Sunday, May 12, 2024

Murder in Encinitas
A man was stabbed to death in Encinitas, authorities said Sunday. A stabbing was reported at 10:11 p.m. Saturday in the 300 block of Sprucewood Drive in Encinitas, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.

Deputies found a man with a stab wound, Lt. Michael Krugh said. He was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead. His identity was not released.

"Deputies detained the suspect about half a mile away from the location of the crime," Krugh said. "Sheriff's homicide detectives are conducting an investigation and gathering more evidence."

The motivation and circumstances of the crime were still under investigation, he added. There were no outstanding suspects.
UPDATE: Fox 5:
Upon arrival, deputies report they found a man with a stab wound to his stomach area who later died at the hospital. He has been identified as 19-year-old Miguel Mozo-Hernandez from Encinitas.

The sheriff’s department reports after an autopsy was completed, his cause of death has been ruled a homicide.

Deputies found and arrested the suspect about a half-mile away from the scene Saturday night. According to the sheriff’s department, the victim’s 17-year-old brother is in custody at a juvenile hall facing homicide charges.


  1. According to the Sheriff's department the murder victim was headed to Beacons to read a DEI book recommended by Hinze. The victim arrived to find the beach was still closed thanks to Kranz. Due to the ongoing closure, the victim was forced to go to Seaside instead and hit a wheel stop on Blakespear's cycle trap. As he was crashing to the ground he fell onto a knife wielding fentanyl zombie invited by Kranz. They should all be tried and convicted for the murder of this poor man.

    1. 👆🏾💯Truth.

      Luckily Mali was first on the seen and gave Mouth to Mouth recession to the victim… but she was using her tongue so much the poor soul choked to death on Mali’s tongue because Mali kept yelling RACIST at passer byers.


      Great music 💀

    3. Kranz suggested that Roberta Walker give up some of her $11 million to help the family of the murdered, And also considering helping the family of the four Cs.

      Miss Walker said “hell no”. My head neck and back pain paid the price for all of this $11 million by that deadly bullshit Sharrow crap the city installed.

      “It’s time for the families to do what needs to be done in Encintas and that is sue. Unfortunately, it’s the only thing they understand”

      Good luck to all the families that will have deaths as a result of the city. I hope you have a successful day in court.

      - fucked up ex bicyclist

    4. 9:24 PM: Spot On. LOL! Best comment so far.

  2. Loving the new sketchy death factor in Encinitas from all the Kranz invited Zomvies. I heard my local residents say they were moving back to LA and south of Ensenada because they think it’s s safer move.

  3. 9:24- thanks for the update. I didn’t hear that they actually hit road furniture, I had earlier they were rundown in a sharrow….

    Super weird and bad that Kranz continues to promote installing Sharrows in non-Standard wrong locations that will be getting people killed and the City sued even more.

    So what’s the status of the lawsuit of the wrongful death of Dr Worley, and what were the toxicology reports from the blood work of Mr. Ryan Curry?

    Is Kranz trying to bury issue until after elections?

    That a long way out and a lot of damage to Encinitas in the mean time. Who thinks Kranz needs to resign today?

    I sure do.

    - Mother Earth

  4. This is what was on the news. Some of you that seem to know mow might want to call the number "A man was stabbed to death in Encinitas and a suspect was detained about half a mile away from the scene of the assault, authorities said Sunday.

    Deputies responding about 10:15 p.m. Saturday to a report of an assault in the 300 block of Sprucewood Drive located a man with a stab wound, said Lt. Michael Krugh of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.

    Paramedics rushed him to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, Krugh said.

    "Deputies detained the suspect about half a mile away from the location of the crime," he said. "Sheriff's homicide detectives are conducting an investigation and gathering more evidence."

    Krugh confirmed to NBC 7 on Sunday that the suspect had been arrested.

    Anyone with any information regarding the assault was urged to call the sheriff's Homicide Unit at 858-285-6330 or 858-565-5200. Anonymous calls can be made to Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477.

