Sunday, July 7, 2024

City’s vaccine mandate goes to federal court

Coast News:
A former municipal employee’s lawsuit, claiming wrongful termination after the city refused to grant him a religious exemption from its COVID-19 vaccine mandate, has been moved to federal court.

Scott Vurbeff, a former city environmental project manager, seeks damages and lawyer fees for numerous allegations, including religious discrimination and retaliation.


  1. States ranked by the percentage of population living in poverty (2021):

    1.) New Hampshire
    2.) Utah
    3.) Minnesota
    4.) Colorado
    5.) Washington
    . . .
    46.) Kentucky
    47.) West Virginia
    48.) New Mexico
    49.) Mississippi
    50.) Louisiana

    Republican leadership and policies have proven over and over, on every relevant measure, to be an abject failure.

    GOP leadership and policies create shitholes full of losers.

    To vote for any Republican candidate on any level is objectively a vote for failure, misery, poverty, backwardness, racism, and death.

    Not hyperbole or exaggeration. It’s an undeniable fact.

    1. Oops

    2. I post objective poverty data from the USDA.

      You respond with a fat, sweaty fat-right opinion columnist with a made up skewed metric that nobody uses except him to score political points.

      I think you are actually making my point. The rejection of objective data in favor of lies is a big part of why red states are failing.

  2. “Sure. We’ll give you a religious exemption. Just turn to the page in your scripture where the Bronze Age sheep herders who wrote it talk about messenger RNA.

    By the way, are you wearing two different fabrics?”

  3. All the anti-mask and anti-vax imbeciles support Ehlers, O'hara and Shaffer.

    1. So what’s your point? I suspect the dynamic duo at work here doing their usual, connecting of dots were not exist, and undermining challengers to the Kranz cabal. All three candidates got their shots so suspect that the reason the folks you referred to as “imbeciles“ are voting for them for other reasons like fixing the potholes? Why don’t you support them for those reasons? Payday? Are you actually claiming that none of these three candidates got their vaccinations? We will wait.

    2. If you're voting for anyone other than the three individuals you called out, you're one of the following:
      a)mashed potato for a brain
      b)not paying attention to what's going on and just voting D
      c)mashed potato brain and not paying attention

      Which one are you 9:00?

    3. 9:00 what 9:34 said. Are you trying to claim that the three challenger candidates did not get their vaccinations?Because if you’re going to mess with that kind of whisper campaign you’re is going to look particularly stupid. Sure smells like the dynamic duo at work.

    4. I would love for the challenger candidates to come out as anti-vax and anti-mask. That would be hilarious.

    5. 10:43,

      Even better: ask them in public forums to take a position. Even if they aren’t whackadoodles themselves, they want the whackadoodle vote. If they stammer through a non-answer or dodge the question, then they don’t belong in any position of responsibility.

    6. Where do any of these guys answer questions in a public forum? I'd ask them, but I haven't seen any of them doing much other than liking feel good posts so far.

      I know they'd love the wackadoodle vote. That's what's gonna get them in office, unfortunately.

    7. I am anti-mask and anti-VAX. Any same person is.

      Look at the data and if you can’t understand, you’re too fucking stupid.

      Newsom, Kranz and BIA policies killed children.

  4. I hope this guy takes the city to the cleaners. Unfortunately, these are the things that need to happen to put an end to this Woke Utopia Pilot Program we've got going on in Encinitas.

    1. LOL this guy already took taxpayers to the cleaners. anyone unfamiliar with his track record at the city should ask around.

    2. 9:31,

      What religion mentions mRNA vaccines in its foundational texts?

    3. He will. Encinitas always loses in court. Look at the Roberta Walker $11 million settlement.

      Can someone tell me how much did Dr. Worley family get. I know that’s in the 10 million. How come me the press is not inquiring about that huge settlement?

  5. the thought of not getting a serum into your body and getting fired for it. Good............sue the hell out of them.
    In the mean time the chinks caused this problem......sue the chinks as well in world court.
    biden got the shots..........look what it did to him....eeeeek

  6. 9:41am. Exactly. What a bs defense for each of us to not infect our fellow employees if we have them. No, that is not a question.

