Friday, July 12, 2024




  1. *** Encnitas Real Time News***

    The voters can not wait! This is the first real election in years in Encinitas.

    The current appointment process is bad for Encinitas. The City needs a citizen's initiative to:

    1) Establish that City Council appointees, like the last handful, can not run for office in the next election to remove the incumbent advantage.

    2) Establish that 30 to 40%% of the City revenues be spend on maintaining city infrastructure and not employing unneeded staff.

    The City needs to focus on the basics and get out of the unneeded services.
    Needed Services
    1. Police
    2. Fire/EMT service
    3. Maintaining existing infrastructure
    4. Improving existing infrastructure as we can afford.

    Not Needed-
    1. Building more facilities including additional Senior Centers and Homeless Parking Lots like PV.

    2. Bikini watchers (the City calls them lifeguards and sheriffs, but we know alll they do is sit on their tuffs, watch bikinis and cruise the beaches all day in their beach toys).

    3. Parks and Recreation Dept. (private non profits due to much better- YMCA, Boys and Girls club and many others)

    Lets get back to responsible City Government

  2. Anyone supporting the ridiculous proposal for a 13% sales tax increase has their head up their ass and will not receive my vote.

    This should be the first yes/ no question on the night for each candidate.

    1. Agree! And it is a YES or NO question, no long winded bs about how the money will be spent and how great life will be. Because we already know it’s going to be a bait and switch, so NO.

    2. Let’s take educated guesses:

      District 1
      Allison Blackwell YES
      Luke Shaffer NO

      District 2
      Destiny Preston YES
      Jim O’Hara NO

      Kranz YES
      Ehlers NO


  3. Google is on a comment delete frenzy. They seem to delete every comment honest thread at this point.

  4. Test – Kranz sucks tranny balls.

    1. Tranny balls = Starvin’s raisins.

      Basically, a ball bag that looks like a raisin that used to be filled at one time with a couple of cojones. A disgusting piece of flesh that hasn’t been used in decades.

  5. - Kranz needs to resign TODAY

    I love real life super HEROS. Thank you Greg LaFave for trying to save Encinitas!

    May more people be like Greg and tell the City Council especially Ms. McPhuckwadipants that we do not approve.

  6. 9:13 and 9:16 is what you get when the poster is frustrated, not sure who or what to be mad at, yet think they’re contributing intelligently to the discussion. Smells like a WD refugee.

    1. 9:22- Wrong again jackass.

    2. Yeah I don't think so.

    3. 10:29- that’s because you’re thinking is broken and you’re always wrong.

  7. How does thunder not know she’s the kiss of death to any candidate? A: she does. Working hard for kranz by stumping for OHara. Amazing.

    1. Margo will take that to the bank labeling OH as a trumper. Someone needs to STFU and sit this one out.

    2. 9:34- spot on.

    3. 9:34 the big question is who did O’Hara support for mayor in 2022? And yes, Julie is actively tanking his campaign.

  8. Local real time hero-

    Mr. Greg Lafave-


  9. Anyone know who is moderating this debate?

    1. I don't know, but I suggest Starvin be Vanna and dress in her best 70's dress. ❤️

      That would be awesome. I miss Starvin speaking at City Council meetings. She is so Mr. Roperish in an Admiral sort of way..... 🤣


    2. Not sure, the League of Women Voters was asked but they wanted 100% control of the event in particular what content got released post debate. So basically if Kranz loses it as he so often does or Destiny makes some rainbows and unicorns non answer to a tough questin, the LWV would gatekeep that and the general public would never see it. The two sponsors said ummmmm....NO.

      So now they need moderators who will not be viewed as too biased by either side.

    3. I think the local restaurants will do a much better job of moderating this event then the League of Women Voters.


    4. * residents


    5. The League of Women Voters is a conspiracy. They drink the blood of infants in a tunnel under Hillary’s pizza place.

      I’m a victim.

    6. Whatever just reporting on what they told the sponsors. Complete control over release or non-release of the video after the debate. You have to wonder what they would later hide if they have to put a disclaimer like that on the deal.

    7. I'm hoping Captain Mumble-bunny Scott Campbell is the moderator. His manic gesturing will give some extra flavor to the boos from the crowd.

  10. I’ll be the moderator.


  11. In the past, the League of Women Voters has always put on a good and fair presentation. Whoever says differently, was not there or is compromised by their own lack of mental acuity or is just being a moron.