    1. Thanks for cutting and pasting a news article dumbass.

      Are there any more details about the suspect or what the motives were, or any information for the public?

  5. The commenters using a tragic death to create spoof scenarios to mock those they disagree with is totally on-brand for this blog. Good job respecting humanity.

    1. EU is onPoint all the time. 👌🏾

      It shows what a complete sad joke are woke and broke. City Council is.

      Kranz needs to resign today. He’s horrible for Encinitas and in fact we’ve seen he’s actually deadly for families.

      Resign today Kranz. Do something good in your life for once.

    2. Qanon garbage.

    3. Obviously you’re a commie scum.

      Commie scum, like Kranz, gets what they got coming to them.

      Karma, Biatch. 👊🏾🙏🏾

    4. Commie scum Karma message to 2:12. Have to help out the fools were we can.

    5. * Commie scum Karma message to 2:27pm… Have to help out the fools were we can

    6. So funny People throw out the word Qanon when ever immigrants make a documentary about how great The American constitution is and how American liberty is so awesome.

      The fucking comedies like Kranz and all the turd buckets have a complete underappreciation of liberty because they never earned anything. You should read the book Animal Farm.

      It would be advanced reading for Kranz but maybe somebody could read it to him and explain the deeper meaning of the farm animals.

  6. While ghis most certainly was a horrible "murder" to be sure. Possibly the worst type of "murder."

    It's probably an excellent time to give some tips on encountering somebody with a knife. I have a friend who is in self defense teacher and MMA fighter/trainer.

    If you ever ever ever Find yourself in a situation where someone has a knife and they're coming for you.... The best thing to do is get the hell out and run as fast as you can. The second best thing is if you have a shotgun or an Automatic weapon....

    Use that thing and don't stop shooting till the m*********** is dead as a doornail.

    It's the only way to survive.


    1. 👆🏾👌🏾

    2. What if it’s not a knife and it’s road furniture or a sharrow placed in a deadly position on a road?

      How do you defend yourself against that?

    3. Semi-auto, the trusty revolver plus shotgun.
      If any of you think there is enough law enforcement available to you, considering what's coming, think again. "all thanks to the america hating left".
      They hate Trump more than they love their own country.
      The left is........the enemy within.

    4. 👆💯



  7. The very, very, small minded morons and moron adjacent posters are so brave with their words on an anonymous site about what others should do if attacked.

    What a comfort they offer for the rest of us. Yes, that is the joke about these American idiots who cling to their guns, gods and grits, like they are saving our nation from the evil doers, when in fact, it is they themselves that are supporting the end of our democracy.

    1. ☝🏾 Ramble much? Lord, help your family. 😂

    2. 3:55.......have you been a fool all your life?

  8. Sorry, not sorry, that your gunsick domestic terrorist life is on the wrong side, make that the wrong rightwing side of the political divide.

    I am never not amazed at the difference our lives chose to take, or not take, over the decades in this once special community.

    We are living in different worlds and yet still in the same community.

    1. Rambling it… Hope the family has earplugs.

    2. 7:24..........the leftist caused this entire mess.
      10 million illegals......tic toc

  9. I sense several posters here will meet their demise by knife.

    As they say, karma is a beatch☠️

    1. Never heard of the saying, don’t bring a knife to a gunfight

  10. Did they release the perp bro like they release all the illegal bros?

    Asking for a group of 330m American flucking legal immigrants.

  11. 5:23 You are a blind idiot. American style capitalism is based on a constant flow of cheap labor immigrants. Your corporate masters have bought and paid for the border situation. If you go back 130 years you can read articles that say the same shit you say about Mexicans only then it was Irish. Then it was Italians. Conservatives get a win win by accepting cash from corp. donors (privately) while bashing these workers (publicly).

    1. Keep thinking that........THEY ARE ILLEGALS, IT'S ILLEGAL TO HIRE THEM !!!! biden did this, he should be hung as a traitor to America. You...are a typical America hating leftist that would rather ruin your own country rather than leave it. Move to north korea, russia or where the sand niggers are in gaza.
      But you wont', you don't have the guts.

