Thursday, July 25, 2024

Governor wants cities to clean up homeless encampments

Wall Street Journal:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a directive calling for cities to take down homeless encampments after the Supreme Court expanded the authority of municipalities to dismantle the camps.

A nationwide count of homeless people collected by federal authorities last year estimated more than 123,000 were unsheltered in California while living in tents, trailers, and vehicles. California accounted for nearly half the unsheltered homeless people tallied nationwide last year.

“The state has been hard at work to address this crisis on our streets,” said Newsom, a Democrat. “There are simply no more excuses. It’s time for everyone to do their part.”

Has anyone checked on the Oggi's / Cottonwood Creek encampment since Encinitas Watchdog left town?


  1. Encinitas Votes: 2,099 total members
    Encinitas Now: 7,878 total members

    1. 1:21- You know what is even better news? EV will be pausing the entire group after the elections. Then who will you trash? Another private group may spin off, but the people will be carefully selected. And yes, this is Lorri.

    2. Sure, Lorri. Sure.

    3. 1:36- I guess you will just have to wait and see. Lorri

    4. Newsom, who created the problem, made it worse during his tenure, spent $24 BILLION dollars of tax money, made the homeless problem even worse and not only refuses accountability but refuses an audit of where all the money went. NOW he wants cities to kick the homeless out. Or what? There are not enough shelter beds, hotel rooms, tiny homes, etc., or mental facilities or drug treatment facilities.

      Not only will this new ruling by the Supreme Court continue to expose the fraud that has been perpetrated on the homeless and the citizens paying for all of this, but it will hopefully force the state to actually do something sustainable to get people clean, straight, off the streets and into facilities if needed.

      Newsom has no place to go or hide or any way to make excuses for the homeless encampments that have been the scourge of many communities. He/cities/law enforcement can no longer fall back on the lack of housing.

      Cities like Encinitas, who have done nothing to protect citizens, and continue to invite the homeless with non profits like St. Andrews and the CRC, will very quickly see an uptick in homeless, encampments and crime. The homeless go where they are not held accountable.

      It's campaign season. Every single candidate who expects to become your representative should be asked about their policies towards the homeless, encampments and crime.

      Let's not become more of a magnet for crime and homelessness. It's hurting tourism, our local businesses and residents.

      For those who champion the homeless; please explain why you think it's OK for a human being to sleep in tents, on sidewalks, in culverts and in their own shit. What's humane or caring about it?

    5. It's not ok, you goddam piece of shit. There should be funding and support for them.

      What are your proposed solutions?

    6. 🤣🤣🤣 Lyin' Lorri already backpedaling. Now it's not being shut down, it's going private. Don't worry Lorri everyone knew it was a lie. Have you ever told the truth about anything? ANYTHING at all.

    7. Lorri runs a propaganda site. What purpose does a private one serve?

    8. 2:26- Let me set you straight. I am PAUSING ENCINITAS VOTES after the elections. That means no one will be able to post. I am only doing this in case that in the future I might want to start it up. That's the only reason I am not taking the whole site down. However I already have another group which will be ready to go around the time of the elections. It will be a PRIVATE GROUP, and all people that want to join will either be asked, o

    9. 2:26- Sorry my cat put her paws on the keys. Anyway, the PRIVATE group will only be seen by members of the group and no one else. If a member of that group screenshots something, and posts it elsewhere, they will be deleted from the group. You don't have to believe a word I say. You can just wait and see.

    10. LOL during the 2020 mayoral elections, Lorri said she'd take EV down after the elections, then she reneged on that, removed people who had never broken rules and then said EV would be changing and she was working on new rules. It's been 4 years and those new rules never appeared...She's said several times when the group would pause yet it never does. It's a manipulative bluff on her part and it is pathetic.

    11. Oh please, Lorri's huge ego won't allow her to pause anything. Everyone screenshot her claims so we can remind her of them when she doesn't ever pause the group

    12. More dementia related paranoia and delusions. Nobody is taking screen shots of EV and if they were literally nobody would care.

