And Blakespear's bike obstacles, which she was warned about vociferously by the bicycling community, have already been the cause of dozens of bicycle accidents and two fatalities, which will certainly cost the city millions in legal damages.
One of the more absurd, and still significant, costs of previous bad ideas is the frequently needed removal of sand from the bike lanes. Since the early days of the Coast Highway, the sea breeze and the drafts of passing cars had kept the highway and bike lanes free of large build-ups of sand. Blakespear's bike obstacles, however, trap the sand so that it piles up in the bike lanes and must be removed by crews at least weekly, and often even more frequently by a local's observation.
The city initially got a bike-lane-sized Sand Zamboni for the job, but lately it's apparently either out of service or otherwise inadequate for the job, so crews manually hose down the bike lane from a tanker truck. All the way to Solana Beach.
What a waste of city resources. No wonder Kranz wanted a sales tax increase so badly!
Surprising no one, this joke of a blog became even more useless when EV paused.
ReplyDeleteWaaaa . Go change your diapers you stink. And don’t come back to our blog.
DeleteWe like Encinitas real time news.
This is among the stupidest posts ever made on this blog.
ReplyDeleteSucks that you continue to worship at the feet of BlakesspearKranz. You are part of the problem and likely profiting from their constant and expensive screw ups that consultants just love to create for them. Perhaps you are one?
Delete4:24- your weak and can’t control yourself. That’s why I keep coming back to the Encinitas real time news. It’s where all the council members all the commissioners and all the informed residents read their current news events.
DeleteFace the facts, the truth is very interesting.
Our hard earned taxes paid for this Zamboni which has proved to be a complete bamboozle. How many millions of $ did that cost us taxpayers?
ReplyDelete👆💯 but that $1 million is peanuts compared to the waste that’s occurring under the old regime Bruce just secured in place. 😪
DeleteThat’s what you get when the mayor‘s physicians assistant husband designs the road instead of someone actually trained on the subject.
ReplyDeleteLike Trump‘s sycophant political worshippers Blakespear had Kranz, Hinze, Lyndes and a lineup of those feeding at her trough (oddly, most of those names beginning with M) telling her how clever Jeremy was. 30+ accidents and two deaths later they’re still telling her that.
Bruce supports the existing staff. He’s giving them all raises and promoting them.
DeleteBruce must love Blakespear must love the gimp designs. He keeps all of the responsible parties at City Hall and promotes them.
Delete3:25- apparently you didn’t read the news, the parks and rec manager was promoted to the City Manager by Bruce. And the same planners are still planning the next upzone study, the same engineers are still planning their next debacle or not maintaining anything so it’s completely failing apart like the roads.
DeleteYeah Bruce. Great job. Status quo with the wrecking ball for Encinitas.
This is not what I expected when I voted, more of the same destruction.
Our city's street designers performance has been seriously lacking for as long as I can recall. Did we ever have competent road people on staff?
ReplyDeleteAgree, they are inept at best, but remember they are working under the thumb of BlakespearKranz who got their design from the husband. If you have friends inside City Hall, ask around they will tell you under the thumb is putting it mildly.
DeleteIt’s classic. Under Bruce ‘s regime, Blakespear’s gimp is still designing roadways in Encinitas. 🤡💩🎪
And then Bruce comes along and blesses all the existing staff that have failed and fucked up Encinitas for years.
ReplyDeleteTake that Lake Drive fiasco. my friends is an engineer that lives over there, and he said that they actually told the city to line that existing storm drain to prevent that complete storm drain collapse, and which led to the slope collapse and everything collapsed into lagoon.
Did the city listen? Hell no. they even got a contractor to give them a bid and then they didn’t executed and hence the $5 million mistake.
Sad part is is they barely scratch the surface. They haven’t even looked at the storm drain from Lake Drive slope repair all the way down to the lagoon.
they’re completely incompetent.
What a freaking loser. Face a music Bruce and come clean and we will forgive you.
Give Luke the nod and he will fire the incompetent city manager, and start a search for a real city manager. Luke’s got balls.
Unlike the rest of your pansy asses.
Fucking Sheriff’s way so much money.
ReplyDeleteThey flat their stupid ghetto birds, all around, making a shit ton of noise that no one can understand.
They are wasteful and as retarded as NCTD.
This county needs DOGE!
*Fucking Sheriff’s wastes so much money.
ReplyDeleteThey fly their stupid ghetto birds, all around, making a shit ton of noise that no one can understand.
“I’m seeing the majority of the staff very happy with the choice,” he said.
ReplyDeleteI bet!
Way to go Bruce- Promoting more of the same. You must be so popular with staff! You win a ribbon and will get a certificate declaring you great from staff at the soonest opportunity. Staff thinks your a winner.