    2. 5:58 is the Donnie Deutsche of Margo, Alvin, and Leticia Flakespears

  12. Oh Starving, Thank you for Saturday night, you savage. 😘. I needed that thunder-dome pounding…. My walk is getting somewhat back to normal today. Heee Hee.

    Now on to today’s business. Someone screwed up. Here is my daily dilemma for you to figure out.

    Do you remember when we first hooked up at the truck stop vista look-out over the San Elijo lagoon. I was in my Prius and you come on to me in your best Mr. Roper way, told me you were From a big City but loved the natural fauna and convinced me to take a stroll into the bushes… boy what a naughty little girl you turned out to be…. Anyway, remember after our first love connection I told you that the City was trying to decide where to first place some sand it was receiving in about 5 years. Hence, I told you I was able to negotiate two weeks worth of prime lunches from the deal from adjacent seawall owners….. well that is my first problem.

    Now that the sand is all placed in-front of the properties with seawalls, I think I could have negotiated a better deal and had the seawall property owners buy me dinners instead of lunches. I ‘m so pissed at Pigtails for the bad advice. Well things get worse.

    By placing all the sand infant of the seawalls, the areas that really need it were left exposed in the sand starved coastline and the sand hungry ocean east the bottom bluff area from in front of Beacon’s Beach. It gets worse.

    It turns out the dam contractor hired to move at snail pace finished the dam skinny stairs at the switchback last week and people know about. I asked BIA how she gets her little brown guys to slow down, she said she has the opposite problem with her servants, but and she told me if I want them to slow down, to yell at them Tranquilo, Relajate, or her favorite that she yells at all her brown servants - ALTO…. Well I tried everything to get that dam contractor to slow down including yelling all those things…. And notihng, Nada….

    It turns out the contractor hired brown men that are from Afghanistan and Sudan…. WTH?. No wonder they just stared at me when I was streaming all of BIA terms.

    Here is the worse part, since all sand was placed infant of the properties with seawalls and none at Beacons, the sand starved ocean devoured the sand berm at the bottom of Beacons in place since the ‘80s bluff failure and a huge crack has appeared in the lowest switch back. The good news is this will give me a reason to keep the fence up and the trail closed. The better news is the collapsing switchback will add some sand to the beach for a bit for you and I too play in on our romantic nights.

    I mentioned it to Staff and some dumb ass new “man” said, oh that should not be a problem, “we can just create access the beach at the southern end of Beacons like it was in the 1980 before the existing switchbacks were built by the community. It will not be a big deal, tons of people walk that way anyway, It just makes sense.”

    That young “Man” must not have has his 6 booster and must be terminated immediately.

    Anywho- Are you open for a free lunch today to further discuss? I’ll use one of remaining lunches provided by the seawall owners with their new sandy beach in front of their seawall.

    See you later Savage,

    - Phony Phat Phuckwad

    1. Oh Phony,

      Relax... breath.... I will meet you at our favorite lunch spot, which still includes bottomless coffee still right.

      Two things you said really excite me - 1) huge crack and 2) young man.


      -Admiral Savage

    2. Thanks Starvin!

      You did brighten my morning by saying bottomless.



  13. I've been told by a genuine source that (5) venues down town Encinitas got robbed and couldn't open due to all the damages. Union, 7 eleven ect...

    Does anyone have info on this?


  15. Speaking of L-word, I heard that she sued her neighbor years ago because she had been using his property to grow tomatoes, and when he stopped her, she claimed his land was now hers to use.

    What a kook.

  16. EV and EU clowns are so saddened to learn the murderer was a resident and not a homeless maniac or a bike lane. Murders are rare in Encinitas but when they happen they're almost always between family or neighbors.

    1. You’re right it is rare: what’s more much more frequent is roadkill from Tony’s mistakes:

      Kranz should do one good thing in his life and that’s resigned today.

      Is your post just to complain about EU commenters and why do you even reference EV on this site?

