Monday, April 14, 2014

What happened at the Traffic Commission?

From the Inbox:
Word from the floor of tonight's Traffic Commission meeting: at the beginning of the meeting, Peter Kohl announced to the crowd that when Bob Bonde's time comes to speak during his assigned agenda item, no one in the crowd may speak to the item even though it's on the agenda. The audience may make their remarks during oral comms only and in addition, the commissioners likewise may not ask questions, comment, nothing, about the agenda item. Once Bob speaks, no one else may comment, period. Kohl is on tape saying all this.

Vina gets wind that the crowd is not happy, comes out of his office and whispers something to Kohl. Kohl then changes his tune and announces that audience and commissioners may speak after all during the agenda item.

Assumption is Vina gave the original instructions to Kohl.

The city is caught yet again trying to stifle freedom of speech...sigh.
Does the Traffic Commission report to Vina?

UPDATE: It seems Peter Kohl has a history of confrontational and condescending treatment of the public.


  1. Kohl claimed when asked directly: "who told you to put a gag on the commissioners?" (Insert incredibly pregnant pause here): "I decided on my own." Um...yeah.

  2. This came directly from Vina to the lower level staff, just as it did on the Parks and Rec. Commission.

  3. Kohl also asked how many in the audience had attended the Strategic Plan Safety presentation on April 2nd?

    As if! Why would anyone want to sit through more of Vina's wasteful strategic plan. He doesn't even know how to do one since strategic plans are supposed to start with the residents, and it was done without any of our input. The strategic plan is as big of a fraud as Vina.

    Fire Vina.

  4. Bob did a fantastic job! Everyone in Encinitas would be interested in hearing his idea.

  5. I agree with that Fire Vina. He is bad for Encinitas.

    And Fire any City Council member that is not supportive and taking actions to fire Vina. Its good Barth is not running- She supports loser Vina (because she like his glasses) and would have been DUMPED as well.

  6. I have always thought that Bob does a great job no matter what he is attempting to do. Too bad the City ignores him.

    1. It's worse than ignores, they tried minimizing the import of his presentation by stifling all discussion. "They" of course = Kohl, who was put up (didn't seem too unwillingly) to his stunning display.

      That was in front of the crowd. Behind the scenes, Vina pulled Kohl's stings - very obviously - and Gaspar and Muir (per Kohl) had their mitts in it, too. He mentioned them specifically during his byzantine explanation for why he wanted to shut down all conversation.

  7. I was appalled by this Peter Kohl and I am thankful we have people like Bob Bonde in this city. His proposal made a lot of sense to me.
    Vina is a control freak.

    1. Control freak? How about happy to violate the Brown Act?

      Good thing Al Rodbell got the ball rolling again by announcing he would not be stifled by Kohl, followed with a second by Blakespear, then a near unanimous commission vote with only Kohl - sticking to his marching orders - voting to stifle.

    2. Thank you Al Rodbell and Catherine Blakespear!

    3. Without addressing the protocol last night: Bonde has carried out this personal war against the Fire Department and County Service Area 17 since 1994, 20 years: when he personally threatened the Firefighter's association with their demise if they didn't change their political endorsement from Roy Hewitt to John Davis: both were running for Council, in writing! And every five years or so he suckers another young soul to fool into allowing him, helping him to attack them again.

      Bonde was misleading in his request to be heard, as to it being him personally and not the 'no longer alive and kicking' tax payer's association.

      In 1994 Bonde threatened that it would be 'War' against the fire department the day after the election and there was.

      Within 18 months there had been not one but two ad hoc council-directed committees to look into volunteer fire departments. Both times Bonde was proven wrong without question.

      Last night's attempt by Bonde, pretending to be representing others and not just himself (check out his request to the city: his personal phone number, e-mail etc... having lost any legitimacy the summer before last when he misled Kevin and tried to take over the tax payer's association through misinformation and lost the trust of all who had previously been impressed by him): no one knows what Kohl might have been thinking last evening, but it was probably trying to allow Bonde to continue to waste as little city time and city money as possible on his angry ugly fool's errand against the public safety departments in Encinitas, without adding to the over 1600 hours of already spent expensive staff time wasted on his nonsense previously.

