Friday, April 24, 2015

Andreen proposes New Encinitas secession

Encinitas Advocate:
Mike Andreen, owner of the New Encinitas Network, said New Encinitas generates much of the city’s tax revenue, but he maintains most of those dollars go to projects outside the community.

“Currently, New Encinitas is suffering from taxation without representation,” Andreen said.

But the idea of secession was met with skepticism from a council member, the head of another business group and the executive officer of an agency that oversees local borders. Andreen said during a New Encinitas Network luncheon last week, seven of the group’s 22 members were in attendance and directed him to explore secession. He plans to share the reasons for potentially breaking away in a letter that will soon be sent to the Encinitas City Council.

Andreen said with the city’s upcoming budget taking shape, he’s concerned that funding will primarily go toward projects west of Interstate 5, such as the Leucadia Streetscape, a plan to revamp the area’s Coast Highway 101 corridor. He fears that New Encinitas projects like turf and field lighting for Leo Mullen Sports Park could be shortchanged.


  1. Deincorporate the entire city - it's been a disaster so far.

  2. I stopped reading at "Andreen proposes. . . "

  3. There is a disproportionate amount of money being spent on planning, including engineered plans for the Leucadia 101 streetscape which begins at A St., in Encinitas, where the DEMA Phase 1 streetscape left off, and continues north, through Leucadia, to La Costa.

    We all know there has been a great deal of controversy about the streetscape through Leucadia, not about slowing people down, or having "complete streets" per se, but about narrowing down what was a four lane major arterial, circulation element historic highway, to a two lane road, one lane north bound and one lane southbound, through now FIVE one-lane, three-way intersection roundabouts. Most people don't want them, including many business owners, because they would create horrendous traffic jams, and further bottleneck local commuters during peak traffic periods, including negatively impacting coastal access/egress for nearby homeowners, as well as those attempting to visit local beaches.

    Catherine Blakespear isn't up-to-speed, and has jumped on Tony Kranz' bandwagon on this one. Council is allowing the Board of Directors of L101 Mainstreet to speak for everyone in Leucadia, when they don't, in fact.

    The Leucadia 101 Streetscape may sound good on paper, and the proposed additional art work and existing bicycle lane may be beneficial, but we need to remember, if this goes through, much of the parking now being negotiated with NCTD may be lost, alongside the railroad tracks. Also, if the City formally leases what is now free "dirt" parking, on the west side of the tracks, then there WILL be a charge for people who are now parking for free.

    Importantly, bicyclists will be forced to ride through narrow one-lane roundabouts along with both northbound and southbound traffic, which will put them in a more dangerous position than they are, now, with the three way intersections, which have NO through way/cross-street traffic, currently.

    Statistically, bicyclists have a greater incidence of injury, in intersections with roundabouts, nationwide, than in similar intersections without roundabouts. And we haven't heard any reports of automobile and pedestrian collisions in any of the intersections that are scheduled for roundabouts. In fact, in the collision report that was used as part of the so-called "vetting" of the Leucadia Streetscape, the local statistics did not justify any traffic calming features, including stop lights or stop signs, because the average collisions per thousands of vehicles was well below the average for similar intersections in California.

    Catherine Blakespear had asked for an update on the Leucadia 101 Streetscape, so that's why it was discussed again. There was no one present to oppose it, or Council's changing its budgeting allocation to include engineering plans for the entire project instead of the previous 30% allocation. That money will be taken from some other purpose, such as the fields near Target.

    1. Off-topic, long-winded rambling L101 traffic-circle-oriented Tourette's Syndrome representing "most people."


    2. "Andreen said with the city’s upcoming budget taking shape, he’s concerned that funding will primarily go toward projects west of Interstate 5, such as the Leucadia Streetscape, a plan to revamp the area’s Coast Highway 101 corridor. He fears that New Encinitas projects like turf and field lighting for Leo Mullen Sports Park could be shortchanged."

      Not off topic. If the Board of Directors of Leucadia 101 Mainstreet cared to hear what "most people" think would be best, they should be encouraging a public vote, as a true "needs assessment."

      Of course, they're not. These directors, who do not speak for the majority of actual business owners, want to continue to be subsidized by Council to lobby for a cementscape that will not serve the general public well. These same directors are tied to building industry association interests who want to use roundabouts as so-called "traffic calmers," when there is no proof at all that traffic calming is needed, or that narrow, one-lane roundabouts would actually calm traffic during peak traffic periods, when traffic is already frequently at a stand still.

