Friday, August 28, 2020

School enrollment drops as families are dissatisfied with online education

Coast News:

Early data from two school districts show enrollment dropped as distance learning began, with some families opting instead for homeschooling and other education alternatives.

San Marcos Unified and Encinitas Union Elementary School Districts started the 2020-21 year with slumps in enrollment, compared to the same day last year. Previously, both relatively consistent enrollment since 2015, according to Ed-Data.

Disenrollment appears more common among younger students, as Encinitas Union’s 11% drop illustrates. This decrease stems directly from COVID-19, Assistant Superintendent Joe Dougherty said.


  1. The Teachers "Unions" are the biggest obstacle to our kids getting a good education. I find it amazing, but predictalble, that teachers prefer to get full salary to teach remotely for 1 hour per school day, with a poor lession plan. They don't want to get infected and die - give me a break! What about every other service provider! THIS ELECTION, I WON'T VOTE FOR ANY CANDIDATE ENDORSED BY THE TEACHERS UNION! #OPENOURSCHOOLS

    1. Serious? I am not a teacher, but know many. I can tell you that they are the LAST people who want to be home teaching online. They want to be back with their students to whom they are dedicated. Are you familiar with the scheduling -- it is all day - with the normal breaks for recess, lunch, etc. Outside of this day, they are busy preparing lesson plans and activities in an environment they were not trained and are forced to teach this way - and they are taking up this challenge in a professional way. I have an idea...take your children out of school and home-school them for just 5 days and then come back and report how easy you have it as a teacher. Or...better yet, support our teachers and the hard job they have at this time.

    2. Spot on 12:56. The teachers unions are hack jobs living off of the living wage of teachers. Being a teacher is no picnic. I know. But, if you, as a teacher don't want to go back to work, then find another profession. Unions will ruin your life.

    3. On August 14th at San Dieguito Academy. In an effort to create a race war between European Americans and African Americans, a protest designed to foment racial hatred was organized by anti-Catholic Jews and Encinitas4Equality youth group leaders and Jewess Aya Jaffer a sophomore at San Dieguito High School Academy likely brought up by her parents with a deep hatred of Catholics and conservative Christians. Over the last month, the anti-Catholic and anti-Christian E4E group has sent the district a list of demands to force the district be more inclusive, developed with fellow anti-Catholic youth leader Jew Jordan Rubenstein, Torrey Pines High School class of 2020.

  2. I thought I heard that Blakespears two kids would be enrolled in Encinitas Schools. Is that correct?

  3. I agree with 12:56. Spot on.

    Teachers union is for the slacker teachers, not the students.

    1. Is it the teachers' union or their one hour of teaching (10:53)? So easy to be a slacker teacher? Go back to school and get your BA. Then get your teaching credential (that's another year). And then, get your master's degree. Then, you can start a job with 5-6 years of college education at $50,000 per year (that's about $25/hour). Am I standing up for teachers? Damn right! They are they ones who taught you to read and write in this Blog! There are slackers in every profession -- but most teachers are caring, loving, and committed professionals that have a very challenging job pre-COVID!

    2. Prrrrrrrrrr. get a real job. that means not a Realtor.

  4. Most people including me can not write worth a shit on this blog but who cares. What counts is the message.

    So Grammar grandma can fuck off. Hopefully she has gone all the way to off computers and we will not have her BS posts any longer.

  5. If you can't write worth a shit, that means you can't think worth a shit, and that means your message ain't worth a shit.

    1. True.

      Big words aren’t necessary, but the whole purpose of language is to share the contents of our brains.

      Incoherent and error-prone writing is a window into an incoherent and error-prone mind.

      You may not like it, but you don’t control how the world judges your words.

  6. 12:56-

    I guess you are alive, well and go to bed late.

    You made a wrong assumption. I bet you're a writer and suck at math and logic. Obviously you suck at logic.

    Maybe people do not edit all their posts for grammar and spelling errors because its a F'ing blog Jackass!!!

    Any loser spending time to edit their blog post must not have that much going on their life. Sad but true.

    The reality is smart and successful people hire editors and others to write and edit their written material.

    No person I respect would waste those resources on merely blog comments.

    Additionally, teachers unions are bad for kid's education.

    -get a life

    1. So you’re saying you are just too lazy to write clearly because you don’t care.

      If so, show us how you would edit your 8:46 comment if you did care.

      I found at least 5-6 errors.

      I say five or six because one is debated among the literati. It’s called an Oxford Comma, and you didn’t use it in your first sentence. It’s it goes before the word “and” after the penultimate item in a list. Consider the possible ambiguity caused by leaving it out in the following two sentences:

      “I’d like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand and God.”


      “I’d like to thank my parents, Ayn Rand, and God.”

    2. “It goes”

      Sometimes technology gets in the way of good writing.

    3. 9:09, 9:10,11:14 - losers

    4. 1:40 was the kid who peaked in high school and called kids with good grades headed to college “losers.”

      You know the guy.

      The one at the reunion who was out of your league at 17, but now isn’t in your league.

