Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Open thread

 Tonight’s council meeting is cancelled. Open thread.


  1. You’re just going to delete comments you don’t like and let the nutjobs post garbage.

  2. 5:09pm. Really? With all the morons postings hereeverry damn day? Just who do you think is being cast out? I know who I would dump in no time.

    Imagine no more made up sicko sexual fantasies on EU. Imagine no more morons posting their crap on EU.

  3. Who is being deleted?

    I know who I would get rid of. Every moron sicko making up sexual fantasies about we all know who. To be clear, as if it would any difference to the morons, I have never voted for tony and won't be this Fall.

    1. Well Starvin quit being so twisted with your Freakshow girlfriend and we won’t have anything to write about.

      You freaking loser. Your actions are what got you thrown out of New Jersey with your family, hating/suing you

    2. I have had 2 post deleted the last few days that were calling out the perpetual losers while the perpetual losers just keep posting lies. Me thinks the owner of this site is one of the perpetual losers

    3. It’s always so easy to see Starvin’s comments protecting his freakshow gal.

    4. Yes indeed, Starvin is a freak show enthusiast and will do whatever it takes to protect his buttock-buddy

  4. Yeah, it’s no wonder Starvin was driven out of New Jersey, fired by Lehman Brothers, and his/her family hates her and suit him/her all you need to do is look at the court records.

    Unless if you’re in the freakshow, Starvin is bad news for Encinitas residents. She is the top email reader and top advisor for Kranz

    She works for the BIA and his girlfriend to the None other than Krappy Kranz.

  5. Wham!!!

    The financial winter is hitting hard. I fear it’s going to be a blizzard.

    Batten down the hatches. Get out the crosses and the crossbows. I hear the white walkers are coming.

    I sure hope your financial house is strong and in order. This one is going to be brutal and I look forward to buying your home from your bank at about four years at 1/2 the current value.

    Pharmaceutical giant Novartis shutting down a San Diego research site

    Novartis is laying off San Diego workers in phases through 2025. It’s part of a broader restructuring of the pharmaceutical company’s development business.

    Don’t worry, all of the homeless, and all the laid off people can go apply for jobs at the City of Encinitas. They hired tons of people with pensions like last year, and they continue to build its Staff Empire.

    If they get their 13% sales tax increase approved by the voters they will really be hiring.

    But don’t plan on any projects. The City is totally messed up and can never deliver anything of quality.

    As an example, just Look at those half-baked parking pods along 101. They caused increased flooding that the city is getting sued over, and their ADA problems which the city is gonna get sued over, and they’re falling apart because they’re made out of cheap Home Depot crap and Day Labors that didn’t know their head from their butt.

    City Of Encinitas is known for their crappy work throughout the county. 🤣🤣

    1. What d’ya expect for $60 mil?

    2. How about the reverse parking spaces where you need to back in while holding up traffic. I've done my best to figure out the logic of this..........I can't.
      Example is near the High School on Santa Fe Dr.
      Next to the Bobby Riggs Tennis Club.
      Once again, is logic a thing of the past?

  6. More evidence of stupidity. Building all these apartments in Encinitas.........the State of California and County of San Diego is warning of water usage being reduced while huge increases in water bills is coming. See the insanity of the left????????
    Low income apartments being build where hundreds move in and water will be rationed. EVERYTHING THE LEFT DOES IT DESTROYS. Gawd what a bunch of dumb mfers'
    And by the way, low income apartments means the State of insanity California subsidizes the additional rent.


    2. 8:13 get thee to a pharmacy

    3. 8:46- it might be higher some, but it’s 100% true.

      We need real city leaders and new city leaders to address these problems.

    4. Each time the truth is brought forward, leftists will always call you names. Every time without fail.
      You see folks, the truth is not a left wing value.

    5. Nor is tedious repetition.

    6. I'm a racist. That is all the left has so I'll admit it.
      Love the 24 hours of LeMans. Making me a racist.

  7. What is Kranz's platform? Vote for me, I was homeless and a carnie? He will pander to any group at any time regardless of how stupid it makes him look.