      But these development interests are salivating at the thought of being able to use roundabouts to get mitigated negative environmental impact declarations for their desired high density development projects. Traffic won't actually be "calmed," as there would be longer back-ups and increased bottlenecking. There would be a net loss in parking. But, "on paper," the developers could push through their projects because those intersections would no longer be graded. Development projects are not to result in a lower than "D" rating. We already have several intersections in Encinitas that routinely get a D rating, from what I understand. Roundabouts are being used to avoid the letter grading system, required for environmental impact report traffic projections.

    3. 3:25/4:02 hit the nail on the head.

      N Hwy 101 Streetscape is a scam perpetrated by the city and the Leucadia 101 Main Street Association. The city gives the association $30,000 of taxpayer money every year. There will be no economic bonanza without adding a whole lot more parking. The scam adds 17 spaces over 2.5 miles.

      Counting the roundabout at the proposed hotel where Cabo Grill was, it's five from La Costa Ave to Jupiter, which is a distance of 8/10 mile. Heavy traffic will totally plug there.

      Then it's 6/10 mile to Leuc Blvd and another 6/10 to the next roundabout at El Portal. Traffic will speed those sections and the 1/2 mile from El Portal to Enc Blvd.

      The Streetscape is a lie. It's disingenuous. Its claimed benefits are not real. The association doesn't represent even 40 percent of the merchants between Enc Blvd and La Costa Ave. The scammers should be exposed for what they really are.

    4. sounds like the the iery ramblings of the wild eyed brown haired former council member.

      Crazy as a bat on crack. but all in all a part of our fabric.

      boo. did you jump.

      Boo. did you notice people ignore stop signs and red lights unless there are police present. which there are none. Encinitas is broke.

    5. Thanks for your support 3;25 - 2;51 and 8;51!

      Roundabouts = BAD
      They make dveloper's build 3 story bildings nearby all over.

      Roundabouts = BAD
      You can not drive big trucks thru them, let alone the doble decker "firetrucks".

      Roundaboouts - BAD
      They make more I-5er's want to drive the coast and through our neighborhoods by SLOWING DOWN traffic and bottle=necking it with choke points.

      Roundabouts = BAD
      The bottlenecks thay mayke are BAD.

      Roundabouts = BAD
      They interfere with trains being to close according to the National Traffic Foundation. (Look it up if your so smart)

      Roundabouts = BAD
      Roudabouts equal GRIDLOCK whenevefr people stop becasue of only 2 outlets instead of 3 or less.

      2 lanes = BAD
      They're disingenuous as has already been siad. Along with businesses group members like Merchands Associations who will say anything to get there way.

      60% of MERCHANDS hate roundabouts anyway. That's a fact with signatures to back it up. Just like up in Birdrock. Add to that 60% of the residence.

      New Encinitas should annex to Carlsbad. They need the revenue to fix there shopping getto and get rid of the ritch coastal people who want too shop their like at trader JOES and WHOLE FOODS.

      I'm joyning Mike's new business association. I hope u will to!

      Del Mar was SMART to say no to roundabouts, and they have the racetrack.

      Solona Beach was SMART to say no to roundbouts but they robbed there inland area of our taxes to to do so.

      I'm voting NO next election and so are 60% of MY neighbors!!!

      - Sylvia

    6. Sylvia (if that's your real name). If your post is representative of your powers of analysis and expression then I say:

      12:54 PM = BAD

    7. Sylvia, dear, you're barely literate. Seek help!

    8. Sylvia,

      The only thought I take away from your post is that your vote counts the same as mine, and that makes me profoundly sad.

    9. Any business that's a member of Mike's is on my boycott list.

    10. 6:10,
      Its surprising to see some of the businesses on the New Encinitas Network website are coastal ones after this latest development. But its predictable to see Jerome, David, Wonder Woman, 007, Gary, Gus, Babwe and the other anti-Prop A / anti-Leucadia cronies in the thick of their monthly meetings with their wooden smiles. No wonder the mayor let their president speak at the State of the City Address. And boy was that weird. Talk about a foreshadow to Mike's sour grapes campaign. WC should post an audio clip of just that speech. Its great that New Encinitas businesses are realizing its good to have a bond with each other. But a shame its represented by a political schism instead of the long established and city recognized Encinitas Chamber of Commerce.

    11. The Crap lovers are back!! Long live crap!!

    12. You have an argument that makes sense, or you just like the word "crap?"

    13. 3:24- You have an argument or you just like living in CRAP?? ( GO PLANT SO FLOWERS ON THE 101)

  4. Let's consider the source:

  5. 7:18, yep. And while we have their attention, HI Mike, Lynn, Doug and Jenny! How ya been?

    1. And your point is??

    2. 12:06,
      I'm just sayin hi to four birds of a feather on a blog with a thin veil of anonymity.

