Wednesday, May 22, 2024

5/22/24 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Encinitas Now: 7,609 total members
    Encinitas Votes: 2,069 total members

    1. No one with a brain cares about membership on Facebook.

    2. The moron did and look where it got him!

    3. 4:59: You think like OMED, Mr. Blasksphere. You see EN sucks and no one cares about the numbers. Dang you are dumber than a box of rocks. Now, let's chat about the topic...the CC .meeting

    4. ☝🏾 "Christy"

    5. 6:16 is spot on. "Christy" misspells Blakespear as Blasksphere or Blakspear every single time she comments on ev, so it makes sense she would do the same her.

      Also, she has a weird obsession with OMED.

    6. OMED doesn't even stir stuff uo anymore and hasn't since the last campaign

  2. City Council Agenda Item 8 F

    The complete debacle from City Hall regarding the lack of maintenance on Lake Drive, which caused multi multi million dollar of loss due to negligent irresponsible lack of management from the city manager.

    The staff report is pathetic. It doesn’t give the background explaining that the cause of the leg drive slope failure was lack of maintenance of the existing storm drain. It’s called deferred maintenance and staff knew about the deteriorating storm and did nothing.

    As result the lost the slope and the resident lost access to the roadway for a long period of time, and it caused serious environmental damage. Complete irresponsibility..

    Taxpayers lost over $5 million and the final repair is not even discussed in the staff report.

    Yet the crazy unintelligent Mayor and his zombie council members don’t even discuss the issue. They’re putting it on consent.

    Hopefully our local hero, such as Greg LeFave And others will comment on this item 8Fand explain to the council. This is complete irresponsibility to ignore our existing infrastructure and built pet projects like the second senior center.

    This lack of management is pathetic, and as Greg had explained, the city is a wash in revenue from the huge property taxes, the city receives. It’s mis-management like this And all the city caused hazards and resulting lawsuit and settlement payments that consumes all of the cities funds and why the city has no discretionary funding.

    There’s no need for a tax increase when what the city needs is a responsible competent city manager who’s not focused on building staff that will suck up additional pensions forever. Can you say fat ass, Mark Muir and all of those unnecessary new FTE’s that the city manager put in last year’s budget And this derelict city Council approved.

    1. ^^^ This is a good and important post.

      Have you ever had a neighbor where you're trying to explain to them the darkness in their ceiling is actually a water leak and they just say oh no it's not I'm just painting over it....

      That's what they did on lake drive.

      The chickens come home to roost every single time and often it cost millions where a $10000 fix could have solved it

  3. 4:59pm. How many of those Enc. Now members are local? Just because their name has Encinitas in the title, it is well known there are many from all cross the nation.

    The numbers you posted does not mean diddly squat. You are not pulling the wool over anyones eyes. In other words, stop trying to deceive and grow a pair, and an honest pair, next time .
    Better yet, don't have a next time.

    1. No on red cares about Facebook.

    2. *No one cares about Facebook.

    3. 8:38 if you did care about Facebook then you would know that FB lets you buy members. I have no idea how many members have been bought by EN and don't care. I actually don't care about EV either, but I bet they don't buy members. They aren't as rich as the folks on EN, headed up by Jeremy Blakespear himself.

    4. ☝🏾 Lorri @6:51 @4:53

    5. Let's not pretend that EV is anything more than 10-20 people kissing each other's asses on a baily basis. Today is maybe the only time in a year that had anything slightly interesting and that's because it wasn't a 100% ass kiss fest.

    6. And 7:03 sounds just like Jeremy Blakespear going unhinged again.

  4. On tax item-

    First speaker and last speaker were the best. I will not be voting for anyone who votes to put this tax on the ballot.

    City Fire Captain gaining from Encinitas tax payers pitching their own Council for the tax. He Didn’t even say if he was an Encinitas citizen. What a tool.

    Chris Ryan - good on roundabouts, bad about trusting this crazy ass City Council with a general tax when they consistently waste our huge taxes we pay yearly. I pay over $15,000 on property tax a year and the city gets a big chunk of that money. Over 65% of property tax goes to the city. You do not need more.

    June H - I a total idiot. This council is not trustworthy.

    1. Deport the entire City council

  5. Who voted for it?

    1. All of the loser city council members excluding Ehlers.

      Local heroes tonight included public speakers Elena Thompson, Mark Mavill, Chris, Ryann, and Natalie Setoon, Other lady talking about the whacked out council members on the schools committee.

    2. Also, Carron rocked with her tax everything, pitch. We have local hero's. Love them!

  6. Thanks for summing it up!

  7. What a complete loser. A he/she that can’t support herself that has no history of anything worthwhile as far as true work and earning their keep, she approves over 30% increase in utility rates, And then somehow she’s got fraudulent property taxes about $1000 per year when many us paying are paying over $15,000 per year, and what does the Commie Town Dunce do—-

    Tony Kranz votes to raise sales taxes 20% for nearly everything you buy…..

