Saturday, April 12, 2014

Coast News, Prop A folks hit with FPPC fines

EncinitasElections.Com and Jim Kydd. The Commission approved the filing of a civil judgment to resolve a complaint received by the FPPC against EncinitasElections.Com, an independent expenditure committee that opposed 2012 Encinitas City Council candidates Mark Muir and Jerome Stocks. Also named in the complaint is the committee's responsible officer, Mr. Jim Kydd. The civil judgment requires that EncinitasElections.Com and Mr. Kydd admit to six violations of the Political Reform Act and agree to pay a fine of $1,000.

Encinitas Project - Committee For Proposition A. The Commission approved the filing of a civil judgment to resolve a complaint received by the FPPC against Encinitas Project - Committee For Proposition A, a ballot measure committee that supported the 2013 Encinitas City Ballot Measure Proposition A - Encinitas Right to Vote Amendment. Also named in the complaint are the committee's former principal officer, Ms. Susan Turney, and the committee's former treasurer, Mr. Oliver Canler. The civil judgment requires that Encinitas Project - Committee For Proposition A, Ms. Turney and Mr. Canler admit to thirteen violations of the Political Reform Act and agree to pay a fine of $1,000.
The Coast News stuff seemed like really sloppy rookie mistakes. The case against the Prop A folks is even more disturbing. This is a legitimate grassroots organization, the people challenging the entrenched power structure, who apparently made some paperwork mistakes in California's byzantine free speech regulations. Is that really who the Political Reform Act was meant to target?


  1. At least it got $tock$ out of office. That was the goal.

    1. Agreed. That was huge. That RINO sunk himself. Too funny!!

  2. In the big picture, the hearts of the pro Prop A people were in the right place. Maybe JK and or the comittee made a mistake or two with the FPPC. But if it has to be paid, at least is doesn't cost as much as a ticket crossing the railroad tracks in the wrong place in Leucadia. Now what about the flip side of that coin with the Prop A ganda spewed by the opposition and misleading ballot statements? Was that fair?

  3. Slap on the wrist, move on. Agree with 7:52. It was worth it to get rid of stocks. As for fair, politics has never been for. The FPCC has never really done much, and the fines have never been real deterrent for all the sham, 3rd party maneuvers like Gaspar's husband being behind the We Love Encinitas group, or any of the many slanderous, bogus mailers that go out during every election cycle. Big money controls politics in our country, period...

  4. OK, 7:52 and 8:44. You're so courageous, how about you step up and pay the $2,000 fine?

  5. 0:11 why should we? We had nothing to do with it. Quite a lame statement.

    1. You're the beneficiaries of the other people's work and sacrifices. As such, help them pay the fines.

    2. 9:55 Put your money where your mouth is buddy.

    3. 9:55 already has, buddy.

    4. Have another drink. You might get wiser.

    5. I'm in for $100 to help Jim Kydd....

    6. Jim Kydd is an absolute hero in this town!

    7. Is there a fund set up for Kydd? I would like to contribute as well?

    8. I think people can help Jim Kydd by subscribing, online, to the Coast News.

  6. Prop A WAS a legitimate grass roots organization since it had members from a range of political philosophies. What united Prop A supporters was their desire to preserve the community character of Encinitas. Supporters of this initiative still support it and continue to gain support.

    Vina and some council members try to push agendas that look like they favor citizens like Peak Democracy and Lew Edwards, but these programs would actually be citizen-funded yet work against the best interests of Encinitas residents. They are designed to trick and mislead by making it sound like we want tax increases or other special interest-lead decisions.

  7. So much for free speech.

  8. And what really united the Prop A supporters was that they had lost trust in the city council (current and future) to make decisions, specifically regarding zoning, that would preserve community character and be in the best interests of the residents of Encinitas and not of developers. Prop A gives the citizens that important power.

  9. I think they should fine $tock$ about $10,000 or throw him in jail for the millions that fool stole from the citizens for his own 35% increase in pension payouts.