      While it sounds like Kohl didn't handle it smoothly, Bonde is not some innocent nutty professor trying to be heard: nor is he the godfather of incorporation. He is up to no good and now, once again, apparently he has gotten what he wants. Attention. poor soul.

      Its unfortunate that personnel records rightfully do not allow the public to know how state employees left their positions, but you might want to ask Bob how he left his last teaching position: that would tell you everything about Bob there is need to know. Instructive.

      In a nutshell, ask your insurance agent whether or not you could get fire insurance if Encinitas had a volunteer fire department. No, is the answer: you would become a Line 9 item, meaning uninsurable.

      And the County Service Area that collects a fee from all property owners annually allows for everyone to have unlimited transportation to the hospital without receiving a bill for $5000 per ride that it would cost outside the CSA. This is what Bob seeks to do.

      What is impressive is that Bonde has continued his jihad against the fire department for over 20 years, but don't be fooled: there is nothing generous or altruistic about the man's war against public safety: and if this council cannot see it, then another council is called for.

      What is interesting about the posters on this blog is that they cheer lawbreaking when it suits them (Kydd, Turney, Canler) and then wet their pants in mouth foaming apoplexy when someone they disagree with is in error.

      Sounds like Kohl was temporarily in error, but Bonde has knowingly/consistantly wasted tens of thousands of dollars in tax payer's money in a stomach turning attempt to bring down perceived political opponents, that most likely, if he got his way, would do serious and expensive damage to the public safety of the city's citizens.

      Why do you think Bonde got tagged with a $30K fine with Andrew Audet, Gerald Sadomka and the Hoodlink gang? Up to 'no good'.

      Ask Bob for a copy of the threatening letter from 1994 and don't believe him if he says he doesn't have it. He has everything in his 'War Room'.

    4. Bob always bases his conclusion on data. He has made this suggestion based on the ratio of health emergencies as compared to the number of fires. He also has looked at the amount we have spent on new fire stations and the reduced response time since they have been built. He has investigated the pension liability from the Fire Department.

      I see no facts in the post above--only opinions to try to slime community members with no facts.

    5. Anon 10:39, you are attacking Bonde for what you claim he said and did in 1994. To put it into context, Clinton was running for his second term as president! Get over it!

      There has been an entire history with Encinitas Fire Department in the past 20 years. Citizens are interested in the data and not some crazy accusations against citizens.

      The Fire Department and all City staff work for us. I applaud Mr. Bonde for exploring how we can get greater value and better performance from the City department that costs us the most. These are goals that we should all share--including Fire Department staff.

    6. To know about the Muir/Vina/Barth/Gaspar axis of mismanagement take a drive up Birmingham Ave where you will see

      1. THE road sucks and is falling apart
      2. At the top there is a cute old beach town fire house that is now closed and like the PV site becoming an eye sore as city hall let's it go to crap. This fire house worked for years, was paid for, and cost the residents near nothing to maintain

      3. Behind that is the new $6.3 Million firehouse awarded, or is it rewarded, to the fire union of Encinitas after Mark Muir sent out campaing mailers support Stocks and Bond-

      4. The new $6.3 M firehouse has gourmet kitchens, separate beds, flat screens, lounge chairs, the works-

      THe waste of money did not improve service time to residents or better equipment to save residents once they arrived. They did help Muir and his cronies Stocks and Bond

    7. Yep, those Fire Department employees love their McMansions and high salaries, overtime pay, perks and big huge pensions They want to be just like Muir -- sitting pretty and fat. Bob Bonde and the rest of us see through the crap.

    8. 10:39 Defensive diatribe that just makes me more convinced Bob Bonde has a solid idea here.