    The City of Encinitas could not be a bigger shit show! 🤣🤣🤣

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a clown

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what fools the 40% of people that voted for this clown really are including John Gjata, Kathleen Lee, Malli Woods and Marco Gonzalez and his predator family.

    And then they’re like and why is inflation so high?

    😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 what freaking unbelievable stupid losers.

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s almost as funny as Something like Starvin asking, why is my ballon knot always Itchy and bleeding?

    Freaks show losers will continue to be freaks losers! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    For the rest of us, get ready to vote and spread the word to all of your logical common sense voting neighbors, and friends- Go heavy on the No votes this next election in November. 🙏👊🏾

    1. Yup, it’s simple math below.

      Current Encinitas sales tax rate 7.75%
      TONY supports Sandag 0.5% sales tax on ballot and he also supports the future road user charge.

      Tony last night voted to put 1% sales tax on November ballot.

      That’s 1.5/7.75 = 19.4% tax increase with a road user charge chill being pushed by Tony Kranz.

      I love that song that that woman’s poem about taxes. it was perfect for Tony Kranz.

      I also find a completely entertaining how the voters of Encinitas voted in this complete clown show loser as their mayor. Encinitas is a laughing stock of the county. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Yup and 🐽💩 can take much of the credit!

    3. Mali, Marco and Taylor did not stand against a tax increase that will hurt the very people the claim to serve. You see they are worthless. Since these clowns have been given power, our unhoused numbers are up by 68 percent.

    4. That's the dumbest conclusion drawing ever. Plus that % applies to a larger area than Encinitas.

    5. Mali won't bite the E4E handout hand that feeds. She'll be back for more on the backs of the taxpayers.

  8. ******* Encinitas Real Time News********

    Fairly balanced news clip but they give two speaking spots to fellow commie freak show supporter, Judy Berlfein… here:

    Greg LaFave and The last public speaker were the best, but all public speakers, except for the comic Freakshow supporters were excellent.

    I saw Tony’s eyes light up when the city clerk said, “ Dick Stern” she looked over at the city manager Anthill, and spoke with her eyes saying, “ uhhh hugh , I want some of that. Give me my weekly supply Anthill”

    - The Encinitas freak show will be the freak show! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I missed Marco the predator supporter and TONY‘s girlfriend Walsh! Where were those clowns? Was Walsh trying to convince his Republican friends on the North County Central committee that even though he’s dating a tranny communist, he still should have a say in North County Republican meetings? 😂😂🤣🤣

    - The Encinitas Freakshow could not be more entertaining. 🥰

  9. Deport them NOW.

    ENC NOW members 90% bots and out of towners.

    It's all so tiresome.

    Deport these ghouls today

    1. 👆🏾Admiral Starvin

      Covering for his girl Phatty

      Starvin is going to be very busy over the next couple of days trying to deflect and create space for his gal.

  10. Tony’s dream in Encinitas is to give every fentanyl junkie and every world migrant coming to the US one of these and invite them to stay for free in Encinitas because Encinitas welcomes all of the fentanyl junkies from around the world:

    Please vote for a massive increase in section 8 housing and Encinitas and vote for TONY’s 20% Tax increase in November.

    - jackass

  11. Thunder is absolutely full of shit about her "compassion" for the homeless. Shut the fuck up, or at least try some honesty & doing something constructive about it, shithead.

    Let me guess: bitching and moaning and passing blame constantly about the topic is "bringing awareness to the issue". Thanks for your help.

    1. What are you doing to help the situation?

    2. Voting no on all taxes in the future election in November and a strong vote against Tony and any of his clown council members.

      That’s what all responsible Encinitas voters should do.

    3. 7:27 More than bitching, moaning, and making life worse for people that are already having an incredibly difficult time (most of whom are senior citizens).

    4. 7:27 what is Julie doing? Oh yeah, delivered a couple of sheet sets with the 🐧 two years ago.

    5. Where was old print copy of the WSJ carrying Garvin Walsh last night?

      Why wasn’t Garvin out supporting his girlfriend Tony Kranz? He reads all of Tony’s emails and he is his top advisor so he’s darn well and support of his girlfriend’s actions .

      We needed to the Admiral do what’s right and stand up for his gal. It’s not right, and I demand that the Admiral take accountability for her actions.

      Come on Garvin Walsh. Try and regrow some Admiral Starvin balls.

    6. Lol. I forgot about that 7:57. Pretend to help people while at the same time terrorizing them day and night.

      Im pleasently surprised Lorri called her and the nextdoor crew out on their bullshit/ lies.

    7. No love lost there. They all pretend to like the bitch so she doesn’t throw them under the bus. Julie’s whisper campaigns are well known. This time she’s got Rachel slinging her shit.

      She’s quite similar to Blakespear. Find a naive sycophant and use them till they’re a husk.

      Need an example? Just look East to New Jersey.

    8. 01 AM
      👆🏾Admiral Starvin

      Covering for his girl Phatty

      Starvin is going to be very busy over the next couple of days trying to deflect and create space for his gal.

