Saturday, June 8, 2024

Encinitas City Council Raises Pride Flag


  1. Encinitas is the real time Encinitas’s news!


    1. *Encinitas Undercover is the real time Encinitas’s news

  2. Virtue signaling is what the Encinitas Clown Council does best! That and selling out the town.

  3. Malice-on rocking the Canadian Tuxedo for extra points! 🤣🤣🤣

  4. ****This is an Official City of Encinitas public service announcement****

    This year’s flag raising is in celebration of my amazing strong and totally hot and sexy Starvin Welsh. She is a strong WSJ newsprint copy Republican on the North County Central committee. She is amazing for force (in by backside), And she is the best email editor I’ve ever had. Let’s put your hands together for my amazing gal!!

    An Anthill, Get Admiral Starvin a big bottle of your extra strength Boner pills now. Top priority. You know what today is, right?!

    - Phony

  5. They R Embarrassing.

  6. The flag says “we don’t not care.”

  7. Old people cant ride bikes gate is over already? Now we are onto gay pride gate? Do i have this right? You snowflakes are exhausting. Toughen up buttercups, you are not a victim, just weak and scared.

    1. Seriously. I know all cities have their groups of old, racist, behind the times, whiny, grouchy, obnoxious, get-off-my -lawn seniors, but Encinitas has to have a special class.

      The only thing to do is wear them out so it's time for a glass of warm milk and a nap.

    2. 2:49: Keep in mind that it is the old people who started Pride. We were already inclusive and we don't need to watch a bunch of old politicians pretending ....?

    3. Why do you think they're pretending? I don't think that's what the commentors were taking issue with either.

    4. Oh, I am a Hispanic with some Japanese bloodlines. I want my own flag.,

      Well, I’m a brownish white person (they used to call me millstone but I guess someone was offended) with some African bloodlines and I demand my own flag plus I used to be a heterosexual but now I’m a homosexual and I’ve got thoughts of becoming a trans, Can I get two flags?

      I’m so glad that the city is not focused on anything like budget or not wasting money on a bunch of senior centers.

      Let’s spend a ton of time and money, talking about flags for different types of people especially tied to sexual issues. Such a great use of time… NOT


    5. 3:41 are you at the age you can get VERY angry, but then be calmed down by a nice cup of warm milk and a nap? It's gonna be ok.

    6. 3:41 so make a flag that represents you, start a movement, get the freedoms you deserve. Nobody is going to do it for you. Good luck with your transition, i hope you can find your peace and we support you with whatever path you choose.

    7. OK, cool.

      Because I’m kind of special. I like cartoons but sometimes I like to read books about owls that talk to furries. I think I deserve a flag. I’m not quite sure what sexual focus I want to focus on, but I’m not even sure if other than sticking things in my butt, I really like anything.

      The Freakshow sounds pretty good though.

    8. According to the dumbass commentors on that post, the us flag represents everyone and you should have known that since before pride existed.

    9. That sounds accurate. The US flag represents all and is about freedom and liberty.

      You can stick whatever you want up your ass or lick whatever you want. You don’t have to talk about it and you don’t need a flag.

    10. The homophobes who explicitly and graphically describe specific sex acts don’t understand how everyone interprets that.

    11. They sound accurate. Why would you say homophobe?

      Is it because of the accurate description? Do you prefer fluffy words like kiss the Coochie or stick my love machine in your pleasure butt?

      Ask Tony and Garvey what they like?

      Whatever it is, you know it’s absolutely disgusting. 🤢 🤢 🤮

  8. Residents unite and vote out Phony,! Let's make sure the next flag his fat ass raises is the white flag!

    1. 👆🏾💯👏👏👏👌🏾💪🏾

  9. Just as well this moron doesn't have a flag.

    Want to take a bet his would fly upside down and not by accident or blaming his wife if he has one?

    Watchdorks is missing one of their many idiots.

  10. Homosexuality is a mental birth defect. Notice the men like men and that is because they have the brain of a female.
    The women look like men hence the brain of a man in a womens body. If a moron like me can figure this out then others who are smart know exactly of what I write.
    It is a birth defect. To raise that homo flag is leaving out others. I'm surprised they didn't raise the flag of ragheads

    1. The only thing you got right is you are in fact a moron.

      Current best theory is that male homosexuality is genetic and the relevant gene combination comes from the mother. So how can genes that make a male less likely to reproduce persist over many generations? Because those same genes appear to result in GREATER fertility in the close female relatives of gay men.

      “In a sample of 98 homosexual and 100 heterosexual men and their relatives (a total of over 4600 individuals), we found that female maternal relatives of homosexuals have higher fecundity than female maternal relatives of heterosexuals and that this difference is not found in female paternal relatives.”

      Science: 1
      Moron: 0

    2. You......just agreed with me. A BIRTH DEFECT.
      All your brains...........and you can't understand
      a simple observance. This is rich...........

