Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Encinitans display their civic engagement

Seen around town...


  1. Where can one get the "Dump Stocks" bumper sticker? They should appear everywhere - the campaign of 2012 has begun!

  2. And I'd love the skunk/crony sign as well; where can we get them?

  3. I've got one of the Dumps Stocks magnetic stickers, too, but I haven't moved it from my fridge to my car yet. I'm afraid while I'm parked somewhere, a pro-Stocks thug will simply remove, or worse, vandalize my car. Hmmm, that's a sad commentary, isn't it?

  4. Againstthegrain

    You bring up a point, and it appears you understand the conflict. Do not forfeit your values or your voice under intimidation.

    No person in a perceived power position can ever take your values away from you. They can only be forfeited.

    No petty theft of vandalism is worth your moral compromise.
