Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Open thread

City council meetings cancelled all month.

Open thread.


  1. It happens every year. Nothing is planned for July due to vacations, family time, etc.

  2. The Scott Campbell PAC debate has been cancelled and rightly so. Steve Golden was an obnoxiously vocal defender for that debate in every FB group that allows him to be a member. But with Steve's constant comments about the 2020 Verdu PAC, he needs to ask himself what he would have said of the Verdus had hosted a debate. Double standard, much?

    1. 10:39- And rightly so? No!!! The real reason has to do with Destiny who whined and whined about how she couldn't make it. If this was the real reason, the only debates would be the ones sponsored by the League of Women Voters. The first one would then be Cardiff as it always has been. But that isn't the case. Get your facts right.

    2. Okay. Since you think bias is okay in a debate, I propose a mayor candidate debate with Cathrine “The Goat” as moderator. It will be pre-recorded without a live audience, and The Goat will publish an edited version a few days after the event.

    3. "Get your facts right." Read my comment again. I did not share facts, I shared an opinion. It seems you are stubbornly opposed to differing perspectives.

    4. 11:09- BIA sinks too bad. 💩

      No one would come.

  3. enough with the verdus. they haven't even been involved or used their pac since 2020. It's been four years and the watchdog harassment bullied them into silence

  4. The League of Women Voters publishes debates on YouTube in their entirety.

    They insist on owning the rights to video to prevent political hacks from selectively editing video to take things out of context and mislead voters.

  5. From Campbell's newsletter:

    I have heard and seen some back and forth on the socials. Here are some facts. Steve Puterski from North County Pipeline was going to be the moderator. Preston was in and then backed out, she didn't say why. Mayor Kranz never committed either way, but was strongly leaning to not attend.

    Here's a timeline of event planning:
    June 7 - Initial invitation sent out to all candidates, suggested date of August 12 or 13.
    June 7 - Ehlers in
    June 8 - Shaffer in
    June 9 - O'Hara in
    June 10 - Preston replies, asks about moderator, asks about different date.
    June 11 - Event moved to August 22 as requested by Preston.
    June 12 - First two moderators rejected by Blackwell/Preston Campaign Advisor as biased, League of Women Voters suggested.
    June 12 - Contact with LWV, there was pushback on certain details. Video and forum ownership rights.
    June 13 - Blackwell and Preston will participate with the previously stipulated conditions.
    June 17 - Blackwell is ok with NCPipeline as moderator.
    June 18 - The LWV is removed from participation due to the video rights issue.
    June 22 - St. Andrews / LWV reaches out to candidates for an event on August 10.
    June 26 - Preston declines to attend La Paloma event
    July 17 - Event cancelled

    I guess because the LWV was not a participant, this changed the previously stipulated conditions.

    1. The timeline shares the date the event was cancelled, but not the reason behind it

    2. Scott sent out a newsletter with the timeline and reasons laid out. Destiny was not ready for prime time so lied about Scott messing up the dates.

    3. She's in two debates, O'Hara and whatever his name is are in zero.

  6. So basically this Blakespear-manufactured candidate is already lying and gaslighting the public. Shades of Mali playing the victim?

    Destiny: "Here is another case of the other side resorting to lies, disinformation, and harassment to support your candidates. I find that deeply concerning."

    She's already been inculcated with the idea of "sides" and claims of harassment to stop the conversation cold. The "deeply concerning" is her amateurish attempt to gaslight. A few more sessions with the usual suspects and she'll be right up there with the other pros on her "side."

    Watch for her to continue to say nothing while playing the poor me card when asked for specifics.

  7. Correct.^^

    Let's just say it like it is and share the truth:

    LWVV Non partisan grassroots org = good grief!

    They are a highly partisan radical left wing progressive ideological organization.

    1. Wondering if they'll concoct softball questions for the Dems or actually take questions from the audience.

      That BS swings both ways. Peder Norby was caught pocketing inconvenient written questions when it suited Jerome and his bunch, so....

    2. 11:26, I award you 50 victim points.

    3. You talking about Peder "How about 5 stories" Norby? Dude tried to lie about it and was caught on video. Classic!

  8. Thank you EU for being :

    *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    The city Council, the city staff, and all of the informed citizens rely on this blog site.


  9. If you go to Destiny's list of endorsements you will find all of our city council, plus Blakespear, Terra, Tasha, and a few more. I had never heard of her until all of this went down.

