Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Leucadia Blog hijacked by squatters

The Leucadia Blog is offline, replaced by cyber-squatters with paid links.

This type of thing happens when your web-hosting account is hacked, or you let your domain registration lapse and someone takes it.

The LB has been a great resource and forum for Leucadia and the larger Encinitas community. Let's hope it's back online soon.

UPDATE 3/22: They're baaaaacccckk.....


  1. I'm glad they're back. But when I tried to share the LB link, on Facebook, I still got an ad for debt consolidation as the preview picture. I was given the option to "remove preview." I don't know if that has something to do with FB? It happened to someone else's web page link, too.

    I also appreciate the Leucadia Blog. For awhile, I thought it was being overrun by some bullies, but I feel it's much improved now, because people have to "sign in," using an e-mail account.

    1. Lynn,
      People need to log into the LB because some kid choose to skate off the front of the city of encinitas property and it was posted on the blog. He was doing something that many feel is illegal. He was called on it, and his father came along and told the readers how wonderful his son was/is etc etc etc.
      As more and more people posted more and more, things were said, finally JP said enough is enough. (I'm sure that there was plenty of backroom arm twisting, I just don't know who's arms were being twisted, but I can guess.)
      In the end, what was a good neighborhood blog has become a shell of itself. That's what lawyers will do for you. Many good opinions are no longer posted on the blog and that's a loss to the readers and the blog. And no they are not one and the same.
      Kevin Cummings seems to have gone missing and the blog has morphed into artsy fartsy feel good whatever. Gone are the days when the blog meant something and had an edge for change.

      As for me, I occasionally read the blog, never post. For the most part I'm done with Leucadia. It's citizens don't want any change and the city capitalizes on that by shorting the community of important tax dollars. The north end of Leucadia looks like a hemorrhoid on a pigs butt, that will never change and the city seems fine with that.

      The streetscape would be nice, but will never be built. Anything built will be to appease the mainstreet association. In the long run the city will claim the project is too expensive and funnel the money to employees instead of the highway.

      So be it, Leucadia is what it is and the LB leads the way to mediocrity.
      And to those that will criticize me for posting this as anonymous, pay attention to the message not the messenger. I'm sure that WCV will force a sign in someday, but that day seems long off, at least until the day this blog has more meaning and edge.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry, I just stuck my foot in my mouth. I was about to say something about the wrong person, Lynn. I now suspect that this anon is someone we all know also sticks a foot in her mouth all the time. Once again anon you know very little of the actual facts. You also know nothing about me or my son. I was the first to point out that what my son did was wrong. We discussed it. I defended my son because ther were trolls and cyber bullies saying awful things about my son that were hateful and totaly inaccurate. He was horrified by all the hate. We all were. His mother posted on the LB to help him win a contest in a magazine. Those who are uninformed on the blog shaped it into political theater and my son became colaterial damage. We as parents did not apprieciate it. Adults behaving badly. End of story. No lawyers were involved. No arms were twisted. I never asked for any changes to the blog. I never talked to JP or KC. Ask Dr Lori and KC about lawyers and what went wrong with the blog. We who live in and love the North end are not opposed to change. We do like it funky and as long as it fits the truly unique character of our community we welcome it. Many changes for the good of the local community have come to this end of town and it is changing for the better. While change is slow it is happening around here. So go ahead and stay away from this end of town. We don't want your bitterness or business anyway.

    4. Loser Leucadian- Thank you for explaining all the goings on regarding your son and the LB. Please note nothing bad was said in the previous posting about you or your son. So I'm surprised at the defensive nature of your writing. I'm sure he is the apple of your eye and we all know the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
      And I agree, change is happening around(the north end of town), a few trees were planted. They will grow tall and provide plenty of shade for all those walkers on the east side of hwy 101.
      As for bitterness, I tried to tell Lynn to the best of my ability what I believe to be true. Thank you for your corrections.
      I take one exception to your posting,"stay away from this end of town", now who is being a cyber bully?? Please note, I WILL VENTURE ANYWHERE IT IS LEGAL!!!

      Having said that, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    5. anon,I never claimed that you said anything bad about me or my son. So who is defensive here? You were the one who said you were done with this end of town. You claim the only change on this end of town is a few trees planted. Many new businesses have opened up and are going to differ with your point of view. You're the one who thinks we are " a hemorrhoid on a pigs but" So as I said before. It is you who has put you're foot in your mouth. Again and again you continue to do so. So come on down to the North side... That is if if you can stand all of the mediocrity.

    6. Loser Leucadian- You don't read well and this leads you into misunderstanding others posts.
      Again you are defensive, but if that is what you enjoy, so be it.
      As for you invitation to visit the north end of Leucadia, that is very kind of you, but again I say, I WILL VENTURE ANY WHERE IT IS LEGAL, I DON'T NEED YOUR PERMISSION NOR INVITE. But I will sleep better tonight knowing you welcome me.

      Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    7. Just stating the facts anon.You assume so much but still know so little. Enjoy your bubble. I am so relieved that you can now sleep well anon but who said antthing about you being welcome?

  2. Hey Anon,

    You been talking to Lorrie Ga Ga lately?
