Saturday, June 29, 2024

Doyle drops out to clear way for machine candidate Destiny Preston

"Democratic" Party.

Coast News:
Kevin Doyle, who threw his hat in the ring for the District 2 seat shortly after stepping down from his role as chairman of the city’s Planning Commission, confirmed to The Coast News on June 28 that he is withdrawing from the race against political newcomers Jim O’Hara and Destiny Preston.

“It doesn’t need to be me. I didn’t like the three-way race,” Doyle said. “I saw it as too much of a crapshoot, and I’m just learning how much work it is to run for something.”


First-time political candidate Destiny Preston, a small business owner and environmental activist, also seeks the District 2 seat. Preston, who launched her campaign earlier this month, is endorsed by the San Diego County Democratic Party.


  1. Knowing he would take votes away from the put up Dem candidate there can be no doubt but that the party paid him a visit. Likely used the ever helpful Blakespear

    1. Doyle and O’Hara were in discussions to decide who would run so one wouldn’t be a spoiler before either announced.

      Doyle would have worked well with Ehlers and could have won. O’Hara? Remains to be seen.

  2. Teen Birth Rate by State (1 is lowest)

    1.) New Hampshire
    2.) Massachusetts
    3.) Vermont
    4.) Connecticut
    5.) Minnesota
    . . .
    46.) Oklahoma
    47.) Kentucky
    48.) Louisiana
    49.) Arkansas
    50.) Mississippi

    Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers.

    Any vote for Republicans is a vote to make where you live a shithole full of losers.

    The policy and leadership outcomes could not be more consistent and clear.

    Vote for progress, prosperity, innovation, growth, success, science, health, and happiness.

    Vote for Democrats.

    1. Freeeee the negros !!!!!!!!!!!

    2. The seas are rising, Polar Bears are going extinct, the economy is the best it's ever been, only the left can control all atmospheres in all spheres.
      Oh' and let in 10 million illegals to rape, kill and rob Americans. Vote left

    3. 9:17 Thx for the comic relief!👏👏👏🤣

    4. 9:23 the left wouldn’t want to hear this, but ironically, the Polar Bear population is actually on the rise!

    5. 10:15 yep, the Polars have been on the rise many years.
      Gullible warming.....the lie that keeps giving.
      My favorite???? Raising Seas. No matter how hard the warmers want the seas to raise........NOPE.
      Ain't happenin' These idiots are taking climate change in college..........FOOLS

    6. New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington DC, Portland (Oregon), Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland . . . What do these cities have in common? They have become "shitholes." And their mayors are Democrat. And these are cities where Democrats throw money at problems without solving the problems. And remember . . . one of the "shining stars" of the Democrat Party? Maxine Waters. A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for cognitive disintegration.

  3. I want to endorse Molestiny so bad, but I'm worried it will cost me votes by dems that are growing tired of this progressive overdevelopment woke crap.
    - Phony

  4. If Doyle next caves to pressure to endorse Preston we’ll will have proof positive he would’ve been a disaster on council.

  5. Kevin is a stool anyway- he’s a supporter of Kranz and BIA– meaning a complete failure.

    Nice guy, but clueless as far as logical decisions go.

    Brand new newbie- newcomer biatch. - Preaching the bullshit woke crap. Get ready to get your 17th shot of Pfizer for profit, And approve all kinds of high density in the name of lowering California home prices, by the actions of a tiny little beach town.

    These people like Tony Kranz, Joy, the troll looking appointed councilmember and Destiny are as dumb as a freaking come.

    I swear, are they trying to look brain dead like Biden?

    That’s what happens when you listen to freak show members like Marco Gonzalez and his predator family.

    It’s a bizarre world with these freak show folks leading Encinitas.

    I wonder how Garvin Welch is doing on getting more high density approved for the BIA through the north county Central committee of the Republican party. Is she going to be recruiting more Republican members to the freak show?

    Right now I’m aware of Starvin, 🐽, Stan and 🐧… Are there other Republicannots on the BIA Freakshow wagon?

    This party bullshit in our small local city is totally ridiculous. Become a logical independent voter like so many of my friends. Act locally and think 🌎. Thank you, and God bless you.

    1. * These people like Tony Kranz, Joy, the troll looking appointed councilmember and Destiny are as dumb as they freaking come.

      I swear, are they trying to look brain dead like Biden?

      That’s what happens when you listen to freak show members like Marco Gonzalez and his predator family.

    2. Hearing $tock$ has attached himself to the dynamic duo. Tiresome trio?

    3. 9:28 - So what your saying is $tock$ joined, Starvin, Kranz and the others in the freakshow?

      Interesting, but some proof would be nice please.


      Mother 🌎

    4. Hearing from a trusted source. But come on, do you really need proof?

    5. 9:11 If you’re going to make up lies, at least make up believable ones. I can’t speak for Garvin, but it was a well known public fact that Penguin & Stan hated Blakespear, and vice versa.

    6. Who’s talking about Blakespear? They do go for Kranz.

    7. 9:11/9:28 keeps bringing up past Mayors and candidates, and is clearly confused in that they keep trying to lump them into the Kranz/Blakespear current counsel freak show(minus Bruce). In all fairness, BIA(Blakespear) keeps being brought up b/c Tony is joined at the hip w/her. But to continue bringing up past candidates like Stocks, and Morris(who is no longer involved in politics, and doesn’t even live here, is stupid. These past candidates have been vehemently vocal in speaking out against Kranz/Blakespear. By continuing to lie and make stuff up, 9:11/9:28, is alienating voters we all need to flip the current counsel (except Bruce).

  6. Doyle might have worked well with Ehlers but when the party controls your mind perhaps not as well as hoped. O’Hara is a quick study, has a healthy suspicion of “staff,” and has no puppet strings attached.

