Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stabbing at Home Depot

10 News:
The suspect, identified as Hernan Padilla, allegedly entered the Home Depot and attempted to leave without paying for items, prompting three bystanders to intervene. Padilla brandished a knife, stabbing one bystander before fleeing the scene,'' the department reported.


  1. Stabbed in the leg guy, shot with his own gun guy and hit with his own car guy should start a band.

    1. Or how about we restore law and order?

    2. How about Tony invites all the fentanyl junkie guys.

      There you go, Starvin.

  2. What a way to turn a misdemeanor into a felony. There is no accounting for some that need it the most.

    Too bad this lowlife was not apprehended and held for the cops to lock him up. Where were the security officers?

    Attempted murder is now on his record, which he surely has one if he thought he could get away with this felony.

    Most stores let these lowlifes get away with stealing when it is still in the misdemeanor category. That does not set a good precedent.

    This minor thieving, is there such a thing, needs to be rethought and strictly enforced by security officers whether it is a misdemeanor or a felony.

    1. This is a brutal reality what occurred here. Have a very popular friend who continues to tell us that when we see something like this you are risking your life and your family if you do what these fella's did. At first I totally disagreed and was very pissed off at him - especially because he included that if you saw an elderly person having the shit beat out of them/assaulted that stay away and do not intervene. For awhile I agreed with this philosophy and still do to a certain extent however I have two exceptions. If I encounter one of these racist assholes or cultural enrichers assaulting a elderly person or a child I've decided and committed to killing the assaulter. Going to prison defending one of either of those innocent types I have done the math. We live in a different world and the one party rule in california has made living here much greater risk. The tidal wave is coming and in a just country people like Newsom, Biden, Obama, all the Gonzalezes, Blakespears, Scott Wieners, Pelosi's, Padilla's, Swalwell's, Schiff, Leiu's et all would all be in prison with no bail.

    2. Everyone you named is a confirmed paedophile

  3. First...was it an "illegal", for sure it was a mescan'
    Now why would non Home Deport people try and stop a thief?
    That makes sense how?
    The mescan' has been arrested and is as I write in a Vista jail.
    And yes, attempted murder. Bye bye............

    1. Just another DFM

    2. Why? Because y’all are starring in your own John Wayne movie right? Like lock and load guy.

  4. Saw 3 kids with fancy ebikes walk out of vons with a bunch of stuff they put into their backpacks. Nobody cared, not even management.

    Home depot had 15 billion in profits and pays their CEO 15 mill/yr, they can afford to hire security. Vons made 2.3 billion and pays their CEO 16mil/yr, they can also afford security.

    1. Don't shop there. See how easy it is? Don't

  5. Phony,

    Come quick. All this talk about lock and load, has me well…

    Me so horny.

    - Starvin

  6. How nice of you guys to give a shit about these corporation's security and loss of inventory. If they're concerned, they should take care of it or close up shop.

    1. Guess you don’t realize that YOU as a consumer pay for retail theft.

      Blame needs to be put where it belongs. On the criminals, not the establishments serving communities.

      YOU are part of the problem.

    2. 10:06 100 percent spot on.

    3. Corporations like Home Depot aren't " serving communities". They're profiting off communities and giving nothing back (and expecting us to pay for additional security plus their losses).

    4. 5:29......may I suggest you don't shop there...or anywhere.
      You wouldn't want to any business to make money.
      In fact, you should stop eating. You wouldn't want the supermarkets to make money. How dare they !!!!
      Lock and Load

    5. They're welcome to make money 6:11, and they're doing a great job at it. Just don't try to make us responsible for making even more; that part is a fucking joke.

    6. You should stop eating 6:21. Living is not your friend.
      Logic has escaped you

    7. Even better 7:12: I can get stabbed on a trip to the store that is ripping me off for super marked up, low quality, chemical-filled groceries where they underpay their overworked employees.

    8. 8:11, do us all a favor and yourself........starve. Do it.

    9. Do me a favor 8:56, go fuck yourself. Do it.

    10. I would but it's too messy. Clean up in retail...isle 5

    11. 9:29 doesn't need to fuck her/himself. They let Home Depot, Vons, Ralphs, Walmart, whatever corporate inhabitant of Encinitas do it to them every day for free (actually, 9:29 is paying these for-profit institutions to do it).

      Plus they want to volunteer as free security to defend these corporations that fuck them over daily in the ass.

    12. your parents a favor, starve. Save them the embarrassment of you.

  7. When I get that feelin' I need (Phony's) sexual healing.
    - Starvin Gaye

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Literally need to rename this blog “Obsessed with Garvin”.
    Let’s congratulate the man for winning, unlike most in this town.
    My word, you guys are so grossly and sexually obsessed with him! Maybe I can create a fake Only Fans Accountant make money off of all of you.

    1. That's it Phony! You fight for your manz!

    2. Yeah Toni

      Fight for your gal Garvin/Garvie/Republican hotbuns


    3. Sounds like 🐖💩, actually. She’s got a campaign to ruin, don’t you know. How dare the truth get in her way.

    4. That's because one mental defective is responsible for 90% of the comments on this blog.

    5. 10:18- I don’t agree. I comment and I see a lot of other fresh comments that are nothing like mine. Sorry, loser.