Then there are us taxpayers and residents that voted for you to address quality of life issues and to right the ship in Shitty Hall. Your actions go against these objectives. Uggggg. 😢
It’s a conspiracy, and WC is a victim.
ReplyDeleteThese shithole losers will contort themselves into a pretzel to avoid holding their new MAGA council accountable.
Distraction rejected. Sorry, city staff. We recognize non-truths(Lies)
DeleteYeah nah.
DeleteThe truth is, these things are appreciated by a solid majority in Encinitas. There’s nothing stopping the new council from removing bike lanes. Other than the fact that it’s political suicide.
But a decision to leave them as is is still a decision. And rather than EU and the other dummies focusing their rage on the current council for deciding to leave as is, they contort themselves into a logic pretzel and claim that the current council is powerless, and that it’s all the fault of former council.
I call bullshit. There’s no victims here. Your guys have all the power.
If current council wanted to remove the bike lanes, they certainly could do so. And if you want someone to blame for the fact that they are still there, then blame the new council majority.
This isn’t a deflection. It’s facts.
Distraction rejected.
DeleteWe heard you the first time City staff. Your comprehension is weak.
Deflection rejected city staff. Try working for once while using your brain.
Delete6:28- lots of rambling words for no point. Sounds like a certain attorney who supports predators to me.
Delete6:24 Margot- you’re so fucking stupid.
DeleteThat’s the problem , the city staff (The same ones Bruce is supporting and promoting ) removed the bike lanes and put in bike traps.
My God did you really pass the bar?
I’d like to see proof on that one. You’re a dumb fuck.
People get big mad when you point out they aren’t victims and their whole personality is being a victim.
Delete👆 OK victim. 💯
DeleteMore rambling nonsense.
Good job Bruce , now you got the City staff pulling in for you.
ReplyDeleteProblem is you’re losing the people that voted for you.
Sand Zamboni ftw~!
We’re powerless!
ReplyDeleteWe’re victims!
It’s not fair!
It’s Blakespear’s fault!
If only we had FOUR COUNCIL SEATS!
Sour grapes much?
DeleteActually, it’s the opposite. I’m acknowledging that you won and have all the power.
DeleteStop being a victim and take responsibility for governing.
Say his name (Luigi)....
ReplyDeleteYes, no more dehumanizing the Zamboni Machine. His name is Luigi.
DeleteIts name is “waste of tax dollars”.
DeleteAnd your nickname is idiot.
Bruce said the majority of staff is happy with Campbell because under antil it was a different story. As an extension of Blakespear one line of communication reporting back to Catherine has been cut with her gone. More moles to go….
ReplyDeleteCampbell is a Trumper
DeleteCampbell’s is insider that’s been a part of the freaking mess for overdevelopment and the hazardous conditions on the road.
DeleteIf she’s not cutting over 30 FTE’s in this next budget cycle that means she’s useless, And clearly a part of the problem.
Campbell appointed by Brust who quit over Blakespear shenanigans.
DeleteKaren Brust was the worst city manager equivalent to Tony being the worst Mayor.
DeleteThat fat pig retired when she could. She put the serious hurt on Encinitas like she did every city she represented.
The worst order of city managers goes:
1. Brust
2. Rod Stewart
3. Guss Vina
I beg to differ. Kerry Miller came here with a Redevelopment Agency in mind, in fact, that was his goal. He'd already ruined South Lake Tahoe, and after Encinitas, started one of these land grabs in Folsom.
DeleteBruce ,
ReplyDeleteTONY and I were talking and we think your selection is excellent.
Come and meet us for drinks later at the beer garden and then we’ll go across the street to union and do some shots.
We then have plans to do NASCAR around the roundabout and some of the straightaways along Coast Highway and then finish the night with an amazing freak show.
Your good friend, Predator supporter, a a big part of the corruption at regional agencies, and supergirl Senator supported by my- rainbow colored school board running wonder boy that almost won an election, And needs a man to get an a ha hum.
See you soon, hugs,
- BIASpear and the Freakshow
*** City of Encinitas real time news***
ReplyDelete*** Encinitas real time news***
Encinitas rejoice !
Today and all weekend is absolutely marvelous. Sunny skies and peaceful conditions.
The deadly polluting, coaster and trains are not running all weekend. yay!!
Encinitas is so much nicer without the trains running through, blaring and polluting all day.
NCTD really needs to stop the failed coaster program that blows cancer-causing pollutants of both spent diesel fumes and dust in our children’s lungs in the nearby school elementary schools. Both Cardiff elementary and Paul Ecke Central Elementary schoolkids get hammered by the cancer-causing pollutants from NCTD trains. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a class action lawsuit yet.
