Thursday, April 12, 2012

Big Brother is Watching You

An anonymous commenter alerted me to this.

Look... up in the sky... it's a bird... it's a plane... it's... a government surveillance camera recording citizens' activity. This is at the corner of 101 and Leucadia Boulevard.

I'm guessing the city got a federal grant to install it. Just for traffic safety, you know. Nothing to be alarmed about.

And to get the sheeple used to being monitored, much as they've become accustomed to being groped by TSA goons for the privilege of air travel... or to allowing no-knock warrants and asset forfeiture without due process in the name of the "War on Drugs."  Heck, no one even noticed when Obama signed a bill allowing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens without charge.

Are you OK with this, Leucadians?


  1. On the Council agenda - next week:

    Is the camera the city's or NCTD?

  2. It's on city light poles.....we still don't know what they are watching or why. Most importantly, we don't know who is watching us.

  3. That signal suck and needs to be removed. Put in all way stops.
