Wednesday, March 12, 2025

3/12/25 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Jim thinks we should put out an RFP and solicit bids for a scope change in the middle of a binding contract term.

    Thankfully no one else in the room is that dumb.

  2. For future consideration in two years is more like it. Do try and keep up.

    1. So he pulled a consent calendar item in March 2025 to discuss something he wants to do in 2027.

      Somehow you made it sound even dumber.

    2. You losers will jump on anything won’t you not a good look.

  3. He’s just grandstanding. He literally sputters and says “um” a gazillion times and says he just needed to ask the question but he’s still going to vote yes with Joy and Bruce. So it’s all for show so he can seem like he’s a DOGE guy

  4. Except instead of Elon’s chainsaw act, Jim is a vaccuum sucking the mic

  5. Looking fwd to the next concert at Bobby Riggs, it's such a blast! But I do feel as though the band members lacked diversity and the black national anthem wasn't sung which is absolutely unacceptable. Also need to talk to the owner about putting "choose love" on all of the pickle ball courts. If we're able to make these much needed improvements I will approve the renaming of future concerts at BR to Malleepalooza.
    - Mallee

  6. Consider how Blakespear and Margo Gonzalez absolutely fucked over the city of Encinitas.

    It's unlikely it will ever recover.

    Current council need to at least try to unfuck it all.

    Unfortunately blueskyboy establishment Bruce is terrified Newsom and peedo rep Weiner.

    You all know it's true. It's true.


    Stand your ground against these satanic scumbags who are ruining everything they come into contact with.

    Accountability is coming. Bank on it.

    Builder remedy what an absolute joke.

    How about criminal illegal alien remedy?

    How about that criminals?

    You want to play that game?

    Ok homey lets roll you remedy criminal scumbags.

    The remedy is going to becat your door soon.

    1. You could have just said “These candidates lied to me when they said we could do what we want and there would be no consequences, and I’m just now figuring that out.”

    2. Except they didn’t, did they? Liar.

  7. Is the Park and rec manager still the current city manager?

    Or did Luke show his cojones and get the others to fire her on the spot?

    Luke is a stud and he can get things done. 👏👏👏💪👊🇺🇸❤️

    1. they made her the full time city manager

    2. Get out. NO WAY!

      Bruce did that, or who made the motion?

      What was the vote?

  8. Was Margot there to speak for the Bobby Riggs offender? Isn’t he their lawyer? Bottom feeder.

    1. I don’t think the bobby riggs guy was the actual offender in the RSFTC scandal just adjacent somehow.

    2. Oh ok so no alcohol serving permit he’s been serving since 2016 but he’s innocent? He owns the joint adjacent us a joke.

    3. Rancho Santa fe reject to Santa fe drive reject. Homie is a real winner, not.

  9. Let me get this Straight. Bruce and his team promoted Blakespear's Sante Fe Drive design team to the City Manager office?

    He kept the same team that brought us all the bike traps, deaths and lawsuits like the Walker near death $11 million City payout run down on sharrow lanes on high speed Highway 101, and that was after poor Stephanies run down on the bad decision to put a Sharrow on a highway in 2017.

    ENCINITAS - San Diego County Sheriff’s investigators are asking for the public’s help in locating the driver of a Mercedes Benz, who struck a bicyclist on Coast Highway 101 in Leucadia on Aug. 11 but did not stop.

    Meanwhile, friends and family are pouring out support for the woman struck by the car, who suffered a severe brain injury during the incident.

    Deputies responded shortly after 10 p.m. to the intersection of North Coast Highway 101 and Basil Street, where a 30-year-old woman on a bike in the southbound designated bicycle “sharrow” lane was hit by a car, according to sheriff’s Cpl. Brenda Sipley. The driver did not stop at the scene and fled southbound.

    A family friend identified the victim as Stephanie Berger-McKenna, a marathon runner who had just left Pandora Pizza with her husband,

    The family friend, Tammy Livingston, said that Berger-McKenna was transported to Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, where she has undergone two surgeries — one to remove a portion of her skull to reduce swelling and the second to remove a blood clot discovered following the first surgery.
    Walker rundown and settlement from the same sharrow condition that exists on South Cardiff that Steve Wallace has been trying to get the City to fix for years.

    Mr. Wallaces efforts

    Then the wrongful death of Dr. Worlely (somewhere between $11 to $28 million- The City is trying to bury the info. from the public),

    Brodee Champlain-Kingman was riding his bike near the intersection of El Camino Real and Santa Fe Drive.(in progress),

    Ryan Currie, a 48-year-old Encinitas father ( in progress),

    Emily RIP (pending)

    A 60-year-old man walking in an Encinitas roadway was struck and killed by a car Sunday evening, sheriff’s officials confirmed (City burrying the story and detials as family buries their lost life) (Pending) RIP.

    Wow. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.

    Same team, same perspective, same plans. Same failure for the community.

    I bet Blakespear, her street design gimp, and the whole freakshow are stoked.

    Too bad the wrecking ball continues in Encinitas. 🤮

    I wish the needless deaths would honestly stop, and I will get my new yacht this year.

    - Call me for results.... RIP to all those that have and are suffering as a result

    1. Here's a tip......don't walk or ride a bike close to cars.
      Think.........your so-called rights don't mean beans if you are on life support with being a vegetable for the rest of your life. Use what little reason the Gods gave you not to get yourself in a pickle.

    2. 👆 ignorant comment.

      Stay in your car All the time and you’re closer to your tombstone. Bye. RIP to you.

    3. 5:57- hey dumbass. Where are the walkers and bikers supposed to walk in bike?

      Currently, There’s no space for them.

      - I’d recommend you turning your keys or learn the laws for driving.

    4. @6:20, no you is the dumbass. Check those deaths, they all occur where "improvements" have been done.