    6. Gun guy here......don't you people dare leave me out of this !!!! : ))))

    7. There are many gun guys and gals dumbass. It’s our right to bear arms and we do. 🇺🇸💪🏾

  9. Where's Waldo......I mean biden. He doesn't know.

  10. 11:04 nearing closing time at The Office?

    1. I'm not familiar with The Office. I do like to drink a lot at the Biergarten but I'm willing to give The Office a shot if (a) they have food served there, preferably fried, (b) I can ride my bike on the sidewalk helmet-less to get there and (c) free wifi availability in case I need to forward emails to Starvin while I'm getting obliterated. Thank you in advance for any insight on this matter.
      - Phony

    2. 👆🏻💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. Tony is 100% acquainted with the Office because he grew up here. You obviously didn't.

    4. Phony is also a 100% douche bag sell out and is 100% acquainted with Starvin who sucks too.

      Fun fact: You're obviously down with the mayor clown (and his girlfriend) or you are one yourself.

    5. Ask her SDA classmates and they will tell you - She was a loser then and is even a bigger loser today.

    6. 12:35- The Office is Jerome's favorite bar. The Leucadian in Tasha's favorite bar. Since you're new here, thought I would help you out.

  11. Why do all far left democrats end up looking like this?

    Even former he/him end up looking like this.

    Please explain

    1. You may actually win an election if you focused on your own party of perpetual losers.

    2. 2:31...they are socialists. The country is a mess, california is worse. biden, harris, newsom, mayorkus
      Everything they do, they ruin. Traitors and should be hung.

    3. 5:54, want to know why houses now cost so much since the america hating left was voted in, the dollar de-valued from what it was. Now it takes 30 percent more money to buy that house. You are correct, everything they do, they ruin.

    4. The red states are shithole loser places in so many ways person already owns this conversation. Go home.

    5. 5:58,

      Doesn’t explain why property values in the shithole loser states lags.

    6. It's called terrible weather in other states genius.
      How dumb are you people. Gawd...............
      Of course housing is cheaper in Alabama, even a stupid person should understand that. Dang............

    7. Y’all just mad you can’t do capitalism very well. California creates wealth while red states create poverty. The numbers don’t lie. You can bitch and moan about the system all you want but we all know what you’re really saying. I’m sorry you got left behind but you may find the simple life in a welfare state more to your liking. It’s sink or swim here now more than ever, it takes someone extra to make it.

    8. 6:44, So you’re saying people who are born in Alabama and become successful leave that shithole and move to California?

      And that’s why CA votes Dem, because it attracts smart, successful people away from shithole loser states?

      I think you are correct.

  12. Know several connections eho work at this specific location.

    All have been told to stand down when witnessing robbery.

    One person described a person having passed counterfeit $100 bills. When said person reported to superior she was informed to let them go without calling authorities.

    1. Crazy BS times. 👎🏿

      That’s what happens when the freak show’s in charge. Raise taxes and give everything to the fentanyl zombies.

  13. Was D2 candidate Molestiny indoctrinated at a bay area university or was she simply brainwashed by BIAspear?

  14. ☝🏾probably both. Does she even live here?

    Don’t you have to be a resident to run?

    First we have a newbie AZ babbling clown on the City Ciuncil.

    Now we have Molestiny that is a woke biatch imported by the racists Cardiff gimp keeper running in D2. WTF?!

    My lord, Encinitas is in the shitter.

    1. 551 you got this. You forgot we also have a Bella the hat lady.

    2. 6:46-your comments make no sense. Proof that you’re in the freak show.. Carry-on loser.

  15. Everyone has to live like me.

    Like what I like.

    Buy what I buy.

    Everyone has to live in a single family detached house with a grass yard because it’s what I like.

    Everyone has to drive a car because it’s what I do.

    I demand these things because I’m insecure and arrogant, and the idea that others may do something different is a threat to my ego, and my belief that my choices are the right ones.




  18. All Equal Before the Law!

    Merrick Garland needs to be placed in prison TODAY.

    Maybe he and GOAT Bannon share a cell?

    1. Don't leave out mayorcs another traitor to America.
      Hang them all. Or put them up against a wall and "fire"
      The left has ruined this country. Let me include
      newsom.........he needs to hung

    2. Yes. Please.

      Decapitation by a very sharp painless guillotine method is preferred. We could then use the criminals organs for transplant procedures to only unvaccinated warriors.

    3. Clean decapitations are fabulously exquisite when the next 10 democrats are witnesses to the prior decapitation.

      This provides an excellent seamless transition.