    Self-employed or unemployed is what Scott has duly earned for his caring not a wit about his fellow city workers welfare.

    I hope Scott gains nothing more than a black mark on his name for any future employment opportunities.

    I am amazed that some deniers can be so disingenuous and selfish to not do everything one can to not spread an ongoing, ever changing virus we all will live or die with for the foreseeable future.

    Scott was a piece of work well before he chose to not give a sheet about his fellow city workers.

    1. Shot or NOT. You can still infect others and not be sick.
      Don't you people understand this? And the all mighty mask wearers. Ineffective...........proven.
      You fools

    2. 12:03 thinks that because you can still die in a car accident while wearing a seat belt, that it somehow proves seat belts are ineffective.

      Derpity derp.

    3. Well 1:59 keep wearing the mask and let us all know how it works out. You can do it.

    4. 2:03, I’ll take advice from my doctor, because I have the humility to know he knows more than I do. If my doctor advises inoculations or mask wearing given the best current standard of care, then I do it, because I’m not such an arrogant ass that I think 30 minutes on YouTube qualifies me as an expert.

    5. 2:12...make sure you wear your mask inside where you live and in bed. Be afraid of everything, always.
      And remember.......genius.......Not all doctors advise getting the shots. People are having serious side affects from the shots. Wake up and die right but always wear that stupid little mask.

    6. Re: “not all doctors advise getting the shots.”


      “CHICAGO — The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated.”

      So, yeah. If you’d like to use conformation bias to shop around for one of the 2-4% of doctors who will uphold your healthcare opinion based on your politics, I’m sure you can find one.

      But then, you can probably also find one who will wave a chicken bone over your abdomen as a cure for pancreatic cancer.

      Best of luck to you on your choice of healthcare provider.

    7. I think you guys missed the whole individual rights movement that happened a few decades or lifetime ago. Vaccines don’t work anyway.

  7. Please do continue your regimen, if you have one. You could become another Darwin Award winner from one the many variations that will always be coming from now on.

    Why bother to wash your hands? We know there are no masks in your limited future.

    Your proof? Now that is funny. Thanks for Sunday laugh, and as always, it is at your expense.

  8. 10:43 you might love it, but it ain’t gonna happen. Come up with another fantasy to catch them on gosh but you are clever.

    1. It's not about catching them, 12:34. It's about asking candidates a question and getting an honest response (or not). In this case, this particular question is gonna be a tough one for these three to answer for the reasons mentioned above. Are they anti-vaxx and willing to tell the truth? Are they gonna lie? Or do they have brains and are they gonna alienate their wackadoodle base? What will happen????

      It's quite a challenge for a group that aren't even able to identify themselves as democrat or republican, don't you think?

    2. You are acting like they’ve been asked the question and have refused to answer. You’re getting yourself mighty wound up with all those question marks. Wait to get excited if and when when the time comes. You’re a little too anxious to fabricate something that’s not happening. What is your payoff for defending Kranz and his Cabal? Because it sure smells that way.

    3. 2:07,

      The payoff is huge. George Soros gave us all a big raise on the daily call this morning.

    4. Payoff = dynamic duo. We c u.

    5. You're reading too much into this 2:07, especially if you're also 12:34. If someone is taking the time to read & comment here, they're interested in local politics. They don't have to have an ulterior motive.

    6. I take this to mean that we won't get a straight answer out of the three.

  9. I've never witnessed a more low IQ ignorant comment populace around these parts. It should not be surprising that most of the populace around here are retarded apes either in a severe metabolic syndrome state (fat and/or overweight) or horribly emaciated looking like death warmed over due to their misinformed "veganism"

    Imagine fighting a war with the two human conditions above.

    90% are this.

    Keep taking your biologic injections and Ozempic for the love of gAwD

    1. ^^ Still doesn’t know when to use quotes, but thinks he knows more than doctors.

      Dunning Kruger is real.

    2. 👆Molten Bullshit Casserole

  10. Ehlers I’m sure has been vaccinated. They couldn’t have let him into council chambers otherwise.

    Will most residents care if the candidates were inoculated? Why would they?