    3. 4:59,

      Show us in the DSM-5 TR.

    4. BIRTH DEFECT......OPEN YOUR EYES. You probably believe in man made global warming as well.
      Quick.....who built the Pyramids in Giza? Little men with donkeys and ropes? Wake upppppp.............

  11. I didn't get another free trip to Israel this year so there will be no Israel flag raised.
    - Phony

  12. Luke! Not the Leucadian!!! Wasn’t that Morrises campaign HQ?

    Who’s advising you dude?

    Campaign kickoff at a local grubby bar? 🙈🙊🙉

  13. 7:49pm That does not bode well for Luke. His last name doesn't help either. Levity? Only for a second.

    Who of our fine upstanding citizens is managing his campaign?

    I can think of few individuals that I sure hope not are meddling again.

    1. If Luke and Jim have been railroaded by a certain twice failed Republican, they are sure to lose.

    2. Then no worries, because they are not. But keep stumping for Kranz, and Blackwell, Preston. Just a little transparent, you.

  14. Phony, how can you talk about a trip, when the pills are doing nothing for my morphy… this is an emergency, maybe I should get more surgery. maybe I could get some bionics or maybe some fluid filling apparatus to get some movement down there.

    Please help and tell Anthill to double the potency of the pills. I am up to taking six a day. I hope they kick in by the time I come over in a few hours.

    Your Admiral

    1. Starvin - Please try to remain calm, believe me I know the severity of this situation. Anthill told me that the boner pills are maximum strength and there's nothing else she can do. I'm working on plan B, operation Rhino Horn. I've been doing some research and it appears the Rhino Horn is the aphrodisiac we must have in this time of need. I'm trying to get to Africa immediately, just trying to figure out a way for the tax payers to pay for it. Please remain calm and faithful during this grueling process.
      - Yours forever, Phony

    2. Thank you lover,

      The only thing that’s keeping me calm right now is knowing how many likes I’m getting with my recent Instagram post.

      I even think some of my Republican friends on our North County Central committee are learning from my educational posts about climate action needs. It’s a matter of life and death for our African neighbors. And those African men are like big old black rhinos. 🦏

      Thanks for your African efforts. Maybe we could do an African song and dance tonight. The drum beat may be the rhythm I need to get things moving down there?

      - Your Admiral

  15. 7:56 what is it about rubberstamp Blackwell has you so into her?

  16. What was Rock Hudson addicted to? Dick

  17. What is Phony Tranz addicted to? Starvin

  18. **** Encinitas Real time news ****

    Tony Kranz is trying hard to get Encinitas into the top spot in the State. Can he do it?

    Tony’s top two objectives are:

    1)support BIA maximizing profit in Encinitas over residents interests as he committed to for their support

    2) Invite the drug addict homeless to Encinitas‘s because he’s too stupid to understand logical social issues.

    As we know, his actions are actually cruel to humanity.

    Are you voting in November and how many of your family and friends know about Tony Kranz’s objectives?

  19. Yay Sunday is finally here! Not only to I get to gorge myself on Mediterranean food today, but I get to hang with my idol BIASPEAR! Together we'll work to groom Molestiny and make sure we maintain the majority so we can continue to destroy Encinitas! See you there!
    - Phony

  20. Republican policies have created all of the shithole loser states.

    Make America Alabama Again.

    1. Like california, n.y, washington, chicongo name a few.

    2. your california taxes feeding homeless and illegals...that type of wonderful management by idiot graven newsom and his band girlymen.
      Proving again and again...."everything the left does,
      it destroys" Shoot the illegals...they are breaking
      the law.......shoot em'

  21. Next up - a Hamasshole rally in the parking lot. It's going to be quite an event with the Hamassholes throwing the guys off the building.

    What a time to be alive

    1. Steven Golden is a ___________.

    2. Tony Kranz is conflicted out. His head is spinning.

      He would love to support the towel heads, however he gets free trips from the Jews. Tony always goes with where he’s getting paid like with BIA. Therefore, he will side with the Jews. He will try and stay out of it and go take a walk with his sweetheart Garvin, and they’ll be looking at ways they can close Bacons beach again.

  22. Replies
    1. ? Weird comment, unless you’re in the freak show, Then it makes sense.

      Where do the predator males fit in like Marco and his family?

  23. I think that comment goes with both 8:19s

  24. Just a quick change of subject. I'm looking at Kranz in the photo and other photos, and was wondering if he is getting to fat that it is no longer healthy? I know your not supposed to fat shame, but I fear for his life, and can his bile hold that much weight. Can someone talk to him about his health? Maybe he will have a heart attack before the elections, but even though I can't stand him, I don't want to see him die. Can you help us Starvin'

  25. Change the subject? Hardly. It is the morons again and again wasting space here for what used to be a valuable resource of community info. Some valuable info still makes its way past the moronic postings and why I check in here daily for the all too few posts that are not from the morons.

