Sunday, January 29, 2012

Encinitas featured in really bad student fiction at Quinnipiac University

Most people have never heard of Quinnipiac University.  Or if they have, it's because Quinnipiac runs political polls that are sometimes quoted in the press. I'm pretty sure it's somewhere in the Eastern half of the United States, because it's got one of those Eastern-sounding Native American names.

But someone at Quinnipiac has heard of Encinitas.  Meet "Peter the Nihilist" by "Buford Harris":
Peter's parents died on the day of his high school graduation. 

"Such a terrible sight we have not seen since that tiger escaped the San Diego Zoo and tragically found its way into Mr. Jacobson and his deli section at Albertson's," said the Encinitas Gazette the next day.

"I never got my Big Mac," said Peter.

The whole event shook the stereotypical cliff top town of Encinitas to its overpriced, and frankly all too sensitive, core. Events were held, wakes were attended, and memorial speeches were given, none of which were attended by Peter. Probably the most notable of these events was held by Mrs. Goldstein and Mrs. Sanberg, along with the rest of the D street MADD club, who organized a highly intrusive, and disappointingly low quality, bake sale in memory of Peter's parents the very next day.
Don't quit your day job, Buford. And if any people here are thinking of sending their kids to the creative writing program at Quinnipiac...

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