Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Destiny, we hardly knew ye

From the Inbox:


  1. Be gone Destiny - to where you emerged from. Never to be seen in any of Encinitas politics again!

    Please start a new post for the Piraeus and Baldwin decisions tonight. They are so much more important than this flash in the pan carpetbagger - thank you!!!

  2. Enjoy it while you can ladies.

    1. You must admit that DP being mean girl to PSP is somewhat weird. Super weird because she is repeating the same issue Marco has with PSP. She is just so original ...NOT

    2. Read the comments in the EPU post. PSP initiated this by reposting content on EV and calling Destiny names.

  3. OK, who is going to tell her? Destiny don't run for office again unless you are prepared. Your messages , campaign materials and your inability to debate on local issues is why you lost. Be grateful that you were blessed enough to earn an advance degree and attend Berkeley. Celebrate, that you were endorsed by senior DEM leaders like Mike Levin. Most of all, please refrain from calling successful females who also hold advance degrees and have proven senior professional and or trade skills "white women". We are professional women. Learn from people who have worked in international private corporations vs government. Please do a deep dive as to why you lost. Lick your wounds and stop burning your bridges.


  4. Don’t run for Office if you don’t actually live there for a bit.

    1. I think she thought she was the Clintons of Encinitas. 👏👏🤣

    2. ☝️😂 - the childbearing remark got me. Really? Any reason to be a victim or make one up.

      Worst candidate to ever be run by her party. No wonder WOKE is DEAD.

    3. I think she was also referring to other people of similar age that have been put through the wringer.

    4. Whatever. How about senior women who have become invisible? Just another way she’s a victim so not buying it. It might be a valid discussion with someone else, but not her. She’s too anxious to find another way to play victim.

  5. Let it go guys, you can do it.

  6. Destiny: Stop blaming your loss on everything BUT the reasons people didn’t vote for you. You didn’t lose because of your gender, race, or ethnicity. You lost because you jumped into a city council race within 6 months of moving here, fully supported on day by the incumbent progressive Democratic machine many are tired of, were evasive about when you moved here on social media, and used being born in LA and having a cousin who went to elementary school here as support for being a local. You also lost because you backed out of debates, because you sat up front and took notes on your laptop at one of the mayoral debates, because you spoke from flashcards at the Mira Costa meet and greet, because you were rude to people online, because you were supported by several cyberbullies on social media, and acted like you were some sort of amazing scholar because you have degrees from UCLA and UC Berkeley – that’s not unique in Encinitas.

    1. No one wants to hear about this anymore. It's over.

      Slater Price brought the post above on herself by taking a comment from Encinitas Progressive Unity, posting it on EV and calling Destiny names.

    2. Now explain why Destiny went after everyone else who did not embrace her immediately. You know, everyone else who was not Price and I agree, PSP crossed the line many many times, completely inappropriately. Why Destiny name called and blocked people she had never even met, but were on her “list of usual suspects” handed to her no doubt by Blakespear a year ago? and who had her flying monkeys go after people who dared ask simple questions? Want to explain that one because if she’s going to make the claim that people were coming at her in the most awful way, that’s a whole lot of paranoia and victimhood.

      Hate to break it to you, but the rest of us are not imagining how awfully Destiny conducted herself and how she’s burned too many bridges to ever make it in this town.

  7. Hard to let it go when she called anyone who Mali or Amanda told her to, all sorts of snarky comments. In my case I had never met her, but she had me labeled as a right wing troublemaker. Didn't matter I was a Democrat in her district. She didn't know Pam had even been the Mayor of Encinitas at one time. She didn't know anything about our community, except what was spoon fed to her. Blakespear picked her out from a organization called Emerge California. It's for women who want to get into politics. The fee is quite high, so maybe Blakespear also paid for her to go. So, even though she lost, she gets to be moderator of a FB group called Encinitas Progressive Unity. This is where the comments above came from. She blocked a lot of people, while running, and she is having a ball blocking a lot more of the EPU members, some who have never said a word, but she has been told they are awful people. So I guess I am one of those people who cannot easily let it go, as I felt her wrath personally. Why she thought she could win an election where no one even knew her, using tactics such as not debating; not meeting with people in her own district; not allowing any dissent from what she thinks, is only a part of the reason she lost. Before Lorri left EV she would post what Destiny said to her and to friends of hers. In my 30 years of living in her district, I would never have voted for her after some of the nasty things she said. She still won't say she lost the election, which I find hilarious.