      No one on this site cares about EV. This site is for real time news.

    2. Don't worry they will instantly pivot to blaming illegals, DEI, school closures or vaccines.

  17. 12:22pm You heard? Complete bs. Your eyes turned brown many years go from all the crap inside you about a resident who would not take your stuff and simply roll over for the unjust treatment by the city and their operatives.

    It always appears to need to be said in your case for your simpleton state of mind. This is not Lynn. Never has been and you darn well now it. Grow up. Be a man for a change.

    1. How dare you! 🏳️‍⚧️

    2. I also heard that her husband threatened a judge, and that he used to show up to council meetings in hot summer weather in a baggy trenchcoat that could hide a weapon, and that’s why we have armed sheriffs at council meetings.

      Oh, and she tried to appeal a case to the Supreme Court without a lawyer.

      Total whack job.

    3. Hi Jerome. Never one to miss an opportunity to call in the cops to create a fake threat from residents who exposed that council’s shenanigans. A trick Blakespear picked up to try distracting from her hijinks.

  18. The murderer was the man's brother. Don't worry MAGA folks perhaps he had brown friends.

    1. Of course the murder was a man.
      - Starvin 🏳️‍⚧️

    2. 3:08, Marlon and or Mali Maybe. Please take your fake racist shit someplace else. The only racist in this room is Mali and Marlon. She hates white men and the people who live here. Not my fault, I was born pink. Grifters

  19. Anyway, a family is in pain. These were no race baiting. Can we respect the family please.

  20. Here’s what 7 News had to say: Authorities Tuesday publicly identified a 19-year-old man who was fatally stabbed last weekend in Encinitas, allegedly by his younger brother.

    Deputies responding to a report of an assault shortly after 10 p.m. Saturday found Miguel Mozo-Hernandez of Encinitas suffering from a stab wound to the abdomen in the 300 block of Sprucewood Drive, near the eastern end of Santa Fe Drive, according to the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.

    Paramedics took the victim to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, Lt. Michael Krugh said.

    Deputies found Mozo-Hernandez's 17-year-old brother a half-mile away near the LA Fitness in the 200 block of South El Camino Real and took him into custody on suspicion of murder.

    1. Thanks for sharing necessary info.

      Still no evidence the hispanic brothers actually lived in the home in Enc Estates or where legal American citizens yet.

      Why hasn't the media reported on the mass robberies on main Street on Friday night?

      It's not bad enough yet.

      Brace yourselves and get your house in order to defend against the illegal foreigners crashing the beaches every week.

      It's not bad enough yet.

    2. Why would you even question if they had legal status or not? Because of their last name only? If so, fuck off.

    3. Agreed. My house is in order.

      Get the word out to your friends, Kranz caused all the problems by promoting and selling out Encinitas to

      1). The BIA

      2) Homelessness Industry

      Encinitas is quickly becoming yet another shitty LA shit town filled with Fentanyl Zombies reaping havoc.

      Spread word - Kranz needs to resign today. The number 1 worst Mayor in the history of Encinitas.

    4. 8:37am
      I have one small piece of advice for you:


    5. Slow trickle of info - the kids lived on street or something close to that particular definition

  21. Thinking on another murder. A Police Chief in the ghetto mexico was just gunned down. STAY the hell out of that turd
    world ghetto..........mexico. The enemy of the U.S

    1. You can stay out, I love it.

      Beautiful land, surf, and people.

      The BIA hasn’t turned it into another LA shit town like Kranz and his gal Walsh did to Encinitas by giving the keys of city hall to the BIA.


  22. So Phony Phat Phuckwads plan to keep Beacons Closed is working.

    She directed the City Manager to pump the new sand in front of the homes with sea walls that had owners willing to agree to buy Kranz a lunch.

    She purposely left Beacons without sand and vulnerable to the sand-starved ocean. The sand-starved ocean did as predicted and removed the san berm at the bottom of Beacons Beach bluff which caused a large cracks or scarps in the lowest switchback indicating the bluff is actively collapsing to the west. (look through the fence this morning. It is very visible or walk up the trail from the beach, but watch for movement, that mini failure will happen in the next big rain event)

    The new access to the Beacons Beach will logically be now to the southern border instead of the existing midway point (again because the lowest switchback is about to turn into beach sand).

