Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Mark Muir running for re-election

We’ll have at least one contested city election this November.

Mark Muir’s Cardiff Current:
After much consideration, I am proud to announce that I will be seeking re-election to the Encinitas City Council.
Earlier, Planning Commissioner Jody Hubbard announced that she would run in Muir’s district, backed by former council members Barth and Shaffer.


  1. Those names are the kiss of death to any campaign. Their rejected ideas and attitudes will send voters running - in the opposite direction.

    1. And by "those names," we're talking Barth, Shaffer, and of course Blakespear and Horvath.

  2. Jody Hubbard worked for a construction company and is now pushing for high-density housing projects as a Planning Commissioner - go figure!

    1. Cha-ching $$$$$$$$ Another sell-out.

  3. Choice - none of the above.

  4. Ok, then a candidate must step forward and be supported. If our city citizens know what is coming down the pipe than lets get behind someone who represents our city best interest and most of all the majority. Those who seem to be putting their hats in the ring are supported by outside interests and the incumbent past actions speaks to his unwillingness to understand and support our city and its citizens, not good for our city growth. Any suggestions or support with someone who does support our city and its citizens? Good to know who does not support our city, but now we need someone who does support our city and its citizens. This is a window of opportunity to seize upon.

    1. Be careful what you wish for. Split the vote further and you might end up with clueless developer pawn Jody.

  5. I'm going to have to hold my nose when I vote in this election. May as well vote for Mad Maxie Waters for council if you vote Hubbard. When will we see the day that Shaffer and Barth go AWAY??

  6. Two words for Jody "Constructionist" Hubbard - rock and dumb (not necessarily in that order).

  7. I’ve never voted for a Muir in any election, but would this time if I lived in District 3. While I say I don’t agree with his views, time after time he has appeared to be the most reasonable councilmember during council discussions and votes in the past couple of years.

  8. I agree Muir is the best councilmember we have by far, although that's not saying too much. He seems to put the public first in his decision-making process. I don't even know this other person who's running in his district.

    1. Muir always puts the public first when his vote doesn't matter.

    2. Muir is a freedom-freedom-fighter and awesome and libtards HATE him. Libtard are full of hate. Libtard are ruining Encinitas. Libtard and Leechtag-controlled Kranz, feminist sociopath Horbarth, and bossy pants mommy dearest Blakespear need to go!

  9. Pork barrel, in more ways than one...

    1. "Running" for office??? More like sitting down.

  10. 9:13 is right. When has Muir ever advocated anything the residents want and then stood his ground? He pretends to be on the residents' side because he wants to be reelected and keep his water board positions.

    He was against Prop A and for Measure T, just like the rest of them. He plays a good political game.

    1. Muir is for Muir - highest bidder takes him.

  11. Good points about Muir. I still like that he's voted with Kranz and against Blakespear and Horvath in most critical decisions lately. That certainly won't be the case with Hubbard.

  12. Pathetic pension hog.

  13. Bring on the debates!

  14. He's been on the council for 8 years and has the BEST voting record by far. I've looked at it, have you? If you don't like him, please point to "ONE" decision he has made that hasn't reflected the communities interest. Also, indicate how the others voted (e.g. council pay, pension, development, etc.).

    1. 4:59 He was against Prop A and for Measure T. That's two.

  15. 4:59pm Your already convinced, so why would anyone bother to go to the effort to change your mind with the history that you deny?

    His token, playing like the good guy votes that never go anywhere, could not be more transparent.

    New blood is needed with them all and time is running short to declare.

    We have one contested district and that is no contest at all with Teresa and Lisa backing Jodi.

    Mark is a sure thing, so you are home free. How nice for you.

    For our city, not so much.

  16. I'll take muir's "token" over the other four's blatant war against residents.

  17. Mark Muir’s list of achievements:

    . . .

    I got nothin’.

    1. Let's just start with OPEN SPACE. He brought to the council the idea of making it a policy to put money aside for the procurement of Open Space. The city can now start thinking about actually buying some of this land. Other then the accomplishments they all take credit for, why don't you list any "accomplishment" any other Council member or Mayor has made? His votes are very solid; no paid raise for council, general infrastructure needs, balanced budgets, community issues, etc... As for Measure A and T, all Council Members voted the same on these issues and it now looks like Measure T was better then what we have now.

    2. On what issues has he led the charge, garnered a majority and carried the day?

      Are you excusing his opposition to Prop A because the others opposed it to?

      Measure T did not look better than the evolving proposal. Three stories of mixed use lining the major roads was not a good idea.

    3. Measure T is much better. Three stories in our neighborhoods is the worst idea ever. Keep it on the major streets!

      You must not live here. Don't get it.

    4. And you must not live off a major street, 10:43. I get it. NIMBY is your name.

  18. Everyone has the right to drink as much Koolaid as they want.

    Expecting others to join you indicates that there was a little something extra in your batch.

    We have all been watching Mark ourselves for much too long to swallow what you are have happily drunk. Drunk? Yea, but it fits. Moving on.

  19. On what issues has he led the charge, garnered a majority and carried the day?

    None that I can think of.

  20. Do not justify voting for someone you really do not support. The attitude of voting for the best of the worst is very problematic (look where this has gotten us). Our city has lots of qualified candidates who need to be brought forward, or step forward. If there is not a candidate you support,on the ballet, then wright one in but do not let those that get elected feel they are supported by having them point to the fact they won by a majority popular vote. When in fact it was a minority vote. The power is in the vote and is a demonstration. Do not settle. Find and bring forward those that would command a majority.
