Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Blakespear's husband calls Gaspar's telling of SANDAG meeting "paranoid conspiracy bullshit"

We noted recently that Kristin Gaspar is opposing SANDAG's plan to take money promised for roads and redirect it to mass transit. The fight is heating up.

KUSI on the recent SANDAG meeting:
Gaspar explained that the SANDAG Director, Hasan Ikhrata, is recommending everyone pay to drive on all freeway lanes because they are subsidized.

A black box would be installed in every vehicle, tracking every mile you drive on the highway, and then that information will be given to the government so it could charge you.

During last week’s SANDAG meeting, Ikhrata tried silencing board members who didn’t agree with his plan. Ikhrata became so aggressive, County Supervisor Gaspar walked out.
This is apparently what Catherine Blakespear's husband is referring to on Facebook:


  1. Jeremy is a goof ball! Have you met the guy? He lives in his mother-in-laws home and doesn't say anything unless his wife (the Mayor) or his mother-in-law (who fights schools and kids) says it's okay. This guy is scary!

  2. The idea that people will have the "choice" not to have to put a tracking device on their cars is absurd. Not a choice if not doing it means you can't use the freeway.

    This so-called "congestion tax" hits those who most can't afford it: the working folks who commute during standard work hours who don't have the luxury of hitting the road at off-peak hours. Rush hour and the associated congestion tax is something the two Blakespears will have the luxury of avoiding: she works for mother and he works at night.

    The alternative offered is non-existent public transportation or, of course, our bicycles. No doubt Mrs. Blakespear is all in on the "sustainable model" that counts on us finally being forced to get out of our cars (although the only time you'll find her on her bicycle is at photo-op time when her unofficial photographer is there to capture the moment for her next "newsletter").

    No doubt they cooked up making hubby the mouthpiece over a bottle of wine. Talk about a backfire.

    I'm no fan of Gaspar, but she looks like a superstar in comparison. If Blakespear thinks this is going to be her stepping stone to challenging Gaspar for Supe, she's got another think coming.

  3. Limousine liberals. Nothing more. Nothing less. Was she one of the ones that won a rigged election on SoCal? Oooooh...there were many just ask the Costanza principle politicians Shiff, Swallowell, and Harris.

  4. Jeremy's neighbors think he's a complete loser!

  5. The delicate flower of Encinitas Votes objected to Mr. Blakespear's use of "bullshit." I suppose it would be OK if he had used the euphemism "BS."

    Maybe it would be more pertinent if the flower intelligently addressed his point rather than his terminology.

    Similarly, a bunch of prudes went ballistic because somebody posted a fake "Nude Beach" sign at the Grandview access. Everybody should wear a burka!

    1. Ha, too funny. One of blakespear's apologists coming on EU to complain that the admin of EV shut that site down while she's away. Probably the mayor's bff attorney friend.

      It wasn't just the use of the word "bullshit" that caused the reaction (that others had beside the admin) and you know it, 9:09. mr blakespear had never posted but right out of the gate managed to show the same lack of impulse control as the wife.

      mr blakespear came off as weird, defensive, aggressive, and definitely sent by the mrs.

      No idea the connection to the Grandview sign and burkas, but have at it. As someone posted to you on EV: "Do continue."

    2. Wrong on every point, 9:58.

    3. Wow, that was quick. They paying you overtime to stare at the screen and manage the blowback?

    4. 10:11 Major problem with reading comprehension and reality perception.

  6. She has no reason to lie, who put this clown Hasan in charge? A little off topic but I remember seeing articles saying large numbers of employees were leaving NCTD due to it becoming a hostile workplace and there was no one to report it to internally. Employees were required to sign NDA's when they left.

  7. And barely anyone here has responded to this insane idea of paying to use the freeway???......We already pay with our taxes. damn well better wake up to these communists/socialists further ruining California.
    If this continues it's going to get unpleasant and perhaps violent as our country is being ruined. Mark my words.

  8. To be fair, improving traffic congestion will help reduce GHG. You use energy and burn fuel sitting in traffic or idling.

    1. Agree in principle, of course.

      But the facts remain that people have to get to and from work during normal business hours, which means yes rush hours AND there is no public transportation available that even hints at being workable.

      How is this supposed to work in reality to decrease congestion? If the real goal is to financially penalize working stiffs, the Blakespears need to just say so. Enough with the sustainability crap. There's nothing sustainable about having to fit yet another tax into the working person's life.

  9. blakespear will issue Sunday's newsletter with the usual glowing reports of the all the rainbows she's been farting around town.

    Wonder how she'll spin this one?!? Maybe she'll even give the hubs honourable mention for minesweeping her support of this insanity - stay tuned!!

  10. Hasan Ikhrata "rolled out" this same tired plan for the SCAG cities in 2017. In Sept. 2018 he was hired by SANDAG by a group of elected city officials, the SANDAG Board, who didn't do their due diligence on his background.

    1. Perhaps, like the Encinitas council, "staff" did their due diligence for the board.

      Or maybe the board did do its due diligence and knew exactly what they were getting. Blakespear sits proudly on the SANDAG board. Her spokesperson husband is pushing this absurdity. I think she's getting exactly what she wanted in Ikhrata to further her agenda.
