Saturday, February 25, 2023

Parking permits come to Encinitas

 With high-density development and inadequate on-site parking requirements come parking permits.

With some “heartburn” and concerns about setting a citywide precedent, the Encinitas City Council agreed Wednesday, Feb. 22, to establish an overnight parking permit program for a Via Molena area neighborhood troubled by crime and late night noise.

“I will admit I have a lot of consternation because I would like to help your neighborhood,” Councilmember Allison Blackwell, whose district includes the area, said before the vote.

Councilmember Kellie Hinze noted that Encinitas has many soon-to-be-built apartment complex projects in the works and said she worried that these new projects, which have much lower parking requirements, will generate many more requests for resident-only parking from neighboring homeowners.


  1. To the two concilwomen I say in the future do not approve projects that don’t have appropriate parking for the amount of units being built and you will not have to to be worried about neighborhoods asking for parking permits.

  2. This is funny, this street is 2-3 blocks away from the sheriffs substation.

  3. Parking permits didn’t “come to” Encinitas, we already have them. For all the usual council fearmongering about lawsuits there were three up there who’d approved permit parking previously to address identical situations. Explained their nonsensical commentaries as they tried to find a way to make staff happy and deny this one.

    Remember Kranz said that unless he goes along with staff they withhold information. Confirmed what we already knew, that “staff” is running the show.

    1. Au Contraire. It's the mayor working with the City Manager who are directing staff.

  4. Those apartments/condos have been there since the 80's.

  5. I say to the people who voted for the fools running City Hall - Da Dunce and Da caused this parking problem and the future parking problems.

    People like John Gjata and Kathleen Lees should be held accountable. They are the reason we are have traffic gridlock and parking problems. If you hate crowded everything, tell the fools that voted in Da Dunce, Joy, and Kellie.

  6. Wait until you see the repercussion for all the pain caused by the Da Dunce's plan to density Encinitas. Massive units underway.
    What a freakin sell out. Lets ship him to LA if he loves that shitty land use character so much.

    It's going to make Kranz's fencing off historical pedestrian trips to the Just Peachy and the beach look like child's play.

    What ever this fool touches turns to shit.

  7. Check out EU posts from November 2014 on this topic:

    Quail Gardens overflow parking will be a upcoming battle, it's already all no-parking. People are complaining about speeding. Let's see how this goes

    Where else?
    Vulcan bike lanes
    Clark/Union streets
    Fox Point
    Andrew Greenhouses
    Coffee Coffee/Bing 9 units mixed use, posted 02/16/2023
    Marea Allia Village

    Where else is on the list

    1. All 15 sites plus ECR. It’s all on the city website for anyone interested.

  8. 11:15 yes, those apartments have been there for years. If you followed the issue you’d know that a recent change in management and their parking regulations caused the sudden overflow parking issues. Both deputies and the fire department attempted inspections and were refused entry by new management.

    Watch the replay then opine why dontcha?

  9. Inadequate parking has been the standard operating give away to developers for years, or rather decades. Adequate parking is the first thing to go with new developments. Neighbors concerns? Hardly ever.

    This past week was a breath of fresh air for residents concerns to be listened to and acted upon. So rare.

    Lets hope it sets a precedent, even though there were precedents set previously for permitted parking. Certain council members fell in line in spite of themselves. Will wonders never cease? Bruce you did this. You give us hope for a representative council in the future.

    1. It did not set a precedent, it followed precedent already set by two other permit only areas. The circumstances in these cases were very specific so don’t look to this decision to solve city parking issues in general.

      What this decision did do was keep the city from removing parking/impacts on surrounding neighborhoods in general as a consideration near new high density housing.

  10. Want a bottom line? Crime? Get a gun and kill em if they come into your house or garage and always remember to claim "self defense" Always. No parking permit needed.
    Outside? carry pepper spray. Works every time.
    And ghetto apartments to be built...this is "all the fault of the communist leftists" they are the common thread to failure here and nation wide. Don't forget it.

  11. WHO is going to enforce this? The Sheriff has bigger fish to fry. I know, the city council. They can enforce this during the evenings and early hours. PROBLEM SOLVED.
    And, get ready for "ghetto apartments and best of all, ghetto people"

  12. So glad to not have to Iive my life in fear. 'Are you feeling lucky punk'? Good old Clint Eastwood had his moments. Guns are the answer. Whew. Paranoid much?