    1. Woke BS . Imported from failed SF Northern California.

      Harry Jungle

    2. Explain the nickname please. Sounds interesting and maybe part of the reason Scotts shitty debate was cancelled.

    3. Yes, what does " hairy jungle" mean when referring to Destiny?

  10. Interesting twist in the Facebook blocking case brought against BIAspear.

    Steven Golden has now admitted he was working for Matt Wheeler, Alex Riley, Julie Thunder, Bruce Ehlers and their campaigns when he was trolling BIAspear's page. He says he's currently working for Bruce Ehlers, Luke Shaffer and Jim O'Hara by trolling Facebook and Nextdoor.

    How many other plaintiffs in the lawsuit were also secretly working for candidates when they harassed her, got blocked and sued? Where is the investigative reporting CN?

    1. Doubt anyone is paying golden. His idea of working is different from what most people consider work. He calls it work because the loser doesn't actual know what work is. His hobby is sabotaging candidates he supports with low IQ, low effort thinking hot takes that only fellow idiots would like. He has a two mind. One track is to look as dumb as possible and the other track is to constantly wonder why every newspaper and forum group blocks his dumbass.

  11. 11:26am. You are talking through your rear end to state the LWV is a left wing progressive idealogical organization. Maybe you are new here. If not, you are compromised and beyond help.

    The debates held by the LWV have always been nonpartisan. Have you ever personally attended any of them? It does not sound like it. No one on either side who has attended their debates has ever accused the LWV of being partisan until now.

    You are just another moron mucking things up. This is what the morons always do. They know no other way.

    1. Geezus man just look at their website. Holy fuckballs are you really that stupid? The website is full receipts and yet here you are.

      Maybe you're a Stupid troll but I doubt it.

      You best get help if you're not a troll.

  12. The people that made this debate NOT happen are Mali, Amanda, and Jeremy B.

    1. Scott made it not happen by being dumb and having a big mouth. The annoying wife too.

    2. When was he annoying? When he accommodated 5 schedules to settle on a date initially acceptable to all? When he found a reporter to moderate so that no interested parties were running the show? When he clearly laid out the particulars in a *gasp* public manner? Too much transparency for you, was that the problem? Buzz off, 1:47. We see you.

  13. What a cock up. Everything should have been in place and agreed upon before any announcement was made. It looks amateurish as hell. If Scott really was using his PAC money, what did he expect?

    This little fiasco has clearly highlighted Destiny’s partisanship and lack of independent decision making. It’s a shame D2 is gonna get stuck with another BIA/DEI shill.

  14. Destiny is so beatable and easy to expose but republicant's will absolutely fail. The path to beat her is so dam obvious but the low IQ repubs haven’t even caught a whiff. I’m not going to hand it to you cause if you can’t figure it out, you are not smart enough to rep the city.

    1. She's not going up against a republican. But team Blakespear/Gonzalez will absolutely spread the lie around town for the Dem win. A proven formula that they will once again take to the bank. Win at any cost, right? Trump: the gift that keeps on giving.

    2. Agreed, but density will not succeed.

      No one really likes a hairy bush.

    3. Beatable by O'Hara? Doubt it.

    4. O’Hara is definitely gonna win.

      Him and his wife are awesome locals.,

      Density doesn’t even live here. Total plant and everybody knows it.

    5. 1:03 actually, it’s Julie Thunder, the gift that keeps on giving. Her promoting him will certainly sink his prospects.

    6. Bruce is impressed with her, said so in writing and on record. What has he said about Jim? How will the perpetual losers spin that?

    7. Bruce is careful around her, don't take that as impressed. Agree his silence on O'Hara is odd. He's probably still hurt over his buddy Doyle's exit. If we know the party, the plan was for Doyle to get O'Hara to drop (he did), pretend to run against Preston, then at the last minute dropping due to fill-in-the-blank. Presto chango, the only choice is Preston!

    8. Destiny posted the email from Bruce that was 1.5 years ago and said she had skills that will be useful in encinitas. He also praised her in a council meeting, destiny posted it on EN.

  15. If she changes her name to "Density", she'll be a shoo in!!

  16. The League of Women Voters has moderated every debate in Encinitas for a long time. This is the first time I have heard they are not partisan. Not quite sure what the problem is, as the Bisonettes but on a debate in 2020 when Jeff Morris was running. It was held at the American Legion. What was different about this debate? Does anyone know. Why were Mali, Amanda and Jeremy so opposed to it?

