Wednesday, May 8, 2024

5/8/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Is Phony The Phat Phuckwad still on the city council or did she resign?

    Resigning would be the one good thing she could possibly do for Encinitas.

  2. What long winded BS….

    Beacons Beach access trail repair has begun intermittently. Contractors are working to repair the existing trail, fill voids under the walkway and repair the trail at the bottom of slope. The contractor is working multiple jobs that were scheduled before the work at Beacons and, as a result, may not be at the job site every day. Nevertheless, the trail is scheduled to reopen prior to the Memorial Day weekend holiday. Barring significant weather events, the work is currently estimated to be completed on May 24, 2024.

    Real time Encinitas’s newsflash-

    The City of Encinitas and specifically the Mayor of Encinitas tells Leucadia to go fuck themselves and they can kiss their fucking beach access Goodbye.

    Kranz and Kranz alone controls if and when a contractor shall work on the path and when it’s to open

    “Leucadia can kiss my big hairy ass!!!! I know I could’ve been open three months ago, but I like it closed because my gal and I can have some private time there. “

    -Phony The Phat Phuckwad

  3. Hey Phat Phuckwad, Open Beacons NOW!!!!!

    Citizens should tear down Tony Kranz’s fence today. That jackass is a fucking loser.

  4. Isn't it nice the know the world revolves around your wishes. You da man.

    We all want the trail open. The mayor promised before Memorial Day. It could happen. Maybe. Three weeks to go.

    Yes, we all wish it was more of a priority for the slo mo contractor and yes, the locals could have had it opened months ago, but there is a thing called liability.

    As for tonights council meeting, oh boy, that is going to be an interesting dynamic at play up on the dais.

    1. 🍿🍿 🍿

    2. 5:39- you are a fucking idiot and probably welcomed COVID and closed beaches.
      You sound like a freaking commie just like Kranz.

      Those of us that appreciate our freedoms knows the liberty stole from people is unacceptable.

    3. It’s time to cut down Tony’s fences and Tony out of Encinitas.

  5. In the meantime we can watch Lorri trying to evade answering a simple moderation question. Showing for the millionth time why she's a joke of a moderator. The real reason will undoubtedly be her attempting to manipulate something.

    1. We need to raise funds for Moderator School. Seems she’s lacking the training and experience it takes to be a moderator for a Facebook page.

      Your hard on for Lorri is showing friend. Get a life.

    2. Yo 6:18 easy fix. start your own page. mic drop.

    3. @6:18 Lorri and her sycophants getting their panties in a bunch every time she's caught is always entertaining. 😁

    4. I had a nice moment reading EV because I learned Kevin Sabellico is running against Allman. Good, lots of people want that dumb motherfucker gone.

    5. You mean Sabellico off the Carlsbad council we assume ;)

  6. 6:18pm Am I on the wrong blog? I thought this was EU not EV. Oh thats right, it is EU.

    There must be a purpose for you to bring EV stuff here during an ongoing city council meeting thread. Relevancy?

  7. What happened to "man made global warming?"
    What happened to the "Encinitas is running out of drinking water?"
    "Ban assault weapons"
    "new ghetto apartments" built all over Encinitas are good.
    All lies created by the leftists. Everything the left does....
    they ruin. Think the opposite of a leftist, only then will you be on the right track. 10 million illegals.......get ready.

    1. Pretty good.

      But you left out DEI, antifa, communist, Blakespear, critical race theory, Dominion, Hugo Chavez, and pizzagate from the POS buzzword bingo card.

      Try harder.

    2. BLM, George Soros, ect

    3. Left and right are the same. You are the slaves to Blackrock, KKR, EQT amd Vanguard…. The 💰 controls- The communists like Putin are way more right than the current socialist woke bullshit.

      Thank for yourself and act locally.

      Cut down Crances ridiculous freaking fences.

      They’re closing City Hall and city schools and businesses again because there’s another COVID cold going around. They’ve got another booster for all of you. Woke people to go get. Go get some more shots in your arm wokies….

      Those that are worth Levin will be tearing down all of Tony Kranz’s ridiculous fences along beacons coastline and separating the residence from getting fresh fruit from just peachy. Remember to cut the posts at the bottom and then you can also cut the wire if you like. It’s the post cutting that’s critical.