    1. 12:26- your lame. We see you

      Just admit it. EU is Encinitas‘s real time news.

      *** EU 👌🏾💪🏾***

  26. DEI made my wife f**k her yoga instructor.

  27. 12:30pm You are the lame one espousing the real time news moniker. Many us have been here long before you jumped the sinking ship that the morons captained all the way to insignificance.

    1. 👆🏾1:51- sorry, freaks show member.

      I’m old-school as to when this blog started and even before when the Leucdia blog started.

      The Freakshow started with BIA and Kranz when they got indoctrinated into the BIA. starvin and 🐽 helped make it happen with Kranz in 2022. 🤮

      We see you.

  28. Kranz’s favorite part of being mayor is free Beers at the beer gardens and all you can eat at the senior center.

    With a full tummy, Mayor Kranz can happily ride his ebike with no helmet on the sidewalks.

  29. Can some confirm or deny Ehlers in that pic?

    Can we get a Hamas flag installed this week? Seriously

    1. Ehlers didnt want to be there, but the other city council members didn't leave him much of choice.

      Do you expect a guy to raise a fuss?

    2. Fairies unite. We need furries and fuzzies to come strong to city Council. We demand our own flag.

      We are not queer we are Furries!!

    3. Ehlers supporting Pride has Thunderhole and the rest of the Trumpers fuming!

    4. Supporting castrating young kids (cutting their balls off) is not the flex you think it is Moscow Margo

  30. Is it safe to take Ozempic with boner pills? I'm worried my lover Starvin is going to stop putting out coz the last time I was on top I crushed both of his femurs.
    - Phony

    1. Maybe Tony will have to campaign for a change. The walking would do him some good. He is seriously and unhealthily overweight.

    2. I have to tell you... sometimes when Phony is grinding his morphy in our favorite mission position, I feel like a Rhino is cracking my bones. Can some one suggest a therapist for Phony and I too see to figure out more healthy sex practices.

      - Admiral Starvin

  31. 5:30 did Ehlers tell you he did not want to be there or are you sowing disinformation to in run the usual fake Trumper charge?

    1. That makes no sense

    2. Um yeah it does.

    3. Weirdly written but figure it out. Who worked to get Kranz elected last time? Look no further.

  32. “COVID” supporters sorry you lost me there. Can you try again without linking three very fine candidates to the paranoid watch dog BS? Do you know how fringe crazy you sound?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nice try Starvin

      I hope your hips are feeling better.

      These three amazing candidates have nothing to with Stan.

  33. 6:43 - Its because you are stupid. You do not acknowledge that Tony was on Council and voted to close all beaches, and fire good employees for not taking multiple rounds of shots that are now shown to have significant side effects.

    I guess if you think Fauci was right, than vote for your gal Kranz.

    I think Tony Kranz and BIA did, and is doing, inhumane harm to the residents and visitors alike. They destroyed our youth's mental health for the profit of Pharma. 💀😢. The increase in youth suicides is on their hands. Actions have consequences.

    1. Fauci is everything you despise.

      Ivy-league educated.
      Hard working.
      National Medal of Science winner.
      Presidential Medal of Freedom winner.
      One of the most cited scientists in reputable peer reviewed journals.
      A global expert in his field.

      Definitely not a shithole loser know-nothing loudmouth.

    2. 10:24-🤣🤣🤣🤣 😢

      He was ☠️wrong. Fauci is an idiot and responsible for kid deaths.

  34. Most meth labs:

    1.) Missouri
    2.) Arkansas
    3.) Oklahoma
    4.) Mississippi
    5.) Indiana

    . . .

    46.) Maryland
    47.) New Jersey
    48.) Massachusetts
    49.) Hawaii
    50.) Connecticut

    Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers.

    Never vote for Republicans.

    1. Most fentanyl junkie homeless in North County coastal?

      City of Encinitas.

      It’s because all the other cities police tell him to come down here because of Tony Kranz’s open call to the homeless.


    2. Hey Gavin Walsh if you keep posting crap like that and you’re gonna get thrown off your North county Republican Central commission.

      I guess you feel that BIA profits are more important than your committee seat

    3. 7:06 is unwittingly reinforcing my point.

      I provided data from an authoritative and reliable source: the US Drug Enforcement Agency. As Democrats, we base our policies and conclusions on facts and reliable data, and we show our sources, and that’s why the blue states are more successful.

      Republicans like 7:06 lick their thumb, stick it up their ass, and make up whatever feels good to them with zero data or analytics.

      This is an excellent example of why red states are shitholes full of losers, and why we should be reminded never to vote for them.

    4. 7:24

      Were you born as a cuck or did you learn to be a cuck from you cuck parents?

      He/him wants to know

    5. 8:24,

      Further proving my point.