    4. Gee I wonder why people say it’s a cult of violence and lies.

    5. We know where you live, start your civil war, bring those guns to a drone fight. You wont make it to the street

    6. A drone fight? You play too many games in your bedroom. At 1300 feet per second you drown will be drowned.
      Lock and Load

    7. I build drones for work, you wont shoot it down, by the time you see it, it will be too late. The Russians can tell you all about it. Yall are stupid, dont even need drones really, just need to spike the koolaid at your next cuck rally or cut off your insulin supply and air drop twinkies.

  19. 9:07- whatever you do is your business.

    It does not concern us

    - Don’t tread on me

  20. I like to post Tweet links here, because I’m a moron.

  21. 9:07? You must live in a bubble. Maybe the point is that those luxury apartments are 10K a month and the smart people of Encinitas knew these apartments would not help the teacher, baker, nurse and servers.

  22. I have been known to showcase my braided hair. I spend a lot of time in the sun so I have little to no fear of rickets. When I'm not soaking up the rays I'm plotting with Starvin to keep Phony in office another term.
    - Bella the hat woman

    1. Jesus, what an introduction. Rickets?

      The only one old enough to know that is is Starvin.

      Have had it Starvin/I mean, Bella. Try and improve your humor because you’re off to a crappy start which mirrors the rest of your life.

      You’re much better at sucking ass of the BIA and its agents.

  23. OMG they want to bring poor people here-dont vote dem
    OMG look how expensive the housing is-dont vote dem.

    See why nobody takes republican seriously anymore. Yall make no sense. Too stupid to come up with a plan to beat the dems who are ripe for the pickings. Can’t debate, can’t legislate so go full ISIS and want to chop heads. Next thing you know they will try to take women's rights and make it a religious state. Fucking taliwacker republicants, must suck to be you.

    1. Over 10 million illegals......biden needs to be hung as a traitor.

    2. More like they wanna fuck up and destroy Encinitas’s completely like every other shitty LA coastal town, With the main objective of maximizing BIA profits.

      You could triple or quadruple the number of housing units in Encinitas and it will have no real impact on the rent price or home price within San Diego county, and zero impact on the homeless issue issue.

      It’s an old old ,decades old, story. Huntington Beach and Venice used to be cool coastal towns until the BIA over developed the shit out of the whole LA area. Now everybody comes down from SmelLA to Encinitas’s to vacation. But Marco and the other Fuck ups aren’t satisfied because they’re focus is profits for the BIA. It’s how they make their living. Destroying Encinitas.

      All they will do is maximize profit and destroy another coastal town. It’s already going down the path. You can thank the fucking devil Marco Gonzalez and his predator family, TONY, dumber than fuck, Kranz, Caity, BIA, I didn’t know what the fuck to do with my life so I went into politics, Blakespear, and a bunch of other losers, like Mali, 🐽, Kindergarten Kelly, John Gjata, Kathleen Lees, And newbies like fly boy, and Arizona Joy.


    3. It’s the local long term residents turned traitor that are the worst. Tony (for Prop A initially), Marco (an environmental attorney, initially), Julie Thunder (always a traitorous Republican throwing in with Tony).

    4. I agree. They turn my stomach.

      Kathleen Lees being on Leucadia town council and acting like they care about overdevelopment issues. Then she supports all of the jackasses shoehorning in massive development and ruining our town.

      The absolute worst! in the past, they used to put them on stakes and rake their bellies against the bottom of boats while at sea.

      Maybe we should bring back some justice?

    5. 8:01- Don’t forget about the North County Central committee Republican, who Whores for the BIA. She’s so bad that Starvin was disowned by her own family in New Jersey. 💩

      She is a perfect lover for Tony Kranz.

    6. But I guess your point was long-term residents. So you’re right, Starvin is a newbie whore, like Mali and Az Joy. And will be gone once Kranz is no longer needed for BIA profits.

  24. To the amazing people that crafted and helped pass Prop A, which includes Bruce Ehlers and I hate to say, Sheila C. Thank you, thank you thank you.

    What the fine citizens of Encinitas need to do today is to craft a petition language and get approved by the voters a citizens initiative that requires any appointees by city council to not run for office in the next election.

    The appointment process of the City Council of the last decade has been a travesty. It’s what they call a complete shit show.

    As result, we have the most fucked up clown council ever in the history of California. Every appointee has been almost as stupid as the current mayor.

    Let’s get going Encinitas. A lot of damage has been done, but the future could look bright without these appointed assholes.

    1. Oh, so appointments were fine back when it was Stocks appointing Muir to replace Maggie?

      I call bullshit.

      Also, Prop A is dead. A judge has already set precedent that after two tries it can be set aside and council can pass up zoning.

    2. 9:13- Answers:

      No, and

      Prop A is not dead.

      - wake up loser. Watch the great awakening 2023!

  25. Marlon Taylor, I know you are on this blog. Why are those new apartments so expensive and how are we the residents supposed to afford them? Thank u

    1. Who told you all apartments in Encinitas are going to be affordable? Where did that expectation come from? I bet you'd would be more angry about that than the current situation (ewww...sort of poor people!)

      Shut the fuck up. You'll bitch and moan about anything.

    2. 9:49- learn how to write, you sell out loser.

