Sunday, June 2, 2024

City council wants to raise sales tax

After a decade of egregious fiscal mismanagement and multi-million-dollar lawsuits for negligence, the city wants more of your money.

Encinitas Advocate
In a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember Bruce Ehlers opposed, the City Council decided Wednesday, May 22, to put the item on the Nov. 5 ballot. Adding 1 percent to the city’s 7.75 percent tax rate is expected to generate an extra $15.4 million yearly in revenue.

Meanwhile, Carlsbad cuts bloat


  1. When you never had a real job, your mother in law gives you her apartment on a large lot for free, your wife brings home the bacon and enables you to continue being a useless turd, you submit papers to the tax assessor lying about the value of of the 7 bedroom - 5 bathroom huge rebuild to a ugly box on an prime acre in Leucadia and you pay taxes on an 2023 assessed value of $207,194 and paid $2,694 in taxes FOR THE YEAR , you have nothing else to do but ride your ebike around on the sidewalks without helmets and you befriend the biggest failure in the Republican party that was fired by Lehman Brothers and disowned by his family who actually sued him and you make him your City email administrator, top advisor and lover.... well maybe a 13% increase in the local sales taxes seems like a good idea to allow the city to continue building huge staff costs and pet project like at least three more senior centers throughout our City in each community.

    Kranz's motives are clear and I don't think reflect most citizens thoughts on effectively managing a City.

    Did Kranz resign yesterday or do the Citizens need to demand his resignation at the next City Council meeting on June 12?

    -Thank God for responsible local heros like Greg LaFave and other amazing Citizens that love Encinitas. We need to strip this cancer out of the City Hall. Its been bring Encinitas down for years. That is 12 years since DalaKranz his been on the City Council.

    1. 6:54, Kranz and familie are the type that the YIMBAs love to hate. Cheating Boomers suck!

  2. Here is the clip showing our local hero in Action! I love real life super HEROS. Thank you Greg for trying to save Encinitas!

    May more people be like Greg and tell the City Council especially Ms. McPhuckwadipants that we do not approve.


  3. Molestiny has her first event next week with special guest speaker BIAspear!!! Molestiny is a HARD NO!

    1. 👆🏾💯

    2. What city is it in?

      Is it in northern California where molestiny is from?

    3. Maybe newbie babblermouth AZ Joy can join and they can highlight how their main focus is to sellout Encinitas to the BIA for maximum profit and encourage stack and pack to convert Encinitas to another shitty LA city with gridlock all while maxing out taxing the existing residents for infrastructure they are not requiring of the developers per their Master’s (the BIA’s) orders.

    4. The event is taking place in the village. Tisha Boner will also be speaking for extra points. Mediterranean cuisine will be served, presumably vegan.

    5. Better get there before Tasha and Tony gets there or you’ll be lucky to get a crumb…. Not to mention 🐽

    6. So Molestiny has roots in the bay area? Who'd have ever imagined that?

    7. I can't wait for this event! Would it be frowned upon if I were to boof that Mediterranean food?
      - Phony

    8. 👆🏾that’s what The Town Dunce always does. It expected.

    9. Destiny is your destiny, and the GOAT is your daddy.

      The sooner you make peace with it, the better off you’ll be.

    10. We all love, Kelly Slater, and who is this Destiny that you were referring to?

      Is “she” a newcomer or something?

      Did she show up at your freak show this week?

      Is she a she or he or a tranny, furry, or something?

    11. It think she did. Rumor is she has a untrimmed bush.

    12. Will Blakespear use her State issued credit card like the one she had for SANDAG? Living on the public dime....

  4. With a split vote and Blakespear’s endorsement, Destiny will win.

    1. 👆🏾shows you’are a dumbass. Molestiny is slitting the BIA vote with Kommie Kevin.

      Good on ya.

      Common sense residents focused on quality of life issues are going with Jim O'Hara.

    2. Split vote either way will go to the incumbents choice. She’s got endorsements, money and party support, but you keep repeating 🐽💩rhetoric. Look where it got us last time.

      Though I know otherwise, I still can’t believe how gullible you people are. You’re all squabbling over a few bones and Destiny is going to take the prize. She’s already got you beat.

      Keep going with 🐽💩recommendations and the spoiler will give the incumbents what they want every fucking time.#morontoo

    3. You’re going with 🐽 comments but no matter.

      The residents got a winner with Jim O’Hara. 🙏🏾

    4. The residents got a split vote. Again.

      He and Doyle were warned. Sucks for D2.

    5. 10:41- You’re as dumb as they come. Sure hope you’re on Social Security. Because you’re not worthy of employment.

    6. Why is 10:41 dumb? Pretty obvious what’s going to happen with more than 2 candidates in a race.

    7. It’s been explained before you’re just too stupid to read and understand. Go back to kindergarten for some reading comprehension skills.

    8. I’m with the goat.

    9. Kelly Slater’s always fun to watch at Teahupo'o. Agreed.

    10. O’Hara hanging with the MAGA chicks and Thunder is a non starter. Her endorsement is like poison.

      All the moron followers are going down the same path with #morontoo

    11. She and Nichols. Tag teaming as the Kiss of Death.

    12. 12:37 he’s not hanging with her it’s tre other way around. It’s not like Doyle would give her the time of day. It’s a sad way to be relevant at O’Hara’s expense.

