Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cycle trap unusable

From the Inbox: 
Did you see today's Cycle Trap conditions?

Posted on Please restore safe cycling to Cardiff FB page.

Sand in the cycle trap has been a problem from the beginning. Before the bike obstacles were installed, winds and passing cars kept the roadway clean of sand. The city had to buy sweeper vehicles and hire crews to regularly sweep the trap.


  1. It would appear someone at the city is not paying attention to cycle lane conditions.

    After our tax dollars paid highly for a special bike lane sweeper, where the heck is that on this beautiful Sunday when more ride than any other day of the week?

    I guess Mon. to Fri. is as far as our city's responsibilities extend to. No sweeping on the weekends. Just wonderful.

  2. Cue Marco prostrating himself at the shrine of Blakespear to defend this one. He proclaims 24/7 how popular the trap is so where, indeed, are his masses? Better yet, maybe he can ride the thing in this condition and show us how it’s done! We’ll wait.

    1. Speedy is too busy stuffing his pockets with BIA money....

  3. Leadership is critical. They open a strip of D Street beach to tourists this weekend yet do not attend to the most important aspect of safe local use. Not surprising actually which is quite sad. Rode my mountain bike down to 2nd street around swami and Moonlight as was almost run over by intoxicated bar patrons. Let's call it what it is- the elected leaders don't give a shit. It's obvious

    1. City run by incompetents and compromised yokels.

  4. Well lawsuits don’t just hold themselves to 8 to 5pm as we’ve seen all the time.

    Under Kranz’s lack of leadership, the lawsuits skyrocket, and the conditions for bicycles and pedestrians have gotten much much worse.

    People in Leucadia used to use historic pedestrian pathways to go to the beach and go grab fresh produce at just peachy. Not anymore after Tony Kranz led the effort at NCTD to fence off Leucadia completely while all the other areas in North county still have many of non-fenced areas like in Delmar, Carlsbad, and downtown Encinitas.,

    Tony Kranz is the worst. Where can I sign the recall petition?

  5. What's strange is when I see "Luigi" the street sweeper, there's usually 1 or 2 other individuals ahead of it with large brooms in hand sweeping the sand into the center of the bike path. I asked these guys why they don't just let the machine do the work and was told that they need to prep the sand so the street sweeper can get it. WTF? That street sweeper thing, much like Phony, is absolutely worthless.

    1. 👆ðŸĪŠðŸ™€ðŸĪ•ðŸ‘†

  6. White people problems

    1. Wrong, city of Encinitas legal problems. If you are a taxpayer, get ready to bend over.

    2. Mali and Marco are way whiter me, but they love the sound bites.

  7. notice Gonzalez completely silent on the topic. Probably muzzled because he will just make things worse. All in the name of saving the Blakespears and now kranz. Hard to talk your way out of photographic evidence although he seems always to think he can. Fool.

  8. Will Luigi, now that is funny, and gawd we need some lightness, clean up the cycle trap tomorrow morning?

    It takes manual labor to prepare for the sweeper to do its thing? What a crock. A very expensive piece of machinery need human sweepers before it can sweep? What a crock.

  9. Are there any other cyclists that disagree with Serg and Schindler that the trap should be a two way road, with widened bike and pedestrian lanes? How did Carlsbad and Solana beach get it right, but Encinitas continues to get it worse than wrong and actually deadly?

    This city leadership is completely indifferent to the deaths their infrastructures have caused and continue to double down on bad decisions. And they keep getting re elected. ðŸĪ·ðŸž‍♂️

    1. How?? Jeremy Blakespear had a heavy hand designing the mess. He verbally abused experienced cyclists at a council meeting, those who opposed his uninformed plan. Blake spears sat proudly, grinning like an idiotic monkey as he carried on. a completely compliant council went along with her and the hubby.

      Gonzales has been defending the Blakespears ever since. How embarrassing to constantly be doubling down on their idiocy.

    2. “verbally abused” is a term that gives me the vapors.

      Thank goodness I had a safe place to sit and recover.

      74 Victim points awarded

    3. Watch the video it happened

    4. 9:15 -
      You're speaking of the Bolshevik triumvirate.

      Cry more commie scumbags ðŸ˜ĄðŸ˜ąðŸ‘đ🖕

    5. You're being much too generous 6:28am early riser.

      I'll allow the term triumvirate even though most people in Encinitas do not gave the IQ to know what that means but alas the triumvirate you speak of you must add the other 4 to br sure which in my estimation comes to a total of seven (7) reprobates and mountebanks.