    The right wingers are the danger, I repeat, the danger, to our nation.

    Jan.6 was just a peaceful protest visit to our Capitol. Right?

    Never mind. I already know where you will take this being so predictable every time.

    1. Studies actually show that conservatives brains operate in the fear area. Also, studies show less brain activity in the same people which correlates with their lower than average IQ. Bottomline, conservatives are scared of everything they don’t understand. Cavemen were the same way, it is a survival instinct for dumb people.

    2. pretty good. and I'm a proud libertarian. 😂

    3. *pretty good compliment to 4:27 from me the libertarian.

    4. 3:26 Let's start with ray epps and the rest of the fbi in the crowd jan 6th. Oh' how little you know. On to Encinitas.
      The people that support the ghetto apartments don't live in Encinitas, or, they are developers. Any idiot can write on here. Take me for example.

    5. 1/6 was a planned and executed right wing domestic terrorism event. The POS involved deserve every minute of prison time they get.

      Explain to us how Ray Epps or anyone else compelled them to leave home that morning with pepper spray, Molotov cocktails, helmets, ladders, a gallows, illegal guns and ammo, body armor, hockey sticks, baseball bats, tasers, and encrypted communications apps. These are not things a normal person brings to a peaceful rally. These are things POS violent terrorists being to a crime scene. And they decided to bring them early that morning—well before they could have been influenced by anyone in the crowd. They left home that morning with the intent to commit seditious conspiracy and violent attacks on law enforcement to please the POS domestic terrorist in chief.

      The GOP has a POS terrorist problem. If you find yourself in opposition to the FBI, then you hate law enforcement, because you are a POS.

    6. Those knuckle heads that walked into the Capital were dumb as a post. I've never stated otherwise.
      The didn't kill anyone, they were let in by the guards on the doors, they didn't beat up anyone, there were fbi agents in the crowd egging the stupid on. This is all proven fact. The black shot and killed unarmed Ashley Babbit but nothing happened to him.
      You and I aren't that far apart in thought. Once again, why hasn't Ray Epps been arrested? It's pretty darn obvious. What about the FBI agents in that crowd.
      The democratic party has been taken over by communists. This once great country is now a mess.
      Over 5 million illegals to date are in and roaming.
      Lock and load.

    7. Republicans are so dumb and such followers. That ray guy made me do it, the fbi made me do it. Bunch of idiot followers. Go attend another cult rally for your grand master loser. Bobblehead babbit should have complied. Only worthless republicants dont like illegals because illegals take their easy jobs from them and do it better, faster and cheaper. Illegals contribute more to this country while the welfare queen republicants depend on california and new york to subsidize their worthless lives. Republicants are useless, any job skills they think they have can be acquired by watching a youtube video are just hiring their local immigrant.

    8. What would Ray Epps have to say to you to make you attack a cop?

      Personally, no matter what a stranger is yelling through a bullhorn, I’m never going to attack a cop with the American flag or drag one down stairs into a violent mob. He can say whatever he wants to try to get me to attack a cop. But I’m not going to do it, because I’m not a victim baby; and I’m not going to blame some random guy with a bullhorn for my own actions. I can say all of this with confidence because I’m not a dumb MAGA.

    9. Attack a cop? I'm sorry, when did that happen again?
      Once again and a usual, you, are avoiding facts.
      Ray Epps and the other FBI agents were at the center of this. What is wrong with you?
      In your world Epps didn't do anything. This means Trump didn't do anything. Gawd...get a life
      Try and stop the America hating left from further ruining America. Forget, are the left

    10. Republicants are just failures, at every level. The redder the state or county, the more welfare they need. There is a reason you all are always losing and the few wins you do get are in the least educated, drug infested, places in the country. Even then you have gerrymander to get that win. Such losers getting played by the people they worship like the republicucks they are.

    11. There were 1,000 acts of assault on federal law enforcement at the “peaceful” 1/6 rally by “normal tourists.”

      Pretending not to know that makes you just another POS domestic terrorist.

    12. continue writing, you, are making my points for me.
      1000 acts of assault...this is rich. And, it must be a joke.
      Thanks for the laugh.

    13. The source for the 1000 assaults was an analysis of body cam footage from federal law enforcement officers present on 1/6.

