Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Unions waste no time capitalizing on bogus Graham story


  1. Graham should go after Burgan for libel and falsely reporting a crime, then he should go after these PACs/Unions for failing to do any due diligence whatsoever before sending these mailers. Basically, I'll vote for Graham at this point just as a matter of principle.

    1. There is very broad free speech protection for political ads, even the knowingly misleading.

      Remember Issa v. Applegate?

      And suing an apparently mentally disturbed and not apparently wealthy woman is probably not a winning strategy.

  2. His campaign is getting more attention for this sorry episode than for anything else he has done or said during the campaign. He has zero chance of winning, so this will be a non-issue next week, if it isn't already.
    Still seems very unfair to him, but it won't have any impact in his political success, which is non-existent anyway.