    6. 6:59
      Actually the meth capitals of the country are....My data is 2 years more recent then yours.

      Michigan (220)
      New York (220)
      Indiana (144)
      Illinois (129)
      North Carolina (127)
      California (114)
      Pennsylvania (105)
      Tennessee (102)
      Ohio (60)
      Florida (59)


    7. 6:59 likes to use Gifs as sources of data, instead of actual linked data sources.

    8. 11:57’s source is garbage.

      A rehab center in Palm Springs is the primary source. The state of Missouri is the secondary source cited by the rehab center. Missouri doesn’t have nationwide data collection, and they don’t reveal any tertiary source, so we have no idea where the data comes from.

      It’s also not per capita. States with larger population have more of everything, so a raw count would only be useful to an uneducated loser who doesn’t understand math.

    9. 3:04 if you cared to read the report, you’d see that the data comes from the CDC, unlike your 2019 Gif from a Las Vegas rehab center.

      Your data is made up, patently false and nearly 6 years old. Nice try stupid.

  35. I think the p flag is not beautiful

  36. Why did poopie pants weekend at Bribens make DDay about uncle brosie?

    The LGBT+++6squared...she/it foundation wants to know

    1. briben.....that clown doesn't know what planet he inhabits. He and his idiot wife.

  37. **** Encinitas Real Time News*****

    Encinitas Mayor Tony Kranz continues to destroy the city and ignore the needs of residents. Kranz and the City Council are negotiating behind closed doors as usual, this time to purchase property in Olivenhain. Lone Jack will be the location for the next Encinitas homeless encampment. Inviting more fentanyl zombies to the city is a top priority for Catherine Blakespear puppet Kranz and the appointed woke council.

    Why is Bruce Ehlers allowing this to happen in his district?

    1. Here is why this won't happen. Armed citizens.
      First is Pepper Spray, then Bear Spray. If it continues,
      20 gauge spray. Why 20? easier to control and less

    2. You're an imbecile. I see the Fire Chief involved with these property negotiations. The most likely explanation is Kranz working to deliver a much needed fire station within Olivenhain. If so it'll be some time before construction is completed but I'm going to call it now .... the conversation will quickly turn from whining about needing a station to bitching about the noise, traffic impact, the timing and more.

    3. Well let's see, the vote has not yet been taken. So why are you spreading disinformation about Ehlers, 1:14? The dynamic duo at work thinking they're being clever working for the Kranz win? King and Queen of the whisper campaign only always just a tad too transparent....

    4. And let all of us not forget the 240 ghetto apartments 4/5 story being built behind the 7/11 at Rancho Santa Fe Rd and Encinitas Blvd. This is the result of the leftists ruining california. And no !!!! The city of encinitas had nothing to do with this. It's all the idiot newsom and bonta.
      Everything the left does it destroys. Low income means more crime, more crime means I get more human target practice. Tic Toc

    5. 1:14 your bullshit has been called.

      If Tony Kranz thinks he’ll win election points for securing land in Olivenhain, for a fire station we can’t pay for, he should think again.

      My bet is the majority of Olivenhain wouldn’t vote for Tony if he built that station himself.

      Let’s see what other gimmicks the too lazy to campaign mayor comes up with.

      Let’s see who the dynamic duo sabotages next to help heave him across the finish line.

    6. 💯 spot on 1:55. Sarah and the EV clownfolk already complaining about the timing and possible location.

  38. 1:55 kranz suddenly remembering fire threat in Ohain w/out a fire station. Just in time for November. Think the Ohain folks will be that gullible. Dynamic duo will promote kranz's sudden fit of conscience.

    1. Why do people in Olivenhain claim there isn't a fire station, when the one in Village Park can be at their center in less than 5 min?

      Where would this new Olivenhain fire station go, that could access all areas quickly?

    2. Lone Jack? makes sense NOT.

  39. aww look how the dynamic duo went quiet need to rethink the plan of attack. too transparent.

  40. ****New Triton Apartments at the end of Vulcan.... Studios starting at $3900 up to $9500 for a 3 bedroom. Way to DESTROY what was once a cute little beach town.****

    Is this how Marco helps the downtrodden?

    1. 2:54 is the $3900 the starting point for the low income units? Of course renters will always rent. With prices like this they will never be able to save a down payment. Why are we creating a nation of perpetual renters? Why do YIMBY's, many of them home owners, want to see everyone else crammed into expensive rental units?

      Projects like this are driving up other rentals in the community. Who can afford or would want to pay over $9000 for a rental?

      Does anyone else believe it should be state law that developers make the cost of their low income units available when plans are submitted to a city?

    2. No, that's just EV idiots doing their thing.

    3. Low income unit rents are known to anyone who wants to use Google.

      I believe it’s a formula based on the bottom quintile income in the area.