      So now you are calling them liars.

      Your hatred for law enforcement is as palpable as it is predictable, coming from a POS domestic terrorist.

    14. If these knuckle heads attacked all these Police then why were they not arrested? Hummm? Were these the same officers that let/invited the crowd into the Capital.
      That is, on video. And you, continue watching msnbc.
      Maybe you can continue believing the lies of covid enforcement and how the covid didn't come from the communist chinks.

  13. “Ghetto” gripper sounds like a certain Phoebe St dweller. That you, hon?

  14. Congrats 11;21, you get a new nickname to go along with train brain, stan and penguin. Everyone say hello to Da Derp Derp, The/da perpetual losers of encinitas sure make it easy.

  15. I’ll take the bate….Who is the Phoebe St dweller?

  16. Forgive going off topic, but a 25 year employee of the CRC Karen has had to deal with cancer of late and not been able to work for quite a while. She was just let go and was deprived of the benefits she had earned over the 25 years including a $100,000! security blanket to cover her and her son. She deserves better treatment. Who would have thought this fine organization that takes care of so many in desperate need would treat one of their own so shabbily. Some suit with only dollars in mind must have pulled the plug. Karen has been loyal all this time and now she gets dumped without a care. Others may be able to fill in the blanks better than I, but I hope someone does something for her since the CRC has chosen to be so heartless.

    1. 5:57. Where can I learn more. Never heard this before and am pissed off if it’s true. Thanks.

    2. If this is true, CRC is a fraud. No more support for them. Someone needs to review the employment contracts.

    3. You may want to clarify who/what is CRC. There are several companies by those letters. Be clear.

    4. 6:69- I assumed the poster met the Community Resource Center.

  17. 2:19 on 2/25 is Kranz: “Au Contraire. It's the mayor working with the City Manager who are directing staff.”.

    Tony we all know that is how it’s supposed to work. Nothing to do with reality. Why don’t you grow a spine and stop being so scared of staff??

    1. Because he doesn’t have a brain… He has been told what to do his entire life. That’s why the developers and staff love him.

  18. 4:33- Love it. Da derp derp calls out the facts.

    We needs more fact giving deep derps out there and less dipships like Da Dunce, Gjata, and Lees.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you deep, deep for providing factual information.


  19. I sure love my hometown heroes!

    People that take control of their liberty and restore historic coastal access from the bumbling pain from dumb ass is like Kranz.

    Thank you thank you thank you for restoring public access through Tony Kranz Bullshit Fence.

    - build connections, not fences!

  20. I stopped donating to CRC(Community Resource Center) several years ago when I discovered they were in on the scam to bring other Cities and States transients here in order to get the body count higher for more money.

    If you want to keep your donations in Encinitas, I now donate to Rancho Coastal Humane Society.

    Otherwise, I recommend Solutions for Change in Vista. They seem to be one of those rare places that isn’t in on the Industrial Homeless scam. They actually use their resources for helping the homeless.

    1. Thank you… great recommendations.

    2. I NEVER donate money to any human cause. Always to animal causes. 9:29 Spot on my friend.

    3. CRC has been doing great work in this community for many, many years. Don't believe it....

  21. Solutions for Change is the biggest homeless scam of all. It's run by a liar and a thief that's made millions off the homeless. They claim they don't take government money. What they don't mention is that instead of getting our tax dollars directly from the government, they force the homeless to sign over their government assistance to them. The illegal and immoral stuff they are accused of doing by the homeless is an endless list. Julie Thunder and her BFF Kim Morris support Solutions for Change. There could be no larger red flag.

    1. Their supporters are what scares me about that organization.


  22. 9:59 Thx! You can treat yourself to a donut at VG’s since it’s in the same plazza as Rancho Coastal Humane Society, when you drop off your donation.

    If you drop off a donation at Solutions for change in Vista, check out downtown Vista. It’s really become fun and trendy. Stores like Beads and More that had a long time presence in Encinitas have relocated there due to the ever increasing high rent in downtown Encinitas. Many cool new shops & restaurants now in Vista

    1. Cool shops, tweakers galore, and stabbings. Fun times. ☺️

    2. Ask Vista residents how much they are enjoying the explosion in homelessness and crime. It makes the issues in Encinitas pale in comparison.