    1. Lots of people are opposed to it, and the reasons are all laid out in two EN posts. All you need to do is read.

    2. 1:13- I am blocked from EN so I can't read it. So are a lot of other people.

    3. Waaaaah. Go back to your safe space where you block the people you dont like.

    4. I think Harry Bush should let her one eyebrow re-establish itself.

      Let’s go El Natural


    5. Making up stupid, somewhat racist nicknames for people is how elections are won. Has worked like a charm for the last decade or so.

    6. Yup just ask 🐽👧 and Starvin!

    7. Ahhh RACiST…. Only one could scream such a word over a comment about an unibrow.

      Hi Mali

    8. It did wonders for man boobs… plus having 🐽 and Starvin running interference.

    9. I have a better question Larri. How is it possible you still don't understand the most basic concepts of what PAC's are or how they operate. Yet you've complained about them for years.

  17. What’s all the fuss. The public will have a chance to see them all in action at the real debates.

    1. the "real" debates with softball questions because the league will be coming up with them?

    2. 1:55 thinks women voting is an attack on his rights, because he’s a victim.

    3. LOL dead wrong, 2:25 I am a woman, just have seen the league in action for too long. They used to do a great job but in recent years have thumbed the scale. But you can mansplain for me why I'm wrong as I can tell that's your thing.

    4. 2:29 is a victim of the league, and now of me.

      Is there anything you aren’t a victim of?

    5. No victim just facts. Mansplainer.

  18. 1:10 do you really not get the difference between Bissonette and Campbell? Bissonette decided that holding a "debate" two months before the deadline to declare candidacies was ok. Campbell respected the process and was holding his after all comers had had a chance to throw their hats in the ring. It's really simple....

    1. Not. 1:55. What a joke.

    2. I’m very disappointed in how this played out. And yes I get the difference. I just don’t remember this much brew ha ha over Bissonette’s debate. Scott did it right but if Blakespear, Mali and some others didn’t like it, it wasn’t going to happen. Everyone knows that. It’s all about poor Destiny at this point, at least on EN. So I’m waiting for a debate she can’t get out of.

    3. Harry Bush has a packed calendar up in Nor CA.

      Good luck!

    4. Not so much over Bisonnete because she purposely stayed hidden until it was leaked who had sponsored it.

    5. Wish Scott had just focused on the mayoral candidates for the first one. Kranz and Ehlers most likely would have attended. One candidate blew it for everyone.

    6. Density is the most off rail candidate ever.

      How do they expect to elect an Encinitas city council member that lives and works in Northern California?

    7. The difference is simple. For the Bissonnette debate it was her and the Watchdorks trying to lift up their boy Morris on the down low. Most of the Trumper harpies that live on EV and Insta were not involved and were not supporting Morris. This time around the harpies are DIRECTLY involved with Ehlers, Shaffer, O'Hara and Campbell. This event was never about having meaningful dialog, it was about insiders on those campaigns teeing off on the libtards.

      Scott was man enough to admit the truth even if the EV clowns ignore it. He admits he IS biased against Kranz, Blackwell and Preston. He had NO commitment from Kranz. He's running a PAC for god's sake. It was a joke from the start and rightly cancelled as it never should've happened in the first place.

      Now sit back and enjoy this latest opportunity to witness the complete lack of self awareness exhibited by Facebook fools.

    8. 3:48 nailed it. It's always the same people, with the same rhetoric and we get the same outcomes. We need new blood in the council and in the activist pool.

    9. Oh please, try to play it off how you can.

    10. @3:48 💯 Facts.

    11. Scott suffered from naïveté , if you know him, you would give him the benefit of the doubt. In his newsletter, canceling the event, he admits that he got it wrong. So why don’t you STFU Marco and go after someone your own size? What a buffoon and bully you are.

    12. It's true, but the opposing side can't afford any more mistakes or lunatics. That cancelled debate looks very amateur and the opposition is laughing their way to a win.

      It's very challenging to have no party support, no experience in politics and no connections like Destiny has. It gives incumbents, bad as they are, every advantage. Their shills, the Mali's, Marco's and Dupre's rile up the troops and scare them with, this candidate is a Trumper, scenarios and the sheep vote the same way they always do.

