Monday, March 13, 2023

Encinitas man killed in RSF crash

NBC 7:
A 28-year-old Encinitas man died this weekend when a vehicle he was driving slammed into a tree in Rancho Santa Fe.

The crash happened near 16224 Rambla De Las Flores at about 3:45 p.m. Saturday, according to the California Highway Patrol. The unidentified victim was driving a silver Toyota Matrix eastbound on Rambla De Las Flores and "for reasons still under investigation, the driver veered off the roadway and collided (with) a tree," the CHP said.
UPDATE: Victim identified as Christopher Woodworth, according to social media a La Costa Canyon High School graduate and saxophone player.


  1. I blame the trains and planes.

  2. The exhaust from his car must have done him in for the final solution to his life's problems.

    1. Why would there be exhaust from his car?

      Are you living in the 1950s?

      Geez. Welcome back to real time. McFly.!

      Cars are electric now. Much faster, much cleaner much quieter, much better.

      And has a bonus if you look around people are in smoking, Marbro reds and camel nonfilter anymore.

      Nothing better than clean air and peace


  3. Do stupid things and there it is...the tree must have been a conservative as it was steadfast and grounded in doing the right thing. A leftist tree bends.

    1. I didn’t read that in the report. why are you saying he did stupid things?

    2. I know that road and the max speed is 40 mph. 20 mph on the corners. If properly belted and following the limit, you don't die from doing something smart.

  4. You callous cold mean people are joking about a young person that’s dead! Someone who could’ve been one of our sons! People living in Encinitas seem to be becoming increasingly Nasty!! Or, maybe it’s mostly just this page? I for one am praying for the young man and his family🙏.

    1. Don't care. You don't run into tree by accident as he must have been doing stupid stuff. Think of all the good, smart kids that bad things happen to. That, is where my heart bleeds.

    2. Fuck off and go back to LA, You loser. Quit wasting our time and our space.

    3. you talk that way to your mother?

  5. Hey NCTD Coaster operators, are you listening?

    Where is CARB on this issue?

    Air pollution is not only cancer-causing exhaust issues it should also include air born noise pollution.

    “There’s an aspect of our society that likes to be loud and proud,” said state Sen. Anthony Portantino, D-Glendale, author of the noise camera law. “But that shouldn’t infringe on someone else’s health in a public space.”

    Most states haven’t addressed the assault on our eardrums. Traffic is a major driver of noise pollution — which disproportionately affects disadvantaged communities — and it’s getting harder to escape the sounds of leaf blowers, construction and other irritants.

    California’s laws will take time and have limited effect, but noise control experts called them a good start. Still, they do nothing to address overhead noise pollution from circling police helicopters, buzzing drones and other sources, which is the purview of the federal government, said Les Blomberg, executive director of the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse.

    In October 2021, the American Public Health Association declared noise a public health hazard. Decades of research links noise pollution with not only sleep disruption but also chronic conditions such as heart disease, cognitive impairment, depression and anxiety.

    “Despite the breadth and seriousness of its health impacts, noise has not been prioritized as a public health problem for decades,” the declaration says. “The magnitude and seriousness of noise as a public health hazard warrant action.”

    When there’s a loud noise, the auditory system signals that something is wrong, triggering a fight-or-flight response in the body and flooding it with stress hormones that cause inflammation and can ultimately lead to disease, said Peter James, an assistant professor of environmental health at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

    Constant exposure to noise increases the risk of heart disease by 8 percent and diabetes by 6 percent, research shows.

    1. You moved to where train is...right? And you're complaining? Live with it...OR MOVE

    2. So, you don't live near the train, but you feel it important to go on and on...about the train. Try training your thoughts elsewhere. Like, the America Communist Party that used to be the democratic party.

    3. 12:39- you go on and on about the train… the extremely inefficient, heavily government subsidized tax wasting train…. You might call it the Polluting Deadly Commie Train.

      I ma’am , feel it’s important to highlight polluting and cancer causing, tax wasting, unsafe conditions in our community..

      Please consider me the Erin Brockovich of Encinitas. Sometimes us whistleblowers are not really appreciate by the liable polluters. However, later on, they are extremely celebrated by the public and community of greater good.