  12. I say the league of Women voters have not done a good job in moderating and have withheld information after the debate.

    All of you fellow Democrats need to support me and my decisions, I am you RD leader, and you all know I do the right thing. NATO also does not want the League of Women Voters to be the moderator and they are with me and listen to me.

    - Joe

  13. Debates are one thing, but I prefer masterdebation. It's where Starvin tries on skimpy outfits while I pull my root into a ceiling fan.
    - Phony

    1. 🤣🤣👆🏽😂😂😂🤣🤣

  14. 12:44 good show or not, complete control over the recording where they reserve the right to edit or not release at all does not serve the voters.

  15. The real issue is that post-Dobbs, one party has a real problem with women voters, and wishes they couldn’t vote. They assume women voters are biased because they lost a Constitutional right to control their own body.

    1. Non comparison. What does demanding complete control over the work product to the extent that they can edit or refuse to release something the public should see, have to do with control over once bodies?

    2. Stop being a whiny victim.

      The LoWV has moderated local debates forever and have never put their thumb on the scale.

    3. Such stupid chatter…. The woke folk are such imbeciles.

    4. 3:11 thanks for the laff.

    5. 3:11 you good with them controlling what voters get to see? Doesn’t matter if you trust them, if they say no replay will be released even the most knee jerk Dem has to wonder why.

  16. 3:15 “Stupid chatter” is right. The gals running this blog really really need to shut their Porn Gal down. She’s 100 trillion times more obnoxious than Plane Guy, and Train Guy. Porn Gal is NOT helping their cause.

    1. 👆🏽 Starvin stick with what you get at…

      Begging for free coffee, and pole dancing for your fat girlfriend Phony in your skimpy ‘70s dresses.

    2. *Starvin stick with what your good at…

    3. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  17. So I guess we call Garvin - Pole Gal

  18. Garvin has an opinion column in the Coast News Today. Guess what? He supports the latest Supreme Courts decisions. Big Surprise. Not.

    Another waste of space along with the couple of minutes it took to read it.

    As for the League of Women Voters, it is obvious some of the ignorant commenters here have never attended their meetings. They have always been open to all sides of the political spectrum and never partisan. Anyone who has attended them, would say the same. Those who were never there are easy to identify because they speak out of ignorance and not experience. Both sides should appreciate their effort at never being partisan.

    1. 5:36, it fills their need to be victims.

    2. LWV demands are in writing. Ask Campbell about it. Or you could just keep your head in the sand beating the same Kool-Aid drunk drum.

  19. Margo & Density bringing the goods

    Thesse units are poverty compared to N. Vulcan.

    These build anywhere midwits have zero idea ir intelligence about what they speak and believe.

    These clowns must be relegated to Blythe prisons

  20. "It's my party and I'll (do) Starv if I want to
    Starv if I want to, Starv if I want to
    You'd bang Starv too, if you had boner pills too"
    - Phony

    1. 🤣🤣👆🏾😀😀🤭🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣

  21. Phony & Starvy are in a whole different category all of their own, than the admins Porn Pal. The admins ‘Porn Gal’ is a ‘real woman,” not some ‘wanta be.’

    1. So you’re calling Admiral Starvin a fake., and not a real woman?

      We, the Freakshow, find that offensive!

  22. Porn Gal appears to have no sex life. So, the only way she can get off, is to continually make up fantasiies about Starvin and Phony’s sex lives. What a sad, pathetic, boring use of one’s time.

    1. Translation of 8:28 aka Starvin's post: My love for Phony is strong and I don't care what anyone thinks, I'm just in a bad mood because I got cut-off from free coffee at the Central Committee meetings for abusing my privileges and Anthill is out of boner pills.

    2. 👆🏾👌🏾

    3. 8:58 nails it. 💯


  23. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    The article in the UT is just more pure sales propaganda to tax the crap out of the county as people are struggling to pay their bills, and these 26% tax increases will absolutely ignite inflation to nothing we’ve seen before.

    Tony Kranz is in support of increasing your sales tax 26% with the 13% focused on city increased general taxes and another 13% for Sandag’s ridiculous tax to tell you to ride buses and trains and do not drive your car.

    SANDAG is a sad fucking joke. If this Sandag and city tax pass, your inflationary costs will skyrocket. Our inflationary cost will make Mexico inflation look like a stable environment.