    13. Julie is poison for any campaign she’s associated with. Just ask Susan and Alex. It’s why Ehlers will keep his distance.

      It will be hysterics, accusations, drama and the usual finger pointing, while the council’s pick gets votes, money and endorsements.

      Julie either hasn’t learned her way doesn’t win or she’s stumping for Kranz again.

    14. Wake up! If you aren’t on Team O’Hara you are on Team BIA/Blakespear and Kranz. Let the BIA split the vote.

      Serious question, has anyone seen Doyle campaigning? Who is his “Team”?

    15. buh, but, I thought local elections in Encinitas were non-partisan?

  5. Glad to see EU has activated campaign mode.

    1. EU is Encinitas real time news.


  6. How dare the city council let voters decide.

    MAGA are going to have to attack city hall and bludgeon cops with the American flag.

    1. 12:31 You live in a delusional world. . NO NEW TAXES

  7. Is there a requirement for our homeless newcomers to be in Encinitas for a certain amount of time before they can run for city council?

    We know the BIA loves to appoint out of towners like Arizona Joy so that seems to make sense.

    Or as we’ve seen our current city council the appointment.

    How long has Density been in Encinitas? Is it over one month?

  8. Can anyone name anything Donna Westbrook has ever been for?

  9. 1:06pm It is beyond counting how many times Donna has stood up defending this community against the sold-out planners and obliging council members.

    Bruce is a much needed breath of fresh air, but he needs others to join him on the dais for a new majority. He can't do what we need the most by himself.

    1. What are her acomplishments?

      Did she ever get an issue onto the agenda? Or passed? Did she get a park or school built? Or a road paved?

      Anything beyond school marm finger wagging for TV cameras?

  10. Of course Larri is on team O'Hara, he's been defending her behavior for years. She's so excited about Spoiler Jim that she shared his announcement post from Encinitas Votes to Encinitas Votes. 🤣🤣🤣

    Christie is also falling over herself in excitement. That means Natalie and Rachel won't be far behind. The last time I saw them this worked up they were out partying with Jeff and Kim.

    Speaking of Larri .... I always thought if you applied for a commission job and were appointed, and that job required you vote on something, you did it. Obviously I was wrong.

    1. It’s not even about Jim. It’s the antics by Julie and the groupies. They interfere and alienate residents. It’s every election Julie is involved with. She rallies the troops, helps the spoilers spoil, letting them think they have a chance. Look what happened to Jeff. All her troops are either broken or very MAGA. She hasn’t learned that even though residents might be sick of progressive policies they are NEVER going to vote MAGA. And she stinks of MAGA.

      She never takes advice and fucks it up for everyone else. She’ll do the same this time around. She’s a bored housewife who never got past high school petty politics.

    2. If you aren’t on Team O’Hara, you are on Team Blakespear/Kranz. It’s that simple. Show your true colors or stfu.

    3. Here we go again! Morris hang it up already, no one as excited for you and especially not any of them. Enjoy the East Coast, work on your marriage 😳

    4. 👆🏾 No Stan here, just common sense.

      Vote hard no against anyone who supported BIA or Kranz.

      3:53- sounds like starvin. Potion for the BIA

    5. The pro-BIA bandstanding person is a sick joke. Where are all these BIA loving residents? Offering nothing but name calling.

      "Did she ever get an issue onto the agenda? Or passed? Did she get a park or school built? Or a road
      Must be talking about Ms. Preston again.

  11. Anyone that knows Julie Thunder knows two absolute truths. She never says anything negative about Republicans. She only talks positively about Republicans. Her endorsement of O'Hara says all that needs to be said.

    1. Hate to tell you but the only one who will beat Preston is Doyle.

      O’Hara knows squat about city government.

      He’ll be floundering in a debate. Doyle and Preston will spin circles around him. I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy though.

      Ask Ehlers who he prefers. Bet you it’s not O’Hara.

      I’d also like to know who O’Hara voted for mayor last election.

      Doesn’t matter anyway. You also haven’t learned that elections aren’t won on social media.

    2. I'm all for a unified ticket to fix Encinitas. Get rid of the woke traitors and vote for the three white Christian men to lead this city. The time has come.

    3. 3:00- That’s hilarious Doyle. Your team is not supporting you so you’re not gonna pick up many votes at all because the BIA is going to be supporting density. Sorry, dude, it sucks when your team doesn’t support you. Those are commie bastards for you.

    4. Hate to tell you that Doyle and Destiny are Twinning to lose!
      Both Blakespear supporters and it will be highlighted to the absolute max! Don’t forget, Doyle also donated to Kranz after he was booted off the planning commission.

      O’Hara for the win. Let’s finally rid ourselves of the plague of

    5. I’m so glad she said it! I could care less about what party you think she’s for I believe in everything she stands for and her endorsement is extremely strong. I can’t wait to vote for O’Hara .