    13. I've never seen someone so scared of having their own words used against them. Maybe that's what happens when you spend a decade documenting your own lies and you can't keep them straight. 🤣

    14. All you have to do is wait and see. Please, do screenshot my claims, because after the election, you won't be able to do that, unless you are a FB friend of mine, which I doubt any of you posting are. And the private group will most likely have none of you in it. The reason I'm doing it is simple. I'm over it. I have put 8 years of my life into EV and I'm done. I would love to pause it now, but I promised some people I would keep it up until the elections. So, as I said, screenshot away. And after the elections you find it still up, then you will have even more fun trashing me. I do find it ironic that EV is mostly filled with people that do not like the current City Council. And it seems as if most of you don't like it either. So I have always been curious as to what triggers you so much about EV? Anyway, this is Lorri. One of 2 people who actually put their names on comments. It's always the cowards way out to post anonymously.

    15. Oh please, hurry up and shut it down then.

      Why did the people you "promised" want to keep it up for? I'll guess the reasons: You want to talk all the shit you possibly can about anyone you hate, attack them, and campaign for O'Hara, Shaffer and Ehlers at a place where you're protected. You've blocked almost anyone that disagrees, and if anyone makes to much of a fuss you'll delete the comments and/or jump all over them as a team.

      Pretty ballsy to come on here and act like you're any better than people posting anonymously.

    16. Jeez Lorri - what a bunch of babies this crew is. It's a FB page you troglodytes. It's embarrassing reading your nasty posts regarding an older women. And of course, we know it's men. No respect. No balls.

    17. Alzheimer's brain doesn't remember the hundreds of times she's been caught posting here where she doesn't use her name. More importantly the hundreds of times she's been caught posting here deliberately pretending to be someone else. Lying is all she knows.

    18. Oh please again 5:15. The men are just as bad as the women over at EV. I wouldn't say here is better or worse than the other though, and I'd bet there's more overlap than some people would like to admit.

    19. It is well known that EN buys members and almost all of them do not live here. Notice there are hardly any comments? EN is a joke

    20. Well "known" by full-of-shit, politically motivated EV commenters, 3:08

    21. "Everyone knows" is EV speak for "shit we made up that only imbeciles will believe". In other words pretty much anything Lorri says.

    22. Looks like EV has completely thrown in the towel and let the nuts run the asylum.

      Let PSP go crazy with the attacks and propoganda? Why not.

      Let Julie G ramble on about how much she hates homeless people and loves large pieces of property? Bring it on.

      Transparently and repetitively campaign for O'Hara and Shaffer? Of course.

      Post about national politics and attack democrats? Lets go.

      Thank god its just the same lunatics liking each others comments and patting one another on the back.

    23. The levels of lawlessness and hostility on EV are always directly linked to the emotional state of Dr. Nutbird.

  2. Oh shit, Tony….

    Your boy flopped on you.

    For years you have been inviting everyone to Encinitas calling the invited homeless our new neighbors.

    They came and they are doing what drugged up homeless do.

    You are such an asswipe Kranz.

  3. The ONLY reason this idiot newsom is doing this is the upcoming presidential election. The only reason.
    Take a wild guess why.....come on, you can do it.

    1. Because he supports harris the dumbest woman on the planet and she was sexual partners with blacks.
      She insults her East Indian Heritage.
      She is a loser and no better than a ghetto rat

    2. Tone it down Starvin. 🤢

    3. Or maybe it's because the laws changed.

  4. 2:43pm It is clear you are a miserable excuse for a human being.

    1.'s clear you are as dumb as a post. she not only slept with blacks she not has insulted J.D Vance being a U.S Marine and loyal to the U.S
      harris, the fake negro is.........a piece of shit.

  5. Is this another unfunded mandate from Sacramento?

    1. The same b.s that has forced all the new ghetto apartments. newsom is a jerk. He needs a tuneup

  6. The comments on this blog are freaking toxic. Everyone go read a book and stop being so insufferable.

    1. Nope. The communist left is ruining America. They
      must be stopped by whatever means necessary.

  7. So Lorri made a backroom deal with Ehlers, O'hara and Shaffer to influence the election. Sounds shady and possibly illegal.

  8. So the truth is toxic..........or, is the truth something leftists hate.
    And want to change little Bobby who is really a female so lets give him drugs and not tell his parents. The left.......
    Everything they do, they destroy.