    Tony Kranz is a fucking idiot and doesn’t know his head from his ass.

    All of these measures and vote for the only good candidate from air and that’s Bruce Ellers.

    No for more polluting density, so of course vote no on Density.

    And vote for a common sense American is Luke Shaffer. (Not an old hag, rejected hat lady that was appointed by a failed city council).

    “A new poll shows more San Diego voters support than oppose a countywide half-cent sales tax increase for transportation projects, but more city voters oppose than support a possible city-only full-cent sales tax hike that could be used for general purpose.” This is pure propaganda. They don’t provide any data.

    Get the word out. They’re trying to steal your money and ignite inflation. Vote many “No” this coming election.

    Vote yes, on Bruce, Luke, and Jim! ‼️🇺🇸

    1. *Vote No on All of these measures, and vote for the only good candidate from Mayor and that’s Bruce Ehlers.


  24. Looks like Steve Puterski of the North County pipeline will be moderating the debate.

    Only complain about him is his lack of die diligence reporting on individuals. Walsh is not a “longtime resident“ far from it and Puterski should know better than to take the subject’s word for it. Too many making claims of education and employment that never happened, work they never did….

    1. 👆🏾💯- 8:00 am spot on. Nails it.

      Steve will be better than the league of prejudice women voters however he needs to sharpen his game. Fact check and don’t take the word of an unreliable tranny that has a failed track record. Hence - Garvin. 👎

    2. Starvin is a longtime email recipient at best.

    3. 8:25 Nails It! Starvin's only accurate resume item.

    4. This blog went in the shitter real fast. It started with all the comments disappearing.

    5. Only yours. Why is that?

    6. Yeah right, 8:47. I haven't bothered to comment in a couple of weeks.

    7. 8:45 through 8:48- well, I guess we know how you feel Starvin. 😀😂🤣🤣

      The rest of us know that EU is:

      *** The Encinitas real time news***

      And that’s why all of the city Council members, all of the city staff, and all of the informed citizens review this blog daily, Including you.

      …Even though you’re a carpet bagger with a horrible history and you sell out the city every chance you get. 👎

      Have a good day, Starvey. Don’t worry things will pick up for you. Remember, It’s Saturday which means Freakshow tonight!

    8. You'd be drooling if it were Garvin commenting here. Now get back to insulting women.

    9. 9:08- so what you’re saying is that you don’t feel Starvin is a real woman.

      We,the freakshow, find that very offensive. I hope your prejudice type leave Encinitas soon.

      - One ❤️

  25. All jokes aside, let’s not forget the real Porno Gals..…the ones who were around way before Starvin. One or both of them, is no doubt responsible for the disgusting onslaught of porno jokes. After all, we know Starvin and Phony wouldn’t be making gross jokes about themselves.

    1. I like real and natural always better than fake and sell outs.

      I respect people that utilize their natural opportunities in life without harming others.

      Starvin es no Bueno‼️ He’s a fake sellout every day. 👎

    2. We find the transparent stories about the love anmong our members Phony and Starvin uplifting and providing support for LBGQKTUA867-5309 ++

      - The woke Freakshow

    3. 11:29 don’t you have some real estate to try to sell in New Jersey?

  26. If something happens to Steve P, then I think Starvin should represent the League of Women Voters, And dress up in her snappiest 70s dress for the event. Even though she’s biased towards her girlfriend, I still think it would be worthwhile for the laughs.

    That would be a hoot. I really miss starvin attending city council meetings with her WSJ under her arm, telling people that she’s not the mayors girlfriend. 🤣🤣

    1. We could turn it into the comedy club and have in impersonations of Biden, Trump, Newsom and Kranz as well.

      I think it’s fitting considering everybody in the county knows the city of events and it is as a complete clown shit show.

      We might be able to charge some money, televise it and make some big money for some capital projects like a real sidewalk on La Costa Ave. before someone gets killed and they see the city and the city lose Tenants millions of dollars again.

      How is the lawsuit going with Dr. Worley and the four Cs?

      Have there been any more launched against the city for their crappy Road designs yet?

      I guarantee the one in front of the SDA high school is going to result and loss of tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars in the first five years. That design is horrible.