    3. 9:49: Marlon Taylor, Mali Drake Shooke Woods put a lid on it!

    4. This provides an excellent seamless transition.

  26. Perpetual losers of Encinitas (PLE)- people need to WAKE UP and vote out dems

    Also the PLE- dont be Woke-vote out the dems.

    Dumbasses, you ship in sinking, don't get electrocuted or eaten by a shark.

  27. For a real loser look into your own mirror. You right wingers have no national party left. That mental defective will continue to lead you fools over the cliff until some spine shows up and you reclaim your party from the tyrants rear end you all have your heads up and apparently like it in there. Whew, something stinks around here and across our nation.

  28. 9:49 are you fresh off the turnip truck or what. Here's who told ALL of us we could get 100% affordable housing on at least one one large site: "Blakespear said the allure of the L-7 site was that the city owned it and could guarantee that all of the units would be dedicated for affordable housing."

    1. Marco's GOAT then flip flopped and voted to pull L7 off after first clutching her pearls in outrage. Believe that's the phrase you love to use, right Marco?

    2. You're funny 1:48. That's 10:09, 11:19 and a few other dumb dumb's worst nightmare. Even WORSE than unaffordable housing...its truly AFFORDABLE housing.

    3. ........On a rural country road of all places!!!

    4. Are you referring to a housing project like Windsor? Why would the tax payers want to pay to house addicts right smack in a residential area with children? Get some street smarts! Dealers follower the addict. I don't want anymore kids, teens or adults dying from Fentynal. Have a good one 👍

    5. LOL 2:02, then STFU about expensive new housing. If you don't want construction at all, attack your former neighbors for selling out.

    6. Marlon, why are you putting words into my.mouth? Let's please.stay on topic?. We.are being genified and that is wonderful for the home owners but it does not help the missing middle my friend.

  29. Put affordable housing in Delmar, La Jolla, and Rancho Santa Fe….

    It’s not going to happen because it ruins the community.

    It’s called free market. People can save and move up when they can afford it. Wake up and come back to reality.

    1. That's what I'm telling 2:02. If you want to keep Encinitas nice and make it even better, get rid of the poor people, and keep more from moving here. It's that easy. EV and the watchdorks have been telling us this all along. Duh.

      People don't buy homes here to be around the riff raff, come on. This is a cute little surf town for rad surfers that rip.

    2. 2:45, I know that you have not been around that long. Encinitas had poor people here for many years. We don't hate poor people. Cheers

    3. I have been, thats why Im surprised by the opposition to L7. Especially given all the complaining about the % of affordable housing in current developments in construction.

      I know Encinitas had poor people for many years, so whats the problem now? My guess is that its different people around doing the loudest talking.

    4. 302: The City has not defined what they want to do with L7? Do you know?

    5. Oh, and issue with the residents on L7 is the density. Marlon, drive down QGR? No busses and max density all cramped into one area. I believe the best place for this project is near the 101 or El Camino.

    6. 2:45- you can name call or label them what you like. If people can save and can afford a house here so be it. I know people with modest incomes that are really good savers and they end up having great assets.

      Other people that were giving huge funds, and they squander it.

      I’m not clear on why your name-calling people, poor people.

      I would consider you to be a poor person due to your choice of words and intellect.

    7. Only people who make the same amount of money as me should be here.

      And they should dress like me. And be the same ethnicity as me.

      Because I’m afraid.

    8. 4:40-You’re completely missing the point and your way off base…

      I don’t want more houses in Encinitas because I don’t want a sardine can crowds as a beach town like up in LA. Who the hell wants people crawling all over each other and no space on the beach?

      That’s why everybody’s moving out of LA in San Francisco and buying expensive homes and Encinitas.

      Why would you wanna ruin Paradise?

      I know the answer to that one – BIA Profits!

    9. * That’s why everybody’s moving out of LA and San Francisco and buying expensive homes in Encinitas.

    10. 3:18 "poor people" is only an insult if you think certain things about individuals with low incomes and a lack of other assets. I do not, perhaps you do.

    11. Bullshit the issue with L7 is density 3:12! You think a complex of that size wouldn't cause a traffic issue on ECR? Where is there even a hint of a possibility of doing it? Same with the 101.

      Get real if you want to talk about housing. You're here, now no one else can come unless they're wealthy enough to go over your head, tell you to fuck off and purchase an existing single family home or build their own. The ones that can tell you to fuck off are acceptable new members of Encinitas society.

  30. Not trying to be funny, 154. Someone asked when was it ever said that there would be 100% affordable housing and it was Marco’s goat who said it, Blakespear herself. Just answering the question.

  31. If you think Encinitas would be a better place with less housing, then put it in your will that after your passing, you want your house bulldozed and put a covenant on your deed banning any future construction.

    Any of you doing that?

    Didn’t think so.

    1. 4:29- That’s illogical loser. You must be a fentanyl junkie.

      Clean up your act and your brain will get better oxygen.