    6. That is how we will know where the candidates stand. The ones that just bash the other side will be the republicants with no plan. They will ask you to vote for them because the other side is so bad. They wont say how they will do things differently, too stupid to have a plan, but will court rage and hate. They do it every election and lose every election cause they are not bright enough to learn. Thunder and co will keep doing the same thing and expect a different result, spam will cheer them on from del mar and lorri will give them a platform. The dummies who take over every thread will continue the delusion that their low effort thinking is normal and we should all do what they suggest. These are the people with no internal monolog, they just react to external stimuli and are dominated by the fear portion of their brain.

      Elhers should stay far away from them all, don’t even acknowledge them. In fact, he should tell them to stay away and to not vote for him. You really dont want the stank from the skanks, you will lose.

    7. Nailed it 3:58. They run their campaigns into the ground on social media and wonder why they lose. Julie's followers are like Trump followers and don't use their brains to see that every election she's involved in she's either lost or hurt other candidate's chances. Also, have they forgotten how she sided with Tony, along with Garvin, in the last election and helped Morris, screw up Cindy's chance? Or how she hurt Riley and Turney with her antics the previous election? If Bruce ignores her, she'll help find a spoiler and/or create whisper campaigns against him. It's how she operates cause she don't got anything beyond high school games. Sounds similar to a recent felon we've all been reading about, don't she?

      Now she's sticking her nose in other districts which is gonna get Destiny elected. Probably what she wants, coz it certainly helps Kranz.

    8. 4:10- stupid comment. as stupid as 🐽and Starvin.

    9. @3:00 - Please tells us where the election will be one?

  12. 3:09 is why D2 is screwed again

  13. 3:09 Has a screw loose… why are they bringing up religion? And if they are, I’m glad to support a Christian and how do they even know if they’re Christian or not?

    They are basing everything on skin color, which is freaking prejudice and they’re freaking racist like Mali… Mali hates herself along with Marco and his predator clan.

    1. I can’t see skin color. Also, I can’t have any racist thoughts because my tennis parter is black.

      Or so people have told me.

      I can’t tell.

    2. Skin color doesn’t matter for most of us, we are inter-racial that is except for BIA, who picks her hubby from the whitest of white Utah bread, strawberry red, ghostly white skin area by design…

      Sick one she is… then she keeps the poor gimp in the closet.

  14. 2:32pm. bs. If you are not for O'Hara, you have to be for the kranz crew. Complete bs. Just wait and see how wrong you are.

    Lucky for you, memories are fleeting and poof, gone, as your opinion will be long forgotten when an alternative comes forward, as it surely will before much longer.

    Destiny is toast or will be shortly. Same thing for Kevin. While I like him as the nice giving person he is, his past alignments with the current majority tanks him for this voter and I am far from alone in believing we need much more than he has to offer.

    Will the future mystery D-2 council member please stand up.

    A warning everyone. Hinze will be checking out very soon even though she said she would stay until the fall election and a selected seat filler will get the seat on the dais for the remainder of the year. Big surprise coming from hinze? Not in the slightest.

  15. Kevin Doyle gave money and supported Tony Kranz and Blakespear.

    Doyle is part of the problem. Hard NO on supporting any of the CANCER in Encinitas.

  16. I am with you. That’s the best evidence ever.

    1. Here is the clip showing our local hero in Action! I love real life super HEROS. Thank you Greg for trying to save Encinitas!

      May more people tell the City Council especially Ms. McPhuckwadipants that we do not approve.

  17. Alex Jones is my favorite comedian.

    1. 👆🏾 So what. Kranz is still a loser.

  18. The BIA lobby questionnaire for candidates….try not to throw up…

    1. "Over the last two election cycles the BIASC PAC has participated in 255 total races, prevailing in 210 regions wide, and maintained an impressive 82% win rate with candidates the PAC has supported in regional, state and local elections. The PAC has also supported CBIA’s legislative agenda by re-enforcing support for key legislators in its region as appropriate and funds are available."

    2. Destiny will have a PAC, Kevin and Jim won't.

      You do know that over 50% of residents don't care or won't vote.

    3. Density’s pack is the BIA and all their greedy sub developers. 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵🤑🤮

    4. Molest the town for BIA maximum profits, or just pure stack and pack density- Either work.

    5. This Molensity person better not try to get in on any of my email recipient action! She needs to find her own manz, Gravy Stains is spoken for!
      - Starvin

    6. A check on the city website shows none of the D2 candidates have a PAC

      Note that Paula Verdu cancelled hers.
      Note that Marco's is behind in filing paperwork.
      Note that Destiny's is located in the city of San Diego.
      Note that Shaffer, O'Hara, Blackwell, Ehlers, and Kranz all have filed Form 410 also.

      Thus, 6:08 is a first-degree moron. Probably of the Democrat misinformation type.

    7. 8:38 - What're you smoking? Conserve North County is up to date with all filings.

    8. Marco who will you be advocating against with your PAC? Will Larry Jackel and other like-minded developers be funding it again? You're on the up and up right so have nothing to hide here?