    9. There were 2 ad hoc committees at the city in 1994 and 1995: 1600 hours in staff time and outside consulting was utilized: those are facts not defense. Bob could take the Gettysburg Address and twist it to make a case of treason for Abraham Lincoln. He was wrong about 100 foot ladder trucks and he is wrong about this.

      Lets hear Bob deny those facts.

    10. 2:14 PM
      Since you bring up the subject of the 100 foot ladder trucks -Name the fire events where the 100 foot ladder was used in the last 15 years.

    11. If it wasn't for you meddling Prop A kids, we would have had plenty of use for that 100-foot ladder!

  8. Kohl should not be reappointed to the Commission, in my opinion.

    For the public or the commissioners NOT to be able to speak during a Traffic and Safety Commission Agenda item is an obvious violation of the Brown Act. If it's a public meeting, then the Commissioners and the public should be able to make comments.

    This is more outrageous behavior on the part of Gus Vina. It is no wonder that the public did not go to the Strategic Planning Meeting on April 2. There was no opportunity for public input until after 9:30, after hours of presentations by staff and city contractors. Council could ask preliminary questions, in between the "non-public" speakers, but not members of the public.

    I had e-mailed Mark Muir asking him some questions, before he left for a family trip over spring break, with his wife and son. One question I had asked was: were there ANY members of the public present for the April 2 Council Strategic Planning Meeting?

    In part, here's his response, from his City e-mail:

    "At the last strategic planning workshop, I recall seeing maybe 4 people there, with 1 speaker (Traffic and Safety Chair). I saw Bob Bonde come in at the end (unfortunately, because I thought that he was going to present his public safety proposal). I also thought Bob was allowed to come back to the council to present this proposal."

    Was Peter Kohl that solitary public speaker? Just because he chose to sit through all the pretense and posturing, doesn't mean that others would want to do so.

    Also, I don't think it helps for what are to be set as future agenda items to be rolled into these Strategic Planning Sessions. They are NOT set up as public workshops, as originally "billed." They are just opportunities for staff to waste tons of time with presentations, and for Gus Vina to put off actual goal setting budget prioritization.

    I agree that Gus Vina and Glenn Sabine both need to be replaced. I wonder if there was legal counsel present at the meeting? I'm glad Catherine Blakespear is an attorney. I suggest she should familiarize herself with the Brown Act, ASAP.

    My gratitude to Bob Bonde for his ongoing efforts on behalf of the taxpayers. He is the founding father of our city; no one has done more than he has to work toward the goals we established through the North Coast Coalition to Incorporate. Although I wasn't present, I've read the Encinitas Taxpayers Association report, he wrote. His plan to save taxpayers' money, presented tonight, is excellent. The Commission should recommend that Council should hear the proposal again, NOT as a part of Strategic Planning, but as an agenda item at a regular meeting, preferably not after 10 P.M., as has been the case in the past. That is disrespectful to Bob Bonde, considering his age and his health.

  9. Lynn, could your post be any longer and more rambling please? Geeze. Try and consolidate your thoughts into two concise statements. Believe me, no one cares what you think.

  10. I care what Lynn thinks. She just happened to be a prolific writer with obviously more time than we have.
    I was very intrigue by Bob Bonde's proposal. This is the kind of out-of-the box thinking we need to save money and lives. I always wonder why we has so many fire stations and so few ambulances: One ambulance at night for a city of 63,000? What de they plan to do if you have a heart attack: send a brush unit to hose you down? As Bob pointed out 2/3 of emergencies are medical. We need more nimble and faster ambulance services, less big ladder fire trucks.
    In the meantime, if you are prone to hear attack, I suggest you move closer to the downtown station or the one on Balour, or better yet move to Carlsbad: They have 6 ambulances there.

    1. Plenty of people care what Lynn thinks, but the post above is way, way too long and scattered.

      Does Lynn understand what estate-planning attorneys are and do?