    2. Just calling out the goat as a fraud that’s it

  32. Extra sharp mostly peaceful guillotine de-cap. No bail 🤠

  33. I've never actually had to work a day in my life and I inherited a house. Does anyone know if you can inherit boner pills too?
    - Phony

    1. You are in luck Phony. There’s a clause in the state law that says if you don’t pay any property tax, then you’re allowed to inherit a 10 year supply of Boner pills tax free.

      It was a BIA Sponsored Bill last year. Approved by Newsom and the Freakshow.

    2. Destroying a city should qualify me for a bonus in my allotment of the precious blue pills? I'm thinking 11 year supply is in order. We can call this the Woodson Project.

    3. Drama queen.

  34. I have been doing role play with my daughter for her response if whole at school someone accuses her of using the "wrong pronouns. "

    She got the proper response it memorized.

    Here is her role play response:

    It's kinda long winded:

    "F-€k off"

  35. Whole=someone 😃

  36. 3rd-4th grader🥳

  37. I heard the perfect response for pronouns from a first grader the other day.-

    “OK Cunt”

  38. People with an IQ above room temp live and let live. The perpetual losers on the right indoctrinate their kids to also be losers creating generation after generation of perpetual losers. They don’t have the wits to legislate so they cry about some made up scenario that triggers them. The real dumb ones the run off and teach their kids how to respond to a made up trigger fantasy. Some fantasize about pronouns while other idiots fantasize about tranny kranz, shooting illegals, de-capping people smarter than themselves etc. There is one thing they all have in common and that is losing which creates a feedback loop of more losing. The losers have already lost california and where california goes the rest of the country follows.

    1. The biggest loser is Krantz and his girlfriend Admiral Starvin

    2. 12;11 what a strange reply. Idk who this Rachael is but very impressive resume. "After graduating from Harvard College and Tulane University School of Medicine, ADM Levine completed her training in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City. As a physician, she focused on the intersection between mental and physical health, treating children, adolescents, and young adults. ADM Levine was a Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine. Her previous posts included: Vice-Chair for Clinical Affairs for the Department of Pediatrics, and Chief of the Division of Adolescent Medicine and Eating Disorders at the Penn State Hershey Medical Center."

    3. 👆🏾It supported the COVID Liberty stealing and public health destroying Shut down.

      Starvin is a loser just like its girlfriend Kranz.

    4. Oh you are one of the perpetual losers 2:53, got it. Remember your dumb takes when you lose yet again. I know you smarter than this Rachael woman and the rest of the world. What have you achieved that makes you think you are smarter than doctors? I’m willing to bet you don’t even have a participation award. Maybe when you were peaking in high school the football team honored you equipment manager? Wait, were you the kid that always said in math and science classes that you don’t need to learn that stuff because you will never need it. That was you wasn’t it? Your peak in everyones else's floor

  39. 5:23 margo posting anonymously. the language is always the tipoff.

    1. Still can’t figure out how reply works.


    2. Always the tipoff... fucking idiot.

    3. There you have it folks, proof positive!

    4. He's so easy.

    5. Who hires you Marco, with your disrespectful trashy mouth? I've hired a few lawyers over the years and none of them would ever consider posting publicly or so rudely. Your mother should have used more soap.

    6. Potty mouth is the worst.

    7. No shortage of clients over here.

      On another note, don't you dipshits know studies find higher intelligence, honesty, and creativity among those of us with "potty mouths"? You keyboard warriors need to get with the game...

  40. That's Moscow Margo👆🤬

  41. 3:36 and have it buried above? You’re the one who apparently can’t figure out how it works!

  42. What hoaxes is Moscow margo coming up with for November? Destiny's Child is a person which was aborted a birth but lived due to extraterrestrial racism? How many new 6k apartments will Newsom buy for the cultural enrichers? Dude has no idea what's coming. How many dead people and cultural jacumba Chinese terrorists will vote in Encinitas? I'm hearing at least 42,420.

    1. I’m sure the spoilers are waiting in the wings. Bruce Ehlers is Marco and Mali’s nightmare turned reality.

      Destiny is a shoe in because Jim O’Hara is the spoiler in that race. D2 screwed again.

    2. O’Hara the spoiler is the dynamic duo’s story they’re spreading around town.

    3. The dynamic duo are worse than Tony.

      For any of you Republicans out there, when are you going to learn that the city will not vote in anyone that even smells right wing? Best chance was with Doyle. He and Bruce work well together. He’s a Democrat and he’ll get voted for over Destiny.

      This is why Republicans and their strategies always lose here. They just haven’t learned that they are the minority and they can’t have it all or nothing. You gotta win these elections by degrees. Jim and Julie hanging on to Luke’s star will probably bring him down too.

      If this is her way to wIn elections, Julie followers, find a better Republican to get behind, as long as it isn’t her or Garvin,, because their strategy sucks.

    4. Why would anyone want to vote in Republicans?

      It’s been shown over and over that Republican policies and leadership create shithole loser states.

      By every relevant measure they become worse. Poverty, productivity, health, education, innovation, obesity, drug deaths, crime, gun deaths, income, property value, economic growth, subjective happiness.