    9. Yeah 8:36, there isn't enough boring shit about your favorite topic on here. We need more.

    10. You’re far from boring Starvin, You’re a freak.

      You too🐽

    11. I don't care about homeless or illegals. I DON'T CARE.
      Let em' starve and leave the rotting corpse left out in public to remind I DON'T CARE.
      Let the Marxist left feed them............

    12. 👆🏼OK. Thanks for sharing your feelings

    13. Or......kill the illegals..........they aren't here legally. Ohhh'
      never mind, the Marxist in the white house told the Border Patrol to stand down and let those infected turd world ghetto crawlers into the U.S

  12. New topic...same repetitive posts.

  13. Thanks to the morons.

    1. 👆🏾Admiral Starvin

      Covering for his girl Phatty

      Starvin is going to be very busy over the next couple of days trying to deflect and create space for his gal.

  14. Anyone know who Luke Shaffer is?

    1. 2:38 Didn't he speak against Piraus Point Development at a CC meeting? I think he lives in Leucadia, but have never met him.

    2. Well, he’s running against Allison for D1!

    3. 6:02: I did try to Google him but didn't find much.

    4. Bunch of info on linkin, pilot, vet, helped some MJ biz get off the ground, lacross coach now. Quoted in the coast news, against one of the large developments. Seems like a real community member who cares about other people. On paper, seems like the kind of person you want.

    5. Anyone but the handpicked vote along Allison!

    6. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 we need fresh logical blood for D1.

    7. Luke's a Jesus freak, former military and a Republican that's lived in Encinitas for only 5 years. The retards will love him.

    8. 7:48 He is a local graduated from LCC. Get your facts straight, moron.

    9. 7:48 wrong again, been an independent. I love seeing the other side this scared!

    10. 7:48 if you're serious he will hopefully lose lose lose

    11. 7:08 he sounds great. He definitely has my vote running against the Freakshop idiot.

    12. Luke was born and raised here, and is now raising his own family here. He coaches the LCC Lacrosse team - great guy, happy to see this.

    13. 👆🏽👌🏽

    14. Just don’t let🐽💩 get involved. He’ll be sure to lose.

    15. Like Shaffer is former disgraced Encinitas councilwoman, Lisa Shaffer’s son.

    16. 8:11 they have zero relation

  15. If anyone wants some Mali and EV drama it's getting good. Lorri made one comment and now she has just let them go at it. Better than Roller Derby.

    1. That happens sometimes when someone speaks out of line with the echo chamber. Crazy Rachel can't herself. It's part of the illness. The drama is what Lorri lives for.

    2. They'll get rid of Mali and delete her comments soon.

    3. That is good. Mali is the left version of thunder, does more harm than good. Imagine being pro-affordable housing but pimping higher tax rates. That tax rate follows you as well. Buy a car in carlsbad, you are paying Encinitas rate. She says tourist will pay it, which is not only a lie but tourist are a huge displacer of local housing.

      They just want us long time residents to fuk off so they can pay those pensions with the re-assessments. Longer you own, the more they want you gone. Longer you hang on, takes money from them but more equity you gain. Party of gentrification domt care about low income but at least you get paid off if you won. Republicants would just be more of the same accept less for the propertymowners and more BIA concrete

    4. This serves as another reminder why EN has 20x the audience EV does. $hitty people behaving like children quickly clears the adults from the room.

    5. @7:06 No. Lorri LOVES when people beat up on Mali or Marco or any of the other truth talkers. Saying something unkind about Lorri sycophants is what gets you bounced.

    6. 7:22 Mali comments always end up deleted, mostly because her critics have no self control.

    7. Mali is a grifter. Just a nasty jealous woman who can’t have what others have worked all their lives for, so she bullies them and acts superior. Blakespear started the destruction and Mali the maggot will clean up on the remains.

    8. 7:22 Marco n’Mali get called out regularly for lying. If they delete their own comments, it’s because they got caught. If they get deleted, it’s because they got caught spreading misinformation. Kind of an important thing to keep a lid on in an election year.

    9. The dynamic duo. The lawyer & the liar.

    10. 8:40- Mali delights in putting others down. She really went after Steve Meiche because she thought he must not be a good fireman since he still works. On and on and on, she will find fault with anyone who doesn't go along with what she thinks. And she has a mean tongue. Kind of sad really. She must have a terrible inferiority complex.

    11. Truth Talkers - that has to be the best mis-information propaganda line of the month. Bravo, 23 smug points para usted.

  16. Rachel Graves also got rich from suing her former employer after getting fired. You couldn't make this up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Looks like the Hurt Feelings Crew is feeling a little threatened again! I’m sorry, your participation trophies didn’t arrive in time.

    2. 7:01 if she got rich, sounds like she prevailed. So I don’t think you are making the point you think you are making.

      And people sue all the time for wrongful firing. This is not “something you can’t make up,” this happens every day. You don’t think too good, do you. Hahaha.