      Goode day for now olde chaps

  10. Wind-blows-sand-gate.

    We definitely got em this time boys. Just you wait.

    Sand is the Acme Instant Tunnel Paint of Encinitas politics.

    How can this gimmick—er, I mean “issue” possibly go wrong?

    1. And Marco the anonymous emerges….

    2. 9:30, why aren’t we following through on untrimmed-tree-gate?

      We seem like unfocused performative rage monkeys jumping from one silly bs issue to the next, hoping something will stick.

      I fear we have stepped on this rake before, and we just keep doing it.

    3. Not working for you there. Don’t look now.

    4. 9:37- we see you.

  11. You guys are hilarious. What happens if someone rides their bike on the sand? They slip, cry, blame Blakespear, and sue the city!? Why not sue the beach?

    Waaaaaaaaaaaah, I'm a fucking idiot, and I whine ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

    What a bunch of fucking retards you guys are!!!!

  12. Are you the same retards that think you can walk down a bluff to the beach at Beacons? If I were the city, I wouldn't trust you to go out of your fucking house.

    1. Anyone with leg could walk down the beacons trail over the little blip that slid…. Go look at Del Mar or blacks beach trails…. Now those are no sissy Beacons trail BS. Ha!!!

      The F’d up city is keeping it closed for no good reason, other than they can…

      Kranz is horrible for Encinitas.
      he’s a pussy that should sit back and let his legal wife take care of him and have his playtime with his girlfriend Admiral Starvin. Get that cunt out of city hall!

    2. Is walking down to Beacons more or less challenging than riding a bike between Las Olas and the Solana Beach boundary sign with a little sand on the road directly adjacent to an OCEAN & BEACH?

      Maybe it can be a challenge course for the Encinitas bitch-and-moan fest. There could also be an obstacle course where incapable whiners try to dodge a few poor looking people (ew) and provide baseless accusations that they're "homeless and harassing taxpayers". Then they need to cross the RR track faster than others and buy something at Just Peachy.

      Extra points if you can find immigrants living in canyons.

    3. 👆ðŸŋ I truly hate Commies. kranz is the worst..

  13. Cry more commie scum

  14. The Commie scum have a point .

    Kranz fucks up sooooo so often it’s now expected… he could literally burn down city hall in her Saturday night princess uni and no one would bat an eye….

    Starvin’s gate comments are the normal….

    What would be highly unusual is for Tony Kranz to do one think good for Encinitas today .

    We all know that one thing will be to resign.

    Where can I sign the Kranz must resign petition?

    - Good morning Encinitas! Bright times ahead with Kranz out of Encinitas.

  15. Bet Kranz's answer to the Trap will be to commission a study. Try to make it sound like he gives a rip in an election year. Either Gonzalez or Walsh will script the thing for him, just a wild guess.

  16. Anyone know how long it took the City to clean the bike path?

  17. All of this for the few that ride a bicycle.............
    Make perfect sense.........NOT

    1. 423 non-cyclist victim points.

  18. The Washington Times is a right-wing outlet.

    House Intel Committee Chair Mike Turner says Russian propaganda has infiltrated GOP

  19. What would be highly unusual is for Tony Kranz to do one think good for Encinitas today .

    We all know that one thing will be to resign.

    Where can I sign the Kranz must resign petition?


  20. Blakespear's Blunder - vote her out when she cycles for reelection.

    1. Blakespear is as bad and useless as Kranz.

  21. I see Kranz criticized SANDAG over their recent financial scandal. He wishes he had a free spending SANDAG credit card like Blakespear. She ducked for cover when the San Diego Union-Tribune tried to interview her. Sounded like embezzlement to me.

    1. Kranz always votes to support Sandag and his big sissta , San Diego.

      Kranz regularly votes to give San Diego, all of Encinitas’s, TransNet funding.

  22. Cycle trap is clean today. How long did Sandgate last? It'll probably sway the next election.

    1. About as long as your rear-end was sore from Saturday Starvin…. And will no way sway you from next Saturday night’s romp with the Freakshow.

    2. Darn it's cleaned up already? I was so close to abandoning all common sense and deciding to vote for right wing fucktards next election. Next time for sure.