      I hope these two new D1 and D2 candidates realize what they're up against and how ugly it's going to get. Last time the Dem party, Kranz and Marco, had Jeff to do their dirty work. This time, they'll use scare tactics that worked during Julie's campaigns. Jim O'Hara better be so much more prepared than Destiny. Hope Luke relies on more than his looks and charm.

      Bruce has been around the block and will play a close to the vest game. Notice how he keeps his distance from the other two. He also knows Mali and Marco are afraid of him and will do all they can to catch him up short if they can.

    13. Afraid of the Libertarian? Nah... He'll be stepping in his own shit plenty before election day. Just watch...

    14. Marco, you are plenty scared. Your rubberstamp votes will no longer be guaranteed for your developer clients. You might take a drive around town and see how many Ehlers signs are popping up in Dem yards. Then it’ll be time to get into high gear calling them and saying he’s a Trumper. None of this red herring libertarian BS that by the way Bruce himself has never once uttered. Are you ever not fabricating something? Serious question.

    15. Libertarians are the vegans of the political world.

      There’s never a chance in hell that they won’t steer the conversation to it within 20 min of meeting them.

    16. 6:37- and how is that relevant?

    17. 6:56, both are often annoying, insecure people who substitute being part of a fringe group for having a personality.

      It’s often a red flag for being near the levers of power.

      Not always. But often.

    18. I'll take a libertarian any day. The City needs fiscal conservatism. Liberal/stupid spending has gotten us in a bind, and now they want YOU to pay for their poor spending habits.

  19. If by “EV clowns” you mean Gonzalez, he’s the only one mocking Scott and going after him and everyone else for their ignorance about how a PAC operates. Others are else having a civil discussion, trying to understand what it means to have a PAC. Not everyone has been around the “throw developer money at whatever Democrat candidate you can scare up” block multiple times like Marco has.

    1. I really despise molester supporting families.

    2. You own your guilt. Disgusting

    3. Bet your daughter and your wife are super stoked.

      Reminds me of that movie I married and axe murder, but migrant predators are not as endearing

  20. Douche canoe alert ⚠️


  21. Marco was all over Filner shit but he can’t speak high enough of his predator brother.

    What a loser

  22. This is a metaphor for Gonzales completely out of touch party of unparalleled fucking idiots...

  23. You know Encinitas is screwed up when it’s Mayor and other appointees are all in bed with the scummy BIA attorney in the history of scumbags.

    The Freakshow is scum.

  24. Libertarian, Marco? That’s what you’re going with? you give Mikey a run for the deception money.

  25. DESTINY correctly refers to herself as an ANGELENO.

    1. Jungle Bush is more appropriate.

      The Freakshow loves their nicknames.

  26. LA sucks.

    If Harry Bush loves LA so much, she should move from Northern California to the LA and leave Encinitas to it previous small town surf culture.

    Beach town, not big town!

  27. “It’s not fair! Why do they keep calling us Trumpers?!?!?!”


    1. I hate Trump and I'm a life long Democrat.

      Join me and other responsible normal tax paying Democrats and vote for the best team to represent logical Democratic values and that team is

      Bruce Ehlers, Luke Shaffer, and Jim O'Hara! 🇺🇸

      - Lets bring the Blue back to reality.

    2. I agree. I heard the other day at And Anita’s coffee shop,

      “ Hi Janet, hey, my son said he wants to quit Little League, do you think we should chop his nuts off?”

      I think the wacko freak show local Democrats have pushed the line way too far.

      Let’s bring the blue back to reality

  28. Serious Question:

    Is Starvin' Tony's First Partner or Second Partner?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

    Newsom still calls his current wife - First Partner Jennifer Newsom

  29. Join our team of lifelong Democrats for a good American values

    I hate Trump and I'm a life long Democrat.

    Join me and other responsible normal tax paying Democrats and vote for the best team to represent logical Democratic values and that team is

    Bruce Ehlers, Luke Shaffer, and Jim O'Hara! 🇺🇸

    - Lets bring the Blue back to reality.

    1. I am all in. I hate Trump and I hate this current leadership of the city.

      I am a lifelong Democrat and so looking forward to reasonable logical and it is space change:

      What we don’t need is loafers like Kranz and implants from Northern California with failed policies dreaming in their head.

  30. We need leaders who represent citizens instead of special interests or their own economic self-interests.

  31. Oh hey everybody. I’m a lifelong Democrat, and not just saying that because I realize Republicans can’t win and we need to trick—er—I mean create the impression that Dems are crossing party lines to vote for Watchdork Trumpers.