    4. * Those that are worth living will be tearing down all of Tony Kranz’s ridiculous fences along beacons coastline and separating the residents from getting fresh fruit from just peachy. Remember to cut the posts at the bottom for long term effectiveness, and then you can also cut the wire if you like. It’s the post cutting that’s critical.

    5. This house is ready for the illegals. Mossberg's and 00Buck. With a side of CZ PCR 9mm. And you are right, the illegals are going to be a huge problem in this country.
      It is happening as I write. Mexico also is an enemy of the u.s If you don't think's time to wise up.

    6. Ohhh' I left out that biden should be hung in public. That filthy lowlife is a traitor to the u.s and now Israel.
      Alzheimer's traitor...........hang em'

  8. Holy Crap - What a shit show - highlights -

    Natalie Sattoon speaks the truth about the City Council ignoring hazardous conditions on the streets. Another kid hit by car.

    Texas old fart talking about pouring concrete on the beach for a skate bowl. Someone should share with Tex the City dumped a shitload of DEBT on a skatepark already and suggest he put down the bong and googlemap it. Its a few blocks from moonlight. He can either walk or skate to it.

    Young speaker points out on L7 that the woke City Council is working to destroy Encinitas.

    Rachel Grave points out the City Council is a dangerous joke.

    My favorite was the City Attorney doesn't know how to report an item on closed session to the public via the Brown Act. The Town Dunce is left mubbling his way through the title to cover up for the incompetency.

    Public Speakers are the worthy part of the meeting after 25 minutes of rambling boring proclamations.

    Hey Phat Phuckwad- Do something good for Encinitas today. Open Beacons and RESIGN. Where can I sign the Phuckwad resigns today petition?

    -Encinitas is a Fricken SAD JOKE!

    1. Nasty Spitoon.

      Spell it right.

    2. Natalie Hot tune!! 🥰😀

    3. Natalie Smart tune!! 🥰🥰❤️😀

  9. !!!! Encinitas Real Time News Alert !!!!

    Survey pole results in. The survey found that Tony, Phuckwad, Kranz is the least favorite Mayor since the City of Encinitas incorporated in 1986.

    Results show that 98% of residents show that Encinitas residents and voters are very unhappy with the decisions made by Kranz as Mayor. Our reports were only able to find two people who admited they support Kranz. Marco Gonzalez, known BIA mouthpiece, and Mali Woods, know RACIST Screamer at my community meetings.

    Phony brushed off the results, " Aaaah so what, what do voters know anyway? The do not have the real intel like the BIA. We all know, the BIA have real data and that where I get my leads and vacations."

    Mr. Kranz is in good company with some other political brain dead puppets.

    1. That's "poll," not "pole." Not that I support Kranz, but do try not to look dumb on the little things....

    2. Tell it to Siri.

    3. This is for you, grandma! ❤️

      * Survey results in. The survey found that Tony, Phuckwad, Kranz is the least favorite Mayor since the City of Encinitas incorporated in 1986.

  10. I want to thank our community heros for speaking at the meeting. Natalie and Rachael rocked. Thank you

    1. 👆🏾💯❤️

    2. Celebrating the performances by people that are so clearly struggling with mental illness is gross. It's sad to watch people obviously not taking their meds, on the wrong dosage or being hindered by enablers keeping them from the help they need. Applauding them instead of helping them only prolongs their suffering.

  11. Parents,
    Why would a corrupt, morally comprised awful childless person run for School Board in Encinitas?

    Let that answer brew and stew in your spirit for a minute or lifetime....


    1. Then ask yourself why a man who chose to have no involvement with public school when his kid(s) were young enough would.

      Sabellico is a little young to have kids in elementary school, at least around here; that's not exactly "childless".

    2. Why? Because all Trumpers must be removed from positions of authority.

    3. Again, where is the center? You've got Trumper Allman and Blakespearite liar on each end. None of the above is the correct answer.

    4. Someone else that is more family and student oriented will hopefully run, 2:34. It's hard to claim that Allman was ever either of those though, and he's been there for years now.