    3. Yeah, it’s cleaned up, unlike all those festering sores around Starvin’s orifices. ðŸĪĒ

  23. 10 million illegals. Lock and Load. They are coming your way.
    Thanks to the america hating leftists. Kill or be killed

    1. 👆ðŸŋStarvin pushing water for her master the BIA.

    2. They are living in Encinitas canyons as I write. Your own government has sold you all out. Get ready, be prepared and look around you. There are not enough Sheriff folk to protect you all what is coming.
      If you think are a fool. Wake up, wise up and be at the ready. The federal government has sold you out.

    3. Poor little scared republican’t. Party of cowards finding new things to be afraid of everyday. Stay scared loser.

  24. Being right wing is amazing, stout and sturdy. Physical culture. Nature. Guns. Self reliance. Religious traditions going back 1,000's of years. Can't even fathom being a shitlib or neocon.

    1. The show Yellowstone is how right wingers think they are.

      People of Walmart is how they really are.

    2. 👆ðŸŋNo… Tranz is pure Walmart. It’s where she buys her bitch Starvin’ her perfume.

    3. If by amazing stout and sturdy you mean always losing, whining and dumb as a stump then, yeah, sure. Reality is that if you have to call yourself all that, you are not all that, not even close. Keep on losing losers, maybe this is the year you break the long losing streak.

    4. David Hogg is an excellent example of left wingers. Take a look at the dude's body...

      The only reason to have a body like that is if you're handicapped

  25. The iconic Canary Island palm tree on Moonlight Beach is afflicted with the dreaded invasive Palm weevil. It could be doomed. A bad omen.....


  27. The tree has shown symptoms for a couple of years - it may already be fatally diseased.

    1. 7:21 you described left wingers fantastically

  28. 2:20 the cycle trap is not “clear today,” it’s clear “for now.” Let’s be real, just sayin’.

    1. Still hanging on to sandgate.

      This is surely our golden ticket. We got em this time. Can’t lose.

      Sabdgate is the Acme catapult of local political issues.

    2. It’s the cumulative effect that will do him in. Where will you be without your meal ticket?

    3. I’ll just have sex with some other BIA supporter politician.


  29. Phony likes to do this new thing where he tries to put all of his fingers in my fart tank. He calls it "gopher hunting". I don't think I like hunting....
    - Starvin

    1. 👆ðŸŋTranz and the Freakshow are not your average freaks….

      They are predator freaks.

      - Free the Cardiff Gimp and stop gopher hunting.

      Where can I sign the “Resign Tony Kranz - Dump The Dunce” petition?

    2. ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ

    3. 😂😂😂😂ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ😂😂😂😂😂

  30. It’s pretty obvious why the city keeps loosing law suits. I feel horrible for the Worely Family and now the four “C”s.

    Any word on Dr. Worely settlement amount is yet?

    Any word on when the four Cs are submitting their lawsuit?

    You better plan on voting for the 26% increase in sales tax, the city needs the funds to pay all these lawsuit settlements.

    With Tranz out, we can start making the roads safe again.

  31. Love how the low IQ perpetual losers and spandex crew who invade other cities demanding grape smuggling routes are crying about sand and curbs. What was once a barren stretch of coast with no visitors is now a destination for people and wildlife. I don’t give a phuck about road bikers, if they are too stupid to avoid a curb maybe they should go annoy another town. If Thunder really wants barren worthless land perhaps she should move back to Barstow, they may even elect her there but i ain't happening here.

    More curbs to filter out the dumbasses and more nature drive the perpetual losers back to the hellscape they came from.

    1. It's not just road bikers. This city ruined a beautiful view for everyone, as they did going north to Swami's. The curbs, paint and bollards are distracting and ugly. Deadly too. Sooner or later there will be a catastrophic accident north of the Kook and most of us hope it's not someone we love.

      But you just go on blaming cyclists with insults. Thunder, thank God, is a non issue, but the dangerous and ugly road furniture still is.

    2. 10:27, would you say you are a victim of bike lanes?