      Some people would rather use their nest egg to start a small business, and some low income folks need a place to live while they accumulate a down payment. Affordable units should be a mix of rented and owned, but the proportion of each should be regulated and based on a needs analysis.

    4. Affordable rates should be tied to minimum wage. Average area income is just a path to higher property tax income for the city and profits for the developers that fund the politician. It’s that vicious cycle that has us in this position but at least the in-lieu fee scam has been ham strung and individual property owners can now participate. If the repubs get power it will go back to developer only profits and no affordable housing tied to the upzoning. No ore lots splits or ADUs. That’s the difference with our two factions here in encinitas.

  41. I think you miss the point. The OP wants to know what rents are on this specific project and I think it's a great suggestion that developers should be required by law to state rental prices before a project is built. Why are they so secretive?

    When asked, the developers don't tell citizens what to expect. Why not? Does anyone here ever remember a developer giving price ranges at a CPP or council meeting? It should be a requirement.

    1. Because it’s based on a rate tied to the bottom 20% income for the area, which can and does change.

  42. 2:39pm You are, as usual for you, showing the low level that you just barely function at. When one is as clueless as you shows yourself to be who you come off as, it is a wonder you are able to make it through a day without succumbing to some form of mental collapse.

    You might come off better if you blamed Randy Goodson for the coming atrocity. He knows how to play the shuffleboard game. I will give him that much and nothing more.

    I sat next to him a couple of times in the council chambers years ago when his project was still somewhat modest with 129 units. That did not last long. One time I suggested if he built 50% affordable units he would have an easier path forward to approval.

    Who to blame? It must be the communists! What I find disturbingly interesting about all of you right wingers is your blindness to the fact that you and your kind are acting as a conduit for Putins hopes and dreams for our fragile democracy to end and you don't know you are being played by the former liar in chief who seeks the power to become what Putin is. Wake up.

    1. And there you go, once again, losing the room

    2. 6:54.......apparently you live in shoe box. Where do you come up with the same garbage everytime? Leftist Limbo.
      And by the way, goodson no longer owns the project.
      So randy the rat is out of the picture. But, since you don't live in the area you would rather blather on about nothingness.

    3. What planet does 6:45 live on?

  43. I guess Bruce got the support of the La jolla road bikers community. Why is a guy who lives in La Jolla meeting with and endorsing anyone in an Encinitas election. Didn’t like ot when a bunch of out of town grape smugglers packed our council meetings to influence decisions, dont like what they are doing now. Very BIA of serge. All these special interest need to just go ahead and fuck off to wherever they came from.

    Let all go to SD council meetings make them build their own race track for the grape smugglers.

    1. Hey dynamic duo, your stupid disinformation is not working. Real cyclists know the score regarding road design or backing Bruce because he has not a Roberta Walker/BlakeSpear road stripe maniac.

      And they know that Bruce will actually listen to them as opposed to Jeremy Blakespear.

      Zero disinformation success points awarded, try again.

    2. *are* backing Bruce..

    3. La Jolla Serge and the No helmet Olympian are stooges.

    4. Road biker score versus curbs? Curbs are winning. Maybe the spandex is too tight or it’s the cars yelling at them to get out of the way but something is making those lemmings ride right into curbs. Now, i know it maybe hard for the people who are really good at peddling to avoid the curb to their right, adding one to the left broke their little minds. Either way, if you cant avoid a curb on a bike maybe stick to walking or even swimming.

      Bottomline, encinitas tax payers money should never be spent to accommodate out of town road bikers who are just pissed that cant ride through town as fast as they would like while holding up traffic.

  44. Blakespear et al corruption runs deeper than the earth core. Pure evil shit being uncovered from the vile former Enc mayor and SANDAG grifter.

    Prison is coming

  45. The BIA is horrific. That’s what happens when you get your marching order from a corporation just focused on maximizing profit.,

    And the complete evil environment that she keeps the Cardiff Gimp is just inhumane.

    BIA and The Town Dunce are bad bad people , with a lot of blood on their hands.

  46. Baldwin is back, except now it's 448 units instead of 485 and 4 stories compared to 6. They are offering 90 affordable units among other changes. It's still a massive complex and zoned for R70. The biggest in the city's history! All on an already overcrowded two lane road with no plans to ease traffic.

    The CPP is coming soon. I'll guess this will be rushed through so it's OK'd before the elections.

    Do you think it will get the OK from planning? We already know what the council will do when/if it makes it that far.

    1. 90 Affordable mmmmkay

      No extra charge for the destruction and mayhem of the 270 illegal foreigners who came thru Jacumba to reside in the "affordable " cultural units. That's 810 jallopy vehicles with commuted smog certification passes. Probably double parked for a mile on QGD. Good timez a comin! Yeeeew

  47. Can someone tell me when the second senior center supposed to open?

    I thought it was supposed to be by Memorial Day weekend. I need a place to send my mother to occupy her time during the week. She absolutely loves fingerprinting, and sometimes she even doubles and watercolors.