  9. Lorri needs to stop being a narcissistic control freak.

    Anything that gets posted on the internet is public. Period. If people post shit that makes them look bad, there is no privacy setting on Earth that will prevent that from being exposed through a screenshot. And it’s pretty damned simple to make that screen grab public without knowing who is doing it.

    Lorri’s fantasy of privacy to say embarrassing things that won’t create negative feedback for her favored people will end in tears. But only after she goes on many narcissistic tirades and blind purges of suspected leakers without any evidence or process.

    Lorri is a terrible moderator of a public group, and the problem isn’t the fact that the group is public. The problem is the narcissistic control freak in the mirror.

    Stop trying to control what other people say, or who can read it. Better yet, just go find another hobby.

    1. No one cares.

    2. 7:46 or you could stop caring, your problem solved.

  10. If we crack down on encampments we'll need my beloved Encinitas homeless shelter even more! Oh I've dreamed of this day! Starvin'' lube up my rim and commence the hunting of gophers immediately.
    - Phony

  11. You know who doesn’t attract a lot of attention and take a lot of shit?

    Every other blog and group moderator in Encinitas, including Glen Johnson, who is by all accounts a fair and humble dude.

    The only other group moderator to attract such criticism was an alleged wife beater who harassed homeless people, and threatened women and journalists.

    Prove me wrong.

    1. Ahhh yes, we must never forget that gentleman that used to surf swamis. He had all the answers and was the only one that could ever save Encinitas...until the Christmas got in the way.

    2. Jeff Morris was a real villain, a wife beater and stalker. No comparison to a woman in her 70's who has an opinion you don't agree with.

  12. +++Encinitas +++

    The side show of local politics

    1. +++Encinitas +++

      The clown show of local governance.

  13. How is the migrant predator family doing besides making the BIA $$$$$$$$$$$$.

    How’s the burn rate on Feltch’s $2,000,000 of political contributions doing?

    Is the DA doing to press charges for tax fraud?

  14. Huh? More like duh.

  15. Make Shit Posting Great Again. More typos, please!

  16. We need to define "encampment".

    1. Yes, if the "unsheltered" are people living in cars and campers along with the ones we hear whining about constantly from the Encinitas complainers it's gonna be a lot of work clearing encampments. Many tow trucks involved and nowhere to put the inhabitants. Maybe they'll end up on the streets.

    2. I've already "defined them"........targets. Lock and load

  17. If only you would act on your opinion this community would be better off and rid of you at last.

    A dues is coming your way in due time. Whether it is from your time spent on that bar stool in the Office or elsewhere, karma will its say in the end. That splotchy alcohol ridden face tells all anyone needs to know about your lack of character. I doubt even make up would help you. It couldn't hurt either.

  18. I'll clean up the encampments. After I'm finished, take em' to the morgue. Done.

  19. 9:08...why you so violent? Easy. I tell ya' what. Let the homeless live with you. You can feed them and provide free medical and finally you'll have some friends.

    1. 10:11 and this, is why you ding bats are just that...ding bats. Homelessness is blight on society.
      They are going to die anyway.....just kill em' now.
      Be done with it.

  20. You are so brave and a legend in your mind only.

    Deep down, we all know what chicken shits bullies like you are. It goes with the blustery pronouncements that is your daily calling card. So glad to not know you. Then again, maybe I do know you after all these years, or at the least know your kind.

    1. Bring em' to your living area. Come on do gooder do nothing. People like you and your phony thoughts of bee ess save the world. Here is a leftist nut cases do nothing to make things better. You simply lament on the others failure.

  21. Whack em' All they do is cause society problems. Ohhh the poor homeless............GET A JOB

    1. Notice the nancy boys and butch girls always attack me for telling the truth. It's all they have.
      Yes....I'M A RACIST !!! I hate everyone
      And by the way idiots.........WHITE IS A COLOR !!!

  22. White isn't a color? I'm ignorant because white is a color?
    What leftist nut case house did you grow up in?
    It's as though you people on the left are retarded.
    Everything the left does it destroys. Morons

  23. Its as though the right wingers don't have the republican party like they used to. That is the truth. It is not the party that it was.

    No worries. In four years no one will have to bother to vote again if the mud faced one cheats his way back into the White House.

    Everything the right wingers do works to dismantle our democratic republic in favor of an authoritarian dictatorship.

    Some would call them traitors. It fits.