      They are not defenders of truth, justice and the American way. They make plans in advance for what will happen to people's money and possessions when they die. Wills, living trusts, stuff like that. No trials, no arguing before judges or juries, no crimes. Of all the legal specialties, they're the accountants.

    2. the 4 additional KLCC members doesn't not qualify as many in my book.

    3. People form all 5 communities know who Lynn is and appreciate her efforts.

    4. Roundabouts work.

    5. One-lane roundabouts in a four-lane highway don't work.

    6. 9:38 PM. The key here isn't ambulances, which these days in Encinitas are primarily for transport. The key is paramedics and response time. All fire stations have paramedics and they respond with fire engines. Yes, they could supplement the larger fire trucks with smaller vehicles like a small truck or SUV.

      It appears that Carlsbad provides ambulances instead of contracting for them as does Encinitas. So the ambulances would be staffed by paramedics. Carlsbad has their own police force as well.

      Not sure where the commenter above came up with the decline of response time due to the increase in stations, especially with the new one in Olivenhain. More likely it's a function of overall growth.

    7. I care what Lynn thinks as well, but it could be more concise. Is there anywhere online other than the city site to view's Bob's proposal?

    8. 11:33 you are covering up for wasteful spending completely missed

      1. The better service the Bonde plan would provide to citizens
      2. The dramatic cost savings the Bonde plan would provide-

      Encinitas ran out and spent some $20M in debt on new firehouses when the city has about 8 fires a year at most, most of them small. These enw firehouses are great for fireman, the tours they give, the old fire chief and the fire unions but they have done absolutley nothing to improve service or reduce costs.

      Bonde's plan is to cut these outragteous fire costs and spend that money on improved ambulance services- what is what teh people want-

      Mark Muir doesn't want the Bonde plan because of the unions- Vina doesn't want the Bonde plan because of the unions
      Barth doesn't want the Bonde plan because she was not smart enough to come up with it.

      Vina, Muir, Barth and Gaspar know if the Bonde plan gets circulated among the public it will expose their wrteched mismanagement and waste of taxpayer money.

    9. Can anyone point me to where Mr. Bonde's plan is? Is it written, or was it just presented orally at the meeting last night. Thanks in advance...

      - The Sculpin

    10. Bondi's plan is really a list of bullet points. At the end he lists the pluses and minuses of the city bringing ambulance service inhouse although I would assume since fire services are linked with Solana Beach and Del Mar, they would be included too.

      Currently, many Encinitas fire fighters are also paramedics so they fill a dual role. Usually, two EMT technicians are assigned to an ambulance. If the city brought the ambulance service inhouse it may affect fire staffing levels. I'm not sure if any of the current AMR ambulance staff are paramedics as paramedics are paid more.

      After having watched the video of Bondi's presentation at the council strategic planning meeting on how to pay for PV, I can't say I'm impressed with his work, as he glossed over a lot, including his proposal to use TOT money that is currently part of the city general fund without saying how he would replace it or what to cut.

      I don't know anything mentioned above about Bondi.

    11. Thanks, WC!
      I have to agree that this isn't formatted to be a proposal. Other than bringing in the ambulance service in house I'm not sure what the actionable items are. I guess another question to ask is how many medical emergency calls taken by FD result in a need for an ambulance? My anecdotal experience says it's 20% - the 5 calls I've been involved with required only 1 ambulance. Additionally, a lot has already been spent on infrastructure - trucks, personnel, stations - so perhaps much of the savings Bonde is looking for just don't exist anymore.

      - The Sculpin

    12. 5:19 how many fires a year ? average 8. How many ambulance trips? 2 a day. Bondi's plan save $7.2M annually delivering the most needed service. You may like wasting money on 2 firetrucks going on each run an ambulance could make more cheaply and quickly - don't expect smart fiscally responsible people to join you. I look forward to your plan tp improve services while saving taxpayers $7.2M. will we see you at city hall weds night or will you be hiding behind your keyboard? Give us the Bondi Plan!