    2. * I think it’s fitting considering everybody in the county knows the City of Encinitas it is as a complete clown shit show

  27. There’s nothing “real or natural” about raunchy ‘Porn Gal’ and her sidekick ‘Porn Pal.’ Sure, they’re biologically both woman, but they do “harm others.”

    1. Jelly jelly jelly…. Starvin that will get you nowhere.

      On a different subject how is your bush growing doing? Are you able to compete with the new northern California Bush grower?

      You know, your girl phony has been looking at that during the Saturday night freak shows. I bet you’re super jelly of that jungle bush.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Hey Starvin, is it true you're going to tape 3 merkins to your crotch tonight to try to one up Density in tonight's freak show?

    4. 🤭😀😂🤣🤣🤣

  28. Porn Gal and Porn Pal are trying to deflect from themselves, and blame their raunchiness on Phony & Starvin. But we all know that Porn Gal and Porn Pal = CD & NS

    1. 11:02 thought you had to leave town weird you still busy yourselves here.

    2. Freaks show must’ve been a flop of starving. Got all this extra energy to squawk at 11pm….

      What happened did jungle book not show up?

      She’s probably up in Northern California and her house up there.

    3. Cleaned up for Grammer Grandma

      *Freakshow must’ve been a flop if Starvin's got all this extra energy to squawk at 11pm….

      What happened did Jungle Book not show up?

      She’s probably up in Northern California in her house up there.

    A private plane owned by Ho Simpson at 13137 Tawny Way in Poway California flew over Encinitas at 800 feet yesterday at 11:13 a.m. Tail number N54502.This is a criminal act putting thousands at risk on the ground flying under 1000ft. The incident is now in the hands of the FAA and Sheriffs Department. Our group thinks that this owner likes looking at little girls in back yards.

    1. Forgot to mention, the plane is out of Montgomery Field.
      That is Ho Simpson, putting your families in danger.
      Over 1000 private planes crash each year in the U.S

  30. Thx. That’s really exciting. 😂

  31. Can you tell us how many auto crashes there are every year?

    I made it also to see how many bike crashes are there per year and how many fatalities?

    1. Hey moron compare auto crashes to planes.
      How stupid are you? Gawd were you dropped on your head? or your parents were brother and sister?
      You aren't that bright. THINK !!!!

  32. Kudos to Scott for stepping up. Hope the La Paloma sells popcorn!

    1. 👆🏾💯👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

      Agreed. Thank you, scott. 🙏🏾

  33. 8:08 that’s “Grammar,” not “Grammer.” Good God, did you even go to school?

    1. 0:45 Doesn't matter.........I'm rich and full of Tequilla.
      And got nothin'

    2. Who is 0:45? Better put down the tequila.

    3. Told you I was full of don't make me smart.

    4. I am a product of the fine California educational system.


  34. This open thread is perfect compilation of the fact that Encinitas is indeed the land of fruits 🍅and nuts🥥


    1. Yup, there’s an occasional diamond in a field of rocks.

    2. I resemble those remarks

  35. Destiny just posted that she will not be in attendance for this debate. Why wouldn’t she attend?

    1. Where did she post that? Not that it wasn’t completely predictable. What a look.

    2. I'm just bummed the La Paloma would give those losers access to the space.

    3. Yeah you’ll just hate all the exposure for your boy Kranz. Sucks when there’s nothing to get between him and the public seeing what a malevolent buffoon he really is.

    4. Hopefully he opts for the real event as well.

    5. Did you also disapprove of his participation in the fake debate 2022 when he blubbered “I am a son of the American Legion!” Seem to recall him coming down hard on Cremona for not showing up to that farce.

      See your problem is you have a poor memory or maybe you think everyone else does.

    6. ....and then he won again 4:01

    7. I think it’s because she needs that time to fertilize her jungle bush.

      You know, hair growth like that just doesn’t occur on its own

    8. 4:15 yet you failed to answer the question.

  36. Maybe they'll just send a Dem AI bot with focus group talking points. Consider Margo's pretty much that already 🤷‍♀️

  37. It’s a legitimate debate. The backers have been upfront, unlike the Bissonette’s. The date is post deadline filing. One would think dear Destiny would have time to prepare and learn her lines.

    O’Hara isn’t so great a candidate, but he just might beat her. Too bad he can’t go solo and answer the questions so the public can hear from him directly.

    Scott, if you’re reading this, please let us know if it will get posted to YouTube.