      Who would actually vote for the policies that consistently, demonstrably, quantifiably create shitholes full of losers?

      Is that really the outcome you really want? Or is it that you personally are a loser who failed at life, and you just want others to suffer as you do?

      Serious questions. I’d like an answer.

    5. I vote for success.

    6. You're like just gay man.

      Hawk Tuah 🤮

  43. Marco was conceived when his Dad hit the bunghole on purpose.

  44. Is Bella the hat woman relevant?

    1. 10:48- Ask Starvin. It’s coming from it’s imagination. Is 🏳️‍⚧️ relevant?

      -Asking for a friend friend.

  45. Now remember electric cars cuz tricity simply comes out of the wall after falling from the sky.
    And gavin newsom isn't's just a rumor.
    And joe biden doesn't have Alzheimer's...more rumors.

    1. You left out camel toe harris as she wants people to think she is black and not just stupid.

    2. ^^ Just imagine.

      Imagine—not just being this stupid. But being proud of it.

      So proud that you think commenting to yourself one minute later will fool anyone.

    3. But she a hot dancer. 🤣

    4. I never stated I was smart and don't talk to myself.
      Lock and load

    5. "what you talkin' bout Willis?'

  46. When Trump was in office everything was running well...
    Now? cough cough

    1. “The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.

      The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.

      The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.

      The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

      Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% compared with 2016.

      Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.

      The murder rate rose to the highest level since 1997.

      Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats.”

      And those judges for the first time in history rolled back rights for women.

      Truth hurts.

      Republican policies and leadership create shitholes full of losers.

    2. Are you taking your pet ostrich for a walk downtown today? There us some sand at Blee Street you can stick your heads in ? Maybe paint him yellow and light blue? Wear a Briben hat you'll be the talk of the bleach🥦

    3. 12:50’s feelings are more important than facts.

    4. And oddly the entire U.S is in a shithole now. What do you know. House cost more as the dollar is worth 33 percent less so more money is needed. Currently the communists continue printing money to give it away.
      10 million illegals and crime from them is going nuts.
      biden has zero clue what planet he is on and harris can't put together a complete cognitive sentence.
      Ya' partner.......everything is just peachy.
      Lock and Load. Kill themz illegals before theyz' kill you.

  47. Combined weight of city council without Phony = 624 pounds
    Combined weight of city council with Phony = 8,918 pounds

  48. I got to meet Luke Shaffer at his campaign kickoff yesterday. He seems like a nice guy but I was horrified to discover the crazy Republicunts Rachel, Natalie and Christie are running his campaign. It makes sense now why he held it at the Leucadian as they were all Morris cultists. With those 3 involved Luke's guaranteed to be a Trumper and guaranteed to lose.

    1. 👆🏾 BS from the Freaks show….

      Go enjoy your strap on freak.

    2. 12:27 if he gives you the right votes and is not a rubber stamp for Blakespear, what do you care? She is still controlling what goes on. Plenty of Dems are fed up with the fauxgressive nonsense. You used the “Trumper“ label to success the last couple of elections, it’s wearing thin in the face of Kranz’s continuation of Blakespear’s anti-resident policies.

      Who cares who he votes for for president if he’s not on a first name basis with Randy Goodson?

    3. 12:27 You couldn't see their involvement based on their various gram accounts? Luke's another stealth Trumper like Moron4Mayor and Thunder. Also like the last 2 elections you'll see plenty of attempts at trying to conceal him being a Trumper along with pleas to ignore it.

    4. Unfortunately, Luke is going to get tainted. The small town activists have no idea how to win an election. Luke has tons more personality and looks than Allison, but she's a Dem incumbent, in a majority Dem town, during a presidential election year, where Trump is the bogey man.

      He's also aligning with O' Hara and their campaign messaging is identical. Hope between them they can differentiate and answer questions pertaining to some of our biggest issues, as well as their district's issues.

      Is Ehlers endorsing either of them? There's no more talk of a slate, is there?

      If there aren't any additional spoilers put into the mayor's race, Bruce has a decent chance of pulling this off. Luke is 60/40 and only because he has good hair.

      O'Hara is dead in the water and just handed us Destiny. Activists are once again giving the election to the Margo and Kranz faction.

    5. 2:17- hey Garvin Walsh, this is a non-party issue. Anyway, the largest party and voting Block is independent, which includes me.

      What we do know is that there are fag Republicans out there, like you. It’s unbelievable that you Are actually are on the central committee, And you support a communist, democratic mayor who is fucking up Encinitas completely.

      All in the name of your commander in chief, BIA, and for her maximum profit.,

      You suck the big donkey dick, Garvin Walsh and I know you’re proud of that.

    6. Not Garvin you twit. It IS a party issue. It always is and that's why you can't get anyone decent across the finish line. Plus all the meddlers like Garvin, Julie, Leah, Tony, Marco etc.

      NPP isn't a majority - the Dems are and again, it's why NPP and R candidates struggle to win.

      And anyone who has the stink of MAGA or Julie on them will get run into the ground by Marco, Mali and the council's goons.

