Tuesday, February 16, 2021

City to dump another $1 million into abandoned school, hire social media propagandist

 Wow! They sure are flush with cash down at City Hall!


Encinitas should pay for renovation work at the long-closed Pacific View property, hire a communications specialist and focus on two housing-related issues in the coming year, City Council members agreed last month.


The council’s fourth item on the top priorities list was improving the city’s online presence by hiring a communication specialist. Blakespear said other cities do a better job than Encinitas in regularly communicating online with residents.

“We can mobilize for things that are urgent, but we don’t have a consistent presence,” she said.

Kranz noted that the city did have a communications specialist some years ago, but her efforts sparked controversy.

Marlena Medford was hired by former city manager Gus Vina in late 2013. She established the city’s Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram accounts and won two state awards for excellence in communications, but one of her innovative communication efforts --- the use of the e-townhall system called PeakDemocracy to collect comments on a proposed citywide housing planning document --- generated huge controversy in Encinitas.
The Peak Democracy and Pacific View boondoggles were two of the most amusing episodes of city council incompetence in recent memory. Take a stroll through the archives here:
Peak Democracy

Pacific View


  1. "Sparked controversy???" That's the understatement of the year - so far. Wasn't Medford besties with Mikey's daughter? Shoulda been a non starter right there but instead made her more attractive lol.

    Believe Medford was responsible for introducing "fictitious personas" into our city's tracking system. This way a bot could track and respond with "facts" to any input that didn't fall in line with the council.

  2. Or, better yet. Sell that loser school property and build ghetto apartments. Just like the ones blackspear want's to build in Olivenhain. Only taller. Then import people living on the street from L.A How bout' some mo'fo' gang bangers to shoot up the place.
    Fix up that school???? ya' cuz it's been going so well and, there are so many children that live downtown. Please gawd, make it stop.

  3. They are going to hire a social media propagandist? Sounds like the perfect job for WC.

  4. Social communications specialist??? Along with the equality balancer or whatever that position will be called. How about porpoise psychic and shark shaman to boot? Do citizens really need this or care? Tax money to fulfill the whims of political amateurs.

  5. All new hires should be offered a 401K and not a pension! That is what is done in the private sector. Why make city work a give-away?
    Close the pension now! Close it! If a higher salary is needed, fine, but stop the pension bloodletting.

  6. Peak Gaslighting:

    From article:

    Among other things, the person will need to have an online presence correcting errors that appear on people’s Facebook pages and NextDoor communications, she said.

    Let's just tell it like it is - The encinitas mayor and city clouncil are not serious human beings.

    Let me tell you about a time around April-August 2020 when driving by the SDHS ballfields and the weeds were so high you could not see the classrooms. Fields and schools still closed by let's hire some grifter and pay them 400K a year to correct the clownshows on nextdoor and fakebook. This sounds like another stupid Marco idea.

    Good god we are royally and perpetually fucked

    1. Correct errors on Facebook and NextDoor!! - those sites are inherent. ongoing errors! Maybe their tools will be a dream catcher - or hire some 15 year old kid to do it for skateboard money....

  7. The leftist mayor and the others (what ever they are). If they started a business, any business, in a short amount of time...
    Running a city, a state or a country...is business.
    Period. The left, everything they do, they ruin

    1. This is almost as bad as the "government should budget like my family does" trope.

      A business doesn't have a multi trillion dollar economy behind it, a massive military, the ability to print it's own money, and has a singular focus (profit) except for non profits which also tend to be more directed than the government.

      Government should be run like government. It's not a business or a family.

    2. Like bidens government, to include 20 million illegals to be made citizens, open borders and closing a pipeline that just killed thousands of jobs. That type of government?
      So making bad decisions is good because tax payers keep paying. This is why it should be run as a business.
      So I guess thought to spending is out the window if the government is concerned. How could I have been so dumb

    3. It would appear 12:39 missed the econ class but attended poly sci. Now I understand.

    4. 5:29 - your painting business / home "reno" business would be tremendously successful if only you'd stop eating the paint.

    5. So, 7:03, you are made out to be the fool and your response revolves around eating paint chips.
      See how it works...of course you don't

    6. 6:12 - huh? I guess that you're low IQ was explained to you by siting lead paint ingestion rather than dumb / adled parents. Sorry about that but what i was trying to say is, you should stop eating the paint out of the pail. Your brain is small but its' shell may get stuck in the bucket..and that will be a problem - something that won't work so well for you . Se?

    7. The simple deduction is 10:25 is a fool. You are writing, you aren't saying. And, don't cast onto others just because your parents were brother and sister.

  8. The City wastes millions on unnecessary crap and then lets the entire City's road system deteriorate to conditions worse than TJ.

    Oh yeah, and how are those railroad train quiet zones coming along? Has the City even designed and funded the project yet?

    All lip service, no action.

    Great leadership!

  9. Coming soon: Kranz front and center in photo op boasting about whatever millions the council will throw at this next.

  10. So government aka citizens money is going to be spent by the approval 5 people, to alter any citizens comments,observations on their personal or maybe city's social and private email ,websites etc.
    Think what we tell you
    write what we tell you is our correctness.Or be deleted and ignored leading to free speech castration

  11. Will wait for potential clarification...

    1. As will the rest of us. Can you state your case in plain English??

  12. Continue voting for leftists and this is the result. Spending money on buildings the city shouldn't own. Sitting vacant as vacant minds ponder their next move.

  13. Sell the property. It was a mistake and fix the roads and put in a quiet zone like the City Council committted to doing 20 years ago.

    This Council sucks worse then the $tock$ regime and I didn't think that could be possible. BIAspear is bad.

  14. When stealing tax payers money to spend on moronic ventures it's call "kleptonomics". The economics of thieves.
    Thank you Rush Limbaugh for that lesson on government.