    1. 👆🏾 It sounds like you are talking about the highlights of his life. 💯

      It seems like his current platform is to continue selling out Encinitas for maximum profit for the BIA, and to continue inviting all of the homeless from California and the world and fentanyl junkies to put the final nail in the coffin in Encinitas.

  8. Your truth? That is a joke and not a funny one. Typical ignorant right wing domestic pos.

    1. 9:44- being a lifelong Democrat, I’ve never been called the right winger before.

      You seem pretty clueless and probably don’t watch city Council, so you don’t understand the real issues.

    2. And there it is...present the truth and you are called ignorant.
      Where's biden....don't ask him.......he doesn't know.
      What ever makes good sense, if you are a leftist, think the opposite. Gay is good, whites are good, blacks are smart, lesbians don't look like men.

  9. Does anyone know if there is going to be a debate between Kranz and Ehlers?

    1. yes in august after the entry deadline. aug 20 at la paloma theater run by Scott Campbell's group together with the League? not sure of partnership. will be all comers debate.

    2. make that scott's group + "nc pipeline". ehlers and kranz agreed to appear, destiny is expected to go into hiding. why campaign and let the public hear your opinions when the machine will virtue signal for you?

    3. Classic. I can’t wait for the debate.

      Does density even live in Encinitas yet?

      I know she has a resident of Northern but she spent any time in Encinitas?

      Where does she live and does she have a family or what? Besides riding buses, what does she like to do?

    4. Well, you miss the obvious, but density loves to provide thousands of new, highly dense and tall housing developments, and make as much affordable as possible because we all know Encinitas can solve the affordable housing crisis in CA.

      Besides all of the great things above, she also helps the number one objective and that’s to maximize profits for the BIA.

  10. Expect there will be more than one. Can't wait to hear Kranz's local boy "I'M A SON OF THE AMERICAN LEGION!!!!!" schtick.

  11. 12:39 Hopefully Destiny’s motives to turn Encinitas into high density affordable Fentanyl zombie ridden San Francisco where she’s from will be exposed! But when you say she wants to maximize profits for the BIA, who is the BIA?

    1. Google it. The questions she needs to be asked are yes or no questions. Anything outside of that she will do her best imitation of Kranz’s smoke and mirrors show and she needs to be called on that. Like on the spot

  12. 5:22 I have googled BIA before, and just tried again. All I ever get is Bureau of Indian Affairs.
    It must be a code word for something else 🤷‍♀️

    1. No one‘s that stupid. Not even Tony Kranz.

    2. Building Industry Association= BIA. And they are a powerful force in Encinitas. Many of the big shots live here, especially around Quail Gardens and the golf course.

    3. Ecke + Meyer? Why not shout it out 7:26. Don't be coy.

  13. Building Industry Association

  14. Thank You 6:24. That makes more sense!

  15. It’s mid-July in an election year. Time for losers to start crashing their bikes.


  16. Sing it with me!

    "Are you ready kids?
    Aye Aye Captain


    Who lives in his inherited house by the sea
    Sponge Brain Phony
    A freak in the sheets with Starvin is he
    Sponge Brain Phony
    If progressive nonsense is something you wish
    Sponge Brain Phony
    Then sell out the town and drink like a fish!
    Sponge Brain Phony
    Sponge Brain Phony
    Spooooonge Braaaaaain Phoooonyyyyyy"

    1. 👆🏼💯👌🏼🤣🤣🤣

    2. Plane guy here..........NOW THAT was funny !!!

  17. All You All............the America hating left in Sacramento signed into law low income housing. Forcing towns like Encinitas to allow greedy developers to ruin where we live.
    You see, the America hating left does NOT care what or where they ruin. Everything the left does, they destroy.
    What ever presents as good logic.......the left thinks the opposite. The idiot gavin newsom being a prime example.
    Sacramento is behind all of the low income housing.
    Sacramento threatened lawsuits against all towns can cities if low income dwellings are not allowed to be built.
    JUST LOOK AT THE COUNTRY. Where's biden?
    La La Land

    1. Good minion…. Now collect your SS and section 8 housing credits today and go with your phone to FB while you wait in your bread line.