  6. Assreeme. Need I say more, part of the downfall of Jerry.

    People know the corruption of this fool.

  7. Remember when he stormed out of city hall after demanding (unsuccessfully) that his "group" be allowed to write the anti ballot statement on Prop A? As if.

  8. Andreen wants to pretend that the sales tax money collected in New Encinitas mysteriously appears from thin air. The truth is, that money originates from the income of all five communities--we all shop there. New Encinitas isn't an economic island, it's the largest commercial district in a larger economic system.

    We all get to vote on our leaders, and they are accountable for the budget priorities they approve at the ballot box.

    This is nothing more than Mike Andreen's admission that he has given up on democracy.

  9. Sounds like an attempt of Mike Andreen to stay relevant even in a greatly reduced sort of way. If New Encinitas wants to deannex from the city then watch those tax dollars get sucked up by the county. Not that it will ever happen of course. It ain't going to be its own city. It's just Andreen's little fantasy. He must have been inspired by the failed breaking California into six parts. As mentioned above, those taxes are generated by all Encinitas who shop there. For example, there is only going to be one Kohl's in Encinitas and it happens to be on El Camino Real.

    A big chunk of funding for the north 101 streetscape is coming from TransNet which is region wide. That part of Leucadia has been ignored for many years save for the flooding issues and some cosmetic work at the roadside park/rail crossing.

    There will always be kvetching from the various communities about not getting their fair share.

    1. Mike wants money. That's all Mike has ever wanted. He just never wanted to get it by having a real job. I used to consider him a friend but over time I realized I was just being played . Pity that he underestimated my perception of reality. Pity that I now view him as nothing more than a clown loser. I do miss his sense of humor and musical knowledge. SAD.

    2. He was always sitting behind David Meyer at the ERAC meetings, whispering in his ear.

  10. Does Andreen live in Encinitas?

    1. Oceanside. And there's not a developer's bidding he won't do to push high density on this town.

      He's firmly allied with Gaspar, too, despite her claims to the contrary. Not only has she lobbied on his behalf to the rest of the council for his "business network" to be recognized as a legitimate organization alongside the 101s, she was his guest of honor at the now-infamous luncheon in April 2014 where she helped Andreen present the "options" available to the 95 upzone parcel owners. Of course, developer community "stakeholders" were on hand to help explain how to make things pencil out.

      Funny how Andreen's org showed up on the list of city "stakeholders" for the Housing Element Update - the same list on which "residents" we're not included. There's reason alone right there to vote "no" on the HEU. Andreen's name on it alone is the kiss of death for me and others who know his history here.

    2. "Were," not "we're." Fricking auto correct.

    3. Why is our mayor GASpar so intrigued by Andreen? Is she trying to get more client's for her husband's business. Clearly there is a motive here.
      Maybe she dances for him???!!!???

    4. Both dance to the developers' tune, of course.

    5. Kristin's the car, Mike's the hi-jacker, David's the gas and Doug mixes their drinks.

    6. Nice summary of roles, 7:20.

  11. Gaspar is a Yugo at best.

  12. If Mike Andreen is gonna propose such a thing, the least he could do is live in the damn town.

  13. So the mayors business is one who directed Andreen to explore secession?

  14. 11:04, Good question.

    1. Ask the mayor or Andreen. They have secrets.

  15. There are people in Downtown Encinitas, Olivenhain, and Leucadia who have all talked about leaving the city, too. Most who talk about it feel that the original purpose for why the communities came together in the first place has been lost.

    The vision from 1986, to allow for citizens to control our own destiny, has been replaced by those who want to monetize our city and tap it as a revenue stream.

    When did the original vision of preserving these communities as distinctive places for people to live turn into a beacon a "sustainability" as in sustainable jobs and pensions for those who work in government and their consultant friends?

    Instead of spending money on services that benefit residents, our city spends our funds to manufacture fake survey results to replace the actual wish for citizens to keep our city a peaceful beach community.

    Awareness is growning....

    1. If you think the current Encinitas is somehow worse off then when we were an unincorporated part of the county, you don't know how the county operates. I knew of one project that was scrambling to get started before the city incorporated so they could develop at a higher density that the county was going to allow. They didn't make it and had to develop at the lesser density the city required. And imagine having to shlep down to the county administration building during the day to speak at Board meetings.

      Yeah, I miss those good old days of county sensitivity and responsiveness to the concerns of encinitas residents.

    2. Sounds like one of our city staff members who we inherited from the county! They have never been so well cared for as when this city formed. Isn't it about time for Masih, Greg Shields and some of the others to retire??