    The long awaited 20 foot section of stairs was completed last week and the path is now 100% walkable yet Kranz keep the trail closed. The quality of the stairs is on par with the quality of the crappy parking pods. The simple 20 foot section of stairs was clearly constructed by day laborers with no knowledge or skills at carpentry, let alone stairway construction.

    Kranz - Do something good for once in your life and resign from Encinitas City Council today. You are by far worse on Encinitas and Leucadia than both Dalablabber and $tock$ ever were.

    OPEN BEACONS TODAY, Phony Phat Phuckwad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kranz needs to resign today. Tell 20 of your closest friends and voters, Kranz is the reason for all the fences in Encinitas blocking our pedestrian pathways to our beaches and stores. Kranz is horrible for public health.

    Thank you,

    - Have a blessed day!

  23. Crime is going to continue to get worse w/how lenient our Govt currently is here. On the news last night they said that cops are getting tired of the whole catch and release b.s. They not only feel powerless, but are tired of all the disrespect, threats to themselves and family members, name calling, etc. In our current environment, it’s a thankless job, in which they aren’t allowed to make much impact, and are in more danger than ever before, due to the ‘free for all’ our Govt is allowing and encouraging. Police officers are dropping out right and left, and Police presence is at an all time low. Due to understaffing it’s becoming common to call 911, and not have anyone pick up. In CA they’re now having to offer Police $110k, plus a sign on bonus of $75k in order to lure them into the profession! In Seattle starting salary is now $103k! Guess who is paying these new high salaries? Us!

    1. I can’t wait to hear the squealing of the commie pigs when there house and family is being raped and pillaged while they express their woke feelings.


    2. Hey, I am card carding repukican on the North County Republican Central committee, and I resemble that last comment. 🏳️‍⚧️

      -Admiral “Savage” Starvin

  24. 11:27am Thank you for showing us all clearly and without a doubt what an upright standing citizen you are. We are so fortunate to have you in our community defending us all against the brown skinned hoards.

    Considering your mental state, know that the joke above is a joke, and quite a sad one. To think we live in the same community and choose to live such different lives is sad and perplexing.

    1. Why are you bringing up skin color you fucking racist.

      You sound like Malley or BIA.

    2. Or that fat fuckwad Kranz.

      Open Beacons today you fat fuck wad.

  25. Bringing up skin color when we have a few undeniable racists spouting their hate every day on this blog?

    So easy to deny your own postings.

    1. Oh you’re referring to the RACIST screamer Mali…. We all know she’s a racist pig.

      Shr says crap about interracial families. She’s disgusting and pathetic

  26. ✅ That’s why I’m a freedom, loving independent.

    2023- The Great Awakening.

    Take control and take accountability of your life. Enjoy your God-given American freedom you lucky person.

  27. WOW Doyle getting a special proclamation from Kranz then Doyle campaigning for D2 as he accepts his manufactured award? Kevin just added to his rep with so many as untrustworthy. Ew.

  28. Dimwit, Kevin is the best chance to beat Density. He’s a known factor and liked by most. You fucking nitwits are going to blow another election.

    1. I was born and raised in Encinitas. I did not know who Doyle was until a few weeks ago when he filed. I have definitely never seen him at a barber shop.

  29. I murder Starvy's balloon knot on the reg! Tee hee
    - Phatius McPhuckwadipants

    1. Oh my Emperor, you know my backend was made be the Devine for your ravishing appetite. I’m over the moon I can provide you such pleasure .

      - Your humble servant Starvin’

  30. Starvin,

    I couldn't sleep a wink. While I tried dreaming of your glorious balloon knot, but my mind was racing to all the thoughts about our plot on keeping Beacons closed and accelerating the collapse of the bluff.

    As you see and texted me, I am getting emails!!

