

      The problem on our border is about illegal immigration. Unless of course you hope to play the politics of race to get elected or divide the country- sound like anyone you know? hmm who pits neighbor against neighbor over race?

    9. news out today- some members of the democratic party have come out and said to the world "our doors are open"-

      Of course our doors have always been open, to legal immigration-

      The video goes on to say that some $3.7B dollars of taxpayer money that could be going to feed our legal kids, house our elgal families, pay for job retraining, early education, meals at schools, roads, bridges, education will now instead be spent on more lawyers and judges- employed by the government with their pensions- to find ways to provide amnesty-

      Just a bit more information for us to think about- oh yea, I am

    10. WC, Just because I point out the inherent racism of the fearfull reactionaries doesn't mean that I support open borders. It's "lazy" to only complain about the brown illegals. If anyone is playing race politics it's the right wing media smear machine.Just listen to 5 min of Hedgecock or Rush if you want your hate quota. If Germans were brown they would have been put in camps.

    11. 8:13 AM
      Do some more research on internment of German and Italian Americans during WWII. It happened to them also. The Japanese were greatly affected because of their farmland holdings.

    12. 10:50,

      Correct me if I'm wrong, but I wasn't aware there was currently a humanitarian crisis with tens of thousands of Germans being smuggled to our border by human traffickers.

    13. 10:50

      with all respect it appears that it is you who has been duped into believing race is an important factor in policy. It alslo might be possible that perhaps too much propandidst main stream press has blurred your ability to see thing as they are not thru the prysm of color you seem to be clinging to.

      Illegal immigration is not a racial issue- it is a legal issue. As we speak one group of immigrants of all races, colors, creeds and sexuality are completing J1, 01, student, travel, H1 and STEM visa applications. Many are graduating our Universities and hoping to work here in the USA, others are hoping to come here sponsored by their governments to be exposed to training and learning. These legal immigrants will contribute to america and will be welcome.

      Then there are illegal immigrants who disregard our laws and our borders. They are invading our borders bringing with them disease that threan our communities. The vast majority seek not to contribute as the legal immigrants due but rather to take- they talke educational resources, health care resources, food resources-

      You also omit my friend that the US taxpayers spends billions to help all people of all colors around the world from Africa to Poland to Central America.

      Perhaps it is you my friend caught in the cycle of hate and intolerance. Legal immigration and illegal immigration are two different things. Race has nothing to do with.

      I for one refuse to be bullied and intimidated by race baiters who would prefer I not see the truth of things as they are but instead see them thru the lens of color they promote.

  8. no hate bro- information is just that, information.

    1. More like misinformation or better yet Foxformation.

      Zombie facts and lies = Say it over and over again then repeat it ad nauseum to the dullards as to spread the word so it must be true.

    2. 6:36 You lie- I just watched the video link. What do you have against truth?

    3. Cabezon- I heard Alex Jones said the feds were planning for a year to house these illegal immigrants in FEMA camps- you might be right that he was wrong- turns out the feds are putting them up in resorts- I wonder if the news will deter others from invading?

      News out the Feds just bought a $50 million resort to house the illegal immigrants. I wonder how many legal citizens that $50 million could benefit? Schools, elderly care, meals for the homeless, shelters for battered woman, infrastructure

      - now it's gone to buy a resort to benefit illegal immigrants-


    4. News out today that an illegal immigrant who arrived in June and was apprehended and released killed a woman and kids and was just arrested for murder in Texas. Apparently he was processed in Mcallum Texas around June 26. The TV station WDSU in Louisiana the site of the murders has the story. There is also documentation of the catch and release of the illegal immigrant up from border agents up on Breitbart.com posted by Brandon Darby-

      The AP also covered the story and the AP story is up on the Huff Post..............but the AP chose not to share with readers that the murderer was an illegal immigrant from central american that was caught and released in June

      why is federal government hiding information from us?
      why is the AP afraid to report the truth?

    5. updated news- the group granted the $50 million from the feds to buy the resort to house illegal immigrants has withdrawn their offer after the story broke online and they received negative feedback-

      No word on what the Feds plan to do with that $50 million.