    Maybe none of you posters on either side of your sacred aisles haven’t noticed, but the pandemic is over and nobody cares.

    1. You haven't been paying attention to the complete idiots that are still whining about the injustices they suffered during "lockdown" and what "really happened".

      Don't look into it, you don't want to know.

    2. Wrong. There is an alarmingly large group of people in Encinitas that have strong feelings about getting "jabbed".

    3. The narrative Walsh loves to keep going every time he speaks no matter what the agenda topic. He manages to work it in. Sound like you found a soulmate 2:49.

    4. Do you think I like it? I 'm shocked and think they're manipulative and semi retarded 4:47. Wasn't aware until mid pandemic when I started working in a hospital.

  11. The fact that the state of California ran a lottery for getting vaccinated tells you everything you need to know about the number of mindless sheople living here. Then there was the whole free burger and fries thing if you got jabbed, no wonder Phony's fat ass is quadruple vaxxed and counting.

    1. Here it is 2:42 and 4:47. There are a lot of fucking idiots in Encinitas. I'm not sure they actually show up to vote when it's time, but they are vocal.

    2. There you go 2:42 and 4:47. who knows if these dumb MFs vote, but they are vocal.

    3. Or people like the dynamic duo want you to think they are. It’s all about creating the narrative with those two, don’t fall for it.

  12. Now remember everyone, vote for biden and harris. Either one has any idea what planet they are on but it doesn't matter.
    Leftist voters don't know either. A perfect marriage.
    10 million illegals...........making alzheimers joe
    the worst President in the history of the United States.
    A traitor..................nite nite

  13. This is Jeremy's and his Molten Bullshit Casserole buddy's favorite covid clip...

    The people in this clip should all go to the gallows, no bail

  14. And remember everyone.........who was behind the KKK?
    Democrats. your history, it doesn't lie.
    Get more shots, bunches of shots while wearing masks.
    And remember, biden knows where he is at all times.

    1. Dixiecrats, aka Republicans. They just didn’t want to be associated with decent Republican Lincoln so called themselves Democrats.. You knew that, right?

    2. 5:13, you left out the Nazi's. Also the German version of the democratic party. Dang those facts getting in the way.

    3. 1:43,

      If you take the word “socialism” in the formal name of a Nazi Party at face value, then boy will you be surprised when I tell you about the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

      hint: the name contains four words, and three lies.

  15. The city will lose yet another big lawsuit. The city always loses its lawsuit because it’s reckless And their decisions don’t make sense to crumble the existing quality of life in Encinitas.

    The data shows the deadly COVID response from Newsom, Kranz and BIA destroyed public health especially our children.

    Complete idiots. Stay inside and close the beaches and don’t go outside in the sun.

    Tony need to resign today!

    1. Name one leftists that isn't an idiot. It's not as though a leftist isn't able to think straight........they can't.
      It's like homosexuals. It's a mental disorder, they can't help it. Birth defect if you will. The men like men because they have the brain of a woman. And the women look and dress like men because they have the brain of a man. See how easy life can be if you just think things out.........................

    2. The Republican history of race relations in America always ends right before Goldwater and the Southern Strategy.

      There is no history after that.

    3. I'm sorry you have a severe cognitive condition. I'm also sorry your future will never ever be better than your future. Each jab you get brings you closer to a rapid health decline unto death. You had your chance, you choices have caused your demise. To that I say. GOOD

    4. "Your future will never be better than your past "

      😆 lol

  16. Encinitas will definitely lose millions and lawsuit. Encinitas is run by two of the biggest idiots around Kranz and Anthill.

    Just take the Roberta walker $11 million loss for an example.

    How is that settlement of Dr Worley that got mowed over because of BIA is bad decisions and Tony Kranz support.

    How are the four Cs doing and their lawsuit?

    What did the final police report and toxicology report show for the bloodwork of the deceased?

    This is what happens when idiots like John Gjata and Kathleen Kees Support the stupidest person in Encinitas.

    Bad things.

  17. Google must be actively deleting comments regarding Newsom /Kranz/BIA and the failure of Covid, and the massive negative impact of public health.

    typical and expected typical and expected

    WEF alive and well.