  18. Liars will get you killed

  19. My favorite song is the 80's classic: "99 red balloon knots"
    - Phony

    1. Oh Phony darling , I am honored your thinking of my knot, but who are the other 98 knots you're signing about?

      - Starvin.

  20. Illegals living in the canyons.
    Everything the left does.......they destroy.
    Name one good thing........just one good thing the america hating left does that helps Americans. Nothing...that's what.
    10 million turd world illegals and you think you are safe?
    You fools

  21. Continue for voting for gavin newsom. And just maybe he can make several more $BILLION disappear.
    Ohhhh' that's right, I forgot about "rap-parations" to the sub humans.
    Now we know where our tax dollars are going...............
    Keep voting for the left/communists as it is working out so well.

  22. Mali's comments are still up on EV. Guess Lori decided to let everyone see what a witch she is. Good for her. She usually deletes things that cause such disharmony. And Mali creates the ultimate nastiness that is every bit as equal to the naysayers on EV. She should probably stick with Jeremy Blakespear on EN. But then who would she be so nasty to?

    1. Come on, if that's nasty you must not be familiar with here. Or any of the regular commentors over there.

    2. Oh she’s just getting warmed up, 6:15.

    3. Let's hope so 6:37. This better be good, for all the crying you guys seem to be getting ready to do.

  23. Mali’s comments on EV show that she is keeping tabs on those who oppose the council majority. It’s probably more accurate to say that she has been fed a list and her lines. As usual, she has no grasp of or interest in knowing how we got to a place where Tony wants to raise taxes. Per her usual, she never quite gets it right.

    As for tracking and commenting on peoples’ personal lives - her pal Amanda would call it “creepy.”

    1. Why would an activist who champions the poor, advocate for higher taxes? In her desire to stick it to rich white people, she’s ok if the little guy gets hurt too. Doesn’t she drive a Tesla?

    2. 6:36. It seems each person Mali commented on she has to call them names or degrade them in some way. I never paid much attention to her before, but reading some of her comments to fellow Encinitas who have lived here a hell of a lot longer than she has, I’ve come to the conclusion she is not all the smart and is doing someone else’s bidding. Most likely Blakespear’s. Maybe she thinks she can ride on her coattails to Sacto?

    3. See? You guys can do much more nasty and witch like in just a few minutes than anything she's ever typed. Pot meet kettle.

    4. 7:15 what about her personal attacks and taunting long time taxpaying residents about their lives and financial positions is acceptable to you? Let’s stick with that for a minute. She clearly has personal information on folks who oppose the one percent sales tax and she puts it out there for the public to see In an effort to what? Public questioning them? Discourage them from participating in public discourse? These are tried and true tactics and strategies designed to shut down opposition.

      Ends justify the means, is that your rationale for engaging g in what aboutism? Fact: the woman is rarely if ever heard from except in election years when she comes out swinging. Her problem is, she picked on the wrong community. These people will not stand down or shut down for her.

    5. Blaming Siri for typos, but believe everyone gets the point.

    6. My point is that you can certainly dish it out, so why can't you take it? Call her whatever you'd like, but mean and witch-like is laughable when you've far out performed her in both categories for years. And the accusations personal attacks as if you've never heard of such a thing before is perhaps the funniest of all.

      She's "mean", you're clearly mean, don't bother pointing fingers at this point.

    7. Thank you for stickup for her Jeremy.

    8. I’m not calling her anything. I don’t like it when anyone won’t argue a point with facts to back up and instead resorts to personal attacks. You’re ok with that it seems. Keep defending her, but the more she “outs” people instead of actually discussing an issue, the worse she’ll look. I for one am glad she’s playing this out in front of folks who might otherwise think she’s got facts at her fingertips and is a good city representative as a committee member.

    9. 7:54. You seem to forget she’s a council insider, favored over long term residents for board positions and committee seats. Putting aside her somewhat public figure status, to many, it’s obvious Mali is being weaponized against residents. It doesn’t matter who disagrees with her, Mali will climb down their throats and point out their whiteness or privilege.

      Mali and Marco will automatically trigger for the council election picks. Julie and Garvin, and God knows why, will work once again from the spoiler angle. Though Julie may feign ignorance, you know damn well she knows who the new D1 candidate is.

      If any new candidates read this page, don’t say you haven’t been warned. If you’re consorting with the likes of Julie and Garvin, your campaign will spiral and flame out spectacularly.

      Battle lines are being dawn for another resident-fucking election.

    10. Completely accurate, could not have said it better.

    11. None of these reasons justify aholes getting angry that they aren't the only ones that get to act like aholes. Suck it up, and don't be surprised when the way you behave comes back to you.

    12. 8:41 you keep coming back with the same excuse for her behavior. Not everyone is an asshole to her, yet she goes after them the same as she does those who nastily attack her. Her problem is that she goes after everyone the same way no matter how carefully they express themselves.

      So you can keep coming back with your “so are you” reasoning, but that isn’t reasoning and it isn’t logic and it isn’t selling. People have eyes in their heads and see how often she goes on the attack unprovoked. Agree it’s great that EV is leaving this up for all to see.