    3. Nope, but we’re all victims of stupid progressive policies like these.

  32. Some people better stop up and run for office or we will have the same crew again. Blakespear held a meet and greet for Alison Blackwell this weekend. Is is wrong to say she looks like she hasn't taken a shower in a while and her she wears jeans to a meet and greet? At least she could clean herself up. Tasha has endorsed Joy Lyndes. So unless some folks step up to run, it will be too late. I imagine these 2 already have PAC money. Not sure what is going on with the Mayor position. I heard that Bruce was going to run, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. Not sure he should give up his position on the council and possibly lose to Kranz. I have a feeling we are stuck with the same old folks that are on there now.

    1. Bruce should definitely run for Mayor. He is widely supported, and Tony Kranz is not as supported, and had a minority vote in the last election.

      As mayor, Bruce will be much more positive impactful with city decisions. Plus, the biggest impact is it gets Tony Kranz out of the city council. Which is a huge step forward for the City of Encinitas.

      He would be running from a safe seat as City council member. So there’s only gain to be in him in running for mayor. Watch the freak show try and load up candidates to pull votes. Definitely keep your eyes on ðŸ― and ðŸĐļðŸ’Đ🐀 to load up the race with dummy candidates.

    2. 1.) Bruce also didn’t get a majority.
      2.) Council seats are 4-year terms; Mayor is 2-year term. Mayor is a less stable position without any additional real power or responsibility.
      3.) If Bruce runs for mayor and wins, then the council majority will appoint his replacement in the Ohain district, and that person will have the advantages of incumbency in the next election. And for what? To put Bruce in a 2-year term rather than his current 4-year term?

      If I was Bruce, I wouldn’t do it.

    3. 👆ðŸū shut up starving you dumb ass. we always know what you’re gonna say to Support your girlfriend. We see you.

      The mayor sets the City Council agenda and has more authority than a council member as an elected mayor.

      For Bruce, if he runs and doesn’t win, he stays a city council member, and can run again in that position in two more years or run for Mayer again. There’s literally no downside for him to run for mayor.

      There is a huge positive upswing for residence events and he is by Bruce running for Mayor.

      if Bruce doesn’t run, it shows he’s really not into helping Encinitas and only on council as a showpiece/hobby .

      It’s really that simple.

    4. So he’d be able to put things on the agenda that will lose?


  33. Hate to say it, but The Dunce is way worse and even the horrible $tock$.

    Where can I sign the “Resign Kranz - Dump The Dunce” petition?

    And where can I buy/ pick up my bumper sticker- “Resign Tony Kranz - Dump The Dunce”?

  34. The biggest question is, should it read,

    1) Resign Kranz - Dump The Dunce

    2) Resign Tranz - Dump The Dunce

    What do you think is better?

  35. Sand, pfft. This is about tumbleweeds on the new bike track.

    And the slogan is "Crony Tony"

  36. I disagree, Tranz Kranz his pretty darn accurate following the graphic Freakshow leakage of his affair with Admiral Starvin

  37. Looking like Hinze's replacement will be Kevin Doyle.

    At least, there won't be an appointed seat filler for a change, unless Hinze checks out before the fall election.

    Joy is set for another two years. You can't win them all. Neither can we.

    Leucadia district? Break the strangle hold of the current majority and support someone new and non-appointed.

    Alex? Scott? Who else do we have to choose from, if we even have the choice to break up the majority?

    1. If Bruce Ehlers can’t rein in Kevin Doyle, he’ll be no different than Blakespear or Kranz. He tends to be a city/party suck up

      And you’re right 10:53. Bruce should run. I disagree that he’s widely supported. Activists and his district know him but the rest of the city is clueless. He needs to get his ass in gear. It may already be too late.

    2. 12:58 after last election’s shit show and Thunder’s trumpery backstabbing who in their sane mind would run for office? Alex and Scott know that they’d be toast before they even started.

      It’s a nasty town where hypocrites, developers and politicians are all in bed together.

      Bunch of selfish greedy MFs.

    3. I will get behind Kevin Doyle. He will tell Tranz to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


    4. I’ll take Alex over Scott any day, and every day.

    5. Me too. AKC is smart and won’t sell out, like 🐷ðŸ’Đ

    6. An ADHD or an autistic is the best candidates you have to offer? Try harder.

  38. Our city elected's and non-elected's, [planning dept. sell-outs, city manager] are the nasty ones whoring our town out to every project that comes before them.

    Breaking up the current council majority should be the voters main aim. Without that, nothing changes. Same old, same old for the next two years.

    1. 👆👍

    2. 👆ðŸŋ👌ðŸŋ💊ðŸŋ

  39. Kash Patel is going to be a very excellent Attorney General of the United Steaks Of America

    The left wingers are terrified as they should be.