    Is there a sign-up sheet? Are the classes going to be better than the first community center/senior center “art” classes?

    Also, I have some relatives that got addicted to fentanyl from Arkansas and are looking to move out here. Are there some additional parking spaces that are going to be reserved at Pacific View senior center?

    I sure hope so. With all of North County sending their homeless Encinitas. We need more parking lots. Why doesn’t the city open up the city as a parking lot?

    Mayor Kranz, you invited them all. Please respond to these simple questions.

    - Embracing our Newest fentanyl junkies neighborhors invited by Tony.

  48. Typical EV idiots. They complain how Encinitas is in danger of becoming the next Oceanside with dozens of new high rises along the beach. The next day they lament how Oceanside has a budget surplus. Retards gonna retard.

    1. ☝🏾Typical Starvin deflection.

      That what she is paid for.

  49. EU is not EV. Go post on EV.

  50. 10:04 that's 20% affordable before density bonus. Stop lying with numbers.

    1. Take it up with ECRD. That's the information they shared from the developer's current plan.

      Maybe you should do your own homework before calling someone a liar.

      From ECRD:

      The height of the buildings was reduced from six to four stories.
      The exterior design and aesthetics of the two buildings has much more articulation and improved aesthetics.
      The number of housing units was reduced from 485 to 448.
      The number of affordable units has risen to 90 units.
      This represents 20% of the total units including density bonus, and 30% of the net base units proposed for the site.
      This is an R70 development, applying for 70 apartments per acre.
      This will still be the denest, largest apartment site in the history of Encinitas.
      All parking is now below ground.
      The number of design waivers was reduced from nine to five:
      The new design eliminated most of the lot line setback reductions that hung over the Quail Gardens Drive setback.
      The pool setback waiver was eliminated.
      The open 4th floor party deck on Quail Gardens Drive and Kristen Court was eliminated and was converted to storage space. So, there should be no loud outdoor parties overhanging the Kristen Court homes.
      More open space and personal storage was provided but will still require a waiver.

  51. Who is ECRD? Sounds like another misguided neighborhood group who think the developer is playing with them. Kind of like the ones who think they can make a deal with Grover.

    1. and you sound like another developer puppet selling out our town.

    2. Yeah because everyone who cannot stand grover is a developer puppet. ummmm

  52. R30 another round of koolaid for the QGD folks who thought they had a binding deal with Kranz Mosca Muir.

  53. All parking is below ground? So there won't be any parking overflow affecting the neighbors? Is there now sufficient parking onsite? If so, this is progress. Somewhat. It is still too large a development for that area, or any area in our town.

  54. No possibility of below ground parking for 900 vehicles.

    Not even close

  55. You guys are not using your cranium when voting.

    This woman should be working at Costco at best


  57. Parking doesn't matter, everyone's going to be on their bikes. Remember? QGD folks lambs to slaughter and still pumping for Kranz.


    Lawson-Remer is like a drug addled 22yo


    If you wanna hang out you gotta take her out
    If you want to get down down on the ground
    She don't lie she don't lie she don't lie


  59. Ummmm


  60. Blobe working hard for kranz on ev, could it be there's a dynamic trio?

    1. It's more like his feelings are hurt because Bruce snubbed him during the last election. What's Julie's excuse?

    2. Classic EV clownfolk becoming unhinged when someone doesn't drink the koolaid.

    3. oh they're drinking the kool aid and the drinker's name is blobe.

  61. Marco on remer's awful record of attendance "Nothing quite like a Temecula campaign manager for a San Diego Supervisorial race coming into a hyperlocal Facebook page to spew campaign drivel..."

    Marco maybe you'd like to stick to the point and comment on her attendance record instead of transparently shooting the messenger.

  62. So Encinitas Street liquor and TJ.

    So Encinitas Street looks worse than TJ streets.

    Yet Kranz lies and the city doesn’t have any money, yet she voted to waste $20 million on another city facility. It’s going to commit to millions in long-term maintenance and operations in perpetuity. All of this and there was never a City report on the long-term financial feasibility of adding this new second City community centers/senior center.

    Can someone tell me when the second senior center supposed to open?

    I thought it was supposed to be by Memorial Day weekend. I need a place to send my mother to occupy her time during the week. She absolutely loves fingerprinting, and sometimes she even doubles and watercolors.

    Is there a sign-up sheet? Are the classes going to be better than the first community center/senior center “art” classes?

    Also, I have some relatives that got addicted to fentanyl from Arkansas and are looking to move out here. Are there some additional parking spaces that are going to be reserved at Pacific View senior center?

    What’s the status losing Kranz of your loser pet project?

    1. * What’s the status loser Kranz of your loser pet project?