    Muir loves it but I don't!!!

    1. Contact Muir on the Love
      Boat - spending your tax dollars.

    2. ohhhhh lots of food and drinks on the Love Boat.

  10. The people who have been taken to court or were fined are true heroes in my eyes, too. You know this is a grassroots group. These courageous individuals are not slick political operatives as Ken Moser and Harry Eiler are.

    It may look like "rookie mistakes" were made, to you, WC, but the Coast News is a small weekly paper.

    And you know, the Dump Stocks campaigns and the Right to vote on upzoning and raising height limits initiative had never been done in our City before. So those people, friends to our entire community, who worked toward those noble goals were "rookies." I disagree that they were sloppy.

    The disclosure laws shouldn't be a vehicle for political operatives like Moser to selectively go after those with whom he disagrees with politically. Moser is expert at playing the system. He learned by getting fined, himself, for breaking the very same rules.

    I thought that the Prop A supporters tried to be thorough and accurate in their disclosures. They could have fought this, but we all know it's a lot less expensive to pay a $1000, than to pay an attorney to go to trial. I am very glad the cases have settled. I wish the FPPC would have only fined them $1.00 each, if they corrected their mistakes.

    If our City had an Ethics Committee, it could work with citizens and grassroots groups to make sure that candidates and campaigners filed all their paperwork correctly.

    There should be a FAQ sheet about that, too, posted online by the City.

    1. This is why you'll make such a great council person, you want to creat MORE govt not less. An ethics committee ??? What fucking nonsense!!
      Now how much of that $1000 fine are you willing to pay?? A buck?? 2 bucks?? $100?? Mail in some cash to JK. Oh that's right you never contribute anything to the community except derision.
      Roundabouts work.

    2. Thank you, 8:53, for another post from Encinitas Morons United (EMU).

    3. 8:53 Hope your day ends better than it started out. Yikes.

    4. And lots of norovirus on love boats.

  11. Apologies for this off topic post.

    I completely understand the healthy suspicion about my proposal. Since I am not a known quantity, a reasonable person would be wise to question. Yesterday I reached out to Andrew Audet through a mutual friend. I offered to meet with him in broad daylight so he (and by proxy, you) could gain a measure of confidence that this pseudonym is connected to a private citizen without connections to City Hall, developers, hired guns, or super-villians. Of course, I asked that Andrew agree not to share my name first, for reasons previously stated. Long story short--he declined. He's a busy guy, and working on another way to help the community, so I understand and accept his decline.

    I will be dropping off the blog for a while, as the active feedback and debate on my proposal has tapered off. There is much to do, and Mrs. TNG deserves more attention than this forum (no offense).

    If you have serious questions, comments, concerns, or words of encouragement, feel free to drop me a line at If you have personal attacks and hate mail, put that energy into something positive--I have a spam filter and I'm not afraid to use it.

    Wishing everyone some fresh air today.

    1. If you can't last more than a week on here, that has to tell us something. Take care of the Mrs.

    2. Well TNG did manage to get Dr. Lori off of here, so that was good.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I am sad Dr. Lorri isn't posting, now. Maybe she'll try again at a future time. But her decision to stop posting and to delete comments wasn't only because of the not new person, whether male or female, I feel certain. I also know that Dr. Lorri is well aware there are "political operatives" and what are defined as sockpuppets posting here.

      12:03 and 1:38 are probably the same person. Stocks or his now 18 year old son could be posting here, too. Of course they wouldn't want Dr. Lorri outing Stocks for allegations of Brown Act violations and JS's sexual harassment at Mark Muir's private parties.

      By the way, anyone posting under a blue sign in, as I do, can also post anonymously, as I very rarely have. I did post something for Russell, anonymously, one time, at his request.

      He who posts under CP, now, the moniker, which I created for him because he's always pronouncing that anyone who disagrees with his self-interest agenda is full of crap, or wants to keep Leucadia crappy, and belongs in his delusional club, is now trying to dominate this blog.