    Watch the dynamic duo try to take him down as they work again for Kranz.

  7. 10:07 the morons hated Blakespear write up until Stan wrote that conciliation email to Blakespear.

    1. Forgot about that. The ultimate blame the messenger moment.

    2. Morris always hated Blakespear, and was simply trying to start a dialogue and get along with her (a common technique in the political and business worlds). And you know it. At your age, you should know that you get more w/sugar than vinegar. But keep throwing your vinegar everywhere! It’s really getting you far!🙄

    3. Oh is that what it was? He sure had a violent reaction to it being made public if it was as benign as you say.

    4. 11:33 which sycophant are you?

      You are correct in Morris being a politician. He fits the definition of hypocritical gaslighting narcissist.

      He couldn’t handle being the third place loser either, beat the shit out of his Christmas tree than his wife then slunk out of town.

    5. 11:33,

      Another common technique in the political and business worlds is holding onto embarrassing information about dumb fucks who gave it to you on a platter, and then releasing it publicly at the perfect moment to destroy their stupid asses with their own words, like a boss.

      The GOAT beat you like a rented mule, and made you her bitch for life.

    6. 11:33- why are you bringing Dennis Holtz into this conversation?

      He never did anything regarding any of this work bullshit or Tony Kranz closing the beach due to a virus that was spreading in sea mist.

      Closing the entire economy and school is down for a virus that had a no higher death rate than the average flu year, And firing the city employees that would not take the bullshit Shot that fucked up people immune systems, and caused complete distrust of the CDC.

      Dennis Holtz’s = GOAT

      Tony Kranz = Town Dunce and No 1 WOAT

  8. Tony - I want to personally thank you for putting my raise on the end of a really long agenda. It worked perfectly. Not one comment. Also, I have to say, your tits looked amazing in that white Capt Kenos T-shirt. I felt like throwing my waterglass on you when I saw you letting them fly. Tee hee.

    $309k plus my boner-pill profits make me the highest revenue earning City Manager in the nation.

    As discussed, you will receive two full bottles of my most potent boner pills with a health dose of Fentanyl/Meth to liven up your Freakshows.

    Have fun tonight and you can thank me later,


  9. Stocks was always a part of the #moron4mayor team and a 🐽advisor.

    Love how 🐽💩is butting into D2. She’ll be helping O’Hara to lose too.

    She’s like a 🦠 spreading herself everywhere. Fucking busybody.

  10. 🐽 acts like 🐽.

    To be expected. That’s like asking Larri to not go ego on us and Not to tell that freakin “ I walked with Martin Luther King” story…

    People really don’t change. Hence that’s when BIA was elected because she said she cared about neighborhood character, she was 100% full of shit.

    She was always about furthering her agenda, and sold out at the first chance she got. You know anybody that keeps a gimp in the closet of her mommy’s compound is not a good person.

    - Free the Cardiff Gimp

    1. Most of us can agree and see with our own eyes how Blakespear/Kranz have been destroying Encinitas. We can also agree through first hand experience that Lorri is a bad guy. So putting Thunder in the same camp as them is just malicious. Just b/c you saw Thunder w/Garvin one time doesn’t mean jack shit. Garvin fooled a lot of people, maybe Julie was one of them at first… But so far, I haven’t seen Julie do anything malicious. And don’t forget she came very close to beating Blakespear for Mayor. Julie may not be perfect, but she sure would’ve been a lot better than Blakespear and her pet dog, Kranz….Stop trying to paint normal citizens as the bad guys. They are just trying to save our town from the corrupt career politicians.

    2. You got one thing right when you say Lorri is part of the “freak show.” Most of us have had first hand experience with Lorri, and can attest to what an unethical “freak” she is. But where you’re wrong is to lump her in with past candidates who were just trying to keep the “Freaks” from destroying Encinitas. It’s especially dumb for you to keep bringing up candidates like the Morris’s who don’t even live here anymore. Therefore, they’re no longer relevant. You’re continuing to turn people off, with bringing up past stuff that isn’t relevant right now. You are knowingly (unless you’re even dumber than I thought) helping the Kranz and company freak show stay in office!

    3. Reminding people of an alleged wife beater, and who his cronies were/are isn’t just fair game. It’s a GD public service.

    4. 👆absolutely. Because it can happen again.

  11. Machine Candidate Harry Bush.

  12. Fun history of CA Senate District 38 going back to 1967:

    Clair Burgener (R)
    John Stull (R)
    William A. Craven (R)
    Bill Morrow (R)
    Mark Wyland (R)
    Joel Anderson (R)
    Brian Jones (R)
    Catherine Blakespear (D)

    No wonder they call her the future governor GOAT.

    She’s undefeated, and she broke a streak of fat, doughy, sweaty, pasty middle-aged white Republican dudes dating back to the Johnson administration.

    I guess that explains all the sad butthurt mediocre white dudes with victim complexes.

    If Biden drops out, maybe she should step up!

    1. The only thing I hear people call Blakespear is a racist disaster.

      The district made a huge mistake. You can see what happens when Democrats take control of a fiscal responsible conservative built nice area, Dems absolutely destroy it.

    2. U got this. Hey anyone recall a time when we all lived ❤️ together in Encinitas. That is correct no one cared about how much money u had or what color was the skin. And, many were cool with the unhoused. No more, we have people screaming at night at the 101. This is a mental health crisis causes by our local policies.

  13. Blakespear? Ewwwe, Grrrossse! But no worries. It’ll never happen, as suggested replacements are polling at even lower numbers than disastrous Joe Biden! Trump for the win! 🙌🇺🇸

    1. Kennedy or the libertarian candidate or even stinky Orange Trump is better than a brain dead president like Biden.

      So embarrassing. Kranz as mayor, as Governor, Biden has president. Eweee is right. It Doesn’t get any worse!