LUCKILY, DOGE will be addressing the failed Amtrak system.
Enjoy this marvelous weekend with the peaceful conditions and thank you NCTD for not running those crappy death trains.
Let’s do this every weekend!
How do you feel about I-5 and all the pollutants and noise that come off of the freeway, or are you really that stupid?
DeleteAsk Maggie Houlihan and Ian Thompson about the pollutants coming off of I5. RIP
DeleteYes, I’m very concerned about the kids health breathing in all of those toxic fumes from the millions of gallons of diesel burnt by the empty death trains.
Very, very wasteful and very, very polluting.
Very bad for children and the community.
Mali you are a liar “We are now at a point where things are getting built. I won because the concrete and bulldozing is occurring,” Ehlers said.
ReplyDeleteLet’s be honest, Ehlers won because he deceived the voters into thinking he could or would stop developments from being built. Knowing full well the law won’t allow this and going against the law will lead to lawsuits and Builders remedy.
While O’Hara and Schaeffer may not have been smart enough to understand this and campaigned on pie in the sky promises, Bruce knew full well he was deceiving voters and would approve developments."
And you Mali know full well he never said he'd stop anything. But I guess it sells with Beauchamp, Ayers, and the Margo crowd of disinformation.
11:27- are you hearing voices in your head or are you just rambling?
DeleteNone of us know what the hell you’re talking about.
If you’re looking at something on Facebook, maybe you should stay on Facebook.
This site is for real time news.
This past election was a disaster for Bruce.
DeleteHe wanted to be a back bench bomb thrower, which is fun. But then the worst possible thing happened and now he he’s forced to govern like a serious adult, which sucks. And his former supporters are starting to throw rocks at him.
It’s a total disaster. He might resign before completing his term.
👆 Whatever Tony. Your opinion doesn’t matter.
Delete1:36, what did I say that you disagree with?
DeleteDid you vote for Bruce? How did you feel about him working so hard to deny the appeal of the largest condo development in Encinitas history?
Huh? We all missed Tony "working so hard" for anyone but himself.
DeleteQuestion for the reasonable people:
ReplyDeleteWhy is a woman by the name of Deana Gay? posting emails she received from Encinitas residents of which she does not support and have had zero FOIA requests.
It appears this woman should be it immediately fired.
Please provide context and what were the emails about?
DeleteDoes she work for the city?
You could ask BlakeSpears city manager, Jennifer oh I mean Bruce‘s city manager.
Where are these posts being made?? If you don't know who she is then you have not followed closely or at all.
DeleteRight I don’t do Facebook Facebook is for fags.
DeleteLike the mess on the 800 block of Santa Fe Drive.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cluster---- that is. We are now driving in the center turn lane to avoid those idiot curbs. There is NO WAY an O.S.H.A inspector would have approved that, of which I am one. Bruce, I'm sorry you got handed that.
Just wait folks, injuries and accidents are on the horizon.
Then lawsuits. Next time, hire someone like me to review that nightmare.
Google or DuckDuckGo her name and tons of personal emails from residents to City have been posted with majority of those emails being against rampant developer favored overgrowth and development without infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious as her being City of Encinitas admin with preferential and heavily biased behavior in favor of big $$ developers
ReplyDeleteSearch Google with the following:
ReplyDeleteDeana Gay Encinitas
I’m gonna pass. I’m still mourning the loss of Encinitas from Bruce ‘s appointment Of the bottom of the turd bucket.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, you’re so right. Encinitas coastline is so so so much better without the trains.
ReplyDeleteNCTD At a minimum stop weekend train service.
It would also be great to get rid of the Tony fence. It’s completely bifurcating Leucadia.
Nobody rides the freaking thing anyway. Stop running that death machine and save a ton of tax dollars and start up a program that people use like an EV shuttle like they have downtown.
I'll just drop this here: Deana Gay
ReplyDeleteDepartment Adminitrative Support Coordinator (2022)
Regular pay: $71,268.00
Overtime pay: $2,112.00
Other pay: $8,315.00
Total pay: $81,695.00
Benefits: $15,212.00
Pension debt: $11,278.69
Total pay & benefits: $108,185.69
She’s a small fry in a big bowl.
DeleteMost of the other city employees are making 200 K. Watch what the park and rec manager that got permitted to city manager watch what her pay is.
Hi Mallee,
ReplyDeleteGlad you had a great time protesting at the Encinitas Tesla Center today. In regard to your email inquiry, no we do not validate parking at the ETC. Please pay up and pay now. Remember you can always park at your homeboy Grove-Dawg's oasis Fox Point for free....oh, wait, never mind. Anyway, thank you for being the face of our Tesla products, we appreciate your support.
Tesla stock is in the toilet.