      He glorifies in his new CP title, because he is a grandfather, and he knows he started his imaginary crap club, that no one would join, so he just labels those whom he unilaterally declares to be members with his derisive posts, about KLCC.

      The Crap Master glorifies in the moniker I previously assigned to him, CP; and uses that log in to deceive others, because he can make a post and then anonymously agree with himself! The Crap Master is not fooling anyone. He tries to turn every post into a witch hunt, labeling who is an involuntary member of his Crap Society.

    5. Dr. L, as a supposed professional, should know better than to post some of the things she did. It does not surprise me one bit that she has been on the edge of lawsuits. She would post little tidbits and only say so much, only to say she couldn't reveal anything more. To me, that is nothing but someone trying to stir up trouble. I think she thinks highly of herself.

    6. She'll be back. She's pulled this stunt before. She can't stay away. But when she returns best to ignore her posts, nothing hurts an author more than being ingnored, it's akin to having their manuscript rejected.

      Roundabouts work.

  12. Now the air just got fresher.

  13. I wouldn't drop off. Just don't post as much. You comments are good and respectful. Do not leave us to only KLCC comments. They are always soooo negative.

    Thanks for the wishes. I am held out for a walk along our amazing coast line.

    1. "Held out for a walk" as in on a leash?

  14. Yup, the TNG brings good ideas and good energy to the blog. Drop by when you can.

    -Mr Green Air, fresh version

  15. Yes, all of their hearts were in the right place. Just like Nixon, who sought national healthcare, environmental regulations to curb pollution, and opened doors with China. That made flouting political rules (Watergate) all worth it, didn't it? ... That's why the Political Reform Act was put in place!

    1. Our rights to privacy and surveilance by our government today makes Watergate look tame. Nixon also ended Viet Nam and lowered the speed limit nationally to 55 mph. That saved 10,000 lives per year for 20 years. Who knows how many more lives were saved by getting out of Viet Nam. Maybe mine at least. The draft ended the day before my 18th birthday.

    2. Fred, this is 11:05 AM here. Well said. Good additional points. (sorry for the double post)

    3. After some 25,000 soldiers died in Vietnam under Johnson, Nixon made sure they didn't die in vain by losing another 25,000. I'd be careful in choosing examples.

      Nixon did do some good things and he had a lot of good people in his administration. While I don't worry about the small stuff, Watergate the cover-up wasn't one of them. You can't excuse Watergate because Nixon, or any other President, did some good things in office.

    4. 12:32 You're rehabilitating Nixon? Really?

    5. Benghazi- Encinitas resident murdered by islamic jihadists-
      Lois Lerner and the IRS- targeting the rights of residents who have a different opinion

      nothing to see here people, it's about the folks-

      Fast and furious- gun running to illegal cartels
      Justice department- no we won't look into fast and furious, the RIS or the new black panther party intimidating voters caught on video in Philadelphia

      Nothing to see here people, it's all about the folks

    6. Not excusing corruption on any level. And yes many soldiers died during Nixon's administration. But he was the president that got us out of there before his time was up. Strange that it's now a tourist desination and capitalism is rising. Hanoi is now the 13th largest city in the world according to an "Ultimate Journey" episode. And if we cold just learn from our mistakes I've always felt if Japan could have peered into the future; seen how well they did with the transistor and ended up buying half of Hawaii, they may never have bombed Pearl Harbor. But what are ya gonna do? Our species has a bad problem with enjoying each other.

    7. 1:27 PM. Thanks for the Fox News update. I'm glad to see Fast & Furious hasn't died. I'm also glad to see that no one wonders why the Mexican drug cartels, which have created war zones in many parts of Mexico, have to come to the US to buy guns. They murder people at the drop of a hat yet have to pay runners to buy guns for them in Phoenix? But we're getting off topic.

    8. Nixon had some good points as a politician, especially in terms of foreign diplomacy and opening up China. He was Bill Clinton's most well-known advisor.