  38. 4:15 won handily too! Thanks to Thunder/Walsh and Morris.

  39. Screw your debate, I'm not participating!
    - Harry Bush

    1. 👆🏾🤣🤣😂👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

      No even if we give you extra spotlight time at the next Freakshow?

      What if we promise we’ll get the BIA to kicks up their campaign contribution?

      It’s not going to look good, you not participating and we promise to work around your Nor CA schedule.

  40. 6:09 you are dumber than a door nail. Morris didn’t even give Walsh the time of day. Due to Morris being street savvy, he didn’t trust Walsh at all. It was clear to Morris that Walsh tries to play both sides. It’s not clear whether Julie with her trusting demeanor fell for Walsh’s act or not. One thing for sure though, is that sneaky Cindy and Walsh both had/have sneaky and disingenuous, personalities.

    1. Trying to play both sides like putting your suck up to Blakespear in writing?

    2. Well, I don’t know about all that… But what I can say is, Starvin is super hot between the sheets. Especially his Gopher hunting skills. 🥰

      - Phony

  41. Come off it Jeff. You were a willing pawn.

  42. This blog has become a total snooze fest! You dummies vacillate between bringing up people who are long gone, OR you talk about your imagined fantasy sex escapades with Phony & Garvin. At this point Plane guy and Train guy are more interesting than your regurgitated b.s.🥱

    1. Sorry Starvin, not gonna happen.

      You better work on your Facebook campaigns to earn your BIA keep.

      If you don’t like this blog, sharing your love for TONY, then stay off. Sounds like you’re quite the gopher hunter. 🤢🤮

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  43. Re: “street smart”

    The guy in question is definitely about as smart as my street.

    1. Well, that’s smarter than you then.

      I guess you should thankful that you’re still alive, Considering you’re such such a dumb fuck.

    2. 6:58,

      Perhaps I’m also dumb, but at least I’m not an alleged wife beater whose family was afraid to tell the truth about me under oath.

  44. The hits keep coming. The Dems are in free-fall including locally. Word on the street (unconfirmed anonymous sources like Dems always use) is Destiny dropping out of race.

    1. Oh, Catherine would never allow that.

    2. You're hanging out on dumbfuck street.

    3. I heard Trump saw blood and his bone spurs came back.

    4. Who is Destiny?

      Is that that Harry Jungle that lives in Northern California and is trying to get elected to Encinitas without even living here?

      I thought she went by Density?

    5. If density is out, is Kevin back in?

      It’s just like when somebody shoots a load in their first girlfriend (of course with a hairy jungle) and then they dump her for a second fiddle.

    6. She's out of the debate, not the race?

    7. Correct. She's exchanging an unfair debate for a fair one. So many people with poor reading skills here.

    8. When's the "fair" one and what made the other one "unfair?"

  45. Also, Kranz is close to backing out. Thinks Scott won't be fair to him, even though the questions will come from the audience.

  46. Now this is rich from Kranz:

    The official start of my campaign for re-election as your Mayor looks to be a relaxing afternoon at Blodgett Homestead, an Urban Farm in Leucadia. Fresh food will be served, some of which has been home-grown at the Homestead."

    What's with this "Homestead, an Urban Farm" title? It's his wife's family's house. He reportedly lives there in uneasy proximity to the brother in law as neither side can afford to buy out the other.

    Talk about lipstick on a pig.

  47. 4 out of the five (5) current City Council members are unserious and unworthy people in positions of authority which has led to the calamity the state of the city finds itself in. The tenure of the last mayor (Blakespear) and her "social engineering" (DEI) policies are revealing how this type of incompetence leads to disaster. The reality of it all coming home to roost is evident. People are seeing these people and their policies for what they are worth - pretty much steaming piles of dog crap.

    Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social follies of the day. Sadly, Encinitas currently reflects the opposite of merit and execution. Nature abhors a vacuum. The outcome of the local election in 4 months will inevitable reveal the collective IQ of the voters. Vote accordingly.

    1. DEI got my daughter pregnant.

    2. Or was it antifa?

      Or Critical Race Theory?

      Doesn’t matter. The point is I watch Fox News, I’m angry, and not very bright.