    Freedom of speech, not so much. 😢

    1. You are a victim.

    2. At least I pay my property tax unlike Tony Kranz.

      We’ve all seen that Peg is a swindler.

  18. 8:46 Tony is setting a bad precedent. Has anyone reported to the tax accessors that Tony isn’t paying his share? There must be a way to make him pay his back taxes, plus fine him….

  19. Democrats are suckers and losers and about 70% of voters now realize this

  20. The reason that's important due to the fact of something called the down ballot all the way to mayor's and city clowncils

    1. 9:44- you get a gold star for trying.

  21. Where's biden?....never mind as he doesn't know where he is.
    Is harris as dumb as she sounds? Yes.
    Leftist fools

  22. 1:49 Breaking News: Parkinson’s Disease Dr reported to the Whitehouse 10 times w/in the last 12 months to consult with Biden’s personal Physician. And that’s the least of Biden’s problems! But it’s one more thing to add to the “Biden’s perfectly healthy” list of lies from his staffers. The Biden crew is having a special meeting today to discuss how to make Biden step down from insisting on staying in the race.

    1. I'm going with Alzheimer's. I see no shaking in the hands as that is usually the first to do. I am in hopes he suffers pain so extreme no one can help. He is a traitor.
      10 million illegals.........rot in hell biden, harris and gay boy mayorkas. The America hating leftists

    2. Imagine how shitty your guy is that he lost to that.

    3. 5:05- empty comment Airhead. I have no “guy”

    4. 5:44, so you don’t vote? Weird that you’d be on this blog.

    5. 6:09- again, empty comment airhead.,

      You are clearly clueless and have no value on this blog. It’s a shame.

  23. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s often go hand in hand, so double the trouble for the Biden’s. Not to mention it’s being reported that Joe’s Doctor is in on the Biden corrupt family business deals. So now dumbbell Harris is being tooted as Biden’s most likely replacement. The Dems screwed themselves by putting the fake black in who has done nothing except perfect her impersonation of a laughing hyena. She was put in charge of the border, and did nothing. She never even went down there once. Hillary must be shaking in her boots that dumb bell Kamala could possibly be the next President.

    1. It’s not Encinitas’s related so no point posting this crap on this blog. The presidential choices are shit. Please keep that on the Facebook rants.

    2. As unlikeable as Hillary was, what a major insult to Killary, for an inept imbecile like Kamala Toes to possibly be the next President. Yikes! God Help USA!

    3. Some of us could tell during Joe’s first run 4 yrs ago that he had cognitive issues which is why his handlers kept ‘Hide in’ Biden in the basement as much as possible to try and fool everyone. Glad alot of the Sheeples have finally caught on. Those same people who used Joe and lied to the public, are now throwing him out to pasture now that he’s no longer a useful idiot. He’s now just an idiot like Kranz, and company. Love the way the Dems eat their own! Lol!

    4. I generally prefer to vote for the party whose leadership and policies create states with higher incomes, higher productivity, lower unemployment, higher gdp growth, higher rates of innovation, higher rates of graduation with a university degree, longer lifespans, a greater portion of the populace covered by health insurance, lower rate of gun deaths, lower rate of infant mortality, lower rate of obesity and diabetes, lower proportion of the populace in poverty, lower proportion of the populace on welfare, less dependence on federal spending relative to taxes paid, and lower incidence of drug deaths.

      But that’s just me.

    5. Like Marco with Filner, but than tries to protect predator Fletcher.

  24. 930 pm

    That is very thoughtful of you but I am voting for these folks below who are every bit of exemplary of what you wrote...

    check them out

    1. 9:55 That video shows Jill’s desperation! It’s very funny, but sad! If Jill was a nice loving wife, she would encourage Joe to step down, and enjoy their retirement. But Jill is enjoying all the illicit money Joe and Hunter have been getting from China while threatening our Nat’l Security. It is being reported that Jill and Joe’s drug addict criminal son Hunter is running things now along with Jill, since Joe isn’t even sure what he is saying, etc. I am going to go to sleep with a smile on my face knowing that the White House and the media are no longer able to hide this debacle. I am confident that people in all parties will see the danger we the American people have been put in, by not having someone at the helm competent enough to make Nat’l decisions. Not to mention being able to protect us against our enemies in Internat’l situations.

