Friday, August 28, 2020

School enrollment drops as families are dissatisfied with online education

Coast News:

Early data from two school districts show enrollment dropped as distance learning began, with some families opting instead for homeschooling and other education alternatives.

San Marcos Unified and Encinitas Union Elementary School Districts started the 2020-21 year with slumps in enrollment, compared to the same day last year. Previously, both relatively consistent enrollment since 2015, according to Ed-Data.

Disenrollment appears more common among younger students, as Encinitas Union’s 11% drop illustrates. This decrease stems directly from COVID-19, Assistant Superintendent Joe Dougherty said.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Fire Marshal terminated after sharing Streetscape concerns

And she's suing.

Coast News letters:
Recent events in social justice demonstrate that the powerful shall eventually be held to task. Ghislaine Maxwell, Harvey Weinstein, even Ellen DeGeneres’ show what we discover when we listen to victims.

The mayor of Encinitas, Catherine Blakespear, should be held to the same standards of scrutinization.

A lawsuit filed against City of Encinitas alleges that Fire Marshal Anita Pupping was dismissed in September 2019 because she stood by concerns that “Streetscape” — the $50 million debt-driven plan to turn Highway 101 through Leucadia into a pedestrian zone — threatens public safety to the community that surrounds it.

Here's the lawsuit.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

City includes "van lifers" in homeless count

 Julie Graboi at Encinitas Votes:

I attended the August 17 Homeless Action Plan and had wanted to share some observations and concerns during Oral Communications at tonight's City Council Meeting. However, starting tonight, a new policy requires speakers to register by 2:00 and send their oral comments into the city by 3:00. Therefore, I will be sharing some concerns here instead. After LeSar principal consultant Nui Bezairewas asked if "van lifers" were counted as homeless, she would not answer this simple yes/no question. I emailed this question to Encinitas Planner Jennifer Gates and spoke with her a few minutes ago. She gave a similarly evasive answer that "it is defined by policy." After pressing her, the answer is that YES. Why should people who are making this life style choice and often have expensive vans that they consider their homes they be counted as homeless? Not only do they consider their vans their homes, but they have no intention of moving into the housing that the city is proposing that Encinitas provides for them!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Jody Hubbard blames cyclists for cycle trap disaster

... because she and Blakespear know better than everybody else, of course.

 Encinitas Votes:

You can continue your rant against the mayor, and against me. And maybe your negativity will successfully get us off the city council. Is that what you really want? To destroy the most pro- biking city council in all of north county over one mile of cycle track?

You have a choice. To help encourage those that belong in the cycle track to use it or continue to scare everyone away. It breaks my heart when I see 1 or 2 cyclists take the sharrow lane early in the morning when the cycle track is empty and clearly a better choice.

I am asking all of you to reconsider your position and treat the cycle track for what it is. A conflict area that may require you to go a little slower and be a little more accommodating for 5 minutes of your ride. An area where we have limited space and we all have a right to be there.
I'm sure you can imagine how well received this was in the comments.

Friday, August 14, 2020

City Council unanimously supports allowing developers to build projects with inadequate parking

... because turning Encinitas into Mission Beach will be good for global warming or something.

Council candidate Susan Turney on Encinitas Votes:

Council voted last night 5-0 to approve support of AB 3153, a bill that cedes more local control to the state. Ironic coming from a council that likes to complain how their "hands are tied" by Sacramento dictates, the bill further reduces density bonus onsite parking requirements to accommodate bicycle parking.


What's a more rational prediction of behavior when inadequate parking is provided? That tenants and guests will sell their cars and decide to ride bicycles, or that overflow parking will spill out into surrounding neighborhoods? This isn't rocket science. 




Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Guerrilla satire

 Encinitas Guerrilla:

Given the popularity of her Oct. 15, 2019 speech titled “Increasing Suburban Density to Fight Climate Change,” Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear has announced a series of Zoom speeches she will give toward the end of her reelection campaign this year.


The titles of the speeches are —

“Marketing Perforated Condoms to Fight Population Growth”

“Wearing Lace Face Masks to Fight COVID-19”

“Eating Cheeseburgers and Fries to Fight Obesity”

“Selling Aphrodisiacs to Fight Promiscuity”

“Building Cycle Traps to Fight Using Cars”

Monday, August 10, 2020

Developer attorney and friend of the mayor Marco Gonzalez blasts council candidate

Encinitas Votes:
City Council [sic] Susan Turney and her alter ego, Preserve Prop A [sic] should be ashamed of themselves.

While not unpredictable, their behavior has been despicable.
It's true that Blakespear sued Encinitas residents to take away their right to vote, and then changed the named defendant on the lawsuit when she realized that wasn't a good look. 

It's also true that Prop A people want to be able to defend their right to vote in this court case.

I don't think this is quite the "gotcha" moment Marco thinks it is.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Monday, August 3, 2020

Blakespear continues unrepentantly maiming cyclists

Encinitas Votes:
Busy day on the Blakespear Cycle Trap.... A serious accident. With one transported to the hospital. Running count I believe is 19.