Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Nathan Fletcher unhinged

 By request.


  1. Fine example of neither a politician or human being. Unhinged is a compliment.

  2. Ummm perhaps would opine on his wife's outrageous AB5 lies. She hoped that her "research" would go undetected.

    Maybe Marco would like to step in and defend Nathan and have another go at explaining the sister.

    Crass bunch, the lot of them.

    1. What is he ranting about? He is a moron.

  3. Nathan - like most, is surely exhausted with dealing with you stupid Trump dumb-shits who - for whatever reason refuse to do what is needed to control a pandemic. Masks, shots - you cretins have fabricated reasons to try to justify your dirt-eating mentality. Fletcher has been more than patient with you. You're the problem - not Fletcher.

    1. "control the pandemic"...? Huh?

    2. You got love the fools who believe "control the pandemic"....

      Same fools that think we control our borders and are winning the war on drugs and human suffering. Haaa!

      Newsom and his clan of clueless rule setters are the worst thing for CA. He did horrible damage to our youth's development and lives. Horrible. He should be convicted for killing many and inflicting pain and suffering on our entire state. The worst.

      Hence you get brilliant people like Elon Musk and Tesla leaving CA. Go figure and vote. Send in your ballot. It feels good to do the right think and support our youth!

    3. 6:39 AM - Support our youth VOTE NO!

  4. While I find Nathan F completely ignorant with no common sense, I do find his post OK. It makes sense to me.

    What I also find is dumb ass Trump followers give credence to fools like Nathan where he would have none.

    Why do we even have this post on this blog? What does this fool have to do with Encinitas happenings besides being in the incestuous family diddlie of Ms. BIAspear-Gonzalez?

    1. May I suggest you get back on your medications. What does Trump have to do with the buffoon fletcher? I think you are a tad bit confused but I'm here to help you.

    2. Thats just what the government said to Afghanistan people, "We are here to help you".

      You sound like Newsom just before biting into his favorite foie gras at one of his ruling class dinner parties. You fools never learn.

  5. You'd come unhinged too if you had to chair a six hour meeting full of wingnuts and anti vax protestors...

    1. Anti vaxers. Well, for questioning a shot that only is good for 6 to 8 months, not FDA approved and now needs BOOSTERS?
      Well darn those people not willing...darn them...

      And by the way, the same shot the leftist said not to take when the last President was in office but now because the whacka' doodles are in, the shot is just fine?
      Nice try whacko.

    2. The virus has no politics, it's an equal opportunity killer of the young, old, sick, Republicans and Democrats. Same for Polio and Whooping Cough, and you probably already got those. Which leftist said not to get a shot during the last regime, lol....

    3. 8:45 are kidding right? biden and harris both stated it on National television during their campaigns.
      So you think Polio is the same as the chinese virus?
      Gawd help us...

    4. Marco, I don't agree with your politics, but I hope that Lorena is doing OK in her treatment.

    5. 10:38 AM- You are kidding right? You must excel at spin class cause you are a spin master. Biden/Harris have always motivated people to more forward with inoculation. In your words " Nice try whacko". Maybe Gawd can show use the statement from Biden/Harris stating "not to get the shot"

  6. I've seen this elsewhere. It's repost - he didn't write it.

  7. 2020...

  8. Linda Gamble Spadaro..

  9. Let's all clutch our pearls because an elected official said what the rest of us reasonable citizens have been thinking this whole time? Give it a rest you bunch of Trumptards.

    1. Welp there goes either Gonzalez or Verdu with their tedious "clutch pearls." You can always tell Gonzalez by his "keyboard warrier" BS.

    2. By this point I'd expect you bunch of keyboard warriors know I post with my actual name, unlike you bunch of cowards. And I fully endorse the use of adult language in these settings, ya bunch of pearl clutchers. But FTR, I 100% agree with both the comment and Nathan's original post.

    3. Does adult language include stating the fact that Jewish Supremacists forced the city of Encinitas to destroy the name Christmas from their 60-year old parade or that Jewish Supremacist Leechtag Tax Swindler Jim Farley paid to have Tony Kranz sent to apartheid Israel onna $10,000 5-Star propaganda trip to good 'ol Tony would vote to increase Leextags ocean view office space by 40% when it was deeded as agricultural open space and sold for next to nothing because of that fact. Sneaky fucking Jews count as adult language too?