  6. I agree with 10:02. Train and Plane complainers should move. I recall when buying my home in the mid 90’s signing a waver stating I knew planes flew up and down the coast.

    I don’t think we had to sign a waiver acknowledging we knew there were Trains, b/c basically you’d have to be blind not to know.

    *You knew full well what you were signing up for.

    1. 12:45 pm- thanks for sharing your BS.

      Can I bum a Marlboro Red from you please?

    2. 12:45...let me help you. No ONE cares if a plane flies out and back. IT'S THE CIRCLING AND GOING BACK AND FORTH TIME AFTER TIME FROM SCHOOLS "MAKING MONEY" FLYING OVER OUR TOWN. Putting people on the ground at risk. GAWD YOU PEOPLE. WAKE UP

    3. 2:31- please use more CAPS. it really effective. 🤣

  7. Speaking of “Waking Up?” Can we get the lib-tards like Mali & friends, out of our schools first before we worry about Train & Plane Exhaust?

    I believe kids emotional and mental well being is a higher priority than vehicle exhaust. Poisoning our kids brains and who are forcing critical Race Theory teachings(CRT, BLM), transgender studies, dancing w/scantily clothed w/transvestites needs to stop ASAP!

    1. Yep. Teach that crap to my kid, the morgue is the instructors next stop.

    2. Way more worried about the church pedos around kids than any trans person. Silly republicans, manufactured outrage is for putin cucks.

  8. Addicts converge in these spaces, in part because they know people like them will be there.

    “We all have something in common,” Jackson said. “There’s a camaraderie, everyone has a story. We look out for each other.”

    He had worked as a security guard and had a home, and was now living on the streets. He showed a picture of him hiking with his 5-year-old daughter, but he wasn’t ready to quit drugs.

    A few Los Angeles police officers descended onto the platform. One flashed a light on Jackson’s backpack, telling him he couldn’t stay here if he wasn’t riding the train.

    He got up to leave and Morales staggered behind him.

    A Metro worker cleaning the station said she sees this all the time. She was recently assaulted when taking the subway from Union Station. A woman pulled her off the seat by her hair.

    “I don’t feel sorry for them,” she said.

    I do love the Coaster. So Good!

    Thanks Kranz!

    1. My favorite part of the article:

      On a recent Tuesday afternoon, used needles and human feces littered the station’s parking lot. Just around the corner near Alvarado Street, a man smoked from a glass pipe as a steady stream of people walked by.

      Drug users and homeless people hang around the edges of the plaza and have breached locked areas in the station, creating a danger for riders and staff.

      I just love the train experience! 😃

  9. It was rush hour on a Tuesday afternoon, and Morales made his way to a back corner seat and unfolded a tiny piece of foil with several blue shards of fentanyl. As the train started west, he heated the aluminum with a lighter and sucked in the smoke through a pipe fashioned from a ballpoint pen.

    Doors opened and closed. A few passengers filed in and out. A grain of the opioid fell to the floor. He concentrated on trying to pick it up, then lost track, as his body went limp. His shoulders slumped and he slowly keeled forward.

    By the time the train arrived at the Wilshire/Western station, Morales, 29, was doubled over and near motionless, his hand on the floor. The train operator walked out of the cabin, barely glancing at him as she passed — as if she encountered such scenes all the time.

    Drug use is rampant in the Metro system. Since January, 22 people have died on Metro buses and trains, mostly from suspected overdoses — more people than all of 2022. Serious crimes — such as robbery, rape and aggravated assault — soared 24% last year compared with the previous.

    “Horror.” That’s how one train operator recently described the scenes he sees daily. He declined to use his name because he was not authorized to talk to the media.

    Earlier that day, as he drove the Red Line subway, he saw a man masturbating in his seat and several people whom he refers to as “sleepers,” people who get high and nod off on the train.

    “We don’t even see any businesspeople anymore. We don’t see anybody going to Universal. It’s just people who have no other choice [than] to ride the system, homeless people and drug users.”