    13. Bringing the ambulance service inhouse may save money but if you want to make that argument don't make a list, make a spreadsheet. Bondi hasn't done that or if he has, hasn't distributed it. Remember, as Bondi acknowledged, ambulances go to the hospital and are out of service for awhile. Also, bringing the ambulances inhouse wouldn't reduce the number of fire trucks and each truck has an assigned number of crew members.

    14. are you actually suggesting that ENcintias should not save $7.2M a year because Bob Bondi did not make a spreadsheet- really?

    15. Spreadsheet? Now that is laughable.

    16. Where does the $7.2M a year number come from? I couldn't find it on the "statement of facts".

      - The Sculpin

    17. 9:16 PM. How in the world did you make the leap that I wouldn't want to save $7.2M? A spreadsheet would need to have all the various elements, revenues and expenses, laid out including sources and assumptions. I doubt the $7.2M is per year as the CSA-17 contract with Rural-Metro for ambulance transport for the whole CSA-17 service area in FY2011-12 was $3.26. That's why I want to see a better breakdown.

      As I said above, Bondi's plan for financing the purchase and operation of PV was pretty weak.

    18. I took Bonde's PV plan to be illustrating the point that the city had misdirected TOT money, which was supposed to be used for tourist-serving purposes, into general fund waste.

      If you don't think Vina is wasting at least a few million per year on bloated payroll and pensions, you're not paying attention...

    19. 9:55 AM. If you believe TOT funds have been misdirected, fine. But don't act, like Bondi did, that he was using new found money. Either come up with a way to replace the money or suggest areas to cut in budget to make up for the loss. And why would using TOT funds for PV be anymore appropriate than what they're used for now? Does the potential of a few more visitors to an artist colony at PV justify it?

    20. Bob has spent the last 20 years trying to hurt public safety in Encinitas: its a guys are just a new group of suckers for him and Sheila to mislead. Have at it, but ask Kevin if he would even let Bob pet-sit for him overnight...

    21. 2:17 PM
      So the current city requirement of only 1 ambulance per the 60,000 people in Encinitas is good public safety in your mind? Perhaps you can explain why a percentage of firemen are getting overtime that equals out to half of their salary as an example - $95,000 regular salary and $46,000 overtime for less work than other cities?

  11. We only have one ambulance for our entire city? That is astonishing and something needs to be done about this ASAP.

  12. Bang your pots, drive them out!!
    What are you afraid of?? That they will hate you? They already do.... Make them pay, create controversy, follow them home, bang your pots. BYP at all city meetings, march on the 101. Bang your pots outside of Union, drive their patrons crazy. March to the Bier Garden, bang your pots there also. Go back to city hall, BYPs until YOU- the people, control the city not the other way around.
    Communism fell in Poland when John Paul told the Polish people you have nothing to fear( by protesting communism). The people sent a message to the commie dictator of Poland- freedom!!!!
    I am freeing you to protest... Fear not Vina. He has NO power. Take back your city. Non violent protest is a protected civil right...

  13. 11:03 I think you would be a great organizer for the banging pots rally. Count me in.

  14. For those paying attention this is not news. The consolidation of power at City Hall has been going on for some time. Think of all the new Directors we have,and then ask what do they have in common? The Council is also relatively clueless, even Gaspar, although I know you all think she isn't. There are 2 people running the show at City Hall and if you haven't figured out who they are, I am not going to say,as you are all so informed.

    1. You are really into that you already have everything all figured out. You got this figured out. You have Gaspar figured out. Nothing more you or anyone else can learn. That's the problem is that you think everyone thinks or knows what you know. You participate in the intensity of this blog, and the bubble around you shrinks, and you lose perception of how much the general population really knows. You defeat yourself.

    2. 11:38 In case you haven't figured it out, it is not that difficult to figure it out. Maybe you are a slow learner. The intensity of this blog is to let others know what we know. The bubble is getting bigger and bigger and before long it will burst. Then who will be defeated? Not us. Perhaps you? Figure it out.