    9. Let's see, I'm supporting Kranz, Blackwell, and Preston, so figure it out from there...

  19. Molensity is also endorsed by Terrible Lawsuit Ramrod, Kindergarten, Arizona's Finest & Nevin-been-laid. They're all in on this one folks!

  20. Maybe all the illegals living in local canyons can cook up some tacos. That is what this country is coming to. All thanks to the America hating left. 10 million at last count. Border Patrol and all law enforcement have been ordered to stand down. You are on your own. biden should be hung as a traitor.

    1. Biden is not coherent, he would not care.

      His keepers should be punished.

      How about Kranz’s keepers?

    2. I know nothing about local politics...nothing. What everyone should be concerned about is the left ruining california and the nation. The idiot newsom, biden and the rest. If anyone is so stupid as to think this invasion of turd world ghetto inhabitants is going to go well, then good luck. The crime in L.A is out of control so the folks with money are moving down here to Encinitas, Cardiff, Del Mar etc. Don't think so?
      Everything the left does it destroys. In the mean time prices of homes here are going insane because the dollar is worth less so prices are high.
      Turd world ghetto invaders living in the canyons will either invade your homes, get shot by people such as myself or move on. But even I can't kill 10 million.

    3. You should have just stopped after the 1st 3 words 7:42. You gonna lose again. bashing the competition rather than promoting yours is a sure fire and proven way to lose. Nobody is going to vote for perpetual losers just becuase the other side keeps whooping you. Why should they vote for your loser? What are the benefits? The winnimg side has at least improved streets, built parks and the homeowners have gained a ton of equity You are a threat to that if you can’t articulate a better plan, which you can’t, so you will lose again.

    4. 11:15, the sad part is that prices have gone up making it harder for the young to move here. Maybe, it is time that we come clean. They have done nothing to help push up the middle class. The leaders have gentified Encinitas. Don't blame me, anymore.

    5. I’m middle class and have a ton of home equity and live in great town that puts sand on the beach and does things to improve the community. They have done such a great job that more people want to live(and invest) here than ever. Does it suck for the people who thought we were getting affordable housing but got McMansions, yup. We should come clean about that and stick it to the developers made it that way. The problem is that the perpetual losers of local politics dont have a plan but to not improve streets, not build community center, not put sand on the beach, not restore habitat, i could go on and on. Seems like the alternative to gentrification is slumification with these wackadoodles. No thanks, i have more faith in capitalism fixing things than whatever it is they are pushing. Most voters feel the same which is why gentrification wins out, better than the alternative.

  21. Two new mature chains get a few store as the biotech industry cuts tens of thousands…. Pop. Winters here.

    Sure hope your financial house is in order.

    We see the City of Encinitas is in horrible financial shape. 😡

  22. Fox News seems highly attuned to the idea that Trump’s is the only application of the law to use a federal crime as the secondary crime to boost a state misdemeanor to a felony.

    However, they have somehow overlooked the fact that Hunter Biden is the only person in history to be charged with lying on a gun purchase form when the gun was never used in any crime.

    Also, they have failed to note that the Trump DOJ took a pass on Hunter Biden prosecution.

    If it’s true that Joe Biden is “weaponizing” the justice system, then it appears he’s weaponizing it against his son.

    Either that, or he’s leaving prosecutors alone to do their jobs—prosecuting crimes wherever they find it, even if the perp is a former president or the son of the current president.

    Cue the victim cult.

    1. Let me help you 6:59. Lying on a gun purchase application is simply stupid. "It doesn't matter if
      the gun was used in crime or not." If you lie on the application, you now have set yourself up for prosecution. I buy guns often, I'm not smart but I'm not stupid enough to lie on the application.
      You lie and get caught, you'll have people coming to your residence you'll wish were not. They do not mess around.
      joe biden isn't smart enough weaponize a bowel movement. He has Alzheimers and is pumped on the juice to hide it.

    2. And if you alter business records to conceal a federal campaign expense, then you have also set yourself up for prosecution.

      See how that works?

      Fair is fair.

    3. Exibit A on how stupid democrats are above. Thanks for proving my point. Nobody believes your bullshit to the tune of $200m in campaign donations for the 🍊 martyr.

      But keep believing bro 🤡

    4. 12:11 earns 47 victim points.

    5. Bragging about paying legal bills for a claimed billionaire doesn’t sound like a cult at all.


    6. Notice folks how I clear up a subject of buying a gun and "they" change the subject to something else.
      You see, everything the left does...they destroy.
      Also notice leftists have zero humor. They are always angry. It is very weird. They give no thought to the invasion of illegals into our country. Very weird.
      They think biden is normal and not out of his Alzheimer's mind........they think it normal.

    7. Oh we all see and understand very well.

      You want to ignore the fact that Hunter Biden is being tried under a set of facts that no one has ever been prosecuted for, while claiming that the legal novelty of Trump’s conviction makes him a victim.

      Can’t have it both ways, dummy.

      If either one of them had a different surname, they wouldn’t be prosecuted, but they both are probably guilty.

      Only those deep in the throes of the victim cult can’t see it.