    Please lets meet at our favorite coffee spot and I as Mayor will ask someone to buy you a coffee.

    My mind kept racing to the facts that:

    We put sand in front of all those sea-wall properties north of Stone Steps and south of Beacons including the "Great Wall of China"

    I've only received half of the lunches promised by the seawall property owners considering the new City sand in front of their seawall

    We left Beacons exposed to the sand starved coastline to accelerating erosion at the base and caused a huge crack in the lowest swithback. I swear, the crack is bigger than the one the good lord gave me.

    The damn contractor finished the stairs weeks ago and people have been walking up and down the trail for sometime now so everyone knows its functional.

    The fence is up and I don't have a good response as to why it should be up and why it took 5 months to do nothing but build a home depot TJ style 20 foot section of narrow stairway that could have easily been built in one day.

    Can we leave a hose running on the slope to induce another slide so we can keep it closed?

    Now that its been closed for 5 months with no real work, can we keep it closed forever or at least start the parking lot moving project so we can keep it closed longer?

    I also see the sand placed at Stone Steps and Moonlight is already depleted and leaving quickly. Can we use magnets or something to get it stay? Can we put glue on it? Should I close the beaches so people don't walk on it?

    I know, I call call another emergency because someone caught a cold at City Hall and close all the beaches. I love to close beaches and fire employees if they haven't had all their 7 boosters and at minimum annual flu shots.

    Let meet in 15 min. Print all the relevant emails you know I don't read stuff on they COVID causing computer screen. Hurry I need your direction.


  31. Replies
    1. 👆🏾Balloon knot licker, Starvin

  32. Glad I don't know what the you are rambling on about, you moron freak.

    1. 👆🏾 Oh, you know. You live it.

  33. You live a different life and in a different world if this is the kind of stuff you come up with. Morons are gonna be moronic. They know no other way to be after following the chief moron over the cliff.

    1. And East Coast scumbags that get fired from Lehman Brothers will be scumbags. They are Looking to make a profit and sleep with whoever they need to make a buck. They’ll even sell out their family and have their own daughters Hate them. They even go to court due to their low integrity and bullshit and failure as a father. They’ll even chop off their nuts and become a girlfriend of a Town Dunce.

      Go Starvin! You are an awesome Republican and I’m so happy you’re on the central committee. 🏳️‍⚧️💪🏻

    2. Now he's got Gaspar supporting Kranz, too!

  34. With her record, Gaspar may doing all of us a favor by coming out for Tony. Thanks for that and little else.

    1. Should give the kneejerk fans pause. Should.

    2. wanna bet they all support the running guy - fucking up another election, this time for D2.

  35. I’m glad the “running guy” is running for office. We need more straight shooters like James O’Harra. I can see why the bad apples like potty mouth 6:31 would be threatened by him.

    1. He’s a spoiler. Another Julie Thunder Republican creation. Never gonna win. She knows it and is just helping out her buddy Kranz again. Destiny for the win, right Julie?

    2. He has nothing to do with Thunder. Right there is a reason to vote for him.

    3. Neither did the moron. Riiiiiiight! 😉

    4. 8:10 & 9:57 You support candidates who fund Blakespear and Kranz? 🤔

  36. I love it! Looks like all the right people are shaking in their boots. The CB fans and the left over hurt feelings crew (who are actually on the same side but can’t grow up).
    Let’s go Team 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

  37. 🌆 - Density Destiny - Endorsed by CB
    🌆 - Density Doyle - DONATED to CB & Kranz
    🏃‍♂️ - No tires to CB/Kranz

    1. Except he can’t and won’t win. Same set up as the last mayor’s race. Who are you fooling?

    2. He isn’t running for Mayor 😎

    3. Who put up Doyle to run, Kranz? He's the only one who hasn't supported Preston.

  38. *Ties - you get the point

  39. Might as well call this Blog “Encinitans obsessed with Garvin.”
    Did he break one of y’all’s hearts?
    Did he steal your girl?
    The way you all talk on here maybe he shut down your 🏳️‍🌈advances🤭?
    Surely there can’t be heterosexual men on this page obsessing over him, right?
    God forbid, married men or women for that matter obsessing over him. Do your spouses know?
    Stop being so butt hurt (no pun intended) over the conspiracy theories you created in 2022 to make yourselves feel better.