    2. We may be stuck with trump. These clowns tucked at policy

  14. 5:12 We don’t have to like Trumps personality.(and at least he has one! Unlike the brain dead zombie Joe Biden). We were a safer, stronger, nation with a much better economy under Trumps watch. And Trump followed through on his policies. He got everything done that he set out to do and promised, as opposed to Biden. Biden’s only claim to fame is appointing a fake black as VP. The thing with Trump is, we know he has our backs, and best interests at heart. He doesn’t bow down to the corrupt higher powers that be, or join in w/the good ‘ol boys club like Biden did. (That’s why they hate Trump so much). Trump was a businessman, he wasn’t one of the old school politician's. So Washington DC was pissed, they couldn’t control him. Trump is truly working for us. He isn’t trying to climb up the ladder like Blakespear, Kranz, Harris, etc. He is already there. Trump doesn’t need $ or fame. He already has it. I loved what he said at the debate: He said, “I’d rather be somewhere else, a cool destination,” etc. He said he “wished Biden hadn’t screwed things up so badly in our own country and abroad, and that he(Trump) felt like he had no other choice but to step up and fix the disaster that Biden created.” It’s so great to have someone on our side (we the people) for a change. It will be a breath of fresh air to get rid of the self-serving Biden family and all their illicit deals w/China, compromising the security of our country, etc. They should be tried for treason.

    1. Nope.

      We’re a shithole loser nation if we elect Trump.

      Haven’t you seen the posts with the receipts?

    2. 5:48 "he got everything done". Spoken like a true cult member.

  15. I’m always excited to learn new things. So I’m completely open to the idea that anthropogenic climate change is not happening.

    If you are convinced of this conclusion, I’d love to see the peer reviewed studies published in reputable science journals that convinced you that either: (a) human activity is NOT raising the atmospheric concentration of CO2, or that (b) CO2 is not a greenhouse gas.

    I’m so excited for this excellent learning opportunity!

    1. Are any gases not "greenhouse" gases?

    2. Yes.

      Radiation from the sun warms the Earth’s surface during daylight hours. At night, some of that energy is radiated into space in the infrared part of the spectrum. The balance between energy absorbed and energy radiated back defines the net atmospheric energy driving climate processes.

      Greenhouse gasses are opaque in infrared, blocking radiation of heat into space at night, and effectively trapping heat.,6&as_vis=1#d=gs_qabs&t=1719757418072&u=%23p%3D0D44iODJUxoJ

  16. Learn to code bro before the world burns up bro so you can reprogram the geoegineering bro to save the world for the bleegans (trans vegans) bru

    Ok buddy?

    1. I believe you misunderstood the request.

      I reread it and it’s quite clear, so I’m afraid no clarification is available.

      Good luck to you on your journey to literacy!

  17. So here’s how it went down: Blakespear (the party) told Doyle how it was going to go down. They both told Kranz, Kranz told Walsh, then…?

    1. One addition as first step, BIA directed Blakespear what to do to again meet their objective and that is to maximize profit in Encinitas.

      Existing Residents are not a concern.

    2. It seems to me that O'Hara supporters have more to gain from getting Doyle out of the race than anyone. They're the only ones that have been talking shit and trying to get rid of him.

    3. Many have had problems with Doyle the entire time he’s been on the planning commission. When he announced his candidacy, the same people “talked shit,” as you put it, just as they voiced their concerns at the time he made his planning commission votes.

      This is less about O’Hara and more about distrust of Doyle. Doyle himself has generated over the years. But go ahead and build your misinformed case and spread it far and wide.

    4. *This is less about O’Hara and more about distrust of Doyle that Doyle himself has generated over the years.

    5. I don't care what the reason is. My point is that O'Hara supporters are responsible, so give the BIA fantasies a rest.

    6. As I said do continue to spread your theory. Anyone who values Encinitas but not the party pulling a council member’s strings sees through your nonsense. The fact that the party a.k.a. Blakespear and Kranz are so ready to repeat the BIA speaking points is indisputable. Take it up with them for why Doyle was not acceptable.

    7. Agree to diagree. You guys needed an extreme, out there guy that could be easily controlled by " the residents" and O'Hara is you man.

    8. Yeah god forbid the residents have someone who represents them. What a telling line that you wrote. Guess you’re more of a Blakespear “I love it when the state tells us what to do” type. Wow.

    9. I would say (1) A group of +/- 20 formerly powerful residents and their hangers on that refer to themselves as "the residents" because what they really are sounds distasteful doesn't mean they are in anyway working in the best interests of the majority of Encinitas residents. In many ways it can be and is quite the opposite.

      (2) Supporting a Democrat doesn't mean you support everything the state says and does. As we have seen, the majority of voters here have rejected the ideas and tactics of "the residents" repeatedly, for years.

    10. Those words came out of Blakespear’s mouth. You support her, you support state rule. Wouldn’t you say that of Trumpers and their brainwashed support of him? Own your side.

    11. In 100% honesty, it doesn't matter because any opposition to what we would call a dem candidate here has been unacceptable. That's the biggest issue.

      The best example is the last mayoral election. You can't seriously get angry with voters for choosing a candidate with a known history, unless you had a ton of confidence in "the residents" ability to fully and completely control the thoughts, speech and actions of the Repub ones (and that's insane to begin with).

      A split vote was part of the issue, but horrible options was the no-go, fundamental problem.

    12. The interference by a bunch of crazed yahoos looking for a hobby was obscene. Hope we can agree on that. And an unknown, difficult candidate who had associations with the crazies was problematic to say the least. Thunder and Walsh running around behind the scenes just added to the wackiness.

