Wednesday, August 21, 2019

8/21/19 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Executive Officer Keene Simonds of LAFCO, speaking under presentations, said he would be brief, but he wasn't and spent the whole time praising the mayor for her wonderful work. It was a setup by the mayor. She seems to be worried about her reelection chances. She was beaming instead of frowning the whole time.

    1. This is what they do: they pack the agenda full of fluff and leave the serious stuff they fear residents will speak to at the end.

      This is SOP under those who promised they'd change the system. Barth talked a good game then turned coat and Blakespear happily keeps the tradition alive.

  2. The sound for the live webcast keeps cutting out on the appeal. What a mess.

  3. Community choice energy governance - the cute name for the city government taking over electrical distribution and charging us for it unless we opt out. Council doesn't seem to realize that making everyone part of their scheme isn't a choice.

    1. When a transformer blows up who will fix it? When there is a downed power line, who will fix it? When an underground cable fails, who will fix it? Who installs new services?
      Who will handle traffic control in an emergency? There are towers going thru Encinitas, who takes care of them?
      These pipe dream fools are not living in the real world but I have found that many that live in Encinitas aren't grounded in reality.
      You bet I'd opt out.

    2. Shaddup Kranz.

  4. Cut SDGE. No accountability and ridiculously high rates. Go off grid ASAP.