    Yup. That’s me. Total lifelong Dem (wink).

    1. 8:33- you sound like you’re sorry ass is part of the freak show. The outer extreme fringe.

      Me and a lot of my long-term Democratic friends are voting for Bruce, Luke and Jim. Let’s get common sense back in the blue.

    2. Apparently, Siri doesn’t.

      Thank you for the correction grammar grandma.

      And this is coming from a lifelong Democrat. If you’re one of the freaks that supports Tony Kranz get out of the way, We’ve got a new crew focused on local interests coming in.


      - Proud blue- Lifelong Democrat that supports the police as well.

      Let’s kick out of office and all of those other flunkies as well.

  32. Hey everyone. I’m a lifelong Democrat and I’m appalled at what the progressives have done to our city and state. I realize that citizens can’t win against the BIA or DEI, so I’m going to vote for normal people, like me, who care about their community. That definitely won’t be the current cast of comedic council characters.

    1. 👆🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯

    2. So funny that the perpetual losers think by claiming to be former dems they can get votes. The desperation is pathetic. We know you are a dumbfux republicant because you can’t tell us why your fake NPP candidate is so great. We know why you cant, because your candidates are actually dumbfux republicants faking it just like you are faking being a dem. Sad. Must be tough being stupid but being stupid explains why you think everyone else is as dumb as you.

    3. Perpetual losers would be Tony Kranz and his freaks show clan . Just look at that woman’s life. 🤮

      Encinitas is over the freaks show.

    4. It's pretty simple and we can do it without insulting anyone or calling names. Plenty of Dems are sick of being taxed to death, the homeless, crime, traffic and overbuilding. Why wouldn't they be? I'm sorry if your political party defines you, but people, real people want a good quality of life, safe streets, open spaces and fair taxation as well as real representation. The current incumbents don't provide any of it. Tony kranz, sadly is incompetent as are his appointed co-council. This, by the way, isn't insulting him, it's just stating an obvious truth. The current district candidates might not be the cream of the crop, whatever that is, but they are actually running, instead of being anointed or appointed, they have decent platforms, feel the same pain in their community that many others do and don't need a party to define their objectives.

    5. 👆💯‼️

    6. 906am

      Lots of folks like you. I know wonderfully intelligent liberals who would be defined by the Gonzalez-Blakespear regime as crazy far right kooks. These are socially liberal individuals whom are for all purposes financially conservative.
      This is the classical liberal. They are embarrassed and now angered at the unseriousness (he/him types) and incompetence of the "new" liberal.
      The Gonzalez-Blakespear-Hinze-Fletcher-Lawson-Remer-Newsom types. These types have failed in every way. Borrowed time.

    7. 11:23 👌🏾🤙🏾🙏🏾

  33. Repetitious much?

    1. Sometimes it takes a while for messages to sync into big fat heads like Former Tony supporters.

  34. So will there be any debates for Encinitas candidates before Nov vote day?

    1. Yes. First one will be at Ada Harris in Cardiff. Moderated by the League of Women Voters. Date to be determined.

  35. Same BS every cycle.

    “Oh, I’m NPP (as of yesterday).”

    They never learn.

    1. Not BS, and quite frankly there's no indication that this blog or any other social media source has that much input on future race's outcomes. What does have an impact is residents not paying attention, or voting for their party blindly and voting for incumbents because it's the easy way out.

      Lot's of disenfranchised Rs and Ds are NPP. They feel betrayed by their party on both sides. Of course we all know it shouldn't matter what party a local candidate is, but we all know it really does. This city could do with a lot less ideology and a little diversity of thought on council.

      Will it happen? Marco and Mali fear it will, as does Tony and the appointeds. The rest of us who hate what they've done hope it will, but fear it won't, because too many people don't vote, don't think or don't care.

    2. 12:29 how ironic that they fear diversity even as they use the word to clobber anyone who questions the council's priorities. Guess diversity of opinion is not worthy of respect. Hypocrites and frauds.

    3. 12:19👏🏾 Thanks for sharing some brain power and good common sense.

    4. Do O'Hara or Shaffer have diversity of opinion, or any opinion at all?

      So far, they look like two inexperienced dudes that got shoved into a race they have no place being in because they were and are unremarkable. They are vessels to be filled by the old bitter crowd.

      Someone prove me wrong.