    2. Now the America hating left wants to let illegals vote.
      If you are on the left........

    3. Good minion. Keep it up. Perfect.

    4. What is dumber than a leftist?...someone that like em'
      Hang biden he is traitor to this country

  18. What is dumber than a right winger? The poster above qualifies.

    Someone who works to end our democracy in favor of an authoritarian style of government is a df domestic pos traitor and should move to some shithole red state where he will be among his own.

    1. 12:49 hey genius.....Trump was already President........
      All that crap you write didn't happen then....moron.
      Wake the fuck up.................

    2. Exactly right 12:49.

  19. Blue, red, blue……..

    Good minion.

  20. The America hating left...they hate their own county.
    10 million illegals and the crime is going up because of the left has allowed the invasion. Think you are safe........don't be the fool.
    Think your kids are safe.........don't be the fool.
    Illegals living in canyons in Encinitas.
    Take gun safety classes, obtain a revolver as they NEVER fail.
    Protect your family. May I suggest the Smith and Wesson
    637. A lovely piece for home safety. Ignore gavin newsom
    as he suffers from stupidity.

    1. Where's biden........he doesn't know. How bou't word salad harris......nut case can's put together a sentence that makes any sense. adam the idiot schiff.......wouldn't tell the truth if you put a gun to his head.
      All nut cases.....but make sure you vote for them proving how smart you are.

  21. 3:09pm. Commenting on grammar, you? That is funny in a sad and despicable way. Hypocrisy reigns in your upside down world of neverland.

    1. It's called sentence structure and after a few Tequela's, my grammar suffered as well. What's the harris' excuse? That's all you have is my grammar? You are going to need to do better than that.

  22. A leftist nut case just tried to assassinate President Trump.
    It should have been biden. He's the one that has ruined this country.
    Hey shooter, you tried to kill the wrong guy............idiot

    1. Never mind, the leftist is right where they belong.....
      the morgue. Secret Service got him.
      The left.........they can't even kill correctly


    1. My writings are to wake up dim witted buffoons.......
      like you. An America hating leftist.

  24. The left tried to take Trump down with their stupid Court cases and corrupt Jusge. Then the crazy left tries to assassinate him today, and he still prevailed. Bullet missed him by a millimeter. A sign that he’s meant to prevail and make America Great again! The left doesn’t believe in democracy. When they don’t get their way, they lie, cheat, hold corrupt court hearings, steal, burn down buildings, tear down statues, loot, riot, and even assassinate. Watch Teumps poll numbers go up even more after this leftist wacko snipers stunt of insanity!

    1. You’re only adding fuel to the theory that your hero “Teumps” staged the whole thing to gain the sadly anticipated pity vote.

    2. The America hating left is, the enemy within.

  25. 11:41 whatever…, at least, you got one thing right! Trump is a hero! MAGA! No matter what you losers do to him, he’s bulletproof (pun intended)!

    1. A Hero. The communist left hates him.

    2. Normal, decent people hate him. Figure it out.

    3. The leftists NORMAL? Ya' right

  26. 8:13 You’re not capable of “figuring out” anything. Go back to bed w/Alzheimer's Joe.

  27. The America hating leftists and their fake prosecution of Trump attempts are falling apart. Everything the left does is failure.
    The left hates their own country.

  28. 9:00 a.m. you nailed it. I don’t see a path out for the Dems other than rigging the election, or killing Trump. Their whole campaign was built on hating Trump rather than coming up with legitimate policies that could improve the country. Instead they’ve been destroying it, just like our local boys, Newsome, and Tony. Many Dems are waking up. This will be a blow out election!🇺🇸

    1. Great points! If we can get our Nation back to being great again, maybe we can do it at a local level too. As we all know, bad policies like DEI start at the top, and filter down into local politics.