    13. If it wasnt the same group of about 20 people that refer to themselves as " the residents

  18. My butt beads get progressively larger as I insert them into my balloon knot and I've named each one of them accordingly. Starting of from the smallest, here is my list:
    1) Citizens of Encinitas Bead (smallest bead because I could give two sh!ts about you, very little pleasure upon entry)
    2) Marlynne Bead - Now my engines are revving
    3) Mahlee Bead - Preparing towel to bite upon
    4) Anthill Bead - Ladies and gentlemen I'm crowning, need special blue pills immediately
    5) Starvin Bead- Ooh la la la reply to my email!
    6) BIA Bead - Convulsions are now underway and I'm weak in the knees. Keep in mind this bead is the size of a bowling ball. This is my favorite bead of all time. If I could keep this bead inside me during the council meetings to remind me of my loyalty I would but there's just too much pleasure involved.
    - Phony

    1. On this Sunday, I confess, I never knew Tony was so religious about getting her freak on.

      Thank you for sharing Phony. 🙏🏾

  19. The best life would have Blakespears head on a pike

  20. If Encinitas doesn’t enforce our no camping laws before other neighboring cities do, we will be inundated even more by the homeless seeking refuge in our vagrant welcoming community.

    1. Too late. Tony’s been inviting them for years.

      If you voted for Tony, you help cause this disaster.

  21. Why exactly is O’Hara distrusted? Most people have never heard of him.

    Best that it’s a one on one race. It’s early though and it’s always possible if the non Dem candidates poll well, spoilers will be entered.

  22. Serious question. Were Encinitas politics, before Blakespear, always controlled by a Party, be it Dem. or Repub.? I have lived here a long time and I don't remember candidates having to get an endorsement from one of the 2 parties to even hope to get elected. Was Magie a Dem or Repub? How about Dennis Holz? Some of them were quite obvious, like Stocks and Shaffer. But some of them were good people who did a good job. And yes, some were Dems and some were Repubs. No to even get on a ballot you almost need an endorsement, unless you're NPP or Independent, like Ehlers. In State or National elections it makes sense, but this is a city of about 62,000 people. Does it really matter which side of aisle on is on to do a good job? I truly believe if you say you are going to do "whatever" you damn well better do it, unless there is a really good reason why you can't. Just my 2 cents. And I am trying to find out more about Destiny. I'v looked and find conflicting information. Does anyone know her?

    1. Totally agree with you. Encinitas was always non-partisan. I loved how everyone would vote for whoever had our best interests as a beach community at heart. Btw, what does BIA mean? I’ve googled it, and am not seeing anything that seems to make sense relative to our local Encinitas politics.

    2. I don't think it should matter what political party someone belongs to for local issues. However, everything is so politicized, and so many people have opened their big yap online, its difficult to seperate the two. Prime examples: Thunder & Hill. The general hatred and disrespect for anything even remotely Democrat isn't acceptable or forgivable, even if I thought they had good ideas for the city (I don't).

    3. Like Stocks and Bond and Dallager, and Muir and Gaspar weren’t partisan?

      Yeah right.

  23. Molestiny has a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies - Emphasis in Culture and Identity. Despite hiding under a rock for the past several years, it appears this idiot checks all the boxes for BIA and Phony.

  24. When I say “the residents,” I mean the ones who count.

    The ones who look like me, talk like me, make the same amount of money as me, buy the same things as me, are my age, my gender, and prefer similar sexual partners and positions to me. People that choose a house like mine, and transportation that I use. They also have the same pets and number of kids as me that go to the same schools as my kids. We like the same restaurants. “Residents” means people who play and watch the same sports as me and speak the same language as me. They’ve been in Encinitas about the same number of years as me, and vote for the same candidates I do.

    I assume we “residents” are the majority, even though we keep somehow losing elections.

    1. They are ones that are predators like me, love the BIA, and prefer things in their butt.

      Unless you are Freakshow, you do not matter.

  25. Will there ever come a day when the morons will not be polluting EU?

  26. 10:33 you make a good point. People always belonged to parties, but using party affiliation as a substitute for revealing a candidate’s positions is 100% on the Dems. This especially ratcheted up under Blakespear with help from Gonzalez. I’m saying this as a Dem: it’s cheap and wrong and an obvious smokescreen for unpopular policies and decisions. Thank the extremity if Trump as their biggest assist.

    1. Until Trump is exorcised from the Republican party, it doesn’t have a chance. Which means the progressives will keep their grip on Encinitas and much of the state.

    2. Exactly. He is their perfect excuse for acting just as sneakily on their side.

    3. The Republican party has a whole lot more wrong with it than Trump. You've had 4 years without him and you're still useless and repulsive.

    4. I don't belong to any party but here is the truth.
      biden has Alzheimers and was never that smart in the first place. Just like the buffoon gavin newsom
      Donald Trump is obnoxious but smart. You clowns can jump up and down until you are crazier but the country ran just fine when Trump was in office.
      The left has RUINED THE UNITED STATES. The country needs to be repaired. Try and think, go on, try it.
      And also rememeber....everything leftist do, they ruin

    5. You ask why republicans are hated in Encintas, then demonstrate why. Keep it up fuckheads, this is how we know who not to vote for and why Ehlers is guilty by association.

    6. Trump is the left’s useful idiot, kind of like Morris. Both think that failed businesses are a sign of success. Trump did actually win an election but has been losing them for the repubicants ever since. Dems actually funded trumptards in the primaries because they are so easy to beat. Trump’s dad made all the money, like Morris’s wife made all of his. Dems have never been so beatable in CA but repubs are blowing it once again with their stupid low effort issues like DEI and pitting blacks against mexicans. Loser rhetoric wil result in yet another loss at the ballot box.