  7. 8:46 AM – How is it that a blog doesn't require clear, concise, accurate writing? Is a blog the only exception? Do bumper stickers, road signs, T shirts, store names, checks, letters, reports, legal briefs, laws, driving directions, product instructions, architectural plans, websites, school papers, books, essays, speeches, leases, mortgages, estate plans, prescriptions and menus require clear, concise, accurate writing?

  8. probably teacher union losers - could care less about kids education but will spend hours on making a perfect blog post.

  9. What we are witnessing is the result of 30+ years of right wing whores taking money from billionaires who want to get their hands on that easy tax money for profiteering off education. It's no wonder that Besty Devos is the education secretary.

  10. What the right-wingers really want is feudalism — a few wealthy pricks at the top and the masses of peons serving them from the bottom.

    To achieve that, what they've done for decades is to undermine public education. The decay and decline we see today in American society is the result.

  11. I (dis)respectfully disagree with 8:46 am. Smart, educated people have no trouble writing their own material and do not waste time farming out and managing something that is not difficult for those who are smart and educated. If you have a minute to post a blog comment, you have 15 seconds to clean up the writing. No one expects perfection on a blog, and certain kinds of mistakes are readily forgiven, but basic rules of English should be followed. If you can't follow the rules of grammar, then you probably don't know them, and that tells me that you are not that educated. My guess is that, for 8:46 am, the issue is not time but rather ability. Loser. Sad.

  12. Sadly, 8:46 is dumb and poorly educated. He resents people who are smarter and better educated than he is. His insistence that standard English is unnecessary on a blog is revenge.

  13. sounds like Moron Mommie needs to get her tard-dropping out of the house. Mommie needs me time. boo hoo.
    Open the schools! Who cares about the health of "staff". Moron Mommie is tired of making lunches! Open things now! Do it for the morons.

  14. It reads like the person that uses bad language on here all the time (cussing) feels it necessary to make points in their favor by doing so. The reality is, the cussing simply shows the person is insecure. Not stupid...but very insecure.

    1. The Venn diagram of erudite and salty overlap.

    2. Hey 5:50 am up early posting heh?

      Why don't you do something useful and go eat a bag of dicks?

    3. Actually, cussing is a sign of intelligence so of course you don't like cussing. Does it hurt your little feel? fucking snowflake.

  15. Funny how republitards don’t value education and do stupid shit all the time. Oh and multiple bankruptcies and failures make you a good businessman. Funny how so many local fools worship the town idiot Jeff Morris. Lambs being led to slaughter.

    1. That guy's a turd ball.

      I love how all he wants is attention, and everyone ignores him.

    2. 10:57 and 11:00 are sad insecure little clown. I'm trying to figure why. Breast feed until you were 10? No one ever paid attention to you? You wear LuLu Lemon pants for boys?
      Very puzzling.

    3. People like to talk shit about Jeff but don't realize what a gift he is. One imbecile bringing down both Gaspar and Thunder isn't something to complain about.

    4. Jeff Morris speaks for himself. Marco Gonzalez is the mouthpiece and attack dog for the current council. If you want to talk about bad associations, look no further. Catherine, Tony and Kellie are Marco's choices. That on its own has helped garner the other side votes.

    5. Yeah, but Marco isn't running for office.

    6. His associates are, though. Talk about being judged by the company you keep.

      He's doing them more harm than good but they don't see it that way!

  16. Is Jeff Morris the idiot driving all over Encinitas with his Trumpy truck. Flags, banners, and other stupid political bling? There was a clown was at Beacon Beach this morning - he had "BLM = terrorism" written, in crayon on his rear window.
    Can't he drive to Kenosha 'er something? aina hey?

  17. Jeff - If you are reading this do not relent. You are over the target and the old cranks that read the far leftist blogs like the LA Times, SDUT, Washing Compost and the NY Slimes want complete destruction of Encinitas and America. The violence is ramping up and more people will be hurt or killed. It's coming to your door far leftist encinitas cranks...are you ready? Trust me when I say it won't be docile yet mentally ill homeless person. It will be an angry mental mob coming to your door in the name of Bolshevik Lives Matter. Stay locked and loaded, do not relent and do not be afraid to aim and fire. The people need to be completely and totally destroyed. THAT is their goal for us. Rise up to these skinny pea armed losers.

    Good day sir

    1. Scared little snowflake. What a pussy. Putin is laughing at your dumb ass. .

    2. on. I am at the ready. The mental problem with these lives matter stick figures is that there are a few of us military trained citizens that will, engage first and neutralize. Since fewer than 1 percent of the population joins the U.S Military the stick figures have no clue who we are as we blend in. I hope, for their sake, they don't find out as engagement will not end in their favor, ever. Go Army

    3. Let’s go out in the woods alone together and say cool stuff like “Tango” and “Foxtrot,” and “Niner.”

      I’ll bring my tactical beer cooler I got on QVC that’s just like the ones they use in Iraq.

      We can wear cammo, and we can do whatever we want with each other, because no one can see us.

    4. Amen, great post defending and supporting fearless Morris. I wish more people had balls like he does.

    5. So sad, Jeff.

      Such a douche.