    Commuters have abandoned large swaths of the Metro train system. Even before the pandemic, ridership in the region was never as high as other big-city rail systems. For January, ridership on the Gold Line was 30% of the pre-pandemic levels, and the Red Line was 56% of them. The new $2.1-billion Crenshaw Line that officials tout as a bright spot with little crime had fewer than 2,100 average weekday boardings that month.

    He had his fetty in his pocket and was looking for other smokers to hang out with on the train, where there was no wind. He took the elevator down to the platform. Many drug users like the station elevators because some can be locked, giving them time to smoke in there.

    Morales’ face lit up when he found a marijuana bud on the elevator floor, put it in his pocket for later, and jumped on the train.

    When he got off at the same station just 20 minutes later, he could barely stand. The puffy yellow jacket he had worn earlier fell to the floor along with a plastic baggie with his drugs. He leaned toward the edge of the platform, edging dangerously close to the tracks.

    A.J. Jackson, 35, guided Morales back from the precipice. He had just smoked some fentanyl himself, using the subterranean station like Morales used the train, as refuge from wind that might blow a precious grain of dope away.

    Kranz is Da' Dunce in full support of SANDAG building more rail throughout San Diego to bring more homeless tweeters to Encinitas.

    Your neighbors like John Gjata support Kranz and this tweeker filled drug train program.

  10. What kind of tax revenue is the city going to get from the pot shops? I've heard it's around 30%.

  11. wow, what a shithole venue, loaded with the same dimwitted, angry trolls.

    1. 10:12- I’m confident you’re talking about our city council.

      And I fully agree

  12. The City should’ve put pot shops in Industrial areas where kids don’t have easy access. How was the City able to approve the breakfast space where ‘Just a Little More Coffee’ is, for a Pot shop? Did the City rezone the space? It’s very disturbing that long time Mom & Pop shops are being replaced by Mom & Pot shops.

  13. welcome to Tony's frog pond!

  14. 5:31 Silly statement as we have no control over what churches do. Remember ‘Separation of Church and State?’

    But as taxpayers we DO have a say in what goes on in the public schools! So speak up!

    And FYI, the transgender stuff is not all innocent like you seem to think. Research it like I did, and you’ll find that the targeting of Encinitas schools was and is, being driven by a transgender sexual reassignment surgical center for kids in San Francisco. The Clunic specializes in sex mutilation and gender reassignment. altering children

    1. 10:34- Straight from Encinitas Uncensored and if you read their FB page you might be interested in who comments. This comment was mot likely Amanda, whoever runs this page, or even Jerome Stocks who has become more radical to the right since he was in office. And it is all bullshit. I am no fan of Encinitas Votes, but this new site with all 99 members, makes EV look like as safe of a haven as you are going to find in this town. No one is sexually mutilating your children, except in some Arab countries.

  15. 12:04 I’m not part of the site you mention. I have however worked in the school district, and was at the board meetings where board members like Mali’s sidekick Marlon Taylor and the other board members who are owned by the Teachers Union, got blasted for allowing the Sexual Reassignment center from San Francisco to advertise and promote their activities at our schools. If you’d been there like I was, you would’ve seen the fliers that were distributed to the students promoting such activities. At the bottom of the flyer a San Diego Gay Bar was also mentioned as promoting the festivities, along with the Gender Reassignment Center.

    Fortunately many members of the Community came out to protest. The best part was that the organization called ‘Gays against Groomers’ showed up in full force. Thankfully there are many Gays that are against the sexualization of our children, and pedophilia behavior. They and most of the rest of us agree that transgender men in skimpy seductive clothing, dancing for our kids and doing story time with kids sitting on their laps (as was advertised) should be nowhere near our kids!

    You say mutilation doesn’t happen in the U.S? What do you think the Clinic in San Francisco does to little boys who decide, or parents who decide, they want them to be little girls? I’m not sure why you think dismembering little boys sexual organs/private parts is not sexual mutilation, b/c it blatantly is!

  16. 3:52- AM- I agree with you. Our school boards are completely f’cked up.

    Grooming in mutilation are disgusting… and very very wrong.