      Conservatives need to start conserving by protecting CEQA empowering the Coastal Commish. Problem for conservatives is they don’t trust science which would back their conservation efforts and expose the fuaxgressives.

    7. The reason the America hating left fails at everything is the smart folks get things in action. And just to be contrary to smart things the left does the opposite.
      Creating failure after failure. Stop the wall, let in 10 million illegals, tell the border patrol to stand down and let them cross and put these turd world ghetto inhabitants on buses, inflation on and on and on.
      Everything the left does.......they destroy.
      Simply look at the condition of the state of california and that mouth breathing idito gavin newsom.
      newsom is a product of incest of dumb and dumber.
      Keep voting for leftists while they ruin the country.

    8. Ohhhh the lie of gullible warming and raising seas and elctriic cars. You fools

    9. Just tell us you dont know how to win an election to save your braindead pos life 5:57. You're on another planet than a majority of Encinitas voters.

      You are irrelevant.

    10. Typical America hating leftist. You don't counter my pointing out attack me. This, is why you are loser and I tell the truth. Everything the left does,
      they destroy.

    11. People are happy where they are.

  27. Hello:

    My name is Kamala Harris. I just love electric school busses. (Cackle, cackle, cackle). And remember, equity is a word--that's a bunch of letters put together. Equity is a word that looks quite a bit like "equal," but when we talk about equity, what we mean to say are words, which are formed when letters are put together. We need to give some people a kind of a kind of a head start so they have just as much of a chance as smart, intelligent, and successful people of reaching the finish line and winning the first place trophy. I remember when my mother was pushing me in my stroller in Birmingham, Alabama and I told my mom, "Fwee dumb. Fwee dumb." Then we talked about equity and Willie Brown, who knows the difference between Maxine Waters and Joe Biden. Joe is my friend. My friend. And I love Joe. He loves me, too. But not like Downtown Willie Brown, who turned my britches upside down and inside out. (Cackle, cackle, cackle). I'm talking about saving democracy here. And electric school busses. Equity is President Biden falling on the stairway to Air Force One and singing "Swing Low, Sweet Corvette" with Nelson Mandella when they were arrested together.

    1. Can I endorse her immediately?
      - Density Moleston

    2. The electric bus, truck and car are lies. The idiot leftist warmer thinks tricity simply comes from the wall.
      The warmers are stupid people living in a world where the Wizard of Oz feeds them.
      The left...........dumb as a stump. like where am I biden.

    3. "what you talkin' bout' willis?"

  28. “Busses” are kisses, did you mean “buses?”

  29. Typical.

    MAGA Congressman gets caught wearing a military service pin he didn’t earn.

    “But the congressman has defended himself on social media and in comments to other news outlets, casting himself as a victim who is being targeted for his conservatism and support for former President Donald Trump.”

    A victim? Ya don’t say.

    This is why Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers.

  30. "Embrace the bush 2024"
    - Density Moleston

  31. The idiot leftist gavin newsom just raised your gasoline tax starting today. Keep voting for the communist left you friggin' morons......................

    1. I'm a life long Dem and I fully agree with with all my Bernie Dem sisters and brothers!

      Step Down Biden, Step down Newscum, and Step down Phony Kranz.

      As a life long earth and human loving good Democrat, I think its important for all Bernie democrats and other loving democrats to get behind facts and push a initiative for every highschool student to watch this movie about how to find meaning and success in life. Its so good, all my grandkids have watched it twice. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. The old Democratic party is dead. Now it is nothing more than brainless buffoons. What a mess.

  32. Here are some quals. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Can you say COVID tard?!

    Climate Change Planner & Regional Transportation Planner → Caltrans, 2020–2023


    Not quite as bad as the useless and stupid Town Dunce, but pretty damn close and more harmful.

    At least she has a jungle bush for the Freakshow to enjoy. Marco and Nathan will be weed-wacking all next Saturday, with Nathan's "wife" cleaning up the mess. 🤮

  33. I love how the MAGA don’t have any response about their stolen valor guy.

    It speaks volumes.

    The modern GOP are a bunch of scumbag losers with no honor.

    Bunch of lying POS domestic terrorists.

    1. MAGA - nothing to die w local

  34. How convenient, Jeremy. You turn off comments when the truth starts being revealed.

  35. 1,000,000,000% 9:23am. The guy is the epitome of a extremely low IQ soyboy.

  36. I'm sure that conversation was leading somewhere brilliant, 9:23

  37. Supreme court just started another blue wave. Sorry bruce and jim, cant vote king makers only public servants. Republicans final nail in the coffin. See ya, never gonna be ya. Time to punish even former republicants trying to fool voters into thinking they are reasonable. Destiny and kranz, come on down. Mcconnel, trump and corrupt supreme court brought to you by republicans. Everything republicans touch they destroy. Just look at every shithole red state and red county, all trash, every single one. Republicants trying to make America Bakersfield.

    1. Encinitas Republicans "Why don't they like and vote for us?" GD I hate fucking Republicans and their POS, corrupt, racist, fucked up, pointless, party. I love it when you shitheads lose here and everywhere over and over. Especially California.

    2. 10:47 you're same dude calling for the assassination of a former and future POTUS with your big players in the dem party after losing your minds on the SCOTUS ruling the constitution is infinitely more important than your soyboy lawfare friends.

      Jan 20, 2025 many of you will be imprisoned. No bail.


    3. Biden is king now, why would dems go to jail. Idiot

    4. I’m not 10:47, and I’m not calling for any assassination.

      I’m just saying that it would be a terrible shame, but many people feel they are being mistreated, and you can only push people so far before they take to the streets. What’s happening, it’s like nobody’s ever seen before, and all the experts are saying that a former president could find himself in some trouble. But let’s hope not. Let’s hope for peace, but I tell you, it doesn’t look too good. And it wouldn’t take too much. Just one guy or gal out there—but I shouldn’t say more because then they’ll send these crooked and totally conflicted prosecutors at me. And I’ll say: for what? I said it would be a terrible shame and let’s hope for peace and for that they want to come after me. It’s terrible what’s happening, and let me tell you—one way or another it has to end, and it will end.