    3. Thats Da Dunce's solution look at some other worse community so Encinitas doesn't look so bad. Its called the race to the bottom.

      No thank you.

  23. 11::03 I haven’t seen any evidence of that. You sound like sour grapes. Maybe you’re one of those execs at CRC paying yourself a $300k salary for scamming all of us, including the homeless? Or maybe you’re one of those Leichtag/JFS people that kept all the Sacramento Grant $ (our tax money), but wouldn’t let the transients in your empty lot you were supposed to provide for them in exchange for the grant money(CA tax payers $). You lured them here for the scam you were in on w/CRC, then tossed them aside and gave them no entrance past the Leichtag gate, or any of the services as stated in the contract. People like you is why CA is deteriorating.

    I also know both Julie and Kim. They’re both very trustworthy, and wouldn’t be supporting Solutions for Change if they had any evidence of what you claim.

    IF in fact there was any evidence that solutions for change was behaving in an unethical way, Kim and Julie would be the first to yank their support. But for now Solutions for Change is the best option we have for homeless focused programs in a environment where so many non profits are scammers.

    1. Hi Julie. They used to lock up retards like you for your own safety.

    2. 12:14- Thunder used to be partners with Stocks and now she is teamed with Stan's abused wife. Enough said.

      Thunder 👎🏾

    3. Thankfully Thunder failed in her bids to turn Encinitas into the right wing shithole that is her hometown of Barstow.

      Nothing but broken beer bottles, missing teeth, blowing trash, abandoned stolen cars, and loser fentanyl tweekers as far as the eye can see. This is what happens when Republicans run things.

  24. We no longer get incentives like write offs on our taxes for donating to charities or churches. And people now have the realization that many charities are not using donations and funds legitimately. This is probably why many young people don’t donate to them. My adult kids and their friends trade/donate/barter merchandise on various social media sites, and w/their Mommy & Me groups.

  25. If you see a bum who looks like they are able. Suggest they go to home depot and work as a day labor like others do.

    They will feel a lot better about themselves.

    If you give them a dollar, you are an enabler and part of the reason why their are so many homeless tweekers.

    1. Home Depot has been keeping most day anything off their property. It's smart to remove them as, my lawyer buddies always say, "if these day workers get hurt on H.D property and management knows they hang out there, guess who gets sucked into the lawsuit".
      Just like the private flying schools flying over Encinitas out of Montgomery Field, in circles and back and forth as many as 25 times in some cases
      This is why "EVERYONE" in an official capacity is now being informed of these flight schools.

  26. Kranz is a huge part of the problem and so are people like Gjata, Lees, Mali, and Garvin.

    Kranz supports a homeless shelter in Encinitas. Knowing his past track record, can guess the proposed location? Right next to your house. “Mr. Kranz affirmed this summer when asked that he supports establishing a homeless shelter in Encinitas. After an overnight in a shelter, where will the homeless spend their time in the day?”

  27. Human beings are complex. The reasons for homelessness are complex. The solutions to homelessness are complex. What works for one person may not work for another. We should support a variety of orgs representing a variety of approaches.

    I’ve been told that the biggest predictor of long term success is how many different programs someone has failed out of. It seems that people learn a little from each different attempt until they build up enough skills and tools to make success stick.

    1. 1:26- stupid response. The homeless issues was not a big thing 20 years ago. Use the Japenese model as an example of success. People should work to eat.

      Newsom and idiot followers like Kranz created this exposion of homeless as a part building their homeless industry. Its really inhumane and discussing. Just like Newsom and Da' Dunce.

    2. 2:00 What a simpleminded, not to mention adolescent (the name calling), response. Some people are not well enough to work.

    3. 2:00 is correct. And yes, newsom, biden, harris and rest are buffoons. I'm not making this about politics. The aforementioned are stupid. And fools continue to vote for them.

    4. And make sure you all continue buying everything made in china. They only poisoned the world, no big deal.

    5. 4:59- add Trump and Bush to the list too. They sure as hell didn’t help anything.

    6. 3:45- Not well enough - meaning enabled drugged out tweekers. That type of not well enough.

      You know what helps that? Working instead of doing drugs. Quite all the enabling. You losers are the problem why we have this ever growing

      Make them work before they get water and food and they will work. And- They will be happier, because everyone is happier when they are able to care for themselves.