  63. As the American hating left continues to ruin california and especially Encinitas with 4 and 5 story ghetto apartments buildings, idiots continue voting for the left. The idiots don't bother looking into the ruination policies......they simply vote left. Then they complain.
    But wait......I thought there wasn't enough water to support all of these apartments......oh' never mind. That was last year.
    And like a dog, leftists live in the moment with no concept of yesterday or tomorrow. It's only in the now.

    1. God you’re a bore

    2. You going to lose again. The perpetual losers of the right have zero policy,. Again, ‘dems bad’ vote for republicants is a proven failure but you keep trying because thats all the low IQ right has. You keep trying the same stupid thing and keep losing but call the dems idiots. This is why we laugh at you.

    3. Marco’s family is the worst - White skinned racist predators.

      Mex_i_can be a predator and try and get away with it.

      The worst of humanity.

    4. Marco is a good analogy. He keeps winning while republicants keep losing. Two of marcos biggest antagonist live in other states now. Hi bobby, hi jeff.

    5. Notice how the leftists on here don't counter...they simply write how boring or stupid people are on the right.
      Never a counter argument. Living in the a dog

    6. Still posting with my own name here...

    7. There nothing for the left to counter, they win every time and repubicants cry about it. You want them to counter your crying about always losing? The score board is the counter, come up with something other than ‘dems are bad’ and you will get a counter.

    8. 2:19 Yea the score board counter is clear. Republican's hold the majority share of Congress and according to all the polls Trump is leading in the swing states.

  64. 6:17 Show me one Republican that wouldn't support these types of projects if the BIA donated to their campaigns .

    1. That is a speculation......see folks how they are?
      "what if".........
      The left will vote for the brain dead biden again.
      He has no idea where he is but that doesn't matter.
      His idiot wife can guide him

    2. Republicans always side with big money...always. That is not speculation.

    3. Exactly 2:03. There is no bigger dick sucker for dollars than a republican. Always will be that way. Just tell them where to bend over and how.

    4. 2:54 the only dick sucker I see is Kevin Sabellico. Literally a dick sucker!

  65. Marco you do protest too much, don't you.

  66. Moscow Margo thinks the coast news is biased ROLFMAO 🤠

    But CNN (communist news network ) and MSDNC is not propaganda?

    Amirite? 🥳

  67. Don’t worry. The post news will come out with favorable exposés on the new candidates. About two months before the election, Tony will threaten their advertising dollars, and they’ll change their tune. Predictable as rain.

  68. Coast News. Pardon me!

  69. 1:13pm and 4:25pm No you moron, you are not close and never have been since you sold your soul and decided to work against our nations future democracy along with all the other pos domestic terrorists that the former right wing repugnican party has allowed itself to become. You included.

    1. Where do you get these writing points.....from a box of cereal?
      Remember the laptop being Russian disinformation?
      Funny how it was just used in a felony trial of hunter biden. Oooops, guess it wasn't disinformation.
      Ignore what the left/socialists have done to the country and the state of california. Ignore over 10 million illegals roaming the streets of America. What are they eating? Your tax dollars. You friggin' idiots.............

    2. Hunters lap top proved he did drugs and owned a gun. That’s illegal as we now know. I support taking guns from drug users and felons, little surprised the righties do as well. Trump is now a felon and has to take drug test, he should also turn in his guns. Joe Rogan does drugs on his podcast has a bunch of guns. Take em all!

    3. The difference between Trump taking a drug test and biden taking Alzheimers drugs is vast.
      You see.......Trump knows what planet he is on.

  70. Margo didn’t think the coast news was biased when Caitlin Steinberg was running the mayor’s campaign from their offices. Um whoops I mean conducting unbiased reporting he would say. LOL

    1. 6:08- I wonder if he thought it was biased when the Coast News had the bumper stickers inside that said "Dump Stocks". Hell, maybe he liked Stocks. Hard to know with Marco. I sometimes think he just likes to stir up the pot. I wonder how he even go to be on EV? And Sabillo is truly an asshole.

    2. Lorri thinks he’s amusing. Not to be confused with someone to take seriously.

    3. Fun fact 6:37 those bumper stickers were a nice bump to advertising revenue. And $tock$ never did figure out who was really behind the DUMP STOCKS campaign. Still blames the paper.

  71. Haha! Just like the My Mayor Sued Me signs. They had Marco apoplectic!

  72. Baldy Marco is too busy defending himself on one of the many social media and blogs that think he and his immediate family are pond scum.

  73. Marco's on EV defending Terra Lawson Remer's 75% absent record, telling everyone that all Supervisor are absent most of the them from voting. BS.....

    Do all Supervisors wear sunglasses to their weekly public meeting like Remer does. It's so disrespectful. Obviously Marco needs Remer, just like he needs Blakespear, Hinze, Kranz and Blackwell for his so called $6,500- $9,500 per month rent affordable housing projects. What a dirtbag.