      See how that’s done?

  38. Hilarious that team Ohara worked so hard to avoid showing Julie Thunder's face in their event pics and vids. It's alright Jimbo everyone already knows what your campaign is about and who's behind it. Equally funny that no effort was made to hide all the Moron4Mayor supporters in attendance. 🤣🤣🤣

    Over on EN there's an article about how team Shaffer has been lying from the beginning about being an independent. He was actually a registered member of the Libertarian party this whole time and has been for years. After people called him on it he pulled a Thunder and changed it. Shaffer was also blocking residents asking questions from his page. It's so odd I didn't see anything about these issues on EV. I wonder why! 🤣🤣🤣

    1. EV has been hi-jacked by Spam and her band of low IQ perpetual losers. It’s a cry fest for losers, no solutions, just a collection of losers that voters kicked to the curb. Half the criers dont even live in encinitas and the other half that do live here have lost and only have out of towner support.

      This site is not much better, deleting posts about the conservative scotus making biden king.

      Shaffer will lose, only low iq republicants fall for lies from a crunchy libertarian.

    2. I wasn't there but people said Jim's kickoff was nice. Jim delivered his speech while sitting in Luke's lap and you could barely see Luke's mouth moving.

    3. 11:23 is the usual Marco-Jeremy-Amanda merry band of muckrakers?

      Everyone knows Thunder can’t stay away, means nothing that she shows up everywhere trying to be relevant.

    4. She lives in a shrinking bubble of influence.

    5. Who cares if she feels the need to run all over Encinitas looking for photo opps. It’s weird just ignore

    6. If Thunder is at your event, you are now just wasting your time and money.

      It’s over.

      Shut it down.

    7. How do you suggest one keep her out?

    8. 11:23 HAHAHAHAHAHA It's so easy to NOT make these mistakes, but they just keep making them.

    9. Serious question you don’t get to laugh off. Everyone is at a kick off in a public place and she walks up. Are they supposed to bar or eject her? Is there not a concern that she won’t call in her friends from New Jersey and Florida to pull their garbage all over again?

      Stop laughing and answer.

    10. I'm 2:24 and I wasn't laughing at Thunder. That's a complicated and serious question that some people that created a shitshow that they continue to support and benefit from need to answer. You can't get the goodies but also reject where they come from.

    11. Serious answer. Good luck trying to convince anyone that's what happened. Julie's been involved with their campaigns since the beginning and is promoting them in person and on her page. Stop with the gaslighting.

    12. If I was a candidate, I’d pay Thunder to show up at every one of my opponent’s gatherings and speak on his behalf.

  39. And should Kranz stop picking up the phone to Walsh? How’s that for a look?

    1. Picking up the phone? Kranz sends Garvin all of his emails.

  40. I wish the thunder mouth that roars and the gasbag golden would stop publicizing their support for Bruce. We got it.

    Everyone knows who you are voting for. No need to remind us.

    Know this. Every time you remind us, you are taking votes away from Bruce. If that is not your intention, just stfu for the next four months or so. If you truly want to support Bruce, stfu until the votes are all in.

    Doing this simple thing right now would help Bruce and maybe even the both of you in some small way. I know it is a lot to ask with your public history's around here, but every little but can make a difference to Bruce and his many supporters.

  41. 'every little bit'. haha We have more than enough but[t]s around here.

    1. The question about Julie is, who's side is she really on? We saw how things turned out last time.

      Why is Thunder so involved in other district's campaign's?

      Any involvement with Thunder is questionable. She'll be taking their strategies back to Kranz via Walsh. This could be a disaster in the making and D1 and D2 both lose again.

      I'd also like to know who O'Hara voted for mayor in the last election.

      I worry about Shaffer. He's a nice guy. If Thunder or O'Hara get dragged down, they'll drag him with them.

      Notice Ehlers is keeping his distance.

    2. No gaslighting, Julie made it known to many in 2022 that she wanted kranz for mayor. She and Walsh took their show on the road with very limited success. So no gaslighting, it happened. She’s the one gaslighting now by claiming she supports Bruce, Jim, Luke. For some weird reason that only she can answer, Walsh is again working for Kranz and she is working with Walsh. End of story.

    3. Thank you - well said and sadly true.

      There are some good folks surrounding those two candidates. I hope someone will talk to them about the peril they are in.

      How involved is she in their campaigns?

    4. Limited. They are all well aware of the treachery but also the risk of having the watchdog nuts turn on them. Sadly a fine line to walk.

  42. Also have to wonder why she posts constantly under her campaign title? What’s that about

    1. She may be needed at the last moment to fuck up someone else’s campaign.

  43. Wow, how terrible someone who had the most votes out of anyone who tried to run against Blakespears puppets went out and supported Local candidates (and businesses) who are literally on the same side as most of you. Get over yourselves, you’re embarrassing all of us. Seek therapy! Your obsession is starting to mirror that one guy who we all know (unfortunately).
    No matter how you feel I was there and saw how absolutely loved and appreciated Julie was. I have never seen so many people, local business owners, not only in Cardiff but in Leucadia, Encinitas, and Del Mar and how many local legends were so happy to see Julie. Were you there? Did you get the same kind of appreciation? I wish I could bet on it.
    I’m not Julie, check my IP.

    The fact that you miserable people were not out in the sunshine getting some vitamin D and enjoying community, company, laughs, great food, and drinks, and an absolutely wonderful time but instead we’re sitting here obsessing over Julie is a sign of serious mental illness. I pray for you. Also, as a kind reminder, it’s 2024.