      On the downside, he was paranoid, egotistical, wasn't a friend of the youth movement, you know the rest. Still, I can't top 1:27 with a reference to the New Black Panther Party.

      -Mr Green Huey P. Newton..

    9. 2:00, don't forget Benghazi, the standoff in Nevada, the original BLack Panthers, the SLA or the Shining Path Guerillas, who are rumored to be in Covina...

    10. Nixon formed the DEA in response to the Brotherhood of Eternal Love and their activities spreading LSD and pot. He saw the minds of the youth being changed - they resisted authority, realizing the elders' reality didn't have to be theirs. Authority fears and suppresses resistance.

    11. There's a great book on the Brotherhood by Nick Schou, those guys were a trip...

  16. hmmm, Jerome Stocks and Mark Muir putting up illegal campaign signs. Lies by the council on the ballot. The good ol' buddy network of Stocks, Muir, Eiler, Andreen, and Moser.

  17. The 2 best things that happened in Encinitas in the last 2 years was dumping Stocks and the passage of Prop A. So amen to Jim Kydd and the volunteers of Prop A to put their necks on the line knowing that they would invite the scrutiny of scumbags and sore losers like Andreen, Moser and Eiler. What a pathetic bunch! Believe me the no on Prop A PACs made way worse FPPC violations. Stocks and Muir revealed their lack of integrity during sign gate.

    1. You couldn't have said it any better.

    2. Yes, 12:36, Amen and praises of gratitude to Jim Kydd and the Prop A volunteers!

  18. Fred, this is 11:05 AM here. Well said. Good additional points.

    1. 12:43
      You may repost that as much as you like.

  19. Biggest failure of Nixon was ending the gold standard. That was a big one and set in forces the entire collapse of the US dollar (I mean zero value) by 2025. That is my prediction. Lets see if I'm right. It sure looks like with with the free printing every year. 85 Billion per month created out of thin air…. Why not make it $3000 Billion per month. After all its only paper and ink.

  20. 2:00 PM

    Encinitas decorated Navy seal and US Ambassdor Stevens attacked in act of way in Benhazi Lybia murdered, all witnesses evacuate not allowed to talk to press, Obama blames videos not islamic jihadist of hate who subjugate woman and kill homosexuals- Hillary Clinton wrongly balmes video and is rewarded with chance to run for president, Susan Rice lies on 8 news shows and is promoted to national security adviser...........nothing to see here folks, please move along.

    Fast and furious gun running iun mexico, US border agent murdered.........nothing to see her folks, please move along

    New black panther party caught on videotape wielding night sticks outside of polling station threatening voters- like the KKK- only nothing to see here folks- please move along.

    1. 3:42, thank you for touching on the gold standard. I don't agree with your prediction, but agree it was a big move.

      -Mr Green Eldridge Cleaver

  21. Could you refresh us on your nothing to see, move along point to this thread?

  22. relevant to Nixon thread- move along folks, nothing to see here

  23. Nixxxon for Mayor, Spiro Agnew for vice mayor. Bring out the 28 now, we already have them bugged!

  24. And back to the subject of this thread.................

  25. Maybe we should have a US Fed as our Mayor. That way we never have to even say budget again. No such thing as a money shortage, we could just print more and by all the vacant land and have all the funds needed for RR under grounding, Regional Sports Park, PV and new art center, 10 new pools, and all the dreams every thought up at moonlight beach.

    Lets keep the printing press going at full speed. I say print at least $50 billion for Encinitas along each month!

  26. To sum up, the slap on the wrist to Jim Kydd was worth it to dump Jerome. Send Jim Kydd a check if you're feeling flush. Next topic...

  27. Agree. It was worth it. The Prop A grass-rooters didn't deserve to get the extra hassle, but they should wear it as a badge of honor that their work was so significant that it ticked off some people in high places. If the result of Prop A hadn't been so impactful, the small-minded developer-backed opponents would not have gone after them via the FPPC. Time to move on, and earn a little bit for the next battle.