  48. Clean out the building dept. planners who have been selling us out for decades. Being a member of the American Association of City Planners should be required of every planner. They require yearly recertifications and focus on being answerable to the publics concerns. Imagine that. A year or two ago, there was one planner who was a member and she was the planning director. She left and moved on. How many are there now? Until every planner is required to be a member of this national organization, we will get the same. A family relative who is a city planner in the upper midwest was absolutely appalled at my description of how our planning dept. operates. It does not have to be the way it has been.

    A new council majority is needed for any change to occur. Bruce cannot do it on his own. He needs a team behind him on the dais.

  49. There is a waning perception that the Encinitas government is competent. But one would be wrong to think that. Most (not all) are basically fucking idiots. They can and will be supplanted by smarter people with more vigor. It will take more than one election but this will in fact materialize one way or another.

    1. The alternative party:

      “In a last-ditch effort to make herself the head of Arizona’s executive branch, election-denier Kari Lake this week asked the state’s highest court to reverse the 2022 election and declare that she, not Katie Hobbs, is the lawful governor of the Grand Canyon State.”

    2. 12:19 there won’t be anything left to sell out or build on by then.

  50. Cry more brotard






  52. Let's just hope this debate occurs. There are other debates also being planned.

    1. Pls keep us posted on any upcoming debates you hear about

  53. A debate run by a PAC financially committed to some of the candidates?

    Yeah nah.

    Nice try.

    Remember that stupid video conference series a few years ago run by watchdicks?

    Same same.

    Nobody buying that bs.

  54. Looks like our city manager has some explaining to do. Coast News has the story.

  55. The BIA is funding their city government stooges. Sew up the small town politics by buying the rubes - like Kranz.

    1. 💯… and Harry Jungle imported from Northern Ca and

      The woke Dwarf from who knows where….

  56. Didn’t Antil get a $100K payout a few years back for some impropriety she was involved in as Asst.City Manager with another city? Not only did Encinitas forget to check her references, but they gave her a promotion and a raise!

    1. Cause for firing:

      In contrast to Port Huron, two days after the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccine, Antil implemented an administrative policy requiring all City of Encinitas employees to get vaccinated within 45 days of FDA approval, or Oct. 7, 2021.

      The city later placed all unvaccinated workers on unpaid leave for 30 days on Oct. 7, 2021, as reported by The Coast News. Employees who remained unvaccinated after the 30-day period were terminated for noncompliance. The city also enacted a program called “Hero Pay,” making vaccinated employees eligible for payments of either $2,000 or $2,500.

      Anthill is a POS and needs to go.

    2. And now the city wants to raise our sales tax after schemes like squandering funds on Hero Pay. You couldn’t make this shit up.

    3. BIA and Kranz known for hiring worthless pieces of shit.

  57. 7:57 Even though it’s horrific what Anthill did by firing all the non compliers, we now know they were lucky they dodged a bullet/lethal injection.
    Almost everyone I know who got the jab have suffered dire life altering consequences. At the very minimum they’ve gotten Covid 2-3 times. Whereas people I k ew who didn’t get bullied and bribed into getting the jab, never gotten Cov-id.

    1. I feel great.

    2. I call bullshit. I’ve been “jabbed” four times, never had a reaction or had Covid. Try another ploy please.

    3. 9:42.....there are thousands all over the world that DON"T feel good. You got "4" shots?
      Nothing odd about that...............whacko'

    4. You're the dumbest motherfuvking ozempic ad in history. We hope you die of leukemia soon

    5. 614 was directed at pharma shill 942

      Thanks for listening

    6. 9:35. - I stand with 935.

      Anthill, Kranz, and BIA have blood on her hands from the destruction of public health due to the bullshit Covid reaction and stab policies.

      Some people call them children killers.

    7. Can’t wait for the COVID drops under the tongue.

  58. 9:42 glad you are okay, for now, anyway. I think a lot of it has to do with what kind the gave you. The different brands Moderna, Phizer, etc, were all different in what was in them. I think it’s been a big lesson to most of us to not blindly be sheeples to something that was rolled out so quickly. It didn’t go through the proper testing. And if it was so great, they wouldn’t have had to bribe us, threaten to fire us, etc. Friends of mine that work in hospitals have said that the hospital cases really spiked after getting the jab, especially for heart problems. They are all mad and rightfully so that they were forced to get the jab, or lose their job. That’s type of strong arming is what communist countries do. Most of us don’t want to see America go in that direction and lose the Freedoms that our country was built on.

