Monday, April 22, 2019

Moses Kook

Happy Passover!


  1. Will he summon God to part Cardiff Reef and allow all the kooks to flee their pursuers - the 'Riff Reef Locals - and then to have the Locals smitten like the dogs that they are by the onslaught brought forth by releasing the seas???

  2. Please Moses Kook help the City Council find a competent City Manager. Please, Please o' Moses Kook......

    1. Puh-leeze Moses, show lazy city workers the door. Pleeeeze Moses, give the city manager the strength to do another restructuring so she can give them the boot. And for god's sake Moses, start with 9:28.

  3. I understand that Blakespear was pissed that her image wasn't place there instead of Moses!

  4. Wow. Again-Quintessential Brust- throw both your bosses and your employees under the bus. Nothing is ever her fault in her head. What a class act.

    Maybe it is all the Mayor and the City Councils fault. I seem to recall Blakespear writing in one of her recent news letters about their top four adopted pinnacle goals including:

    1. Get the state to impose a housing element that developers drool over, that every resident hates, and reverses a vote of the people to keep local control of their zoning of land use and promote growth to look more like Huntington Beach.

    2. Stop all progress on every City project.

    3. Implement the plan of one step forward and two steps back on the City's highest priority project.

    4. Implement practices that will get the City continually sued, make our roads super unsafe, and bankrupt our City.

    And you wonder why people are soooo pissed off at Blakespear?

    Too bad our Mayor and City Council are mentally weak and under the thumb of crappy City Manager.

  5. I know whats next - a performance evaluation and a 10% raise to Brust for doing such a bang up job. Blakespear at her finest!!!

    Uggg....So sad to see the collapse of such a cool beach town.