      Kranz voters are the problem. Big problem.

    7. What 8:18 lacks in knowledge and experience on any subject, he makes up for with arrogance.

      I don’t know why the world ignores him. He clearly has all the answers.

  28. CRC, please reassess your position on denying Karen all she has earned through 25 years of loyalty. She deserves nothing less.

  29. 2:01pm. Please do CRC. You help so many unfortunate others, surely one of your own deserves some special consideration. If Karen was such a good employee for 25 years she deserves a least that much.

  30. CRC has gone downhill over the years, especially when Van Cleef was put at the Helm. Many people even in the corporate world get screwed over when there are mergers and take overs. It’s up to all of us when we see the writing on the wall to get out before you become a victim like Karen did. We can’t save all the fish in the sea. But we can vote with our two feet and give our donations to more deserving charities than one that has screwed over our community and even their one employees.

    1. *own employees, not just “one” employee

    2. CRC probably doesn't give a fuck about the opinions of a few knuckleheads on an anonymous website.

    3. That exactly what a shitty CEO of a nonprofit would think as they are clearing >300k from those they call knuckleheads.

  31. 8:57 No one is talking about it for CRC’s benefit, or sake. People are simply exchanging and sharing suggestions of where they’re putting their focus and donations, now that we can no longer trust CRC. Since you don’t understand this simple concept, it looks like you’re the “Nuckle Fuckle Head.”

  32. What you folks that live in Encinitas should be concerned about is the influx of illegals living in the canyons, hanging out at the corner of Encinitas Blvd and Manchester. It used to be 10 on average. Now? I counted 41 last Friday.
    I see em' walking around the streets with backpacks and filthy. Trust me when I tell you, "if you think the Sheriffs Department has enough man power...THINK AGAIN".
    You are on your own. These illegals are all men
    "WAKE UP YOU FOOLS". It's intentional to ruin the country.
    Arm yourselves, take firearms classes for safety and for heavens sake...learn to shoot. 5 million illegals and counting in the last 2 years. China is running America

    1. You checked the immigration status of 41 people just by looking at them?


    2. I've got eyes...I use em'

    3. I saw that as well. They are loitering on the Rite Aid parking lot as well as the sidewalks. Hanging out at the water machine and next to the entrance. There are many. And, by the way. Don't ever think about picking them up. You could be very sorry, very fast.

    4. Ohhh' like Workers Compensation Insurance, Federal and State taxes, Safety Equipment and training.
      Yaaa', that would be a great idea to pick them up.
      That is "exactly what I would do"

    5. Just hired a few to help with the weeds, one guy does plumbing so have him making an outdoor shower. Good people, working hard and meticulous. Way better than the little fat plumber dorks that just wanted to talk politics while clearing shit from my pipes.

    6. 7:56- you are an idiot. They are here for work and the Gov lets them be here.

      The bums will not do labor and the Government wants the drug addicted bums they call homeless. The CEOs of the homeless industries ante making millions.

    7. 12:21...alzheimers riddled biden and the communist government of America has indeed allowed this invasion of 5 million plus illegals
      Let me wake you all up. If the illegal gets injured on your property and hires a lawyer...You will soon be screwed. Wake up !!! Don't believe me?
      Ask an attorney...go ahead. Then, come back and tell of us how smart you are.

  33. Marco Gonzalez's Coast Law Group was given a forgivable $720,000 loan on the taxpayers dime. Guess his lawyers needed a bonus.

    So why is Marco always shout about inequality and how unfair white-privilege is? Yet he has no problem taking a $720,000 forgivable loan from poor hardworking Americans so he can take a nice bonus. What a scumbag!

    1. This is really disappointing. Marco is really masterful at playing both the victim and the hero to do anything for money. Count it as yet another give away to support rabid development and developers in Encinitas.

  34. Christopher Sluka flying school, tail number N8218Z flying back and forth over Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe 13 times. Making money pouring leaded exhaust over your families.

    1. A 1200 flight, in circles and back and forth 10 times from Montgomery Field, just like sluka. Flying 17 miles up the coast to pour leaded fuel exhaust over your familes.
      And by the way, last week two private planes went down, killing a total of 10 people in two different states.
      Don't think it can't happen here with these flight schools flying back and forth????