    5. Waking in leucadia should not be a death sentence

    6. Yep. Bruce did all that.

      He told people what they wanted to hear to get elected.

      Just like he told people what they wanted to hear when he said he would appoint someone from New Encinitas and instead we now have two seats in the council occupied by Olivenhain

  10. 7:04- nope. You’re 100% wrong. That makes you a dumbass.

    Sharrows on a highway was Blakespear’s idea and that’s what resulted in many deaths and pain and suffering, future deaths, and massive million dollar payouts

    Those are not improvements, dumbass.

    Those are mistake mistakes and people’s lives and the city’s taxpayers are paying millions for those mistakes.

    Get the sharrows off the high-speed highway down in Cardiff. Reestablish the previous bike lanes as Steve Wallace has been suggesting.

    Address the door zones and the under width bike lanes in Leucadia and Cardiff.

    You freak show members like Blakespear and her gimp are so freaking stupid. Even after your friend got run down and almost killed you still keep Sharrows on high speed roads.

    Bruce is not much better keeping the same City Hall team intact which resulted in these deaths.

    No wonder attorneys are having massive payouts on the tax dollars dime. You’re freaking idiots.

    1. The Santa Fe debacle was designed by St Francis Dam fame William Mulholland and approved by Jussie Smollet and Catherine Blakespear group.


    2. Sharrows= Gallows

  11. Hey everybody, Jim here.

    I’d like to pull this item from the consent calendar to waste everyone’s time while I do some empty grandstanding about something that might be relevant in 2027.

    Also, I don’t understand what scope changes are.

    1. Sorry after 10+ years you don't recognize what independent thought and no predetermination of issues looks like. You're like an abused child who thinks rubber stamping and dictatorlike behavior from your mayor is normal. Sad.

    2. And gawd forbit "staff" is asked a question!! Can't have that!!

    3. It's been months now and LukeJim's still at every meeting acting like kids playing dress up.

    4. I guess Kranz in his signature vest is more your style?

  12. What was up with the “national unhoused expert” put up to speak by the newbie Stones? New faces pushed out front by the Blakespear Margo cabal can’t afford Mali as the public face.

  13. Best comments of the night came from Susan Turney, who pointed out the huge misinformation that Encinitas is behind in RHNA numbers as compared to other cities. Worth a listen amid the pickle ball protesters.

    1. lol same old Susan misinformation

    2. Susan suffers from cognitive dissonance

    3. 11:21 what about the state's info she showed is misinformation? LOL same old Margo when caught resort to personal attacks. We'll wait.

  14. Very sad and moving to see Joy's comments at the end of the meeting regarding her leave of absence. Very sad news about her husband's struggle with cancer.

  15. What will we do without her for two months?

    Hope for more time off.

    1. wow so tacky and rude to say about someone dealing with a family crisis

    2. Na, it is Joy Lyndes. Sorry to hear about her husband. Personally, can't stand the gal. She voted to steal our public land. Bye Bye Joy Lyndes

  16. Susan Turney's comments were well researched and backed by facts. The comments insulting her are from the same developers and their lawyers to try to negate the truth of what Susan reveals about their lies. One way to think of it is that Susan and other citizen advocates have never made any money off of their positions. Developers and their lawyers make entire livings off of lying about RHNA numbers and other facts that impact taxpaers.

    1. Turkey’s message was that we can violate state law indefinitely without consequences.

      Poor ole Bruce now has to deal with this BS he started.

    2. Susan has not made money on developer stocks, taken a job with a developer or a donation from a developer who builds rich white people housing. Susan is good people

    3. 2:44 I saw the presentation didn't hear what you did. Voices in your head.

    4. Follow Susan’s advice and she’ll lead us down the same path as Huntington Beach

    5. Nope not Gonzalez.

  17. Crazy Rachel and the skank had a completely different Carlsbad resident shill for them last night. Their absence wrecked the drinking games we play during meetings.

    1. it was nice not to hear Natalie's vocal fry

    2. Hers can't hold a candle to Destiny's. Another reason we dodged a bullet with DP.

    3. I love our local heros with Rachel, Natalie. Also Elena Thompson always brings the useful pertinent facts. 🥰

    4. 1141, those gals are smart. Looks like they got you . Jealous maybe 😕

    5. NOT, 3:46. No one has aspirations of being a trashy lady.

  18. How much time off is a council person allowed before being replaced? Three months? Is there a city statute that covers this unfortunate situation or is it up to the council person herself?

    1. 60 days is the limit to take a leave on not be replaced, which is what she's taking. If she takes any more than that she has to be replaced.

  19. DOW down 500

    Bonds down.

    US Dollar down.

    This is what America deserves for electing shithole losers.

    Make America Alabama Again.

    1. Ignorant comment.

      The good news is we are not in a Civil War or WW3.

    2. Is all going swimmingly mr queer. The only item missing is your 420K getting zeroed out. Will. Happen. Queer.

    3. 3:28....please do not refer to your father in that way.

  20. Did Marco speak in "defense" of the indefensible Bobby Riggs owner? Mali had the sense to stay away or maybe got fake scared of the middle aged crowd "threatening" her?

    1. na, she would have done anything to support her Margo boy. Maybe she was doing something else.

    2. He was there kinda hard to recognize.

    3. 3:43 trading in her tesla? Lol

  21. Demoqueers are like wet potatoes chips with a side
    of fentypretzels


  22. For your information, I didn't make it to the meeting coz I was applying anti-Musk metallic decals to my Tesla (per Elevator Music's recommendation). I don't want to be at risk of being flipped off when I drive my Tesla by the protest tomorrow. I also drove by Helen Woodward and got my hands on some quality cat hair to throw in the backseat for extra points!
    - Mallee