  36. Worse is, like what BIA and Tony Kranz did—

    “ I am committed to looking out for the existing resident’s interest.” , Kranz before being elected

    Once elected, …. “ I will completely sell out Encinitas’s for the BIA profit, Including suing Encinitas‘s residents”

  37. What I find amusing is the stupidity of Democrats not understanding their party has been taken over by the communist left. Don't you people get it.............the Democratic party doesn't exist any longer. It's over. The left is the enemy of all Americans. I was a Democrat for decades, no more. I belong to no party. Wake up

    1. Ummm no and we are have woken up, you call us woke all the time. So dumb, this is why you lose every single time, you are stupid

    2. There you go yet again. Avoiding the statement. You sidetrack to something else. This is why the communist left has taken over your party...the Democrats.
      Facing reality is not possible with you people.
      Always deflecting. I am convinced it's like being gay, it is a mental birth defect. Reality doesn't exist in your worlds. Deflection does

  38. States ranked by patents granted per 100,000 people.

    1.) Massachusetts
    2.) California
    3.) Washington
    4.) Connecticut
    5.) Oregon
    . . .
    46.) Hawaii
    47.) Louisiana
    48.) West Virginia
    49.) Mississippi
    50.) Alaska

    The data are very clear. Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers. It’s not up for debate. What you hear on Fox News is a lie.

    Never vote for a Republican on any level. A vote for a Republican is a vote for you and your family to be losers living in a shithole.

    No thanks.


    2. 2:51- brainless comment no 275.

    3. 3:12,

      If I was in your shoes, I’d probably also want to avoid talking about the quantifiable results, and the abject failure of the policies and leadership you advocate for.

      But the scoreboard never lies.

    4. This is how they think? Patents? Gawd, could you be anymore screwed up?

  39. When's the next debate? Reason I'm asking is I live in the bay area and I'm super popular here with lots of lunatic progressive friends that specialize in destroying cities. I want to make sure I RSVP for the debate even though I may not actually participate.
    - Harry Bush

    1. Have O'Hara or Shaffer committed to a single debate thats actually happening yet?

    2. 5:11 - 👌🏾💯

  40. If you want to see Destiny just go to the FB page Encinitas Progressive Unity. There are 4 ads for her, and you will get to see our former City Council member, Lisa Shaffer, who now lives in Carlsbad. It's awesome.

    1. Thx…. I’m gonna pass like most people.


    2. Density is like a sasquatch in encinitas. Apparent sightings of her in the area but nobody has actually seen her.

      Density Sasquatch Crotch aka "Sasqrotch". It was written.

    3. Larri you can't help but constantly be a cancer can you? The world really will be a better place once you're gone. Maybe then this city can begin to heal from the years of damage you've caused.

    4. Nasty as usual Jerome. Closing down The Office also per usual?

    5. Stocks is a douche but he aint wrong.

    6. Bam… only on EU…

      Mic drop.

      Gnight everyone

    7. He’s befuddled on a good day 9:47. She has shed over the years too much light for his taste on his shenanigans. No idea why she allows him to play on EV. Dude belongs in Lake Tahoe with his sidekick Muir.

    8. 7:57. Do tell what exactly has she done that is so cancerous to Encinitas? Personally I think you’re scum and this comment borders on not only harassment but should be seen as a threat to her. But we know bullying is in your nature and alcohol stirs it up. Yes I saw you at The Office drinking so much you puked all over. And your comment about Larri just shows you just can’t get past the fact you’re a pervert and she knows it. I expect you will do a full retaliatory move on EU now. But the truth is the truth. And since we know who you are you must be screwing one of the candidates which is what this is about.

    9. 👆🏾 Besides being a bit humorous, please keep this nonsense to Facebook. One of my all-time favorite moments was when the news caught Mark Muir’s giant ass on TV plucking signs with his body stocks. Another not so funny moment was when they hired a clown to go heckle Maggie Houlihan.

      EU is for

      ***Encinitas’s real time news***

    10. 🤣🤣🤣 Lorri. How am I cancerous?


      Writes a page showing off how. 🤣🤣🤣

    11. A drug attic throwing shade at an alcoholic.

  41. I can out drink anyone on here!
    - Phony

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾👏🏾

      And that’s just holding it in your left leg. 🤣

  42. 8:01 all candidates have committed to all league of women voter debates, so what kind of pot are you trying to stir here feels like the dynamic duo doing what they do best

    1. 🐽 and Starvin working to keep their BIA commie stooge Kranz in office.

