Friday, September 28, 2018

Serial arsonist gets 10 years

10 News:
Tyler Carender, 22, was given 10 years in prison for damaging and destroying buildings at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and Oak Crest Middle School on three different occasions in fall 2016.


  1. Knowing CA he will be out torching in one month.

  2. Read Joe Wambaugh's book "Fire Lover" if you want to understand arsonists. This guy can never be let out, he'll burn again.

  3. It’s California, he’s probably already out

  4. I would like to remind all members of the press writ By stories on the shark attack, the proper name is Bacon’s beach.

    The keeper of the aeronautical beacon at the top of the bluff used to climb down to the beach each morning to cook breakfast. Some say if you close your eyes and listen carefully, you can still hear the sizzle of bacon mixed with the sound of the surf. Some entering the water at dawn bring an offering of a breakfast burrito to honor the caretaker and seek blessings for a safe and clean-peeling right with no crowds.

    Rumor has it the shark victim did not bring any bacon to the beach this morning.