      You're bad at this.

      (HoW dId thEY kNOw eRt wUz mE?)

    6. “Fearless” morris? He is afraid of everything, even homeless people. He is the very definition of coward.

  18. 8:44 Needs to be in a mental facility.


  20. Remember when they show up in Enc looting, burning, and rioting.

    Remember who organized the Bolshevik Lives Matter protest in the actual f*cking city hall parking lot.

    Never forget.

    1. I was at the BLM protest at the kook.

      There was singing.

      Everyone knows singing is a slippery slope to the violent burning of campfires and lawless jaywalking.

      Be afraid. Be very afraid.

      They are coming for you.

      Don’t wait until you hear the singing. By then it’s too late.

    2. " I was at the BLM protest at the kook.

      There was singing.

      Everyone knows singing is a slippery slope to the violent burning of campfires and lawless jaywalking.

      Be afraid. Be very afraid.

      They are coming for you.

      Don’t wait until you hear the singing. By then it’s too late. "

      Make no mistake criminal - if you come for me at anytime, anyplace, anywhere -

      I give you the same percentage chance of surviving as your IQ:

      Zero point Zero

    3. Lighten up, Francis.

    4. 3:06 sounds like the guy in this story.

      This is what the real threat to our safety looks like.

    5. for 9:45am and her cohorts:

      Denzel Draughn was arrested in San Diego on August 29th at a Black Lives Matter protest and booked on 19 felonies. The charges are nine counts of obstruction/ resisting arrest, nine counts of use of tear gas against an officer and one count of possession of a tear gas projectile weapon.

      Apparently, since they terrorized the police chief’s own neighborhood the other night and attacked one of his neighbors, it’s no more “Mr. Nice Guy” with the SDPD for the Black Lives Matter terrorists. If you pepper spray an entire crowd of cops, you could be in serious trouble.

      According to a White Pages report Denzel Draughn has a fairly lengthy criminal record in Ohio. Mostly, misdemeanors, but there appear to be two outstanding felony charges from three years ago in Ohio. Scroll to down to see the report. If he has unresolved charges in another state, that may be why his bail has been set so high, because he would be a flight risk.

      Because his current address is still in Indiana, it raises the possibility that he crossed state lines to participate in Black Lives Matter riots in San Diego. If true this could be an additional federal offense.

      The local media has completely ignored this story, so far. I think the reason they ignore it is probably because the politicians want to sweep this under the rug and let this terrorist off the hook. We have learned in the past that local politicians sometimes give the media outlets directives and our media is sympathetic to BLM to begin with. This post will be updated as new information becomes available.

      The photo displayed was obtained from a flyer for a protest to get him released from jail and is therefore presumably his image.

      This is the info on the “Who’s in jail” website. Use the arrows on the bar at the bottom to page down and see all the charges. His bail was originally set at $750K, then was reduced to $200K as shown on his info below. However, on the Sheriff’s website, it has been raised again back to $750K. He was arraigned in court the week of 9/1.

      More here:

  21. 8:36 am - get a grip on yourself. You're hysterical. SAD!

  22. Springtime for Hitler and Germany..........Deutchland is happy and gay...

  23. Over the weekend the Centers for Disease Control dropped a bombshell report on coronavirus/COVID deaths:

    of the approximately 165,000 "COVID deaths", less than ten thousand died from COVID.

    The rest - a vast majority - had on average 2.6 serious additional diseases, with the addition in most cases of extreme advanced age.

    1. Derp derp.

      This is the BS twitter deleted yesterday when the fat orange turd tried to post it.


    2. The Trump denial syndrome - too stupid to comprehend science. In fact, there are probably more deaths due to Covid-19 than reported, due to inadequate testing. Live in your fantasy world and bow down to the insane Orange Moron in the Oval Office.

    3. It’s so stupid.

      No death certificate ever listed cause of death as obesity, high blood pressure, lack of expertise, or heavy smoking.

      Well there you have it. Everything you’ve read or heard from your doctor on these things must be a deep state conspiracy.

      What a dumbass.

    4. exercise, not expertise.

    5. My God 10:19 is stupid, get's his news from Facebook memes

  24. 10:19 - nonsense! Dr. Fauci debunked that fake story this morning.
    He very clearly stated that the cause of death of every one of the 165k people was covid-19

  25. the only one listening to Dr. Fauci are the screaming Karens.

    The deathrate from COVID AND WITH all the crazy underlying conditions including being really old is only 0.0005 or 0.05%. That is pretty fricken low. Compare that to the number of people that die from car accidents, smoking, being run down by cars while trying to enjoy a bike ride, fires, murders. This whole thing has been a sad joke which has ruined lives, destroyed public trust, and harmed public health big time. How many people on your block died from COVID?

    The Karens love it because it give them something to focus on considering to distract them from struggling to find their purpose.

    Poor angry streaming Karens.

    - Your leaders failed you. It must be to prep you for world governance. Fall in line sheep.

    1. 5:33 Even facts can't changed the stupid, unfounded views of idiots like you.