    1. Don’t believe a word of it. Julie should have considered the consequences when she helped Kranz win the last election.

    2. Bottom line 6:15.

    3. When “she” helped? You mean when she was spending all of her time campaigning for herself? As she should have been.

      “Rumor has it” Cindy had a few extremely knowledgeable people on her team that quit when things didn’t go their way. But keep pointing fingers if it makes you feel better……

    4. Lots of rumors flying around. But the reality is most Encinitas residents couldn't tell you who is on the council now, and it's doubtful that they will know any of the people running. As usual, it comes down to money. So if you have a candidate you support, send them some money. Yesterday was the last day for this round, and soon we will find out who spent what on whom. But there is another reporting period before the election. Social media isn't work shit when it comes to newcomers. They beed to walk the streets, do meet and greets in their own district only, and get themselves known. Of course, if you are supported by the Democratic machine, like Destiny is, it's a lot easier.

    5. I don't doubt people at the Shaffer and O'Hara kickoff events were happy to see Julie. All the local Republicans supported her cancerous right wing ass and both events were full of Trump lovin fools.

    6. Exactly 7:22. No one give a shit about all this stupid gossip if ya got some money. Do any of you? Because Julie and the people she hangs out with are fine.

    7. 6:13 don't want to be anywhere near the Barstow Barfly who helped encinitas become more of a shithole because of her personal vendettas.

  44. No 6:39 she did not stay in her lane as she claimed nonstop

  45. 6:39. Guessing you’re Julie or one of her believers. Cindy is a non issue here. She lost and moved on. Julie meanwhile, after losing twice, is involving herself in other district’s campaigns and muddying their waters now. I’m sure Bruce told her to buzz off, otherwise she’d have her claws into his campaign too.

    1. Bruce and Julie are thick as thieves. They've been spotted together more times than I can count.

    2. 🐽 will root.

  46. 6:51 Yesterday was the last day to send $ that will be recorded? How does one hear about this? I definitely would’ve sent $ had I known. I also would’ve liked to hear the candidates speak. How does one hear about these speaking engagements?

    1. GO to their campaign pages and a campaign event to hear more!

    2. Thx, I’ll look for their campaign pages!

  47. Hey Jeremy!

    Moscow Maddow says right wing death squads are coming for you bro! No more drag shows brosaurus!

  48. 7:22. A lot more than Trumpers like these guys. They are THE BEST alternatives to council picked candidates and appointments. Julie sucks but her pal Tony and Allison and Joy and Kellie suck even worse. Lots of Dems will vote for anyone but Tony’s clan. Just hoping it’s enough to kick some incumbents out the door!

    1. I’m a life long Dem and will not be voting for Kranz again.

    2. Same BS every election.

    3. Neither O'Hara or Shaffer have any relevant experience. At least O'Hara has obviously been paying attention for some time.

      I guess the logic here is that Ehlers and some helpful EV reading residents will tell them what to do and how to vote?

    4. 👆🏾wrong.

      They have the most important relevant experience – common sense.

      Tony Kranz is a fucking idiot.

      We see what happens when fucking idiots run the city and give complete control to the building industry of America ( BIA)

    5. Ah, common sense. I'm gonna look for that on resumes from now on. Have O'Hara or Destiny lived here longer?

    6. To your point Kranz has lived here most of his life and been on council,for over twelve years. Look at his decisions and how they’ve impacted the city. Crime, homeless, traffic, over development are results of really bad decisions.

    7. My only point is that the things that are the basis of criticism for Destiny seem to be seen as assets to O'Hara & Schaffer.

    8. Kranz has a 12 year track record of failure.

    9. Right 3:10, that's the issue.

  49. gavin newsom is a buffoon. Billions in debt and this idiot gives free medical to illegals? newsom is a traitor to America

    1. Sorry, i left out Alzheimers biden. All of these America hating leftists are ruining our country. All traitors

    2. Agreed Newsom is a buffoon, Biden is brain dead literally, and Tony Kranz is a fucking idiot.

      Wasting millions and millions of Precious tax dollars on unnecessary city staff, more pensions, and pet projects.

      The last thing the city beats is another facility for a senior center to spend and waste millions of dollars and higher more FTE’s, which do nothing to address the cities core issues.

      Tony can’t remember shit, so we have to remind him every day. The city’s core issues are fixed the roads, fix the drainage, and keep us safe.

      Kranz will never get it. The average citizen could give a shit about adding another facility to have Tony’s 10 old Karen friends have another spot for their water coloring.

      So much bullshit. Kranz needs to be fired like Dallablabber. Unfortunately, Kranz is much much worse than Dallablabber was.

      Resigned today, TONY!!!

    3. * The last thing the city needs is another senior center to waste millions of dollars with more FTE’s, which do nothing to address the city’s core issues.

  50. Jesus, the freaking roads in Encinitas are horrendous!

    It’s just one reason the City Of Encinitas is getting its ass sued off every year. You don’t think so, just take a drive on Lake Acadia Boulevard from El Camino Real to the coast. Holy crap, be prepared and wear a helmet (in your car)!!.

    Under retarded, Kranz watch, the roads went from mediocre to a complete failure, worse than Tijuana. Now I see cars F’ing up there, suspension and tires, and I see kids going down on bike due to the potholes.

    Vote out this retarded loser in November.

    Better yet, Tony Kranz should resign today!

    1. * It’s just one reason the City Of Encinitas is getting its ass sued off every year. You don’t think so, just take a drive on Leucadia Boulevard from El Camino Real to the coast. Holy crap, be prepared and wear a helmet (in your car)!!.

  51. Did you hear?

    After a fabulous June gay pride month headlines by Tony Kratz and Garvin Walsh, July is parks and rec Month!!