    3. 11:38 are you suggesting the majority of the voters don't know teh truth about city hall- wasteful spending, citizen intimidation, bad fiscal leadership (the city is nearly $2M in the hole this year alone), that the city manager refuses to share cost estimates with the public- or are you suggesting that none of these things is happening?

    4. I'm not 11:38, but will say in my opinion, yes: the majority of voters don't know about city hall. The city/city manager likes to keep it this way, because IF cost estimates and finances were disclosed, it would surely hit all the papers and the majority WOULD then know about city hall.

      Most figure they vote, they walk away, it works. It takes major news to get folks to sit up and take notice, and the city/city manager work very, very hard to avoid making the news.

    5. Sounds to me as if the new Communications chick is not doing a great job so far. Seems to be more untrust, lies, deceit and who knows what else, going on at city hall. Hiring her was yet another bad decision on the part of city council bowing to the back end of the city manager.

    6. A better question is what IS the new Communication person doing, other than presentations on Peak Democracy. Clearly she's not going to be on the front lines every day dealing with the public. That doesn't sound like Gus' desire. I think his plan is to have that person front for already approved initiatives to "socialize" them.

      -Mr Green Jeans

    7. So...we don't have to go through her to communicate with Vina/Sabine/Council/other depts? Awesome!

    8. 12:06 and 12:08
      All you say about the problems with the city may be true. All of it.
      But don't kid yourself that the majority of Encinitas voters know anything about what is true. Just because you and me and maybe 200-300 people might follow this blog on some regular basis doesn't mean a lot more than that have any idea of the problems at city hall or shortcomings of the council. If a person isn't following this blog, there is no another source of information about what is really going on in Encinitas.
      there is no way more than 1000 voters have any idea what is going on, and that is a very large distance from being the majority of the Encinitas electorate. In a city of 60,000, there must be 30-40,000 registered voters.

    9. Tell three of your neighbors what is going on at city hall, they in turn can tell three more. This is a small town, this is how stocks was knocked out, it wasn't a bunch of bumper stickers. Spread the word, most are not surprised as they know something is off with the bad roads and want to know what is up.

  15. 10:01 AM -- Thank you.

  16. You're welcome. 10:08

    1. Let me guess. Gus and Glenn?

    2. Check out where some of the new Directors are coming from? Parks and Rec=Sacto, etc. Can't say too much because I don't know enough to prove anything beyond a shadow of a count, but my stung opinion is YES to 10:46. The question is WHY? That's what the City doesn't want us to find out, therefore, no forensic audit, and when someone gets too close to the truth, even people on this blog won't accept it.

  17. "We" have figured it out, no need for condescension. What was different about last night's meeting was the real-time, unscripted nature of Kohl squaring off against residents and his fellow commissioners (and losing). What was particularly interesting was hearing the council members and Vina named specifically as being behind Kohl's gag orders.

    1. 11:27- The point is that Kohl's statement was scripted. That is what is going on at City Hall. Since Kohl is the Chair, he got his orders from whoever in City Hall oversees that Commission. The other 4 didn't know about the orders, or "script". If you think this is not true, then you will have to trust me, or go on the "inside" to see for yourself.

    2. You misunderstand me. Kohl was scripted, the rest was not. It was a refreshing break from council where the 5 plus Vina/Sabine/Murphy are all scripted and you have to sit there and watch them pretend to actually consider something spontaneously.

  18. This little weasel of a city manager needs to be stopped in his tracks. He doesn't run the show as he may think.

    DUMP VINA, DUMP SABINE, DUMP GASPAR. They are all the same.

    1. And dump those who are willing to be their messengers, while we're at it. Planning, many times have staff been caught in outright lies?

    2. 12:13- More than most of us know. I was lied to about Rossini Creek by someone I thought wouldn't lie to me. I expect others have been lied to as well.