      Jeez, are you still that stupid not to see reality even when it's kicking you in the ass? Or maybe we'll just wait until November to see it play out like it always does.

    7. There’s no controlling where people like Julie go. The real idiots are the ones who thrive on conspiracy theories and try to connect dots where there are none. O’Hara is against the 1% sales tax, Doyle is for it. Now who’s dead in the water? Watch that issue take center stage for Joe Public. It’s already happening.

      Don’t want to sound like Garvin? Then quit trying to move around the chest pieces. An anonymous poster making proclamations and predictions based on no information is worth less than nothing.

    8. Like I said, let’s revisit in November.

      And you still don’t get it, three people in a district race is a split vote giving the majority to the council pick. Every time. Tax increase, Republican, Democrat candidate, crime, development platform, it doesn’t matter. We have a split vote.

    9. No argument on a split vote. But proclaiming one of the three dead in the water is a sure Garvin tell.

    10. @12:27 Three MAGA Republicans living off other peoples money. None of them live in D1 and one of them doesn't even live in Encinitas. Of course there's more of the usual far right suspects behind the scenes too. Luke Shafer is an obvious put up job.

    11. Ohhhhh looks like the sensitive Sally’s are feeling threatened again 🤭🫣
      MAGA finger pointing is so 2020. Get over it already. It certainly doesn’t work against any of the following candidates:
      Shaffer D1
      O’Hara D 2
      Ehlers Mayor

  49. Encinitas has become a test case for suiciding a once great town. A town so rich in natural beauty and endowed with such a bountiful location self-destructed so rapidly.
    How and why did Encinitas become so utterly consumed with nihilism?
    At a time of an over regulated, over taxed, over developed - too many bars and restaurants the coastal downtown has become a tax cash cow for the leadership of Encinitas to spend lavishly on ridiculous untried, stupidly expensive, and wastefully inefficient green project folly. Lets outlaw gas stoves and use income based surcharges. What a complete hoax.

    Consider the state of California having two of the wettest years in recent California history yet the radical “climate change “ far leftist radical douche canoe folly has squandered the water bounty – as snow-melt and runoff long designated for agricultural irrigation were drained from aqueducts and reservoirs to flow out to the ocean.

    Consider Encinitas a direct party to that destruction. Being wholly unprepared for these wet years and STILL not taking it seriously. Sinkholes, landslides and easily solvable (over time) flooding are all the rage. It's all so obvious to the keen eye. Mis-allocated funds for like cycle death traps and other lame bullshit. Worthless pet projects for only the ignorant leaders to gawk at while helping absolutely nobody. What an absolute travesty.

    People like Blakespear and Gonzalez (along with many other lemmings) still believe we’re in a drought. Good grief the climate change/ global warming/perpetual endless 100 year droughts are still right around the corner, right? What a fucking scam these people are.
    If you haven’t figured it out by now you will never figure it out.
    The entire process has been hacked by losers who give zero fucks about you.
    There isn’t an option that represents Encinitans interests that voting will solve.

    The arrogance and grift is so deeply entrenched there is only one outcome. Total destruction. There is no coming back.

    Be very afraid because the world is burning up and the seas are rising. Pfffffffft.

    These people are bought and paid for pieces of shit whom give absolutely zero fucks about people who live here.

    “Affordable” housing? What an absolute joke. Just go ahead and build 10,000 apartments (or whatever) on the once historical sensitive preserve lands that were once beautiful and serene treasures. Nobody cares anymore.

    As Encinitas implodes, its embarrassed leadership turns to the irrelevant, if not ludicrous.

    California has become a medieval society of plutocratic barons, subsidized peasants, and fleeing middle plebian class.

    Encinitas is now the proud child of the Pelosi-Newsom protected class with their underlings profiting off the destruction.

    Democracy is complete bullshit.

    Burn it all down. It will be fun and wonderful, they said.

    1. Should do an op-ed. I'd clean it up, add, and edit for you.

    2. Correction

    3. Save words.

      Just say “I’m a piece of shit domestic terrorist who hates America and democracy because I’m a sore loser—emphasis on loser.”

    4. What a brilliant explanation. Done with grace and class.

  50. 3:56pm Why don't you move to a red state where you will be amongst similar pieces of domestic sheet that will fit you to a T?

    Not only will be among your kind, you will be doing this community a huge favor.

    Hey guess what? I have never voted for our current mayor so you don't need to go there spouting off more nonsense you don't know a thing about.

    1. May a density bonus project be built next door to you so you can congratulate yourself on everything you’re doing for the little guy with all of the affordable units. Let let’s see you fly your Yimi flag then. Then let’s hear what you have to say about this council majority

  51. I’m so glad that Tony Kranz is proposing to approve and expedite just shit tons of ghetto apartments throughout the city.