    1. This won’t end well for Patel.

      Michael Cohen went to prison. Alan Weiselberg went to prison, and is now being sentenced for another stay in the pokey for perjury. Steve Bannon has been convicted and is heading to prison. Peter Navarro is currently in prison. Paul Manafort went to prison. Roger Stone went to prison. George Papadopolis and Rick Getes went to prison. Michael Flynn was convicted. Rudy Giuliani is broke for spreading election lies, and will soon be headed to prison in Georgia. Jenna Ellis has been convicted. John Eastman is broke and lost his law license, and is awaiting criminal trial. Sydney Powell has pleaded guilty. Jeffrey Clark is broke and losing his law license while he awaits criminal trial. Mike Lindell is broke and under investigation.

      And thousands of POS domestic terrorists who beat cops at the capitol in service of fat turd lies are also in prison where they belong.

      It’s a cult of violence and lies. And everyone who falls deep into the cult ends up ruining their life, going broke, losing their livelihood, and going to prison.

      And what kind of terrible fiction is it where the rich scumbag’s defender is named Kashyap?

      Good luck in federal ass rape prison, Kashyap.

    2. Your fat orange turd god demands that you prepare to Babbit yourself in his name.

  40. OC can rebuild and open an entire new road in a fraction of a time it takes trance to go go for hunting….. but Tranz can not even get a stinking trail open because of one small turn in a switchback on a goat trail.

    Tranz is pathetic!!!! Open Beacons now!!!!.

    There is absolutely no reason for it to be closed other than The Town Dunce!

    - Resign Tranz - Dump The Dunce

  41. * OC can rebuild and open an entire new road in a fraction of a time it takes Tranz to go gopher hunting….. but Tranz can not even get a stinking trail open and rebuild one small turn in a switchback on a goat trail.

    Resign Tranz - Dump The Dunce

  42. Sorry to burst the bubble of the everyone but Bruce crowd. The truth is Bruce is essentially unknown outside of Olivenhain and the anti Blakespear geriatrics. There's no doubt he could be Mayor some day. That day isn't today. If nothing else, trying to bail in the middle of his first elected term for higher office would be a colossal blunder.

    If he's as smart as I believe him to be, he will run for Mayor in 4 years, 2 if something happens to Tony sooner. In that time he will continue to get his name out there supporting good projects and sound policy. In order to have a chance down the road he will also need to distance himself from Julie and the rest of the far right crazies he's publicly buddied up with. It takes time for that kind of stink to fade.

    Bottom line, the Catherine haters have proven over and over how poorly they assess the voters. As much as they try to paint Tony as another far left Catherine, the comparison doesn't stick. Tony is proving to be a far better Mayor than he was a councilman and has gained a lot of support since taking office.

    1. 👆ðŸūðŸ―BS

    2. 👆🏞👆🏞sounds more like ðŸĐļðŸ’Đ🐀

    3. 4:51 you’re not completely wrong, but how is Tony proving to be a good mayor or better than Blakespear?
      All I see (and I’m not one of your so called geriatrics) is reckless spending, special interest spending, poor execution, doubling down on bad decisions (those fucking bike lanes), oking every development put in front of him, appointing council members. Well, you get the picture and I could go on.

      Bruce buddied up with ðŸ―ðŸ’Đ during his last election. Poor judgement there.

      If Bruce wants to run and win, I’m afraid he may have waited too long.

      That’s another rabbit hole potential candidates go down. Declare early. Be seen early. Stand out at council meetings early. Get your name and quotes in the paper early.

      This city is owned by developers and so is the council. Time to change the game!

    4. 4:51- How do you explain the overflow crowd at City Hall when Blakespear tried to get Bruce off the Planning Commission? I agree he better announce soon, but there sure were a lot of people that night supporting him.

  43. Bruce is known throughout the city, at least to those who give a sheet. You say otherwise. Your opinion is worth as much or little.

    What he provides is hope, along with a chance for a new council majority. No one else does.

    He needs some backing with a couple others to run in the districts that are up for the vote this fall.

    Team up! Organize a united front for a new council majority.

    1. Not known well enough. Tony doesn’t even have to campaign. He’ll win by incumbency. It’s the same story every election season and our side keeps losing.