    2. These are no longer democrats........these are the communist left. Nothing they do works.
      They think the opposite of good sense.
      They are......"the enemy within". They are "my enemy"

  29. Everything 9:00 posts is repetitious.

    1. 11:05, at least I tell the truth. But you, an America hating leftist wants me and others like me to stop........
      Oddly, people like you never leave the country.
      You simply stay and vote to ruin it. 10 million illegals
      and you and others like you find no problem with it.
      So dimwitted, you don't think two steps out to realize us working people are paying taxes and those taxes are being used to feed illegals, to include medical and phones. Repetition? So what !!!!!

  30. 11:05 I hear lots of people say 9:00 a.m.’s same sentiments every day, on various different venues, and in person. So it’s very likely NOT the same person. But whether it’s the same person or not, the message bares repeating.

  31. Vote NO on the proposed 1% city tax increase. Let the city live within their means, like the citizens have to do..

  32. PLEASE......let the Gods allow kamala harris to debate
    J.D Vance. Paaaalease................

    1. That guy will tear her up. She is an idiot.

    2. I can’t wait! Bring out the popcorn!

    3. Yo JD sez you need to have more babies. Can't afford them? No problem, that's your problem! Whoopie!

      He even coined a term for the imagined issue: "civilizational crisis." Haha reminds one of Blakespear's "existential crisis" when she fell short of promises she made to developers. Can't make this shit up. Both sides nuts.

    4. 4:03 He never said that. That is made up bullshit. Left woke idiots love to make shit up and spread rumors. It’s all they got, besides Kamala’s cackle.🙄

    5. Yeah because this is fake news right?

    6. That came from the communists at msn.......what you expect................the America hating lying left

  33. Regarding the DEI woman who Biden put in charge of Secret Service who screwed up protecting Trump from the assasin: Biden just called her a “he.” Biden has completely lost his marbles. And SHE has some explaining to do!

  34. Bye Bye Space X.......everything the left does they destroy.
    Off to Texas. If you are on the left, you hate America

    1. Ohhhh' sorry, I left out the brain dead moron
      gavin newsom is the cause.
      Keep voting for him you dumb asses

  35. JD Vance says deporting 20 million people will bring down housing costs. Did the developers get the memo? The only demand that will lower is affordable housing, which we can't seem to produce anyway. What a buffoon doesn't even know how the basics work.

    1. Another made up lie from the America hating leftist.......

    2. Came out of your gods mouth, so complain to him about fake news

  36. 11:13am. You poor misguided ignorant excuse of a human being. Only the right wingers tell the truth in your upside down Neverland of a world you chose to inhabit. You are lost, you are one of the Lost Boys in many ways. Oh let me count the ways. Never mind. Nothing will change who you choose to be.

    1. And yet write and state nothing.
      That's all you have is I'm lost?
      Try leaving your bedroom on occasion. Make sure to deflate the doll. Don't want the cat putting holes in her.
      Ohhh' I forgot how ignorant I am. Leftist buffoon

  37. It does not take much to be beyond your comprehension. You prove that over and over and yet, you still remain as clueless ever. Poor boy, poor lost boy.

    1. are you retarded? If so, you get a pass.
      Something tells me, you are simply stupid.
      Like ghetto dwellers speaking marble mouth

  38. 5:09am. Au contraire. Tu es stultus.

    1. You can speak 100 languages and still have zero sense.
      Common or otherwise. I've know clowns like you for decades. They are only smart in some ways, or, as the old saying goes, "ain't got enough sense to pour pee out of a boot"

  39. 5:48pm Typical grammar perfection coming from your favorite seat at the Office. Have another. Why not? It is your happy hour all through the day and every day.

    So you don't have to look it up: 'You are too dumb to know how dumb you are'.

    1. And there it is. The topic of grammar and beyond that?
      Zip. You think you are wise, smart, because you can punctuate a sentence. That's all you got and, it amounts to nothing.

  40. It is called a higher education for one like you who bought and paid for an online degree. Have another round at the Office.

    1. You are still nothing. I know many with a higher education and dumb as post.

  41. 4:14pm. I am sure you do know financially well-off ignorant people. They are your people.
