Monday, August 1, 2016

Planning Commission to explore "community character areas"

Is that like "free speech areas?"

From the Inbox:
The Planning Commission meeting for Aug. 4 has "study" items. One of them is the beginning of the design guidelines (2014) that was finalized into the At Home in Encinitas ordinance.

This is from page 2:
Other guideline revisions resulted from comments provided by the Planning Commission, project applicants, and consultants. These comments pertained to confusion over the definition of study areas to be evaluated and the high cost of the studies. In order to clarify the definition of broader community study areas for evaluation, staff is now proposing to use the community character exhibits (Attachment PC-1) previously prepared for the City’s Housing Element Update. These exhibits portray “community character areas” throughout Encinitas and allow for a more loosely defined study area that can be used to define the broader community study areas for analysis. In addition, staff removed the need to conduct land use analyses as provided in the guidelines. This deletion allowed the analyses to provide a greater focus on community character and scenic resources while lowering the cost of the studies.

At this time, staff will receive input from the Planning Commission, incorporate any necessary revisions, and return to the Planning Commission with a finalized version of the guidelines for additional review and comment.
Here is the link:


  1. Ranu and the city are trying to make an end run around the voters decision in November. Residents have already said no to the city productions at the workshops.
    Who allowed Ranu to put this change in design guideline on the Planning Commission agenda? Did the Council allow it?

    1. Why does it matter? You're voting No, aren't you?

      - The Sculpin

    2. Vote no. Then sue the bastards if you don't get what you want.

    3. Everyone should think it matters. Ol' Sculp will be the first one shouting "horse manure!" when a monstrosity under Manjeet's personally-imposed guidelines goes in.

      And Sculp, there'll be nothing you can do about it. And we'll all be there enjoying your pain.

  2. Mr Bottom Feeder will feel no pain from the depths where he resides.

    What does it matter? Seriously. Is that all you have? It matters a great deal to everyone who loves this community and are choosing to defend it with our votes.

    As for your vote and your opinion, horse pucky, something you know about well. It must have sunk in and penetrated that thick skull and warped your thinking. It is always too soon when you reappear, but in those away times, we are all better off and appreciate the silence from your quarter.

    Oh well, whats the point? We know what you are about. How can we miss you if you won't go away? You are appreciated just for those away times. Thanks for them.

    1. Your vote?? Your vote doesn't matter just ask Bernie!! He got the shaft and so will your vote. America is dead.

  3. If anyone ever deserved to have one of those three story and more prison complex looking apt. buildings that Manjeet is trying to sell to the voters, it is you, our very own bottom feeder in residence. It couldn't happen to a more worthy homeowner.

    Up Yours.

  4. Have they nothing better to do than re-invent the wheel with another study and set of "guidelines" to follow? We already have spent untold amounts of money and time establishing our Specific Plans, Propositions and Workshops. I guess if you do that every few years, the new people in town never notice. Someone probably has the usual goal in mind. Create more restrictions (as if 3 story buildings are an option) and cost the public time and more money at the same time.

    1. It is the city departments making work for themselves. They try to confuse the issue in the ensuing redundant and unproductive studies that go nowhere. And a host of stooges stand ready to run for the city council and do the bidding of their developer backers.
      Vote NO on the Housing element proposition.

  5. Its simple. Do the opposite of Huntington Beach. Allow high density beach development - No. Allow US OPen to make a drunk Fest of your beaches and downtown - No.

    Vote out any incumbent supporting the housing element (increased density- Huntington Beach style apartments and bars in the downtown area.

    Focus on quality of life and peaceful low density development (existing general plan). Yes!

  6. We really have just two community character areas left.
    1) Cool hipster drinking urban core (101)
    2) Orange County McMansions

    Remember when we used to be "Flower Capital and Surf Center?" LOL "community character areas."

    1. Yea - going. going, (fill in blanks)....