    13. I'm not making an excuse for her behavior. I'm wondering why people are complaining about it and labeling it as "nastiness" and calling her a witch (see above) when they far out do her consistently on the very same page and here in those categories.

      The issue isn't that she's nasty or witchy, it's that she has a different political views than you and more power (at the moment). You (meaning multiple people) seem to feel entitled to that power based on years lived in the city, not on whether the majority of residents agree with you.

      Ive seen multiple times on EV when the subject of Ehlers winning comes up, the regulars say things like "we'll be there to help you!". Oh really? In what capacity? Could it be in the same sort of position that drives you all insane about Mali? I'll bet it is.

      In other words, it's the complete hypocrisy that's my issue. You're bitter over lack of access to power, acting poorly, and looking for a way to justify it. Just wait until the situation reverses itself.

    14. The hypocrisy is Mali claiming she’s something she’s not. We’re just onto the the fraud that Mali and people like her are perpetrating.

    15. According to Kranz she's a "wonderful person!" Meaning she'll do his dirty work?

    16. The peeople of Encinitas are ok people, not better or worse than anywhere else. A small group of people think that their small group is something special though, and they are wrong.

  24. Catherine and Tony gave her a platform. Without them she’d just be another grifter using race and her non profit to bilk the system.

    1. 8:56. Mali has NO power. She is no more than a mouth. Move to the top.

    2. Yup, all these people are hyperventilating now and have been for years over nothing, you dumb pos 3:40

    3. Mali has never amounted to much of anything in life, just like her bff Amanda. Neither has been successful in anything except collecting unemployment checks and food stamps. Mali’s even had restraining orders placed on her.

    4. Who other than the people that consider themselves the "good people of Encinitas" attack people personally like that? I honestly can't think of another politically active group in the city, by far.

  25. ^1003.14%

    DEI (Didn't Earn It) grifter with a shockingly low IQ and someone who's never accomplished anything in life except a highly dangerous BLM Hamasshole rally in the Encinitas City Hall parking lot during the Covid lockdown because race grifters don't spit covid b/c they are a very special kind of life loser.

    Good flucking grief🙄

  26. Lots of snakes inside the tent.

    Tragically city hall tent is 95% occupied by snakes.

  27. Don't forget that like so many other bitter whiners on EV .... Rachel Graves is NOT AN ENCINITAS RESIDENT.

    1. "Bitter..." Garvin Walsh's favorite word against women who don't worship.

    2. 🤧 Boo hoo, grow a pair already.

    3. I work for a living, I grew a pair a long time ago. The mooch who can't afford a cup of coffee and wigs when he's not the object of worship is the one who needs to man up. From the "cheap" seat is right.

    4. 10:31 Rachel has deep Encinitas roots. She is smart and she will continue to outsmart all of you transplants.

    5. 3:37 even though the woman isn't an Encinitas resident (meaning she shouldn't be a voter). OK.

    6. Crazy Rachel is a Trumper which means she's an imbecile.

    7. She's a military spouse. She owns a home here and her husband works in Hawaii. Military are often criticized for their selfless service, especially by people like Mali. I think her parents are still here, as well. But I doubt they gave her their home to skirt taxes like Blakespear, Tony, and Hinze.

    8. The liars keep trying to spin spin spin. Her property in Encinitas is one of several investment properties she owns and it's rented out at top dollar. When she isn't flying between coasts or Hawaii she's a resident of Carlsbad.


  28. DEI caused my colostomy bag to leak.

  29. Ehlers for mayor. Kick the Kranz!

  30. Let's say the residents vote in favor of the sales tax in November. The money SHOULD NOT be used for a fire station in Olivenhain or any improvements in New Encinitas. Bruce Ehlers tried to block the people from being able to vote on the matter. Any share of the revenue for his district should be forfeit.

    1. Olivenhain is smoking crack over their imaginary fire station.

    2. You mean Bruce tried to protect the electorate from being swindled by the council’s certain spin to raise taxes while failing to reveal that there’d be no limit as to how they would be spent. Had the other four been willing to restrict the funds to only what they claimed they would be spending them on, he would not have had a problem with supporting it. Fiscal responsibility, what a concept. No blank checks for “staff” to spend, what a concept.

      Where is the assurance that a fire station in Olivenhain would be the recipient of the tax increase? Oh that’s right, there isn’t. But do spin away!

    3. This council has a lot of chutzpah to not only propose raising our sales tax, but to sell it as a good thing for infrastructure needs, when those needs aren’t guaranteed to be met.

      Money pits like Streetscape and Tony’s Pacific View project have sucked our city dry. Who’s to say those extra millions in sales tax revenue won’t go to support the overages for Streetscape or the continued upkeep for Pacific View, which will never pay for itself?

      In the interim, Tony promises a quiet zone, a fire department in Olivenhain and to fix Leucadia’s flooding once and for all.

      I guess the empty promises are being proposed to help balance his support to raise taxes during an election year.