    1. “Friends of mine said”

      isn’t data.

    2. Newsom Kranz and BIA did not fall out. They don’t have common sense and just followed the woke bullshit.

      Off with their heads - figuratively.

      Meaning run them out of Encinitas and never vote for losers like them again.

    3. * Newsom, Kranz, Pharma, CDC, and BIA did not follow data.

    4. Data:

  59. Destiny learning from the only best people (Mali, Catherine, Amanda) how to play the victim, or does she come by it honestly and already had this juvenile predisposition? On the topic of the debate:
    “Here is another case of the other side resorting to lies, disinformation, and harassment to support your candidates. I find that deeply concerning.”

    Destiny, I find you deeply concerning.

  60. Density sucks and is known as Harry Jungle.

    She doesn’t even live here.

    Ask her besides the BIA, ask her why does she claimed live in Encinitas?

  61. The white walkers keep coming!

    The financial winter blizzard It’s just making itself known with commercial foreclosures and big high paying companies layoffs massive FTEs and moving out of California.

    I hope for your family sakes, your financial houses in order.

    We have witnessed that the City Of Encinitas led by Pam Anthil is in shambles and Tony Kranz needs to be held accountable and resign today.

    The commercial Property value collapse will lead a collapse or major adjustment in the residential properties and make the last recession look like a cakewalk.

    The good news is homes and rents will be majorly affordable from a price standpoint Compared to today’s standards, However, many people will not have jobs, And they’re savings is going to get hammered, not only from reduction and Investments but also also sky high inflation.

    Can someone please confirm that Tony Kranz is resigning today?

    1. Stock market making all time highs, crime low, interest rates falling which will accelerate growth, strong investment in infrastructure, strong home prices.

      You: PANIC!!!!!!!

    2. 7:50- You- Stupid.

      Enjoy your self-convinced peak!

      Good day loser,

      - Family mom

    3. 8:07,

      Enjoy your misery.

    4. 7:50- interest rates are not significantly lowering and inflation is spiking.

      You proved you’re not informed and likely ignorant.

      Hopefully you even live in Encinitas and you can get out and enjoy the beautiful weather today.


    5. 8:26- I’m loving life. It’s fun to be able to acknowledge real data.

      Stay in your bullshit woke dreamworld.

      It’s collapsing fast ha ha. 👏🏾👏🏾❤️

    6. Well, I hate Trump. I am really enjoying seeing Biden Newsom and all the work retards have to acknowledge reality.

      It’s so good.

      Screw you all for doing such major harm to public health. You suck and if there is a God or karma, you will pay dearly.


    7. * woke retards

    8. iNfLAshUn iS sPIkEuN!!!!!!!!!!!

    9. 9:41- go back to kindergarten tard.

      You and your woke broke ass friends deserve what you’re getting…. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  62. Besides destroying public health, firing innocent people, creating hazardous conditions on our roads, destroying the financial future of Encinitas, and promoting more homelessness in Encinitas- Can someone please confirm that Tony Kranz is resigning today?

    1. Life’s pretty good at my house.

      So sorry you’re a victim.

    2. 8:27- glad to hear your life is going well.

      I’m not sure why you’re claiming I’m a victim. I take full accountability for my life unlike Tony Kranz.

      So any info on when that loser Tony Kranz is resigning today?

  63. If you think things are bad, just imagine how bad they are in shithole loser states run by republicans!

    1. I’m not sure what states you’re referring to.

      Seems like currently California is more this shit hole loser state you referred to.

      Look within… You will likely find more peace within and learn how to better your world. 🙏🏾🌎

    2. Is shit hole loser Tony Kranz resigning today?

  64. “In light of this guilty verdict, Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign,” Schumer said in a brief statement.

    That’s how easy it is when you aren’t a POS in a cult.

  65. So why are you diverting the question?

    When is shit hole loser Tony Kranz resigning today?

  66. I love it when the WD refugees infight!

    1. Your dreaming loser… Never went to Stan’s website.

    2. Really? Because you sure do a good imitation of one of those cult followers.

  67. Morons in denial? Is that even possible? Yes.

    1. That’s like a tranny in denial- Starvin & her girlfriend Phony.

    2. The main moron Morris is STILL in denial!

  68. If you got fired for not getting vaccinated, thank you.

    I took your job.