    That’s right, the focus is How can the city waste a shit ton of money on programs that should be handled by the YMCA or the Boys and Girls Club?

    I know, let’s build additional senior centers that no one uses, And pay a bunch of slackers, big wages, and they’ll get pensions forever.

    Great idea starvin. I’m honestly not sure how the Republicans ever nominated you for the North County Republican Central committees

    Your girlfriend seems very pathetic to me.


  52. *** City of Encinitas- Real Time News***

    After a fabulous June gay pride month headlines by Tony Kratz and Garvin Walsh, July is parks and rec Month!!

    That’s right, the focus is How can the city waste a shit ton of money on programs that should be handled by the YMCA or the Boys and Girls Club?

    I know, let’s build additional senior centers that no one uses, And pay a bunch of slackers, big wages, and they’ll get pensions forever.

    Great idea starvin. I’m honestly not sure how the Republicans ever nominated you for the North County Republican Central committees

  53. For Parks and Rec month this year, let’s turn a designated city park into a low income housing project with no easy access to shopping or public transit, on an already over developed two lane road. Another brilliant decision bought to us by our never elected, always appointed city council!

    1. That sounds like a great idea. First up City Hall parking lot second Pacific view homeless and senior center.

      Tony Kranz sure knows how to fuck things up!

    2. It is's the typical leftists ruining what ever they do. The mind of the left? Think the opposite of good sense. Just look at the State then the Country.
      A mess. biden should be hung in public as he is a traitor the country

    3. What are you talking about? Are your investments not up? Home equity up? Income not risen? All mine are way up and we got a new beach, new parks, new streets, under crossings with art, bike lanes, a rail trail, a new and improved lagoon, the list goes on and on. What did the red stronghold of Bakersfield get besides subsidies just tomstay afloat? What red state or county is thriving like us? When has a red state or county ever thrived? Being in constant debt and under-served is the established norm for the right.

    4. 12:57- Wait till your fentanyl wears off. you’re currently laying face down in the gutter. You just think you’re not.

    5. You have to face the fact that red states suck for red state inhabitants most of the time. Yes, there are those wealthy counties or towns where people live very very well, but thats a tiny %. The rest are fucked.

      The person thst keeps posting the facts is right. Republicans give less than a shit about you.

  54. Lowering the speed limit genius!

    Yesterday witnessed a city hall vehicle traveling 45-50mph on a recently lowered 20mph speed limit.

    There more irony- witnessed many, many more drivers going even faster (50mph+) on recently lowered 20mph zones.

    Nobody fkg cares even city paid workers.

    Another absolutely stupid waste of money

    1. That and who believes it only costs $60k to implement?

      This council, led by Kranz, is incapable of solving real problems.

    2. I agree what a huge waste of resources to print all of those ugly signs and mail out all of those pollutants in our mailboxes.

      This action will have no positive results.

      You can make the speed limit 5 mph and it won’t have any impact on the rate of speed that drivers will travel. If it will just piss them off, I agree I’m gonna start going faster on 20 mph speed limit Street.

      City Of Encinitas sucks tranny Morphies.

      - huge waste of tax dollars, massive unneeded pollution. and contributions to unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions. Quit filling the landfill with unnecessary waste From the City of Encinitas.

    3. The face diapers that did zero point zero in stopping the spread for covid colds polluted the entire planet, oceans, and atmosphere 1000x than any other fossil fuel borne cow fart in history.

      Make it make sense

    4. I agree. I wish Tony Kranz would keep his face diaper on. Huge improvement.

  55. Just got caught up on all the facebook groups and learned only one thing. Pam came to Encinitas for lunch after gettimg her hair done. She told the stylist to give her the full umpah lompah with a touch of Andy Warhol.

    1. I understand. But I thought there’d be a touch of Rod Stewart in there. 🙏?


    Sales 101- both sides should learn this but Spam is fair game along with the Penguin, Stan and the other watchdorks. .

    1. 12:52/ Thank you.

      Tony Kranz sucks big fat Puss filled balls. I think that checks all the boxes.


    2. 👆🏾*pus

  57. What value do any of the morons provide? Their posts here clearly show they are valueless bottom of the barrel scum.

    Meanwhile, Encinitas Undercover has to suffer these bottom of the barrel scum posting their drivel daily.

    1. Who is the moron calling other people moron with no reference?

      One that comes to mind is Starvin.

    2. It’s become a the preferred adjective to describe the disgraced former Swamis surfer and his cult followers. As if you didn’t know.

    3. The one whose posting that on this blog is an asswipe.

      We all know the Stan clan does not frequent this blog.

      Catch a clue Starvin, I think the Boner pills are getting to your front lobe.

    4. Yeah, wink, wink 😉

    5. “Stan doesn’t frequent this blog”

      Hey remember that time he came on here and had a complete meltdown posting the n-word over and over and making threats? And it was so bad that the sheriff launched an investigation and the blog moderator had to announce that he was co-operating with the investigation? And then after the total meltdown he had to sell his house and slink out of town on all fours like a dog?


      I remember that.

    6. The insecure a-hole is still on here. He can’t let go. Ask his soon to be former wife about that. Oops, she’s on here too!

  58. Wow! The 🍊-ina is on trajectory to pull a Ronnie ReeeeeeGan

  59. Ok some humor is warranted...

    TDS sufferers need not apply


  60. Phony,

    I received intel from one of our most faithful over the weekend who was able to attend the meet and greet with Jim completely undercover.

    Here are my findings:

    Jim likes to drink soda.
    Ms. Lippy's car is green.

    That's all I've got so far but don't worry, I will be deploying Bella the hat lady at all future events. We were able to keep her out of most of the pictures so I don't believe anyone is on to us.

    - Starvin