    2. Why are you posting here? You need to go to the authorities. This is a blog.

    3. It's Encinitas Undercover...GET IT? It's a safety issue for the folks of Encinitas. THINK !!!!

    4. I am thinking, I'm thinking you're complaining to the wrong people. If you seriously think repeating yourself here is going to fix the problem then you're the one who doesn't get it.

    5. Let me help to think. The more people call the more action gets done. These private planes crash all the time across America and the spew leaded fuel exhaust on to the population. We don't care if they fly out and back to and from their destination....WE DON'T CARE. But flying in circles/back and forth...we do care. They are flying schools making money putting people at risk on the ground. They do this over Encinitas.
      Also I have contacted all local authorities, no one cares.
      But soon, they will.

    6. No one here is going to call the authorities and say "I read an anonymous post on a blog about something I didn't actually see myself, but yeah anyway, I'm calling to complain."

      Glad to hear you took action. Let us know the outcome.

    7. Apparently you don't live in Encinitas. All one needs to do is listen...and look up. It's happening as I write.
      Let me help you. Since you know nothing on the issue, let people like me take care of it. And, what ever you do for a living (or not), focus on that. You are better off.

    8. It doesn’t matter how many people scream at the sky.

      VFR GA training flights are safe and legal.

      Zero deaths in the history of Encinitas.

      More Encinitas residents have won the Best Actor Oscar for The Goodbye Girl than have been killed or injured by flight accidents in Encinitas.

    9. If flying over and over schools is safe then the flight schools won't mind us posting their business and tail numbers.
      The group in Solana Beach will do the same.
      And, since we now belong to FASST FAA
      We will see how they respond to schools flying over and over and over areas not near the home airport.
      Let's just see how that works out.

  35. Marco Gonzalez's Coast Law Group (CLG) was given a forgivable $720,000 loan on the taxpayers dime in 2021.

    Guess Marco and his lawyers needed a bonus from the taxpayers.

    So why is Marco always shouting about inequality and how unfair white-privilege is? Yet he has no problem taking a $720,000 forgivable loan from poor hardworking Americans so he can take a nice bonus. Just like his sister Lorena and her husband Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez, scumbags!

  36. In other news, interesting that Blakespear introduced a bill "Harassment Temporary Restraining Orders
    Bill would authorize employer to seek a TRO on behalf of the employee and other employees."

    Seems late to the party why is she suddenly doing this?

    1. Does this apply to City Council as well or? Does it apply to people like Morris who has harrassed a lot of people.

    2. If it applies to City Council would make sense as word is our employees are scared.

  37. Has the airplane guy done anything else besides repeatedly posting his daily diatribe here on EU? Has he documented and sent his findings to any authorities that could have a say? Has he measured the fallout of fuel that he claims is poisoning everyone here in Encinitas? Does he have proof that anyone here in Encinitas has come down with the ill effects from these training flights exhaust over our town?

    Answer those questions and you/he will have some have some legitimacy. Proof? Prove something. Prove any of your claims that we residents are suffering any ill effects of these training flights over our town.

    I predict he has no proof to his claims. Prove us wrong and you can be our towns hero. Measure this fallout we are all suffering from. You can do it. I will not hold my breath while you come up with any provable evidence of your claims we are being poisoned by these training flights from Montgomery Field. Surely this is not too much to ask. If true, it should be so simple for you, our expert. to show us some validity of your claims.

    1. Private planes use leaded fuel. Private planes DO NOT have cadilltic converters. They also have no mufflers

    2. "Catalytic" oppps I pressed publish too soon.
      The flights are all over the internet as well as the tail numbers. Want more proof? You amateur. You are out of your league.

  38. 3:04pm Exactly. I hope that was for the train/airplane guy. Do get the rest you need.

    1. Yup - I hate the NCTD train too. Lets end it.

  39. Speaking of TROs this Lemon Grove city council situation feels familiar:

    “I’m filing this request because I’m afraid that...stalking and harassing of me is escalating. I am concerned about my safety." The order prohibits further harassment, intimidation, or owning firearms.

    1. Fir some reason the Encinitas Sheriffs don’t want to investigate citizen complaints about harassment by a certain failed mayoral candidate, gotta wonder who they are really protecting.

    2. What did the Mayoral candidate do? Details, not fairytales please.

    3. He tied with Cindy.

    4. 7:00 read what he has written. Ask around. You know.