    8. Thanks retard for the points I'll use them for my social credit score😃

      The tragedy is that same amount is your actual IQ.

  23. ❤️ this comment from Kranz -

    “Cry about the only crappy taco shop that is a chain thats shutting down and sand on the beach some more. EV, the new watchdorks”

    Kranz is just bummed because they would never give her a free lunch. They wouldn’t even give her girlfriend Garvin Walsh free cup of coffee.

    Keep up the great work EV and all of you local heroes. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    BIA and Kranz’s Freakshow are not looking good rolling into this election with the wheels at City Hall falling off the axles.


    Kranz = 🤮😡

  24. Democrats cannot stop vomiting complete bullshit every single day. Constantly parroting bullshit. Nobody believes their bullshit anymore but they keep bullshitting. It's quite entertaining how truly stupid they've gotten.

    The upside down American flag in your front yard is necessary.

    Fk these racists.

  25. The financial shape of Encinitas voters has never been better. Have you seen your neighbors from your moms basement?

  26. AAAND there it is, Leah Bisonet chiming in after Thunder wondered when she'd be back. Can a "debate" be far behind??

    1. ^^Somebody likes to talk about themselves in the third person.

    2. Yup, all the players who fiddled with and fucked up the last election are at it again. Same tactics and beating the same drums. And they call Kranz the dunce?

    3. No. Kranz earn that title herself.

      Kranz earned the reputation earned as:

      “The Town Dunce”

      All you need to do is ask anyone that went to school with Tony. She has always been the same stupid loudmouth idiot.

      It’s universal that reputations are built on actions.

      Kranz earned her reputation.

    4. So what does that say about Julie's gang of misfits? Including, Leah, Garvin, Rachel, etc...

    5. All earned.

      I love Greg LaFave, Rachel, Natalie, Elena Thompson‘s actions.

      They have proven to me that they are truly local heroes! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    6. 🐽 and Starvin earned theirs as well.

      I am opposed to their BIA maximum profit focused support above all else. 🤮

    7. They're all great if they haven't been sucked into Julie and Garvins' traitorous world of deceit. Sadly, Rachel got roped in and Julie will use her up too....

    8. 2:59, Julie is just not that powerful. I think you may be speculating

    9. She's not but her actions had huge consequences last election - and we got Kranz.

  27. Skin color doesn’t matter to me. I can’t even see skin color. But I can see people out in public and tell you if they are undocumented immigrants or not.

    I’m not really sure how I do it.

    It’s magic I guess.

    1. Great. Weird you can not see skin color but thanks for sharing.

  28. **** Encinitas Real Time News*****

    The critical QAnon Trumper candidate endorsements have now been made. Jim O'Hara for D2 and Luke Shaffer for D1 have officially been endorsed by the crackpots at Encinitas Uncensored. In case anyone wasn't already aware from their constant vomiting in this blog.

    1. You support Destiny and Allison and want Kranz for Mayor? Got it. 🤢

    2. 3:42 - cute.

      While we can all can spot fake news, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

      Your post should be labeled.

      **** Encinitas Fake News****

      I see you are Ingrained in the communist propaganda tactics.

  29. Just what we don't need are quotes from the morons blog.

    If only those malcontent morons would stay on their own blog and stop polluting Encinitas Undercover with their infantile schoolyard projections. They just had to use the same initials EU that is ours, not theirs. That is what we all get when their IQ's are so low. They reaffirm that every day here on Encinitas Undercover.

  30. Molestiny + Density = Molensity

    1. Making up names is the Acme Giant Catapult of local politics.

      I can’t see how it could possibly go wrong.

    2. They’re still mad about the Dump Stocks success. Been trying find a bumper sticker that’s catch phrase worthy ever since. Problem is they are too stupid to come up with something good let alone design and print stickers. I doubt Goldens mom would let him put one on their car anyways and nobody would see on Spams car in Del Mar.


    1. "PGL is a simple concept. BIA Builder/Developer members who need support when seeking government approvals at Planning Commission or City Council look to other BIA members who can attend those local review meetings in person or even just write letters. Whether you stand up and speak or just be a supporter in the audience, every single person who attends and make a big difference.

      The Builder/Developer typically holds a pre-meeting at the BIA office with members of their team attending to explain the project and answer questions. This is a unique opportunity to have a very intimate face time with the builder/developer team.

      Approved projects could represent your next business opportunity or establish a relationship for their next project. Don’t wait because we have 2-3 PGLs that are coming up quickly. Sign up today. We will ask for your basic contact information including the City/Zip Code of where you live. It makes a huge difference if you are representing the voting population in that particular jurisdiction."

      "the last several years, Project Green Light has proved to be immensely impactful. In fact, Project Green Light has been instrumental in getting over 4,200 units through the approval process and given the official go ahead to proceed"

    2. Oink oink…. Squeal… sound great!

      Let’s get Kranz re-elected. Right Walsh?! Work on your politicians!


    3. 9:50 The division you are causing is what will get Kranz re-elected.
      You don’t see “the other side” commenting ridiculous emojis and spamming comments about one another. Grow TF up already.