  28. I agree. Time to kick the developers and Unions out of City Hall next election.

    Time to DUMP GASPAR and then DUMP VINA.

    Both are bad for Encinintas.

  29. A new study funded by CalPers says that every dollar paid ( to a pensioner ) is returned by 10.85 times. In other words Mr. Muirs $174,000 pension generates nearly $2M in benefits for Encinitas. Wtf??? Only a self serving sucking at the taxpayer teat organization could come up with such nonsense.

    1. There's an economic idea called "marginal propensity to spend." If you give a $10,000 annual pension to a poor person, they will spend the whole thing into the economy. Similarly, if you give $500 red-light camera tickets to working families, that money comes straight out of what they have available to spend locally.

      But if you give a $176,000 pension to a rich person, he'll save most of it. Nobody needs to buy a new Ford Mustang every 3 months.

    2. Muir isn't ostentatious. He's investing what he doesn't spend and preserving it for his heir, which, presumably, will be his only child.

  30. Rich people don't get rich by being foolish spenders. The guy driving the 15 year old Toyota has the cash.

  31. Just wait for it folks. That bird cage lining rag the Courier will prominently feature this on their next front page issue as they did a while ago. Ever notice any of their advertisers that never show up in our own trusted Coast News such as Stocks Insurance, Gaspar Medical et al? It wreaks of outside influence from front to back and the stench of andreen and his fellow compatriots is only too obvious. Their appearance in our locale in an election year is so transparent and any of their advertisers take heed. You have hitched your wagon to the wrong bunch if you want to represent this community in any meaningful way. They don't, as is easily apparent by the consistent philosophy that runs through every column no matter who the author is. How convenient for them. Is Manchester behind this somewhere?

    1. Word on the street is that Manchester is selling the UT. I think he wants out of the newspaper business as he is losing money.

    2. The Courier has been called a Manchester surrogate after Kydd supposedly rebuffed him on trying to buy the CN at the same time he bought the RSF/DelMar?SB/CV papers.

    3. Manchester only bought the UT to get the plant down in Mission Valley, because it's on a prime chunk of developable land.

      In the interim, he tried to use it as his own bully pulpit, but got busted sending threatening emails to the port commission while trying to swipe some of that prime property south of downtown for the Bolts..

      -Mr Green Broadsheet

    4. Manchester bought the UT to stop the paper from reporting on the gay protest at his hotels regarding prop 8.

  32. Why couldn't have Jim Kydd just used the bully pulpit of his newspaper's opinion pages instead of this political action committee stuff? The claim that he didn't want to taint his paper with it just doesn't sound right to me. That's what First Amendment press is about! Liberal moderate or conservative.

  33. Yeah, but Kydd relies on all the notice of doing business type stuff to survive. I don't think he wanted to jeopardize the one thing that keeps him going, along with real estate ads. Print is not exactly a growth industry.

  34. A few years ago, there was a story going around that Stocks tried to get all that public notices stuff knocked out of the CN because he knew the paper would die if he succeeded.

  35. Yup, I heard that as well. The public notices are a big part of their business.

  36. 4:19 Seems to me that was before Stocks. Jim knows.

    1. Heard that when Stocks was mayor and the Dump Stocks campaign was in full swing. Maybe it was an old story.

    2. It was after The Coast News supported the defeat of the first Prop.A to allow 100 houses to be built on the Ecke Ranch property that was zoned agriculture in perpetuity. This was in 2005. Full page ads paid for by Gil Foerster against the proposition appeared several times. The council majority of Stocks, Bond, Dalager and Guerin was very unhappy. All City of Encinitas public notices were pulled from The Coast News and went to the North County Times, even though it cost more. Also big pressure was put on businesses not to place their ads in the paper. .The paper took a financial hit. Eventually the ads and notices came back.

      I suppose Jim Kydd figured to protect himself with the second Prop. A. It seems to have worked. The editorial content was carefully balanced on both sides in the newspaper. A $1000 fine is a small price to pay.


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