    2. Besides having to give up all the dirty money from our enemies that Joe has been distributing amongst all the Biden’s, he also wants to get re-elected so he can pardon his n’er do well son. Of course he can’t do it now before the election, as it would make Joe look even worse in the public eyes, and make his polling numbers go down even more.

  25. Wonderful to read that the same group of total douchebag whiners are still active small request - can you please shut your crapspouts down when the city puts forth a plan to build steps, in addition to the dirt trail at Beacon/s?
    Try not to be a dick, for once.

    1. 11:09 seems to know a lot about being a “dick.” Too bad the low IQ types like 11:09 always use bad raunchy guttural words, because you have nothing of intelligence to say.

  26. Just remember Gayorkas, biden, the fake black harris and butt boy buttajudge...........all traitors to America.
    They should be hung

  27. The communist left which at one time was the Democratic Party has sold you out. 10 million illegals. The America hating left is ruining our country. If you like them, you hate the U.S

  28. Good morning Encinitas!

    F'cking Tony Kranz and the appointed lackie in district 1 cry about not helping fentanyl zombies and freebies for beggers. Yet, they are trying to make us broke and homeless with a 13% sales tax increase and another 13% sales tax increase for SANDAG while they tell us to stop using our cars and take the slow bus.

    He's a tard and needs to resign today.

    The ecomony is crashing. Every cyclinder of the economy s now misfiriing.

    While other City's are laying off and reducing full time employees, the City of Encinitas is wasting your tax dollars by hiring more full time employees with pensions for unneeded fuffy posiitions to debate DEI and train lifeguards how to sit on their ass, do pushups and watch people in their bathing suits.

    Called this one, last year. Tony Kranz needs to go ASAP. Tell her to take Starvin with her.

    Today- Be sure to tell ten of your voting friends to vote for Luke Shaffer in District 1, Ohara in District 2 (he and his wife are strong locals), and Bruce Ehlers for Mayor. We can try and get Encinitas back on track after a disastrous run of the Cardiff Gimp keeping BIA and now Dallakranz. Encinitas was torpedoed hard by the BIA and is taking on water. I'm not sure she can stay afloat.

    Tell a voting freind today to get active and demand Dallakranz resign today.

    Thank you!

    -E- Real Time News ❤️

  29. ***Encintas Real time news***

    Thank God, my Daughter who will be a freshman in high school, says that the high school kids are finally waking up and realizing the big catastrophe happening ending in America.

    There is a great rebellion going on, which gives us hope for America.

    They’re all watching this awesome documentary. It’s really the only hope for America. You have to love our youth, Even after Tony and BIA F’cked them during Covid!!

    Although Tony Kranz and the gimp loving BIA tried to squash you and make you a nonplayer, you were coming to America’s rescue- Thank you, thank you thank you

    You can watch the awesome documentary which explains the reality of America today, here-

    - Encinitas Real Time News

  30. Where's the peer reviewed climate chimp been? You know the guy that's been claiming Republicans are insurrection domestic terrorists liars for the last 3+ years? Now we have confirmation of a retarded weekend at bernies ape in the white house with people around him perpetuating a cover up of POTUS retardation dementia.

    Glad this dudes got the nuclear briefcases in his office bro!

    Democrats are in full on nuclear meltdown mode.

    Are you ready Jeremy?

    Bwaaaahaha 😄

    1. Love it !!!! Yep.

    2. Starvin- pushing the BIA crap.

      We see you.

  31. "when the city puts forth a plan to build steps, in addition to the dirt trail at Beacon/s?" This is a red herring, once the steps are approved and $Ms of taxpayer money laid down the trail will fall into planned disrepair and we'll be left only with the stairs. It's all prearranged with surfrider check the email leak between them and the city the last time they pushed the stairs.