    5. He came in 3rd.

    6. There’s no tie. Take the L.

  40. Coast Flight Training out of Montgomery Field, 20 times over Encinitas and Solana Beach. Back and forth over and over and over. Ya' very safe

    1. Coast Flight Training N686CA 11 times over Encinitas. Flying 17 miles up the coast from Montgomery Field.
      Pouring leaded fuel exhaust over your kids

    2. Michael Baskette is an old sky screamer.

    3. Keep using the name. The grandfather was in Westerns for years after WW2 and listed on cast support credits. And I continue to receive checks. Please do not stop.

    4. Typical trust funder. The 2nd generation is never like the original.

  41. I got an great idea...lets pay off student debt and everyone's mortgage debt. It will only be $5 trillion. The feds can just create the currency and right off the debt. its that simple.

    1. Free college pays for itself. College grads earn more and pay significantly more taxes over a lifetime.

    2. I know some college grads that ain't worth a damn and don't earn much. Got anymore insight?

    3. Maybe if you went to college you’d understand the difference between anecdotal outliers and statistical mean.

      But since you asked, I looked it up for your lazy uneducated ass.

      As of 2021, average weekly wages for people holding only a high school diploma is $809 and the unemployment rate for them is 6.2%

      The same numbers for those holding a bachelor’s degree are $1334 and 3.5%.

      65% more income.
      43% lower unemployment.

      Subsidizing college education pays for itself through a lifetime of higher income tax payments.

  42. Only on Encinitas Uncensored does anyone “like” the Stocks interview with Wyer. LMAO.

  43. Want to ruin the area? Build more ghetto apartments. The America hating left is behind this. The state of california sent threatening letters to the Encinitas government to be sued if low life ghetto dwellings were not allowed. Everything the left does......they destroy. Bonta is the a.g that sent the letters.

  44. Hot Damn! Da Dunce's plan is working.

    Keep inviting more and more of the world's drug addict tweekers to squat on our streets, steal our stuff, and molest our children. Make it more gross and unsafe than Oceanside and Enscondido and the rents will keep on dropping.

    The dunce is a genious. In addition to the awesome colorful tents in our parks, and human feces smeared in our shoe tread, we also get the excitement of the unpredictable tweekers that break into peoples home and rape the victims for hobbies.

    Way to go Kranz. Encinitas is now considerred PB Norte and lets set our goals on getting grosser than Southeast San Diego. Thanks!

    San Diego home sales fall to lowest level in 35 years

    San Diego County’s median was down for the eighth month in a row. Annual gains were nearly completely erased.

    PS - I hope your credit cards are all paid off. 2023 is looking to peak before the bottom falls out. See you at the bottom in about 3 years and enjoy the ride!

  45. Hey its sound like the folks up in OC are a hell of smarter than the yokels running SANDAG!

    Orange County Transportation Authority officials said Monday they need $7 million to study possible solutions, including realignment to protect the seven miles of endangered coastal railroad tracks from Dana Point to the border of San Diego and Orange counties.

    SANDAG is a sad joke and completely wastes all your tax dollars..

  46. Common Phil, please do you job. We know you can do better.....

    "The 140-year-old coastal rail line is the only viable route for passenger and freight trains between San Diego and the rest of the United States. The 350-mile LOSSAN corridor between San Diego, Los Angeles and San Luis Obispo is one of the nation’s busiest rail routes."

    Here is the reality:

    There is a lot of misinformation and spin about the train's utility. For the amount of money, land, and attention the Coaster and train tracks require, it actually does very little.

    The table above puts the Coaster in the appropriate context, both compared to the other train lines in the County as well as the adjacent highways. It shows that of the 5 rail lines in the county, the Coaster has the lowest ridership by far, at only 5,196 daily weekday boardings. By contrast, the Blue Line Trolley has 56,230 daily riders. The Coaster accounts for just 1/25th of total rail volume in the county. What makes the Coaster numbers even worse is the length of the line at 41 miles. It is by far the longest of the 5 routes. Logic would indicate a longer line should carry more riders, but the Coaster does not. For comparison, the 15.4 mile Blue Line moves 3,651 people per day per mile. The Coaster moves only 127 people per weekday per mile, making it among the worst performing trains in the country.