    4. And now the anti semitism angle? Congratulations for taking this blog to a new low.

  10. He seems nice ;-)

  11. Is Nathan Fletcher the same guy that ordered a mom to glue her daughters face mask to her face after the daughter refused to wear it?

    Asking for 8 billion assholes that have a fucking implicit bias


  12. umm.... just to wrap up here - the email that was presented as one from was sent by Nathan Fletcher is bogus---- but people continue to carry on as if it was real ----- is that the situation? So dumb...

    1. Proof, please? EU is careful when posting and I trust EU over the word of some half-coherent defender of the Gonzalez cabal. A lot of us are funny that way.

    2. yourself a favor, stop being the fool. The letter was presented on the major news in San Diego. Fletcher is a punk and for you, wake up and die right.
      You probably think gavin newsom to be great.

    3. 3:26 - your to-English translator is hilarious. Here is one for you - "You need not sleep and be man. Why you fuck goats?"

    4. I'm sure 8:54, your mother is quite proud of you. Do you talk to her in that manner? Here is a tip, don't be crude as you never win, you only look the fool.

    5. 3:26 PM - Wait i thought the "major" news was FAKE?

  13. remember to vote today to get rid of the worst Gov ever in CA.

    He is so stupid he probably believes the shit he is pedaling....

    Newsom last night when ponding what stupid scam to push on his minion just before biting into his favorite foie gras at one of his ruling class dinner parties. You fools never learn.

    "We are here to help you", which is just what the government said to Afghanistan people....

    just like he helped the businesses in CA and mental health of our children.

  14. Yep. Just like he created and promoted the homeless problem.

    First he supported failed measure and policies that promoted and built homeless in SF. Then when he went to Sacramento he spread the same failing strategy to CA and help build the state wide problem.

    Now his has made an industry of homeless. He is definitely the least qualified to run CA. and Newsom guzzling zombies like BIAspear are right in sync.

    Ged rid of them all, before all our businesses are gone and the coastline looks like TJ. Please.

  15. 7:26 & 7:29, who are the same person: Stop watching Fox News, you moron.

    1. So, 11:07, someone is a moron for watching a news company?
      So, 11:07, writing the truth is the fault of a news company?
      So, 11:07, newsom isn't a buffoon?
      Were you dropped on your head as a child? Should people make comments about you and your girlfriend the she man rachel maddow?

    2. Fox is a news company? You must be joking. If not, that explains your bias and ignorance.

    3. I love when those that get everything wrong call others Morons. Straight from

    4. 8:21 Have you been counting votes in Maricopa County, Arizona?

      You're not smart enough to recognize how dumb you are.

    5. 5:20 AM - Keep running with your testy in hand. Attack attack attack like a buffoon.

  16. Encinitas Guerrilla takes a poke at the shadow City Attorney under Blakespear. Looks like a little cabal now runs this city. Get them all out!

  17. Lets have a mandate against fat and obese fucks.

    If you've spent years of your life with a shitbox lifestyle why should people who have laser focused on diet and health need to cater to you?

    The medical profession should shun the fat and obese and not treat them until they smarten up.

    After all 95% of covid deaths are obese.

    All the shots in the arm or ass won't cure your obesity.

    Lorena made her bed now sleep in it!

    Fair is fair!

    1. You are 100 percent correct, except for the bad language.
      Points can be made with clever wording and not F bombs.
      Yes, fat people not only make me ill just looking at them but they should not expect sympathy in any way when it is they, that have treated themselves badly as they swim around inside their skin in a pool of fat.
      They are at best disgusting.

    2. What about Santa Claus?

    3. As much as I like Santa, there is no reason to be obese...None. I've decided in the name of health for the jolly old timer to leave out low cal celery sticks on "his night." He won't be pleased.

    4. What about Buddha?

  18. Got acknowledge President Bush's total defeat by the Al quida and the Taliban.

    America is coaxed (Cheney/Halliburton)into invading Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. We pump $9,000,000,000,000 of US Debt into their countries and get our asses handed to us, with dead and maimed soldiers and even more hatred of the US from around the world for the invasions.

    Now we invite over 100s of thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis, and Syrians to share our land and set up their awesome Muslim culture with extremism. I wonder how many of the hundreds of thousand that our heading our way, have ill intent and support Al Qaeda? We will be dealing with more shit like France is dealing with because of all of this poor leadership.