  32. The City doesn’t have any money to build any projects like the stairs because of all the high price unnecessary lifeguard managers, DEI managers, and ridiculous planners

    1. They'll just borrow it like they did for Pacific View, Surfer's Point and soon for L7, putting the city in perpetual debt that future leaders have to deal with. Of course, they're hoping the sales tax increase will bail them out.

    2. They are counting on you falling for their “You’ll just have to suffer if you don’t approve the 1% sales tax”marketing plan. And if Kranz has his way, and he will, the stairs will be number one on his hidden agenda.

    3. Anthill and Tony Kranz spend all the city’s tax dollars on hiring employees and paying pensions. They like hiring staff and building the hugely expensive staff empire like they did in the last budget instead of using City funds to construct needed projects.

    4. 3:58

      True dat. These young lifeguards are now soyboys. It's sad b/c I grew up respecting lifeguards to a reasonable extent.

      They've been jabbed, DEI'd and he/himmed into neuteredom.

      They're no longer studs. It's sad.

      They should revolt and have weight benches and non-wetsuited long swims at 6am in dead of winter.

      Get tough and train hard.

      The guys that are getting paid handsomely and are now "leaders" LOL. These veterans have been de-balled and are now teaching weakness is good, cool and honorable.

      I'll spare you the canned response I witnessed by an early 20s lifeguard bloke response to a lady other day at local haunt...when asked " Do you guys look out for sharks?" Ummmm...LOL

      I would have answered well ya the mayor and city council who are pussified sharks I track their folly daily


    5. 8:08,

      So sad to hear about your victimhood.

    6. 9:00 - I'm not seeing that at all. I read that they are saying that the City Lifeguards and DEI managers are useless and should be fired.

      I couldn't agree more. Fire Anthill as well. She is totally incompetent. She is not qualified for any position at the City.

    7. 8:08 lifeguards are total studs. Guys like soyboy 9:00pm
      cannot smim a meter, want only warm baths, have never seen a weight bench that didn;t scare them, and use he/him pronouns while having the cat lick their mantits. Truth hurts

    8. x2 : Notice 808 area code soyboy. Get off the sugar and carbs and your mind would grow and manboobs shrink

    9. Deleting comments is ghey

  33. If they get the 13% sales tax increase, they will just hire more and more staff. Very little projects will ever get done with this current city Council.

    Very very wasteful and TONY needs to get the hell out of Encinitas.

    1. WE need to vote NO on the sales tax. Show him he is NOT supported or trusted.

    2. Kranz will be gone and we will not have a 26% sales tax increase…

      Kranz is literally proposing to make people homeless so she can hire more full time staff employees.


    3. He has got his priorities so screwed up there is no explaining his way out of it or reassessing now, too late in the game. 12 years of screwed up priorities he’s not going to change his spots.

      Just know that his game is going to be playing the Democratic ticket card. Keep hammering on your friends and neighbors about his anti-resident record.

    4. And warn them about the antics of the dynamic duo.

  34. It’s easy for Kranz to suggest a 26% tax increase with the city’s 13% added to the SANDAG 13% which she fully supports.

    Kranz was given a house on a huge by his legal wife’s mother, and he doesn’t pay any real property tax. When you don’t have to pay for anything, it’s pretty easy to approve these tax and spend measures.

    We are working public tax payers who have to pay for his mistakes. Spread the word to 10 of your voting friends that Kranz is a disaster.

    Tell your friends to talk to anybody that went to school with Tony Kranz they will tell you what a loser he/she has been her entire life.

  35. Kranz’s current measures to double utility bills which they already approved and asking voters to approve a 26% sales tax increase will definitely lead to increased homelessness.

    What a dickhead. Everything Kranz does is bad for Encinitas and destroying peoples lives.

    Kranz needs to get the hell out of Encinitas.

    Resigned today, Kranz!!

  36. Well, San Marcos now moving forward with the encampment ban. I can only imagine Encinitas will be the last city to do anything to address the problem. Thus, things will get noticeably worse here so at virtue signaling headquarters. This will then allow Tony to cash in and install his wet dream homeless shelter as a parting gift as he rides off into the sunset.