    My properties are way too overpriced, and I have way too much assets in them. I am charging an arm and leg for rent and making way too much money. I want Tony to lower our property values, so I’m forced to lower my rent and I will not make anything and will be starving. ( hint)

    The traffic is moving smoothly. Have you been on Encinitas Boulevard or Leucadia Blvd? You can literally still go five or 10 miles an hour from El Camino Real to I5.. Much Too fast. I want traffic to crawl all over town, like we experience west of I five. Gridlock. Yeah!!

    And oh my God, can you believe how little people there are on the beaches in Encinitas. Apparently, you haven’t been with our friend back East on the beaches in New Jersey and Long Island. There’s millions of people and you have to pay pretty much pay somebody for towel space. That’s how I want it here in Encinitas.

    Oh yeah, plus can I make developers a shit ton of profit and get a bunch of gifts as well?

    - Quess who?

  52. Me too. I love the look and feel of LA with super crowded ghetto high-rises and I love all those fentanyl junkies just passed out and shitting all over the place.

    Way to go Tony Kranz. Thanks for turning Encinitas into another LA. Shit town..

    1. Kranz had nothing to do with it. It is the America hating leftists in Sacramento. They are the ones that passed the law/s for the crap for the entire state of california
      gavin newson should be at the end of rope. He and the girlie men. Everything the left does, they destroy.
      Impeach that piece of shit

    2. Kranz is a communist piece of shit.

    3. Kranz has voted for every high density crappy get our development and Encinitas another all being built in traffic is freaking gridlock And the beach are packed like New Jersey.

  53. Man the righties comedy is 10x better than the ballot cheater lefties.

    Best clip in election history
    Walk Like Joe Biden

    1. Righty comedy is a contradiction in terms.

    2. Excellent song. - Truth always makes me smile.

  54. Speaking of editorials, anyone else on Garvin’s mass email list? Ugh, I feel violated.

    1. Where did the list names come from? ;)

    2. He’s got a lot of nerve. The dynamic desperate duo. Not only irrelevant but outdated.

  55. Hello - I am a member of the Republican Central Committee. I'm reaching out because I have some concerns with new member Starvin. Since he's been here, his first initiative was to install tampon dispencers in the men's bathroom. There are constant tantrums thrown by Starvin about people not using preferred pronouns. He won't stop talking about his love for some guy named Phony and our meetings are often interrupted by this Rod Stewart looking thing dropping off "emergency" boner pill deliveries. Something just doesn't seem right, he's certainly not aligned politically with any of us. Plus he drinks all of the coffee non-stop. Just because something is free doesn't mean you should abuse the privilege. Very concerning.
    - Anonymous member of the Republican Central Committee

    1. 👆🏾👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💯😀😂😆😂🤣🤣🤣

  56. What happened to the stabber and the stabee?

    1. They are both stabbies…. It’s a very weird world in the freak show with Morphies and ”Thunderdomes”doing weird things. One thing for certain, is there’s always Boner-pills galore.

      Freakshow’s tonight. I wonder what the theme of the freakshow will be?

  57. *** City of Encinitas real time news***

    Hello citizens, I just wanted to announce this morning that my plan is working!

    If you love LA and you love the vibrancy of living in a fentanyl zombie jungle, then vote for me in November. I am your freak show master of ceremonies.

    First off, we have been successful at crushing high paying business jobs throughout San Diego. If you want a job go to McDonald’s or Der Wienerschnitzel they are paying $25 per hour thanks to me and my amazing communist party. If you want to make more money, you’ll have to go on the black market like everybody else.

    Now regarding housing. We are making tremendous gains by putting up tons of ghetto housing around Encinitas and we will be further slowing traffic speeds to a crawl and guaranteed gridlock west of I5. Let’s just say you won’t be wanting to start your engines anytime soon.

    So here is a quick look at the local job market, And this is why you’re seeing so many for sale signs up on Neptune Avenue:

    The biggest job losses, 600 positions, were in professional and business services, which include work in legal, scientific, waste management, architectural industries. Other job losses were in private education and health services, down by 400, and information (telecommunications, newspapers, publishing industry), down by 100.

    One reason San Diego’s unemployment rate keeps improving is the labor force continues to shrink. The labor force — adults who either have a job or are actively looking for one —dropped by 8,900 people in a single month to 1.58 million. The labor force is down by 10,300 people in a year. That’s right, under our plan nobody needs to work. You just come to Encinitas’s and we’ll take care of you and attention City and you’ll get to do all kinds of fentanyl and other amazing mind altering drugs for free. Enjoy today!!

    All I can say is I love my party and I love the money and gifts of my master the BIA.

    - Mayor Phony

  58. I wonder what's gonna happen when "anonymous" accounts on Instagram and elsewhere that spread lies and promote these candidates are revealed to be members of their campaigns. 🍿

    1. How do you know when is a “member“ of a campaign? No need to answer, it doesn’t matter because you and your crew will invent connections where none exist and propagandize the hell out of it. You will post anonymously, of course. You will sow seeds of doubt, conspiracies, and spread misinformation. Taking a page from the Nazi playbook, you will keep repeating your lies until some people believe them.

    2. 9:41 You sound worried and you should be. 😂😆😂