  74. 9:56 "Baldy Marco", I love it.

  75. Make that 'Baldy Margo' and it fits even better.

  76. Did Tony share the story about how he lost his virginity sliding down a flagpole?

  77. 12:26pm. Since you are so interested and incensed about one county supervisors voting record, would it be too much to ask for the voting records of the other county supervisors during the same time period?

    1. Well, if it isn’t Mr. whataboutism himself!

    2. Posting anonymously, I should add.

    3. 6:35 so why don't you post the other Supervisors voting records. I highly doubt they were absent 75% of the time like Terra Lawson Remer. Did they wear sunglasses to their meetings like Terra?

  78. Now that was some fun!

  79. Baldy Margo's trying to tell us that all the Supervisors are absent 75% of the time. Does he ever stop lying in the name of Democracy?

  80. How about presenting the voting records of the other supervisors as was asked? Or does it not fit within your already formed perspective?

    If anyone is making up sheet, 11:40am is it. Margo did not ask for the voting records of the other supervisors. I did. And no, I am not margo. What have you go to hide 11:40am.? You are the one who spouted off about Terra's voting record. It should be easy for you. You can provide the other supervisors voting record as easy as you did with terra's.

    1. Does it really matter after all? Remer’s voting record is abysmal. Marco’s whataboutism is irrelevant.

    2. 2:43

      "The San Diego County Supervisor is absent considerably more often than she is present for her committee and subcommittee assignments.

      To put it bluntly, San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer’s attendance rate at committee meetings is nothing short of abysmal.

      Mulling through meeting minutes reveals that since she began her term in 2021, Lawson-Remer has missed a staggering 74% of her committee and subcommittee votes, excluding Board of Supervisor meetings. This equates to 575 missed votes out of a total of 776."

      There have been several articles in the SD Tribune and other media publications regarding Terra Lawson Remer's abysmal 75% absence from Supervisor Board meeting. The articles didn't not indicate anything regarding the other Supervisors, nor did they reflect what the other Supervisors voting records were. Obviously if the other Supervisors voting absences were as bad as Remer's the papers would have reported that, or Remer would have said something.

      One can easily draw a conclusion that if the other Supervisors had anything close to Remer's 75% absent record the SD Tribune and other news outlets reporting would have reflected that in their articles as the Tribune is a Liberal paper.

      Unless of course you think there's a big conspiracy and the media is only trying to destroy Remer.

      In short, I have no idea how to find voting records and doubt the media is lying or there'd be lawsuits to follow.

      Here's one of the articles.....

  81. From one of the articles regarding Remer's voting record....

    "The San Diego County Supervisor is absent considerably more often than she is present for her committee and subcommittee assignments.

    To put it bluntly, San Diego County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer’s attendance rate at committee meetings is nothing short of abysmal.

    Mulling through meeting minutes reveals that since she began her term in 2021, Lawson-Remer has missed a staggering 74% of her committee and subcommittee votes, excluding Board of Supervisor meetings. This equates to 575 missed votes out of a total of 776."

  82. Terra Lawson Remer is on several boards and has missed almost all of her meeting.

    From the article.....

    "For the SANDAG Regional Planning Committee, Supervisor Lawson-Remer was chosen as the primary member in 2021, 2022, and 2023. Despite this, she did not attend a single meeting in 2022 or 2023.

    It’s a similar story on the San Diego Air Pollution Control District Board, where Lawson has been a member for three years. After missing 60% of meetings in 2022, she proceeded to miss every meeting in 2023 and, at least so far, in 2024 as well.

    Lawson-Remer has also been on the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Fuel Removal Committee for three years and the North San Diego County Transit Development Board for four. She has not attended any of either group’s meetings.

    In 2021, Lawson-Remer was appointed to the San Diego County Water Authority. That year, she missed every single meeting.

    In two years, she has attended one meeting of the Mission Trails Regional Park Task Force.

    In four years, she has attended two of the San Dieguito River Park JPA meetings (both in 2021) and missed the other 31."

    1. I believe there are paychecks linked to these committees. Imagine having jobs and getting paid for not showing up?

    2. Terra Lawson Remer runs much of her campaign on how important our environment is, clean water, air quality etc.... Yet her record shows she doesn't attend any of those task force committee meetings.

      If you're gonna pretend to be an environmentalist then at least attend the meetings and vote on those agenda items.

      She's no different than Nathan Fletcher and Lorena Gonzalez, all talk.

    3. She’s got a surf/environmental IG promotion going on her page. Maybe she’s attending ‘board’ meetings when there’s a swell.

    4. 10:22 except Terra doesn’t attend board meetings, she’s missed nearly all of them according to the article.

  83. 7:10pm. Since you are so informed, tell us about the other supervisors voting record over the same time period.

    1. Again who cares. Stop with the whataboutism. How does anyone else’s record justify hers?