    1. Go away Lorri, nobody cares what cancer has to say.

    2. Nasty nasty remember your karma lesson little yogini!

  8. So a few hundred people preferred someone with local experience and now the whole city is a bunch or racist woman haters? Who was in charge that made this city so bad? Wasn’t the new council, thats for sure. Who only appointed white people? Who only hired white people? Who from the current council was destiny encouraged by after getting snubbed from an actual influential commission? Why were Mali and Marlon put on a powerless committee that didn’t even last a full election cycle?

    1. The issue isn't the outome of the election. IMO it was a pretty sure bet with multiple apartment developments here and traffic is bad. For me it was the behavior of the people that were againt her.

    2. M’okay. You do realize they were not running for office, she was, and she would have been completely unfit to serve? You good with her making decisions for you because she can speed read documents (according to her) and she would be taking her marching orders from Blakespear on down? You good with that? OK.

  9. The Carpetbagger has left the building

  10. Anybody have a shovel?

  11. 5:57. Lame. Very lame.

    1. I know, unpopular opinion here. What's posted wasn't about the outcome of the election though, or about who is more qualified for the position (however you want to measure that). It's about how she was treated, and has continued to be treated after it ended. She was treated poorly, and it reflects poorly on Encinitas in general, in my opinion. Most elections here do, but this one was particularly bad.

      As for those complaining they were treated poorly by Destiny and her supporters, I'd like to see specific examples. Some (if not all) of the complaints I've seen are relatively minor in comparison.

    2. Marlon, she lost.

    3. Yes. The supporters of her opponents should stop harassing her now.

    4. "Harassing," yeah see folks tend to react when she continues her attacks on them. Beauchamp doesn't help.

    5. 5:53 The way Destiny was treated online is gross, and I'm embarrassed my fellow citizens act like this. But the keyboard warriors on both sides are nasty, and again - embarrassed by their behavior. Yet that's how elections are now. Cyberbullies went for the jugular on both sides. Destiny was not treated poorly online because she is a woman or a minority. She was treated poorly online because she just moved here yet overemphasize how "local" she is, doesn't fully understand the issues, and just latched on to a string of politicians that people are tired of. She blocked citizens and provided evasive answers to citizen questions. And she's still being treated poorly online post-election because she's playing the victim card online, and has refused to concede.

      Encinitas voters have never had an issue with women in office, a member of the LGBTQ+ community in office, or people of color in office. They have a problem with the Blakespear-Kranz-Horvath etc. shoving their agendas down all of our throats and creating/gerrymandering voting districts to ensure a multi-year lineage of appointments of weak candidates that just nod their heads in agreement.

      Ms. Preston would have had a better shot if she presented herself as a newcomer who wanted to learn what citizens want and didn't align with the crew currently in charge.

  12. The dodges forever dodging.

    1. The Dodgers can suck Kevin S’s privates. They sounded like complete morons. Freakshow supporting morons.

  13. She was treated how she treated others. She was dismissive, defensive and combative. She was fodder for public abuse. If you can’t handle the heat of American politics, get out of the kitchen.

    It’s obvious Encinitas didn’t want another victim in office.

    She didn’t try hard enough to connect with the electorate. Instead, she hid behind progressive left democrats.

    She didn’t know the issues or bother to learn them.

    She was like a moving target. No clear platform , unreachable and she didn’t respond to those she was afraid of , didn’t like or who didn’t agree with her.

    The kids of death was her avoidance of public scrutiny.

    She didn’t have a bone of diversity in her body. Instead of responding graciously, she became a grandiose victim of a manufactured platform of racism.

    She was a bad candidate out of the gate and no amount of lipstick is going to fix her flaws.

  14. I was the best city mismanager Encinitas has ever had!
    - Justin Beiber

    1. Hey, Anthill I liked your hair better when it was like mine.

      - Rod Stewart


  16. She sits on the L101 echo chamber of slavish devotion to all things Blakespear. Her influence on the city will be constantly diminishing, just like Mali and all the others who will soon be on the outside looking in. They’ll be using the front door in future And you can tell our already chafing under this awful burden. No more back door access!

    1. Or simply said, the majority finally woke up and disavowed their awful identity/victim politics.

  17. 'Destiny we hardly knew ya'.

    Good one. She knew zero about this community and it always showed.

  18. Why does the media and government try and push certain races down your throats? Day and night..........
    Regardless how ugly they are, they are the same....right?

  19. Asking or informing?

  20. Give Speedy Gonzales the boot from insider influence now too!
    He has helped destroy the community character.

  21. I mean… she's not wrong.