  43. This one goes out to 4:19am.

    States ranked by rate of personal bankruptcies (1 is lowest):

    1.) Alaska
    2.) Vermont
    3.) Maine
    4.) New Hampshire
    5.) Massachusetts

    . . .

    46.) Kentucky
    47.) Georgia
    48.) Tennessee
    49.) Mississippi
    50.) Alabama

    Make America Alabama Again.

    GOP policies and leadership suck.

    They create shitholes.


    2. hey genius.......why don't you do a stat on how the leftist newsom has put commiefornia in debt for billions.
      Come on, do it. And threatening lawsuits on every city and town in commiefornia that doesn't allow low rent ghetto apartments built in nice areas.
      Everything the left does, it destroys.
      Lock and Load

    3. 8:25, you first.

      Please explain why Republican policies and leadership create shitholes.

  44. Mali when you prevent destiny from answering basic questions you make her look inept and yourself look ridiculous.

    You research the opposition’s personal lives and make that information public in a bullying attempt to stop the questions. It makes you look, as Amanda would say, “creepy.“. And it’s still doesn’t answer the question directed at destiny, not you.

    1. Debate questions for Density:
      - What are some of your favorite restaurants in the bay area
      - Tell me about diversity in the bay area
      - Are there a lot other bushes in bay area neighborhoods that need trimming?

    2. 👆🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👌🏾

  45. 7:44 But that’s what Mali is good at. She loves to stir up the pot and her newest union BFF is someone named Destiny. Who names their kid that anyway. Destiny has no creds in Encinitas so she has to go on offensive. And attacking EV and Lori is how she is going it. She really doesn’t have a life besides pickleball and trying to stir up pots. Why Jerome wants to hang with her makes perfect sense. They’re young, attractive, and just as nasty as he is. Poor starvin may have lost his love.

    1. Let me get this straight, $tock$ hangs out with the RACCIST screamer Mali?

      Please provide details. Inquiring minds want to know.

    2. Even better yet, When Harry Bush comes down to visit Encinitas, Are you saying Stocks hangs out with her? Did they do something involved with a pickle?

      Is that a pickle in Jerome’s pocket or is he just happy to see Harry Bush?

      I could understand stocks, liking some strange bush time, But I can’t imagine a jungle girl would want to hang with such an old wrinkly fart.

      Please provide details. Inquiring minds wanna know.

    3. 12:36- you never know. Politics makes for some strange bedfellas… Just look at Phony and his ol' hottie Admiral Starvin.

    4. 1:12- strange is right. But those ain’t fellas you’re talking about.

      You better look up Admiral Starvin On that website. She’s had some work done. ✔️

    5. Back to the original request, please provide some details .

      What freakshow Chicas are hanging out with Stocks?

  46. The following collapse is the future of the race hustlers, race hoaxsters, he/him social justice climate hoaxster time and money wasters---->

    Too bad I can't post the actual graphic but it's the future of many who came to leadership positions in Encinitas and will leave in tatters

  47. Who does say that $tock$ is hanging out with Destiny? Is this part of his get Kranz reelected campaign?

  48. Maybe he's her tutor?

  49. Steven Golden defending Republicans and the KKK as not racist while claiming "DEI is the most racist agenda in history" wasn't on my Bingo card today. Remember this as he's trying to convince you to vote Ehlers, Shaffer and O'Hara and is working for their campaigns.

    1. He's a supporter, not working for their campaigns, so try a different twist next time. And where was he supporting the KKK?

      That's all you have to discredit the three candidates? You're either as stupid as Golden, part of the dynamic duo or just scared they could actually win!

    2. Completely agree. That’s so weak.,

    3. I belong to the KKK. Never heard of this guy.
      You people are lying.

    4. Weak spin attempt. Steven's publicly stated he's working for them. All the candidates and their campaigns could've disputed it and didn't. Now they own every moronic thing he says or does.

    5. 1:52 you missed the best part! He also said 'The KKK was never infiltrated into schools and business and Government'. It's not as easy as it sounds for someone to advertise themselves as a top tier imbecile with just one sentence.

    6. You people are morons. The KKK doesn't need to convince anyone. "They" do all the convincing themselves. Remember, 55 percent of all murders nation wide are done by them......the 13 percent.
      Waaaake uuuuup...........