DeleteTurns out pissing off your customers isn’t a brilliant business strategy.
Tesla stock is irrelevant. Elon Musk knows that. But you’re too stupid to realize that.
DeleteElon Musk is saving the full US economy from a complete collapse and a full-blown civil war.
This would be by far the biggest issue for Encinitas in every other city in the US.
Massive, bloodshed, and millions of children and old ladies killed. Gutted and burn.
Elon Musk’s world hero and his saving Encinitas.
You, on the other hand, are an idiot with no common sense.
Isn't it odd.......leftist nut cases are mad that the new administration is cleaning up corruption and theft of billions. Proving yet again...everything leftists do....
Deletethey ruin. They can't even steal correctly
Blue. We understand that you love the WEF game. Keep on voting for your two party system. It serves you well.
DeleteAccidentally firing experienced air traffic controllers and the people who manage the nuclear football isn’t waste or fraud. Ending a program that saves millions of lives and generates soft power good will for America in a volatile part of the world isn’t waste or fraud.
DeleteIt’s a drug addicted retard in a bubble of yes men on a power trip. Howard Hughes redux.
America has never been weaker.
Reed. You’re an idiot.
Delete* red
DeleteAt least Howard Hughes had significant contributions to engineering and the aircraft industry under his belt. Not to mention, he was not a personally disgusting individual who is passionate in life is to rid the “parasites“ of the help they are entitled, yes, entitled to.
DeleteIf musk does not want to give me my Social Security then he had better damned well pay me back what I paid into it, with interest. It’s called fraud to pay for something and then have the seller refuse to provide the goods you paid for.
👆 idiot alert. Ignorant comment.
DeleteNow let’s get back to Encinitas real time News.
Shaddup self appointed deflection decider. You are an impotent bore.
DeleteMost of the other city employees are making $200k + Watch what the park and rec manager that got promoted to city manager by Bruce watch what her pay is. I bet over $300k.
ReplyDeleteNot bad for getting a physical education bachelor of arts. That beat the crap out of most pay for basket weaving.
*** City of Encinitas real time news***
ReplyDeleteGood morning Encinitas!
It’s another wonderful, beautiful sunny peaceful day in Encinitas today. Please get out enjoy our beautiful coastline and local businesses.
If you’re hopping Tony’s Fence in Leucadia , please be careful. I see many old people and pets getting hurt.
It’s a shame that he biforcated all of Leucadia with the fence he had installed when he was chair of NCTD. He greatly damaged his own community and greatly harmed the public health for his community. So glad that idiot is out of City Hall.
As to NCTD, another request for them to quit running they’re empty, highly polluting, carcinogenic spewing death trains on the weekends. Give the weekend weekends to those families that want to get out with their children and enjoy the beautiful coastline without getting cancer. And please NCTD quit spewing the carcinogens on all of the school kids at Paul Eckie Central elementary and Cardiff elementary. It’s hard enough for families to try and raise kids without you spewing carcinogens all over the kids during school hours.
Look at what all of Europe’s doing. Why is NCTD so far behind the curve?
ReplyDelete"Importantly, Siemens Charger locomotives comply with today’s highest emissions standards. In addition to being Tier-4 certified by the EPA, the Siemens Charger was recently emissions-verified by the stringent California Air Resources Board (CARB) standards."
Yeah, right. That’s a spin.
DeleteNCTD burns over 1,.400,000 gallons of diesel every year. Doesn’t matter whether the diesel engines are burning all that fuel to then convert to electricity or angel dust. It’s still carcinogens being pumped into children’s lungs.
I hope the class action lawsuit drops this year for all those kids getting carcinogens pumped into their lungs.
Hey carb, don’t you care about children’s lungs. Are you gonna get a class action lawsuit against you too?
DeleteI don't own a Tesla, but if I did I would donate it!
ReplyDelete- Snoozin' Sherawd
America misses the Biden Economy.
ReplyDeleteWhat no one said. The masters of Biden we’re heading for a huge World War III.
DeleteWWIII will be a trade war that collapses the global economy and starves millions of Americans.
DeleteMAGA is a cult of shithole losers.
Make America Alabama Again.
👆ignorant comment alert.
DeleteNot worth reading.
Hey CARB, don’t you care about children’s lungs?
ReplyDeleteAre you gonna get a class action lawsuit against you too?
Speaking of teslas WWMD? She owns one….
ReplyDeleteDeflection denied.
DeleteGet out and enjoy Encinitas’s peace and quiet today. The crappy empty NCTD coaster and Amtrak death trains are not running today, again. 😊😄❤️👏👏👏👏👍
Celebrate the peace!
Encinitas is wonderful when the trains are not running!!
You can thank Tony and Blakespear for making it so much worse than Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can make it much much better in the near future.