      I hope Bruce makes his fat ass get out and campaign this time. Last time he got to hide behind the moron, times before other politicians dragged his fat tuchus across the finish line.

      If he wants to remain mayor, he should work for it.

  31. Just imagine or try to, tony gone, hinze gone, allison voted out and replaced by a likeminded citizen from District One to join Bruce as mayor, someone from Olivenhain that will back Bruce wholeheartedly to join the new council majority.

    OMG, could this years long dream actually come true?

    I for one, dream of just such a day after the next election. It might even happen.

    1. Omg …. Please go back to FB. That was the most boring 4 hrs on on EU ever.

    2. 5:42 guess you prefer the WD refugee drivel to actual discussion. Please go back to Florida.

  32. It took you 4 hours? That explains a lot.

    I am so sorry you have such a dramatic learning disability to deal with.

    Take your time on your own time and all will be revealed if you can open up your gray matter a little more.

    1. Jesus. You ramble as much as the L word. You sound like a retard

  33. 3:37 your propaganda is transparent and laughable. The 1% sales tax comes with no requirement to be spent as the council majority markets it. Therein lies the fatal flaw.

  34. MAGA are so classy.

  35. May 24, 2024 in fact the most boring day ever on EU 🤮

    Thank god today a new day, and guess what tonight is?

    1. It Saturday Freakshow Romp Night!!!!

      Admiral Starving is the party host tonight,

      And I heard she’s going to invite some fellow North County Republican Central committee members….Who will be attending?

      Word is special guest is an ex-Lehman Brothers fellow employee.


  36. Hey, how did this guy die?

    Stories are buzzing.

    Was he caught up in the fentanyl wave that Tony Kranz invited to Encinitas’s?

    Autopsy results, please. Same as the 4 Cs’ father. How did that poor guy die? Besides smacking his head on a curb that Tony put in place….

    1. James was a pompous ass.

    2. So James died from having a pompous ass?

      Did something go wrong at a freak show or something?

      Details please inquiring minds want to know?

      Also, what’s the status of the autopsy results of the guy that smacked his head on the curb stop from Kranz, and what’s the status of the settlement payments to Dr. Worley‘s family? How much did City of Encinitas contribute?

      Is City still trying to bury that information until after the elections Because they know it’s gonna be bloody scar on Kranz?

      What’s the status of the lawsuit from the the 4 Cs?

    3. 8:08, the answer to all of your questions, as ever, is:

      It’s a conspiracy and you are a victim.

  37. 1% sales tax will go straight to funding runaway pension costs

    1. And more complete disaster pet projects that will cost the city huge operations and maintenance cost in perpetuity.

      Can you say senior centers and art complexes in every community ?

      and also don’t forget city sponsored parking lots for the worlds home list and fentanyl junkies.

      With of those we need to hire mega staff members to fund fund fund and give them pensions forever.

      Also, we need 100% paid section 8 housing. We need to go up to eight stories to maximize the most efficient section 8 housing these neighborhoods. It’s better if we don’t do drug testing all the fentanyl junkies and let them manage their own chaos.

      I think the city raise should raise it to 2%. If we’re going to go, let’s go big.

      2% City sales tax, which equates to a 26% increase, And then Tony also supports the Sandag have sent sales tax increase which is another 13%.

      That would bring the sales tax up 36% !!!!! Think of all the magnificent section 8 housing sky rises we can build!!!

      Tony Kranz, you can actually make a dent and accelerate the ration of Encinitas to become another shitty LA city!!

      Way to go Tony! ENJOY your freak show tonight!

      - Kranz supporter 👍🏻👊🏻

    2. * Tony Kranz, you can actually make a dent and accelerate the rate of Encinitas to become another shitty LA city!!

  38. 0hhhh winter is here….. tons of homes up on Neptune for sale, which is always litmus test and then we have the commercial real estate collapse… this is going to be a deep deep winter Financial freeze.

    Sure hope your financial houses in order !!?

    completely unlike The City of Encinitas. The City of Encinitas is a model of exactly what a city should not do.

    If you want to look responsible, City management look at the Cities of Del Mar, Coronado or the City of Carlsbad.

    The City of Encinitas’s financial house is a complete disaster and shit show. Kranz and Anthill made it 20 times worse.

    - next 10 years will be really exciting. Will they label it, the super great recession, or just flat out a big ass depression?

  39. Mali has several restraining orders on her from residents including her neighbor, Kevin Hart.

    1. 👆🏾 Admiral Starvin deflection.

      that type of information is for one of the rambling Facebook pages.

      This blog is reserved for Encinitas‘s real time news.

    2. Court proof please. She may be thoroughly disliked by many residents, but let’s not spread rumors unless proven true.

    3. Agreed. Let’s see the proof.

      Let’s just all agree on the funniest thing ever ever done in the state of California was the City of Encinitas electing The Town Dunce to he said he counter position and then to Mayor.

      This is a classic case study and the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

      How could citizens literally put the stupidest person in as their mayor and expect any kind of normal positive results?