  9. In response to this letter sent to the Council, I am certain that several people at last week's meeting suggested these very things. Does this letter writer expect kudos when someone else had previously asked council to do these very items listed.

    Others have written to council, but I don't see their letters posted here. Interesting.

    1. WC will post if asked. I don't think the good Dr is looking for a pat on the back here, she's just calling the council out on the points that those who spoke at oral communications made. What's so wrong with that?

    2. I too am certain that several people suggested these very things, and the council seemed quite serious in supporting them.

      But since then, staff has come out quite ardently against change, and this council has a long history of cowing to staff.

      If others who have written to council are feeling left out from having their letters posted here, they should cc: encinitasundercover@gmail.com.

    3. 6:50 Yes, it would be nice to see what others have written if they care to share.

  10. Recently coastal commission staff recommended approval of cal trans I 5 widening project.This includes the direct access ramp at Manchester.The ramp is over 30 feet high.Does this mean the coastal commission can over ride Prop A's 30 foot height limit with out a vote of the people?

    1. Yes it does , the CCC is omnipotent. Don't believe me?? Just try and build a wall to save your house from falling into the ocean.... Just try it .

  11. The Coastal Commission is a farce. It is demanding that a seawall recently built in Encinitas be removed in 20 years, even tho this wall blends in perfectly with the natural bluff color and contours. The morons in the SurfRiders Association try to block the construction of seawalls also, claiming it impacts wave formation and impacts deposition of sand on the beach - both erroneous and non-factual contentions.
    Meanwhile, the members of SR arrive at the beach in their smog emitting cars, put on their petro-chemical based wet suits and swim out on their petro-styrofoam/plastic board - real environmental advocates. The main reason they block everything is envy - they resent people who live near the coast.

    1. The main reason they block everything is they are snot nosed elitists that think they know what is best for you and your house. I hope they have a meeting under my bluff and it collapses on their heads.
      The CCC is evil.

  12. Is that you crappy on your so called bluff? Your bluff? It is not your bluff. As for it falling down be careful of what you wish for. The gods may be listening.

    1. We'll it isn't your bluff is it?? Lololollllloooolll. Idiot.

  13. Does anyone on this blog even know how Density Bonus will affect you? Maybe before totally discounting the email because it happened to go to Council from Dr. L and was then somehow given to Wc, it would be a good idea to see what we are in for if staff gets its way. Let's see, there is Fulvia, Desert Rose, and several more I can think of. So why all post about things that may be true and we can't do a dam thing about it, I suggest you pay attention to your own backyard. Dr. Lori has spelled out some serious problems about to happen at the City Council meeting tonight, and somehow most of you are to interested. You will be when they do stack and pack in your neighborhood like they are trying to do to mine. Wake up. Forget that Dr. Lori wrote the email. Read it. It is totally true and if we don't do something soon, it will be too late.

    1. The issues stated in her letter were brought to the council way before this letter of a couple of days ago. Let's give credit to the people who actually spoke at the meetings, face to face, with the council and to those who wrote letters and emails.

      The council will weigh their decision based upon input from city staff. That is reality.

  14. Density bonus will not affect me or my neighborhood. There is no more room to build around our area.

  15. 2:56 you are living in a fantasy world if you think your neighborhood is exempt from db. For example, a single family home on Jason st in Leucadia is now pursuing a project that will bring more people to that one address than all the people that currently live on the street. Every neighborhood in this city should look at joining others in this battle over preserving our community character at every instance. It is a battle worth fighting for. Please consider, if only just to show up and add your person to the growing numbers of others that care enough to attend when events are held to gauge the publics response to this travesty of a law. We can and will remove our town from being the magnet for this that it has become because our planning dept. pushes this on every project to come before them. The Jason st house originally was going for four units until they came away from the planning dept with seven. Come on out tonight and join the move to stop this. All are welcomed.

  16. I don't live in Leucadia and never go downtown Encinitas. I stay away from the stack and pack junk.