    3. Wow, lying in politics, really? I've never been lied to at my job. But I agree, dump Sabine, Vina and Gaspar.

  19. 12:58: The person that lied to me about Rossini was a staff person, not a politician.

  20. It is one paranoid, dysfunctional place our city hall. We need to bring back integrity there. Perhaps we could elect someone with a background in "ethics".

  21. I'd like to get the audio recording of last night's Traffic and Safety Commission meeting, to hear exactly what was said aloud, on the record. Of course we can't know what Gus Vina whispered into Kohl's ear.

    An attorney has to pass the bar and has to have some basic legal training to do so. Catherine Blakespear should be quite capable of reading and understanding the Brown Act, the California Public Records Act, and the Political Reform Act, which includes conflicts of interest laws. Apparently, our City Attorney is incapable of doing this, or is unwilling to, unless the City is sued, and even then, he typically gives the case to Lucitania (sp?), his associate at the law firm of Sabine and Morrison. Does the entire law firm also work for La Mesa, as well? I expect so.

    Bob Bonde's plan makes sense in terms of saving lives and saving money. The City should adopt it. Again, Council should consider it at a regular Council Meeting, BEFORE 8:30, to help mitigate the terrible treatment Bob Bonde has been shown, in the past.

  22. 1:01, staff people are dependent on politicians to a degree to keep their gig. Just sayin. Lying is pretty common, I'd sorry to say...

    1. It's beyond common, it's institutionalized at city hall. This is not one-off ass-covering, it's a concerted effort against residents in many areas.

    2. The tone at city hall is against residents. It is all about getting to the rich pension finish line. Civility and concern for residents is not even on the radar. Just look at the bar scene and I for one have given up even trying to call the sheriffs and getting through their complaint stonewall. Woken up at 2 am twice this past week.

    3. Bang your pots.

    4. 6:13, you get out and bang your own pots and see if anybody joins you.

      Please stop repeatedly posting that stupid comment.

    5. 6:59- pot banging us an accepted form of social protest around the world.

    6. Well, 8:01, nobody's doing it here and if you're the person who has repeatedly urged people to bang their pots, your cuteness wore out a long time back. You've become an annoying fool. Suggest something constructive that might actually be effective.

    7. They don't do it here because this is Mayberry by the Sea. Here's an idea, wear the biggest pot you own on your head then have Gomer bang your head with his pot. Barney will supervise while Barth bakes a pie for the county fair.

    8. 10:04 AM
      Please stop using the Mayberry by the Sea phrase. The council actions are more like Bell by the Sea. The conniving and lying by the city officials isn't a simplistic act. The council's malfeasance in ignoring the coming deficit isn't a "gosh darn, I don't know what happened" act. It is Stockton and Sacramento behavior.

    9. You are right on in your characterization, 11:56. The Mayberry comparison requires benign incompetence. We have instead purposeful malfeasance.

    10. yes Barney, Andy. Aunt Bee, Opi, Goober, Floyd and even Otis all want to try and do the right thing.

      Gus Vina is not interested in doing the right thing. He is interested in hoodwinking both the public and the council thru any means necessary.

    11. 10:25 AM
      Your are wrong in trying to characterize the council as sweet and benign. The council actions are more like Bell by the Sea. If you want to compare the council to a former TV show try the Untouchables.

    12. 10:41 I am 10:25 I agree with you! I did not write that correctly. The Mayberry by the sea cast were hard working, honest, well intentioned and kind to all. You are correct, that is not the case at city hall

  23. actually I heard rumors that the mismanagement of Vina is getting close to another rally a city hall- where has our money gone? Why has Vina withheld cost estimates? What else has Vina tried to hide?

    It may yet come to pots outside a council meeting

  24. Wait until you hear the rest of the plan.

  25. What really did happen at that meeting? That was some wild stuff at the public dias tonight. Never seen them come back and answer questions before durring oral communications. That was a very interesting back and forth interaction with the back row.