    4. 🐽 says what?

  32. 11:17- quite the opposite.

    🐽and Garvin Walsh, who also happens to be on the North County Republican Central committee, helped to get the biggest idiot and communist in North County elected as mayor.

    If you didn’t know, Garvin Walsh is Tony Kranz’s top email administrator, campaign manager and top advisor.

    Kranz, 🐽, and Garvin Walsh are all in cahoots to maximize the profits of the BIA.

    Kranz, 🐽, and Garvin Walsh could care less what happens to Encinitas or it’s residents

  33. I heard someone talking to 🐽 the other day…

    “So 🐽, Who do you like better Stan or Kranz?”

    🐽 said, “ I love them both, equally if course, for different reasons. I’m going to help them both bring home the bacon along with our master the BIA. “

  34. When can North County San Diego do something good? and do something similar to what Orange County has nearly completed?

    What happened to Surfrider in San Diego? Did they disband and go away? I never see them do anything good for our coastline anymore?

    1. They went downhill right after Marco left them.

  35. In celebration of transgenders...........I nominate me......a redhead as a "Transginger"

    1. Well, at least a transginger doesn't have a birth defect like transgenders. In their world, up is down.

    2. Ask Starvin.. with Anthill’s pills she only likes up 💪🏾

  36. WaPo, where jobs die in the darkness 😃🤣🥳👻👏🦧

  37. New York Slimes next up⚾️

  38. Spoiler Jim O'Hara is hosting a 5k run followed by a party. This is obvious discrimination against the elderly and disabled who can't run. Who else is ready to make a fuss about this like a bunch of moronic Karens?

    1. 👆🏾 Idiot alert.

      Disabled are not excluded from participating in fun runs.

      But you may want to bring your mommy to hold your hand.

    2. This election is at very early stages. Wait till the rumors, spoilers and fundraising numbers come out. The FB crew still thinks elections are won on social media.

      As much as she's already hated, Destiny is already building up a portfolio of credibility. She's got a big advantage with the council and the Democrat's support (in a Democrat majority town no less).

      What does poor Jim have? His running shoes and Julie Thunder as advisor? Early days Jim. Wait till the knives come out. They won't only be from the other side either.

    3. Exactly. These dummies had a breakdown about eco fest encouraging bike riding with a 10% discount as a form of "discrimination", now they have their favorite candidate hosting a meet & greet after a running event.

      Durrrrrr....what about the elderly and families with young children?

    4. You must be new if you haven't noticed that hypocrisy is their defining characteristic.

    5. It would be funny if it wasn’t so predictable.

  39. Who would help Bruce the most with forming a new council majority? That should be the priority for anyone who cares to help change our current elected's stranglehold on the council.

    1. Have to say it would be Doyle. He's the only other D2 candidate who has the political experience in planning to take on Destiny. He's also a Democrat which will help him. He was mentored by Bruce and they work together well. He's well known in Leucadia and well liked.

      Has anyone asked Bruce who would be better, or who he might endorse? I know the Thunder factor is screaming for change, but she and her crew have the taint of Republican on them. That's going to hurt them and yes, split the vote, regardless of what they're saying.

      I thought Doyle and O'Hara discussed cancelling each other out before the announcements. Anyone know what happened?

      BTW, you diehards, NO candidate will vote perfectly every time. It's government not the playground.

    2. You don't understand 4:45. Doyle needs a punishment for what he's done, and EV is going to exact it.

    3. Doyle supports Kranz.

      Hard NO. But

    4. 4:45- starvin talking to herself because her family disowned her and she has no one else to talk to you, Except phony and that gets pretty old after 2 seconds.

  40. My girlfriend Phony wants to bring in this woman named Molestiny into our sexy-time sessions. Honestly, I don't know what she sees in her? What does SHE have that I don't? I'm extremely jealous and unhappy about this because I need all the attention at all times.....that's it I'm snorting a boner pill through a rolled up wall street journal page and telling this woman who is boss!
    - Starvin

    1. Just a word of caution tiger-

      Watch the untrimmed bush.

      - Safety first

  41. My dear friend Starvin,

    You were right. We could turn this Sleepy surf town into a crazy profit machine for our employer the BIA.

    Plus it’s so much fun being a part of your and Tony’s freak show. Thank you for the inclusion.

    I’m finally feeling included and very relevant.


  42. In the meantime, you folks are focusing on nonsense as the illegals are becoming more and more entrenched in our communities.
    Yesterday as I drove past Manchester and Encinitas Blvd, I counted over 30 meandering on the old Rite Aid property.
    Wake up.............see the bigger picture of losing our country.

    1. 👆🏾 There’s always been Labor’s there The last 90 years.

      It’s addressing the demand to help with all of the Rancho Santa Fe tasks On the mansions, And the wannabe, Rancho Santa Fe people that live in Olivenhain.

      If any white honkies need work, that should go stand over there as well. Get off their fat asses and phones, And go earn a living.

      Kranz should try it for once.

    2. It's illegal to hire illegals............"they are not here legally"
      Everything the left does.........they destroy.
      Wake up................

