Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Cradle of filth: Coast News tours Oggi's homeless encampment

Coast News:

Homeless resident Victor “Vic” Ballance died of a suspected drug overdose on July 24 in a swath of undeveloped land just behind Oggi’s Restaurant in Encinitas, according to the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office.

After rumors of Ballance’s death, pervasive drug use and growing reports of property crimes in the area, The Coast News, accompanied by two longtime Encinitas residents, Jeff Morris and “JD,” visited the location of Ballance’s death on the morning of Aug. 9 to inspect the area.

Morris, the controversial founder of Encinitas Watchdog and North County Citizens Coalition (NC3), has been covering the homeless situation in Encinitas for years.

During the walkthrough, The Coast News found numerous dwelling areas consisting of large tents with beds scattered throughout the woodlands; countless heaping mounds of junk and stolen equipment; islands of assorted plastics, cans, glass bottles and drug paraphernalia; putrified food containers and dirty clothes — all of which was hidden beneath the sprawling tree-covered ditch reeking of urine, feces and garbage.


  1. Blakespear says bring me your homeless, drug-addicted, thieves and crazies to Encinitas...This area needs to be fenced off. Local kids have been seen lingering there - possibly to score drugs. Apparently the clean up they there did lasted about a day....

  2. Thank you Coast News and Mr. Morris. I wish more people cared about Encinitas like you do. Our developer driven Mayor doesn't give a shit about any humans in Encinitas. Residents or visitors, doesn't matter unless you are contributing to her next meal ticket up the state ladder.

  3. This was our Mayor’s vision made manifest. Take note so she doesn’t become a failed career politician.

  4. Check out the mayor's senate run facebook page. Her crap isn't selling in the OC. She and her little Carlsbad advisor dude need to figure out how to put lipstick on this pig.

    Names that support her but don't pan out on Google are members of her little troll army.

    1. Is that the same guy who is collecting unemployment in Ohio while working here?

  5. Check out blakespear snowing the folks in OC. Make sure you post on her page to correct her misinformation. By law she cannot remove what you write: https://www.facebook.com/catherineblakespear

    Lord help us if she makes it to the Senate. Between her and Tasha they will shred what little of value is left here.

  6. Drugs all day
    Edward Kenny site on the corner daily with warrants rod his arrest. They won’t arrest him cough cough due to covid LOL

  7. Who is Edward Kenny? A derelict that inhabits the site? What is a "warrants rod his arrest" ? Typo?

  8. I apologize Edward Kenny site on the corner daily. He’s a HAVOK/Chaotic homeless who loiters off the 5 freeway everyday.

    He gets high off Meth and fentanyl laced pills provided and sold through out the sewer.

    The north coastal Sherrif department is WELL aware of All the “Homeless” who are down in these sewers. It’s time someone really starts to clean up Encinitas Blvd and remove them or start arresting them for these crimes instead of doing NOTHING.

    Visit behind Oggies take a walk in that sewer

    Do nothing about this. They drive right by them daily. 99% or the form they’ll have drugs on them.

    There is 6 people who inhabit that swelling area. They are also all behind the church at Calle Magdalena behind the children’s basketball courts.

    They are all camped out behind the church and through out the back side of the church. I am s local business owner on Encinitas Blvd.

    I see these homeless every day
    I have never seen the SHERRIFS arrest any of these guys for anything …..

    One time Edward damaged our property and got released the same day. Please go take a walk behind Oggies and walk behind the church

    You’ll be amazed on the problems.

    Why do the SHERRIFS do nothing ?

    Why do CHP do nothing ????

    They pan handle on the side of the freeway daily
    They loiter in front of our store daily.
    They do nothing!!!!

    Why is this area not CUT DOWN and fenced ????

    Why not invest in cleaning that place up

    These programs state they worked with the homeless for years. I haven’t seen you do anything for the homeless in 9 years.

    We need to demand they cleans up Oggies
    Clean the sewer
    Remove the homeless camps
    They’re all local drug dealers
    “Two registered sex offenders loiter down there”
    Listed on Megan’s law.

    Time to demand Encinitas clean up the 5 freeway
    Remove the homeless
    Bring the outreach programs in
    Get them removed
    Remove the rapist out of that area away from children

    Start demanding law enforcement do their job for loitering and Pam handling
    Demand they arrest People with Misdemeanor charges regardless of COVID

    This is getting out of hand

    Vic use to come to my store daily
    We need to clean Encinitas Blvd
    The five freeway is disgusting

    1. And Blakespear seeks higher office - she needs to go in the trash heap like Gaspar.

  9. Sheriffs are told to stand down by the mayor. Anyone who thinks that's not how it works has blinders on. She learned well from Barth and Shaffer how to make phone calls to exert pressure. She's like a mushroom: she thrives in the dark.

  10. You people crack me up. If you have bums living behind your business or your home, have them taken out. It's not brain surgery.

    1. "Have them taken out?" By whom, brain surgeon?

    2. 8:31...think it out.
      Here is your problem like many of you. Grow a pair and take it on as if someone is trying kidnap you child. What would do? Hit em' your purse?
      Either do it slowly, methodically or quickly, but do something and stop crying about it.
      The problem with most of you is you want someone else to do the dirty work...try getting your hands dirty for change and stop waiting for help that ain't coming.
      WTF Up. Cheeseus !!!!!

  11. August 16, 2021 at 9:12 PM
    "Is that the same guy who is collecting unemployment in Ohio while working here?"

    Yes, it is: Kevin Sabellico. See if you can get his spin on the Blakespear nastiness thread:

  12. Sabellico in Ohio: https://www.10tv.com/video/news/local/central-ohio-man-wins-appeal-to-get-unemployment-but-still-hasnt-been-paid/530-2be024e1-5381-4cad-9b38-2179064e402d.

    He's also on the Carlsbad Planning Commission. Busy guy.

  13. Homelessness is everywhere. These people that are saying that Blakespear is the cause for all the homeless people here are basically wrong. What the mayor did do was address the problem by getting a parking lot so they have a safe place to stay and get help. Encinitas is not the only city doing this to address a problem that is only getting bigger everywhere, not just Encinitas

    1. I agree. They are human beings in need of help. Every city is dealing with a much larger homeless population than in past years. Many of the people complaining are of the mindset, out of sight, out of mind. The conspiracy theories are fact less fear mongering where they wrongly accuse people and organizations to fit their made up agenda. It is similar to the tactics used by trump to keep spreading their lies until they can get people to join them in their attacks against innocent people. They have threatened people who oppose them in another trump tactic to try and eliminate anyone that opposes or question their tactics. Let’s become more kinder to people in need in this new year of 2022. If we help the homeless we can have a better community.
