Wednesday, February 17, 2021

2/17/21 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. It's been a whole 5 min and blakespear's already on her phone texting furiously. SOP for blakespear conducting the peoples' business.

  2. Jaysus does Mosca NEVER COME UP FOR AIR? Who else besides me tunes out and finds something else to do when he's yapping?

  3. Mosca is getting ready for the election. Check previous council recordings. He's as quite as a mouse except for his vote to match Blakespear's.

  4. would like to see this live - I cannot stream via YouTube as the city directs... how are you viewing?

  5. City Council - Fix the roads please!

    I do not pay ungodly high taxes to drive on roads that are worse than TJs.

    You are failing in your primary mission. Also when will the quiet zones be completed for all the other crossing not next to the Mayor BIAspear's home?

    1. Road repair does not make for good newsletter copy when you want to virtue signal your way into your next position. Blakespear is certainly aiming for a Sacto seat and can't be bothered with our roads.

      Unless you're a cyclist. Then she can spend millions on road "improvements" designed to maim and kill. Fact.

  6. Texas has a separate, privately run power grid, which it implemented to avoid government oversight and regulation. they get <20% of their power from renewable sources. the failure of the grid was due to cutting corners and not meeting standards that would have been required with connection to a federal grid. The Texas power outage, which has cost dozens of lives, is a failure of the free market.

  7. When I used trade markets for a living at the Chicago Board of Trade many lifetimes ago there was a saying when a trader bought something and was taking a large loss.

    It was called biting into a turd.

    When it comes to the Encinitas city council and mayor the citizens of Encinitas have bitten into the biggest turds in history.

    Yes, that's plural.

    The L being taken over the next several years will prove to be similar to taking a shit on your hand and wiping it all over our face.

    1. I see that you are not for democratically elected officials. It's nice to know other white men with the same view point live in Encinitas. I have a nice auto-biography of Mussolini that you might be interested in reading. It's very eye opening.

  8. Remember Blakespear wants to abolish natural gas. What happens when her grid goes down with no backup or choice?

    1. Texas has a separate, privately run power grid, which it implemented to avoid government oversight and regulation. they get <20% of their power from renewable sources. the failure of the grid was due to cutting corners and not meeting standards that would have been required with connection to a federal grid. The Texas power outage, which has cost dozens of lives, is a failure of the free market.

    2. 5:05 do you agree with the abolishment of natural gas to help Blakespear try meeting her goals?

    3. blackspear wants to abolish natural gas? I had no idea.
      If true, and I don't doubt you, she would be cast in a remake of the movie...dumb and dumber.
      I reckon the genius doesn't realize natural gas is a renewable resource. Created by...wait for it...Mother Nature. Yes, I'm an expert in field for 40 years and blackspears credentials in this area? ZERO.

    4. The primary ingredient in natural gas is methane. There are three types of methane:

      Thermogenic methane: This methane is created when sediment and mud pressurize the putrefied remains of plants and animals over millions of years. This happens at high temperatures — hotter than it takes to make oil — and it takes place 1 to 2 miles (1.6 to 3.2 kilometers) beneath the surface of the Earth.
      Abiogenic methane: Over the course of millions of years, hydrogen-rich gases and carbon molecules rise to the surface. They combine into the proper molecular proportion to create abiogenic methane (one carbon atom to four hydrogen atoms), which then settles into large, subterranean deposits.
      Biogenic methane: Microorganisms called methanogens feed on decaying organic matter. What goes in must come out, and the fecal matter excreted by the methanogens is methane. Methanogens live wherever there is organic material to eat. That includes landfills and the intestines of cows.

      Of these three types of methane gas, thermogenic and abiogenic are not renewable, insomuch as we don't know how many more dinosaurs or molecules are left to putrefy below the Earth's surface. Also, drilling in the Earth to reap this resource is extremely expensive.

      On the other hand, biogenic methane is sustainable. The microorganisms that create this type of methane are simply doing what comes naturally. The United States Department of Agriculture has organized more than 100 projects since 2003 to collect biomethane from cow manure. All that manure saved 8 million gallons of oil. In fact, most biofuel in the United States was obtained from cow manure.

    5. And all this time I thought natural gas (methane coming from the depths) was a bi-product of oil.

  9. "There are a lot of reasons why increasing the speed here sucks."
    "And I approve the motion."
    -Also Kranz

  10. WC, the group of maskless protestors storming into our local supermarkets needs to have their identities publicized on as many local sites as possible. This topic deserves its own thread and the sooner the better.

    It would not surprise anyone if some of them are recognizable. Some public facial recognition is called for.

    Now is the time to come to the aid of our community.

    Thanks WC.

  11. Doxing not the answer.

    It always comes back to bite you and could ruin you.

    For instance if you dox these people they or I will find some of the transgressions you have committed in your life and make you pay publicly for these.

    Now the unmasked marauders were idiots to be sure.

    They could have made a useful statement by being lawful and peaceful instead of being complete idiots.

    After all we all know deep down inside - you know that place where you do not want anybody to know- we know masks are complete bullshit.

    Get a fucking grip 839pm

  12. Do you know why we can fly a helicopter on Mars, but can't turn on a light in Texas?

    It's because scientists are in charge of Mars.

    And republicans are in charge of Texas.

  13. 10:47 the same reason why are schools are closed, because many humans are idiots and do not follow logical behavior.