    3. 90 years ? and you know this how?

    4. Illegal is very subjective nowadays.

    5. No.........illegal is means illegal

    6. Illegal with no enforcement is meaningless.. legality only works if there’s punishment for not complying with the law.

    7. Right now it’s open borders so there is no illegal immigration. The border patrol are actually helping the migrants.

  43. I am proudly a mixed cultural resident and I resent the fact that qualifications and education are no longer the primary reason to hire people.

    It’s complete prejudice.

    Much more important is your ethnic background and the most important is the color of your skin.

    Check out this article.

    Highlight the ethnic background and show a picture of this glorious olive colored skin woman Who makes a boatload of money managing a shit show.

    Is she qualified? Probably…

    But the article doesn’t even cover her qualifications including her education

    What’s their top consideration? That she’s not white? Where does dutches inside Lackey rank in the consideration?

    Does she get brownie points for making some of the board members cry?

    That my friends, makes all of us other people that are not White subject to continued prejudice because everyone knows that jobs like this are going to people with the right skin color, that’s not white. Even if they have African blood.

    It lessens emphasis on qualifications and continued education.

    It’s really disgusting how far backwards we’ve cime under the DEI preface. Racism sucks!

    Mali Woods and Marco Gonzalez,and his predator family, suck big “white” donkey dicks!!

    Mali brought racism to Encinitas!!!

    And Marco, of course, jumped in and started licking the big white donkey dick.

    I’m very disgusted by these two. 🤮

    1. 👆🏾 Idiot alert.

    2. 556- Example – you sound like you were born with a tiny brain, and very prejudice.

      What if I’m a, negro, that has pure European bloodline?

      Is your “Negro” Based on skin color?

    3. My studies are thru biology classes. It's medicine, the study of humans and sub-humans, different cultures on and on thru out the world. Take a few classes then tell all of us how all of my professors are wrong and books are wrong.
      Impossible to prove European blood lines.
      Additionally............use your eyes.

    4. 👆🏾ahhhhh, thanks so your perspective came from your kindergarten teacher in Arkansas, which you almost passed, and your mind, warped drug induced mind from your Tweaker parents from Arkansas.

      Thank you

    5. So, when truths are presented, the ones lacking the smarts goes right to insults. And there it is.
      And by the way, it isn't my's fact.
      Continue voting for the left everyone and soon,
      you can take credit for ruining this once great nation.

    6. I don’t vote left but you still sound ignorant.

    7. So 10:23......every biology and med school, including professors are lying? And only "you" know the truth?
      And I'm ignorant???? Damn that truth always getting in the way.

    8. 👆🏾sure🤣🤣🤣🤣

    9. I’m a white male and I’m a victim.

      The world is so hard for me.

      I demand 7,256,001 victim points.

    10. 4:24- you are a misogynistic racist.

    11. If you are a white male and think your specific failures and general mediocrity in life can be blamed on your race and gender, then you win the victim game.

  44. Encinitas tax proposal everything at 1.5m and up has a 5% luxury tax.

    Those boats crashing into the shore will be voting

  45. Every time you post this inane comment my home equity goes up.

    How long will you continue to be wrong?

    Betting against the value of ocean-front property in California is historically one of the worst financial predictions ever.

  46. Wait - wot? According to Marco just build more and prices will drop!! Right Marco isn’t that what you run around yapping?

  47. 4:20- thanks for sharing that you have low reader comprehension skills.

  48. 4:36,

    They aren’t building any more Southern California oceanfront.

  49. Ohhh , so go ahead and buy all those Neptune properties for sale. Don’t worry, it’s a sure thing.

  50. 4:20- my comments related to the economy and to peoples overall financial well-being, not directly to property values.

    Although there’s a good chance that there will be a correction in property values after the commercial market collapses/

  51. Marco and his predator family are wrong and destructive.

  52. More staff , more pet projects. Must have more!

    ***** Encinitas real time news*****

    Encinitas will continue building huge staff and pensions in perpetuity and asking for a gigantic tax increase. You must comply or we will close all the beaches again under City order.

    Carlsbad plans to drop the equivalent of 12 full-time positions, mostly jobs already vacant, and transfer some of those responsibilities to other departments to balance its 2024-25 budget.

    Then there is my, I call it "the Encinitas, approach". Hire more staff, more pensions. Just look what I approved in teh FY 24 budget:

    Our budget increases included:
    485K Pacific View Startup: Furniture & Fixtures, part-time Arts Coordinator (0.75) to FTE, part-time
    Facilities Specialist ( 0.75) to FTE;
    75K E-Bike/ Bicycle Safety Training with School Districts;
    0K Zero Waste Administrator (New FTE);
    0K Sustainability Management Analyst (New FTE);
    0K Lifeguards (2 New FTE);
    132K Marine Safety Lieutenant (New FTE);
    137K Housing Management Analyst (New FTE);
    155K Fire Administrative Training Captain (New FTE);
    150K Mobility Manager ( New FTE);
    Vote Yes on my 20% tax increase in Nov.

    -Phatty McPhuckwadipants

  53. The shithole loser states all have low taxes.

    So does Somalia, for that matter.