    Our forefathers are rolling in their graves! Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden all failures. Ron Paul was right. and the USA is in serous trouble of total financial collapse with more internal muslim extremist BS to come. Nicely done voters.

    1. Other than Trump, I agree with you 100 percent. We are in serious trouble and need to stay out of countries that are never going to be more than turd pots. They cannot be fixed. I have never seen such incompetence in the white house...never. And that includes bush getting us into a war 20 years ago. The current batch of buffoons have no concept of anything. All my buddies have gone to cash as we wait for crash. Oh' it's commin' Tic Toc

  19. 5:32 - Cash? I hope you mean gold and silver coins and not US dollars. US dollars are going to be worth less than monopoly money here in within the next 5 years. US dollar heading to zero quicker than Biden can forget the VP's husbands name or dole out another 4 trillion in US DEBT.

    Common Man!!!........ where am I? Where is my blankie?

    1. fernt fernt. spreading fear

    2. Check back in five years and cash will most definitely be viable. The fear you spread that you think is knowledge is brutal.

    3. Check back in five years and home will be $20,000,000 for a beach cottage and a gallon of milk will be $50 and climbing weekly.

    4. So crazy and so sad for America and his family....

      Come on Man!!..... who is the president again? is it Trump or Obama. I can not remember. What day is it?

  20. Fear? what are you afraid of? Facts. I like to accept reality so I can plan accordingly.

    Continue on little frightened rat, the future Al Qaeda of America will be coming for you in the future.

    1. barney in full motion

    2. spewing nonsense you are

    3. keep your fear to yourself

    4. I love reading responses from brain dead leftists. They have done nothing worth while in life, live in a dream world of nothing and best of all, live with their heads up their ass, and yet, they think they are smart.

    5. Still attacking and spewing nonsense. You must feel so good about yourself.You go with your righteous self.


    Says it all.

    1. They are all responsible for our people getting killed in that shit hole ghetto crapistan. Not only are they traitors to America but if I had my way, I'd carefully place said round in each. Who ever reads this and if you voted for these fools, shame on you. You America hating pieces of shit. The deaths of our military are on you as well.
      You morons

    2. 7:08- You must live in ferntsville. Death to you as well.

  22. Well. You heard Joe. "They will pay".... can you imagine the laugher around the Taliban tables when they watched that.

    two seconds later he forgot who "they" were.

    OMG- How can the Demo party keep ol Joe in front of the camera? Please keep him for 6 more months. Its doesn't get better/worse than this. Sheez.

    1. you all gloating like you could do better . Sheez

  23. Turns out the federal government (biden) lied again.
    Pfizer did not get approval for the vaccine.
    The left lying, are you shocked?
    Read the article in the American Thinker.
    There is no end to these leftist rats ruining America. They are the enemy within. Thanks voters, you fools.

    1. In the words of Lindsey Graham. The recall election of Gavin Newsom is an unethical sham. Speak the truth Lindsey

  24. Still attack and spewing nonsense. You must feel so good about yourself.You go with your righteous self.

  25. 6:51 AM Turns out YOU have lied to YOURSELF and others YOUR whole life. Liar liar pants on fire. YOU are the enemy within YOURSELF.

    1. This reads as though you are five years of age...or 95. In any event the left is on the path of destruction of the U.S.
      biden cooked to much using aluminum pans now he has dementia, harris couldn't be liked if she gave away money the rest of those buffoons should be prison.

    2. You need a hug.

  26. DO NOT lose sight of our Southern border. The failure, the ruining of the U.S by the "Dims". Failure after failure of the demented.
    They hate and mean to ruin the United States. Commie bastards.

  27. As a traitor to our democracy that you clearly are, your daily demented ramblings need some professional mental help.

    Have you always wanted to destroy our democracy? Is this a recent malady spurred on by the most corrupted to ever hold the highest office in our land?

    Your dementia is telling every day. Pity is all you deserve.

    1. O.K genius, address the illegal "OPEN BORDER", come on, tell everyone here that it is legal to allow hundreds of thousands of infected illegals to come in to the United States then bussed and flown all over America. Come on genius, tell everyone how smart you are.
      You are a buffoon.

  28. Replies
    1. No 10:51, 8:01 needs the dimwitted fools we all voted for to do the right thing...NOT THE WRONG.

    2. 5:02 - sending hugs.