      Encinitas citizens must be the most clueless dumbest people on earth.

      go tranny Kranz!! 🤣🤣👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4. * Let’s just all agree on the funniest thing ever ever done in the state of California was the City of Encinitas electing The Town Dunce to a City Council position and then to Mayor….

    5. Stop posting twice, you dumb illiterate twat.

    6. Oh Sorry I offended you. Apparrently you do not know the meaning of *....

      I rather piss you off, than Grammar Grandma. I asked Grandma and she said your shit out of luck, so this one is for you:

      Let’s just all agree on the funniest thing ever ever done in the state of California was the City of Encinitas electing The Town Dunce to a City Council position and then to Mayor.

      This is a classic case study and the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

      How could citizens literally put the stupidest person in as their mayor and expect any kind of normal positive results?

      Encinitas citizens must be the most clueless dumbest people on earth.

      go tranny Kranz!! 🤣🤣👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

      AnonymousMay 25, 2024 at 9:14 AM
      * Let’s just all agree on the funniest thing ever ever done in the state of California was the City of Encinitas electing The Town Dunce to a City Council position and then to Mayor….

  40. Stay away from Encinitas insects.

  41. Olivenhain doesn’t have proper fire protection or redundant, sufficient evacuation routes with wide, paved roads to the north, east, and south.

    And it won’t have these things until a dozen or more people die in a single incident.

    1. It’s a death trap with only one way in and out. And they will fight any effort to fix it. “Character” and “Charm” will get people killed.

    2. They can easily start a special fire district or talk to RSF about coverage.

    3. Encinitas would be better off if the Santee of our city all burned down.

    4. The Santee? Do you mean poinsettia park?

    5. I believe its a commentary on the political leanings of the eastern tinderbox of our city.

    6. Describes the political leanings of some former? residents of PP. as far as Olivenhain goes, not all rural areas equate to Santee “values.“.

    7. Unfortunately, this "rural" (lol) area does seem to swing the Santee way.

    8. Never knew them to be that way. Just the pp folks and their erm associates.

  42. Ms. Agra doesn't seem to get things unless she sees them more than twice, so this one's for you:

    Let’s just all agree on the funniest thing ever ever done in the state of California was the City of Encinitas electing The Town Dunce to a City Council position and then to Mayor.

    This is a classic case study and the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.

    How could citizens literally put the stupidest person in as their mayor and expect any kind of normal positive results?

    Encinitas citizens must be the most clueless dumbest people on earth.

    Go tranny Kranz!! 🤣🤣👏🤣🤣🤣🤣

  43. We all should feel sorry for mr. repetition. Imagine going through life repeating yourself endlessly all day and every freaking day. I do wish he could get some professional mental help for himself and for us here. Being a waste of space must be tough.

    So is his lack of attention in reading his posts before gracing us with his brilliance. Not even close. I suspect he believes he is actually contributing to the discussion. More like delusion.

  44. 6:27 Repetitive or not, sadly Mr Repetitive is 100% right. No one except the people profiting off Kranz’s poor decisions, like what he’s doing to Encinitas. The voters who aren’t well informed, simply voted for him b/c he had a ‘D’ behind his name. ‘D’ for Dummy.

  45. It's bad enough in the state of NY for the Trump Group to flip the state.

    While its bad here it's not bad enough here yet for the shitlibs. More crime + stupid far left radical communist DEI colostomy bags needed

  46. 6:48 You’re right! I’ve lived here long enough to remember when Encinitas voted non-partisan. It was always who will be best for Encinitas! People need to get back to that. People who simply voted for Blakespear and Tony because they had ‘D’s behind their names, don’t seem to understand that Marxists, Socialists, and other radicals have taken over the Dem Party. The Dem party is not the party we grew up with is

    1. 7:00, this group of Dems ate their own .

    2. Its the fault of a republican, a trumper actually, that Encinitas politics went partisan. Dont try to spin it any other way.

    3. 7:00 💯👌🏽

  47. There's no party affiliation next to their names on the ballot you idiots.

    1. Prior to that, I didn't consider my mayor's national voting choices, at all.

  48. 7:59pm Get real.

    NPP is a way to distance the repugnicans from the disaster that the right wing party has sown for themselves through a lack of anything resembling a spine.

    Yes, a few dems have done the same thing for different reasons. Thankfully, very, very different reasons.

    They are not comparable.

    Someone should look up the definition of communism. This person will not be deterred, of course. He is beyond educating and bought and sold down the river by his choice of who to believe. He chose a traitor and his lackeys to follow.

    Whoops, there is always the NPP to fall back on. Bsssss.

    1. Exactly 7:59. For people with political sentiments that align with the right, NPP basically means that they're a Republican and will vote Republican when it comes down to it. They just don't want that pesky Trump association around here, even though it's a description that fits them perfectly, including all the crazy shit that Trumpers believe and do. Trump= Republican party, even though there are some even more psycho than him.

      If you're telling us all that the Dem party has too much power in CA, all the Dem politicians suck, CA is a hellhole because of them, we're being taken over by homeless people, illegals and criminals etc. you are a Republican, and therefore a Trumper. You aren't gonna vote any other way, and you don't want us to vote any other way. See EV for reference.