      Bruce needs money to win and to run NOW! WTF is he waiting for?

    2. I agree, Bruce needs to start fund raising. Me and my family are ready to send checks.

      There is a large disliking of Tony and the existing direction of the City which is straight down.

      In the last election, he was the incumbant and he was in the minority. Bruce can and will squash Kranz.

      It just take us, the informed voters, to get 10 of their voting friends and family to vote to send in their voting ballots for Bruce for Mayor.

      Bruce will be the next Mayor. Its time for Kranz to take a seat similar to his mentor Dalablabber and take his place in history as Tranz the Dalakranz.

    3. I suspect that potential candidates are afraid of what happened last time happening again. Until our election code is changed, spoilers are inevitable. One more big reason to run sooner rather than later.

  44. Tony isn’t a future governor goat. We will never rename moonlight beach for him.

    But he’s still good enough to win without campaigning, because the backbenchers in Encinitas are pathetic Trumper victim losers who spout conspiracy garbage and dumb Wile-E-Coyote gimmicks. Encinitas is an expensive place to live, which means the average voter is successful and pretty smart. They see through the garbage.

    1. Nonsense. Tony is a sell out, just like Julie Thunder would have been if elected. It runs in both parties.

      Tons of Democrats, myself being one, hate what Catherine (who I initially voted for) and Kranz have done to this once cool surf town.

      The average voter knows nothing about our activists or local politics until the 480 unit monstrosity is built in their back yard.

    2. 👆ðŸūðŸ’Ŋ… andd SC then they get informed. Too late Tranz is worse than $tock$.

      Dump the Dunce! ðŸ’ĐðŸģ️‍⚧️

  45. Wow... Blackwell had 4 people at her fund raising and 3 were Kronies. ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ

    Looks like Alex has a great chance.

    Blackwell is part of the Freakshow and has Starvin and Princess Tranz on her. It looks like BIA did not bring her Cardiff Gimp to the event.

    1. Ehlers won’t support Riley

  46. Encinitas is toast. Will never recover. It's being run by Kamala Harris robots. Lowest IQ humans this side of Missing Teeth, Arkansas

  47. 10million illegals thanks to the america hating left. Tic Toc
    Use 00 Buck, it's something the opposition doesn't recover from. If the illegal is in a car, use Hornady SST rounds
    The problem is, what to do with the bodies. Take em' down to Escondido Creek and let the Coyotes have at it.
    Everyone deserves a fine meal. Tic Toc

    1. 10 million illegals.........light em' up
      biden should be hung as a traitor
      mexico is the enemy of the u.s
      Wake up losers

    2. Keyboard TRUTH. Lock and load

  48. Damn, this blog was going so good again. Morons, please go back to your basements.

    1. Ignore the illegals in the canyons in Encinitas? Ignore the lies of man made climate change in Encinitas? So only certain topics are acceptable like an idiot riding a bicycle at night? And now he is dead because he was moron?

    2. 👆you can go back to you basement too. You’re creepy.

  49. 🐷ðŸ’Đcan’t help but rage on EV about the homeless. A bit hypocritical of her to blame the same team she helped out last time though.

    1. Ever notice the Trumpers only “solution” to homelessness is to try to make them go somewhere else, which isn’t legal?

      Is there a law these MFers won’t break?

  50. This rambo pos domestic terrorist in our community should step up and do more than talk. Please do go out and do some of what you say you would do to the many races you say you hate. The sooner you are locked up the better for this community.

    You are a legend in your own mind only, you tiny dick rambo wannabe.

    It is amazing the different quality of lives some of us choose to live and yet all in the same wonderful community that we are trying to preserve for future generations.

  51. You appear to be able to ignore the obvious mental degradation of your fearsome leader who cannot complete sentences or stay on topic for more than a few seconds at a time.

    Who knew you were a doctor who could diagnose someone with a lifetime of dealing with stuttering and somehow has made a career out of public service.

    What have you done and made out of your life other than the obvious racist feelings toward non-whites? You are the one who needs psychological help.

    The fat orange turd has never done anything without money being paramount for him and his crime family.

  52. Question for the hillbilly at 1:00pm

    Do you have your pronouns on you letterhead?

    Missing Teeth residents would like to know.

    Thanks in advance

  53. Ah yes, deflection when you have nothing else.

    Genius, pure genius. You honor our community just with your presence here.