    7. Golden v. Thunder - who will turn off more potential voters? Both pretend to not be republicants, it’s like a campaign strategy for them. Then, you look at who they are working for and you get the same thing, candidates to ashamed to show their true colors. It is the same thing, with the same cast of characters, expecting a different result. The "dems bad, we are not dems" campaign of right wingers pretending to not be right wingers when everyone knows they used to be right wingers. They have no plan or vision for encinitas, just revenge campaigns they keep losing.

    8. Also may I add. The KKK and the Nazi Party were of the democratic your history.

    9. Dixiecrats. Know your history.

    10. 7:02 thinks the Nazi Party was part of an American political party.

      That’s shithole loser education for you.

    11. The Irish Republican Army (IRA) is a POS terrorist organization of Republicans.

  50. So we know Harry Bush lives in the San Francisco area and loves supporting fentanyl homeless.

    Is the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce going to support her for what she stands for as far as business goes?

    Look at the amazing things that San Francisco has done for businesses

  51. This is how dumb the democrats are. At the construction site at Encinitas Blvd and Rancho Santa Fe Rd , the America hating left has forced a huge apartment complex on the public.
    I get complaints as I am a public adviser.
    I always ask the complainant who is behind apartments.
    They don't know. It's newsom I tell them.
    Their response? I voted for him and now look.
    Everything the left does.........they destroy

  52. Apparently Margo is claiming raaaayyysssis in Encinitas from a spray paint hoax at the train station. Rumor has it was done by a local teen. Guess which one?

    1. Part of the Gonzalez Fletcher predator clan?

    2. I wouldn’t put it past him to start an issue.

  53. Dearest Residents,

    I am banning all hair grooming devices in the city immediately. That means no more scissors, shaving devices, etc. I would also be closing all salons and barber businesses out of extra precaution. Note: These bans will also apply to the bay area for now. I'm sorry, but the freak show has been unbelievable with addition of Harry Bush and I don't want to derail any of this momentum.

    - Phony

    1. 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

    2. Would Phony be considered a Big Back?

  54. How has the D2 candidate's attendance been at the volunteer County board? Public records show 2/4 meetings with "excused" absences.

    The question is, does Ms. Preston have the time to be on the Encinitas council?

    Better start allocating 4 hours to Wednesday evenings...

    1. Phony said if I win I can work remote. I've got a great setup for virtual meetings at the UC Berkeley library. I will never miss a city council meeting promise! Only condition is I have to come down EVERY Saturday for the freak show.
      - Density

    2. At least Harry is starting with Honesty.

  55. Just in: Doyle has decided to endorse Kranz and, predictably, Preston.

    What a betrayal to Ehlers, fired from the planning commission by Kranz, to Doyle’s mock outrage.

    Doyle pressured OHara early on not to run against him. But OHara hung in there and Doyle finally dropped instead. Who wants to bet the original plan was for Doyle to convince OHara not to run, then Doyle would drop out after the filing deadline citing bogus family or work issues. This would leave Preston the default D2 candidate. Hey, no campaigning needed - perfect for Preston who hides behind platitudes and pushes Mali in front of her to attack and silence the most basic queries.

    1. The guy is literally a poor man's version of Van Daughn

    2. Never not scheming.

    3. That's big news. I wonder what Doyle knows about Ehlers that has him endorsing Kranz over his longtime friend and mentor. Is it because he sees the power grab of someone running for higher office less than halfway into his first term? Is it because Ehlers is far more right wing than he lets on? Is it because Ehlers surrounds himself with MAGA wackos? Did Ehlers share to his friend Doyle some unsavory plans for the city if he gains control? Maybe it's something much darker. Some secret Doyle and others know about Ehlers that hasn't yet been made public because people are sitting on it until the election heats up. Maybe it's all those things. 😉

    4. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that he's part of the problem and in bed with BIAspear and didn't want to split the vote with Density?

    5. Doyle is useless. And harmful to Encinitas.

  56. 8:41 we dodged a bullet there. Doyle would have been giving Blakespear and Kranz every vote they ever wanted. After all, the party told him so. Dishonest.

    Go O’Hara!

  57. Pathetic try at cooking up a conspiracy, 9:47. Word from those closest to him is that the party smacked him into submission. Even from the outside, that is the logical explanation. Same reason he dropped out in the first place. Did as told. He would’ve been a disaster on council.