    For another comparison, the nearby I-5 highway (from downtown to Oceanside) moves about 1.2 million people per day, or over 400 million per year, over 400 times more people than the Coaster.

    21 daily riders per mile of track is incredibly low
    Amtrak Surfliner ridership levels are even worse than the Coaster.

    This line is 350 miles long, stretching from San Diego to San Luis Obispo. In 2019, it had 2,776,654 riders, down 6% from 2,946,239 in 2018. That is an average of only 7,607 daily riders for a 350 mile line. That translates to an astoundingly low rate of 21 riders per mile per day.

    For more facts go here:

    1. Those aren't facts, they are the opinion of the site owner...

    2. Wrong 10:33. You need to open up the web address and read the facts.

      Those are hard facts, and let’s hurry or disputing them.

  47. * Come on Phil, please do you job. We know you can do better.....

  48. Next is boats, right?

    We should ban all boats passing within 200 miles of the Encinitas coast.

    I mean, it’s just as stupid as trying to override federal regulation of aircraft and rails. It’s another dumb cause to waste time on.

    Ban trains, airplanes, and boats.

    Because the children.

    1. Planes fly over the population of Encinitas. Get it??
      OVER. Not out to sea. Think you'll outsmart our group? Good luck Bozo. And by the way, there is NO federal regulation giving permission to fly in circles over and over 10's of thousands of residents and homes that don't live near an airport. Tic Toc genius.

    2. Cool Mike Baskette.

      Bring a lawsuit if you think FAA regs are being violated.

      See how that goes.

      And when your lawyer stops laughing, come tell us about it.

      STOP THE BOATS!!!!!

    3. Is NCTD now proposing boats?

      It’s probably about a slow as the coaster runs.

    4. Years ago there actually was a plan.


    Let’s all become Amish & use Horse & Buggy!!!

    1. No bueno.

      Mike Baskette is afraid of horses.

    2. The anti plane guy is not the same issue as the ain’t pollution and anti-wasting tax money gal.

      The anti-pollution and anti-tax waste and gal has valid points.

    3. * The anti-pollution and anti-tax waste gal has valid points

  50. Try and focus airplane children. NO ONE stated not allowing planes to fly over to and from a destination. NO ONE !!!!
    You are like children with A.D.D.
    And you will all will notice it's the same childlike person defending private planes flying over and over your homes in circles and the kids schools.
    And I bet the childlike A.D.D doesn't live in Encinitas or Solana Beach. Ohhhh' ya'. I can't wait for the next
    "whackadoodle rambling" from A.D.D

    1. Tell us which FAA reg allows Point to Point flights, and prohibits practicing ground reference maneuvers.

      Be specific.

      “I’m old and I don’t like it” isn’t a reg.

    2. Why don't you explain to everyone here why these private plane training schools fly 17 miles up the coast and fly in circles over Solana Beach and Encinitas?
      The same schools over and over making money putting 10s of thousands at danger just like the crash landing on the Carlsbad Beach several weeks ago.
      OR the eight planes that went down in San Diego County last year. Hmmmm? Come on genius, tell all of us. THEY ARE MAKING MONEY.

    3. Sure.

      Because student pilots must master certain maneuvers and must log a certain number of solo hours after getting endorsement stamp from their instructor that they are safe to fly solo. When flying solo, student pilots MUST fly clear of controlled airspace around major airports and congested flight areas.

      This area is the closest legal and safe area from the flight schools.

      Next question.

    4. Your problem is, you look at the issue from the airplane and not the public under the airplane. The public by the way that breaths in leaded fuel exhaust from these planes
      The same public that has ZERO benefit from private planes flying in circles over and over and over.
      The same public that receives ZERO benefit from flight schools making money putting the public at risk.
      Remember, according to the FAA on average per year
      1000 private planes go down in America.
      In summation, look at it from the aspect of 10s of thousands not caring one wit about you airplane people making money flying in circles over our families. And, if you don't think we can put a stop to it, think again.

    5. Translation: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

  51. Prove we are endangered. I will throw a please in there too. You are the authority on EU. A self appointed one, but with some proof of your claims, you can be our hero. Just imagine the glory when the city council starts off a meeting with giving you a commendation. I will be one the first to stand up and cheer and clap for the valuable service you have done for this community.