  49. 7:59 You’re the idiot! Of course Blakespear didn’t go around advertising that she belonged to the Democratic Socialist Progressive party! She tried to pull herself off as a normal Democrat. But are there even any normal Democrats left? Seems like they’ve all been converted to the Marxist woke B.S. that people like Blakespear, Kranz, and their buddy Mali are pushing.

  50. Wow did anyone see the huge audience in the Bronx that showed up for Trump? People were enthusiastic and excited! You don’t see anyone getting enthusiastic over brain dead Biden or his sidekick (the laughing hyenna fake black). The shit has gotten so bad in Democratic NY, that the Dems there are flipping to Trumps side. They are seeing the b.s. and how their Democratic leaders have failed them. NY has become a cess pool! People are fleeing NY. People are fleeing CA too.(More than anytime in CA history. But, the poop evidently hasn’t gotten high enough in Encinitas yet for more people to wake up. Sadly the corruption has gotten so bad, that I’m not sure if Encinitas can be saved at this point. Sad!

    1. 👆🏾let’s flip that 26% proposed tax increase for others, Tony Kranz, to the curb. All while that scum does not pay legit property tax.

      Kranz is an Unbelievable scum bag! Kranz really is.

  51. Any info on these?

    So James died from having a pompous ass?

    Details please inquiring minds want to know?

    Also, what’s the status of the autopsy results of the guy that smacked his head on the curb stop from Kranz, and what’s the status of the settlement payments to Dr. Worley‘s family? How much did City of Encinitas contribute?

    Is City still trying to bury that information until after the elections Because they know it’s gonna be bloody scar on Kranz?

    What’s the status of the lawsuit from the the 4 Cs?

  52. 1:04 Have you, or anyone else reported that Tony is skipping out what he should be paying in property taxes? We all know what the iRS does about that! Seems to me Tony should have some consequences and repercussions! May be grounds for removal as Mayor too!

  53. Tony-paid-his-tax-bill-gate.

  54. Admiral Starving-

    You got it wrong. It’s
    #Kranz_doesn’t_pay _property_tax_bill_gate

    I heard your freak show was a complete flop from the neighbors.

    I guess you can take it in the rear, you’re a horrible financial analyst, your daughters hit you and, but you can’t host a party.

    I hope your Sunday gets better than your Saturday.

  55. 👆🏾 Starvin deflection but not surprising.

    Does the north county Central committee of Republicans Have minutes of their meetings? I would love to see that shit show with tranny Starvin making all kinds of stupid comments.

    Who else is on the committee that that we can ask?

  56. * I guess you can take it in the rear, you’re a horrible financial analyst, your daughters hate you as shown in court records and, but you can not host a party.

  57. Hey Starvin, can you give us your opinion the top three emails which you’ve read for Tony this week?

    And what advice you gave him to address the issues. Was it your brilliant idea to raise taxes over 20%?

    Holy crap. I would think the Republicans would kick you off that central committee for recommending your girlfriend raised taxes that much. What gives?

    1. Ask Dan Vaughn about the Goodson emails Tony forwarded Walsh under fake PRA requests. Between Tony n’ Walsh and Tony n’ Mali which is worse?

  58. 6:49 Not in the least bit surprised that Mali has alienated her neighbors and that there are several restraining orders on her. I guess it’s not enough for her to have wreaked havoc in Encinitas, and then in the San Dieguito school district. She has to harass her neighbors too!? What a vial person!
    Blakespear and company are bringing some real winners to Encinitas to help do their dirty work!
    Would love to hear more details on the R.O’s?

  59. Kevin Hart, the famous comedian?

  60. 1:44am. Could you be any more insensitive to those who knew James?
    Apparently and obviously, you have no class or respect for those who passed way too early in their lives.

    James had his eccentricity, without a doubt, but to speculate like you are doing is just your own rot coming to the fore.

  61. Golden calling for a unified ticket. The fools who sink campaigns must be giving the BIA a group discount. Thunder Concrete, BIA. Making sense yet? The useful idiots doing the BIA dirty work. Thunder knows where her bread is buttered but poor golden is just an even dumber version the swamis surfer we ran out of town. Cake walk for kranz, well, every walk is a cake walk for him.

    1. Anything/one that has Thunder’s stink on it is a nonstarter.

    2. You ever met Golden in person? Dude gives off serial rapist vibes.

  62. Golden is just another lost Republican soul. More of a basement dweller than a sexual predator.

    The real predators are Julie and her band of spoiler slaves.

    She needs to be shut down and permanently.

  63. Freedom of speech? Thunder has as much right to be who she always was as we all do. It has been obvious for many years where her loyalties lie and lie and lie. And lie some more.

    So does the moron adjacent golden who is far from golden other than his last name. Maybe more like pew ter could apply. The stink of the moron will never be washed away from any of the feebleminded moron followers who thought their candidate was ever a viable.