  12. The man is a morally corrupt piece of excrement.

  13. Grifter gonna grift

  14. Just learned that Dean Turney, Susan Turney's husband, passed away. Sad news. I hope people reach out to express their condolences.

    1. That is so sad. I lost both parents to Cancer. Susan, I am sorry about your loss. May Dean, RIP.

  15. Condolences Susan. A lasting memory I have is you and your most excellent dance partner for life was such a treat to watch at some holiday gatherings years ago.

    Every woman in the place wanted to dance with your man. You two could cut a rug like few others and could have danced
    professionally. It was a privilege to be able to see you two dancing up a storm. Peace Susan.

  16. This is old news! For some reason Susan was telling people to “keep it a secret.” Weird!

    1. You’re weird.

    2. You're a liar. Susan didn't ask me to keep Dean's passing "secret". She didn't have to because I treat people with respect.

    3. 6:34: You are evil ...

  17. I was told a week ago but wanted to wait for others to go public.

    Susan can do as she pleases. She deserves some latitude at this tough time. Peace and love.

  18. What did Dean die of?

  19. Pancreatic cancer can often be a well-hidden cancer with few symptoms until pretty late in the game and it can be very painful in the interim. Some of that pain is shared with this community and all he gave of his time defending us all.

  20. Execute joe biden. A traitor to us and Israel.
    mexico........another enemy

  21. 5:56am Execute the traitors to our fragile democracy, figuratively, not literally like you appear to support? You do know what that makes you? Another pos domestic terrorist.

    Over 35,000 and counting innocent victims of the weapons we provided is shameful and a stain that will never go away.

    Yes, there were and are imbedded Hamas in Gaza, but look at the total destruction leaving millions of Palestinians with nothing to go back to. This strategy was so much more than finding Hamas. This was about destroying any chance for Gaza's ability to exist as an independent state in the future. There is nothing left for the Palestinians to return to.

    Call it what is. Genocide. 1200 lives lost vs. over 35,000 lives lost. While initially Hamas is to blame for their horrible attack on innocent victims, the numbers have come to speak for themselves.

    How many more will have to die at the hands of the fostered Crystal not, intentionally abbreviated, actions that were so well learned the hard way from the Nazi's in WW2.

    Beware that you become what you hate the most. The current Israeli government, not even the majority of their own citizens, have no bounds on the inhumanity they continue to heartlessly exhibit by denying any chance for Palestinians to have a home to come back to.

    Does anyone believe all those collapsed buildings in North Gaza and now south Gaza were hiding Hamas operatives?

    1. Ohhhh' look........another Nazi lover. Jew hating Nazi socialist lover. are a loser.
      The sand niggers started this........a Professional Army will end it.

    2. 1:22....let us review. Germany killed millions and deserved what they got......The Japs started it and got what they deserved. The sand niggers started this and they control gaza.............see how simple it is?
      Maybe even you can understand when you attack someone's house, you get that 12 gauge you so richly deserve. Wise up.............

    3. response was to 1:22 not 5:56.

  22. Comprehension appears to be lacking. I expressed no sympathy whatever for Hamas.

    I did express sympathy for the 99% plus of the Palestinians of which a minuscule number have had anything to do with Hamas.

    Precision was once an Israeli ideal and they once shined in that field of expertise. Once. It is obvious that is no longer the case.

  23. Hamas runs Gaza. In order to kill Hamas as they hide under the streets and buildings of Gaza, won't surrender, won't release the, Israel needs to do what is necessary.
    Isarael has put up with ragheads for decades and Hamas wants every Jew wiped off the map.
    The ragheads took on a professional Army....
    That is how stupid they are. Anyone in that region takes on the dumb, and they are finding out how dumb they are. War is hell............

  24. 4:21 I can grantee you have NEVER been in the military.
    You know nothing concerning conflict....NOTHING.
    Do yourself a favor.........shut down. Making a fool of ones self does nothing.

    1. Just in.....the idiots in the UN just announced the numbers of dead women and children in Gaza has been a lie. A lie of tens of thousands..............

  25. There appears to be some PTSD sufferers here who need professional mental help. Of course, one would need to have some self awareness to realize they need help.
