Thursday, September 20, 2018

Pedestrian sought in road rage vandalism

The North Coastal Station is looking for a woman believed to have vandalized a car in Encinitas.

The woman was walking when she thought a car drove too close to her, said a station spokesperson, Detective Adrian Moses.

Upset, she used an object to vandalize the driver’s car.


  1. Good for her! Drivers go too fast and ignore pedestrians and bikes. What kind of object did she use and how close was the car? How come the driver wasn't ticketed??

    1. Perhaps she is a crazy person and the driver did nothing wrong.

  2. Agree with 8:26 - how fast was the car going and how close? People are driving nuts - especially in the summer. Another reason Leucadia needs Streetscape now. Safer for passengers, bicyclists AND your precious Range Rover and BMW.

    1. Only Leucadia? Why not El Cam Real, Encinitas Blvd and S Coast Hwy 101? Why not one lane and roundabouts there?

    2. Yeah, bicycles and are cars always mix in roundabouts. Safety, my tush.

  3. To damage someone's car is unacceptable. Shame on you two. I've almost been run over by your precious bicycles, too. Many, many times. Sometimes they've been children. Does that give me the right to destroy their bike?

  4. Yes, getting blood on a shiny car must be totally unacceptable. Get out of my road you slowpokes!

  5. Two wrongs don’t make a right. They will find her, and she should pay for the damage and maybe get a misdemeanor criminal record to boot.

    Vigilante justice isn’t the way to go. Snap pictures of the car and let the police handle it.

    Maybe crazy lady can do some community service time repairing other vandalism around town.

  6. That dude in the picture is every guy who ever got involved with a crazy lady.

    He is my hero. Everything about him says “not again.”

    Props to the dude, whoever you are!

  7. The link is bad... what did she do exactly to the car or did she just get in the drivers face for driving like a total Jack *ss in a residential neighborhood? I am a parent of a child and we walk in our neighborhood no sidewalks and I get pretty mad sometimes because people drive way to fast and are not paying attention!!!

    1. Link updated, but there's not a lot more detail in the story.

  8. She looks familiar. I have seen her before but can’t remember where.

    Somebody reading this knows her name.

    What’s her name?

    She broke the law, and needs to pay for the damage she did.

  9. Oh, look, another sheltered entitled Encinitas doorknob who thinks the street is her personal sidewalk. Good luck if you ever move anywhere else on the planet. Born to be roadkill.

    Ludacris wrote a song for these people.

    1. 2:37 - somewhat heartless comment but true. Travel to many rusty, dumpy towns in PA - Clark's Summit, for example. Those cities were designed without sidewalks -
      If one wants to walk somewhere, you walk in the tall grass. If you're on the street, you're dead meat.... is that how the Ludicrap song goes?

    2. Your such a dumbass. Pedestrians and bikes do have the same rights as cars on roads without sidewalks. You should give up your drivers license before you kill someone.

    3. 5:56 AM: Sure thing, precious, then why don't you do the world a favor and go take a walk on the freeway with your fellow cars?

    4. One less inconsiderate asshole who thinks she's just exercising her rights.

  10. 3:22PM Is your closet getting a little crowded, darlin'?

  11. [Flushing sound]

    Thanks EU.

  12. 10:48pm wrong as usual slimy.

    Not even the same gender.

    You continue to slip further into feebleness of mind.

    Lynn would not bother responding to your incessant bullying.

    Your inclination to pick on women that are not part of the discussion and would not bother to stoop to your level, must be frustrating.

    Frustration is nothing new to you. Your despicable lowlife reputation precedes you wherever you pop up.

    1. Lying old hag. We can spot your rants a mile away.

    2. Mikey/Marvy we can spot your fixation a mile away.

    3. 5:54- diddo. Lword all over it.

  13. Whew, any wonder why her partner in the background is walking away as quickly as he can?

    Imagine going home with that look on her face. I, too, have seen this woman around the neighborhood, and had no idea she could do something like attacking a car.

    I have seen many drivers going too fast down some of our residential streets and I wanted to slow them down, but attacking a vehicle never came to mind.

    She must have awoken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Lets all hope so.

    Vandalizing a car, is not the way to go at any time. She should pay a price.

    Take down the license number, and report it. Maybe there is a past history that could be used to to influence any further speeding down our residential streets by this driver.

    Since her face is now in the public realm, she has already been taught a tough enough lesson.

  14. "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!"

  15. I would be so embarrassed if I was her. She looks dreadful and full of rage. Like she needs a hug and a warm bath.

    1. I'd be embarrassed if I were you, 3:17.

    2. Typical angry bitter baby boomer, they are a dime a dozen and most of them feminists living with cuckold 'men.'

    3. 11:21 sounds like a marvy guy with a wife or two with tales to tell.

  16. So would you if you were nearly run over by another irresponsible driver. Its very common in Encinitas. What ever few cops are in town are busy monitoring the "vibrant" downtown nightlight or hanging out at their moonlight beach new fort shining their armor and gawking at your daughter. No time for normal road rage and speeding issues.

  17. I'm a man but I think the responses here would be quite different if the photo was of a man.

    1. There is a man in the photo. He's not acting crazy.

    2. I rest my case.

    3. Doesn't matter. She still needs a hug and a bath.

  18. Where are our super hero jackboot group stalkers, i mean citizens on patrol, when you need them?

  19. This persons looks like a horrible person. Can I wear her mask for Halloween?

  20. 10:25am Shows what your about.... sigh...

    More So CA dumbass attitude about judging others by appearance only. Shame. You sound like a loser to me.

    1. Dumb 10:25 meet dumber 6:16.

      6:16 passes judgement someone based on words on a blog that five people read is just as sad as passing someone based on their looks. Unfortunately, I guess in 10:25's defensive, the subject of the photo is a public nuisance. Maybe 10:25 is taking a slightly higher, lower road.

  21. 2:57 pm = the dumbest
