Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Encinitas' state representatives have a mixed record on high-density mandates

From the comments on Livable California's "Nine Bad Bills":
What is Assembly women Tasha's and Lorena Gonzales positions on these bills? Shouldn't we know now before we vote?
Encinitas' representatives are Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner-Horvath and Sentor Pat Bates. Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher is not in our district but is the sister of Encinitas developer attorney, and good friend of Mayor Blakespear, Marco Gonzalez.

From Legiscan, here is how the three voted on the nine bills:


  1. Why is'nt Tasha voting?

    1. Tasha's go-to move is not to vote to avoid (so she thinks) backlash from either side. She did it here on the planning commission, on council, and now at the state.

    2. At the buffet?

  2. Good for Tasha for voting no some times. She should do it more often. Local control is better than state control. That is why Encinitas incorporated. If we wanted wholesale land grabs by developers, we would have stayed in the County.

    At this point its futile. The public is dumber than shit and just waiting for their $600 payment to stay at home and waste their life as the dollar collapses and begins the new world order.

    Crazy times! Dollar goes to zero, Gold does well, and coastal property owners hope the massive civil unrest does not kill too many of their families and lead to civil war and a new law on land which strips property owners of the previous ownership "rights". This is one time I am stoked that I am old, because I've had a great life and I could die tomorrow and be a happy man.

    Poor bastards who think socialism/communism will lead to happiness. I would never give up freedoms for any government dole. It kills your soul and your ability to experience true happiness.

    You don't see Dalai Lama loving communist leaders do you?

  3. Just heard on OAN that the state is going to make the fairgrounds a giant homeless encampment so those from LA with china virus have a place to go.

    1. You get your "news" from OAN ?I would have never guessed. I bet you "support the troops" until they come home damaged and homeless. I bet you are "pro life" until the child is born.

    2. ^^^This guy gets it.^^^

    3. 7:39 - OAN ! San Diego's own embarrassing high-school quality news network. They are also promoting "Dr" Stella Immanuel's wacky-ass views... like - uterine disorder endometriosis is caused by sex with demons that takes place in dreams. OAN may be Trump's fav but as soon as one cites OAN, you can be sure that it is twisted BS.
      OAN followers are dumb.

    4. OAN is number one best yankee-type news. Go Amerika Great Making!

    5. OAN isn't bad. It is far superior to CNN, MSNBC and PBS. Of course those leftist fake news channels are done by children in adult bodies.

  4. you are weird, what the hell are talking about.

  5. If Tasha actucally believes in local control, have her sponsor a bill do so!!! Don't hold your breath!

  6. Vote them all OUT!!

  7. vote them all out for the handling of the ghost virus. Kill America because of a virus. Crazy and our officials led the way.

    Taliban couldn't be more pleased. Well done. We destroyed ourselves. Just like Rome. Again. History repeats itself.

    1. 9:27 Must be a member in good standing with the FluKluxKlan.

  8. 7:16- leader of the DumbKluxKlan. Nothing written was closely tied to KluxKlan moron.

    Go buy some more TP and remember to stay indoors at your home for the rest of your life. You are for sure going to get really really sick from COVID-19!

  9. I am voting out all Incumbents. Anything will be better than these proven losers.

  10. There is a wicked leftist troll on this board and sources have informed several individuals this person is employed by the govt., has a really bad back, and is a recent transplant to encinitas. I have much more info on this person and it is in fact accurate. Dude is straight up evil.

  11. Blakespear follows the party agenda like a lovesick puppy. Here is her reality - thank you EG for another dose of it:

    Encinitas Mayor Adopts New Campaign Slogans

    Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear is running to be elected for another two-year term. Her campaign slogans are:

    Pave Paradise, Put Up a Homeless Parking Lot

    Pave Paradise, Put Up a Humongous Hotel

    Pave Paradise, Put Up a Colossal Apartment House

    Pave Paradise, Put Up Tons of Market-Rate Housing

    Pave Paradise, Put Up a Cycle Trap

    Blakespear will rotate the slogans among her campaign appearances and communications.

    Election day is Tuesday, November 3.

    1. Fun fact:

      Only one mayoral candidate has funded her campaign with profits from pouring concrete on Encinitas.

      (hint: not Blakespear)

    2. 1:37 never tires of the concrete theme. But he neglects to mention that no one has flooded us with concrete more than our "Progressive Dem" Blakespear.

  12. 1:37 -
    Same candidate that has been funded by George Soros.

    But keep spreading your badass surfing prowess with a wretched back propaganda.

    We're onto you.

    Keep pushing.,

    Have you ever been legally identified on an anonymous site for slander, lies and bullshit?

    Asking for a few government insider friends.

    Thanks bruh.