    A Kia costs less than a Ferrari.

    Conclusion: Nice things cost more.

  54. 👆🏾 geez, that’s not a very kind of freak show type of comment. Where is your love for all the unicorns in the world?

    No matter what orifice we like to plug.

    The Republican Garvin Walsh will tell you. He’s a freak show member and supports Tony Kranz. Tony has him reading all of his emails and his Tony’s top advisor.

    Garvin, tell them, we’re nice folks, right?

  55. 7:22- so what you’re saying is spending all of our tax money on staff and long-term pension costs gets us nice infrastructure?

    And pet projects like the senior centers and continuing to build more that are used by handful of Karens Is goid use tax funds instead of paving roads and fixing storm drains?

    I’m not seeing it. I think the Freakshow is getting to you.

    Take a break, go out in nature and breath some oxygen. You are bound to feel better and think much more clear. Good luck.

  56. Marine Safety Lieutenant 150k plus full benes.

    Geezus man seriously?

    You know the position is only available for 7x va***ated fluorescent green haired tr**s people with zero experience and 106< IQs.

    Progress is so exciting 🤡

  57. Don't forget about the proposed county tax of 0.5%

    Ask this, why didn't the city coordinate it's proposed tax increase with the upcoming state proposition that lowers the threshold from 2/3 to 55% approval? The city of San Diego is.

    I'm guessing they didn't even know about it.

  58. How about the bill passed by the far left democrats to spend billions of your taxes you pay to build 500,000 charging stations for soon to be notva going concern Rivian?

    7 charging stations built thus far.

    Government is so effective and efficient!

    Codify bro!🤣

    1. I'm in the Gas and Electric Biz. The electric car is a scam and even if it wasn't......."there isn't enough generating power coming out the power plants to support the lie"
      It's all made up lies about the biggest lie.....
      Man made global warming and raising seas.
      All of it..........A LIE

    2. 10:09, I like my science from peer reviewed journals that know how to properly use quotation marks, the difference between raising and rising, and that the ellipsis is three dots separated by spaces.

    3. Also, not to capitalize random mid-sentence words with no reason.

    4. All I can say is my electric car will whip your gas polluting car’s ass and it saves me a boatload of time and money.

      You can buy all the gas you want and drive your piece of shit as long as you like. Just don’t tell me I can’t drive an efficient, Quiet, and fast electric car

      You old fart! 🖕🏻


    5. You people just don't get it. I may misspell but at least I'm not "mislead." Notice how either one of you addressed my facts.....proving I am right.
      The joke is:
      rising seas.......lie
      mining for battery ingredients...little negro children...true
      charging an hour to sit around?
      The fact is, electric car sales are in the toilet because
      people have caught on to the fraud.

    6. Sign of a dumbass old fart. “ You people”

  59. 10:09am Tu stultus es.

  60. Some of the people that can't shut up about how they're all in on Trump, Kevin Faulconer, Luke Shaffer, Jim O'Hara and Bruce Ehlers.

    Julie Thunder
    Steven Golden
    Rachel Hill
    Christie DeanBower

    Aligning with any one of these imbeciles gives me pause. As a collective I'd vote for a head of cabbage before voting in line with anyone or anything they're pushing.

    1. You are so sadly transparent.

    2. LMAO thanks for the warning, you sound like a scared 🤡

  61. Yet you vote for the kid-sniffing, the daughter-showering, the endless lying, the influence peddling, the plagiarizing, and a human being that destroys everything he touches. A true cancer on this country & a plague on humankind. At least his son is a stand up gentleman. Anyone who votes democrat now should go on the list of complete buffoons that one should have nothing to do with ever again in their lives.

  62. Bro please don't disrespect my goat president🤬

  63. I find it sadly astonishing that some right-wingers can all too easily accept the endless lying, the constant threats to our national security, and outright treasonous behavior of the mud faced imposter and yet follow their alternate news sources over the cliff of reason. You are the problem in today's American society for not defending our democracy. What will it take for you right-wingers to wake the f up? Another abject loss like the morons suffered here? We all suffered because of
    your ignorance. Our nation is suffering because of your kind choosing to be more of the mindless ignorant class that the mud faced orange inhuman creature thrives on. There is a reason why the red states operate, sort of, at their own low levels with rampant poverty. Why some choose to support certain politicians policies that only bring them down to the red state's low levels and choose to be hoodwinked by the same politician that doesn't give a sheet about your life or our nation is a mystery.

    You right wingers are a lost cause and don't even know it, or care. Your hysteria will not satisfied until you bring on the end of this democratic experiment that has survived for almost 250 years.

    1. 👆🏾 wasted life alert.

  64. The vast number of indicted criminals surrounding this orange imposter pales when considering the number of as yet unindicted criminals yet to come. How can anyone believe anything coming from such a cretin who surrounds himself with such stand up citizens? Can you say godfather? It's business, not personal. He got that right. It is the business of criminality that he represents. That goes for anyone who sells their soul for such an undeserving domestic terrorist pos.

    1. Is crack smoking Biden one of them?