    I honestly think schools now do more harm than good to children. Parents should seriously think about charter schools or private schools.

    1. 7:11 Congratulations! You have been brainwashed into thinking that this is common issue. Do you really believe that school boards want to dismember your little boy? The real reason for this B.S. is that there is a cabal of billionaires that want to turn public education into profit centers.

  17. 8:23 No one is saying it’s common. But you know what is common? This brainwashing of our kids in schools and the power of suggestion that they may be a different sex than what they are. Forcing kids to use pronouns, instead of their own names, etc. Yep, Schools across the nation are doing this. It’s not just Encinitas that made Nat’l News for promoting transgenders dancing for kids paid for by Sexual reassignment clinic/s. If you aren’t seeing some dark stuff here, then you are part of the problem. All of this is very confusing, to kids and their brain development. They need to be learning their ABC’s, math, writing, etc. They need to be getting fresh air and exercise during free time, not seeing scantily clad perverts performing sexual dances for them. Why would anyone want to take innocence away from children unless they’re a pervert, pedophile, or looking for their next pool of people to make $ off of for their gender reassignment clinics? Not sure why this is hard for you to comprehend? Did you not learn basic math in school? They are dumbing down learning in our schools. And it’s working, b/c people like you no longer have any common sense!

    1. So let's close all the public schools and turn them over to billionaires and religious zealots. The Catholics do a great job of protecting little Johnny from pedofiles.

  18. Dumbing down? You got that right on too many fronts.

  19. Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison
    Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr. rape Dasen has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women
    Republican Judge and campaign official Tim Nolan for President Donald Trump indicted for human trafficking and forcing a minors (9) to engage in sexual activity
    Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl.
    Randall Casseday, HR Director for right-wing Washington Times - caught in an underage sex sting - "The Washington Times is the only newspaper where the moral issues of family and faith are proudly reported on the front page on a regular basis"
    Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl
    Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable
    Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
    Lexington Herald-Leader Oct 4, 2005


    1. The lost of republicant pedos is too long to post here so the link is above. Should i do religious school pedos next? I would do trans pedos but there doesn't seem to be any. Republicunts are stupid, this is why they always lose and fail at everything. .

    2. 12:38 sounds like a certain Blakespear right-hand man on a bike. Amiright?

    3. 1:39 must be a republidumb being so wrong yet again. Where is your trans list of pedos? Stay on the subject or go back to licking the window.

    4. It’s you dude, no one uses such weird language.Dead giveaway!

  21. This isn’t about Republicans or Democrats, or Religion. You can find weirdos everywhere, in every group. This is about our public schools that are supposed to be about learning academics. We don’t have much control over private schools, special interest groups, religious institutions etc. (Remember when they tried to save all those young girls from the Polygamists? The courts ruled it unlawful due to Religious freedoms). But as tax paying citizens for the public school system, we can, and do have a say. It’s imperative now, more than ever that we keep a close eye on what’s going on and insist that this creepy stuff is kept far away from our children and their schools. It’s our fiduciary duty to protect our children. Anyone wanting to bring this gross sexualization of our children into our public schools, has an evil agenda. We seriously have to wonder about any adults who would participate in, or condone such illicit creepy behavior!

    1. 6:51- agreed. But you have to learn how to write more entertaining posts.

    2. is "all about" bringing down America. The slack jawed left with the far away look in their eyes are obviously behind it. Somehow the school administrations have lost sight of what employment standards are as this twisted form of logic has infected these schools. What is their job? Teach the basics and leave life to the parents. Period.

  22. 8:34 Glad we agree! But personally, I’ve found when dealing w/those who are intellectually challenged, it’s best to remain serious and factual. I generally try to do the compassionate thing and avoid getting under the skin of these mentally compromised individuals, as they typically don’t understand humor.
    But now that I have the facts out, feel free to swoop in w/the “entertainment!”

    1. OK. Thank you for the valuable information.

      I guess that’s just as important as good humor. Probably more important so nowadays. 🙏🏾

  23. 5:09, 7:11, 10:16, 10:50, 6:51, 7:01, 9:32, 5:09👍 Save the Children👶🧒! They’re the future of America🇺🇸