    1. Oooh what conspiracies? Spell them out.

    2. 3:34 Go to the new thread - 6:20 am

    3. 10:44- The court documents explaining how your daughters hate you and sued you pretty much explains the type of person you are Starvin- 100% loser.

    4. 10:33 I am not Garvin. The fact that you, took time out of your day to search for court records related to domestic issues of another grown ass man is suspect. Who does that? Only stalkers and fans! Congratulations, you’ve earned the 🏆, you’ve Garvin Walsh’s #1 Fan!!!!
      Let me know if you want me to create a graphic to add to your socials, I’ll do it for free.

    5. Will you include boxes, underlines and circles?

  40. Struck a chord! The truth hurts.

    Julie and Garvin, your ‘strategies’, though harmful, are transparent. Julie never got beyond high school revenge tactics.

    It doesn’t make you relevant. It makes you malevolent.

    1. Struck a cord 🎶

      Nope - not either of them, just someone who is calling you out on your own failures. Ya’ll love to point fingers but I’ll ask one more time for those who like to dodge accountability, where were YOU the last election cycle?

      You are more guilty than anyone you point fingers at! Bunch of hurt feelings 🦗 around here. Booohooo!

      YOU are the ones responsible for Tony getting elected.

      Let’s see how helpful you are this election cycle 🙄

    2. What’s your “strategy” I would love to know?

    3. I know it’s super tough to navigate your sexual fascination with what you hope is happening between Garvin and Tony. That has to be extremely frustrating. 😉
      I gotchu!

    4. 👆🏾 🤣🤣🤣that is such classic New Jersey, fired Lehman Brother, family excommunicated, BIA sponsored loser babble.

      I could see Admiral starvin dancing around to that song. 🤣🤣🤣


    5. 🤢🤮I want my time back from watching that dumb video song you posted. The constant fascination of imagining people’s sex lives is beyond nauseating and not appropriate for this blog. And you guys have gotten a little repetitive posting creepy Rachel Levine’s he/she/it photo🙄

  41. This is what we get, and what we have received from the morons polluting every discussion on EU. When a few suffer an abject failure of mounting a disastrous campaign, the reality has escaped all of them. You obliging morons have no legitimacy remaining, except in your own demented state of mind believing that any of you pied piper moron followers remain relevant. Your only avenue appears to be continuing your moronic postings. Every time you do post your bs. it only serves the unintended purpose of diminishing any relevance you could have in the future of our community.

    1. Except moron in chief's wife's BF (🐽💩) is still interfering in local politics, to the detriment of all. Keep watching the fraud behind the curtain.

    2. 10:25 Say it with your chest, you support BIA

    3. How thoughtful of you, did the HR department warn the Hurt Feelings department? Wow, that’s a first. Please file your grievances accordingly as I will do the same.

      To those who are not giving their significant others, or their children attention, or not making money this weekend, if you have spare time:
      Check out and watch your documentary,
      It’s called Baby Reindeer: The Encinitas version is about to be out there and you are all exposed! 😂

  42. Proof other than your words? Is she still local? Why would she stay here? Her real estate business, such as it was, surely has become a non-earner thanks to her former, or current? association with her moron husband/partner.

    1. There’s this thing called the internet where you can live anywhere in the world and still be a jerk.

    2. I believe the poster was referring to Thunderhole.

    3. You seem to be mixing the guy Who used to serve swami’s wife, when it was blown out and someone relevant.


    1. 10 million thanks to biden and the America hating left.
      Lock and Load

  44. Please do lock and load. We will all be so much safer here knowing you are armed and ready to spring into action.

    In your demented dreams only, you pos domestic terrorist gun sick rambo tiny dick wannabe.