    1. Yup, wonder why we’re starting to see a greater influx of homeless? It’s because cities that don’t enforce their no camping ordinance will receive the homeless fleeing cities that do.

      Time to put the pressure on Kranz and company publicly at council meetings.

    2. Kranz needs to be pushed out of Encinitas. So bad.

    3. Let’s all waste money trying to move the homeless around, and not on services to get them off the streets.

      It’s policies and leadership like this that create shitholes full of losers.

    4. Killing the homeless would be faster, easier and more humane. It's simple. Whack em', burn em'....Done

  37. Time for Kranz to get the hell out of Encinitas.

    Resigned today, Kranz!

    1. yeah because if you keep telling him here on EU he's gonna do it.

      better to spend your time away from here where he wants all of us spitting into the wind and instead go tell 10 friends and neighbors why he sucks and why Bruce is the man. then tell them to tell 10 of their friends and neighbors. that's how you depose the jerk.

    2. It’s because Kranz doesn’t care about Encinitas only about BIA profits.

      If he did care about Encinitas, he would resign.

    3. It’s clear he doesn’t. Which is why we all have to get the word out.

  38. States with the lowest and highest violent crime rates:

    1.) Maine
    2.) New Hampshire
    3.) Connecticut
    4.) Rhode Island
    5.) Wyoming
    . . .
    46.) Tennessee
    47.) Louisiana
    48.) Arkansas
    49.) Alaska
    50.) New Mexico

    Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers.

    Never vote for any Republican on any level, unless you really want your city, state, or nation to be a loser-infested shithole.


    2. Notice the clown act 11:12 points out states with tiny populations of less crime. Typical.
      What about the big leftist run cities...clown.

    3. 3:18,

      Tell us you don’t understand “crime rate” without telling us you don’t understand “crime rate.”

    4. Go to a big city walk around at night and tell us all how safe it is. You place low populations of areas of white people and think you have done something special.
      Nope. Every leftist run city in the u.s is a nightmare.

    5. 4:00, I think this will help:

    6. Perfect example.

      Republican policies and leadership create shitholes because they don’t understand basic terms like “violent crime rate.”

    7., are a perfect example of someone that should never vote. Good Logic is the opposite in your world. up is mind

  39. Anyway back to the topic and Encinitas. Thanks for your diverting post, dynamic duo. How did neighboring cities manage non vaxxed employees coming in to the workplace? Would it have been acceptable to Vurbeff to wear a mask when in the office? Seems like that would've been the best compromise for all.

    Anyway don't like the dynamic duo sidetrack to this formerly great news site, its downward spiral started when he who used to surf swamis, known ally of the duo, barfed 24/7 all over EU.

    1. Yes. Let’s ignore the actual track record of policies and leadership that’s objectively established in quantifiable data.

    2. 👆🏾 Yeah, City of Encinitas loses another lawsuit. At least they’re consistent losers.

  40. Marco commented on a post with zero comments and every election loser from encinitas and their bitter supporters all replied with in an hour. I’m starting to kinda like Marco, what would EV do without him?
    Best part is they are everything they accuse Marco of with the exception of convincing voters they are worth a vote.

    1. Yep. That’s what predators do and people that support predator families.

      Marco masters are the BIA and his family regular preys upon innocent people.

    2. Doesn’t leave a lot of options for those who don’t believe in the Marco, Kranz, Walsh, Mali, BIA group, but also don’t believe in the Lorri Green, Rachel Graves, Christy Dean, Natalie Settoon, Tracey Conkey group.

    3. I have no "masters"

  41. Fyi, comments are being deleted yet again.

  42. Indeed. When you bring truth that is not useful to the regime, you're deleted.

    I say fuvk off soyboy manboober

    1. Also victim.

    2. Which man is Man Boober? And which person is the Porn Talker??

  43. 10:33 You’re 100% right! The options of:
    The Marco, Kranz, Walsh, Mali, Blakespear, Sabellico, etc group, vs. The Lorri Green, Rachel Graves, Christy Dean, Natalie Settoon, Tracey Conkey, Susan Turney, Cindy Cremona group is a dumpster fire. Hopefully more independent types like Bruce will step up who can add some sanity back to Encinitas.
